#&&. RIP Deb she t r i e d
storybounded · 5 months
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@ scott
"If I was Gordon Ramsey...." Scott began, picking up the 'corndog'. He squinted, taking in every detail. It was Charred on the sides, sooty debris falling sadly against the plate. Most of all, that burnt smell slapped him in the face. He knew not to immediately eat anything Deb had cooked. Between her and Cat, their poor cooking skills could lead to water, of all things, to catch fire upon the stove. The actor bravely took a small bite, which proved to be a mistake. Placing the corndog slowly back on the plate, he shook his head despite not being surprised. After he leaned back into his chair, Scott laughed.
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"I would say 'I think you sent this poor pig to the grave.' "
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