joelslastofus · 3 months
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[SUMMARY: Joel acts like he doesn’t like you until he comes across your rapist.]
“What did he do?” His voice was low, eerie like, suddenly he looked angry as you stood still before him.
Ever since Tess had died Joel became more unbearable to deal with. The two of you had only known each other a couple months before she passed away but never got close to one another, if anything Joel acted like he didn’t like having you around. He barely held any conversations with you unless it involved a plan he needed you to be on the same page with him about. Silently he’d share food with you but that was pretty much as far as he’d go.
“Get up, we’re gonna keep moving today” Joel woke you up out of your sleep gathering his belongings as you sighed.
“I thought you said we’d stay here for two nights-“
“Plans changed. We’re leaving soon” you groaned as you got on your feet and began to pack. This journey to Marlene seemed a lot longer than you thought it would be.
“Are you sure Marlene even has what you want?” You asked with a sigh. He didn’t respond instead handing you your weapon so you could follow him out.
Walking with Joel through the woods your foot accidentally slid down a rock making you gasp loudly. Joel quickly turned with his knife ready to attack only to find you straightening your shirt.
“I slipped” he didn’t respond only looking irritated and turned back to continue walking. You didn’t understand why Joel always seemed so bothered by you, had he not promised Tess that he’d look after you, he wouldn’t have stuck around with you. Tess never shared to him the true reason why she wanted him to care for you but when you first met her you had confided in her the brutal things that you overcame. One of them being that you were held captive for a couple months by a group not far out, one of the men in their group being your rapist, you were always afraid to come across this man again. Little did Tess know, this very same man was running things alongside Marlene.
“Joel, have I done something to upset you at any point?” You asked trying to keep up with him.
“No” he responded without looking your way.
“So what’s your issue?”
“I don’t have a damn issue, now let’s keep moving” you gave up at that point not saying a word. Joel truly didn’t have a specific issue with you, he just chose to not allow himself to get close to anyone ever again, he had lost too much.
Finally making it to Marlene’s you followed behind Joel walking in. You had no idea whom Marlene was or anything about the place but being with Joel you just did as he said. Standing beside him a few feet away you were introduced to Marlene. She seemed like a woman who was strictly about business, she spoke to him of the car she had promised.
Of course, tomorrow it would be ready.
You didn’t speak during their conversation, not thinking much of anything until the door opened and a man walked in. Instantly your heart sunk, your stomach turned as the man stood by Marlene confidently before noticing you.
“This is my right hand man, he does what I say, when I say and can always be counted on” Marlene introduced the man beside her, you found yourself unable to speak. You knew who this man was, how could you not?
Edward….you’d never forget his name, one year ago this man made your life a living hell. Your throat felt like it was closing up, your heart racing-
“Look who it is” Edward grinned towards you making Marlene raise a brow at you. Joel turned to you as you looked down taking a deep breath.
“Small world” Marlene muttered but Joel noticed something off with your reaction.
“Anyways, Joel” Marlene got his attention explaining what would happen.
“Tomorrow before the evening I should have a car for you, for now you two can stay in a room I have prepped” Joel didn’t like the idea of staying an extra day but silently nodded and took the offer. Thankfully Edward and Marlene left the room before someone else led you to the room you would both stay in. Your heart felt like it would come out your chest but you couldn’t find it in you to speak. Joel walked ahead of you opening the door to the room. You stood by the door closing it behind you watching as he placed his backpack on the bed without looking back. Your body felt as if it would collapse any moment, you couldn’t stay here, you couldn’t be around Edward yet you knew you couldn’t say a thing.
That night Joel noticed you seemed a bit fidgety but he didn’t say a word. He lay back on his bed and watched as you double checked the locks on the door twice before laying down.
“You know we’re safe here right?” You looked up not noticing Joel had been watching you.
“Y-yeah” you nodded before turning over and facing the wall. That night you didn’t sleep, if anything you hoped Joel would sleep so he wouldn’t hear you crying in the middle of the night. Of course that didn’t work, at one point Joel opened his eyes thinking he was hearing something but he couldn’t make out what it was until he looked over and noticed you seemed like you were trembling. Quickly he sat up unsure of what to do, slowly he got up from the bed and noticed you were whimpering in your sleep. He didn’t know what the hell to do, he’d never seen you like this before but he knew damn well what it felt like. Delicately he placed his hand on your shoulder and tried to wake you.
“Hey” you continued to whimper but wouldn’t open your eyes. Joel cleared his throat and leaned in closer to you prepared for you to be startled.
“Hey wake up” he shook you a little harder making your eyes quickly open. You gasped unaware who was near you, unaware that you had even been dreaming, raising your hand ready to hit whoever it was Joel caught your wrist in mid air.
“Easy, honey”
You looked up at him confused, you hadn’t even realized you fell asleep now here was Joel looking down at you with concern. Once he was sure that you knew it was him, he released your arm as you tried to catch your breath.
“I’m sorry” you whispered.
“It’s alright, just havin’ a bad dream is all” he looked at you for a moment curious to ask you what was it that made you so upset but didn’t say a word.
“I’m right here if you need me” he motioned towards the bed on the other side of the room. You quietly nodded and watched as he got back into bed. Turning away from him you could feel the embarrassment from what had just happened yet you were surpsied by how gentle he handled it. It was a new side you both had seen of each other.
The next day you did your best to stay clear from wherever Eduardo could be, and so you decided to stay in the room.
Just one more day of this, one day and you’d be gone. Joel explained to you that he would be going over something with Marlene leaving you by yourself. You assured him it was fine and sat on the bed reading a book you always carried around after making sure the door was locked. Sometime had passed when you heard the door unlock and you figured it was Joel. Laying comfortably facing the wall you flipped the page hearing the door close behind you.
“What happened with Marlene?” You asked when you felt the touch of a hand on your arm making you turn to see it was the very person you had been trying to avoid.
Quickly you jumped up, your back against the wall as he smirked at your reaction.
“It’s been a while” you couldn’t speak, you couldn’t believe he was right in front of you.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost” he chuckled placing his hand on your thigh. If you could move any further away you would’ve, he could see how anxious he made you.
“Relax, sweetheart I’m not gonna do anything” he licked his bottom lip pushing his hand further up your thigh.
“I just wanted to say hi to an old friend”
He leaned in and kissed your cheek as you tried to turn away.
“It’s a shame you’re leaving tomorrow, thought we could’ve had some fun” he laughed walking back out of the room and closed the door shut.
In shock you sat there with disgust, the simple touch or his hand on your thigh making you sick to your stomach.
You couldn’t do this, you didn’t care about a damn car no matter how badly you both needed it. Quickly you got up running to the door locking it shut once again afraid he would return.
Where the hell was Joel…all you wanted to do was leave.
After what felt like forever you finally heard the door begin to unlock, your heart jumping at the sound.
“Joel?” You called out worriedly to see his face as soon as the door opened.
“Yeah, it’s me” he walked past you not noticing the panic attack you were feeling in that moment.
You watched as he fold a paper and placed it in his backpack, a knot in your throat you struggled to speak.
“Joel” you finally were able to utter a word in a soft whisper. Going through his backpack he didn’t respond not having heard your voice. You struggled to speak again, stomach turning just at the thought of your rapist knowing where you were…the fact that he came to you when you were alone..
“Joel” you spoke a little louder where he was able to hear you.
“Yea” he responded as he zipped up his bag.
“Joel…I can’t stay here another night” you blurt out.
“What?” He asked confused with your statement still not looking back.
“We’re fine here, it’s just till the afternoon’” he assured you making your panic rise.
“No, I…Joel I can’t stay here” he noticed how your voice trembled and slowly turned to you. His eyebrows furrowed once he noticed the worry in your eyes.
“What’s the matter?” He stood straight fully facing you.
“Can we just go?” You didn’t want to give the reason, you didn’t want to speak of it.
“We’re getting the car tomorrow, its just one more night-“
“Joel please” you whispered taking a deep breath making him take a step closer. He stood silent, he could tell something had terrified you.
“Somethin’ happen while I was gone?” He asked making you quickly shake your head.
“No, no just please-“ you began to hyperventilate.
“I can’t, I can’t-“ you struggled to breathe when someone knocking on the door made you run into Joels arms. Confused he looked down at you slowly placing his hands on your back sensing the true horror you felt.
“Hey, hey it’s alright, it’s alright” he whispered feeling you shake in his arms. It was like the night before, all over again only this time something in your waking life was scaring the shit out of you. The sound of another knock making you grab onto his shirt.
“Give me a minute!” He called out feeling you hide your face against his chest.
“Hey” he whispered low looking down at you but before he could say another word Edwards voice heightened your fear.
“It’s me, Edward” your eyes widened as you silently began to shake your head.
“What is it, darlin’?” Your panic not allowing you to realize the softness Joel had in his voice with concern over you. The door suddenly opening sending you rushing behind Joel.
Edward appeared at the door.
“I was just making sure you guys had what you needed” a smile Joel didn’t trust appeared on his lips as he leaned over to get a peak at you. You felt Joel’s hand reach behind you holding you against him.
Edward could see the defensive look in Joel’s eyes and wondered if you had told him anything.
“What’s wrong with her?” He asked testing what he would say.
“I got her” is all Joel responded with as Edward looked at him curiously. Not saying another word Edward took a step back giving Joel a nod before leaving the room. Joel waited until he disappeared from his site before giving your thigh a tap behind him.
“He’s gone” he assured you making you slowly peak over his shoulder to see the empty hallway that led to the room. Quickly you ran to the door shutting it closed and locking it with each lock it had.
“We need to get our stuff and get out of here now” you ran to grab your bag and his before he tried to stop you.
“Wait a minute, wait-“ he grabbed you by your arms stopping you before you grabbed anything else. Joel was struggling to understand what exactly had you so afraid of this man.
“Joel, we need to go-“
“Talk to me for a minute”
“No! There’s nothing to talk about, I am not staying here!” You screamed trying to break free from his hold.
“What the hell did he do to you?!”
“Nothing!” You tried to shake his hands off you once more but failed.
“We can’t leave without that car, we need that car if we wanna make it-“
“I don’t care! I’m not staying here with him!”
“He’s not gonna do anything to you, darlin’ I promise you that-“ you shook your head in frustration that he wasn’t understanding.
“He won’t lay a finger on you-“
“He already has!” You suddenly blurt out silencing Joel. An intense look in his eyes as he took a deep breath looking down at you.
“What did he do?” His voice was low, eerie like, suddenly he looked angry as you stood still before him.
“It was long ago” you whispered.
“Doesn’t matter” he quickly responded.
“I had told Tess, I never thought I would see him again….it was a year ago…I had nowhere to go and he said he would help me. He’s the man who raped me.” you looked down as a tear rolled down your cheek.
“Did he come in here while I was gone?” He leaned in closer. You looked up and hesitantly nodded when he abruptly walked out past you charging down the hall.
“Joel!” You called out for him trying to keep up but all Joel could see was red.
“What are you doing?!” You yelled as he kicked the door open where Marlene and Edward both were. Without warning he yanked up Edward by his collar throwing him against the wall as Marlene stood up.
“Joel what the hell are you doing?”
“Stay out of this” he looked at her with a look you had never seen and grabbed Edward once again as he struggled to get on his feet.
“Whatever she said she’s a lying bitch!” He tried to poorly defend himself causing Joel to punch him repeatedly. In shock you stood in the doorway watching it all play out, Joel had lost complete control until Edward was a bloody mess.
“Oh my god-“ you whispered.
Joel stood up and walked towards Marlene who backed up not knowing what he would do.
“Give me the fucking keys” he spoke out of breath. Not even trying to fight him she opened the drawer and tossed him the car keys before he looked back at Eduardo.
“Should be more careful of who you have workin’ for ya. Got a rapist on your hands” Joel walked out of the room without looking at you in the eye, taking your hand he led you out.
In disbelief you walked alongside him trying to keep up, at one point looking behind you.
He still wouldn’t say a word.
Joel opened the car door for you and quickly got in the drivers seat before driving off.
Speeding down the road he didn’t take his eyes off it before abruptly pulling over. You could see him though the corner of your eye turning his body fully toward you, you didn’t know what to expect.
“You don’t ever keep somethin’ like that from me again. We clear?” You nodded in silence looking down at your lap.
“We would’ve never stayed there for even one night had I know what he done to you. You ever feel unsafe again I need ya to tell me and you tell me right away”
“Yes Joel” you whispered.
Turning back towads the road he pulled off feeling he came off kind of harsh towards you which wasn’t what he wanted. Unexpectedly you felt him place his hand on your lap bringing you a sense of calmness. He slowly entangled his fingers with yours without looking your way, you had no idea what this meant but one thing was for sure..
Joel made you feel safe.
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luvring · 5 months
gn!reader | iwaizumi will do a lot of things if you ask, but he's always a little awkward and embarrassed about taking photos of himself. what angle does he use, why's the lighting so bad, this is his "no one will see me" t-shirt, does his smile look forced, etc, etc., which means you only ask every once and a while, mostly as a joke, and never mind when he brushes it off with a laugh.
so when you open your messages to see an unprompted selfie of him, blurry, sitting in dim light, cheeks flushed and biting his lip to stop a grin, shocked is one word you can use to describe yourself. apparently drunk hajime is different from sober hajime, and confident enough to send a second, third photo capturing his night out with his old teammates at karaoke.
and you're not sure if it was their idea or his, but you really can't bring yourself to complain when he accidentally sends a video instead of a photo that perfectly frames his slightly unbuttoned top, messy hair that he runs his fingers through (he's brought up needing a haircut every week for the past month, but keeps pushing off setting an appointment), and raspy laugh as he tells someone off screen to shut up and sing already before turning to you with a smile.
"oh, shit, it's a video."
"pft, are you really that drunk?"
"hiii," someone—you think tooru—singsongs your name.
another complains, his voice muffled by your boyfriend moving the camera, "ugh, can you move over?"
"hi babe." hajime's low, slurred voice brings your attention back to him. "i got 94 on m'last song, jus' so y'know.
