#& yes amulation is a thing (and how I was able to get
cartoonfangirl1218 · 5 years
EoA ships fluff headcanons part 2
Do they have bubble baths?
Eleteo: Oh yes, Mateo is a wizard after all so it’s not like they even have to plan, he just casts a spell and there in a tub of suds. Elena particularly loves it when they have rose petals to add to the mood and candles. They could spend hours in the tub together sometimes with Elena getting mischievous and starting a water fight. Gababel: Yes, originally as part of Isabel’s aromatherapy project to see if different combos of smells and soaps help relax. Ironically, she got so stressed by it, and that Gabe insisted on taking over one night to give her a relaxing bubble bath, free of science but filled with massages until she was blissed out. Estebanaomi: Not really since they have a shower on the ship and a rather cranky one at that, you never know if it’s going to be freezing or not. However on those islands, sometimes they do come across natural steam baths or jacuzzis and they take full advantage of those to enjoy each other’s company and get steamed in two different levels. Estoma: Very rarely. Like they’re busy most of the time, so they only do it on a vacation when they can have all the time in the world to enjoy it. They go very slowly, taking time to wash every single part of the others body and if the hand slips, oh well then...
Random heartwarming thing
Eleteo: Elena forgoing her usual plans of excitement and olaball and fencing to spend a whole day indoors studying spells on the spirit world with Mateo. Mateo appreciated it because not only did he need to catch up if he wanted to reach master wizard level in time for fighting the malvagos, but also seeing how hard Elena tried to sit still and pay attention even when reading uninteresting texts like that huge Spirit World book Zuzo had. Elena loves whenever Mateo goes out of his comfort zone but one particular moment was when some person from a rival kingdom, let’s go with King Hector insinuated at a royal meeting that Elena was unfit to rule due to her mood swings powers, her traitorous cousins and young age. Before anyone could even blink, Mateo got up and delivered a impassioned speech on Elena’s behalf highlighting each  and every accomplishment of hers and her strength that Hector no where near possesses as well as her compassion and true love to her subjects. Elena was amazed by how riled Mateo was, but also just in awe that he thought so highly of her. Yes, she knew he loved her but that speech was just wow.
Gababel: Gabe made Isabel cry when they were brainstorming their vows. Yes, they wanted it to be a secret but first they started joking around with mock ones like “The moment you drooled on me when you fell asleep on the carriage from Paraíso, I just knew you were the one.” Stuff like that. But then Gabe pulls out this stunner saying he knows he can make her cry which Isabel doubts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Zzef69S8sM Isabel was touched by how much Gabe had grown and his love for her that this guy who claimed actions spoke louder than words, could speak so eloquently when it came to describing his love for her. An act that truly touched Gabe was one time after a brutal search mission for the past month, Gabe returned back to the barracks, exhausted but excited for the next morning since he had a date with Isabel. He slept through the day. He was horrified when he woke that he missed it but to his utter shock, Isabel had cleaned his office that he had being meaning to do, as well laundered his smelly clothes and had a small note on how he needed his rest and she’ll see him tomorrow. He was touched, she didn’t have to do it. They were only dating but she cared and it warmed his heart. Estenaomi: Naomi broke her ankle one time working on the dock and this was early on in their friendship so up till now Naomi has known Esteban through his annoying, impulsive nature and his occasional sweet side. Well right then, she got a front seat view to how caring Esteban can be. He personally delivered soup to her room everyday and would stay and chat. At first, Naomi thought he was replaced by some imposter but once he started engaging in some banter about how much she complained about not being able to move. She knew it was him, and she appreciated how he took the time out of his so called busy schedule to keep her company. Naomi did a surprising, almost unexpected gift for Esteban when she vouched for his responsible nature and stood up to tell his abuelos that he was more than ready to take on more work within the palace and the Grand Council. His abuelos had been a bit blinded by how they usually see him going off on adventures but Naomi’s words woke them up to that Esteban was growing up and he was maturing. Esteban was super grateful for that and also teased her for inadvertently admitting that he was more than a “mediocre looking narcissist” as @missnobodynobodius put it.
Estoma: They have a lot of talks together by the fireplace when they become a couple and those convos can get pretty deep and sweet as well. In a mixture of nostalgic musings and a bit of insecurity over his treasonous actions, Esteban admitted that he used to be jealous of King Juan back when he was known as Prince Juan. Juan was like the perfect prince, never acting out of emotion, always responsible, a family man that would never hurt his family. He could see why everyone wanted to talk to him and be with his presence, he was like a Fairy . Doña told him she didn’t care much for fairytales much less princes. She preferred the sulky beast who only wanted love but was cursed. He was real, he knew about suffering and he was able to grow and learn lessons and mature. Fairytale princes didn’t do that. It was a thin metaphor and he knew exactly what she was implying and he melted. Bit by bit as Esteban talked about his feelings pre Shuriki and his betrayal and all the lies and deception, Doña admits some of her own past and her flaws like how she didn’t go to college. She dropped out of school after her quinceñera. Which admittedly meant she didn’t go to high school either but that sounded worse. But the best part was for once there was no teasing comments or “That explains so much.” He just listens and accepts it and doesn’t hold it against her and she loves him for that. Who drives the other crazy in bed?
Eleteo: Elena does. It’s the Flores in her but she is just very flirty and teasing and knows just how to drive Mateo wild which she enjoys because she so likes seeing Mateo’s eyes widen in anticipation and eagerness with his focus totally on her. But sometimes Mateo does too. Unintentionally. The boy can be so oblivious when he thinks is being suspenseful but Elena is just ready to explode. Gababel: Gabe for the most part. He has more experience if you pardon the euphemism plus he has all those extra moves from fencing and training and stuff. He’s a bit like Elena that he enjoys Isabel’s excitement and he also is foremost intent on pleasing her. But Isabel can give as good as he got sometimes. Don’t count out the spicy Flores gene. Estenaomi: Esteban does. He has had way too much time formulating ideas back when he was friends with Victor tbh. And though Naomi can’t believe how eager she can get when she knows Esteban can drag it out with the best of em, she also must admit, he knows what he is doing. Then again, Naomi is easily able to turn the tables sometimes when Esteban is an impatient mood, and she drives him insane. Estoma: Both do honestly, it’s like part of their cat and mouse game to show off their erotic prowess,  and have the other one begging their name like a mantra.
Modern day living?
Eleteo: I feel like Eleteo would live in Miami, Florida in a quaint but expansive beach house. Not only because of the large Latin community but it has all the beaches there and it is so colorful and lively that I imagine they would have tons of fun adventures there. Gababel: I see Gabe as a total all American guy so maybe some sort of midwestern town would fit him, but I ultimately imagine them settling in a small town in California. Somewhere in the mountains where there is a tight community and they know their neighbors but close enough for Isabel to go to her job in Silicon Valley. Estenaomi: Hmm I think they’d still be travelers like backpacking through Europe, but their home base would be a nice apartment in Miami near Eleteo or I’m thinking New Orleans, Louisiana. It’s a port town after all with diverse restaurants, peoples and places plus not to mention fun holidays like Mardi Gras. Estoma: I think they would have one of those huge penthouses in New York. Or what is that rich people place? The Hamptons. Yeah, it has it all. All the high end fashions, theatre, and business stuff. And they would totally be the type to splurge and have an additional summer apartment in Europe or something.
