#&&. lydia starter
prxtectors · 6 months
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moonlessnight125 · 9 months
Lydia landed by blueberry academy. "So this is it?" She said, hopping off of Alucard. She looked around before walking up to someone. "Hey, is this Blueberry academy? I was invited to give a lecture here. I don't know where I'm supposed to go however."
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tvintedspvrkarc · 8 months
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like for a starter from lydia martin 🤍
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mndstom · 3 months
closed one - liner for @redemptioninterlude
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"Be quiet and stay very still."
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bcrncoldx · 4 months
@mastcrmiind (lydia bennet)
Just how many of the Bennet sisters were in the city now? And just how far behind was their mother? That was something Darcy didn't want to think about. "Miss Lydia," he nodded politely to her. The last time he had seen her had been at her wedding to Wickham, but after his encounter with her older sister he knew better than to bring that up in case she didn't remember it. "I did not know that you were here as well. It seems as if half of Meryton is in residence now."
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fatescattered · 5 months
by the time lydia makes it back to stark mansion, she's certainly worse for wear. her suit is, for the most part, intact – but it's not without a few battle scars. cuts and dents, not to mention the repulsor on her right hand threatening to go out at any minute.
it's nothing she can't fix after a few hours in the shop. the wounds under the suit aren't so easy to work around, unfortunately.
her arrival is announced by a loud clang, and lydia silently thanks the heavens for the house being empty. she'd rather not have her father see her like this, lest he deems it a complete failure.
making her way inside the shop, every step a clanky dissonance, she's startled to find she isn't alone after all. her sister sits at her work desk, surrounded by papers and tools – a familiar scenario for any of the starks.
" sher. " hearing her own modulated voice, lydia realizes she still hasn't taken off her helmet. " wait, hold on. " she strains to remove it successfully, her arms starting to give out after an exhausting night.
lydia lets out a long breath as she finally peeks out from the suit. " i thought you were out too. weren't you going with dad? "
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isdeathlystill · 7 months
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"....Please tell me you're joking."
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brokenbcys · 5 months
closed starter for: @fcmalerage
Wyatt paused his drumming, lifting a headphone off his ear as he sensed someone approaching. Lips pursed in concentration, he glanced up to find Lydia standing nearby. With a slight quirk of his brow, he questioned her expression, a mix of curiosity and annoyance evident in his voice. "What's with that expression on your face?" he asked, his tone laced with a hint of impatience. "What's the matter now?"
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bcntarrows · 3 days
open to Lydia Deetz, Astrid Deetz
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"... What's this about 'LOOPHOLE'?"
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untilthcyrot · 6 months
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❝ Sometimes I want to be a ghost, too. ❞ That spoke volumes about what she really felt, of course. It hinted that she thought life would be a lot better if she weren't alive, even if that meant being trapped in the afterlife, the same as the Maitlands.
♡ ───── @chaos--mode liked lydia deetz's starter call ( for dawn ) !
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prxtectors · 6 months
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gcddamnvampire · 1 year
( open to; m/f/nb ) ( muse; lydia olsen. 21. tattoo artist. pansexual/switch ) ( plot; gimme a bad girl & good boy/girl plot please )
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"Can I help you with something, love?" Lyda asked as the other entered the shop, marker still poised above the tattoo she'd been designing for a client.
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6anshee · 7 months
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"i  will  not  fall  prey  to  society's  desire  to  turn  girls  into  emotional,  insecure  neurotics  who  pull  up  their  dresses  at  the  first  flattering  remark."
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thccraft · 8 months
open to: m/f/nb (50+) @indiestarter connection: close friend, co-worker, neighbor
"Why are you helping me with this, anyway?" Lydia asked, her head popping up from her notebook. "Not that I'm not happy you're here but I thought you said you were busy tonight and couldn't come over."
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mndstom · 1 year
open to: anyone! muse: lydia | twenty - eight | pansexual plot: lydia threw a party, it's finally over and your muse decided to stay to help clean it up ( be it a crush / friend / someone who came as a +1 to the party )
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"You really didn't have to stay over to help me. But... Thank you regardless."
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theha1r · 2 months
@realmyths liked for a starter!
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Steve is quiet as he thinks, the things he's wanted to ask the older, more experienced, vampire weighing on his mind. However, he's hesitant to even ask them, not necessarily because he thinks she won't have the answers - but more so he's not sure if he'll like them. It's the type of things he tries not to think about, but it feels hard to ignore them, in this moment, when he has the chance to hear from someone with the experience. "Does it ever get easy? To outlive nearly everyone you care about? To lose people? To make new connections knowing you'll lose them too someday?" He pauses for a second. "It's only been ten years for me and I've never really made any connections I cared about losing ... until a few years ago." And now he doesn't know how he's supposed to ever live without them.
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