"let it go! that was all luck—"
"shut up, it's not my fault y'got 67 and sound like a dying bird. ugh," he seems to lose his train of thought and sniffles. "uh...don't worry, issei's driving m'back. i'll tell you 'bout it when i get home. see you soon, alright? love you."
the video ends, cutting off the beginning of a voice crack and off-pitch note, and the responding cackle that momentarily fills the quiet of your living room.
it's not a hard decision to save everything he's sent to your phone. the real hard decision will be tomorrow, you think, when you have to decide between teasing him to death or helping with his hangover. but then you get another notification—another text from him that reads "Cany ou tell them i'm not gonna sing adell" and you smile.
you can probably do both.
(he does end up singing, but so does everyone else. the video you get is way too loud, and way too close to the microphone, and the phone falls to the floor at some point, but it's saved to your gallery anyway. he makes you promise not to play it the next morning because it's "so headache inducing he could explode.")
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selfcarecap · 2 months
Backseat [j.p]
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pairing: Javier Peña x reader
summary: When Javi has to work late, you visit him to help relieve some stress during his break. Or, as Lana said: let’s get in the back of your cop car officer <3 (kinda)
warnings: my first Javi fic omg and first fic in general in like one and a half years sooo, smut (public sex technically (in/next to a car) but no one sees them don’t worryy, p in v, unprotected, oral sex (f receiving), dirty talk (only from Javi though, reader barely says a thing oops) excessive use of ‘baby’, use of ‘good girl’, Javi comes on reader’s belly and face, established relationship, not tooo much aftercare but they’re both fine with it, Javi taps (not slaps) reader’s cheek during sex), I assume that’s clear but this is about the fictionalised version of him lol, brief mention of the reader’s (harmless) crush on Steve lmao, cute and romantic Javi
word count: 2.8k
The threat of rain lingers in the cool air as Javi takes you to his car, his greedy hand placed on your ass as you walk. He’s parked at the other end of the parking lot next to the station, in a roofed corner with walls on the sides shielding it, and no other vehicles in sight. He did say he’d make sure no one would see you.
You haven’t had sex in a few days, both busy with work and other things, and you were looking forward to him finally fucking you again come Friday night. When he called you to say he had to stay at work at least a few more hours, you knew you’d have to go to him if you still wanted sex today. Otherwise Javi wasn’t coming home before you were fast asleep, and you couldn’t wait until tomorrow.
Javi was on board as soon as you asked if he had a few minutes to spare; he knew what your tone meant immediately and he missed the feeling of you naked in his arms as much as you did.
He unlocks the car and pushes the front seat forward to make more space in the backseat. You sit down in the back and grin, pulling him into the car by his jacket.
“Wait, baby, we better do it like this,” he says, pulling your legs to the side of the seat, the car door still open as he spreads you out on the backseat.
“You want to fuck me with the door open?” You ask.
“It’ll make it less obvious what we’re doing, and I can fuck you better like this.” You take in the position of him standing next to the car and think of him squeezing into the backseat with you instead. He’s probably right. You don’t mind as long as he gets on with it.
Javi takes off his leather jacket and drapes it around your shoulders, “You warm enough?” 
You nod. The comfort of the car and the corner it’s parked in and, more importantly, the promise of Javi’s warmth provide a pleasant coziness. With a grin on his face, Javi finally bends down to kiss you, and you immediately push your tongue into his mouth.
“We gotta hurry up, you think you can do that?” Javi asks between kisses, and you nod desperately. As if you didn’t come all the way to the DEA station after your own draining workday just to get fucked. You’ve been waiting for this all week.
He pushes his thumb between your lips and you drool around it immediately. You respond to his questioning expression with an enthusiastic nod as he finds the hem of your short skirt and pulls your panties to the side. His wet thumb on your clit makes you gasp and arch into him. You can definitely make this quick.
Javi smirks at you, “You been waiting for this as much as I have? I’m all ready for you, baby, just tell me when you’re ready”. He kisses you and continues to rub circles over your clit as your pussy gets wetter and wetter, and you let out an incoherent string of sounds that’s supposed to let him know you’re ready.
He pulls back from the kiss and gently takes your face in his hand, squishing your lips into a pout, “What was that? You know that’s not enough for me. Need you to properly say it.”
You look up at Javi through your lashes, licking your lips, “Yes, I’m ready, Javi. Please fuck me.”
His face breaks out into a grin, “See, wasn’t that hard, was it? Or are you already too horny to speak?”. All you can focus on is his big fingers that have started fucking you, so you know better than to try and give an intelligible answer that would only come out as gibberish anyway.
Your stomach somersaults when Javi undoes his belt, the clang of metal making your pussy throb. You reach down to pull your panties down your legs, and seeing the wet spot on them makes you even more excited for what’s to come. Javi pushes your legs up against your chest with a hungry groan, and bends down to press a kiss to your pussy. 
He decides to stay between your legs for a bit longer when he hears you sigh as he starts to lick sloppy circles against your clit, the taste of your wet pussy making him want to stay there forever.
“Javi,” you mumble, almost sounding as if you’re tipsy. You could easily cum from his mouth on you, but you know you don’t have much time before he needs to get back to work, and you need him inside you now.
He leans down to quickly kiss you as he unzips his jeans, and you break the kiss to look at his hard cock.
“I’m ready, I’m ready,” you repeat before he can ask you to say it again. You lie back but he stands up straighter to scan the area and make sure no one’s there to see and you slump against the backseat, lying down. 
You lean your head to the side impatiently and catch the scent of Javi in the jacket of his that you’re cuddled up in, and it makes you want him even more. He laughs when you reach out your hands to him and he finally puts his hands back on your body, grabbing you to pull you to the edge of the backseat. The space is tight, the car door opened as wide as it can be as he stands next to the car facing you, but he’s making it work.
Javi spreads your legs and stands between them, casting one last glance above the car, “We’re good but we still have to hurry before someone sees us,” he says and you grin, ready for him to finally finally start, but he takes your grin as something else.
He smirks as he puts a hand on your jaw to make you look into his eyes, “You like that, baby? You want someone to walk in on you getting fucked, huh? Maybe Steve… I know he’d like that. What do you think?”
You slap his hand away and fake-gasp; he’s been teasing you about your ‘crush’ on Steve ever since you made an offhand comment about him being attractive.
“Just want you,” you mumble, half wanting him to know he’s the only one you want to be with, and half bashful because, well, Steve is attractive.
Javi grins and leans down to kiss you, simultaneously sneaking a hand up your skirt again, “Don’t worry, I know that. I can feel how wet this pussy is just for me. Could get lost in you forever.”
“Then do,” you say, craning your neck forward as he slaps his cock against your clit. You start to open your mouth a bit. You just want one brief taste before he fucks you. He looks at you and gently pushes you to lie back down, and you pout. 
“That has to wait until tomorrow, baby. You know I won’t be able to stop if you wrap those pretty lips around me,” he says and strokes his thumb across your cheek. You smile, satisfied knowing the effect you have on him.
You spread your knees as wide as you can in the small space, Javi stepping as close to the side of the car as he can.
“You ready?” He asks one final time, rubbing the head of his cock up and down your wet and aching pussy.
“Mmhm, yes,” you moan, your fingers reaching down to spread your lips for him. Javi adjusts his position and pulls one of your ankles over his shoulder and decides to give one last glance to your surroundings to make sure no one will interrupt him fucking you, even though, right now, you couldn’t care less who sees. His hard dick that rests between your legs and pulses against your clit is enough to make you forget about every other thing in the world.
“So needy, baby,” he taunts when you sigh dramatically to get his attention, and you can tell he tries to tease you a bit more but ultimately gives in after a few seconds and pushes his cock into you. It slides in all the way with how wet you are, and you let out a desperate noise that’s muffled by Javi’s mouth slotting over yours. 
He puts one hand on your hip to direct your body better and his other hand holds the side of your face as he caresses it, “Don’t mind you being needy though, baby, so am I. So glad you came, spoiling me with your pussy during my break. I could get used to this, you know?”
His eyes close in pleasure as he starts to fuck you, “Always so tight for me,” he says, voice strained. Every time his hips drive into yours is accentuated by the loud sound of your wet pussy, taking every inch of your boyfriend’s cock as he ruts into you like he hasn’t fucked you in months.
“‘M not gonna last long so you better be quick, baby, yeah? Can you do that?”
You nod quickly, unable to form words and he grins devilishly when only a few sounds of pleasure make their way out of your throat. 
“God, I love when you get like this, all speechless because you‘re too horny for me. Love how you take my cock, you’re so fucking tight”, he roughly taps your cheek three times and you lean into his touch, into the sting, as he fucks you harder. 
He grabs your face more roughly and you moan as he continues praising you, “Always so fucking pretty for me, oh my— god”, he changes his pace and you feel the difference too, heat building up in your lower belly, the pleasure all flowing into the space between your legs that he’s fucking with what feels like all his strength. Javi puts two fingers in your mouth and you eagerly suck them, your mouth full, drool starting to spill from your lips. 
“Fuck,” he moans, and starts hastily rubbing your clit with his other thumb, his wide body keeping your legs apart, “You wanna cum for me, baby? Being such a good girl for me.” 
You moan as your orgasm washes over you, your pussy squeezing tightly around Javi and he fucks you through your waves of pleasure, “That’s it, that’s my girl, my good fucking girl”, he speaks to you through almost gritted teeth, trying desperately not to cum until you’re finished.
He can feel the exact moment it gets too much for you, taking his hand away from your clit but he continues fucking you, his hips relentless against yours.
“Show me your tits, baby,” he asks with a hoarse voice, the wetness of your pussy pooling between you both. You messily pull up your shirt, exposing your tits to the cool air, still feeling weightless and slightly out of your mind from your orgasm. He takes his hand from your mouth and greedily grabs one of your tits. He smirks seeing you bare under your top and starts playing with your nipple, making you arch your back.
Javi pulls out of you and strokes his cock only a few seconds before he’s spurting cum all over your belly and chest. As you greedily strain your neck to see every single drop that he’s cumming you get closer to him and some of his cum lands on your lips and cheek.
“Fuck,” you both moan into the space between you as Javi jerks off until he’s drained, and you quickly push your hand between your legs, rubbing your once again pulsing wet pussy.
Javi sees your hand on your pussy and slaps his still hard cock against your clit a few times. He then gently pulls your hand off yourself and replaces it with his mouth as he bends down to suck on your clit. Incoherent words leaving your lips, you grab Javi’s hair and grind your pussy against his face, your thighs around his head.
It only takes a few more moments of his tongue on your clit until you succumb to the weightlessness of your second orgasm as it shoots through you with a new intensity.
You let your legs fall around Javi's shoulders when you’ve finished and smile at him looking back up at you with nothing but adoration in his eyes. He shakes his head, unable to believe you just did this, right here and during his work break. It definitely won’t be the last time.
He stands back up and wipes the cum from your face with the pad of his thumb and you suck it off him until your face is clean again.
“I’m so happy you're mine, baby. Only mine,” he says before attacking your face with wet and sticky kisses. He tucks himself into his pants and gets baby wipes from the pocket of his jacket that you’re lying on. 
“Did so good for me, baby,” he praises as he wipes your belly and tits, leaving kisses there after. He gently wipes over your face again, just to make sure, and cleans you up between your legs.
Afterwards, he pulls your clothes back in place and kisses you as he leans down over you in the backseat. You wrap your legs around his waist and let him just hold you, and you let out giggles as he kisses you all over your face again. You brush your hands through his hair to tame it, and just when you’ve deemed him presentable you hear Steve’s voice from not too far away.
“I’ve been looking for you. Break’s over,” he walks around the corner and sees you in the back of the car.
“No sex in our car,” Steve slaps Javi on the back and moves to the front of the car. He gives you a look when he sees the seat pushed all the way to the front.
“We were just cuddling. I missed him,” you say in an innocent tone and Steve seems to buy it, or at least pretends to, and pushes the seat back and sits down, pulling the door shut.
You give Javi a wide-eyed look at how close that was and he grins back, pulling you to sit upright. There really are worse people to walk in on you than Steve, but you’re still glad that he was a few minutes too late. 
“We’re driving you home,” Javi declares, and makes Steve get in the back and sits you in the front. It’s not until Javi drives away from your little corner with the roof and walls protecting it that you realise it must have been raining for a while.
It’s a lot colder now and the streets are wet, a steady flow of rain pouring from the clouds. You pull Javi’s jacket around you closer and already dread having to give it back to him when you’re back home and he has to leave to work some more. 
Once the car stops in front of your house, Javi walks you to the door. You pout but part with the jacket and Javi puts it back on. 
“Now it smells like you,” he smiles and hugs your waist to pull you in for a kiss. Maybe you don’t mind giving him back his jacket after all. You tell him good luck with the rest of his work night and he doesn’t drive away until he sees the light on your floor turn on. Even if you’ll be asleep, he can’t wait to come back home to a bed warmed by your perfect body. 
“Man, I’ve never seen anyone so in love,” Steve says, pretending to be annoyed, but really Javi knows he’s happy for you two.
Javi just smiles. He’s never seen anyone more in love either, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
☆.。.:*support a writer and reblog and let me know if you enjoyed this fic, it helps out a lot.。.:*☆
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The Bolter (part three)
Steve Rogers x f!reader
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synopsis : Steve carries out his decision to return to Peggy, aiming to live out the rest of his days with her. But this means he's leaving everything behind - he's leaving you. Did he make the right choice? Will there be anything left with you to come back to?
in this chapter : The reader returns to New York for the first time after Steve left, reuniting with Bucky. We see a little more of what the reader and Steve went through while on the run.
themes/warnings : pining, tension, unrequited love, two sad saps (reader and Bucky) trying to get over trauma and heartache :(, language, brief mention of injuries
word count : <2k
masterlist ▪︎ previous chapter ▪︎ next chapter
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2024, three months after Steve's departure
You just finished your second mission since the final battle.
Since Tony. Since Nat.
Since... him.
Only three months, or rather, three long months. You don't know why Sam was worried that you are apparently overworking yourself.
He keeps calling you up, checking in from time to time, making sure that you are allowing yourself to relax. Have a little break. Stay with them in New York for a while. Maybe even have a couple of sessions with the therapist Bucky is seeing.
He must have done a darn good job at convincing you, or maybe you were just exhausted, because you arrive back in New York soon enough.
And Bucky comes knocking on your door not long after.
Your eyes meet, both of you blocking your doorway. Not a single word needs to be said - the understanding you two share runs much deeper.
Two kindred abandoned souls and whatnot.
