#+ i need to protect you immediately girl this will irreversably damage you and change you as a person someone needs to shield you from this
romaritimeharbor · 6 months
the ONLY reason i have never given diona an older sibling!reader is because i think all the posts would come out traumadumpy. Erm. yeah. do with that information what you will 😇🙏
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willkdawson · 1 year
How to Flat Iron Your American Girl Doll's Hair Tips, Tricks, and FAQs
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American Girl dolls are cherished companions that often mirror their owner's style and personality. Just like any beloved friend, these dolls require care and attention, especially when it comes to maintaining their hair. If you've ever wondered if you can flat iron an American Girl doll's hair, you're in the right place. In this blog post, we'll provide you with comprehensive guidance, tips, and step-by-step instructions on how to flat iron your doll's hair while ensuring its safety and longevity.
Can You Flat Iron American Girl Doll Hair
Yes, you can flat iron American Girl doll hair, but it's crucial to approach the process with care and caution. American Girl dolls typically have hair made of synthetic materials that are sensitive to heat. Using excessive heat or improper techniques can damage or melt the hair, leading to irreversible changes in its appearance and texture.
Step-by-Step Guide to Flat Ironing Your Doll's Hair
Step 1: Gather Supplies
Before you begin, gather all the necessary supplies:
 Flat iron with adjustable temperature settings
 Fine-tooth comb
 Heat protectant spray (suitable for synthetic hair)
 Hair clips or ties
 Water in a spray bottle
 Doll stand or stable surface
Step 2: Set the Right Temperature
Ensure that your flat iron has adjustable temperature settings. Start with the lowest heat setting and gradually increase if needed. Synthetic hair is more delicate than human hair and can easily melt, so using a low to medium heat setting is recommended.
Step 3: Detangle the Hair
Gently comb through your doll's hair using a fine-tooth comb to remove any tangles or knots. Be patient and work slowly to avoid damaging the hair.
Step 4: Apply Heat Protectant
Spritz a heat protectant spray designed for synthetic hair onto the hair strands. This protective barrier will minimize heat damage and keep the hair looking smooth.
Step 5: Section the Hair
Divide the doll's hair into small, manageable sections using hair clips or ties. This will ensure even flat ironing and prevent overheating of the hair.
Step 6: Flat Ironing
Working with one section at a time, follow these steps:
 Hold the section of hair taut and run the flat iron through the hair slowly, starting from the roots and moving towards the tips.
 Do not leave the flat iron on the hair for too long—quick passes are safer to prevent damage.
 Repeat this process for all sections of hair.
Step 7: Finishing Touches
Once you've flat ironed all sections, gently comb through the hair with your fine-tooth comb to ensure it's smooth and sleek. You can also use a doll-friendly detangling spray if needed.
Step 8: Styling
If you want to style the hair, do so gently and avoid using excessive products. Doll-friendly hair accessories and light styling can add a personal touch.
With proper technique and careful attention, flat ironing your American Girl doll's hair can help you achieve a polished and stylish look. Remember to prioritize the health of the doll's hair by using low heat, heat protectants, and appropriate styling products. By following the steps and precautions outlined in this guide, you can successfully flat iron your doll's hair while maintaining its beauty and longevity.
FAQs about Flat Ironing American Girl Doll Hair
Q1: Can I use a regular flat iron on my American Girl doll's hair?
It's recommended to use a flat iron with adjustable temperature settings and choose the lowest heat setting suitable for synthetic hair. Regular flat irons designed for human hair may be too hot and can cause damage.
Q2: How do I know if the heat is too high for the doll's hair?
If the hair starts to emit a burning smell, sizzle, or change in texture (like melting), the heat is too high. Immediately stop and allow the hair to cool down.
Q3: Can I wash the doll's hair after flat ironing?
 It's generally not recommended to wash the doll's hair immediately after flat ironing, as exposing synthetic hair to water right after heat styling can cause frizz and damage. Instead, wait a day or two before washing.
Q4: How often can I flat iron my doll's hair?
 Limit flat ironing to occasional use to prevent excessive heat damage. Synthetic hair is more delicate and can't withstand frequent heat styling like human hair.
Q5: Can I curl the doll's hair with the flat iron?
 Curling synthetic doll hair using a flat iron is possible, but it requires practice. Be cautious and avoid creating tight curls, as they might stress the hair. Loose waves are a safer option.
Q6: What if I accidentally damage my doll's hair?
 If you notice damage or melting, trim the damaged ends carefully using sharp scissors. You can also consider restyling the doll's hair to conceal the damage.
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gravityunforgiven · 3 years
Right Where You Left Me (Kakashi x OC)
Pairings: Kakashi x OC, Jiraiya x Tsunade, Dan x Tsunade
She was the daughter of a Legendary Sannin, He, a son of a disgraced shinobi. Fate brought them together but life tore them apart. Will they be able to take control of their destinies and find their way back to each other?
...Or will they be another victim of the cruel shinobi world they are both a part of?
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Chapter Three
She was barely three when their paths first met. She had his attention for about ten minutes then that was it for the first meeting. It was because of her age and her last name. The Senju clan, nowadays, was only seen or heard in their history textbooks. Now there was one standing right infront of the class.
This is new. He remembered thinking.
They never really interacted because he was a chūnin a week later. She didn’t really notice his departure either. All she knew was the. class celebrated for something and the boy with the scarf was gone.
She stayed in the academy until she was six. She was hardly at school in her first year and the teachers didn’t question it. She was still young after all. She can take her time. She spent most of her days that year in the Medical Division of Konohagakure. She can learn ninjutsu from a lot of people but there was only one person to learn medical ninjutsu from.
Their paths crossed again when she was nine. Her mother just left. Jiraiya was knee-deep in his travels and she was stayed with her master, Inoichi Yamanka, before she moved to her own apartment. The Senju compound was too big for to live in alone.
Minato was teaching her a jutsu when the team he was leading arrived. This time he was able to introduce himself.
“Kakashi Hatake.” He said, almost too impatiently.
“Nice too meet you.” She replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
She stayed with them for the rest of the afternoon then tagged along for a couple of B-Rank missions. They never talked more than what was needed. Rin became good friends with her. Obito was amused to see the girls braiding each other’s hair.
Minato, along with Inoichi Yamanaka, took her under their wing. They said she was special.
More than me? He so carelessly thought back then.
He wouldn’t realize until years later that she was so unique she became dispensable.
Because of her training with Minato, Akira became close to his-then girlfriend, Kushina. Kakashi saw how close they became they were almost like sisters.
Akira became a permanent figure in Kakashi’s life. They mostly ignored each other’s presence but he got so used to seeing her in the takoyaki shop he half-expected her to be there everytime he walked by. She wasn’t always with friends, most of the time she ate there on her own, in the same spot every single time.
