#/ Moving this over? But also 'me approaching this thread like a waiter with a cheese grater at a restaurant'
imtiredofbeingafraid · 10 months
Moved to beta
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“We do?” Kay repeated in surprise as she stared at the back of his head. She hadn’t thought there’d be a we after he’d saved her, but maybe he intended to help more then she’d realized. Though she couldn’t imagine what the bigger issues were then the ones she… they were facing at the moment. Even aware that he wasn’t looking at her, her head still bowed a little when he mentioned her needing to explain. Where did you start? And what if he found out the truth and didn’t want to continue helping her… Maybe it didn’t matter. She appreciated the help she’d received so far, and if he didn’t want to continue afterward then she’d make her way back to the woods again. Peering up at the top of the enclosure while she listened, she watched as a few members of the public passed by. No sign of the men from the lab, but she knew he was right, that didn’t mean they weren’t nearby. “What’s a… transport box?” she questioned nervously. It didn’t sound like something she was eager to get into, in fact it reminded her of the scared caged animals they would bring into the lab for them to use their powers on. “I – I… I’m not sure… would I be able to fit in one?” The last time she’d been close to one it had housed a small animal, and she didn’t think she was as small as a cat.
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His words were slow to register, and when they did, she stood there in disbelief. Survive and are cared for. Sure, she’d survived at the lab, but she didn’t know what it was like to be cared for, not the way the other children were. “Do – do you mean I… I get to stay with you?”
Dan didn't respond to her first question. He needed to not talk to her. The more attention he drew to himself--the worse off this was going to be. He was still less concerned about the lab people than he was the zoo employees. They knew which animals were staying and which were going and it would be easy for them to figure out that he was up to something. Perhaps he could claim he needed to clean it or had forgotten that it wasn't needed?
His brain was still reeling trying to figure all of this out and how he could successfully pull it off. He was good at coming up with plans but he liked to have time to get it all together. Doing it all on the fly like this wasn't where he flourished. He just needed to get the box close to an exit for her to slip out.
"It's what we use to move the animals." He had no way of knowing what she was thinking but she wasn't that far off. "Believe me, you're not even close to the size of the biggest animal we have here. You'll fit." He could hear the hesitation in her voice, "Hey if you don't feel comfortable I can try to find an alternative? Maybe there's a costume or something for you to hide in?" Cartoons always used balloons or she could get in a stuffed animal but they weren't living in a cartoon and he had to be reasonable about this.
His cheeks flushed. He was barely sure how to get out of here. Let alone what he was going to do after that but he had to be reassuring for her. He tried to shake it and give Kay an encouraging smile, "Of course. Or at least until we figure out a better solution."
Unfortunately it didn't take long for his anxiety to show up again, "The important thing right now is getting you out and I'm having a hard time convincing myself to leave you behind or come up with a meeting place for you even though I know it has to be done." He knew she couldn't come with him. At best if she could get out on her own they could avoid all of this but could she do it safely?
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
Different but the Same (pt. 8)
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tw: chaos?, insecurities, discussion of My Hero Academia (spoilers for season 4)
Word count: 2.9k
Rating: R18+/M
Omegaverse AU, Rating: 18+/M
Pairings: Iwaizumi x fem!reader, Ushijima x fem!reader
Summary: An unexpected encounter at the Inter-High tournament tossed you into a whirlwind. Being tugged between two males, two different packs, who will reign supreme in this battle for your heart?
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ch. 8: Tokyo - Day One
“Huh?” Her eyes pried open as she shifted uncomfortably. She had been slumped against Ushijima. 
“We have arrived.”
A yawn interrupted her as she sat up. “Sorry,” another yawn, “Ushijima-san.” 
“It’s okay. We need to get off the bus now.” 
“Right!” She shook her head, standing up and stretching. The bus ride to Tokyo had been long. Despite leaving mid-day and beginning the trip in a rowdy manner, most people had also succumbed to sleep and were just waking up. 