You step aside to let him through and close the door behind him. His hair is trimmed shorter now, and with his getup, he could pass as just another civilian. It takes another beat of silence before he finally asks, "So how are you?"
You snort at how ridiculous his question sounds. He knows. "How are you?" you counter, eyebrows raised in a challenge.
"Touché," he says, shrugging off his leather jacket and placing it atop your kitchen island. He knows his way around. He's been here before, on the many nights you both shared drinks with Natasha, Sam and... him.
Damn it. You curse internally. It's okay, his name was Steve. He's not the fucking boogeyman.
He gives you a quick once over, immediately noticing that you're putting a lot of your weight on your left leg.
"I fell out a window," you sigh.
"Fuck's sake," he grimaces, shaking his head.
"Hey, we can't all be super soldiers, Buck. My muscles are just a bit softer than yours."
He presses on, still concerned, "Checked in for your physical yet?"
"Booked it for tomorrow," you respond. "But it shouldn't be too bad."
You feel his eyes continue to scan you, but in a non-invasive way. He's checking for more injuries, more signs of wear and tear. He's a lot like Steve, but his gaze is different, less commanding.
More broken.
"Anything new?" you have to ask to distract yourself, and he picks up on it right away. About Steve. He hasn't shown up like he said he would. You had been dreading it - the possibility of seeing a much older Steve, after he got to live out his life in this timeline.
He promised he would try and find you. A version of him, at least. White-haired and wrinkled and weary, but still your Steve. He said you would see him again, in what would be his future and your present, and say a real goodbye. Maybe even tell you all about his life and his girl.
You thought you blocked all that out, but sadly it did not slip your mind. You remember. And you didn't want to be there when it happens.
But nothing did, and you didn't know whether to be worried or relieved.
"Nothing," Bucky shakes his head. "But Dr. Banner is keeping track on whether there are any anomalies in the timeline, specifically in where Steve went back. Everything seems to be normal."
He's fine, and he finally got his normal. And you should let go.
As if he can read your mind, Bucky says, "It's hard to let go, isn't it?"
He's struggling. Of course he is. Bucky also has an old skin to shed, and bones to bury. You never encountered the Winter Soldier back in the day, but you heard of him.
Once you got to know Bucky, you never needed to know anything else. This is who he really is, and he's a good person. He's your friend.
And Steve trusted him. He believed in him. That would have been enough in your eyes, if anything.
"What makes you think I haven't let go yet?" you smile weakly.
He exhales, smiling back. Because, he seems to say, I know you.
Stepping forward, he opts for putting a hand on your shoulder first, unsure. He squeezes gently once, but then changes his mind and pulls you in for a hug at the last second, careful not to add any stress on your leg.
It takes the breath out of you, with his vibranium arm wrapped around your midtorso.
"I'm glad you're back," he mumbles against your hair.
Bucky knows that only you would really understand. The others, maybe they loved Steve too. Admired him. But it was different with the two of you.
Clint can move on with his family. Sam has his new responsibilties. Thor is out of world. Wanda has her own burden to bear. The world will go on as it always has.
But not for us, you think. As he held you tight, you decide that you will help Bucky through it. You will make sure that he gets the peace that he deserves and he is able to let go of Steve. Even if doesn't happen for you, this would be enough.
You offer him a drink after a moment, and he accepts without hesitation.
This is how it starts. This is how the two of you begin to move on.
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2017, ten months after the Avengers' Civil War
"Where were you?" Steve's voice came from somewhere in the room. He was seated in the small living room of your shared cabin, blinds drawn shut, almost out of sight.
You twisted around, and let your duffel bag fall to the floor. Squeezing the bridge of your nose, you let out a shaky breath. "What the hell, Steve, you nearly scared me."
You rummaged through the cupboard, looking for your stashed whiskey. "Nearly," you repeated in jest, when you heard him making his way to you.
You got a much better look at him then. His hair had darkened due to its length, and his beard was thicker. You were going to need several swigs of hard alcohol to resist jumping his bones.
"I was worried," he said, and his tone was gentler. It made you feel guilty, and you didn't know why. "I came back from Wakanda and you were gone."
"I wasn't gone, Steve. Sam needed help getting away with something, you know how it is. We don't exactly have a set schedule on when and where to go, given our fugitive status."
"I know, I know," he said right away, frustrated. What's wrong with him? "But you could have called, left a note - "
"A note could have been intercepted."
" - anything. Just to let me know how you are. You could have been taken in for all I know - "
"You really think I would let them take me in?"
He threw a stern glare your way, propping a hand on his hip. Based on his stance, you thought of how it looked like Captain America was about to give you a good scolding.
But you beat him to it. You were just too tired, and your arm was killing you. "Look, Steve, I had to help Sam and you were still in Wakanda checking up on Bucky. I didn't think it was a big deal. I thought I would be back here by the time you - "
"What's wrong with your arm?" he interrupted you, his practiced eyes easily noticing the damage, and reached for your forearm. "Take your jacket off."
Your eyes nearly bulged out of your head before you can catch yourself. "What?" you squeaked, but you knew just what he meant.
Steve was on full Captain mode, always looking out for anyone he feels responsible for. That's all it was. You had to remind your hopeful self that it was nothing more.
His hands were waiting by the neckline of your jacket, asking for permission. Ever so polite, even when his mood is sour.
You can ignore a lot of things, compartmentalize your emotions. You're used to it all, not getting too attached to anyone or anything as a result of your chosen life.
But you couldn't ignore the burning feeling his fingertips left behind as they grazed your skin. When he guided you to the couch so he can take a better look at the bruises on your arm, you were seated close. The closest you've ever been to each other, but he didn't look fazed at all.
Of course not. This doesn't mean the same to him, as it does to me.
You watched him the entire time, his long eyelashes almost grazing his cheek as he looked down at his work. His brows furrowed in concentration. Once in a while, he mumbled something that sounded like, never should've happened, or gotta watch out next time.
It didn't take long for him to fix you up nicely, your arm disinfected and wrapped in gauze.
After you thanked him, you stood from the seat, ready to compartmentalize that moment too. Because that was not the time to go falling for anyone, especially not someone who was just too good for you.
But he grabbed your hand before you walked away, looking up at you as he stayed seated.
"Steve?" There it was again, that burning. That warmth. If he didn't notice the goosebumps on your skin before, you were sure he saw them then.
"I - " he hesitated, before finally deciding on, "I'm glad you're okay."
You tilted your head, smiling. "You're not getting rid of me that easily, y'know."
His worried and serious expression drops and he smiled, eyes all crinkled.
And that was one sight you won't ever be able to ignore.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
A week later, Natasha dropped by. Sporting a brand new white-blonde hairdo that suited her just as fine as her signature red.
You teased her about it, saying how she must have been waiting for an opportunity like this to have an excuse to drastically switch out her hairstyle.
The two of you sat on the bench on the patio while Steve chopped up wood in the distance, looking like a right ol' lumberjack.
He looked too damn good, and it annoyed you. He wasn't making any of it easy.
"You could switch your hair out too, you know. It helps in going incognito," she reached over and twirled a strand of your hair.
You swatted her hand away playfully, grinning, "Oh, but my face is too memorable so it might not even work."
"Oh really?" she smiled, with that mischievous glint in her eye. "Well, Steve certainly seems to think so."
"Uh, what do you mean?"
"He looks at you like you're his sun or something," she stretched out, amused by the obvious rush of blood to your face.
You shook your head profusely, because of how wrong you thought her assumptions were. "He looks at me because there's no one else around here to look at. Not for at least fifty miles or even more."
"Honey, please. It's my job to know these things."
"Oh, is it now?"
"Mhmm," she patted your knee, tilting her head in Steve's direction without turning to look at him. "I'm willing to bet Tony's LA mansion that he's looking at you right now."
"No, he's not - "
"Then prove me wrong."
But you turned, and you couldn't prove her wrong.
Your eyes met Steve's and when he realized your attention was on him, he simply smiled.
Like you were his sun, Natasha had said. But she was a bit off the mark.
You were never Steve's sun, but he was yours.
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Read part four here ~
taglist (let me know if you wish to be added!) : @vicmc624 @littleliyah16 @babezawa @klammykayla @justsebstan @blue--ingenue @numblytemporary @bradshawass @delicious-xx
It will be a bit more of jumping back and forth through time, before we see everyone back together (even Steve? 🤷🏻‍♀️)
It's the start of a potential Bucky x reader. I gotta be careful here because I might just flip and want the reader to be with him instead.. who could ever look over Bucky???? He's going to make it hard for us that's for sure.
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georgeclarkesgf · 2 months
forgetful | george clarke
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the minute george stepped into the flat, he knew something was off.
"y/n? you here?" walking further into the flat, he found y/n in the kitchen making herself a cup of tea, "hey, sorry i'm back so late. we missed t-"
"don't. i can't believe you. all i asked was that you not plan to film today and i wake up to a message telling me you've gone to film a video for arthur. do you even know why i asked you to stay home today?"
he was trying to remember, really he was. but his mind was blank and the guilt began to seep in, only just noticing the tears that left stains on her cheeks.
"no. of course you don't. my parents are in town george. i planned a nice lunch, maybe go on a walk, come back to the flat for a few drinks, but all that went to shit because you left to film a stupid video and then ignored my messages all day. you know how important it is to me that you get along with my parents so having to cancel on them last minute because you weren't even here was not something i wanted to have to do." the tears in her eyes were threatening to fall again, hating how needy and pathetic she sounded.
"we can sti-" george tried, again quickly being shut down.
"no george, i'm mad at you. you don't get to say it'll be alright and that we can still do something. we're not playing happy families. you've hurt me. when we sort this out, then we organise something else."
now the guilt was in full swing and he immediately started to think of ways he could make it up to her, knowing it would take a lot of grovelling to get back onto her good side.
"i'm going to bed, i love you." a soft kiss being placed on his lips.
"i love you too." slight relief evident on his face, knowing she'll never not say 'i love you', even during an argument.
she rounded the kitchen island, starting to make her way to his room and get ready for bed. george watched as she closed the door, still stood in the kitchen, contemplating whether to follow her or give her some space.
he decided on the latter.
it was nearing midnight when george decided he needed some sleep, and the dip in the bed as he got comfortable was enough to wake y/n, a groan leaving her lips.
"sorry. i didn't mean to wake you," she let out an agitated hum of acknowledgement and rolled over, curling into george's side, unable to resist the heat his body always provided, "still mad at me?"
"yep." she responded, accentuating the 'p'.
"okay. can we talk about it?"
"i've said my peace. you go."
"i really am sorry sweetheart, i feel awful," her nails were running along the lines and dips of his stomach, a habit he'd grown accustomed to over the several months they'd been together, "the video was planned ages ago and i didn't even realise the dates clashed. when you reminded me of 'that thing' that was happening today i thought you meant filming. i promise to make it up to you. and your parents. please say they don't hate me."
george hoped it was enough, not that he wouldn't do anything she asked to get her to forgive him, but he couldn't stand the thought of her staying mad at him.
in y/n's head, he was forgiven. during her time alone, she realised she didn't even give him a chance to explain before locking herself in his room for the rest of the night.
"i'm sorry too," george was slightly taken aback by this, unsure what she was apologising for, "i shouldn't have stormed off like that. not even letting you speak before i disappeared all night. and my parents don't hate you. we can do dinner tomorrow if that's okay with you?"
"that's more than okay. i have my whole day free to spend with you and them. we can do whatever you guys want. i love you."
"i love you. so much. even if you are forgetful."
and george stuck to his promise. safe to say y/n's parents like george more than her.
a/n have this as an 'i'm sorry i haven't posted in a while present' <3
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rainyvalentines · 2 months
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pairings…clarisse la rue x daughter of apollo
description…clarisse is unable to find reader but she finds her in a weird position
warnings…none just fluff
w/c…591 words 3138 characters
a/n…i do apologize if this isnt the best this is my first fanfic! idk how but i randomly got motivation to write this at like 12 am. hope this is alright! 💗💗
Clarisse just came from training which lasted a few hours. She came to find you in your regular spot, the strawberry fields. As she looked around she couldn’t see you, she had started to panic and went back to the camp to check the Apollo cabin. She knocked which one of the Apollo kids opened the door.
“Do you know where y/n is? She isn’t in the strawberry fields.” Her voice sounded panicked and worried.
“I’m not sure, try to check the forest she’s sometimes out there!”
“Alright thank you.” She quickly walked off into the forest. She started to shout your name is hopes of you responding. “Y/N!”
She started to run through the forest. The next second she had heard your voice. “Clarisse..?” Your voice sounded incredibly tired as if you woke up.
“Y/N? Where are you!”
“Up here!”
Clarisse looked up and saw you on a tree branch. “What are you doing up there?”
“I dont know just felt like it”
“Come down!”
You hopped down. She held you tightly “At least tell me before climbing trees?”
“I promise I will” You reach into your tote bag and pull out a mushroom. “I found this! It reminded me of you!”
“Oh thank you princess, I love it.” She softly kissed your cheek
“You’re welcome! I also make you a flower crown!” You grab the crown and hand it to her. “I couldn’t find the flowers you liked so I hope these will do.”
“They work just fine for me, do you wanna go back into camp?”
“Sure! Can I braid your hair again? It looks a little messy now.”
“Of course” She smiled softly at you and held your hand.
You both got back to camp and it was time for dinner so you went to your table which was usually with all the Ares kids. Even though your father was Apollo, after a lot of convincing Chrion let you sit with Clarisse.
Your hands run through her hair as a makeshift brush. You start you braid her hair into a french braid since those were your favorite to do. Once you’ve finished you make sure it’s perfect before telling her.
“All done! I think you look great!”
“Thank you princess” She smiles at you. “Do you want me to walk you back to your cabin after dinner?”
“I’d like that!” You start to eat your food while everyone around you talks. It was a nice moment, being in a place you love, beside your favorite person. The weather was perfect and you had found a lot of mushrooms.
“You done?” Clarisse tapped your thigh softly.
“Alright come on sweetheart.” She stands up and holds her hand out to help you up. You both already made your offerings to the gods so you were free to leave.
As you walk away the sounds of all the campers got quieter and the night became calm. Everything felt still but alive as if in a movie.
“You alright?” Clarisse asked
“Oh yeah! Just zoned out!” You smile at her
“Alright you just went quiet”
“Sorry didn’t mean to, just thinking!”