That was until Team Minato was pulled into a mission. When they came back, she was nowhere to be found. At first no one was really bothered. After all, they were all shinobis and when duty calls, they go. But then weeks turned into months and still not even Akira’s shadow was seen. Rumors began spreading in the ranks about her whereabouts. Some says she was in a long term mission in the Land of Rains, others say she was captured and was being held and even Kurenai, who was like her older sister, together with the rest of their batch had no idea where she was or if she was in a mission. He heard Asuma talking about how he asked the Third Hokage about Akira, however, much to their dismay, his lips remained shut and he simply dismissed his son from his office.
Finally, Rin gathered her courage and asked their own sense if he knew anything about this. Minato fought with himself for a while. It was classified information but seeing the look from his students even Kakashi was enough him to give in. He made them swore to never breathe a word of what he was about to say.
“She joined the ANBU Black Ops.” Rin gasped. Obito’s jaw hung wide open. Kakashi who always seemed to be unfazed struggled to keep his cold composture together. They didn’t see that coming. Not in a million years. Kakashi remembered how her name was so fitting for her. She was always so...bright. She was like the sun on a beautiful day. Wherever you go, or whoever you are she will always graze you with her presence like the rays of a sunlight. She lacked the darkness necessary to be an ANBU. She was the complete opposite of those people.
“The Third Hokage allowed it?” Obito asked. Lord Third treated Akira like his very own grand-daughter. After all, she was the daughter of one of his legendary students. It was only fitting that he looed after all while her mother was unavailable.
“ No. He didn’t.” Minato replied.
“ She joined The Foundation.”
He didn’t see her again until Rin’s death. Once, he had asked Minato why Akira was always sent on dangerous missions. Missions they usually were not allowed to do until they were further into their career. This took Minato by surprise. He didn’t know Kakashi had been observing the girl since he usually ignored her presence and vice-versa. The time the two would acknowledge each other is through their relentless bickering due to the fact that no one wants to admit they’re wrong and often times than not, it ends in a full-blown fight between the two prodigies.
Minato eyed the silver-haired ninja. He was usually not bothered by anything that doesn’t have to do with abiding with the rules but the look on his face was clear enough for Minato to realize that this was not the case.
“Being unique isn’t always good.” Minato started.
“You know she uses Wood Release right?”
Kakashi silently nodded. That was common knowledge in the village. Even in the neigboring lands, her reputation preceded her.
“Villages seek power to protect their lands. Right now, Akira is one of the greatest threats to their lands that’s why we train her as hard as we possibly can. A lot of people wants to hurt her and use her for their own good. They want to use one of our own against us.” He remembered Minato saying.
During Rin’s funeral, he caught only a glimpse of her from where he stood by the trees. She was at the back despite being a close friend of Rin’s. She stood silently and kept her eyes firmly on the floor. Kakashi wouldn’t have recognized her if it weren’t for her golden hair that stood out among the sea of dark colored heads. She’s so different. Everything’s changed so much. After a few hi’s and hello’s, she was once again gone. But despite the dark hole Kakashi fell into, for some reason, the girl with the blonde hair never completely left the his mind.
The first time she actually talked to him first, he just joined the ANBU under the Fourth Hokage’s Command.
“I guess we’re teammates now.’ She said removing a wolf-shaped mask. He looked up from the bench he was sitting on in the locker rooms.
A grin was plastered on her face.He immediately recognized her voice though it’s been years since he last heard it. She was twelve and he was just about to turn fourteen that day. But they were so much older and wiser than the kids their age. They had witnessed so many deaths to be called children.
It was the burden of being one of a kind.
They now worked often with each other since they are now both under the Hokage’s command. Gone were the days of bickering and throwing insults at each other. He now knew the burden of being an ANBU. He wondered how much worse she had to do while under Lord Danzo’s command. How many had she killed? Can she even count it at this point?
Minato, after being named Hokage, recruited Akira back from The Foundation to his own a little too quickly than the elders were comfortable with. But the Yondaime Hokage was adamant to have Akira back on his care knowing how much the irreversible damage The Foundation can cause to a person.
Even now, the changes in Akira’s disposition was easily seen by those who knew her before her time in the Root. She still smiled and laughed like she did before but her eyes no longer had the same shine they had before. She tried to hide it. But Kakashi wasn’t so easily fooled. She was just glad he never said a single word about it.
Kakashi and Akira were placed on different teams. She was already leading a group of three people twice her size when he joined but every now and then, when the circumstances call for it, they will be paired together. An unspoken rule was formed between the two. As the only living members of Team Minato (though she tagged along for only a couple of missions) they were to protect each other as best they can.
Though she didn’t need much protection, Kakashi kept an eye on her for old times sake. Just like a few years earlier, they didn’t really talked much during their time in the ANBU. He was too busy wallowing in his guilt and she was kind enough to leave him in in his own knowing it was what he wanted but not exactly what he needed. All she could do was keep an eye on him and make sure he knows that she was there if he needed her.
Their relationship didn’t change from what it was during the time of Team Minato but this time, they treated each other with the utmost respect. They were comrades now. Though the rules of the ANBU stated that the mission comes first, they both knew they had each other’s back. After all, among their classmates, the two of them are the only ones who understood the loneliness of being an ANBU.
Of being truly and utterly alone.
He knew she was brave. She had proven it time and time again. He had seen it from their time together when they were younger, they had heard stories from the older shinobis who had worked with her, and he saw it again every time they were paired in a mission. There was no question that she was brave but that night during the Kyūubi Attack, he was almost certain she too was looking for an easy way to just die. He had a good reason. Unlike her, he was dispensable. He had no one. All he had was the nightmares that haunt him at night. The faces of his fallen teammates and the cold body of his father playing again and again like a broken record every time he closes his eyes. That was all he had. If he dies, people would mourn, yes, but they would move on and go about their life. They would eventually forget and he would always remain the ninja who killed his friend to others.
He had no real purpose. He doesn’t have anyone left to protect. Or to live for.
She was different. She was loved by everyone. She was alone most of the time but she still had Jiraiya who comes and visit every now and then. She had a purpose. She had a reason to live.
Or so he thought.
They were placed inside a barrier the night of the Nine-Tails Attack. The elders said it wasn’t their fight. They have to sit this one out so they could live another day.
Kakashi looked around the group that they have formed. Most of his former classmates were on the front of the pack together with a few other shinobis their age but as he scanned the crowd, he quickly realized Akira was not among them.
He knew she took her first day off in months today. She had deliberately worked during her time off in order to gain more experience and training. Kakashi always thought how Akira seemed to always seem to act as if she was running out of time and how she wouldn’t take rest until she was forced to by the injuries she acquired during her missions.
