#&& askbox.
devilagent · 1 month
📑, 📝 ? please and thank you! 
favorite part of your muse’s backstory + favorite headcanon? / ask prompt.
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THIS IS SUCH A FUN ASK TO RECIEVE THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! i don't usually get to talk about his origins so this'll be fun!!
nicholas backstory is incredibly non-existant in the canon of the soap opera! the only real 'backstory' we get from humbert is that nicholas is the agent '007 of the underworld. he said so very playfully.
that being said, i have nicholas open to two different interpretations - now, in the soap itself there are conflicting pieces of information, because there is different instances where it indicates nicholas is inhuman - and other instances that indicate he may have been human.
the first interpretation is that nicholas is a creature of the underworld - never having been a human to begin with. "warlock" being a title of what he is since he practices magic. pretty much a minion and conformed to doing the biding of someone else, which i figure is why he schemes so much to get out and acquire power for his own.
there has been various statements in the series that suggest this might be the case, i'll pull up a few that come to mind at the moment…
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being seen as a mortal or human, and showing such emotions, are seen as weak and looked down upon. nicholas himself has stated similiar a few times to angelique. along with this, emotions such as love weaken their own magic abilities…
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the second interpretation is that nicholas was once human, a long time ago, and became condemned once he started practicing magic as a warlock.
although dynamite comics are rather unpopular ( i don't enjoy the gore and overtly dark storytelling either ) - i do genuinely love the backstory concept they made for nicholas, along with the art of him! i wish his backstory in this wasn't tied to the collins family though. tragic.
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this panel has stuck with me for years. the symbolism with the shattered mirror pieces, his eyes, the text. his reflection, his soul broken up into pieces like the glass.
the panel itself alluded to human nicholas selling his soul in a moment of weakness - i can very much see it as a canon fitting backstory for him. did he solely want power? or was it out of desperation of something more personal to him instead? i really enjoy the openness of this interpretation. and the look in his eyes makes it feel like there is more to his story than it appears to be.
as for me Personally, i lean toward his origins being from the underworld. i find his newfound human love of maggie to be very compelling in that way, i always have. it would be a much more compelling narrative to tell - especially considering how devious nicholas is by nature. he would essentially be going against his very own nature, being from the underworld and inhuman. this is one of my favorite things about him and what drew me to his character!
we love a villain that melts his big bad exterior for a loved one👏
*just a small side-note that humbert confirmed evan and nicholas aren't the same person, and i never viewed them that way either.
+ since i rambled on about nicks backstory, i'll keep the headcanon bit more brief - in a debate of whether nicholas is a cat or dog person, i always felt he is a dog person. he looks like a feline but likes dogs! he values their loyalty and finds their behavior amusing to watch.
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dollecitta · 6 months
Hey, hello, would you be willing to tell me of any good logeless places that i could download tv shows, please? Thank you very much. ❤️
i had a really good list but the tumblr creator aka @iusknees who posted it got banned / deactivated probs T_T the only good rec i saved:
i'll look for more links / res but the corporate vampires have been shadowbanning and deactivating the useful stuff left and right. i can't guarantee much else but i'll look!
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doomedflare · 5 months
@frfld said: did you want a cigarette?
' NO, I WON'T FINISH IT MYSELF. ' shaking his head at the sacred pack of red label 100s that dwight offers him, playing coy as a drag is taken from stolen cigarette. ' i was never a smoker, before. ' a lie, a lame excuse for the way jake had simply plucked the cigarette from dwight's lips, for the way he now lingers like the smoke that hangs heavy between them. another drag is taken, and jake tries not to think about how they can almost taste dwight on the filter.
' wouldn't want to be wasteful. ' a small smile - a rare sight - as they hold the cigarette back out to dwight. ' i mean, these things are fucking expensive nowadays. '
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fullmetall · 1 month
@nidscure said: ♡ + authority
ed has an extreme mistrust towards most authority figures, mostly stemming from a general reluctance to trust people as a whole. after all, he and al have a pretty big secret to hide; not only is attempting human transmutation the "ultimate sin", it's illegal, and if the wrong person found out the truth behind al's armor and ed's alchemic skill, they'd be royally fucked.
he does not inherently respect or trust people based on their authority over him, which can make him a bit of a loose cannon. this also ties into his firm belief in equivalent exchange - give him a real reason to trust and respect you, and he will; in return, he'll do just about anything for you. however, this doesn't mean that he's stupid; as a "dog of the military", he knows when to kneel and play pretend, he knows which orders are rigid and which ones he can bend however he pleases ( which is frequently the case - working under colonel mustang, one of the very few people who knows of his situation, tends to grant him a bit of wiggle room where it can be given ). he's learned how to play the system to tilt things in his favor when needed.
he gets real mouthy with colonel mustang and his crew because he knows he can get away with it ( to a degree - and tbh his relationships with the members of team mustang deserves its own post ), but he tries to reel it in some when interacting with other military personnel for the sake of keeping his job ( this goes down the drain, of course, as he learns more about the promised day and what that means for amestris as a whole ). after all, his role as a state alchemist is a means to an end, granting him access to research and funds that he wouldn't otherwise have; losing that would mean losing everything he's worked so hard for in the past 3-4 years.
speaking of his role as a state alchemist, ed is not blind to his own level of authority, and aside from using it to further his and al's goal of restoring their bodies, he also uses it to deliver robin hood levels of justice where he can ( like in the youswell mines, or in liore ). he acts on a strong moral compass that often clashes with his role as a human weapon and "dog of the military", which often earns him the general favor of civilians despite his brash nature and frequent fighting.
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er0t0ph0n0philia · 5 months
“Mating Season”
Nikki is not doing well.