“It’s alright sweetheart.” She kisses your cheek.
You arrive at the Apollo cabin and she opens the door for you.
“Goodnight princess, see you tomorrow.” She kisses you softly but lovingly.
“Goodnight! Love you!” You close the door and get changed. As you flop onto your bunk thoughts of Clarisse flood your mind. How did I win her?
Soon sleep floods your senses and you melt into your sheets.
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hobie-enthusiast · 1 year
— ‘hobie × reader angst where the reader doesn't know that hobie is spider punk and doing all these multiverse missions and is hurt by hobie having to flake out and miss dates or hang outs, hobie wants to reveal who they are but maybe saw a multiverse where that didn't end well?’
— hobie brown x gn!reader
— lots of angst, hurt/comfort, happy ending, little blurbs and then a longer one
— duty calls hobie at the worst times, and you start to get weary of how he’s acting
— i had an inner debate with myself on ‘should i write a happy ending or sad ending’ so i compromised and did a poll (directly reuploaded from my old acc @/hobieenthusiast)
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The first time Hobie Brown skipped out was three months into your relationship.
He wanted to take you to a local diner his friend owned. Hobie always wanted to support his fellow anarchists and friends in however they battle the corrupt world. And what better way than bringing his partner on a lovely date there?
He promised to meet you there. That he had something to take care of before he came.
You assumed maybe he was bringing a gift or had to change at his apartment beforehand. You know it would be okay, Hobie wouldn’t flake. Right?
You stood outside the diner in the cold air, waiting for Hobie to arrive. You had some paper flowers you created in your hand to give to him when he arrived (since of course you couldn't ever buy into capitalism). He was already about five minutes late at that point, but surely he had his reasons.
Five minutes turned into ten. Then ten to an hour. You went inside at some point to sit and wait for him, asking for some water and a coffee for when he got there. But after two hours, you lost any hope. You stood, paying for the undrunk coffee and tipping the waiter for dealing with you not ordering food.
Wasn't like you were hungry anyway.
As you were walking back to your apartment, you finally got a call from him. The adorable photo of the two of you along with 'Hobes <3' popped up, and you could only sigh as you picked up.
"Hobie?" You call out, holding the phone to your ear.
"[Name]!" He spoke on the other end, his voice sounding a little more upset and out of breath. "Sweetheart, 'm so sorry-"
You cut him off, shivering slightly. "Where were you? Actually, scratch that. Where are you?"
“Somethin’ came up, darlin’. ‘m so sorry. I called as soon as I could.”
He sounded genuine in his apology. You sighed, rubbing your eyes and keeping quiet for a little while. This stung, for sure. But if it was out of his control, could you blame him?
Hobie sighed on the other end. “I’ll make it up to ya, a’right? I’ll come ‘round tomorrow, we’ll go then, promise. That a’right, sweetheart?”
“Yeah..” You respond, taking a deep breath. “Yeah that’s good. I’ll see you tomorrow, Hobes.”
You both say goodbye and hang up soon after. Hobie stayed true to his word and came by the next day with some hand-made gifts to apologize, taking you out to the diner. It turned out okay, you were grateful for that much. Surely that was a one time thing.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
The second time Hobie Brown skipped out was on your four month anniversary.
The two of you agreed to not do much, just stay in and hang out. He even agreed to teach you some guitar! To say you were excited was an understatement.
He promised to come over around seven and spend the night. Hobie even wanted to make dinner together. Something you were again looking forward to.
His promise was genuine, so surely him being late wasn’t anything to worry about, right?
You put on a record onto your record player, one of the shared favourites between you and Hobie, playing the music throughout the apartment. You sat on your couch, fiddling with some of the pins Hobie gifted you as you awaited his arrival.
Eight pm. Hobie still hadn’t shown up.
You shot him a quick text, asking where he was. No reply. Surely everything was okay. He was Hobie Brown, he knew how to take care of himself. With little worry in your mind, you focused on starting dinner, hoping Hobie wouldn’t mind.
Nine pm. No sign of Hobie.
You finished making food, setting a plate aside in the microwave as you ate your portion in silence. The music accompanied you, but not like Hobie does.
Ten pm. Hobie Brown was nowhere around.
You could only sigh in frustration, upset he flaked, again. No call this time either. You had sent close to six texts within those three hours, none of which were responded to. You were upset, that much was certain.
A knock on your door startled you. You rush over, opening it quickly.
Hobie stood on the other side, clutching his arm with his hand covered in blood. Some cuts and bruises littered his face.
“Hobes, oh my- get in here.” You say in worry, bringing him in and guiding him to your couch. “Sit.. hold on please just.. crap..”
You rush to grab some medical supplies, lying them down in front of him. You take a towel, soak in some hydrogen peroxide, raising it to his arm. Your hand shakes as you make contact with Hobie’s skin, but his hand stops you.
“Aye, look here..” He says quietly, looking down at you. “You’re shakin’. Deep breaths, ‘right? ‘m totally fine.”
“But you aren’t! You blow me off then show up three hours later all beaten up! You can’t do that Hobie!”
He’s silent as you shakily clean him up. He could tell you were upset, and he felt guilty for being the cause. This was yet another instance out of his control, but Hobie didn’t feel it was right to excuse himself while you were so nervous.
You finish cleaning and bandaging before sighing. “I’m sorry I just.. you scared me, Hobes.”
“I know, sweetheart..” He responds, pulling you into a tight hug. “Won’ happen again. Promise.”
Funny enough, that’s what he said the first time.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
The third, fourth, and fifth times Hobie Brown flaked were enough to make you pissed.
He continued to promise he couldn’t flake again. He said he wouldn’t get hurt and that he would show up. That he wouldn’t be late.
You sat on the rooftop of your apartment building, legs dangling over the edge. You knew Hobie would come. You said it was urgent. That you had to talk.
“Careful. Don’t needya fallin’ down.”
You chuckle at the familiar voice. Hobie comes to sit next to you, noticing the somber expression you’re wearing.
He sighed, looking over the building. “Everythin’ alright?”
“As much as I want to say yes, no.” You respond, not daring to look at Hobie’s expression.
There was a heavy silence that hung between you two for a little while. He knew what this was about, but he had no intention of telling you the answer.
Hobie let out a small breath, sending the anomaly back to HQ. This one put up a fight, that was certain. And that universe’s Spider-man? Well he was dealing with another villain not too far from there.
He decided to swing over in case anything went wrong, settling for observing for now. But something about the enemy did catch his ear.
He kept talking about how he was going to make Spider-man pay, they were sworn enemies, blah blah the same spiel like always. But this one was saying.. more than that.
‘You’re gonna pay for keeping [Name] from me!’
‘How do you even know ‘em?’
‘Oh Spider-man, I know all. Just like how I know you revealed your identity to them. Wrong move, Spider-man. Or should I say, Hobie Brown?’
Of course Hobie knew this wasn’t his universe, but hearing it almost felt like an out-of-body experience. He watched as the fight raged on, even seeing this universe’s you suspended on the top of a clock tower.
He watched the moment go on. Watched as this Hobie Brown stopped the enemy, fixed any falling pieces, then went to save his you. But he didn’t make it. The clock tower piece snapped from damage, releasing the hold it had on his you.
Hobie couldn’t watch anymore. He swung away from the scene, far as possible, before taking off his mask with a heavy sigh.
He was debating with himself for so long. He owed it to you to tell you about his identity. He knew that. But after seeing that.. he wasn’t too sure he truly could.
His heart was heavy as he pulled out his phone, seeing a dozen texts from you asking where he was. Hobie felt so guilty, keeping this secret.
But he had a duty to protect you, even if that means hiding it.
“What’s going on with you?” You ask, drawing your knees to your chest. “You continue to flake on our dates and hang-outs. Your bandmates have said you don’t come to rehearsals. And you randomly show up hurt or worse. I can’t understand what’s happening.”
Hobie sighed. “I know. Haven’ been very present. ‘m sorry.”
You shake your head. “I’m not looking for an apology.” You say, glancing at him. “I’m looking for an explanation.”
Hobie stops his words, unable to continue. It’s like he’s back in that moment when he witnessed your death. Well.. other universe you. But it still stung the same. Would that be the consequence if he told you who he really was?
He knows Spider-man can’t save everyone. So what does he do?
“Can’t tell ya..” Hobie finally says, looking out onto the city. It was always so beautiful at night. “‘s for your safety.”
“My safety? Hobie you can’t be serious.” You say, a sad expression crossing your face.
He shakes his head in turn. “I just.. need time. I gotta make sure ‘s safe to tell ya.”
You’re silent as his words, unsure of what to do. You trusted Hobie, you truly did. But this was hurting the both of you. That much was obvious.
You lean your body on Hobie’s arm, taking a deep breath of air. “Take as long as you need. Just.. promise you’ll stay safe. Please.”
Hobie wraps an arm around your shivering body, planting a kiss on your head as he combs through your hair. He’s grateful, oh so grateful, that you understand. This wasn’t easy, he knew that of course. But you were the best person who possibly could understand, even when so in the dark.
His voice carried into the wind of the night, sealing the words between the two lovers.
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fluentmoviequoter · 4 months
for the valentines prompts i feel like “could you have found a bigger teddy bear?!” and “i don’t know what kind of wine you’re meant to have with takeout, so i got both.” gives me such big tim vibes like it’s the first valentines as a married couple (or just couple in general) and tim ends up having to work a little bit of overtime causing him to be late so the teddy bear with wine and takeout is his way of apologizing
You're so right, those absolutely have Tim vibes. He'd be so apologetic and sweet about it! This is the first Valentine's Day as a couple in general. I hope you enjoy and Happy Valentine's Day!🤍
Warnings: alcohol (mentions wine and glasses), brief angst, lots of fluff!! 1.4k+ words
The First (of Many?)
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The first Valentine’s Day is special and stressful in a whirlwind of love, fear that something will go wrong, and your valentine. So, when Tim offered to take care of everything for your first Valentine’s Day, promising to make it perfect, you agreed.
“I really don’t mind doing something, if you need me to. I know you’re busy,” you offer.
He looks into your eyes, laying his hands on your shoulders. “I just need you to be there. I promise to make it special. I’m hoping it’ll be the first of many.”
You smile up at him and reply, “I am too.”
When you return home on February 13th, Tim is waiting for you. He has to work on Valentine’s Day, but he has the night planned from the moment he gets off work. 
“Hi,” you greet quietly.
Tim stands, pulling you into a hug. “Hey.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I can’t visit now?” Tim raises his brows, a faux challenge.
“I suppose,” you hum, clutching his shirt. “But it’s a good thing I like seeing you.”
“That is a good thing.”
You lead Tim inside, and he lingers by the doorway to talk while you change and wash your face.
“What happened?” you ask.
“Why did something have to happen?”
You lean out of the bathroom doorway, your face soapy as you look at him.
“I just- I hate that I don’t get to see you until tomorrow night,” Tim replies.
“Tim, you’ve done so much to make the night perfect. I love seeing you, too, but the time that we do get is what matters.”
“You start writing cards for Hallmark?” Tim teases.
You shake your head, trying to move around Tim as you exit the bathroom. He grabs your waist, tugging you against him.
“I love you,” he says.
“I love you. And now you have a lot to make up for.”
Tim laughs, moving his arms around your waist to kiss you.
While Tim finishes working on the 14th, you spend some time cleaning his house for him. Last night, Tim offered to let you get ready at his place to relax for the afternoon before he picks you up, and you accepted but wanted to do something nice for him. As it gets later, closer to the time Tim is supposed to be home, you get ready. Dressed in a beautiful new outfit that makes you feel amazing, your hair styled perfectly, and a smile as you anticipate your first Valentine’s Day with Tim, you grab his gift and sit at the table. Waiting for him to get home quickly becomes your least favorite part of the day.
Tim is about to leave the station when he gets a call. As his phone rings, the radio on his desk crackles with static before the line clears. He wants to see you and spend the evening with you. All he wants to do is change and drive to his house, but he has to answer this call first.
“Calling all available units to Redondo Boulevard and Washington Boulevard. 7-Adam-15 requesting backup; shots fired.”
Being the good cop that he is, Tim responds to the call. He wishes he had enough time to call you and let you know he will be a few minutes late. Or, at least, he hopes it will only be a few minutes.
You have no calls or texts from Tim, but it’s an hour after he was supposed to be here. You stand from the table and walk toward his spare bedroom, sighing as you pull your bag toward you and reapply your lips gloss, hoping that he’ll be home soon.
Two hours of overtime later, Tim finally gets in his truck to go home. He grabs his phone to call you, but it’s dead. Tim tosses it in the passenger seat and hits the steering wheel. His apology needs to be good; he promised a perfect night, and there’s only a slim chance of saving it. Maybe Tim can save Valentine’s Day and make it a special night, even if it’s not the night he originally planned to have with you.
Driving to your favorite restaurant for takeout, he stops in a small 24-hour store and hesitates as he walks down the wine aisle. After picking two bottles, with no clue about what he’s doing, he gets distracted by what seems to be a life-sized teddy bear. 
“Can’t hurt,” he mumbles, pulling it over his shoulder to carry it.
Your Valentine’s Day has turned into more of a self-care day. You’ve ditched your new shoes, stowed them in your bag, and are now sitting on the couch. A cheesy romcom is playing on Tim’s television while you try to forget about Tim. Unable to decide if you should worry about or be mad at him, you’ve chosen indifference until you hear from him and can decide how to react based on his explanation for leaving you alone on Valentine’s Day.
Just as the male lead in the movie proclaims his undying love, Tim’s front door opens roughly, hitting the wall behind it as you look over. Tim enters with several items in his arms, and you can’t choose what to look at first. An oversized teddy bear is hanging on the floor as it slips from his grasp, and two bottles of wine and a bag of takeout are balanced skillfully in his hands.
“I’m so sorry,” he says, nudging the door closed as his eyes stay trained on you. “I’m sorry; there was a call for backup, and it ended up taking longer than I expected, and then my phone died. So, I got you food, even though it’s not the reservation I had or anything. I went shopping too. I don’t know what kind of wine you’re meant to have with takeout, so I got both,” he rambles.
You stand, rounding the couch as he explains himself. You pull the wine and the food from his hands, setting them on the table as he quiets. Watching you, he waits for a reaction.