Gababel: So somewhat of a switch but Gabe is the royal prince of Avalor while Isabel is in the army. But not as you think. She isn’t a guard but she’s still a scientists tasked with making new more effective weapons, transportations and the like. Anyway, Gabe a la princess Jasmine wants more out of life then being a prince and occasionally playing sports like olaball like his father wants. He wants to go out and defend the people. So he sneaks out to go to the barracks but he is stopped by Isabel when he passes her laboratory which he is immediately intrigued (by the lab and her). Isabel who is sort of a working hermit and she’d be lying if she didn’t get flustered at seeing *the Prince of Avalor!!!* in her lab. Well they get to talking and Gabe is amazed that he has never heard of all her contributions and what she has done and vows to help her get the recognition she wants in a non-military experiment and Isabel promises to help in turn become a royal guard. Estenaomi: So I’ve seen young!Esteban and I’ve seen waiting for Naomi to become the appropriate age, but what if...picture a world where Esteban had also been in that amulet with Elena and when they get out Esteban is the young one and Naomi is the one in her 40s. By that time older Naomi hasn’t become any something special, but she is content with it. Sort of. Not really, but she thinks it too late for her now. Anyhow she gets on the Grand Council for her life experience around the realm and there relationship is a lot like in the show. Only Naomi is the more realistic one who knows how the world works while Esteban inspires her to see she still has a chance to get her dreams. Estoma: So in this one, Esteban made the deal with Shuriki but at last minute did the right thing and told King Raul and nothing happened. So the family was a bit hurt and confused by Esteban’s feelings of loneliness and they promised they would work on it, they still felt Esteban needed to be punished. So he is sent to a small village ranch for the summer to learn that work takes responsibility as well as a chance to see how people work together and depend on one another like a family is supposed to. And as you can guess, it was doña’a family ranch. And it’s a bit like P&P, she thinks he’s spoiled brat and an interference that she has to teach him and while Esteban thinks though the whole summer is going to suck, he finds her attitude an insult to his pride and wants to prove he can totally “slum it.” But then there competitive antagonism turns flirty banter yet there is still obstacles. Namely her fiancé and everyone’s belief, including Esteban’s, that no way he would go for a poor villager, he’s so much better than that.  Eleteo: So Mateo is the adopted son of Prince Gabe this making him Prince Mateo, however he still feels like an outsider because he is adopted as well as knowing he is capable of magic skills that royals are not suppose to possess much less study and learn. But like his brother, he decides to sneak out and find a master, that master being none other than Elena, the royal wizard, wielder of the magic of Takína. Obviously their magical studies bonds them in more ways than one. They confide in one another of Mateo’s outsider feelings and Elena who is still coming to terms with her grief of her parent’s untimely death in battle with her mortal sorceress enemy, Shuriki. So together they team up to help Elena avenge her family and for Mateo to find out the truth of his biological family.
What pet would they have?
Eleteo: I don’t know if they would since their already sooo busy with their lives. I guess Flo counts technically. But when they have kids, their children really really want a dog so they get a energetic, friendly one. The breed...probably the breed from the dog statues in Royal Rivalry. I don’t know the name though. But anyways it’s clear that the dog is like their kid’s child except when it chews up one of Mateo’s spellbooks or pees. Then it’s up to the parents to clean up of course. Mateo also gets his own personal horse to join with Canella in the royal stable. Gababel: I feel like they would keep those hamsters that Isabel had in Science Unfair. Not only for safe, animal friendly experiments but they’re just so darn cute, and easy to carry around. And it’s surprisingly engaging to watch them run around in their little track. They both have horses, of course. Can’t leave Fuego out, and even though Isabel isn’t much of a riding fan, she has one too. Estenaomi: They get a parrot. There can’t be a ship without a parrot, at least according to Esteban’s adventure fantasies. They got a blue macaw parrot and he is the most ornery, cursing bird ever. No kind word to anyone but Esteban and Naomi like him anyway. They also briefly had a monkey. Imagine the one from the Pirates of Caribbean movie but he was disruptive and had this habit of throwing plants at Esteban as if he knew his pet peeve of them. Estoma: I don’t think either would particularly own a pet. They do have horses since Esteban has Valiente and Doña would probably get one her own. The only other pet I could imagine is some stray cat that goes in and out of the palace and particularly likes to nest on Esteban’s coats if he leaves it lying on his bed. Bonus: Alonso totally uses animals as props for his dates  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8yQDIvGz3cWhich led to King Juan implementing the rule of no borrowing animals from the royal menagerie to impress girls.
Embarrassing nickname? eleteo: Hmm I’m not sure actually but probably something like pan dulce monster for Elena because you know how she gets with her pan dulce, she’ll devour everything in sight. And Mateo especially likes to reference that picture of two year old her covered in pan dulce from your fic😉 But the thing is, it’s hard to embarrass Elena so she just takes it in stride. Elena calls Mateo some manner of nauseatingly sweet name like “Honey boo boo kins” for fun when they’re in front of Naomi and Gabe or even Olivia because Mateo’s blush is just adorable. The other embarrassing one that Mateo got in his childhood was Klutzteo because he was so uncoordinated in school. It still makes his face burn to think about it but Elena reminds him of his absolute grace when it comes to dancing. Gababel: We already know Gabe’s embarrassing nickname, “Baker boy.” Actually The Curse of El Guapo wasn’t the first time it came up.  He heard it a lot in grade school when things were a bit more class conscious and poor people were treated with disdain, also some kids couldn’t believe the Great Roberto Nuñez stopped his olaball career to bake. Isabel’s embarrassing nicknames never stuck but they usually followed the pattern of dull or boring or goody two shoes which did not boost her confidence when she sometimes compared herself to Elena.  Estenaomi: I feel like Naomi would have some sort of nickname from her parents that she keeps telling them to knock it off and they do it anyway like Miss Fiestypants which of course, Esteban found out during one of the family dinners and he loves to bring it up since it fits so well. He also makes up some of his own during their many adventures together. Naomi’s favorite nickname for Esteban is “Geyser” after the one time Esteban got drunk and got a tattoo on his back of a huge geyser that looked like it was coming from his butt (yes just like Ted’s butterfly tattoo in HIMYM. I felt a geyser would be even more ridiculous and so like drunk Esteban to go big or go home)  Naomi freaked out when she saw it and she loved making jokes about him blowing his top and stuff like that. Even after he got it removed. Estoma: Esteban’s embarrassing nickname as we know was El Segundo which had disastrous consequences on Esteban’s self esteem. It just reminded him how he was physically inferior to Victor, how everyone paid attention to Elena. That he was second to everyone else in the world. And well, just Esteban.... poor poor Esteban. Doña’s embarrassing nickname was Whore. It all started because her little sibling couldn’t pronounce her full name. And you try to convince a child to try something else when the kid is determined to say what she or he wants, and of course, others thought it was hilarious. It got worse when puberty hit, and she got self conscious that any flirty action she did would be perceived as whorish.
Meeting extended family?
Eleteo: Well obviously Elena has Alacazar full approval even though they got together after his death. But they can just sense it you know. Mateo is beloved by Elena’s grandparents. If I may take from Becky, with Luisa in particular trying to put some meat on his bones. Isabel likes Mateo too of course. He’s like a brother, one who is always willing to listen to her invention ideas and also a calming influence on Elena. Esteban thinks the same. Gababel: Isabel’s whole family enjoys Gabe’s presence though Elena sometimes likes to pull the protective big sister act to catch Gabe off guard. But still their friendship is solid albeit with more teasing. Francisco likes the chance to talk about his vigilante days and watch his swordsmanship and Luisa once again overloads him with treats. Esteban respects Gabe and he too, sometimes pulls protective older sibling act because Isabel is the baby and they’re just protective of her in general. Isabel got to meet Gabe’s aunts and uncles and cousins during the engagement party which was awkward at first. A lot of them were intimidating because she was *the princess of Avalor * but as time wore on, she began to make them feel at ease with his goofy jokes and love of science. Though some still panic when they think they might have potentially offended her. Estenaomi: Esteban was a hit with Naomi’s cousins and aunts and uncles who like to tease and joke with him about his fancy manners and pampered upbringing. Basically it was a fun party with lots of back crushing hugs and blueberry juice. It didn’t take much to win them over. He was already a part of it. Naomi was already warmly accepted with Elena thrilled for her bff to become her sister and Luisa and Francisco admiring her spunk and sassy ways. They thought they balanced each out well. Isabel enjoyed was always counted on to be a riveted audience or a tie breaker for a fight. Estoma: Francisco being the kind man he was happily accepted Esteban’s new gf, and they found a lot to talk about like books and theatre and other culture stuff. Luisa was a bit wary because she knows how Doña acts and Doña was awkwardly polite to her. It got better after the marriage and stuff. Elena was willing to try to make the best of it and so was Isabel but they never became close like Mateo and Gabe are. Age differences and such. Doña didn’t have any contact with her extended family and the only one alive that she knew of her was abuelo who still held a grudge about her parents eloping. But Esteban insisted on going because he wanted to meet him. First, the man didn’t appreciate the unexpected visit. Then began the judgyness like why are you living together when you’re not married? Why marry someone from outside your village? And acting personally offended by how rich Esteban was like in that HIMYM clip, “Oh you with royal upbringing and fancy suit, YOU THINK YA BETTER THAN ME?” Esteban was furious and wasn’t sure how appropriate it would be to throw his drink back at him and yell “YES! I AM!”
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Habits are hard to break part 3. { Shalaska } ; Ophelia & Queen
Summary: “…Well, I have no idea, to be honest. One second you were twirling around and singing like the little fag that you are, the next you just… Fell. I was looking and then you weren’t there, and I looked down and you’d hit your head on the sidewalk. That’s what assholes named Aaron Coady do, and then they get amnesia. Just an average day.”