“Sleep well, princess?” Semi teased from behind her, leaning over to ruffle her hair. She playfully nipped at his fingers, pushing his hand off her head.
“Of course, I had the best pillow,” she replied, nudging Ushijima. They disembarked, the Omega helping lead the efforts to unload the luggage while Coach Washijo and Saito left to go check into the hotel. 
“Omega!” Coach Washijo called from the entrance.
“Duty calls,” she muttered, rolling her eyes. “Can you make sure they finish unloading, Ushijima-san?”
“Of course.” 
The Omega walked towards the coaches who handed her a clipboard with room assignments and keys. “Pass these out to the boys,” Washijo ordered before he picked up his own bags to shuffle to his own room.
“After everyone is settled, they will be able to go explore Tokyo,” Saito explained. “They know their food budgets, but remind them to keep their receipts. Hotel curfew will be at 10 PM. They must be in their own rooms by midnight at the very latest. Wake-up calls will begin at 6 AM.” Saito shrugged. “Washijo would prefer if they were in their rooms by hotel curfew, but they should be allowed to have some fun.” He smiled. “Take care of them, okay?” 
She nodded, flicking through the papers. “Thank you, Coach. What will you be doing?”
Saito grinned mischievously, “I’ll be meeting up with some of the coaches and we’ll be out late.” He pressed a finger to his lips. “Don’t tell anyone.”
The Omega giggled. “Your secret is safe with me, Coach.” She walked back out to the bus where the boys were loitering around. “Alright boys!” She called, waving them to her. After relaying the important information to the boys, they all split off into their room groupings. (Name) glanced back up at the hotel once again, letting out a low whistle. Of course a powerhouse school like Shiratorizawa could afford such a fancy hotel. 
“Let me carry that.” Ushijima scooped up her luggage, carrying it towards the hotel for her. She blinked, shock temporarily holding her in place. After realizing what had just happened, she ran after him.
“Wait! You don’t have to do that!” She called. Ushijima stood by the elevator, waiting for it to arrive. Semi and Tendou were with him. 
“It’s not a bother.”
“That’s not it,” she scowled. “I’m not even on the same floor as you guys.” She had been placed on a separate floor in order to provide her some space from the team. 
“All we’re doing is dropping stuff off, right?” Tendou interjected, shrugging. “So we can go to your floor, then ours, then out to dinner!” He grinned. The elevator dinged, opening up for them. 
(Name) rolled her eyes, sulking in the corner. There was no sense in arguing with Ushijima, let alone three Alphas.  “Alright fine.” 
The Omega sighed loudly as she collapsed onto her bed. (Name) had to admit, she was having a lot of fun with the pack. Considering the issues between Seijoh and Shiratorizawa, she had anticipated more conflict involving her and her loyalties but everyone had been genuinely considerate and inclusive. Of course, the pack was almost as chaotic as Seijoh, if not more.
“(Name)-san! Sit next to me!” Goshiki bounced, patting at the empty seat beside him. The Omega laughed, slipping into the seat. Semi took the seat beside her. Ushijima stood, eyes flashing before he took the seat directly across from her. Tendou sat facing Goshiki and Hayato was across from Semi. The team had decided to eat at a local monja shop, but due to the sheer size of their group, had been split up into separate groups. 
“Man, the food smells so good!” Hayato praised, practically drooling as he sniffed the air.
“It is highly-rated on Welp,” Semi commented, eyes scanning the menu. The Omega glanced around, ensuring that everyone was comfortably seated. Their table quickly placed their orders, leading room for discussion.
“Bakugou deserves to be number one hero!” Tendou argued, hands gesturing in eccentric flourishes. The other boys rolled their eyes, not really following along with the conversation. They were well used to Tendou’s random anime rants.  
“He works hard, but he needs to fix his attitude,” the Omega replied, eyes on her menu. “But Mirio definitely deserved One for All.” 