“I think as long as the wine isn’t in a box, it’s okay,” you say softly.
“You’re not mad?” Tim asks, his eyebrows pinched as you step toward him.
“Depends,” you hum. “Could you have found a bigger teddy bear?!”
Tim sighs at your pleased tone, and when you grab one of the teddy bear’s paws, he says, “If you’re mad, yes, I can find a bigger teddy bear.”
You chuckle, pulling it out of his arms. It’s nearly as big as you, and you hug it quickly.
“Thank you,” you tell Tim, over the bear’s fur.
“Could I- could I maybe get a turn?”
Laughing, you toss the bear onto the couch and pull Tim close. He hugs you tightly, whispering another apology in your ear.
“Stop apologizing. You had to work; I get it.”
“We’re redoing Valentine’s Day.”
“Tim, we don’t have to. Every moment with you is special.”
Tim nods before kissing your forehead.
“You got my favorite takeout,” you realize.
“Of course. Least I could do after making you wait. Although now that I see how amazing you look, I think we should go out anyway.”
“No, it’s perfect,” you reply. “And I can wear this any time.”
“All the time?”
Pushing Tim toward the table, you sit beside him and enjoy your unconventional Valentine’s Day dinner.
“Thank you,” you say again.
“I am so sorry.”
“I know, and I forgive you, even though there’s no reason to be sorry.”
“Sorry,” Tim whispers.
“If you apologize one more time, I will be cuddling that bear instead of you tonight,” you say, pointing your fork at Tim.
“I deserve that,” Tim responds, failing to hide his smile.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Tim.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
He pulls a box of chocolates and a gift bag from his side, setting them on the table beside you. You smile, sliding a gift box to him as well.
“I also got all of this,” Tim adds, lifting a bag of candy onto the table. “It was already on sale.”
The gifts are forgotten as you each take a few pieces of candy and chocolate, joking about what (and who) is sweeter.
You stand to take the empty containers and wine glasses to the kitchen. When Tim joins you, grabbing your hips and pressing his chest to your back, you say, “If you were wondering, this is absolutely going to be the first of many.”
Tim smiles, though you don’t have time to enjoy it as he turns you around and kisses you, tasting like chocolate, love, and many more special days to come.
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wh0re4gwen · 6 months
Larissa x Fem!reader
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Tag: SLIGHT angst, fluff, forced relaxation, teasing, tired Larissa
A/n: I started writing Pt.2 of Farewell and it should be published tomorrow!!
Larissa was always stressed, granted she was the Principal of Nevermore. A lot was expected of her, she had many responsibilities and requirements she had to fulfill each day, but today was a Saturday meaning there was no school and Larissa was still working.
She needed to relax and I was determined to help her. I came out of our shared bedroom to find Larissa sitting at her desk quickly tapping away at the keys of her computer, just like I suspected. I stood there thinking for a moment before I decide what to do. I walked over to Larissa and shut her computer. Larissa looked at her closed computer and then at me confused. "Darling are you alright? Do you need something?" Larissa asked me concerned, considering I usually don't bother her at work unless I really need something.
"Come on Rissa, it's a Saturday afternoon and you're working." I say giving Larissa puppy dog eyes.
Larissa smiles at the fact I'm worried about her but then opens her computer once again. Larissa sat up for a moment giving me a quick kiss before she begins typing again.
"My love as much as I'd like to take a break I simply can't, there is far too much for me to do." Larissa says not looking up from her computer. I stood there slightly pouting my lips, it's not over yet I can't give up. Without thinking I grabbed Larissa's computer and without looking back I ran to our bedroom and locked the door. Larissa still sat at her desk, eyes wide and completely stunned.
I panted slightly as I slid down the door waiting for Larissa to come and try to retrieve her stolen item. I listened as I heard a quick shuffling sound near the door. "Y/n? Darling give me back my computer, please."
Larissa asks still a shocked, but before I could respond, Larissa began talking again. "Dear I have a key in my desk, if you don't open this door I'll be forced to open it myself and you won't like that." Larissa said seeming a bit annoyed.
I swallowed the lump in my throat as I stood up thinking of place to hide her computer. I knew Larissa was just making an empty threat, you knew she'd never actually do anything she was just trying to intimidate you but even then knowing that it still scared you all the same. I finally just decided to hide it in the crack between the bed and the night stand, on my side of course. Moments later the door flung open and there stood a not so happy Larissa.
I gave her a knowing smile and waited for her to come in. Larissa looked me up and down realizing I don't have the computer which caused her to freeze.
She took a deep breath before saying "Sweetheart, where is it?" I looked at her for a moment and said "Where is what Rissa?" I asked as innocently as possible. Larissa pinched the bridge of her nose with her first two fingers and said "Darling I'm not going to ask again" Larissa said with a tinge of annoyance in her voice.
I considered giving it back before I thought of a much better plan."one hour" was all I said grabbing Larissa's attention. "If you can relax with me for one hour, I'll give it back. I promise." Larissa squinted her eyes at me thinking whether she should take the deal or not. After a few moments Larissa smiled at me, whether she wanted to admit it or not the fact that you cared this much about her well-being warmed her heart.
"Fine, I'll give you one hour then I'm back to work." I could've jumped up and down I didn't actually think she'd agree. I ran over to her giving her a big hug. Larissa stumbled back a bit causing her to let out a small giggle before reciprocating the hug.
I grabbed Larissa's hands leading her to the bed. She hesitated before laying down next to me. Usually I lay on Larissa while she holds me but today is different. I guided Larissa's head down to my chest and for a change I held her.
Larissa tensed at the sudden action but quickly relaxed into me. Larissa figured since she was already here she might as well make herself comfortable, she looked up at you giving you a smile that could kill. She was absolutely gorgeous. I smiled back and bent down slightly to indulge her in a kiss.
We both pulled away just admiring the one another. I soon began drawing little shapes on Larissa's back and she continued to lay on my chest. In a strange way Larissa found your heartbeat quite comforting and closed her eyes so she could focus on the steady rhythm. Larissa closed her eyes and let her breath even out before slowly slipping into a peaceful slumber.
I watched as Larissa faught to keep her eyes open, but in the end she inevitably lost and fell asleep. I moved a piece of hair from her face admiring her graceful features as she slept . Soon I had also fell victim to sleep and for the first time in awhile Larissa was finally able to relax.
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love her madly
patrick verona x reader
warnings- smut 18+, fluff, oral (m receiving), daddy kink, spitting, name calling aka degrading, dacryphilia
inspired by love her madly- the doors
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“i got it.” i call out as patrick knocks on the door. “hi.” i smile and open it to see him smiling there. “hey.” he smiles back, softly kissing the side of my lips. “you’re early.” i point out, inviting him in. “wanna make a good impression.” he responds.
“okay, dad.” i call out, pulling him deeper into the house. i drag him into the living room to where my dad sits, watching tv. “yeah- oh.” he says, looking at us.
“this is patrick, my boyfriend.” i smile. “nice to meet you, sir.” he reaches to shake his hand. my dad shakes it and looks him up and down before letting go.
eventually i pull him away and into the kitchen where my mom is finishing up. “who’s this?” my mom smiles. “patrick, my boyfriend.” i introduce him. “nice to meet you patrick.” she smiles. “nice to meet you too, ma’am.” he smiles.
“dear.” she changes her attention to you. “hm?” i hum. “remember, we gonna have to cut dinner a bit short. the patterson’s invited me and your dad to a cocktail party.” she explains. “got it. i’ll clean up.” i softly smile. “perfect,” she says, wiping off her hands, “go make the table while i finish up.” she smiles.
i nod and pull out plates and silverware, handing the plates to patrick. we set down plates and cups. “wanna go get my dad?” i whisper to him as i follow behind him with silverware while he sets cups down. “i think he wants to kill me.” he whispers back. “i’ll go.” he sighs as he finishes and i smile as he leaves.
i help bring the dishes to the table as they come into the kitchen.
eventually we all get situated and we start eating. “food’s lovely, ma’am.” patrick smiles at my mom. “thank you.” she responds. “so any plans for after graduation?” my dad asks. “i’m planning on working at the music store at main street.” he smiles.
“oh isn’t that nice. been meaning to check that one out.” my mom smiles. we continue to eat for a moment, i softly take his hand under the table. i squeeze it one time for a check in, and he squeezes it back once to say he’s okay.
“so you do anything outside of school?” my dad asks. “yeah, i like to fix up cars, but your daughter seems to take up a lot of my time.” he answers, trying to get a laugh out of my dad. “oh. a future mechanic, huh.” he nods before eating.
dinner went by painfully awkward, eventually my mom and dad freshen up for the party and we finished eating then cleaning up.
“i think he hates me.” he sighs, carrying the last of the dishes to the sink. “he just needs to warm up to you.” i respond, washing off the plates. “do i smell like cigarettes? knew i should’ve not smoked today.” he asks.
“you’re fine, most dads don’t like their daughter dating people.” i smile. “hm. he thinks i’m a failure.” he sighs. “he doesn’t, i promise. he’s just tough.” i smile.
“okay, we’re heading out.” my mom walks into the kitchen. “okay.” i smile. “see you tomorrow. it was nice to meet you patrick.” my mom smiles. they leave as i finish up.
“okay.” i smile. he immediately presses his lips onto mine, lightly shoving me into the counter. “oh.” i hum against him. “sorry, i’ve been holding back all night.” he pants. i smile against him and pull him back.
he sneaks his hands down to my ass and he gropes them while he slips his tongue into my mouth, his easily winning dominance.
“pat.” i pant out. “hm?” he hums, moving down to my neck. “wanna go- fuck- upstairs.” i say. “okay.” he smiles. we move upstairs, stealing kisses and he slaps my ass a couple of times.
we reach my room and i pull him inside, quickly shutting and locking the door behind us. he pulls me on top of him on my bed. he connects our lips and it’s heated, clashing teeth and tongues fighting for dominance, which he quickly wins.
“please.” i moan, sneaking my hand down between us and palming him. his hand grabs mine and he flips us over. “did i say you could?” he spits. “sorry.” i apologize. “naughty girl.” he says.
he moves so he’s standing and i’m laying on the bed. “come on. kneel.” he demands. i follow his commands and kneel before him. “can i?” i ask, motioning to his fly.
“yeah.” he nods. i undo his belt and unzip his fly, then pull down his pants just a little bit. he helps me and pulls down his black boxers. his member pops out, slapping against his stomach. “shit.” he sighs, stroking himself.
“please.” i whine. “what do you want?” he asks. “fuck my mouth.” i swap his hand with mine and slowly stroke him. “yeah? want to have you throat fucked?” he smiles and i nod.
i take him in my mouth and he slowly thrusts into my mouth. “shit.” he takes my hair in his hands and uses it as leverage. i moan against him and he tightens his hand. “didn’t anyone teach you to not speak with a full mouth?” he taunts.
he continues to use me while i look up at him. “fucking slut.” he groans. i squeeze my thighs together for a bit of friction. “fucking pathetic.” he lowly laughs.
“wanna tell me who’s your real daddy?” he slows down. he pulls out and i catch my breath. “y-you. you’re my real daddy.” i look up at him, with pure submission in my eyes.
“good little slut.” he says, snapping his cock back into my mouth. “jesus.” he groans as i play with his balls. he continues to thrust into my mouth so i gag around him.
he uses my mouth like i mean nothing to him. i squeeze my hips together even more, trying to cause some friction. “look at you.” he smirks at my thighs. that just fuels him as he continues to fuck me.
i moan against him and he lets out a loud groan. i meet his eyes as i feel drool slip out from the corners of my mouth. he continues to fuck me and some tears fall down my face.
“aw. pretty baby is crying? you look so pathetic. choking on daddy’s dick.” he taunts. “shit.” he sucks in a sharp breath. “getting close baby.” he warns.
his hips become sloppy as he gets closer and closer. “oh fuck.” he sighs. “you’re treating me so well.” he praises. i let him fuck me as he eventually pulls out.
he finishes himself by stroking his cock and his seed goes all over my face. “shit, fuck.” he sighs as he finishes. he calms down and softly taps his cock against my head.
“here.” he says and quick runs to my bathroom. he comes back with a towel and helps me clean up. “you look so pretty.” he smiles as i finish cleaning up. “thanks.” i smile.
i go and wash my face and get ready for bed. i finish and join him in bed. “hi.” i croak out a bit as i lay down against him. “hey.” he smiles back. “you’re gonna be able to talk?” he asks and pulls me against him. “maybe.” i smile.
he softly laughs and kisses the top of my head. “you know i can’t stay?” he whispers after a moment. “mhm.” i nod. “where you disappearing off to?” i ask. “probably the same bar as normal.” he answers. “okay.” i nod.
“i love you.” he whispers. “i love you.” i whisper back. “i’ll stay until you sleep, how’s that sound?” he asks. “that works.” i nod as i’m already half asleep. “i’ll take you out for lunch tomorrow.” he promises. “okay.” i softly smile. “mhm.” he nods.
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writeforfandoms · 30 days
A voice of calm
Find the series masterlist
This wouldn't leave me alone so here we go.
Warnings: Soft smut, feels, swearing, teasing, flirting, playful banter. This one is half fluff, half sexy.
Word count: 709
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You dried your hands by rote, absent-minded, gaze drifting to Simon. It had been a long day, in a series of long days. Weariness pulled at your heart, and you weren't certain if you wanted to call it a night early, or go curl up with him.
He tipped his head, not actually looking back at you, but clearly wondering where you were.
Your heart swelled with easy affection for this man. You'd never thought you'd fall in love, certainly not like this. You'd fallen hard for Simon. You weren't even sure how it had happened, exactly.
Only that he was woven into your heart, inextricably. Every beat of your heart echoed that back to you.
Sudden longing made your fingers twitch, the damp dish towel falling from nerveless fingers. You bent to pick it up, shaking out your hands.
“You alright?” Simon finally looked back at you with a hint of concern.
“Yeah.” You left the towel on the counter and made your way to Simon. He moved the remote just in time, as you sank onto his lap sideways, your legs perpendicular to his, your torso twisted so you could wrap your arms around him.
“What's a'matter?” His hands settled at your waist, squeezing gently.
“Nothing,” you murmured, throat a little thick with emotion. “Just… love you. A lot.”