Pairings: Aaron Coady (Sharon Needles) & Justin Honard (Alaska Thunderfuck)
Mentions: Sutan Amull (Raja), Willam Belli, Courtney Acts, Chad O'Connell, Joan Coady
Note: This is a collaboration between Ophelia & myself writing Shalaska trash. In this story, Aaron has hit his head and lost the last five years. He’s woken up thinking it’s 2010 and not 2015. This deals with the aftermath. Chapter 3 is 8.7K.  Ophelia no longer writes, so it remains unfinished but here you go anon, enjoy!
Justin had realised that Aaron wouldn’t believe him; it was pointless to keep trying, because somehow he found a strange explanation for everything– instead, he’d just held this asshole of an ex closer and lulled him to sleep. Usually people didn’t have an off button, not really, but it didn’t take him two minutes of stroking blonde hair and humming gently for the other man to drop like a rock. Some things apparently never changed. Surprisingly, Justin too had given in to sleep, and he’d been shocked to see he’d gotten a full six hours– the most he’d had in a long time. He’d slipped out of the bed, made phone calls to Willam and Shane, called his lawyer, called David, rejected two of Jeremy’s calls and then he’d waited. And he’d waited. And when Joan got there, he told her everything that had happened– he still loved that woman to death and, thankfully, she seemed to like him too; he hadn’t been too sure. They’d seen each other twice since… Since the breakup. But they’d talked, they’d considered everything and she’d told him to stay– at least until Aaron woke up. He needed rest. So, they waited. They talked, ate, watched TV and waited but Aaron was still out cold. Then came Chad, who’d rushed to see his fiancé, only to be told what had happened– which he didn’t believe. He’d gone into full denial mode, fully sure that Aaron would be back to normal when he woke up and neither Justin nor Joan went against him– it was tough for the poor guy. So, they waited some more, in silence. Justin pulled his chair into a corner, mindlessly scrolling through Twitter and answering fans– trying to ignore the raising panic in his chest at the idea of Aaron not remembering; what then? Ah, shit, he wished he could just go– he didn’t want to be here to see shit hit the fan. Rubbing his eyes, the brunette was about to get up and get some coffee when he stopped in his tracks, turning around as Chad’s voice reached his ears. This was it. ​ ​ “Babe? Are you awake?” ​ ​ He still tried to make a run for it, he really did, but suddenly his arm was grabbed tightly and he was pulled back in, not being able to fight Mommy Coady on this. Shit. Fuck, shit, fuck.
Aaron knew he was being tricked, maybe fifteen seconds before he went to sleep in the arms of the other. He tried to make a sound of displeasure, hating the way he knew how to get to him, but also loving it. He remembered nuzzling close to the other before he was out. The sleep was so good. He was knocked out and it felt amazing. He didn’t remember anything about the sleep, he just remembered how black it was. It was so good. He woke up so rest, stretching his arms as the lights didn’t burn his poor little eyes. He realized he was all alone in the bed and he pouted for a moment at the thought. He rolled over when a shrill voice reached his eyes and he instinctively moved back, watching as the other’s stood. Whoever this mysterious guy was was trying to come close to him and Aaron shook his head. “I don’t know you. Don’t touch me.” His hands were way too close. He looked away from the crazy person to his mother and his eyes widen. “When did you get so old?” He asked his mother. Maybe it wasn’t the right thing to ask because three seconds later, his head was hurting from a smack. ​"Coma, amnesia or not, there is no excuse to be rude to your mother.“​ Aaron winced and rubbed his head. "Aw, Mommy.” The only thing that made it happy was when Justin was hit for laughing. The butch guy was looking very sad but Aaron ignored him. He looked at his mother only. “What’s going on? Did Justin do your makeup? This feels like a movie.”
Justin knew God hadn’t heard him when Aaron spoke to Chad, not one bit of recognition in his eyes– he didn’t know what to do, because somehow the brunette felt like this was his responsibility. There had to be a way to fix this but, logically, Justin couldn’t think of one; he just reached over and patted Chad on the back. Lovely. He shouldn’t have laughed but really, it had been a funny scene– being around Aaron always made him act like a stupid kid, and be knew that he’d earned the smack to his cheek, the highest Joan’s hand could reach. Grumbling quietly, having forgotten about the issue at had for a second, Justin stepped forward; shaking his head at Aaron slowly. This was going to be bad, so bad, and he didn’t know where he fit in this fucked up, romantic comedy of a life. This didn’t happen to people– but of course, they weren’t talking about people. They were talking about Aaron fucking Coady. “Aaron, I didn’t do anything. Do you… Remember what I told you last night?” Still, Joan didn’t seem too happy about her son’s comment as she understood what he meant– she didn’t have an ounce of makeup on her. So, it didn’t surprise Justin when the blonde was smacked again, or when the older woman turned to him– forcing the brunette to hold his hand up and swallow the laugh that he’d felt nearly escaping. It would have been great if Chad had stayed quiet but Justin understood– and he held his breath as Aaron’s fiancé reached out again, distress clear in his face as he tried again. ​​"C'mon, babe, it’s me. It’s Chad.“​​ When the other leaned closer to the blonde, all Justin could do was try to hide behind his former nearly somewhat mother-in-law. This was definitely going to be bad. "Chad, maybe you should—”
Aaron was fully convinced that this production had went on too long. He also was getting more and more stuck with the reality that Justin wasn’t lying. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like it at all. His stomach was flipping over and over and he wanted to go hide under the bed. He looked at both of them and frowned. With the second smack, he was ready for Joan to go back to Bob Coady. Justin didn’t even get hit again and Aaron felt that was so unfair. He didn’t laugh but he was about to laugh. It should have counted. “Yes, I remember your spiels and shenanigans. I wish this production was over AND STOP HITTING ME WOMAN!” He said, narrowing his eyes at his mother. ​"You shouldn’t be so rude. Aaron, do you not remember anything.“​ Aaron was narrowing his eyes at his mother. He didn’t want to answer her and a distraction come in the form of the butch guy who was looking very upset and then tried to kiss him. Aaron freaked out, falling off the bed in his attempt to avoid this maniac, after delivering a well executed slap of his own. He didn’t know why he was being molested, so he rolled over and ducked behind the empty chair. "Okay, this has gone on long enough. Mommy, make Justin tell you the truth. I’m tired of this and kind sir, I appreciate your commitment to your role but if you try to touch me again, I will have your balls. Now, box Justin’s ears and make him tell me the truth. It’s 2010, we’re still together and he shouldn’t be telling such lies.”
Justin still wanted to make a run for it, because the scene that unfolded in front of him was so horrible; it was bad, it was specifically very bad when Chad got slapped– he did try to warn the other man, but he’d been too stubborn to listen. God, they really were perfect for each other. Frowning, Justin moved to place a hand on Chad’s shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze before he turned to look at Joan. Chad wasn’t going to be able to get through to Aaron, which meant that it was on him and the blonde’s mother to actually properly deliver the news– and now his ex was ducked behind an empty chair, trying to protect himself from the man he’d wanted to marry three days ago. Joan moved towards her son, pulling him back up and holding his cheeks in her hands; stroking them slowly. ​"Sweetheart, Justin isn’t lying. He told you the truth.“​ The brunette wanted to cry, or run, because this felt like something he shouldn’t be present for– when did this happen? On one side he had Joan and Aaron sharing an important, emotional moment. On the other he had Chad trying to keep himself together but failing miserably. He moved to nudge Aaron’s fiancé slowly, his hand gently rubbing the other man’s arm as he tugged him out of the room– figuring Chad didn’t need to see this anymore. "C'mon, let’s go take a deep breath and get some coffee.”