This time was no different. She came back from a mission in the Land of Lighting only a couple of days ago and if it wasn’t for the direct order from the Hokage to take a break, she would have been out for another one by this time. He was unusually aware that she was hardly in the village these days.
It was a few minutes later when Akira’s figure emerged from the woods. She stopped dead at her tracks halfway into the clearing. A look of confusion was visible on her face as she scanned the scene ahead of her. What the hell?
Kakashi watched as Akira stopped dead in her tracks and stiffened as she took in the scene in front of her. For a moment, their eyes met and almost instantly, the look of confusion was gone in her face replaced with outrage.
She shoved the two jonins on her either side then she was on the run back to the village. Her path was quickly blocked by more leaf shinobis assigned to keep the younger ninjas safe.
“Lady Akira, please.” Shinku Yuhi, Kurenai’s father, pleaded.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” She spatted back. Her eyes were full of rage. This isn’t where she’s supposed to be. She should be where the fighting is, not kept away from it. This isn’t what she’s been training for.
“We’re just followi-“ He wasn’t able to finish his sentence because Akira was on him. pinning him down with earth style.
Kakashi and the rest of the group inside the barrier couldn’t do anything but watch as Akira battled five jōnins at once. Their mouths hung wide open as they saw firsthand Akira’s proficiency in using the wood style. The group, excluding Kakashi, had never seen someone use wood style in person. Despite the common knowledge that Akira was a wood style user, she only uses it as a last resort knowing that it would only gain more unwanted attention in terms of her capabilities. She usually relies on other nature transformations as much as she can.
This was the first time for most of the people in the clearing see someone use wood style and handle it with such finesse and ease as well. They thought that her skills was on full display that night but Kakashi knew how much she was trying to hold back. He knew she would have defeated them if she wasn’t being as cautious as she is in making sure to not harm any of her comrades and if she wasn’t still recovering from her recent injuries.
Eventually, Akira was outnumbered by the seven jōnins who fought with her and they tackled her to the ground. Her cheek pressed on the dirt as they tied her hands behind her back and made sure she could not weave any more signs.
She could see her classmates staring at her in shock. They haven’t really seen her in action as she didn’t officially join any team after graduation. They had no idea what she can do. Or what I’ve done.
Once she was in the barrier Kurenai quickly untied the younger girl’s hand. Akira was still half a foot shorter than herself but she seemed so much older already.
Akira relentlessly pounded on the barrier. Her right hand was still bandaged but her hits did not falter.
“Listen, I know you have your orders but it doesn’t include me! I can help capture the nine tails with wood style! Don’t you understand that?!” She was practically screaming at her superiors standing only a fees feet away. She was trained to fight. To save the village. To not let anyone get hurt, to help the Hokage the best she can. That was what they drilled into her brain growing up. There was a reason she had all these abilities and she should use to help others. Being stuck inside a barrier wasn’t part of any plan.
“Lord Third specifically mentioned you, Akira.” Shinku replied. Akira was confused. She was the protector not the one who needed protecting. She would gladly lay her life for the billage but now, they’re asking her to sit back and watch the village burn just so she could remain safe?
“Akira, stop.” Kurenai was barely able to grab her arm mid-punch to keep it from colliding with the barrier once again.
“Damn it!” She gave the barrier once last hit and turned around. She didn’t saw it but the rest did as the barrier flickered and for a moment, a crack appeared from where punched the barrier.
Her abilities were one thing, her raw power were another.
“Just calm down, will you?” Kurenai was on Akira’s heels as she made her way to the back.
“Lord Third must have a reason of he wanted you here, Akira.” Gai chirped in attempt to help Kurenai calm the still seething Akira.
“Orders are orders, Akira. We can’t do anything about that.” Kakashi says. He wanted to fight as bad as she does. He knew Minato was out there fighting the kyūubi and having them in the field would be a great help for the village. Kakashi secretly hoped Akira could somehow break them out of this bubble so they could fulfill their duties instead of being forced to watch as the nine-tails burn their village just because they were not old enough.
“You know I don’t care about orders, Kakashi.”She snapped right back at him. She followed orders because it was the right thing to do, but unlike him, she had no problem on breaking it when push comes to shove.
Akira had already decided what she needed to do when Kurenai noticed. “No,no. Don’t even think about it.” Kurenai had grabbed Akira’s arm and gave her a stern look. She can’t do this.
“You can die.” Akira didn’t need any reminder. She was aware of the risks she as taking but she couldn’t care less about that right now. There were just some things that had to be done no matter what the consequences were.
“Only one way to know.” She said, already performing the hand signs for the jutsu. She’ll deal with the consequences for her action later, for now, she’ll do what she knows is right.
“Ghost Transformation Jutsu!” Akira’s body fell on the ground as her soul ascended. She was engulfed in a white glow as the others watched in awe. She didn’t waste any more time and disappeared in the sky like a shooting star to the direction of their village. She didn’t know if she can comeback to her body as she hadn’t mastered the jutsu yet and Inoichi had strongly discouraged in practicing without his guidance. She still haven’t got the right skill and the possibility of her being stuck in this form until her death was much greater than she would like to admit.
Kurenai watched as the girl’s body fell onto the ground as her soul left her body and into the night. She barely caught Akira’s head before her body collided on the soil. She was well-aware of the fact that Inoichi had barred Akira in practicing this jutsu without his guidance proving that the jutsu was more dangerous than what Akira could handle at the moment. It was no simple technique that could be undone in a matter of days. They were talking about life and death on this one.
The people outside the barrier were also alarmed of the what Akira had done. They were former comrades with her father, Dan, and they were well aware of the implications that came in using this jutsu. Even with Akira’s huge chakra reserves, she could still potentially ran out of it if she wasn’t careful of her actions.
They soon realized Akira was not being careful at all as blood soaked through her shirt and the land beneath her darkened from the massive amount of blood leaving her body.
No one knew what happened but a loud explosion was heard from where they were and the next thing they knew, Akira was just bleeding on the ground.
Kakashi was quick to react and firmly pressed his hands on Akira’s wounds on her midsection. There was just so much blood oozing out of her wound despite the pressure Kakashi was putting on. Kurenai was nearly in tears as she held the smaller girl’s head in her lap.
“It’s the jutsu.” Kurenai said when Kakashi’s clearly worried eye met hers. “Whatever happens to her soul also happens to her body.”
She was unconscious for two weeks. People wondered if another name was to be added in the already long list of the people who lost their lives that night.
What happened with her, the Third Hokage was the only one alive who knows.
Next Up: LOTS of Kakashi fluff.