His expression softened. “I love you,” he murmured in response, his grip loosening on you. His arms settled around you more comfortably, pulling you in closer to his chest. You held tight to him, the aching in your chest barely abated with the contact.
You kissed him, one hand curling around the nape of his neck, little hairs tickling your fingers. He made a soft, surprised noise against your lips before he responded, his grip on you tightening again.
“Sure you're alright?” He asked between kisses, voice already lower and a little raspy.
“I just want you,” was all you offered in reply, legs shifting as you tried to get closer to him.
He responded to your urgency, tugging at your clothing until he could get to your skin. The skin contact felt good, and your breath shuddered out of you. You pulled back only enough to throw your shirt somewhere to deal with later before you resumed kissing Simon.
It always surprised you how nimble he could be, deft fingers sliding your shorts down even while he distracted you with kisses along your jaw and down your throat.
Somehow, he got your shorts off and tipped you back against the couch. You fell with a squeak, caught off guard by the sudden change in position. Not that you minded so much when he loomed over you, broad and blocking out the rest of the world, all your focus narrowed down to just him.
The first inch of him wasn't enough, felt like a tease rather than a promise. Your legs around his hips encouraged him to sink in all the way, the girth of him a distinct stinging pleasure you never wanted to live without.
He was the most treasured thing in your world, after all.
The slip of his skin against yours was addicting, the feel of him all encompassing. Your fingers gripped and pulled, his holding you where he wanted you. Your desperation to feel him only settled after he leaned more of his weight between your thighs.
By the time he finished, you were overwhelmed, gasping and squirming under him, pleasured tears escaping your eyes. The two of you stayed tangled together on the couch long after you'd both finished, your fingers stroking up and down his back.
“Ready to clean up?” He asked softly, nose pressing briefly to your cheek.
“Only if we get dirty again after.” You smiled, mostly teasing.
He chuckled, tipping his head to kiss you, sweeter now. “Might have to call in sick tomorrow,” he rasped.
“Stay in bed all day?” You murmured, only half-teasing. It wouldn't be the first time.
“Not all day.” His lips skimmed gently over your skin to your ear. “There's the shower. The couch. The counter…”
You couldn't help but laugh quietly, even with the thrill that ran down your spine. “Sounds like we're booked.”
Simon kissed you again. This one felt like home.
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leeknowlover99 · 7 months
Hello, may I ask how Enhypen would react to an "I’m breaking up with you” prank?
hi there! sure, hope you like it ;)
warnings: angst, fluff
Heesung - wouldn’t take it seriously
“Heesung we need to talk” you entered his room where he was sitting in front of his computer.
he knew that you calling him by his full name meant trouble but he was just about to start the game.
“can we talk later?” he asked aggressively typing something on his key board.
“not really. it is important.” no answer “okay i’m just going to say it now. i’be been thinking about our relationship and decided that i’m breaking up with you.” in your opinion your tone sounded pretty convincing.
you heard Heesung sigh. “babe whatever i did wrong this time can we please talk about it after the game?” he didn’t even turn towards you still staring at the screen.
“but i’m being serious.” you started to get annoyed at his lack of response.
finally he faced you staring with his doe eyes looking a bit annoyed as well.
“babe i’m sorry, i will make it up to you after i finish my game.” he whined. “we’ll order your favorite burgers and watch harry potter later okay?” he was trying to bribe you. you looked at him again and he must’ve see that you were not pleased with his answer. “we’ll go shopping tomorrow too” he added with a pleading expression.
looked like your prank failed but you could still get something out of it you though. so you decided not to admit what you were up to and accept all his sweet promises.
“okay” you responded smiling and left the room as Heesung thanked you and immediately went back to his game.
Jay - would see right through you and would play along
“so what did you want to talk about?” Jay asked you sitting on the coach. he came to your house after you sent him that text. you thought it will make the prank more believable. Jay was sensing something was off about you, you were a bit tense and avoided contact with him.
“i’ve been thinking about us. there’s been a lot on my mind lately. and i believe it is the best if we break up.” you looked at him with a serious expression.
Jay was puzzled. at first his heart almost stopped when you said words “break up”. but at the second thought he knew something was off about this. he decided to play along and see what you were up to.
“if that’s what you think would be the best we should do that. gotta admit i’ve been thinking about it too.” he responded after a while, his expression calm.
you were so caught off guard by his words you let yourself slip and looked at him wide eyes “what?”
you immediately saw his expression shift and smile creep on his lips.
“doesn’t feel nice huh? to get a taste of your own medicine Y/N?” he asked visible smug that he managed to see through your prank.
Jake - would try to talk to you about it
“Jake i think this is getting too hard for me. i just don’t see us together anymore.” you said to him after he drove you home after your date.
“Y/N what are you talking about?” he asked visibly hurt. you were already starting to feel bad about this prank.
“i’m saying that i’m breaking up with you Jake.” you responded.
“are you being serious right now?” you could hear the confusion and stress in his voice.
“ yes i am” you could not stand to look at him anymore.
he grabbed your hand. “but why? i don’t understand. did i do something wrong today? please let’s just talk about it.” your heart almost shattered, he was so sweet. you decided it is time to stop this nonsense.
“Jakey i was just joking, it is a prank. i would never break up with you.” you quickly explained and grabbed his hand tightly.
you could see immediate relief on his face. you scared the shit out of him but he could not even be mad at you.
“ Y/N i swear to god don’t ever do that again”
“i won’t, i’m sorry” you kissed him gently.
“i forgive you but i’m staying at yours for the night after that” he pointed at you and pulled you for another kiss.
Sunghoon - would be terrified and get mad at you after
Sunghoon sat at the kitchen table in front you. you were eating ice cream when you decided to start the prank.
“i need to tell you something” you said with a serious expression.
“mm” Sunghoon nodded at you to continue as he was stuffing his face with another spoon of ice cream.
“i don’t think our relationship is working out anymore. i want to break up.” you continued.
you watched his eyes widen and mouth part a bit in shock of what he just heard but just a moment after his expression became serious and tense.
“why?” he gulped and asked.
“i just don’t like being apart for so much time, it’s hard for me to keep our relationship private and not be able to go out somewhere together.” you were improvising but the things you said were actually true. it really made Sunghoon believe you as he was already stressing out about them.
his face was unreadable, his eyes looked empty, gaze was on you but hazy. “ are you sure?” he asked. he was scaring you a bit.
“ yes” you nodded.
he stared at you for the longest time and when you could not take it anymore and got nervous you exclaimed: “got you! it was a prank”.
he stood up immediately and pushed his chair to the floor where it fell with a loud sound. you jumped at it. Sunghoon looked very angry.
“Sunghoon i’m sorry!” you pleaded now worried.
“just give a moment for myself Y/N or else i’ll be the one breaking up with you.” he said through his teeth and left the kitchen.
Jungwon - the one who would cry
when Jungwon heard you say “i want to break up” he didn’t even ask for explanation or question it. he was trying to maintain a poker face but you could see his eyes become red and him blinking aggressively to stop the tears.
“okay. i’m sorry.” he just said looking down.
you felt so bad you could not continue this joke anymore. you immediately went to hug him tightly, at what he looked at you confused and sad.
“ i’m so sorry Wonie, it was just a prank i swear.” you explained kissing his cheeks softly.
he burried his head in your neck and hugged you tightly. “please don’t leave me ever” he whispered. “i was so scared”
“i know i’m sorry. i love you.”
he let go of you and looked at you gently.
“i love you. i know it might be hard for you sometimes that’s why i’m so insecure and worried for our relationship” he explained. you knew he didn’t talk about it often so you must’ve really move him with your joke.
“i know but we will work it out together. always” you reassured him.
Sunoo - confused af
“ i think we’ll be better on our own. we should break up” you said to Sunoo as you were taking a walk.
“what are you talking about?” he asked confused.
“our relationship. we should end it.”
“ whaaa. what kind of nonsense is that!” he playfully smacked your arm.
“ i’m not joking Sunoo. i mean it.” you continued,
“but why?? we are perfect together.” he stopped walking and looked at you wide eyes. he looked puzzled.
“i’m not sure about that.” it was hard talking to him like that.
“but we made soulmate bracelets yesterday!” he grabbed your wrists to show you cute pieces you made together yesterday.
you were so surprised and taken a back by him that you just stared in response.
“Y/N are you okay? do you have a fever?” he gently touched your forehead with the back of his hand.
there it was, he was just too cute and pure. you accepted you cannot prank this boy.
“ yeah i’m fine, tried to prank you” you stuck your tongue at him.
“you really have a weird sense of humor” he said and continued your walk like nothing happened.
Niki - terrified and hurt one
Niki and you were at the cafe when you said that you think you should break up. Niki stared at you trying to understand what is going on and finally asked you “do you want to talk about it or are you sure already?”
you were a bit surprised by his serious expression and question. “i am sure” you responded.
after hearing that he looked like a deer caught in headlights. you could see that he was processing it quietly so you gave him a minute more.
however before you could reveal the prank he stood up and run away outside. “Niki?” your voice reached his ears when he was at the door but he left anyway. you left everything behind you and run after him. now you were terrified.
you found him sitting on the curb, his head resting in his hands. “Niki it was a joke, i’m so sorry” you crouched down to hug him. he shivered beneath your touch. “ i’m sorry” you repeated waiting for him to calm down.
after a minute he looked at you. “i thought you really mean it. it was scary.”
“i feel so bad Niki, you know i love you” your heart was physically aching at him. you were so stupid to do that prank.
“let’s go back inside and pretend it never happened okay?” he asked standing up and smiling at you gently however you could see he was still hurt.
“let’s go.” now you will have to make it up to him.
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barcalover86 · 10 months
Wsg love your post!!!
It would make my day if u wrote of post the reader is Pedri’s little sister but she’s dating Gavi. One day Pedri was playing FIFA with his friends on call, reader comes in his room pissed off bc she’s on her period. When Reader is on her period she’s very very bratty and mean, Pedri knew that so the minute that he Rolodex this he asked her if she was on her period,and she was so mad and left bc he ate all of her snacks. When Gavi asked Pedri if it was true that u we’re on ur period he bought readers favourite snacks and went to go cuddle with her and it’s just full of fluffff
Thank you!
Period problems - Pablo Gavi
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2nd Masterlist
"What do you want, y/n!? You are getting on my nerves now!" Pedri said to you after 10 minutes of walking around the kitchen trying to find something for you to eat.
Your period came earlier and some big cramps were keeping you awake.
It was pretty late now, but your brother, Pedri, was playing FIFA in the living room with his footballer friends.
"Don't you have your own business to look out for?"
"Since you are distracting me of winning this game, I can tell you whatever I want."
You rolled his eyes. You wanted to tell him so bad that he was going to lose anyway, but you remained silent, knowing that your boyfriend, Gavi, was also there playing in his team.
"What are you even looking for?" he said annoyed after another 5 minutes of you walking around.
"Something to eat."
"This late?"
You were really annoyed this time.
"Yes, this late. I'm hungry, do you have a problem with it?"
"Yes, I do. Go grab yourself something and leave! You're making too much noise!"
"Well, if I had something, I would take it and go to my room. Don't you think I want to be alone too!? I just don't find my snacks.." you said the last part as a whisper, but Pedri heard you.
"What snacks?"
"Those that I bought yesterday."
"Oh, those snacks," he said chuckling.
"Do you know where they are?"
"In my tummy" Pedri said while laughing.
"What did you say?"
"I'm sorry, I was hung-"
"I bought them!!! You had to ask me if you wanted to eat those! Now I don't have anything and I'm hungry!"
"C'mon, there's not a big deal, y/n. Now, can you leave? I want to continue the game and all of us are waiting for you to get done with all those.. moody things of yours.. so that we can finish this stupid match!"
"Pedri, hermano, don't shout at her!"
Pedri heard Gavi talking, but decided to ignore him.
"Not a big deal!? Seriously!? Of course it is not if you ate MY food!" you started to get really mad and tears were forming in your eyes.
"For real? Now you are crying? What now? Are you on your period?"
"Yes, I am! You are such a bad brother. You don't even know how it feels. I don't want to see you ever again!" you said before going to your room, sad, angry, hungry and with bad cramps.
Pedri rolled his eyes, but he felt bad for shouting at you, knowing that period was a serious subject and you were in pain.
"Is she on her period, Pedri?"
"Yes, Gavi. She is"
"Why did you yell at her like that!?"
"I didn't know, don't you think I'm sorry too?"
"I'm going to but those snacks for her now." he said before hanging up and going to some store.
It took him a lot of time to find one that was still open and after that he ran to your house.
Pedri thanked him for coming after Gavi started to give him some lessons about his behaviour towards his sister.
When you heard someone knocking at your door, you were sure it was your brother so you didn't respond, pretending to be asleep. The door eventually open and it revealed you your boyfriend with a bag in his hands.
"Hi.." he said quietly and sweetly, putting his hand on one of your legs.
He smiled at you and kissed your forehead. You opened the lights and you hugged him, being really emotional.
"Oh, sweet girl"
You wanted to ask him so many questions, but he promised to tell you everything tomorrow morning and that he will stau with you this night.
When he gave you the bag and you saw all your favorite foods and some pads, you were on he edge of tears.
"Thank youu."
"De nada, amorcito."
After you ate until you were full, he cuddled you, making sure you were save and comfortable.
Your cramps were bad, but being close to Gavi made you forget about them, only thinking about his lips and body. You were really horny this period of the month and Gavi knew that, but promised you that he will give you a nice time after you finish it.
Now, his lips on your neck and lips were enough for you.
"Can you tell me a story, please?" you asked him.
"I don't know a story,cariño."
He eventually gave up and took his phone out to read you something. After a short time, you were already asleep in his arms, while he was looking at you sweetly, kissing your forehead time to time.
"Te quiero, y/n"
2nd Masterlist
I hope you like this and I'm sorry for the wait!
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pluto-supremacy · 4 months
YOUR VI JAIL FIC WAS SO GOOD AND THE HEADCANONS WERE SO SO ACCURATE. :'( IF POSSIBLE, CAN YOU MAKE A P2 TO HOW THEIR LIFE IS OUTSIDE OF PRISON WHEN THEY MAKE IT OUT? or an angst with caitlyn being blackmailed by the warden to only let one prisoner out? :3 said one being vi, and vi having to abandon reader?