Aaron didn’t want to believe that Justin hadn’t been lying. That everything Justin had said and showed him last night wasn’t part of some elaborate scheme to get back at Aaron. That he didn’t piss his boyfriend off really bad, enough for him to pretend all these things and he was waiting for his kiss to let him know it was over. His mother had never lied to him. Not once. Not even as a child when he was being weird and she would tell him not everyone was going to understand who he was. Not in high school when he dropped out or when he started doing drag. He leaned into her hands, enjoying the feel of his mommy rubbing his cheeks. She was going to tell him the end of the joke. Instead she said the opposite. She had broken his world with a singular sentence. He wanted to throw a tantrum but at the same time, he felt so broken. He had lost five years of his life. Five whole years and the fucked up thing wasn’t that he didn’t remember, it was that he didn’t want to. His life was so drastically different from where he was now and what Justin had told him. He let out a soft whimper as his mother spoke again, in her softest tone. Like when she explained about his cat dying when he was little. ​"Baby, did you hear me?“​ Aaron shook his head, as the tears flowed off his cheeks. His mother looked heartbroken as she wiped his cheeks. ​"Baby, you know Mommy would never lie to you about something like this, right?"​ He nodded, not able to speak. ​"It’s November 2015."​ He held onto her wrists as he listened. Everything wasn’t a big production to make him feel bad. He hadn’t done anything wrong to Justin to make him fake all of this, he hadn’t overdose and Justin suddenly wasn’t a CGI, video genius. His mother brought him close, holding him because he had lost the ability to speak. He sought the comfort only his mother could give him, her voice reassuring him everything was fine, when other really was. It was a long time before he was able to stop crying, his mother sitting him down and wiping his face. "I ruined your shirt, Mom.” ​"I hardly care about a shirt.“​ "What am I going to do, Mommy? I don’t remember anything. I don’t know that guy, I only know Justin. I still love him.” ​"It’s okay, memories come back, Aaron. We’re going to do whatever it takes to make you comfortable and help you. You’re always going to love him, baby and that’s okay. But you don’t need to think about this.“​ His mother said, shushing him when he opened his mouth up again. Her arms moved to wipe more tears before she settled him into bed with three kisses. ​"Now, promise to lie down and wait for Mommy to get back with food for you "​ He watched her as she moved out of the room.
Joan moved out of the room with her son in the bed. She knew he was in there overthinking, worrying and being anxious about everything he just found out. He had cried enough for a nap and also knowing her youngest, he was going to be out soon enough. Long enough to get an action plan and his food. She stepped outside, seeing Chad with coffee and Justin still looking like he was going to run off. "He’s sleep or will be soon.” She touched Chad’s shoulder as he tried to go back in the room. “He doesn’t remember you. None whatsoever. You frightened him. He remembers Justin.”
Justin could feel his heart breaking as Aaron broke down, somehow feeling yet again that this was his responsibility– he wanted to hold the blonde in his arms like he had last night. This was fucking with his head and he knew it; present day Aaron was Chad’s and he’d made peace with that– he was over the blonde and he loved him only as the ying to his yang, something that would never go away. But this Aaron had been his, he’d loved him, cared for him, watched him blossom and grow and turn into the person he’d become. He’d helped him become that person. They’d gone through hell and back but this young man? He was his. And it scared Justin to feel like he wanted to be next to him, to keep him safe– it made his emotions mix in his chest and his brain go into overdrive. So he did what he felt was best, he hugged Chad when they left the room, shaking his head slowly and trying to keep the other brunette calm. No one deserved this. “It’s going to be fine, he’ll remember soon. He just hit his head, this won’t last for long.” He didn’t even believe his words but he still said them, letting the other go when Joan left the room– his need to run for the hills growing exponentially. And he moved away, subtly, as though he was trying to escape a lioness’ attack. Really, it wasn’t that far from reality because Mrs. Coady was a scary lady. And she hit him. Chad remained quiet and stayed put, rubbing his face in frustration and pain, Justin figured, and he turned to Aaron’s mother, gaining courage to speak. “I should go, Joan. He’s scared and confused and he doesn’t need me around to fuck with his head any more than it already is. He needs you, and he needs Chad, people who can help him remember.” He inched away again, just enough to keep it subtle. Then, he’d run.
Joan had grown fond of both of the men in her son’s life. Justin was a very special force and she still checked on him. Mainly through his mother, but she still did. Chad was extraordinarily fond of her son and did a lot of things to make him happy, which she liked. However, at the moment, she put Aaron first. Which meant keeping the stranger away from him and having to ask something tough of Justin as well. She saw him inching away, he was trying to be subtle, but run was written on his forehead. “I know you want to see him, but he’s just not there.” Joan said quietly to her future(?) son in law. “You shouldn’t go. Please don’t make me have to chase you down Justin. I already have to apologize to your mother for hitting you, but I’ll do it again.” She told him, her eyes sharp. “He is scared, confused and in his own head, he’s 28, not almost 34. That means, help us all Lord, he’s going to act like his younger self. No offense honey, but you’re not ready for Aaron at his prime.” She told Chad, rubbing his shoulder. “Justin, I know this is unfair to ask of you, but he needs you. Maybe not for long, but right now? He needs the person he’s still in love with to help him. God knows Bob can only function so long without me there and Aaron won’t come back with me.” Joan sighed. 28 year old Aaron might as well be 16 again. She rolled her shoulders. “We all can agree on one thing, we’ll do whatever we need to do to help my son and not regress him. Chad…for a while, you’re going to have to let him be. Until he’s ready.”
Justin felt like he was small and short and young again; Joan Coady was scary and the prospect of getting hit again– he didn’t want that one bit. So he settled in his insignificance, listening to one of the most amazing women he’d ever met talk to him and Chad and, even though he still wanted to make a run for it, agreeing with her. This Aaron was difficult and tricky and it took a lot of knowing him to handle the beast– Chad wasn’t ready to deal with that man-child. He was far too immature and young, and Justin knew how to go about it– he remembered it well, and he knew the man. Fuck life, because he agreed completely with Aaron’s mother and that made him want to cry. Nodding slowly, the man’s eyes shifted towards the door and back at Joan, letting out a deep sigh. This wasn’t fair on anyone, but they all shared one common concern: Aaron. “Okay. What do we do, then? He doesn’t seem too affected by his head, he’ll probably be released soon. I don’t have anywhere I can take him and Bob really can’t function for more than a couple days without you, so what do I do? I’m… I can show him Drag Race, slowly. Ease him into everything. But I can’t take him to a hotel.” Chad remained quiet and Justin couldn’t help but feel sorry about him, patting his back again. Great.
Joan knew this wasn’t fair to either of them. Putting Justin into this position was the last thing she would have done. If it was 2013, she would have let him go, they were starting to break up then and Chad was introduced afterwards. Aaron wouldn’t be the same Aaron he was now. He would have been tougher, but this Aaron hadn’t been toughened yet. “Bob will be fine for a week or so, or at least I won’t be leaving for that amount of time.Hopefully I won’t go back to burnt down home. He’s going to go home. There isn’t any other way. Maybe it’ll help. I’m not sure.” Her son could be…difficult. “Slowly, mind you. He’s not going to take everything so well, but he might like seeing Sharon. Chad, I know this is the hardest on you right now, but we know how to handle him and he’s going to be at his lowest. Come on, we’ll go get some things from the house for you and I promise the moment he gets his memory back, he’ll come back.” She promised softly, taking the arm of the special effects makeup artist. “Justin go get his favorite meal, I promised him he’ll have food.” She said, walking towards the elevator. Her plan wasn’t flawless but it was at least an plan.
Justin thought it was disgraceful how quickly he’d walked to go get Aaron food after Joan left with Chad; 30 years old, almost 31 and he was still a child when it came to moms and orders. Or at least he was when it came to two people– his mom and Aaron’s. He grumbled to himself as he waited for the food to be ready, knowing he shouldn’t be feeding someone who was admitted something that the doctor’s hadn’t approved but he didn’t really care; Aaron needed real people food, not some strange sort of mush. He took the time to call people again– Willam and Shane, who understood completely even if the former complained about coin, David who was coming to Pittsburgh after some serious reasoning from Justin’s end– he needed to talk to Joan about how they were going to approach this and it needed to be in person and finally Jer, who was coming for two reasons: moral support for Justin and Alaska’s drag. She was now going on a tour of every single gay bar in Pittsburgh, because he knew he had to keep the children happy. Those were real, solid problems that Justin could deal with; he couldn’t fix Aaron, but he could fix everything else. Still, he sighed as he found himself back in the hospital room, eyeing the sleeping man carefully, the food set aside on the table. This could bite him on the ass and Justin was painfully aware of that; he should win an award for being the bestest of best friends when Aaron recovered– this wasn’t normal. But he’d do it, for Aaron he would. He felt a migraine coming on as his head began to pound away slowly, so all Justin could bring himself to do was lean back on the chair and close his eyes, trying to get a few seconds of peace.