“Yes!” Tendou screeched, causing heads to fly up and look at their table.
“Tendou, calm down,” Semi scowled. “Don’t get us kicked out.” 
“I’m sure we’ll be fine,” Tendou grinned, throwing his hands up with a flourish only to knock the tray out of the waiter’s hands. He blanched. “I’m so sorry.” 
(Name) face-palmed. “I’m going to go check on the others,” she muttered, standing up and walking away from the table. She approached the table with Taichi and Shirabu, looking for refuge while Tendou scrambled to help clean up the mess that he had made. There, she found Shirabu and Taichi arguing about something and due to their distraction, led to their monja burning. After scolding them, she assigned Reon to be in charge of their table. Of course, once she got back to the ‘mature’ table, she had found Tendou mixing all of the ingredients for all of the different monja types to create a behemoth that ended up burnt at the bottom and undercooked at the top. By that point, she decided to ban Tendou from touching anything and only allowed Semi, Ushijima, and herself to take care of it. Hayato was assigned to monitor Tendou, who had moved on to teasing Goshiki. 
She rolled onto her side, looking at her phone. It wasn’t often that she and Iwaizumi were separated, so it felt weird to be alone in her room. (Name) let out a soft sigh. At least it would only be for a few days. She sniffed her over-sized shirt, comforted by the familiar pine scent that clung to it. 
Just as she was about to unlock it, a video-call came in. She sat up, excited. “Hello?”
“Hey love.” Iwaizumi was laying in their bed, propped up against the headboard as he looked down at his laptop. 
“Haji!” Her grin was massive. He let out a soft chuckle, smiling at the sight. 
“How are you doing baby?” 
She fell back onto the bed, all stress and tension releasing from her body. “I’m okay. We just got back from dinner.” He hummed in response. “How are things back home?” 
“Not bad,” he replied, shifting the laptop to get more comfortable. A pause. “I miss you.” 
His hoarse whisper caused sadness to bubble up. “I miss you too,” she admitted, fiddling with a loose thread on the blanket. “I don’t know how I’m going to sleep without you beside me.”
Iwaizumi chuckled, looking around their bedroom. “Me too babe.” They remained quiet for a moment. She just enjoyed being able to hear his breathing and to see his face. He cleared his throat, “what time do you have to be up tomorrow?”
“6. You?”
“The usual.” Iwaizumi and Omega typically got up at 5. While Iwaizumi was on his morning run, (Name) would prepare breakfast and lunch. Later that evening, the Alpha would make dinner. “I should let you go get some rest. I’m sure you’re tired after all that travel.” 
She pouted slightly, “but I wanna talk to you longer.” 
“You’re such a cheese-ball, you know that?” He chuckled. “It’s okay babe. The sooner you’re finished with your trip, the sooner you’ll be in my arms again.” He glanced at the time. “I’ll meet you on-campus once you get back, okay?” 
“Okay,” she sulked. “I love you.”
“I love you too babe.” She kissed her fingers before placing it onto the camera. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes before indulging her and doing the same. “Good night, sweet dreams.”
“Only if you’re in them,” she chirped. “Good night Haji.” The phone chimed as the call ended. She sighed, letting her phone slip from her fingers as she threw an arm over her eyes. Just as she was about to doze off, a knock at her door shook her away. (Name) stood up, tugging on a pair of sweats. She’d just been in one of Iwaizumi’s shirts and her panties. Her brow furrowed as she opened the door. “Can I help you?”
“Come hangout! The night is still young.” 
Her face scrunched up. “Do you never run out of energy?” 
“Nope!” He grinned, tugging on her hand. “C’mon, Omega-chan. We rarely ever get a chance to hangout.” 
(Name) glanced at her phone. There were still a few hours before curfew. Pinching her nose, she sighed. “Alright, I’ll hang-out for a bit. But I most definitely need to sleep early today, okay?”