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alohajuce · 3 years
What are the things that you only understand after having been in love many times?
written by George 1. A girl, no matter how beautiful she is, her shit can be very stinky, thick, and long. If she farts, she will make a loud noise. Some also like to pick up her feet, squeaky, and thighs if they don’t. Cleaning up in time will also grow a bunch of crooked black hairs.
There are no fairies in this world, no dreams beyond your reach.
The sooner you recognize this reality, the easier the communication between you will be.
Just this one deserves your praise.
2. There is no love out of money in this world. It is false to say that you don't care whether the other party has money or not.
All material conditions are themselves part of love, which is shameless.
Let me tell you the truth, when I was in college, chasing goddesses was directly ignored, but now, many girls will chase me backwards.
Nothing else, just because I started a small company by myself and made some money.
And I don’t feel that “reality” is a shameful thing now. Who finds a partner without asking the other’s income?
3. No matter how loud the feminist remarks are, most girls still have a natural weakness. They hope to be protected by the other party and hope to get a sense of security from the other party.
Equality between men and women will always be relative equality, not absolute equality.
4. Love is not the whole thing in life. If you pay too much attention to it, it will succeed in making you burn out.
If you treat it as a dispensable thing, it will make you lucky.
5. When your quarrel recombines, you think your feelings will slowly heal like a wound.
But the real situation is not like this. Of course your feelings will heat up again, but some things will never heal.
It is like the meniscus of our knee, the damage is irreversible.
Those cruel words that have been spoken have been engraved in the heart of the other party, and he will never forget.
6. The more you understand some women, the more you will realize that girls are actually a bit "pretending". Only when you walk into her heart will she show you who she is.
It's like a girl who feels annoyed and irritates you when she has dysmenorrhea, not because she hates you, but because she needs to be concerned about another manifestation.
At this time, don't be silly and really avoid it, but make a cup of brown sugar ginger tea to express your concern and distress, which will help promote your emotional development.
I didn’t know it before, until I was asked by an expert (in fact, my mother) to buy brown sugar ginger tea, and every time my girlfriend was uncomfortable during her period, I would give her a bag of brewing. The taste was sweet, refreshing, and sweet. Not greasy, after drinking for a while, she told me that the symptoms of dysmenorrhea really eased a lot.
7. The kind of love that you got after a few years of chasing and fighting is actually licked. This kind of love is too damaging to your tongue, so don't worry.
8. Girls and boys broke up, mostly just to scare.
Whenever a boy agrees once, it is a real game.
9. When I was young, I liked to listen to the kind of sweet to greasy love words, listening to each other and each other.
When I grow up, let me listen to these things, my goose bumps can come out, and my toes are squeezed out of the soles of my shoes.
10. If a boy doesn't have any merits, but just treats a girl well, then no girl really wants to be with you at all.
Even if there is, it will make you a picker.
Because love depends on mutual attraction, not on one person being good to another.
If you think you are good to her, she should be with you, then you should find a mother.
11. If when you look at the other party's phone, he immediately locks the screen and shows a lot of anger, then you don't have to doubt, there is definitely a ghost in his heart.
12. There are no people in this world who want to take a bath as soon as they chat, and there are no people who are too sleepy to open their eyes when chatting, only people who don't want to chat with you.
Don't lie to yourself, whether she likes you or not is as obvious as a big lipstick mark on the ass.
13. When there is a conflict between you, if you just want to coax her instead of solving the root of the conflict, then you will eventually break up.
It's like the root of a tree is rotten. If you cover it with soil, it will rot in the end.
14. If you always want to change a certain characteristic of the other person, and the other person is very unwilling to change.
That means you are not the right person.
15. The kind that can maintain close relationships with friends of the opposite sex after falling in love is not because there is pure friendship between the opposite sex, but because his other half has too much heart.
15. I think the most awesome thing about girls is that they can be with a boy without liking him at all, and in the end they can fall in love with him.
16. Like or dislike, it is not separated by black and white, it has a very wide middle ground.
17. There is no romantic relationship in this world that you dream of. If you feel super cool in a romantic relationship, and all your emotions and problems can be accepted and tolerated by the other party, that does not mean that the two of you are a match made in heaven. Just because the other person is tolerating you.
I can’t say how long he can last, but I know that he will not be able to hold it someday.
18. Anyone who leaves can live afterwards. And generally live better.
19. Many men don’t grow up to be very handsome, they are responsible, honest, don’t go to nightclubs, don’t talk, don’t have much money, and don’t like to dress up.
However, as long as you sink your heart, spend some time with them, get to know them, and walk into their hearts, you will find that-it's really boring, or the scumbag is interesting.
Not because they are guilty of being honest, but because they are honest, but they don’t know how to make themselves interesting. They don’t have a broad vision, dialectical thinking, and understanding. In the final analysis, it’s because they read too little.
20. The sense of security is not the confidence that he will never leave himself, but the confidence that he can live well after he leaves.
21. The kind of guy who thinks that "a lot of girlfriends change" is really awesome, but they are actually stupid, they don't understand. What is really awesome is from acquaintance to love to marriage with a person, rather than being with different women every day.
22. Those girls who lose their temper for no reason and don't say why, think that they disappear at every turn are cute, and think that they will make trouble at every turn are cute. They think they control love and control each other.
In fact, she is the passive party. When she wants to leave, the other party can coax her back. When the other party wants to leave, it is the ending of all stories.
23. For a girl in her 20s, as long as there is a long window of time, there will be n ambiguities in her WeChat.
24. If you don't disclose your relationship to the public after you catch it, then you are just a spare tire.
25. If after you break up with someone, you hate you to gnash your teeth.
It shows that you still have love in your heart, and the true lack of love is very indifferent.
26. Nothing, just remind you, double click to like.
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fictionalnormalcy · 6 years
Sinister Future
Okay, honestly I am loving the concept of Sword Art Online: Project Alicization. Let me first say this. I called it!!! I always had the theory that someone from Laughing Coffin who had survived the game would come back and attack Kirito! I’ll admit that I forgot a third perpetrator had escaped from the Gun Gale attack. However, I did not imagine that they would try to get revenge on Kirito. I still wonder for what reason Johnny Black attacked Kirito. Was it because he caught his partners, or that he was part of the group that eliminated his guild in Sword Art Online?