Aaron was a little tired of people being predictable about his behaviors. He had tried to stay up, because napping all the time was not normal, in any shape or form, but he had had three kisses and within ten minutes was out again. The only enjoyable thing about this sleep was how deep it was. It was like he was blacking out all over again and he couldn’t remember anything but the deepest black sleep. He loved that. This time when he woke, he knew not to expect that this was a theater production and he was not happy about this. He was even more scared to have to go with the Chad guy, because he was such a stranger. He didn’t want to kiss him, he wanted to kiss Justin. Aaron blinked his eyes, looking around the room. Justin was the only one there and the blonde felt safe. He knew he shouldn’t. If he chose to believe his mother (he just didn’t want to not believe her. He just didn’t want give years to vanish), Justin should have left. Aaron turned and looked at his boyfriend, ex-boyfriend? friend? best friend? and wondered why he was still there. It sounded like a rough breakup between them. “If you’re sleepy, the bed is warm. I could do with some exploring off the bed.” Aaron said. “Where did my mom go anyways?” He wasn’t afraid of waking others up when he was awake. Though he was grumpy when woken himself. “You know…about yesterday. I’m the s word about it.”
Justin hadn’t been able to sleep but he was in a nice middle state between knocked out and blissfully unaware of his surroundings while still being awake; at least his head felt better, which was the only thing he’d wanted– he hated taking medication, had since he’d gotten clean. Any sort of addictive substance was a danger, or at least he knew it could be, so he was careful about it. And it felt so good to not have to think for a minute, because the last couple of days had been far too stressful– from having to wait for Aaron to wake up to being confronted by this mess, to having to take charge of every practical issues associated with this. The other’s voice shook him from his comfortable place and Justin grumbled, peeking an eye open and shaking his head; acknowledging that his peaceful time was over. “I’m not sleepy and you’re not going to explore anything, we don’t let people with brain damage walk around. It’s a rule. I got you food, but you have to hide it if a doctor comes in.” Smiling, Justin got up, reaching for the bag and handing it to the older(?) man, sitting down on the bed next to him– mostly because he knew exactly how to keep him in place. “Your mom went out with Chad, he needed to get a few things from home. She should be back soon. Mmm, you’re—” The man couldn’t help but burst out laughing, remembering how he didn’t say sorry back then. No, that adorable little idiot acted like a baby and used ​the s word​. God, he was cute. “I forgot you did that. You did learn the word sorry with time, just so you know. But I accept your half-assed apology, I understand. How are you feeling feeling?”
Aaron looked at the other as he opened his eye and looked at him. His eye looked tired, but Justin was never good at sleeping. He never would be good at sleeping and even less so at being told to sleep. Aaron never liked trying to sleep with the other, because he was always woken up and it was so annoying. One of the many annoyingly cute things he used to do. He liked it, even when he was sleeping and only wanted to sleep. Aaron rolled his eyes for a moment. “But your eyes was close. Usually a sign of sleepy. Pfft, who is this we making rules for me? My head is fucked up, not my legs. I’m also tired of this bed. Mmm food.” Aaron could smell the food from where he was.. Waffle fries. This was a heaven on Earth. “Fuck the doctor, just so you know. He still took the food and opened up the fries first. There was no better fries than the ones in Pittsburgh. He munched on one, dipping it into some ranch with a smile. This was a happy place right now. "Home, huh? Well, okay. I guess. Is she bringing my kitten back with her?” He asked, ignoring the stuff about Chad. He just didn’t want to think about it. “God, because she technically promised me food and then negotiated it down to you. She’s a leader though.” Aaron watched Justin as he laughed at him, seeing his face as he seemed genuinely amused. He didn’t understand that. He supposed there was a lot of things he wouldn’t understand. “Bullshit. I don’t even understand the meaning of that word.” He said, dipping another fry with a look of concentration. He only needed the tip of the fry with ranch, so it all tasted right. “You didn’t have a choice. I feel like I lost five years of my life and that all the carefully constructed lies I had yesterday is gone now. I don’t know that kid, it’s going to be weird going home with him. Hell, I might go home to Iowa. I don’t know…I’m rambling.”
Justin felt like he was dealing like a five year old but he couldn’t help but be amused—really, all he could do was find it funny because otherwise he’d end up crying; an indefinite amount of time with his amnesiac ex-boyfriend, current best friend, who thinks he’s 28 and that really equals 16 in maturity. “I had a headache, I was trying to make it go away. I did sleep— I got six hours tonight. Yes, well, the last time you were on your legs you manage to trip and nearly kill yourself, so you’re staying there until you’re released. I’ll physically keep you there, I’m even stronger now.” It was true, and Justin suddenly remembered that Aaron didn’t even know his body anymore— it was odd, for whatever reason. Before, the brunette was just really skinny; now he was skinny and properly toned— they’d both turned their bodies into art, just different art. “I would, he’s pretty. Help a straight man find his prostate.” His lips quirked into a smirk, even though he was being purposely mean— he just wanted to see how Aaron would react. “I’m pretty sure Cerrone will stay there, you can’t just bring the cat to the hospital. But you’ll see him soon. And she didn’t negotiate anything, she told me to get you food and I did— I’d forgotten how scary your mom is.” It was too fun to think about how much Aaron had changed— if he pushed away the bad part, it was funny and amusing and sweet. Still, so was this version of him— annoying beyond belief but sweet as a lollipop. ​Bad metaphor, bad metaphor, ​bad metaphor​.​ Still, he couldn’t help but wonder what Aaron felt about him now, Justin was different. He thought differently, he reacted differently— he’d changed. “Mmm, you figured it out, though. You also bottomed, regularly. I did to you what you told me to do to the nice doctor.” The playful teasing was instantly dropped though, and Justin’s hand moved to grab Aaron’s— he didn’t know why, it just felt like the right thing to do. Now that Aaron believed him, he needed to take it slowly, carefully. And so he smiled, moving closer to the other. “I never do. You’re— I talked to your mom and to Chad and we all agreed that… It’s best if I stick around until you’re better. Your mom is staying for the week, Chad is staying at a hotel and I’m going to stay with you. God, no, there would be no more Iowa next week, you’d burn it all. Is… do you have any questions? I could try to help.”
Aaron was skeptical by nature and he narrowed his eyes at the brunette. “So you just close your eyes and fake sleeping? I guess, whatever new wave shit you children are doing. A whole six hours? Proud of you. I hope you stop waking people up to join you in your sleepless nights. yes, I want to know how the fuck I tripped over nothing and almost killed myself. Who does that? Who, tell me who.” Aaron asked, grumpiness showing over the factor. “You think you’re stronger than me. If you got buff, I better have gotten super fucking buffed too. I can’t feel it, but I bet I fucking am. Like the Hulk, so try me bro.” Aaron said, before eating some of the vegetables that were brought to him. He really loved this restaurant’s food. They were so good. Aaron’s eyes flashed at Justin before he reminded himself he wasn’t his, so this jealousy and anger was misplaced. He tried to be mature, for a moment. “I never saw him, but I doubt he’s pretty. You shouldn’t want to help a straight man find anything, they have enough in life. Look at me, I’m pretty. ” He said, poking the brunette with a pout, who was smirking, like a fucking asshole. “He could come, what would the doctors do? Nothing, that’s what. Ha! Scaredy cat. Still terrified of Joan Coady, I see. She’s fun. She gets me things.” He said, wiggling wit happiness for a moment before eating another fry. He looked at him for a long moment, when he said he started bottoming regularly. He wrinkled his nose. “Unless your dick shrink, I did not start bottoming regularly, less of all for you. How do I know you’re not lying, Honard? Bottoming…that’s not me. I bet you always tried, you asshole.” He accused. Then Justin was holding his hand as he was rambling. His fingers turned and laced their fingers together, squeezing them. “I can believe that, you not having a choice. You’re going to stay with me? What about your shows and stuff? I’m going to act like I’m not a selfish prick for a moment, but I’m honestly glad you’re staying with me and not him. Goddamn right, fucking hate Iowa. So much. Ugh…I have them, I don’t want the answers. I don’t understand things…Did I really make it on there? And win?”