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Vi Fic: Bye Bye Bun
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➼ Aaaah thank you so much! I'm so glad so many people liked the Stillwater headcanons^^ I was afraid my Vi was going to be soooo out of character. I decided to write some angst first >:) if this fic does well or I get another ask I'll also work on life after Stillwater, give you guys some fluff after this
➼ Continuation of Vi Headcanons: dating f!reader at Stillwater
➼ No beta we die like Claggor (I'm running out of people who die in the series-)
➼ Warnings: None! Bit of a longer fic for you guys today, enjoy!
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GIF does not belong to me! All credits to the owner
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The sound of knuckles meeting hard concrete echoed throughout the cell block, small grunts following close behind. "You know we don't get clean bandages for another two weeks Vi, your knuckles are going to get infected at this rate." you called out. Suddenly the pounding stopped and a small chuckle was heard. "Don't worry about me bun, just trying to blow off some steam," she said, pacing around her cell instead of beating up a wall. "You should really get some sleep. Long day tomorrow"
"No such thing as a short day here." you groaned. Carefully you laid down on the ground of the cell. Vi's was only a few doors down, close enough to talk just above a whisper but way too far away to see each other. Both of you always slept against the walls that faced each other. It was the closest thing to sleeping next to each other in this shithole. Aside from whenever you two napped during free time of course. Even then Vi stayed wide awake to ensure you were okay.
"Goodnight Vi, wake me up if anything happens, okay?" "I will Y/N, I promise"
That was nearly two hours ago. You were sound asleep by now, the cold, hard floor no longer keeping you up. It was something every prisoner in Stillwater had to get used to. Mattresses weren't provided. The few that did get a thin mat to sleep on at night only got one after a lot of medical visits and several notes stating they needed one for medical reasons. You and Vi weren't so lucky to have any notes. Still, there were worse things here. Like the food. That's why any food or snacks that were smuggled in were high value items. Currently you had a packet of chips hidden under a loose brick right where you slept. You scored them a few days ago and wanted to surprise Vi by sharing them tomorrow.
The elevator dinged as the doors opened, the clack of heels filling the halls. Caitlyn stopped in front of Vi's sell, her hood still up. "What the hell do you want?" Vi asked, glancing over at the taller woman. "Your help. You beat up an inmate, I needed to question him about a crime scene from yesterday. Why did you break his jaw?" "Because I wanted to." She responded with a small shrug, disinterested in whoever this enforcer was. "Why are you in here?" Caitlyn tried again, looking over the file in her hands. "For my sunny personality." Vi shot back immediately.
Caitlyn shook her head, sighing. "This was a waste of time." she closed the file and her journal, starting to walk off. Maybe she could find away around a broken jaw, pen and paper perhaps. "Couldn't have said it better myself. Give Silco a kiss for me on that winning eye of his." that was what caught the enforcer's attention. Turning around she walked back to Vi's cell, getting a bit closer to the bars. "Silco? The industrialist?" "Hardly what I'd call an industrialist." She scoffed, leaning against the bars. That's when the other woman held up something that caught her eye.
In Caitlyn's journal was a picture of a spray-painted monkey. Just like the ones Powder used to make. "Where did you get this?" Vi asked, desperation creeping into her voice. "My question first. The inmate worked for Silco?" "Everyone in here does. You of all people should know that. Now where did you find that?" "It was at the crime scene, this is evidence" Caitlyn responded. She had the upper hand here now. "If I'm to believe you about Silco, I'm going to need proof."
A way out. Vi could get both of you out of here. "I can provide you proof. Just, not from in here" she gestured to the bars around her. "And," she began to add on "I need another inmate. Inmate 381. I'm not leaving without her." Caitlyn seemed to consider this for a moment. Then she turn and left without a word. What that meant, Vi had no clue.
Caitlyn had ran off back to the warden, forging papers along the way for the release of two inmates. She needed Vi's help to track whoever this person was down, so if someone else had to come along, so be it. As she put the papers down on the warden's desk, he seemed to lazily look over them. "I have orders to release inmates 381 and 516." she spoke up. He hummed in thought before shaking his head. "I can only release one." "What? It says right there-" "I can read. But I'm only releasing one. Pick." "..inmate 516."
So when Caitlyn returned and opened Vi's cell, she immediately ran to your cell. Or at least tried to. The enforcer stopped her a few steps in. "The warden only let me release one of you. You understand that-" "No I don't! This wasn't part of the deal!" Vi went to grab the collar of Caitlyn's dress, the other wrapping her hands around Vi's wrists as she was pressed against the wall. "You will-" "If you try anything I will make sure you're put back behind bars and you never see that other inmate again." Cait rushed out. It wasn't what she wanted to resort to, threats, but it seemed to work.
Almost instantly Vi's grip loosened, slowly setting Caitlyn back down on the ground. Leaving you...
"Once we're done, you let her out. Immediately. No excuses, exceptions, or delays. And I get to say goodbye." Vi demanded. That was fair, anyone could agree to that. Thankfully Caitlyn began nodding, dusting her dress off. "Go ahead then. Afterwards we need to get going to the Undercity."
This was going to hurt.
Vi walked over to your cell, kneeling down at the bars. You were still all curled up, dead asleep. She gently knocked on the bars. "Bun..bun you gotta wake up." That was odd. Vi's voice sounded so close...as you opened up your eyes you saw your girlfriend just on the other side of the bars. There was no quicker way to wake up than seeing your lover free from her cell. "Vi! You escaped! How-" you were cut off by seeing Caitlyn standing behind Vi.
"Who is that?" "Y/N, I can explain." "Vi, who is that!" you were shouting now. You didn't even fully realize it. "She's the one that got me out-" "So now you're going to get me out?" you interrupted. Seeing the pain flash on Vi's face told you everything that you needed to know. "You're leaving me.." your voice was barely audible, but Vi caught every word. She could feel her heart shattering as she saw the tears form in your eyes. "It's only for a little bit. The warden wouldn't let us both out, once I'm done helping Caitlyn we're coming right back for you, I promise."
You wanted to believe her. Vi had never lied to you before, why would she start now? Maybe it was the fear of never seeing her again. Or maybe it had to do with the enforcer standing behind her. Caitlyn was beautiful, you had to admit, so what if...
"No, no this isn't right. Vi you can't leave me here!" you shouted, crawling up to the bars and reaching out to grab Vi's wrist. "Vi you can't leave me! Please don't leave me!" the tears finally began rolling down your cheeks faster than you could wipe them away. Vi's own eyes were starting to gloss over with tears. "I'm coming back for you, Y/N. I swear on my life I'm not leaving you. It'll be a few days tops." "What does she," you nodded your head towards Caitlyn "even need help with, huh? What are you going to do for her?"
That cut deep. Vi tried not to take it to heart as she stood up, pressing one last kiss to the back of your hand. "I'm coming back for you." she repeated, steeling herself to actually leave. To not fall to her knees and tell Caitlyn to find someone else. This was your guy's chance of freedom. Even if this hurt you now, it was better in the long run. Everything would be better when you two could be together outside of Stillwater. "Bye bye, bun. I'll be back for you" and with that she turned around and started walking away. Vi knew if she turned around to look at you one last time, she'd never leave.
That's when the shouting started.
"Vi! Vi turn around right now! You can't leave me here!" you were standing up now, having an iron grip on the bars. Almost trying to bend them out of the way so you could run to Vi. Unfortunately you weren't that strong and the bars weren't that weak. "Violet don't leave me!"
Vi quickened her pace, rushing towards the elevator. Your voice was starting to blend with Powder's the day they were separated. It was all too much. She was going to find Powder and come back for you. Everything would be okay, everything would be right. As the elevator doors closed, she heard one last thing. Yours and Powder's voice were nearly indistinguishable from one another as you yelled out:
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subbmissivesuccubus · 7 months
Aelumi and Kamisatocest - Swapping
Day 2 of Kinktober! I definitely didn't forget to post here what are you talking about you're crazy
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“Oh man, I’m stuffed!” Xiangling said with a loud sigh as she skipped down the street, “Aether and Lumine are really good cooks.”
“Dinner was delicious.” Kequing said with a nod, “And Ayaka and Ayato are fantastic hosts.”
A large group of their friends were invited to Ayaka and Aether’s home, the couple promising a night of good food and drinks. And wherever they were, their siblings were right there. Lumine and Ayato were the first people to arrive, the couple coming in early to help their family with preparations.
“It must be nice to be so close.” Xiangling said, “And convenient. Your siblings dating each other? You’ll always have a double date, someone to steal groceries from, a place to crash if you need it…”
“Yeah…” Kequing responded, a bit hesitant to say anymore but her mouth worked faster than her brain, “But don’t you think they’re a bit…too close?”
“Who? Aether and Ayaka? Or Lumine and Ayato?”
“Aether and Lumine.” Kequing corrected, “and The Kamisato’s.”
“They’re siblings.” Xiangling said with a shrug, “Nothing wrong in being close.”
“I know but…” Kequing recalled the night and she wasn’t sure but she swore she saw Aether grab Lumine’s butt at some point and she thought she saw Ayato kiss Ayaka on the lips… but she also had a lot to drink and might just be misremembering things.
But if she wasn’t…
No. No. It’s just a misunderstanding created by her alcohol infused brain. There’s no way the siblings were actually the ones romantically involved…no way…
“Nevermind. You’re right.” Kequing said, waving away her suspicions, “Must be nice.”
She needed a nap and hopefully, by tomorrow morning, she’d forget about it.
“Ah- Brother-“
“You like that, baby?”
Lumine snickered as she placed the remaining dishes in the dishwasher while watching the Kamisato’s get touchy. They were all over each other the second the guests left the house. The two of them were on the couch, Ayaka straddling her brother as his hands slid down her body to her ass, taking a greedy handful. Their lips were sealed against each other, sharing a deep kiss, their tongues dancing in harmony.
“How about we get started too, hmm?” Aether asked as he slid behind Lumine, hugging her from the back, “Seeing you in this dress- fuck- I wanted to rip it off of you the moment I saw you.”
He ran his hand along the curve of her body, smoothing the fabric as he glided over her hips. Lumine was wearing a short black dress with a low back, the fabric doing wonders for her figure.
“I could tell.” Lumine teased, “Grabbing my ass like that? What if somebody saw?”
“No one’s caught us in two years. I think we’re fine.” Her brother said, placing a kiss on her shoulder, “But you should know if you wear a skintight dress it would be impossible for me to not touch you.”
“Good.” The blonde woman said, turning around in her brother’s hold to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck, “Why do you think I wore it?”
Aether growled, his hand suddenly grabbing Lumine by the waist before picking her up effortlessly. She squealed as her legs wrapped around his waist on instinct, her brother carrying her easily before he slammed her against the nearest wall.
“Naughty minx.” He growled, “I might just fuck you in front of everybody one day.”
“And undo all out hard work?” Lumine asked, clicking her tongue in mock disappointment, “How irresponsible.”
The twins as well as the Kamisato’s ended up creating a very neat little agreement. It all started on accident two years ago where Aether walked in on Ayaka getting fucked by her brother. When the two of them scrambled to explain themselves, Aether quickly told them to relax, letting them know that the reason he was late to begin with was because he just came back from fucking Lumine.
And so, a happy accident led to the best situation all of them could ask for. They’d tell everyone that Aether and Ayaka were a couple and that Lumine and Ayato were dating as well but behind doors, they’d swap partners and indulge in their true loves and their true desires. And nobody would be any the wiser.
Ayaka gasped as her brother tugged at the buttons of her shirt, the man quickly pulling it apart, not caring that a few buttons were ripped off. She moaned as he leaned down to press kisses on her now exposed chest, his hot tongue peeking out to lick at her plump skin.
“No bra?” he questioned, tongue tracing over a nipple, making her shiver, “I could see your nipples poke through your dress the entire night, baby. How naughty~”
Ayaka didn’t respond, the sensation of her brother’s tongue on her sensitive pink nipples making her choke on any words she might have wanted to say. She was a delicious sight, in a half open white shirt and her skirt pulled up over her hips, exposing her panties to her brother’s greedy groping. His hands on her ass and his mouth on her chest, she couldn’t help but grind her hips against him, his hardening erection pressing up against her core.
The pair of siblings have long since lost any semblance of shame in their relationship. Fucking in front of each other was an almost daily occurrence and foursomes were quite common as well. So no one cared that they were all going to start fucking in the living room.
“Gonna fuck you right against this wall, babe~” Aether growled, leaning down to mouth at Lumine’s neck, “Make you scream so loud the neighbours will complain again~”
“Fuck-“ Lumine mewled as she felt her brother bite at the sensitive part of her neck, “Do it- fuck me- I’m ready for you.”
“Yeah?” Aether asked, hand sliding down her body before finding its way between her legs. Pulling up her dress enough to expose her panties, Aether licked two of his fingers before slipping them in to touch her bare cunt. Lumine gasped and arched her back against the wall as she felt the familiar sensation of her brother’s fingers on her pussy.
“Fuck- you’re so wet, Lumi~” Aether teased as he touched her, fingers collecting her slick before running it up and down her folds, “Were you turned on during dinner too?”
“Mmhmm~” Lumine hummed with a nod, “you look so hot in your suit- and the way you were groping me- how could I not be wet?”
“Fuck-“ Aether cursed again as he leaned forward to kiss her, swallowing her little gasps, “You’re driving me crazy.”
Over on the couch, the Kamisato’s continued their sensual activity, lost in a world of their own. Ayaka gasped as her shirt and skirt were ripped off of her, leaving her only in her panties as her brother gently lowered her to lie down on the sofa. “B-Brother…” Ayaka panted, pussy growing wetter as Ayato kneeled between her legs, the man taking some time to undo his clothing as well, “You’re more…aggressive than usual…”
“Of course I am.” Ayato said as he shrugged off his shirt, smirking as Ayaka’s eyes drank up his physique, her eyes running over his sculpted body, “People told me I was so lucky that Aether would be my brother-in-law someday. Ridiculous. Like I’d let you get married to someone who isn’t me. I have to- no- I need to claim you.”
He leaned forward and kissed her again, Ayaka’s heart swelling at his possessiveness, spreading her legs wider so he could get comfortable. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer, their chests pressed against each other and their privates grinding together in search of that delicious, pleasurable sensation.
“You’re so silly.” Ayaka teased once they broke apart, “You know I belong to you.”