I tried to give a little evidence to my theory, to try to lean toward a side. I haven’t caught up on all of the episodes, I still have about four episodes left to catch up. So these questions may yet to be answered. Okay, so we know that Black knew Kirito personally, in that knowing that the young sword-fighter seriously kicked his ass and got him imprisoned. In the midst of attacking Asuna, when Kirito rushed in and defended her. But for sure, Black remembered those faces. Now, from what we saw of the Gun Gale attack, the people who were attacked alongside Sinon, were not SAO survivors. Just people that they did not approve of. But I wondered, two of the three perpetrators were SAO survivors, while the other was a heavy GGO player. It made me wonder, did the Laughing Coffin members ever actually consider SAO players to be targets as well? We saw that Death Gun had a personal drive to kill Kirito in Bullet of Bullets, but since Kazuto’s body was actually protected unlike the other targets, maybe they just couldn’t make him one as well. 
When we saw Shinkawa declare his love for Asada, yet still threatening her, it was in the nick of time that Kazuto came to save her. But because he interfered in Shinkawa’s intended actions, the syringe was buried into him instead of Asada. Incidentally missing him because an electrode had been left behind. I guessed that he would be attacked in the same way at some point in the future. There were SAO survivors who carried their grudge from the virtual world into the physical world. But we saw Kirito being targeted more often than Asuna, who was there at the same time that they acquired that grudge against the Black Swordsman. 
Just want to put this out there, but I feel that Johnny Black looks like Shigaraki Tomura from My Hero Academia, with a few differences lol. Okay moving on. It also brings me to wonder why it took a year (it seems a year because Asada is enlisting Kirito’s and Asuna’s help for the next BoB, and then with Eugeo saying he was eleven when Alice was taken, suggesting that both he and Kirito are 17), for Black to find Kirito. And he could clearly see that it was both the people he harbored hatred for, and the same thing occurred. Black dove forward, and Kirito shoved Asuna aside to take on the full brunt of the attack. 
We can also see that a Death Gun still existed from the first episode, when we see that the group of friends are fighting off player killers in GGO. Those few scenes, when a man looks through the drone’s camera, and sees two kids who are unmistakably Kirito and Asuna, and asks his boss if he can join his comrades in the field. He’s refused, but when we see him pull up his hood, we see the distinct appearance of Death Gun. 
Interestingly, the injection came to play in with the other side of the plot. In the first episode I was confused, because seeing a younger Kirito made my eyes widen. When I was introduced to Alice, I instantly thought, Alice in Wonderland. And she’s dressed really similar to her! We were also given an almost immediate sign that it was a virtual world of sorts, and you could tell that Kirito had really bonded with Eugeo and Alice. Also something that was crystal clear was the fact that you could tell Kirito was different than the others. I mean, he was the one to push them into exploring the cave. He was the one who tried to fight the Integrity Knight so they wouldn’t take Alice. He was the anomaly. 
Yet when Kazuto talked about it in the real life, you could tell that he didn’t recall his actions, or have access to his real life memories when inside the virtual world. When watching the Project Alicization episode, I did get some answers and evidence, but some questions still lingered. At the moment that Black injected Kazuto, it was in the same area where he had said earlier that there was an electrode. So for a while I thought that it was a repeated event, just like with Shinkawa, that maybe Black had miraculously missed. However, when we see him collapse to the ground, unconscious and clutching his shoulder, we see that unfortunately, Black struck true. 
My mind makes me think something else happened. That Black injected right next to the electrode, and somehow it caused him to enter the virtual world once again, but this time maintain his memories of the real life and not be the boy who had been only eleven. Kirito himself said he didn’t remember anything from when he dived into the virtual world at his job. Who knows how many times they had Kirito dive and maintain that same Kirito persona, the boy who had grown up with Eugeo and Alice. They also don’t mention just how long Kirito had been at this part-time job. From what I can predict, as well as blocking Kirito’s own memories, the ones in the virtual world had their memories altered as well. So that history had passed, like Kirito had never existed. The memory block went both ways. Affecting Kirito as well as those in the virtual world. 
Let’s add the new input of information. Kikuoka confesses to Asuna how Kirito was actually being used in the experiment. One of the three crucial people needed for the AI experiment. Kirito was effectively put into a world as a corruption, where he would be the one who would change things. But when he was pulled out of that world after he caused Alice to be taken away, history was changed like he had never existed. Eugeo never says it, only says that he and Alice had ventured to the caves and that she’d placed the tips of her fingers into the Dark Territory. But he didn’t know, that if he had remembered properly, it was Kirito’s fault for what happened to Alice. Eugeo could come to hate Kirito for what he had done. 
Things have changed now. A 17-year-old Kirito has now stepped back into the world, with no one knowing who he was. He is effectively, the Kirito from another reality, not the one Eugeo had grown up with. Yet still the corruption he had once been. He’s still inspiring a spur of movement. Kirito once again gained a friendship with Eugeo, and made the other boy look at Kirito in awe. Even though Eugeo did not remember Kirito, you could see that some of the younger Kirito’s influence still lingered subconsciously. The fact that Eugeo returned to get the Blue Rose sword, that he remembered the story of the hero Bercouli, and that Kirito was still the drive that pushed him to fight. 
Kirito is still a corruption, because he hastened a Calling that had been in place since the beginning of time. Using the sword instead of the axe, and chopping the demon tree that had been there and chopped at for over 300 hundred years. The goblin attack had changed both Kirito and Eugeo, made them stronger so they now had authority over the Blue Rose sword. The reason why they had to undergo the attack, was because they went looking for Selka. Another sign of corruption, no one had ever told Selka what had happened to her older sister, and hence Kirito did, having no idea of what would come of the consequence. She went to the cave, and almost got herself kidnapped. Eugeo was almost killed, because of a newcomer who was an anomaly. 
The idea with the injection is just a theory. The episode Project Alicization did provide some insight in what the virtual world actually is and what role Kiritio plays in it. The fact that he’s the anomaly that will bring the AI’s to commit murder so they can be put to military use. Think about it though. Kikuoka confesses that they had to lie to Kirito so they could employ him. Rath is a straight-up sinister organization. For me, it’s still not crystal clear whether or not Kirito was incidentally placed into the virtual world, or as part of the “treatment program”. Because at the same time, there is evidence to support either option. Kikuoka admits that Kirito was put into Underworld as a young child, of the anomaly to be raised as a young child. So that covers the first time around, what we see in the first episode, and how Rath sees that Alice is someone they could get to deviate from the system. But Kikuoka doesn’t mention the second time, where Kirito is as of that moment. 
I also believe, that if they did place him in the virtual world for a second time, why leave him with his real life memories this time around? They took complete advantage of the injection. I’m going to say it again, Rath is STRAIGHT-UP SINISTER. They employed a 17 year old boy, one who has several years of experience with VRMMO worlds, and who is an SAO survivor. A boy who was completely ideal, because aside from him and his other friends, we aren’t given the implication that other SAO players are still playing video games. However, they recruited a boy whose past still haunts him even after all those years. Lying to him in the process, because if he knew Rath’s true intentions he would never have agreed to take on the job in the first place.