Justin narrowed his eyes in return, nodding towards the blonde. “Resting your eyes helps migraines go away, I don’t take painkillers anymore. Thank you, I’m proud of myself too– though considering I stayed up for a little over a day, I could have had more. Baby steps. Well, I have no idea, to be honest. One second you were twirling around and singing like the little fag that you are, the next you just… Fell. I was looking and then you weren’t there, and I looked down and you’d hit your head on the sidewalk. That’s what assholes named Aaron Coady do, and then they get amnesia. Just an average day.” He couldn’t help but smile, enjoying the way that the other had instantly wanted to prove himself to be the best– again, it was amusing, especially because he was so wrong. “I ​am​ stronger than you, a lot stronger and you know it. Y'know, I should just show you this one video and you’d shut up, I got way buffer than you did. My body is art. You, my friend, gained weight.” Why did this Aaron make him say mean things? They were said from a place of care and respect but still, they were mean; Justin couldn’t say he didn’t like the feeling he got by saying them. He stole one of the other man’s fries, popping it in his mouth as he held back another smirk, seeing the blonde try to restrain himself. “He is pretty, and it’s always fun when you help them find it, prostates are a nice thing to find. Plus, they make funny noises. Mmm, are you?” Oh, God, what the fuck was happening? He wasn’t flirting. He definitely wasn’t flirting and he tried to ignore everything else because it wouldn’t do him any good to analyse this now. Nope. “They could sell him to the Chinese place down the street. She is fun, she’s lovely and I adore her, but she still hits me if I fuck up.” Justin rose an eyebrow, taking another fry and munching on it slowly; the goddamned smirk finding its way back to his lips. Thank God old age had made him more subtle and mature. “My dick got bigger actually, I’m pretty sure, but we found a way to make it work. I’m not lying, though– I got to you at least once every two weeks, I just had to know how to play you. But hey, believe what you want, I have the memories of those times. I’ll always know how Aaron Coady liked it up his butt. And I didn’t try, I asked. You said yes.” Justin shifted to settle beside Aaron, keeping their hands connected as he made himself comfortable on the bed– his head turning to look at the blonde, squeezing his hand back. “I’m staying until you feel better, I don’t think it would be fair to just leave you to handle this on your own. Don’t worry about the shows, I have them all covered– a nice tour of Pittsburgh keeps everyone happy. I think it’s okay to be a bit selfish; you’re my best friend, Aaron. I’m sort of contractually obligated to stay with you.” Justin’s hand squeezed the other’s again, his thumb tracing smooth circles over the other’s skin. “You did. You went in there and just shut everyone up by being amazing. They switched the finale up a bit in your season and the fans got to have a say in who won, and it was Sharon. Everyone was obsessed with Sharon Needles.”
Aaron joined the chat
Aaron continued narrowing his eyes at Justin, because he didn’t want to lose the battle with the other. “Mhm, you goddamn hippie. So you really don’t drink anymore? I can’t believe you’re fucking sober. You’re welcome, I know my seal of approval means a lot to the world. Baby steps…oh God. I hate when you wake up and wake the world up with you. It’s such a douchebag move. And I learned how to walk in those really big heels? So I just was being as sissy faggot as possible and apparently God wanted to fuck with me. Goddamnit.” Aaron said, running a hand through his hair. Only he would trip on nothing and almost kill himself. Aaron’s eyes narrowed even farther as Justin called him fat. His free hand moved down over his body, touching it to make sure he wasn’t fat. His ass was bigger but his stomach was still flat. “You are not stronger than me. Don’t make me have to in you down to show you this. I don’t wanna see your videos and I most definitely won’t shut up. Have you ever known me to shut up? Besides, Mr. Body Art, I did gain weight- muscle weight, bitch.” Aaron said, rolling his eyes. Maybe Justin was, but he wasn’t going to admit to that. He made a noise of surprise and displeasure when the other touched his fries and had the fucking audacity to eat one. “You motherfucker.” Aaron said, his face contorted. This was his Justin, always a mean little asshole. Aaron squirmed next to him, shaking his head. “So I’m dying here and you’re checking out my doctor. You’re next level asshole, you know that. No, he doesn’t want you to help him make funny noises, you dick. HELLO ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME? Now tell me I’m pretty and I won’t bite you.” Aaron said, opening his mouth for effect. He was sure of one thing, that this was his Justin. This was them and it made his stomach warm. “I would set fire to this hospital, let them try it.” Aaron’s voice was ice at those words. “She’s a good lady, I do love her. I like when she hits you, you deserve it. Woman, if you take another fry without permission, I’m kicking you off my bed.” Aaron said, lifting a leg for effect. Aaron was quite taken back. He let Justin top a grand total of five times to his memory and now he went to taking it every two weeks. Life was really fucking different. He looked down at his fingers, eyebrows knit together in thought. “I don’t believe it, unless you’re punching people at a much more frequent rate. I don’t trust this. Goddamn you. Your dick should stop growing and you should be happy enough I entertained it in bed at all. I bet you did just have to know how to play me, cupcake made from Satan’s own asshole.I don’t like it up the butt!” Aaron said, pinching Justin’s thigh. Cause this was slander to his character. He would have told him he was telling his mother, but there was somethings he just wouldn’t tell her. Instead he looked at the other, happy that he was going to be there. He still loved Justin more than anything right now, so it felt absolutely right to be together. “Good, I like that. It’s totally not fair to leave me alone. What if I forget how to…walk or something? You never know. Tour of Pittsburgh, so you can get booked at places beyond the Blue Moon? I’m more than a bit selfish, but I’m glad we’re still best fiends and you’re obligated to be here. You break your contract and I’ll taking your wigs.” Aaron threatened, a lazy smile on his face. All in all, he felt like a winner as he ate some of the vegetables with a smile. “I can’t believe that…me. I just…I can’t believe anyone likes her. Did I change? is that way?”
Justin nodded his head slowly, definitely understanding how shocked Aaron seemed at his sobriety— he would be too, Lord only knew how much the brunette could drink; more than the blonde at times. “Fuck off, I like my hippieness. Nah, well, I have. Couple relapses here and there, but I’ve been mostly very sober since we broke up. Yeah… Weird, isn’t it? I don’t wake people anymore, I’ll have you know, because apparently people who aren’t you get actually angry. I find it inconsiderate, to be honest, I just like company. Mmm, basically, and you were also really fucking drunk, so I think that helped.” It was so easy to make this version of Aaron panic; God, he knew him too well, still. He didn’t know how he still remembered how to get to him so swiftly, and he felt more confident this time around— he was older, calmer, he could ​really​ annoy Aaron without trying hard. Jesus, he was a horrible person. “Aaron, you couldn’t pin me down. You could try but then you’d embarrass yourself and I’d feel bad. Fine, I’ll shut you up, then. Sure, keep telling yourself that.” It wouldn’t take Justin much to prove his point, he just shifted slightly; turning his back towards Aaron and lifted his shirt, rolling his shoulders. Maybe he was still skinny but no one could say Justin hadn’t gone from skinny skinny to sexy skinny. Pulling his shirt back down, the brunette smiled, stealing two fries this time. “Mmm. Well, it’s just how it works. You have to be on the lookout for good trade always, and that man is gorgeous. Plus, if you die I’m going to need someone’s shoulder to cry on, it’s just how life works. Ah, but it’s so much fun when you make them question their sexuality and have to say they want they want to be bottoms. I am looking, that’s why I asked.” He couldn’t really contain the smirk anymore than he could contain the lies, he just wanted to watch the other man squirm, he couldn’t help it. And he couldn’t help how he raised his eyebrow, poking Aaron’s lips with his finger. “You wouldn’t.” Then he heard the man’s tone about Cerrone and he held back a chuckle; not really at the idea of his baby getting eaten but at the idea of anyone trying to grab the cat. Cerrone was like Aaron: a complete asshole. “C'mon, relax, no one’s turning the kitten into food. And I love her too, you know I do, but I find it unfair that I get hit too— it’s not my fault you were funny. You won’t, though, because you want me here.”
Justin smiled and reached for another fry; popping it in his mouth and nudging the other with his shoulder. Maybe he’d exaggerated on the amount of bottoming Aaron had done in their past together, but it hadn’t been ​that​ big of a stretch either. “I could tell you the story if you want. We were… somewhere, I don’t know where for a gig, you decided you were going to bottom and you were actually not a baby about it. And you enjoyed it. Mmm, you’re easy to play, so it’s not that hard. You do like it up the butt! I’d prove it, but it’s best if I don’t.” The last part was full of good humour and the slight hint of flirting that the man didn’t want to admit— nudging him again. “If you forget how to walk then I’ll be very happy because that means you won’t be able to run around trying to get yourself killed. Huh? Oh, yeah. Aaron, people are happy to have us these days. ​And​ they pay good money for it. You are, but it’s nice of you to pretend to not be an ass sometimes.” Smiling, Justin held out his free hand, his pinky in the air for Aaron to take. “Promise. And I told you, I don’t wear wigs.” Frowning, he turned to look at the Aaron, shaking his head slowly. “Hey, everyone loves her. I love her to death, all the versions of her over the years. No, you just made her a bit less… Well, less of an asshole for the show. But she was herself through and through, she still is. You were amazing.”