“I know.” Ayato said with a smile, “But that doesn’t mean I don’t get jealous.”
“Well, if being jealous makes you so…passionate then maybe I need to make you jealous more often.”
“Hah. Naughty girl.”
Lumine was a frustrated mess. “Ah- Aether!” She cried out, eyebrows furrowed as Aether started to push inside her, his cock stretching her pussy open. Pressed up against the wall, her dress was pulled upto her waist and her panties simply pushed to the side, Aether’s grip on her thighs bruising as he stuffed her with his dick. “Fuck yes- oh yeah- so good!” She squealed as he thrust into her, his cock curling deliciously inside her.   
The man groaned, lost in the feeling of her pussy squeezing her like a vice, her wetness dripping down his thighs and staining the floor. “Lumi-“ he growled, drinking in her expressions, “Hah- what would the others think, hmm? All of us swapping partners so we can fuck our siblings?”
“W-who cares?” Lumine asked, eyes rolling to the back of her head as his cock started hitting that special spot inside her, “No one can s-stop us anyway~”
“Damn right.” Aether growled, increasing the pace as he pushed her harder against the wall, “your pussy is gripping me so tightly- I love it.”
“Your cock is- oh yes- stretching me s-so good!” Lumine babbled, eyebrows furrowed as she took her pounding, her brother’s balls clapping against her.  “Lift up your dress and show me those tits, Lumi.” Aether demanded, licking his lips as he stared at the way her clothed chest bounced up and down as he thrust into her. She scrambled to grab onto her dress and pull it up even more, a bit of a challenge considering the position but she managed to pull it upto her chin. She felt him twitch inside her as he stared at her bra covered breasts, the ripple of her ample flesh all the more noticeable without the garment in the way. Grabbing onto her bra, she pulled that up as well, her tits springing free once it was up far enough.
“There we go~” Aether cooed, staring at her bare, bouncing breasts like a pervert, “So perfect~” Lumine grabbed onto her tits and started squeezing them, giving Aether a show as her softness spilled between her fingers, her pretty pink nipples hardening from the contact. She loved it when Aether was so infatuated with her body that he loses himself, the man thrusting on autopilot as he stared at her playing with herself.
A shrill squeak broke both of their concentrations, reminding them that there were two other people with them.
“Ah-Ah-brother!” Ayaka cried out loud, nails digging into the fabric of the couch cushion as Ayato’s cock throbbed inside her, the man giving her a second to adjust to his length. He groaned as her pussy clamped around him, her hot, velvet walls squeezing him deliciously. He had her on her knees, taking her from behind, giving him a perfect view of the bright red handprint marking an ass cheek.
A hand went forward and grabbed her by the back of the neck before pushing down with force, making Ayaka press her face against the cushion and keeping her steady for him, her back arched lewdly. With no warning, Ayato gently pulled out all the way to the tip before slamming it all back in with one thrust, making her squeal.
“Greedy little pussy~” Ayato groaned, body shivering as he fought against her tight walls, “So desperate for me- I can barely thrust, baby.”
“B-Brother’s c-cock is- oh Archons-“ Ayaka babbled, head going loopy from the sensation of her pussy getting fucked as well as Ayato’s tight grip on her, “s-stretching me open!”
“Ah, such a perfect cunt~ Like it was made for me, hmm?” Ayato said, pushing her face farther into the couch as he picked up the pace, “Arc that back more for me- good girl.”
The slapping sound of skin against skin echoed through the room, the Kamisato’s so focused on each other that they barely registered the other couple fucking just as passionately a few steps away. The blue haired woman mewled as her big brother’s dick pounded her vigorously, the slick from her cunt allowing him to truly fuck her silly. Her moans and babbles were muffled into the couch cushion, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as the fabric got wet with her drool.
Ayato raised his free hand and gave her ass a smack, making her yelp from the sudden burst of pain, before that hand grabbed her by the hip, gripping onto her tightly. Her pussy always felt heavenly regardless of the countless times the two of them fucked. He would always be grateful for Aether walking in on them and coming up with the idea of swapping their partners behind closed doors.
“Oh, Aether!” Lumine cried out, fingers tugging the hairs at the back of his head, eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed as she took her pounding, “I-I’m gonna cum!”
“Me too baby.” Aether said sweat dripping down his brow as he picked up the pace, jackhammering into her. His muscles were starting to burn from carrying Lumine but he’d rather die before he dropped her. “Touch yourself,” he ordered, “cum around my cock.” She nodded her head excitedly, her hand sliding down to toy with her clit. Aether moaned, eyes rolling to the back of his head as her pussy tightened around his cock. His abdomen tightened and he grit his teeth, trying to fight off his orgasm. He wanted to see Lumine cum first.
Thankfully, he didn’t have to wait long. Legs trembling, her face red and her tongue sticking out, Lumine squealed and screamed as she reached her climax. Her back arched and her voice got high, her pussy gushing as the pleasure hit her like a truck. Toes curling, her body shivered and twitched as Aether continued to pound away at her g-spot, her fingers still rubbing desperately at her clit to milk herself of all the pleasure. “That’s it baby, that’s it.” Aether cooed, biting his lower lip as he watched her expression contort, “Good little slut~ Now, get on your fucking knees.”
Once she was satisfied with her orgasm, Aether gently pulled out of her, the slick sound of his cock leaving her fucked open hole making their bodies shiver. Lumine obediently got on her knees, still high from her orgasm but she had enough sense to bring a hand up and start jerking off Aether’s wet, hard cock. He had the desire to cum in her mouth so she quickly sealed her lips around the head of his member, licking at the slit before she moved downwards, taking in more and more of his cock. It was only a matter of seconds before he came and sure enough, she barely needed to bob her head before Aether climaxed.
He shouted out loud, tossing his head back, knees locking in place as he came inside her mouth. Lumine moaned around him, giving his dick more pleasure as she took him all the way in, his dick sliding down her throat as he came. He grit his teeth and grabbed her hair, holding her tight against him, enjoying the deepthroating as his balls clenched with every pump of cum. Lumine looked up at him with watery eyes and she swore she felt his dick instantly harden inside her throat.
“Oh- oh- oh – ah- fuck- brother- c-can I cum?” Ayaka begged from where she was getting pounded, Ayato fucking her mercilessly. The man had brought a leg up to rest on the couch cushion, giving him more movement to go deeper inside her eager hole, his cock pounding against her womb. The hand that was pushing her face into the couch was now pulling at her hair, her ponytail wrapped around his fingers and tugging on it so tightly, Ayaka had no option but to get on her hands and arc her back even more, her neck strained as her brother pulled her by the hair.
“Good girl, asking for permission.” Ayato said, the calmness in his voice a complete contrast to the body shaking pleasure he was feeling, “Let’s cum together baby. And big brother is going to cum – fuck- cum inside you.”
“Th-thank you!” Ayaka cried out, tears in her eyes from how good she was getting pounded, “Thank you b-brother.”
“Beg brother for his cum.”
“C-Can I please have you c-cum brother?” Ayaka begged, not even hesitating, “P-Please cum in my p-pussy! Fill my womb up w-with your seed! I need it- I need you!”
“You want me to cum inside you?”
“Want brother to breed you?”
“Yes- yes- yes!”
“Ok baby. You’ll get what you want~”
With another sharp smack to her ass, Ayato let go of her hair in favour of grabbing her hips with both hands, smashing his pelvis against hers and getting his cock as deep inside her as it could go. Her babbles and cries were a thing of beauty, his swinging balls slapping against her sensitive clit each time he thrust into her.
“You’re going to cum in 3…2…1…cum!”
Ayaka screamed, eyes rolling to the back of her head as her climax hit her hard. Her whole body convulsed, her toes curling and fingers clenching as she came around Ayato’s cock. Her pussy gushed around him, her juices dripping onto the couch as she came so violently, she swore she blacked out for a second. Ayato was right there with her, the man tossing his head back and moaning loudly as he came inside his sweet, little sister. His balls clenched as he pumped rope after rope of his seed inside her, laughing as he felt her womb get filled up with his sperm. Her body was accepting him greedily, taking in his load and squeezing him so tightly- it was like she wasn’t going to let him pull out.
It took them a few seconds to come down from that high, Ayaka’s hands giving up on her as she fell face first back onto the cushion. Ayato panted behind her, rolling his hips to make sure every drop got milked out of his balls. He whistled at the mess they made, the couch needing a change considering it was now stained with both the Kamisato juices.
He looked back towards where the twins were, smirking as he saw them start to fuck once more on the floor, too desperate for each other to even make their way to the bedroom. Aether had caught Lumine in a mating press and was just going to town on her, cock driving deep inside her eager pussy.
This was the life. Swapping partners so they could love each other with no fear of judgement. “Ready for round two, Ayaka?
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dotster001 · 1 year
I just had an idea for a request! What if MC is asked to cook the meals for each dorm when there's a special occasion? And everyone believes that she can't do it but, lo and behold, she manages to cook up a whole feast. I hope this is okay!
A/N: Fun fact, it takes me a long ass time to get to requests...so I hope you're still around anon 😅
CW:Fem! Reader
"Alright, you said you need food on Thursday for Sebek's birthday, right?"
"Yes, preferably by three."
"Okay, and you guys need food for the basketball club on Saturday?"
"Yeah. And Floyd wants to remind you he wants shrimp on the menu."
"Duly noted."
How did you get here? How did you become NRC's most popular caterer? Well…
Three months  prior
You had stopped by the Heartslaybul Dorm to visit Trey, who was still recovering from his broken leg. It appeared you had stepped into a warzone.
"Sevens! What are we supposed to do?"
Riddle was pacing back and forth, while an exhausted Trey looked on.
"We can ask Octavinelle. I'm certain Azul will have dishes worthy of an unbirthday party."
"And be indebted to Housewarden Ashengrotto for the rest of my life? Absolutely not."
"Wait, you need food for an unbirthday party?" You finally piped in, startling both the boys.
"Yes, but as you can see, Trey is still incapacitated. And the freshmen he has been trying to train are not ready to take on the project."
"I can do it," you offered.
Again, both boys just stared at you.
"You do know the unbirthday party is…tomorrow, right?" Trey asked. "It's not that I don't believe in you, it's just a lot of food to take care of at the last second."
"Well, I don't believe in you," Riddle said dryly. "There's only one person I believe can pull off something like this alone, and he's laying in that bed."
"Thank you?" Trey questioned.
"Well, just for that, I'm gonna do it! Just to prove you wrong!"
"What time do you need the food by, housewarden?"
"1:30 tomorrow. Think you can handle that? Cause if not-"
"I know, I know. It's off with my head or whatever," and then you stormed off to the kitchen.
"Please don't be too hard on her…"
"It'll be her own fault for promising the impossible. That will be all on her."
Ace had wandered down for a late night snack. The closer he got, the more it sounded like someone was in the kitchen. Which didn't make sense, because Trey was still injured, so who could possibly…
"Sorry, no entrance if you aren't on the list."
He looked down to see Grim standing in front of the door like a bouncer.
"The fuck is that supposed to mean, rat?"
"It means you aren't allowed entrance. Cause you aren't on the list."
Ace knelt down to Grim's level with a smug grin.
"Oh yeah? And what are ya gonna do about it?"
Then the door opened, revealing you in an apron, covered in flour.
"Grim, please remove the distraction from the premises."
"I'm on it, oh great food master. He was just leaving," Grim responded, shoving Ace for good measure.
"Hey, wait, wait, wait! Whatcha cookin, I'm hungry!" Ace began attempting to push past Grim into the kitchen.
"Back off Ace. I'm not playing this game with you tonight. This is for the unbirthday party."
"Wait what? Dude, Trey starts like a week ahead of time, isn't that tomorrow? There's no way you're gonna finish anyway, just let me have a bite!"
You glared for a moment, before looking at your kitty companion.
"Grim, remove the trash please."
"Yes, my lady," he began kicking Ace's shins as you returned to the kitchen.
Ace returned the next morning, with an entourage of Jack, Epel, Sebek, Deuce, and, of all people, Jamil.
Before Ace could say something snide to you or your kitty bouncer, Jamil called into the kitchen,
"Hey, it's Jamil. I was wondering how things are going, or if you need any help?" 
"Nah I'm good, but thanks for the offer," came your reply through the kitchen door.
"Ace and Sebek have 30 madol on you not finishing in time," Epel said with a snicker.
"Grim, tell Ace to fuck off."
"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Grim said, kicking Ace's shins again.
Jack took the opportunity to speak to the door, "Y/N there's no shame in asking for help, it's a lot of food…"
"And Heartslaybul has the highest retention rate of all the dorms, so it's more food than any other dorm," Deuce added.
"It just can't be done, human! Allow the canine one to help you!" Sebek called.
"Look, Mr Doubter, I'm almost done. In fact, you be here at 1:30 to join the unbirthday party, so you can eat my food, and your words!"
There was a crashing sound from within, and all the boys almost burst through the door, if not for you peeking out from it yourself.
"Not to worry, I just hit an empty tray with my elbow, everything is okay. Now go away!"
The six boys, confused and concerned as ever, made their departure.
As the clock struck one, a crowd had set up outside the kitchen door. Students from nearly every dorm had huddled outside to see what the end result would be.
Then they heard a shout.
And Grim hushed the crowd.
You emerged dramatically from the kitchen, and looked around at your audience, calm and collected as ever. 
"I need some volunteers to set the table."
Immediately, some students joined you in the kitchen, and then they were parading out tray after tray, stacked high with shimmering desserts of all kinds; tarts, cookies, macarons, and a three tiered cake, decorated in red and white hearts. Then came the teas. It appeared you had brewed at least five varieties of teas. 
The crowd outside stared in wonder. Silent murmurs of awe passed through the crowd, before Rook Hunt pushed his way to your side, kneeling at your feet.
"My Lady, Pomefiore would like to request your skills for a ball next weekend."
Before you could respond, Azul had elbowed his way forward, and placed an arm around your shoulders.
"Prefect, have you ever considered working for the Mostro Lounge?"
Leona somehow made his way over.
"Shove off, tako, the herbivore is going to be cooking for us!"
And thus, the Ramshackle Prefect became NRC's caterer. And no, you obviously are not getting paid for it. Who the fuck are you kidding?
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @leonia0 @eccedentesiast-sapphic
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