“That’s fine!”
She held her pinky up to him. “Promise me you won’t try to convince me to stay later than I want to.”
“I swear!” 
Sleeping early ended up being a lie. It was already past midnight by the time she realized how late it was getting. “Tendou!” She shrieked, throwing her cards down. “I should already be in my room!” 
Tendou cackled, looking up at the panicked Omega. “It’s fine (Name). You’re already here, you might as well stay longer.”    
She crossed her arms, pouting. “I’m going to get in trouble with Washijo.” She shivered. The males grimaced. The last thing anyone wanted was to get in trouble with Washijo, who already had a gripe with the Omega. 
“Just a little longer,” Tendou pleaded, kneeling with his lip jutting out as he clasped his hands together. She looked around the room. Semi just shrugged when she met his eyes, and Ushijima had a stoic expression. 
“If I get in trouble, I’m blaming you guys,” she scowled, folding her arms.
“Well, I’m going to head back to my room. Don’t stay up too late,” Semi smiled, ruffling her hair as he stood up. 
“Semi-Semi is no fun,” Tendou complained, crossing his arms before Semi gave a final wave good night and walked towards the door.
“How come Semi can leave and I can’t?”
“Because we like you.” Tendou fired back, smirking. 
“I heard that!” Semi warned, scowling before he shut the door behind him. 
Luckily, Tendou’s energy burnt out soon enough. Within an hour, he was snoring gently into the Omega’s lap as he curled into her warmth. Ushijima sat beside her, looking down between his friend and her. “Are you comfortable?”
She hummed, brushing red locks away from Tendou’s face. It relaxed under her touch, and he wriggled closer to the gentle caress. “I don’t mind,” she breathed, eyes twinkling with affection as she watched the middle-blocker. “He looks happy.” They remained in silence a moment longer. Ushijima took the time to scan the Omega, noting the small details on her face. The way the light caught her eyes, how her hair draped her face. “I’m sorry.”
Ushijima blinked. “What for?” 
“For keeping you up.” Her eyes caught his as she sent him an apologetic look. “I’m sure you’d already be asleep if it weren’t for me.” 
“I don’t mind. I like your company.” Ushijima shifted closer to her, their shoulders pressing together. Tendou shifted in his sleep, a soft sigh leaving his lips as his fingers wrapped around the Omega’s wrist. She lets his fingers slide down and slot themselves behind her fingers, watching silently. “Is that uncomfortable for you?”
She shook her head. “No, I’m used to it by now.”
“Used to it?”
“Mmhm.” Tendou squeezed her hand slightly, pulling it close to his chest. “The Seijoh pack is really physically affectionate.” Ushijima remained silent, a spark of irritation flickering internally. He knew they had history. He knew their packs were different. But still, why? Why did it make him so uncomfortable to think about? His thoughts were interrupted when her head fell on his shoulder. He lurched slightly, head swiveling to look down at her. 
Ushijima shifted slightly, making it more comfortable for her to rest on him. The silence was deafening. He searched for words, anything to distract from the steady rise and fall of her chest. “Do you like it here, (Name)-san?” Silently he added ‘with me’. She tilted her face up, hair cascading off of her face. 
“With Shiratorizawa?” Ushijima nodded. (Name) offered him a soft smile. “Of course. You’ve all been so kind to me, and I appreciate everyone’s efforts to include me in pack activities.” He gave her another stiff nod in response, his eyes shifting back to Tendou as she tilted her face slightly to look up at the  Alpha. “Ushijima-san?” 
“Thank you.”
“What for?” 
“For inviting me to be your manager. I’m having a really nice time.” She shifted, leaning more of her weight against his chest. (Name) hesitated. “It’s...been really nice getting to know you.”