I mean, but look at the other side of this. The reality. Asuna found Kirito, and she told the other girls. But what about Mrs. Kirigaya? She receives a call that her nephew, the boy she practically raised, was attacked and injected with a killing poison. She arrives to the hospital, to discover that they managed to save him in time, but there’s a high probability that he will never awaken, and that he requires further treatment that the hospital cannot provide. She is then approached by a man who has worked with Kirito, told that her nephew can be transferred to another facility that had the proper treatment needed. Give him a more likely chance of awakening from a poison that was supposed to leave the victim for dead, their heart stopped and damage irreversible. She consents, and then arrives at that facility to see the condition of Kirito, only to be turned away. Lied to, when in truth her son was transferred to a remote island, in the middle of the sea. Maybe Suguha told her after she found out from Asuna, but that still doesn’t make matters better. It’s basically a repeat of the Sword Art Online incident, a long period of Kirito asleep, unknown if he would ever awake, but at least at that time his family had access to him. 
Rath places Kirito back into the Underworld simulation, so that even while he’s unconscious yet still receiving treatment and staying alive, he’s fulfilling what they recruited him for in the first place. So his role as a corruption would bring the concept of murder into the simulation. They aren’t giving the treatment as a benefit for Kirito, it’s for themselves. It’s like,” Hey this kid was injected with a really lethal drug, his brain was damaged, and he might never wake up. Let’s put him back into the Underworld, but he can have his memories this time. It won’t matter, probably won’t wake up anyway, and he still won’t know what we’re using him for. How convenient for us, that the boy we’re using for this operation was attacked.”
Sword Art Online: Project Alicization is following this basic timeline. Kirito is given a part-time job for an organization that is seeking to use beings with Artificial Intelligence for military use, but to do that they must be willing to commit murder, and not have to worry about facing a consequence. The first trial is proving to be successful, but then a real-life event occurs that takes away any restrictions the trials previously had. Kirito stands almost to no chance of ever awakening because of the lethal injection, and is trapped in a virtual world. And the biggest problem is, there is no ending to this. I mean sure, we could get the happy ending where Kirito does wake up in his reality, but it doesn’t seem likely. The world he’s placed into only has one ending, should Kirito not achieve what he was placed in for. (which he most definitely will, judging by the later episodes) Kirito can’t log out, he can only grow old, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that once he’s killed or dies naturally he’ll wake up in the real world. 
The events of Season 3 weigh on Kirito being exploited and his friends not being able to do anything to stop it. All because a man hell-bent on revenge succeeded in injecting his final victim with a lethal injection.
But hey at least Kirito is being paid for his service for the malicious organization of Rath. Or wait, the treatment could be his “payment”.
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progeny-of-the-fury · 6 years
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Drachen Trials: Endurance | Part IV
Log date: 3/8/18
OOC Note: The text in these logs are strictly for the reader’s enjoyment. Anyone using the knowledge displayed within this text without the participant’s knowledge risks the potential of blacklisting from future communication and roleplay. Please do not meta-game!
Tags: @truth-of-the-warden​
And then came the third. Each one that passed, worse than the other… by more means than one. How I dreaded this all. How this once proud tradition I could not wait to fulfill was sullied with each passing trial.
Hestia De'bayle approached with Killian, adjusting her gauntlets over her arms. Dogs at the man’s side, Hestia looked over the two before her. “Good to see you both again. How are you faring?”
Killian Waltz says nothing, holding Summer and Mercy to heel at his sides with one hand, his cane in the other.
Lucius Guiscareaux: “I am faring well, despite this weather.”
Hestia De'bayle: “Not a fan of lightning?”
Gaelle Favagenieur pulls the collar of her coat tightly around the nape of her neck, offering the pair a curt nod. “Good evening Baroness, Mister Waltz.”
Killian Waltz: “Good evening,” Killian echoes in a cool tone.
Hestia De'bayle: “Well then Ser Lucius, to cut to the chase. What is my trial for today?” She asks flatly.
Lucius Guiscareaux: “You will be partaking in your trials of endurance. Specifically you wil be journeying from henceforth to falcon’s nest. Without succor. You will complete this task without footwear and you will be weighted down.”
Hestia De'bayle: “With…” she inhales. “Understood,” she says simply. Turning toward Killian, Hestia cleared her throat. “Killian, might you have a potions to help me along the way? In case I need one?”
Killian Waltz presses his lips together. “You’ll get frostbite walking barefoot through the snow for so long.”
Gaelle Favagenieur ’s eyes flit immediately towards Hestia, then to Killian, studying their faces.
Hestia De'bayle: “I will take the measures needed to prevent such along the way. Endurance is not simply just the walk, but the survival of it all. I will take what is necessary of me to care for myself along the way. If I find myself failing, I will contact you all. Obviously resulting in my failure of this trial.”
Gaelle Favagenieur: “Let us hope it does not come to that.”
Hestia De'bayle: “I have faith in myself, that it will not.”
Lucius Guiscareaux: “If you manage it, consider this trial completed, Hestia.”
Gaelle Favagenieur nods, “As you should, Baroness.”
Hestia De'bayle: “Understood, Ser Lucius. I will carry out my duty to my utmost capabilities.”
Killian Waltz tucks his cane under one arm to pull his shouldered bag over his head, offering it to Hestia. “This is all I have. Don’t push yourself too hard. Losing a foot or even just a toe will upset your ability to walk and fight more than you might realize, and I can’t undo frostbite with magic.”
Hestia De'bayle: “Ser, if I may. To prevent potential injury that could inhibit my ability as a Dragoon after the trials needlessly, might I at least don a light pair of leather espadrilles? I do not imagine they will offer much protection, but I certainly think they can hold me out and offer me a more fair chance at crossing.”
Lucius Guiscareaux approached the woman, handing her what appeared to be old, but not ancient, body weights. Arms and ankles respectfully, he nearly sneered for a moment, before considering her words. “You may.”
Hestia De'bayle: “Thank you,” she accepted the weights, they dipping her hands a moment with the unexpected weight before she also accepted Killian’s bag. “I swear to you Killian, if things are looking grim, I will ensure I make contact.”
Killian Waltz: “You’ll know you need to take a break if your feet start to cause you a lot of pain, replaced by a prickling feeling and numbness. You need to tend to them then or the damage will be irreversible.”
Hestia De'bayle: “Mm. Understood. Have you anything in here to help with such? Frostbite or anything of the sort?”
Killian Waltz: “Those are potions, but…” Killian pats down his jacket until he finds another pouch, pulling it from his belt and offering it to Hestia. “Fire-aspected crystals. They can help with rewarming the skin, but it’s…not an ideal method. Don’t touch them directly.”