Aaron  had only known a Justin who partied as hard as he had. They both were big on partying and Aaron was not ashamed to exchange performing for good cocaine and PBR. Anything other than this was very weird to the man and he knew that he needed to hear this story, just not now. “Ew, fucking hippie. I bet you’d like your hippiness, you goddamn tree hugger. Hmm, I’m sorry to hear about those relapses, but it’s not a bad thing. Most people relapse sometimes. It’s human and that makes you a human while I am a [b]GAWD[/b]. Ha! Very weird, I think. Good, you should have know that already. I woke up angry all the time. You just think that I wasn’t always angry but I was, you idiot. Uh, you’re inconsiderate, fucker. I’m always really fucking drunk or did you forget that?” Aaron knew himself, he liked being the way he was. Dunk. He could go for some alcohol now to be honest. Especially because Justin was being rude to him and making him super annoyed easily. “I bet I could pin you down, fucking tranny.” He muttered, watching as the other showed off his muscles. Aaron threw a carrot at his back. He had gotten buff and Aaron knew there was no amount of flexing he could do to show those results. Instead, when the other stole more fries, Aaron leaned over and bite the other on the arm hard. “I told you not to.” he told him, cutting his eyes once again as he kept talking about trade and the doctor. “You don’t need trade, you asshole.i don’t think you’re looking at me, I am all the trade anyone needs and I bet he’s not nearly as pretty as I am. You are not looking at me, you are not.” Aaron shoved his boyfriend as he continued being mean to him. He turned his nose up at Justin, wanting to bite him again. He was so rude, looking at others. Aaron bit the other’s finger as he pressed it against him. He would and he should have known that he would. Aaron was a savage sometimes, he was the mack daddy and the other smiled as he sat up tall. “They better now, because I’m not afraid of becoming a serial killer to become famous. Of course you love her, my mother is a goddess but I think it was really funny when she hit you. It’s your fault, everything is your fault.” Aaron teased. “You think I want you here, you’re warm. The only reason.” Aaron took a piece of cauliflower and ate it, watching as that asshole kept eating his fries. Someone needed to stop him. “Bullshit, you fucking liar. I am never not a baby about things. I always am I child, it’s my trademark! I am not easy to play, you’re just an asshole. Please, you couldn’t prove it even if you were suddenly a genius with video effects and shit. It also means you’ll have to carry me everywhere, so get ready for that.” Aaron told him, blue eyes watching his boyfriend as he spoke about their lives now. He was still tempted to think it was a big joke, but if it wasn’t…fuck, they had made it. They had done something incredible. “Even the uppidity clubs that never booked us? God…we must…have done it. Good morning huh? I’m finally a rich old white lady. Sometimes, more like once a year.” He said, watching as Justin held out his pinkie, the most legit form of trust. The blonde took it immediately, happy to have it and smiling like a goofball. “Good. Since you don’t, I need to borrow you ‘hair’.” He said teasing. Watching Justin as he spoke was different. He had won the show…people liked Sharon. He couldn’t believe it. “Well…okay. Versions of her? I still do my work with the LGBT kids at the center right? Don’t let me be an asshole who doesn’t keep their home life once they get famous. So I changed her, but not drastically. from NC-17 to what R? NOT PG RIGHT?!”
Justin couldn’t help a smile, finding it amusing that Aaron, the Aaron that had been hidden somewhere in that blonde head, had said the same thing the other night. “I’m a hippie lesbian now, it’s a tragedy, and I enjoy it too. Yeah, it’s life– you said the same thing. Well, the other you. Well… You know what I mean. A gawd? Eh. Ah, c'mon, you enjoyed it. I was nice when I woke you up, it’s not like I screamed in your ear; plenty of men would have liked to get woken up by kisses and head. Oh, no, that I remember; you’d be happy to know that’s still your general state. Some things never change.” He should have been less amused but he really couldn’t, raising an eyebrow at the other. “Mmm, you could try. You’d still fail, glitterfag.” Justin was showing off but he flexed his bicep, smirking at the other before he was bitten; instinctively trying to bite him back. “Fuck you!” He was going to get a bruise and still he slowly reached to grab another fry, quickly eating it before chuckling. God, he was being a dipshit. “Of course I need trade, how am I supposed to fulfill my necessities if I don’t have suitable trade? M'yeah, but you’re engaged amnesiac trade so I can’t seduce you, I have manners. He is pretty, he has the cutest chin I’ve ever seen.” Now, that one had been low and Justin had tried to keep his face straight as he said it; shrugging his shoulders absentmindedly. “Your mom is a goddess and I have no idea how she managed to produce you. Nah, everything is actually your fault, I just clean up your messes. Is that so? Well, I could find you a blanket and be on my merry way, then.” Why was this happening? He didn’t act like this around anyone else– before this happened, he and Aaron used to both contain themselves, trying to keep their connection dormant. Would this have happened if they hadn’t? Grinning, Justin leaned back on the bed, turning his head to look at the other man. “You were actually pretty grown up about it. Do you know what we talked about the other day? Taxes. And politics. And how AIDS jokes are of horrible taste. All of this while having tea at ten in the morning. One day I’ll find you proof and then you’ll say to say you’re sorry for not trusting me. Pfft, I’m not carrying you anywhere. Yeah, we did. We made it big time, overnight. I’ll show you everything when you’re ready, but it’s amazing, Aaron. We sell out clubs. Fuck, we have fucking records out. We made it. I’d say two these days, which is good enough for me.” Justin smiled wider, the look in Aaron’s eyes making his heart melt; suddenly reminded again of how young and innocent he was in his own head– words not usually associated with the man. But he was, he was a kid. And that look in his eyes made Justin reach out to poke his knee, their pinkies still connected. “No one borrows my hair, it’s my hair. My hair is sacred. You can have your own hair, you have loads.” Frowning slightly, the man tried to think of whether he knew the answer to the blonde’s question, squeezing his pinkie as he thought. They’d kept a distance between them, one for safety and peace and reassurance that nothing would get too hard, too serious, too tricky. They were friends, good friends, and they would always have each other’s back– always, no matter what. But the tiny details that made up each other’s lives? That he didn’t know. “Version. She’s changed over the years, like you have. I… Well, I don’t know, to be honest. We don’t talk ​that​ much when we’re not doing shows together, life gets in the way a bit. I can ask Chad if you’d like? Ah… Well… I’d say a happy medium between R and PG. Always a bit of an incorrect douchebag, but not as fucked-up as she used to be.”c
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livehealthmedia · 8 years
Social entrepreneur is all about having passion for change and growth of the society
Healthcare startups with their vision to solve India’s pressing healthcare challenges such as accessibility, affordability and reliability of health services need to step in and offer evidence – based solutions for public health. LiveHealth is one such organisation which with the concept of social entrepreneurship intends to make a change. Abhimanyu Bhosale, Founder, LiveHealth in an interaction with Raelene Kambli explains this concept.
Who is a social entrepreneur? And why is it an important concept to be discussed in the public health domain?
A social entrepreneur is a person who’s focus and passion would be more on making an impact in a society, culture or environment. It is very important in public health. People are not going to do great work and make an impact if they don’t have the passion for what they do and especially in a not so rewarding segment of the market.
How would you define the concept of social entrepreneurship in healthcare?
Well, entrepreneurship in itself is a path chosen to focus more on the impact of the organisation’s products and work on the society in some way or the other. So, I think every genuine entrepreneur is a social entrepreneur in passion for change and growth of the society.  Indian healthcare is very different from other healthcare eco systems. Here, we need a very different approach towards innovation and implementation to improve the lives of people availing healthcare services. Some call it frugal innovation but it makes this sound less important or cheap. The real healthcare challenge that India faces as a country of 1.2 billion people is to work with a healthcare system which is hugely dependent on private organisations and public private partnerships for healthcare than any other country in the world. Yes, we need social entrepreneurs in healthcare who see this as an opportunity and a problem worth solving. But, do we have enough incentives to keep them going? This is the questions we all need to answer.
What impact can this concept have on creating a healthy ecosystem for startups to function within the public health domain?
Honestly, it is very difficult for startups to function in the public health space. Moreover, it is difficult for startups to work in this space with little or no incentives. Nonetheless, there are companies who do their bit, though there are some social drivers which have big impact in the eco – system. Like startups working on improving breast cancer screening are doing a great job. Still our healthcare eco-system really needs a lot of these people. Unfortunately, we struggle with the most primitive problems which is lack of data and actionable information. Right now, we don’t know our numbers, for e.g. how bad the dengue was last season? What is the number of women detected with breast cancer, and what’s the average age group its generally detected in? What is the number of people who are prone to diabetes and how many already have it? Lack of these numbers blind us in our quest to have a better healthcare.