“I appreciate you and all of the work you’ve done so far.” Their breathing synced up. His hand slowly moved up, wrapping around her shoulder and carding through her locks. Her eyes closed at the comforting sensation, nuzzling into the caress. “I’m grateful for the opportunity to get to know you.” They sat in silence a moment longer. He ached; he felt like he barely knew her. Rarely had he ever felt odd about something like that, but the almost suffocating silence clung to them too often when they were alone together. Ushijima swallowed, searching for words to fill the stagnating air. “What do you plan on doing after you graduate?”
She hummed, a hand still stroking through the red locks. “I plan on going to university. Maybe Tohoku? Or University of Tokyo. Whichever I can get into.” 
“What do you want to study?”
“Haven’t really decided yet. I’ll probably end up doing business or something.” 
Ushijima’s brow furrowed. “You don’t know?” Ever since he was a child, he had a dream of playing volleyball professionally. Not having a dream or ambition felt odd to him.
She let out a breathy laugh. “Yeah, weird right?” She gave him a half-hearted smile. “I haven’t really had a chance to think about my future. I’ve always thought about being a stay-at-home mom, but I don’t think I’d be happy staying at home like that.” 
“Why not?”
(Name) shifted, Ushijima’s arm falling off her shoulder to land loosely around her waist. “I’m used to being out and about as a manager. Taking care of people, y’know? If anything, I’d probably be happier being involved in sports still.”
“You can always be a team manager,” he offered. ‘You could always be my team manager.’
She chuckled, “maybe.” 
Silence fell onto the couple. Ushijima’s fingers brushed against her soft skin, sending a warmth rippling through his body. He nosed her head, breathing in her gentle scent. He remained silent, letting her presence envelope him with the warmth of a summer sun. The spell broke as Tendou let out a groan, rubbing his eyes with both hands while still holding the Omega’s hand. 
“What time is it?” Tendou slurred, sitting up and burying his face into the Omega’s shoulder. 
(Name) giggled, rubbing his back soothingly. “It’s after 2, Tendou. I think it’s time for bed.” Her arms slipped under his armpits, scooping him up. He warbled in distress, clambering onto unsteady feet. The red-head slumped onto her, letting her guide him to his bed. She pulled the sheets back, letting Tendou slip off her shoulder under the covers. The male face-planted, and the Omega tucked him into the blanket, rolling him over so his face wasn’t pressed against the pillow. She brushed his vermillion hair away from his forehead, leaving a gentle kiss onto it. “Good night, Tendou. Sweet dreams.” He muttered a sleepy ‘good night’, dragging her hand down to his face so he could brush his lips against her knuckles. (Name) pulled away, grabbing her coat. “I should head back to my room now.” 
“I’ll walk you.” 
“You don’t-”
“I’ll walk you.” 
She paused before smiling at Ushijima. “Okay.” 
“Give me a moment.” (Name) walked to the door, waiting patiently for Ushijima. He disappeared into the bathroom for a moment, before coming back with a clean, wrapped lunchbox. Ushijima handed it to her, bowing. “Thank you for the curry. It was delicious.” 
She took it back, beaming. “When did you even have a chance to eat it?” 
He opened the door, a hand on the small of her back as he escorted her down the hall. “When you were sleeping.”
The Omega grimaced. “I hope I didn’t cause you too much trouble when I did that.” They waited for the elevator to slide open. 
“I don’t mind. Not when it’s you.” Her eyes focused on the wrap, playing with the end of it as a boiling flush overtook her soft features. They stepped out, making their way to her door. She opened it, stepping in. “Good night, (Name)-san. I hope you sleep well.” 
He nodded, spinning on his heel to make his way down the hall. “Ushijima-san?” She called in a soft whisper, poking her head out of the door. 
Ushijima turned back, looking at her. “Yes?” 
“You can call me (Name), I don’t mind.” 
He hesitated before giving her a stiff nod. “Alright then, (Name).” 
She smiled. “Good night Ushijima-san. Sweet dreams.” 