Hestia De'bayle: “Mm. Alright, I will shove them in some socks I have, and use them similarly to an ice-pack if needed,” she accepts the crystals. “Thank you. I imagine you will be waiting for me at Falcons Nest?”
Lucius Guiscareaux: “That is the plan. I’ve brought a nice cask or two of the finer drinks in life to await your arrival, should you manage this.”
Killian Waltz: “I…I suppose,” Killian mumbles. He lifts a hand up…to Nogelle, surprisingly, close enough for the wyvern to respond to his following words but not actually touching him. “Can you make sure she doesn’t lose anything?” he murmurs.
Nogelle narrows his eyes between the three, eventually focusing his beady gaze onto Killian. Exhaling through his nostrils, he pecked at the mans palm some before poking Hestia’s head. “Alright. I am to go and prepare then. I will see you all in some… bells,” she mumbles, turning on her heel to retreat back into the settlement to set up.
After carefully organizing and familiarizing myself with the materials Killian offered me, fitting myself with the weights to my arms and legs, and appropriately changing my footwear to a pair of leather espadrilles, I moved out of Tailfeather to begin my journey.
I would not admit to Ser Guiscareaux, Miss Favageniuer or even Killian that I was afraid. Reminded of my time under Hitokiri when the man thrusted me into the wilderness. Alone, small. Afraid.
That was an emotion I had grown all too familiar with. And one he taught me how to lock away. I wished to be a knight. However, I knew better. They are not built without fear. I know once upon a time, even Ser Lucius expressed fear. Perhaps he still did. Though he was taught that the priority of the matters at hand were far greater than that of our own consternation. I was taught the same. Fear is what drives us to live, we all feel it or how would we survive in this world?
Already, I felt the snow begin to soak the leather of my shoes after breaching the Highlands, the cold blistering and fierce. Fury… perhaps She was listening during this all. I wish to walk in Her image, and here I found I was. Over Her glaciers, and chilling winds. Perhaps She was guiding me? Or perhaps after already a bell or so of walking through an endless wasteland of ivory, I was finally losing it.
It was then that I began to feel it. Pain in my feet. My legs and my arms. Pain all over. It was miserable, the journey. But… it reminded me of something. As though the pain was metaphorical. The suffering most Dragoons underwent for such a title. They went through anything. They would do anything for their people, for what mattered. To protect.
I thought of Killian, how he awaited me at Falcons Nest. More than likely having distanced himself from Miss Favagenieur and Ser Guiscareaux. Sitting in the cold. Waiting. Waiting for me.
I knew he was. And somehow, they drove my legs to keep moving forward. He would willingly bare the cold for me. To know I was safe. I did not want this for him. I did not want him to suffer in the cold on my behalf. This march I made, this fight I accepted. Is to protect him. My future family. My current family.
I was uncertain as to how much time had passed by now. My senses felt dulled by the cold, and all I saw was white. Everywhere. The snow stung my face as the wind only added to sharpness I felt. Like knives stabbing into me. I knew now would be a good time to rest. I had to. If I were to be stubborn and continue, I would risk hurting myself for the future. Then what? Would everything I allowed to happen, everything I worked so hard for be for naught?
I was not about to find out.
Keeping my weights on, I shuffled around to begin gathering what dry firewood I could. Situating myself under an outstretched bolder, I set up the camp just as Hito had once taught me, all those winters ago. Pulling out some flint from the bag Killian offered me, I worked to light the fire. It proved just as stubborn as I, my hands feeling numb and hard to use. After some frustrated cursing and struggling, I managed a small flame. Building it, it finally rose into a greater inferno. First warming my hands, I then situated myself by the fire and worked off my shoes.
My feet were certainly a sore sight. Red, covered in blisters. Thankfully they still had their feeling and colour, albeit I might have wished not so much on the former. Placing them by the flame, I lowered my head.
What was I doing…
I shook my head some, a deep huff of air visibly leaving my mouth. I felt Nogelle crawl himself down my legs, resting his warm body against my ankles. It was only then I realized there were tears running down my cheeks. The icy nature of them completely lost to the wind. Once my feet were warmed enough, I went through the bag once more in search of the fire crystals Killian offered me.
Warming my feet through the socks that held them, eventually they appeared in better shape, aside from the blisters. After such, I placed the crystals within my shoes, hoping to warm them some before I returned to my journey.
The rest was well needed. I felt starved, having not brought food with, but thankfully quenched as I gulped at the canteen I kept within the bag. I felt the hunger could work as incentive to push me. I certainly felt a drive to move forward. I rested some minutes longer before re-equipping my shoes back on and putting out the fire. Solidifying myself once more with a visage of focus, I found myself back in fond memories of a similar determined state. Back when I was a girl.
Back when I was left to travel and wander alone.
I was reminded of who I was made to be. Who I am now. Why I went through all this. The snow wished to break me… but I would not allow it to do so.
I returned to my wandering, Camp Falcon’s Nest now but a small blip in the distance. I knew I could make it. I could do this. I knew I could.
Trudging through the snow, I passed an abandoned settlement. Camp Riversmeet, I believe it was. Once a thriving lodging located over the vast green hills of Coerthas… now left to wither and fade away with the rest of the history that once lay here.
It was… almost tragic. No. It was. It was tragic. I recalled the melting of snow beside the fire I had lit, and the small remnants of what once was a grassy field. I felt my heart ache yet again. Wondering what could have been of a now desolate location.
More times passed. Presumably bells as the sky grew darker. I knew not how far I had travelled, lost to my own thoughts. Before I knew it, Falcon’s Nest was just ahead.
A small gasp left me as I looked up, my body once more numbed by the cold. Tightening my painfully chapped lips together, I made my final march up toward the stone fortress. This was a trial I would overcome, and with this… any other thrown my way.
Some bells passed, no sign of the half-Elezen in all that time. Eventually, the young woman made her approach on Falcon’s Nest, her legs just barely carrying her to the end.
Killian sits huddled up in a little ball with Summer and Mercy, enough snow gathered over them to suggest they’d been out here perhaps for the entire duration of Hestia’s absence. As the dogs stir, whining and wiggling against Killian, he lifts his head some, his face bright red with chill and wind burn. “Hestia?”
Dragging herself up the stairs practically, Hestia turned toward where Killian sat, her lips chapped and scabbed and her face bright red with burns. “Killian…” she rasped out.
Killian struggles up to his feet, reaching out for Hestia as he steps toward her. “Come here, come here,” he murmurs.