Tell us about your startup’s contribution in this regard.
LiveHealth is a company built to solve one of the biggest problems in healthcare. With a vision to make healthcare interaction seamless with the use of technology. One of our products happen to be the biggest diagnostic and laboratory management solutions in the country. With over 450+ healthcare providers using the platform to manage patient and medical records, interact with medical instruments and share medical records with patients and doctors, we are making healthcare information management simple, liberal and free. We also work with charitable organisations and NGOs where we help them avail our management services at a much affordable rate and completely automate their laboratory operations, thereby reducing errors and man power involved. This also drastically reduces their operational costs as skilled personals in healthcare is the key driver for higher costs and automation will only make it more affordable.
What lessons can social entrepreneur teach public health workers and the healthcare industry at large?
Entrepreneurship is more experimental and procedural. One of the areas where public health workers lack is organised execution of their ideas. There are many people with better ideas in public health space, but nobody wants to get their hands dirty. So the difference is social entrepreneurs execute their ideas and that’s what differentiates them.
What are the basic principles for efficiently implementing scaled operations in public health?
Well, first is a great team. Core team where team members trust each other and are capable to execute, get things done and adapt to change. After that, a system. A system or an operational process that works at a small scale, but which is built keeping in mind the large scale challenges. And the system should always consider user feedback and adapt based on that. So, if the core team is adaptable to change, they are able to execute and always listen to their customers, there is no way to fail.
Can you name a few social entrepreneurs that you look up to?
Dr Verghese Kurien, the founder of Amul and Dr G Venkataswamy founder of Arvind Eye Hospital for the obvious reasons as they have built successful empires from social entrepreneurship.
What will be your message for those who want to work with this concept and contribute to public health?
India needs people like you to come up and change things. Change the way healthcare is managed in this country. Make it more transparent, information driven and better. We bear the responsibility of improving healthcare for 1/7 th of the world. Let us take that very seriously.
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holdenmyoy902-blog · 5 years
15 Things Your Boss Wishes You Knew About trademark
When commencing a commercial company I'm positive there is a mess of issues that endure every entrepreneur's thoughts. Barring the elemental concerns of whether or now not to go beforehand with launching one thing, within the trademark the entrance there is multiple problem that holds cropping up.
Really need to Sign-up Trademark?
Registering logos have to be an early milestone in a very prudent company model. For startups, developing an emblem will maximumly probable is at the best of their "To-Do Checklist", even so the time period in-amongst, they have to add the significance of defensive manufacturer. Enterprises want to take into account the importance of creating a recognizable and trusted symbol, in addition, to legally protect the equivalent.
Startups have to remember the fact that Everything They are investing into is the fact brand name inside their commercial company, so it sincerely needs to be included lawfully.
Hence, it is always highly recommended that an early submitting is the greatest, as branding is crucial for trademark virtually any startup, shielding that manufacturer must be as well.
Do purchasers bother Trademark registration?
Undoubtedly! The obtaining picks of buyers are determined by using trademarks along with the track record these kinds of models characterize. It has become A lot more vital for corporations to possess a know-how of why logos are crucial belongings and assistance acquire their professional enterprise. Your trademark may be the designation or model of one's enterprise or your products as well as the customer's spouse that emblem solely along with you. Trademarks tend to be the maximum spontaneously searched content on the internet via any person hunting for information regarding your solutions or products and services.
the fact that a trademark permits the capability of clientele and buyers to tell you Except for other rivals throughout the marketplace, it will become the crux within your company identification. No surprise investors choose funding organizations using an unpublished trademark, for a registered trademark makes a legitimate call along with a confront price for the enterprise and may raise the credibility within your commercial enterprise in the market.
What defense do I have for a Trademark which I have been employing for a long period but have not registered?
One of the maximum essential advantages of getting a trademark registered is it offers the proprietor the ideal to initiate a movement for infringement of the mark. An absence of felony status on your trademark will present the other business business entities a danger to drain away the standing and goodwill accredited in your organization and likewise to create earnings even though applying around the returned of one's brand name get in touch with.
The only way to protect an unregistered trademark is if the mark has significant and prolonged utilization. These unregistered marks may be bundled Through succeeding within an motion of passing-off, whereby the court docket docket upholds the usage in the trademark. To achieve this type of movement, its miles essential to create that unregistered mark has comparable goodwill or popularity in connection with the merchandise, company or industrial business with which It can be considerably employed.
So basically If you're working with an unregistered trademark for some time, it's best recommended which you sign up it at once mainly because Although you may acquire a circumstance of passing off towards an infringing mark it is a bit more challenging than approaching the Courtroom with a registration in hand.
Is definitely an Indian trademark registration legitimate outside India?
No! The Indian trademark registration stops inside the border and would not accord any rights to your proprietor out of doors the state. So, if you intend to promote your items or providers internationally, recollect referring to the authorized suggestions regarding registration of logos.
Can a person else sign-up the identical trademark as that of mine for a completely unique course of companies or goods?
Yes! The fundamental notion powering having a trademark registration is to tell apart the items or products and services of a selected particular person within the relaxation, to be able to prevent a confusion or deception among the customers. So, anyone could sign-up a trademark exact same as yours and get away with it if The 2 marks take care of different goods and operate in numerous markets as well as the shoppers are not likely to generally be confused.
Basically, trademark legal rights are restricted to unique items and expert services for which the registration is obtained for; thus, you can find odds that firms engaged in really distinctive organizations might use the identical trademark at the same time.
One of several aspects which the Courts examine to find out a chance of consumer confusion is whether or not the two corporations are in a similar industry. The question in these kinds of situation is if the goods or services supplied by The 2 companies are adequately connected these kinds of that a shopper could be prone to Assume an organization providing the primary services or products can be reasonably possible to supply the 2nd goods and services also. Once the merchandise are so unrelated that consumers are unlikely being confused into thinking that they originate from a similar resource, a similar trademark can be used.
As an entrepreneur or even a commence-up operator, your company's Original a long time are given to model name building and discovering your floor on the market. You work hard and brainstorm about a number of types and names for your company logo to establish your model.
Nonetheless, how to proceed when anyone attempts to copy or steals your Trademark?
Trademark infringement is without doubt one of the principal issues most brands encounter. Allow us to think about the prime techniques and elements you can look at for preserving the brand exclusive.
Registering the mark is step one that you like a brand name operator ought to choose to protected your trade identify. The probability of profitable an infringement scenario or a previous use declare is bigger In the event your trademark is registered. You might be eligible to file an infringement circumstance provided that your trademark is registered.
It is healthier to use exclusive or made terms in order to avoid any disputes pre or article registration.
Before you finalize your tradename, It's really a ought to to secure a trademark lookup finished. This will ensure that you've a seamless registration process with no glitches like rectification or opposition.
Getting guidance or company from an experienced who understands the process might be of terrific help in building intelligent decisions.
The initial occasion when a TM infringement is observed is when confusion arises amid buyers concerning the twin use in the trademark and whether the similar mark is getting used on competing goods and solutions. This is exactly why AMUL and AMUL Macho are equally in use - if you find yourself purchasing milk you are not probable to invest in undergarments by blunder. If you come upon a business utilizing your trademark, inquire your self if a buyer is likely to confuse that manufacturer together with your individual brand.
Compare the actual mark plus the products linked to it together with the connected mark and its solutions - this can help you determine identical characteristics and whether the alleged mark is like the first trademark. If you discover adequate similar functions, you are able to file for infringement.
Comparing true products/ services with identical or linked merchandise assists in knowing if you'll find any changes in your trademark that could infringe every other manufacturer or vice-versa.
It is also feasible that just one trademark may possibly infringe on the opposite regardless of whether they aren't identical. When the appear of your packaging, its phonetic similarity, and its this means can build confusion One of the customers. Courts frequently consider "sight, audio and meaning" when figuring out if two marks are very similar. Introducing a prefix or suffix within the phrase is not going to assistance Considerably. Right before initiating a trademark, ensure you do not have similarities to an present trademark.
A juice centre while in the name of "Girish" in Ahmedabad and a cafe while in the title "Girish" in Delhi are geographically significantly aside. No buyer is going to confuse 1 for one other and it will not be considered as infringement as shoppers in Ahmedabad in all probability will never mix up their local store With all the one particular in Delhi.
However, the exception arises in cases where your company is well-known across the nation- in situations like these, the likelihood of saying infringement raises whatever the place. Also, In regards to e-commerce The principles develop into additional stringent and courts might go ahead and take respective manufacturers online presence and its impact on the opposite.
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