💟 (Name) had started out sleeping on the window, but due to the bumpy nature of the ride, Ushijima had pulled her against him to protect her head
💟 Prior to (Name) becoming a manager, the Shiratorizawa pack didn’t go out much because they couldn’t be trusted to control themselves
💟 The last time Iwaizumi and (Name) had been separated for an extended period of time, she’d almost ended up in Omega depression. Oikawa and the other third-years had to sleep-over with her every night until Iwaizumi had returned from his trip
💟 Tendou had consumed three of the hotel’s complimentary espresso shots  right after dinner
💟 Semi almost broke Tendou’s nose one time when he didn’t get enough sleep. Since then, there was a universal agreement to let Semi sleep whenever he wanted to 
💟 The Shiratorizawa pack wasn’t very physically affectionate, and it would make (Name) miss the Seijoh pack even more. Tendou was the only one who noticed and would take the extra step to be more physically interactive with her 
💟 Ushijima normally doesn’t mind when there’s silence or when there’s one person dominating the conversation. But he gets very uncomfortable when it’s a silence involving him and (Name) 
💟 Though (Name) had been around Seijoh for so long, she wasn’t considered a manager. The Shiratorizawa pack had been so inviting that she feels at home with them
💟 Secretly, (Name) wasn’t sure if she could handle dealing with another pack of volleyball idiots
💟 Out of all of the Shiratorizawa third-years, (Name) was the most protective and mothering of Tendou
AN: I accidentally hit ‘post’ before this was ready, I’m sorry LMAO. Also, I’m kicking off ‘spicewithskye’ today! Please feel free to flood my inbox with thirst asks. Let me know who’s living in your head rent-free :P 
Please feel free to pop into my inbox if you have any questions, comments, or concerns 💞 I love interacting with you all!
Taglist: @sawamooora  @kriswu46 @pantasticalcat @shadowkunoichi @awuariyuh @4lfalfagarlic @kuroowh0r3 @sourapplex @pastelpuffbar @cutepet09​ @michelepiekenma @gywjd0131​ @aideen00 @loudpoetry23 @scrappydaisies @chrisrue15​@aideen00 @mayor-chu-of-many-towns  @ ephemeralninon  
Please contact me via ask or my inbox to join the ‘Different but the Same’ taglist! 💞  Check out this link for information about my taglists.
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katsjourneyblog · 7 years
I’m fortunate to have had the opportunity to explore a significant amount of the world in my lifetime thus far; having been to all six habitable continents. Often in conversations, people will ask me what are my top 10 favorite places in the world. Anyone who is a traveler would understand it is ultimately an impossible endeavor. In essence, your favorites are a moving target. What you loved backpacking in Thailand 20 years ago might not be what you would put on your top list today. And the more you continue to travel, the more the list will shift. Also, is “favorite” based on nature and natural beauty? Adventure? Art and Architecture? Food? History? The warmth of the locals?
Given that laborious task, I began jotting down places while riding a  4+ hour shuttle in Costa Rica. I had a little time on my hands with no WiFi and painfully slow-moving traffic on the international highway which runs through the country – connecting to Panama in the south and Nicaragua to the north.  The problem was the list kept growing as I thought back fondly of so many incredible memories spanning multiple decades. I have attempted to cull it down to 10, with a few honorable mentions of which I could not let go.  And may I remind you, this list IS a moving target?
Perth, WA, Australia
It has been many years since I have been there, but this city on Australia’s SW coast (and the surrounding region of Freemantle and the Margaret River Valley wine region) has an unmistakable “cool” vibe I have not quite found elsewhere in the country. The year round, near-perfect weather negates the need for heating or air conditioning. Outdoor sports can be found everywhere, from the Australian rules football fields to sailing on the Swan River to snorkeling around the azure waters of Rottnest Island.   Looking for wildlife you just don’t see back home? Black swans roam the parklands by the Swan River and Lake Monger and quokkas fearlessly approach you on Rottnest Island looking for a sip of water from your cup. It is worth the flight to this hip city on Australia’s other coast.