Staggering, Hestia took a heavy step toward him, her feet dragging loudly against the stone as she leaned forward. “I… knew I would make it. I knew…”
Killian’s hands find Hestia, Summer and Mercy yipping and whining excitedly behind him. He pulls her into his arms, then shifts to help her sit. “Let me tend to you. Let me…” He stirs again to search for Hestia’s legs. “What are you feeling?”
“They hurt…” Hestia noted out needlessly. “My arms, my legs… everything. The cold is a cruel mistress…” she laughs out dryly, a cough escaping her. “I can still… move them though. I feel numb, all over…”
Killian works his frozen fingers over the weights at Hestia’s ankles, then breathes into his hands in an attempt to warm them for her skin. His breath is too cold to offer much help, so instead he tries to offer healing warmth to her legs and feet with the blue-white glow of magic.
Regardless of how cold Killian’s hands might feel, they were still warmer than both Hestia’s frigids skin and the icy winds of Coerthas, providing some immediate relief. “Ah…” she exhales out as she felt the warm spread through her body. “That is nice…”
“Here…here.” Killian shifts to pull off his own boots, then the leathers wrapped around Hestia’s feet, quickly working to pull his boots over her feet and legs in their place. They’re too big, of course, but much warmer than the snow-soaked leathers. Summer and Mercy cuddle up with them as well.
“Thank you…” Hestia murmured, lying there exhausted. “I… I passed. I think?”
“You made it,” Killian murmurs, tucking Hestia into his arms. “I’m sure there’s…food and a fire somewhere inside. With Ser Guiscareaux and Lady Favagenieur. If you hold onto my cane and your lance in your arms instead of at your back, I can carry you there. Summer and Mercy can lead me.”
“I do not… I can… I can walk,” Hestia nods, struggling to stand up, using Killian for leverage. “I can get there.”
Killian rises up to his feet, snow quickly soaking through his socks. “Are you sure? I can carry you. I can help you.”
“You can carry me home. I will march all the way to him, so he can see I passed…” Hestia nodded, beginning forward once more.
Killian walks somewhat slowly alongside Hestia, shivering some as cold transfers up through his soaked feet.
Hestia De'bayle finally enters into the room alongside Killian and Nogelle. Her face was burned and lips cracked. “Evening…” she managed out. Slugging over toward the table, slamming her fist into the wood. “I passed,” she states simply, as though there was no argument for it.
Hestia De'bayle: “B-work,” she growled out, moving to sit herself down. Her expression was only determination, nothing else. “I will eat something, then I am to return to the estate.”
Killian Waltz murmurs a command to the dogs, who sit obediently at the table’s edge. Searching and approaching the nearest seat, he pulls off his socks, curling up to warm his own feet.
Lucius Guiscareaux: “You asked for shoes.” He stated, picking up his own glass and taking a sip. “Regardless, fine work.”
Killian Waltz: “No she didn’t.”
Hestia De'bayle: “Yes I did Killian,” she sighs out exhaustingly.
Killian Waltz: “Those leather skins weren’t shoes. They were soaked through with snow. Shoes are protective. Those aren’t.”
Gaelle Favagenieur sets each plate in front of the respective members of the group before taking a seat of her own. “Welcome back, Baroness” she’d remark, her gaze shifting towards Killian with noticeable annoyance in her eyes.
Hestia De'bayle: “Thank you, Ser Guiscareaux.” She looked over toward Gaelle. “Thank you Miss Favagenieur,” she answers blandly, accepting her plate of food. “Enough Killian.”
Lucius Guiscareaux: “I’m not here to argue semantics, Mister Waltz.”
Killian Waltz pushes his plate away and uncurls from his ball, taking his cane again and moving wordlessly toward the door.
Gaelle Favagenieur: “Please, eat.”
Hestia De'bayle shakes her head, bringing a miserable hand up to rub at her face. “Soon… soon this will all be over,” she murmurs, pressing a fork into whatever dish was provided before her to slowly bringing to her mouth.
Lucius Guiscareaux: “You’re going to be a dragoon, the hardship doesn’t end, its part of your life. It’s the sacrifices you make so that others may live without having to make these same choices.”
Gaelle Favagenieur: “…”
Lucius Guiscareaux: “This is child’s play, please. Relax and enjoy your meal, you’ve earned it and then some. I’d dare say I’m proud.”
Hestia De'bayle: “I do not mean the trials,” she says grimly.
Lucius Guiscareaux: “I am aware of what you speak of. It is nothing, now stop being so dour and enjoy the food Gaelle had ordered, and get some rest.”
Hestia De'bayle: “I am eating it,” she gestures up her fork, continuing to eat in silence as she stared off blankly.
Gaelle Favagenieur: “I grow tired of this. I have attempted to be amicable, to disregard the events of your previous trial—yet any and all civility is rebuked as though I am some feral beast,” she spurts, jabbing into her own meal with her fork.
Hestia De'bayle: “He does not handle frustration from others well. It only upsets and draws him away further…” she mumbles. “Worry not. Once these are all over, you need not see him again nor vice versa.
Gaelle Favagenieur: "Let it be known that I had tried,” she’d remark blandly.
Lucius Guiscareaux: “I will not bother to try. The final door was closed when he interrupted your trial. I do not forgive those who do not respect our nation’s customs. YOur trials will continue, and you will succeed, or fail.”
Hestia De'bayle: “Mm,” she shrugs her shoulder up, moving to shovel her food into her mouth.
Lucius Guiscareaux: “I need to depart, my brother needs me yet again. Speaking of insolent.” He shook his head, making sure to actually take the dinner with him, wrapped in the napkin he was provided. “Thank you Gaelle, and Hestia, your trials will continue shortly. Pray, recover from the madness of this trial and we shall continue.”
Gaelle Favagenieur offers a wordless grunt in response, slicing into her dinner with a dull knife.
Hestia De'bayle: “Mm,” she murmurs out in a similar wordless grunt, her plate now finished as she pushed herself away from the table. “I am to return to the estate now,” she says in a coarse voice. “Thank you for the food, Miss Favagenieur. Take care the both of you. I would like to accompany you, Lucius, if you’d have me. I wish to return to the See at once.”
Hestia De'bayle: “Killian.”
Lucius Guiscareaux: “Please, lets.”
Killian Waltz sits curled up in the alcove, his scarf now wrapped around his otherwise bare feet to protect them from the cold. “Do you have your boots?”
Hestia De'bayle: “I do not, they are back in tailfeather. Take them back. I can walk to the See. I will be fine on an airship,” she moves to remove the boots, tossing them to the man. “If I can survive as long as I did, I can survive a bit longer. I am leaving now.”
Killian Waltz: “No. Keep the boots. And take the dogs. I’ll teleport.”
Hestia De'bayle: “Fine.” She moves to take the dogs and re-fasten her boots before taking her leave.
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