#/   *  MITCH     :     making movies in his head. making hollywood look tiny.
hommesuns · 6 years
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newagesispage · 6 years
                                                    DECEMBER                       2018
 ***** This Tarantino movie, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood just seems to keep growing. Added to the cast are Al Pacino and Luke Perry. Damien Lewis will play Steve Mcqueen, Emile Hirsch will play Jay Sebring and Dakota Fanning will play Squeaky.
***** The Stones are gearing up for a U.S. tour in the spring ending in Chicago.
***** Peoria Players Theater is celebrating 100 years, one of only three theaters in continuous operation in the country.  Their first production was ‘The Maker of Dreams.’
***** Paul McCartney wrote a children’s book, Hey Grandude!
***** Wow!! We have now seen a Mars sunset!!
***** A CNN investigation found that Police departments around the country destroyed rape kits before the statute of limitations was up.
***** Patti Hansen has a book out: A Portrait
*****Ignore your rights and they will go away.
***** The Stan and Ollie movie looks awesome.
***** Head from the Monkees is 50 years old.
***** Goodfield, Illinois has finally repealed prohibition.
***** Deep Time from director Noah Hutton has been out a few years but is still worth a look. It is the true story of the indigenous people of North Dakota and the oil boom in the age of man.
***** Sajak and White have renewed until 2022. OY!
***** Robbie Robertson is finishing the mix on his latest album.
***** The people have spoken even though some states took a long time to get answers. Bernie Sanders and Tim Kaine have both been re- elected.** Ted Cruz won but just barely.** Mitt Romney won in the senate in Utah. The republicans kept the Senate but the Dems took the house. Journalists throw around the words, ’blue wave’ but it was all a bit too close for me.  Too much of this country still just does not get it. I will never understand how a person puts their own religious or financial needs above the rights of others. There is reason to celebrate the young people who got involved and that there was great voter turnout.  I still heard excuses though like, “I was too tired” and “they put in who they (?) want anyway.” My Mother was headed into surgery that day and still she voted. You Go Mom!!** Colorado gave us our first openly gay Governor. ** Two female Muslims and two female Native Americans have been elected to congress for the first time. Michigan will legalize recreational marijuana.
***** The Doobie Brothers are working on new music.
***** Jeff Sessions is out. Trump is attempting to keep Rod Rosenstein from overseeing the Mueller probe and put Matthew Whitaker in there.
***** #Blaze it forward
***** Scary Clown took away Jim Acosta’s press pass after a dust up at the WH. Sarah Sanders lied about the whole thing. Acosta and CNN sued. A judge says that the WH has the right to keep people out but once you let the press in, you can’t pick and choose. Acosta has his pass back.** Trump disgraced us in Paris with snarky comments about Macron and missed the ceremony at the American cemetery for the 100th anniversary of WWI because of the rain.** The administration is proposing there should not be protests in front of the WH.** The use of private e mails by Ivanka is being looked into by congress. Will she or Daddy ever be questioned for 11 hours?? Doubtful.** The Finlandians are the latest to mock our Pres. After his ridic comments about the President of Finland telling him about raking the forest (which that Pres does not recall), many are posting themselves raking or vacuuming.** A big part of Scary Clowns legacy will be overturning rules we had in place for good reason. It is likely the romaine lettuce E-coli outbreak could have been avoided if regulations had not been eased on testing water on farms.
*****Mueller has filed paperwork stating that Paul Manafort lied to the FBI and the special counsel despite signing a plea deal. This could mean that that it is unlikely he could testify since he would not seem credible.** James Comey got a subpoena on Thanksgiving.** Michael Cohen has also been accused of lies.
***** 7 NY hospitals have made settlements with rape survivors after illegally charging them $300 for rape kits.
***** It looks like 5 mil in unpaid labor will bring plenty of lawsuits from workers at the Trump hotel in Washington.
***** Major League Baseball has requested the return of a political contribution they made to Mississippi’s Cindy Hyde- Smith. Why are they giving their money to politicians anyway, especially without checking them out thoroughly?? This is a woman who had made it clear she was racist even before the comments about wanting to be in the front row for a public hanging. I suppose they give to campaigns like all other big biz, to pass the bills they want like the Save Americas pastime act that makes it legal to pay minor- league players dick. Oh and they were asked to donate by Mitch McConnell.  Wal Mart, Union Pacific, Google AT&T and Blue Cross and Blue Shield, just to name a few have asked for their money back as well. It is good to know what companies give to the right wing racist nut jobs. And She Won!!
***** The U.S. waived background checks for the staff at immigrant children holding facilities and there is still no set date for the kids to be released.
***** Hooray to the Macy’s Thanksgivings day Parade for putting on The Prom!!
***** Russia has ceased 3 Ukranian ships off Crimea.
***** After a rocky start, Murphy Brown is starting to find its mojo.
***** I hope we see more of The Cool Kids. I mean, Charlie Day, Jamie Farr, Clyde Kusatsu, Julia Duffy, Charles Shaughnessy plus the regular cast.. wow! I knew they could fill out the facility with top notch talent.
***** This year the Kennedy Center honors will go to Cher, Reba McEntire, Wayne Shorter and Phillip Glass.
***** I love the way that Seth Meyers represents the local channels with mugs on his desk. I saw WEEK 25 on there this month!!
***** Dick Van Dyke says he paid Walt Disney to play the banker in Mary Poppins.
***** Robert DeNiro and Grace Hightower are getting divorced.
***** The administration is like a shit show in a dumpster fire._ George Conway (husband of Kellyanne)
***** A man in a Baltimore audience of Fiddler on the Roof yelled out, “Heil Hitler, Heil Trump.”
***** Meg Ryan and John Mellencamp are engaged.
***** Robert Redford is selling his St. Helena residence for 7 mil.
***** Joan Baez is on her farewell tour.
***** The suicide death rate is higher than it has been inn 50 years.
***** Toy Story 4 will be out next summer with a new character, Forky voiced by Tony Hale!!!!
***** Days alert: Did Days actually age Abigail’s baby on the same episode? I mean, there was a little bundle with tiny little features, Chad walked outside to ring for help and when he came back there was a wide eyed baby sitting up and looked like a whole new baby.** So sad to see Paul go but at least he got a tearful sendoff. I kind of hope Will cheats on Sonny again. Is that wrong?? Oh wait.. it looks like Leo is gonna put a crimp in their plans. It also looks like all the secrets all over town are about to come out** I can’t wait for Jack to come back!
***** There is to be a Northern Exposure reboot.
***** Rock and Roll hall of fame noms this year are Def Leppard, Devo, Janet Jackson, John Prine, Kraftwerk, LLCool J, MC5, Radiohead, Rage against the Machine, Roxy Music, Stevie Nicks, The Cure, Todd Rundgren, Rufus and Chaka Khan and The Zombies.
***** Hate is never right and love is never wrong- Roman Kent
***** R.I.P. Francis Lai, the victims of thousand Oaks, Peggy McCay, victims of the California wild fires, William Goldman, Stan Lee , Bernardo Bertolucci, Ricky Jay, Stephen Hillenburg, Harry Leslie Smith, Hogan the Zebra, George Bolton , George H. W. Bush and Nicolas Roeg.
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