Tamarindo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Up until a few decades ago, Tamarindo was a sleepy village on Costa Rica’s NW Pacific coast where surfers would come for the great breaks.  Since tourism has discovered this gemstone, it has grown up into something international, but still keeping its exotic roots. Even post-discovery, the population averages only about 3,000. The mix of tourists, expats and locals add unique threads of color to the tapestry of this chill beach town. It is the smallest place I know where you can walk down the street (or the broad, beautiful beach) and hear 5 different languages any given day.   And the food? Don’t let the tiny population fool you, there are over 100 restaurants and bars to satisfy the foodie in you! Plus, you can SUP, surf, golf, fish, horseback ride, ATV, or just photograph wildlife to your heart’s content all within 20 minutes. With the least amount of rain in the country, there is never a bad time to visit.
Goa, India 
The small state of Goa on India’s west coast consists of 101 kms of coastline and has a distinctive personality blending east and west, Hindu and Catholic, seafood and curry. It is decidedly India, yet heavily influenced by the Portuguese for almost 450 years.  In my travels to Incredible India, I find myself returning each time to Goa. I cannot put my finger on it. The air is different there.  Perhaps there is just something exotic about swimming in the Arabian Sea and legally being able to wear a bikini in India with no one judging you as you throw back a cold Kingfisher beer! There are dozens of beaches, some boasting crowds of tourists and others are quiet hideaways. Portuguese fortresses dot the shoreline. The food is endless, from beach shacks to upmarket restaurants perched on cliffs watching the sun sink into the sea at the end of the day. And no trip to Goa is complete without a visit to the all-night Saturday hippie market – Arpora.
Austin, Texas, USA
The capital of Texas has made a name for itself flaunting its live music-food trailers-high tech-gay pride-hipsters-cowboys-starving artists-tolerant vibe.  A pretty remarkably harmonious blend, given all the ideological differences.  Home to two of the country’s largest music festivals (Austin City Limits, South-by-Southwest) and the only Formula 1 track in the USA (Circuit of the Americas),  and a great university (University of Texas) -with a massive amount of football followers, this little powerhouse city had put itself on the international map. But it isn’t all music, cars, and football.  One must visit the prettiest capital building in the country, the only one standing taller than the USA capital. Austin is located where the farmland to the east meets the scenic hill country to the west. There are delightful day trips to central Texas places like swimming holes and a massive pink granite dome (called Enchanted Rock) and dozens of wineries.  A weekend is simply not long enough!
Fira, Santorini, Greece 
Architecture of Oia town on Santorini
The moment you step onto your whitewashed terrace overlooking the caldera, the “wow factor” will engulf you. This crescent shaped island of Santorini (or Thera) is actually a volcano which erupted thousands of year ago.  The city of Fira is built on the side of the volcano overlooking the sunken rim into the sea. You can take a gondola ride to the bottom, or if you are adventurous take a donkey. From there you can catch a boat to the center where you can swim the ancient volcanic waters. For history buffs, you will not want to miss the Akrotiri Ruins.  And if you like wine there are multiple wineries to tour. There’s nothing like a good Greek wine to accompany that fresh feta cheese and kalamata olive plate. Santorini is beyond charming and a truly iconic Greek island. Foodies will also celebrate the family owned Greek restaurants at every turn.
Cape Town, South Africa
This international city sits near the bottom of the African continent on the Western Cape where the frigid, turbulent waters of the Atlantic meet the warm, caressing waters of the Indian ocean. You can occasionally see a line at Cape Point where they meet. The Cape Town area boasts everything from international dining and shopping, to gorgeous beaches, to nearby world renowned wine regions, to beautiful museums, to a fascinating and yet difficult history of apartheid.  Must do’s include going to the top of one of the cities natural symbols, Table Mountain where the views are spectacular. As well as hanging out at Victoria & Alfred Waterfront. You can ride a double-decker city sightseeing bus which is a fantastic way to hop on and hop off seeing all the major sites. The locals are friendly and the natural beauty is unparalleled.
