lachalaine · 6 years
Tagged by: @clericallis thankie ! Tagging: if you read it, you’re tagged!
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Name: Lady J Pronouns: she/her Age: 24 Birthday: July 13 Timezone: GMT/UTC +8 Star sign: Cancer MBTI: INFJ Moral Alignment: Neutral Good Hogwarts House: Slytherin
How long? (Months/years): Going to be about...3 years in October. Platforms you’ve used: Tumblr. Best experience: Honestly, despite that I am always AWOL nowadays and barely get any replies out on a regular basis and my IRL is the messiest its been in forever ---- the best moments I’ve had on here are the moments I’m having right now. Right now, because even if I’m slow, I’m surrounded by roleplay partners I regularly talk to. People I can plot with randomly that don’t make me feel out of place or like I’m doing something wrong, that are honestly amazing writers and always inspire me everyday. Where even if I’m slow, they don’t mind waiting and continuing the threads with me because they’re as into the whole plot and storyline as I am and are willing to see it through to completion, even if it takes a bit of time. And I appreciate that. I appreciate that so, so much, because I haven’t felt so much like an actual part of the community before, and it’s something I never thought would ever happen. It’s a great feeling to have and I hope I’m able to keep that going no matter my time restraints, because a lot of my dedication still goes to this blog and the people who are a part of it, and I hope my efforts to follow through on the different relationships and interactions that develop on here rings true no matter what.
Writing preferences.
Fluff, angst or smut?: Smut is such a huge preference of mine but I prefer to leave that for certain relationships or situations so it’s not just random sex here and there, thus it’s admittedly really, really rare for me to write it. But personally, I feel like I suck at fluff though I do love reading it sooooo - angst is second best! Plots or memes?: God, honestly I love plotting, but memes and asks are so great to get the interactions going beyond threads, so I appreciate the latter more than anything tbh. Something to fill out the spaces between the main plot, because there are so many situations muses could get into between one situation and the other and I love to explore the before and afters of their relationship. It’s why my queue has so many memes running through it constantly and why I should probably try to keep a lid on that until I get my ask box under control. Long or short replies? bshbdhsabdhasb I WANT TO GIVE SHORTER REPLIES, but that is so rare and I’m so sorry for that !! Jackie just.... has so many emotions and is very WEIRD for lack of a better term sometimes, so its like. You have to explain why she’s doing something stupid so it doesn’t sound like I just pulled a random rabbit out of a hat and VOILA. IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE BUT HERE YOU GO. I don’t like that, in all honesty, so I try to make sure everything appears so it has an actual reason to the corresponding reaction and I think that’s helped people really come to understand Jackie better in the the same way I do. So it’s not just “she’s crazy” but more “she’s crazy, but I kinda understand where the crazy comes from, I guess???” Much better in my opinion, at least :”> Best time to write: At night, apparently. When my muse and my energy levels are in sync and my brain doesn’t feel like its running into brick walls on how to compose a proper sentence after literally every sentence. :/// Are you like your muses?: Yes and no. We have our similarities that allow me to understand her character very well and also helps me to understand my own in the same way ( its good therapy, honestly ) but also, our differences run severely deep. She’s fairly reckless and very brave and I try to play it safe ( read as: steer clear of situations where there’s virtually no chance of an accident occurring ) and keep things in order. She’s loud and usually the life of the party, but I like to stay quiet and listen and only speak when I have something important to say. She prefers chaos and I prefer peace. Things like these are just a few of the differences of what I had in mind. In terms of similarities as well however, I would say it really leans more towards aspects of aesthetics and hobbies, such as music taste, and food, and scents and interests; more than anything else, really. Though emotionally, I will say that Jackie’s past relationship with her ex boyfriend resonates very closely along the same lines of my own issues with an old ---- crush/interest of mine. Which is ultimately very weird because I wrote Jackie’s ex relationship troubles at around the start of when I made this particular blog around two years ago, and I only broke up with that particular person around five months ago as well, so in all honesty - her experience in getting over Garry was actually put to good use when it finally came to happen to me. Funny how life works sometimes, honestly. 
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