It’s been four days, and he’s already going insane. His skin feels like it’s boiling and there’s a constant, weird fucking hunger everywhere on his body. He is not dealing with this year’s heat well.
He is currently sitting on the hotel lobby couch, his leg bouncing as he tries to keep himself occupied with learning braille. But his mind keeps drifting and he keeps squirming, frustrated and hot and bouncing-off-the-walls anxious for no goddamn reason. And horny, but he’s doing everything in his power to keep his mind off of that part.
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stlispenard · 10 months
24(601) for exr
(24)60(1): leonard cohen by boygenius
     the fingers on the back of his neck are stinging and cold but they are not unwelcome. r. entirely blames himself for not remembering to bring gloves for either of them when he could easily have predicted this. he’d cuss or be dramatic about it, but he thinks it might lead into some sermon on shared responsibility (whatever) or his famed negligence of self (they have the time for it). instead the contact between his skin and e.’s makes him puff out air in the same way someone would if they had been trying to hold their breath; like the friction prompts the release. you have no idea, do you, mathieu? his own fingers stiffly tab against the steering wheel before he latches to it more firmly. repressing any other impulse while e. continues to talk exactly like he had before; peering straight ahead or out the window (and occasionally at him) like nothing in the air just shifted and like he’s not touching him. everything, from e. candidly explaining his bourgeoisie relatives to him (preemptive warnings, precautionary tales) to the fucking hand on him, feels fishy to him.  
     it takes r. a while to finally snap, impetuously cutting him off, “remind me why i agreed to drive you when it’s a million minus-degrees outside? and, while you’re at it, why are we going to see the family you despise exactly? you’re freezing in a car, stuck with me, and for what?” he’s rarely quiet and especially if he’s bursting with questions. he can’t help that this how he reacts (especially when he’s also miserable and cold and stupidly aroused, too), “i know you don’t want to be telling me all of this. not really. and besides, i think you might like me if less if i know you so well.” its too much of a gamble; trading in his tiny sliver of something (which may as well be nothing but a temporary need for somewhere to warm him hands) for the unlikely chance of gaining some or the more likely chance losing everything.
     i never thought you’d happen to me.
spotify wrapped / @andthe6 exr
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ganglotte · 2 years
[COMPLIMENT] the sender compliments the receiver.
"Wow! I just love your outfit. And the matching axe? Very chic."
The girl’s sickly sweet tone makes Ganglöt’s lip curl; everything about her makes the handmaiden want to smack her. She just radiates an aura as insolent and obnoxious as her stupidly pink hair.
“Flattery does nothing for you.” she snaps. “Do you wish to win my favor with these honeyed words? Death bends for no man. You are no exception. Now get out of my way, lest you wish to see my axe between your eyes.”
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ak4rin · 10 days
taking a page from my oomfsies, so send me 🖼️ ( plus a word / color / whatever if you'd like ) and i'll post a few pics from akari's camera roll of our muses
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seaslimes · 22 days
Reblogging updated version of wimdy: you are the most considerate tumblr user 🙏
You are so sweet! That meme's just brought me a lot of joy & I like sharing peoples' portfolios. I hope you have a lovely day. 🤖🤖🤖
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jeminy3 · 4 months
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a summary of MHA shipping
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rcguish · 5 months
extremely simple tag drop
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devilagent · 9 days
i ask the hard-hitting questions. like what's nick's favorite mcdonalds order.
what is nicholas blair ordering from mcdonalds ?
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he'd order a coffee and pull out of the drivethru ......
in seriousness, i will try to give an actual definitive answer LOL because i enjoy analyzing him even for a simple mcdonalds meal …
after some contemplation i feel he'd dislike a majority of the menu items because of how greasy they are. but he'd like the pancakes, hashbrowns and apple pies.
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dollecitta · 10 months
this is a diff anon but i saw youre giffing hayden christensen and omg . if u could please also gif him in shattered glass, v_rgin territory or life of a house id be so thankful omg
hello (-: i just found 'life as a house' in torrent ver. so expect that one soon . ps: i know that @itdobetrash is giffing hayden in shattered glass & vlrgin territory, sooooo check them out! 💗
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doomedflare · 4 months
@delroysinferno said: hands lilly an owl plushie... it squeaks when you squeeze it. naturally.
THE QUESTION OF WHY? IS AT THE TIP OF HER TONGUE as the toy is handed to her. curiosity gets the best of her skepticism, however, as she takes the owl, going through the movements of a girl her age; a polite smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes, a ' for me? oh, thank you, mr. delroy, you're so kind! ' lilly hugs the toy to her chest, and -
oh! it squeaks! there's a soft gasp, childlike wonder lighting up dark eyes as her smile brightens. she squeezes it again, again, again with a giggle. ' how cute, ' earnest, this time, in her gratitude, ' thank you. '
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fullmetall · 2 months
@feuhrer said: i'll never be a parent, i don't think.
' WELL, YOU COULD'A FOOLED ME, ' young alchemist scoffs, ' since you're always actin' like you're ours. '
ed thinks of his own father hohenheim, of the exhausted expression before he'd turned and walked out the door. he'd always been like that, which is to say that he'd always been distant. try as he might've, fatherhood hung off of him the way his coats hung off of his sons. ed hadn't known that was going to be the last time he'd see hohenheim. ever trusting, he'd readily believed that hohenheim would return in a matter of days.
days turned to weeks, which turned to months, and then years. mom gets sick. the word 'father' grows sour on ed's tongue.
ed looks up into tired eyes colored with amusement despite the tension around them. ' for what it's worth, i think you'd be decent, if you changed your mind. ' a rare softness from eldest elric. he looks away, immediately harshening sentiment with ' don't get a big head about it, though. - i said decent, not good. '
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er0t0ph0n0philia · 6 months
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