Rome, Italy
For anyone interested in the incredible history and architecture of the  Roman Empire, Rome is certainly a fantastic place to commence.  It is an easy city to navigate on foot, just make sure you have good walking shoes! It was my first European city to see and I can attest to the fact that throwing a coin in Trevi Fountain does actually work, as I returned multiple times. My top historic places to see are The Vatican City,  The Coliseum, The Pantheon, the carnivalesque Piazza Navona, and The Roman Forum. However, there is a multitude of hidden treasures beyond the touristy historic sites. Don’t be afraid to roam the narrow streets of Rome to find little pizzerias and antique shops and neighborhoods still preserved as they were in the Middle Ages. Surprises abound. I once had a waiter kiss me (briefly but passionately) in Piazza Navona whilst leaving his restaurant after dinner. A thrill for a teenage girl! Shhhhh, don’t tell my mother.
Rio de  Janeiro, Brazil 
If you like Samba and an easy sexual culture and caipirinhas and beaches and Brazilian steak houses and unique art and a vibrant all-night-party city, this place it for you!  I visited Rio on my honeymoon with my “starter husband” and have found myself returning again each decade.  Since the recent Olympics there, they have cleaned up the beaches and the city to help make visitors feel safe (I have never had any safety issues). A day at famous Ipanema Beach is a bucket list item.  And the sights are endless. One must go to the top of Sugarloaf Mountain via cable car to take in the sweeping views of the city.  And seeing Christ the Redeemer statue will give you goose bumps, even if you are not Christian. You can hire a driver/tour guide or take the subway with new stops being added. It is a massive city and challenging to navigate, otherwise.  Carnival is not for the faint of heart, but certainly a fantastic once-in-a-lifetime spectacle.
Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Bora Bora earns my title as the most romantic place in the universe. I recommend you take a lover when you travel there.  From the moment you fly into the tiny airstrip from WWII to taking a water taxi to your over-the-water bungalow, everything is absolute magic. The landscape is so spectacular it almost looks fake. The water is incredibly clear and the sand is soft and blindingly white and the green mountains are a shade of green not found on the color wheel. It is the kind of place that makes you want to swim naked! Be sure to book a room with a see-through floor so you can watch the sea life swim by. And if you can carve out time to leave your love nest, rent bikes to take in the astonishing beauty of this tiny tropical island or book a traditional Tahitian dance show. Join the throngs of rich and famous who have enjoyed a drink or dinner at Bloody Mary’s.  Or simply lose yourself on a hammock.
Honorable Mentions:
Halong Bay, Vietnam
A UNESCO national world heritage site in the Gulf of Tonkin, includes some 1,600 islands and islets, forming a spectacular seascape of limestone pillars. Godsmack beauty at every vista.  Take the 2-day cruise.
London, England
I have always had an affinity for this lovely, historic and vibrant city. After attending school nearby, I desperately wanted to live there. But oh, the weather.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA 
The largest national park in the USA  at 5586 square kilometers (3471 square miles) is a stunner with dramatic canyons, bubbling mud pots, shooting geysers and roaming buffalo. Natural and unusual beauty in the wild west.
Luxor, Egypt 
History, history, history. No, not American history. No, not European history. ANCIENT history that truly defines “wonders of the world.”
Masai Mara, Kenya 
Best place on earth for a safari and luxury camping.  There is nothing as thrilling as seeing these magnificent animals the way nature intended them to to be.
And the adventure continues. Stay tuned!
  My Top 10 Favorite Places in the World I'm fortunate to have had the opportunity to explore a significant amount of the world in my lifetime thus far; having been to all six habitable continents.
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