#V: ST
heygutlcss · 11 months
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@cagesings ASKED; ❝  here it’s safe , here it’s warm .❞ (JOHANNA)
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He wanted better than this. He wanted to hold her hand and do something special for this. He wanted it to be a good day for her. He wanted to take her to the library and request a room to watch VHS tapes. He wanted to take her down to the roller rink or to the bowling alley. He wanted to sit at that one ancient diner with the Formica countertops that were wearing down and get her a hot dog or a milkshake or whatever would make her happy, just so long as it was a good day to remember.
He wanted the anniversary of the day he met her to be something special. The Judge had ensured it wasn't. He couldn't take her anywhere and all that has been accomplished was another shouting match among other things. If the judge ever fought his own battles, Riff's fists would have gone through his face. He shouldn't have to ask for these things. He should just be able to take her out without it feeling like a warzone.
It wasn't like they were the only people in this kind of situation. Girls got pregnant all the time. People like them got married all the time. Unlike the normalcy of their sorry situation , they didn't have to struggle.
Riff felt he would have preferred to.
He simply felt so angry. He felt helpless. What was worse was the imminent threat that her Judge could still manage to take her away from him.
He shifted in the tub to be closer to her, letting her fingers rub and run through where they wanted. He'd rather be back home in that tiny shower. he'd rather struggle with her there than be in whatever this was.
"You sure this pot ain't cookin' him?" Is all he can ask. " Just wanted to go out an' find you one a those berry cake things." She had told him about them before. He wanted to end the day with that. With something special just for her. " It ain't safe here, Jo." It's all the more of an apology for the worst day they e had in a while he can muster.
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Continued from here @littlelightningbvg
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“Well, what if I want to… make you something?” Kay questioned with a small shrug. “I don’t have to go out and get anything, we have everything I need to make you something right here.” He’d been right about her never having a Valentine’s Day before. In fact he’d be right to assume that she’d never experienced any of the main stream holidays. “No. I’ve never had one before, so this is my first one ever! And it’s the best first one I’ve ever had!”
There was still a lot she was trying to understand about the world. Religion was one. Couples was another. Even holidays she didn’t quite get. But Dan had done his best to explain as much as he could, and she appreciated his response to every question she had. “I liked Christmas, it was really pretty. Especially when we went and saw all the windows! It’s sad they don’t do that for this holiday too…” She had to wonder why some holidays got celebrated more decoratively then others.
As Dan explained what were included in this holiday, Kay set the stuffed animal down on the table, and moved off to retrieve her paper and colouring pencils. Once she was back she set it all down in front of her but paused, “What’s cupids? And what’s love?”
"I can't stop you. I can't stop you from doing anything." That was a terrible thing for him to admit to a child because usually a parental figure would discipline them and tell them what to do if they did something out of hand--but she'd had enough discipline in her life and he had always been told he was too soft.
"They do plenty of other things for Valentine's Day. It's mostly selling stuff though. Some stores will put giant teddy bears and flowers on display." Kay seemed like she was going to occupy herself with her craft so maybe now would be a good time for him to attempt to get some things done around the house but he stopped at yet another one of her complex questions--he let his brows furrow under his glasses--uncertain how to answer.
"Cupid is a character from Greek and Roman mythology, he's the son of Venus, his representation has changed a bit over the years but the modern version is a cherub baby who has a bow and arrow and makes people fall in love. Please don't ask me why." He has no idea why they took the original God and turned him into a flying baby and he's really not sure that he wants to know.
"And love? Some people say it's an emotion or a feeling. Some think it's more physiological. It basically causes us to form connections to those around us and bonds us with them. So that you want to keep them happy and safe and care for them. There are different kinds of love and ways to love, like your love for a family member or friend would be different than that of a spouse. Or when I say I love birds, it's not the same kind of love. I wouldn't celebrate Valentine's Day with a bird."
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nerdybirdboy · 2 years
Verse: Star Trek
Timothy Jackson Drake is the only child of Jack, a famous archaeologist, and Janet Drake, who also worked as Jack's assistant. Due to the nature of their work, traveling a lot and often to more or less dangerous places, Tim was usually left behind on Earth. Though, he was occasionally allowed to travel with them, like when they visited Vulcan.
When Tim was 13, his parents died in a shuttle accident. Or so the authorities said. Despite his young age, Tim managed to get his hand on the report about the accident as well as the data extracted from the shuttle's computer. With the information he acquired, he was able to find something the planet's authorities had not: the shuttle had been sabotaged.
It took a lot of work, since people weren't ready to believe that a 13yo had managed what adults couldn't, but eventually he convinced Starfleet to listen to him (the planet where the accident happened refused to listen to a child). In the end, with the help of Starfleet, the guilty part was found and arrested.
Tim ended up living with a colleague to his dad, who was away just as much as his parents had been, and as soon as he turned 16, he applied for Starfleet Academy. He passed all the tests and was granted admission.
There he studied a mix of security, forensics and computer science courses with two shorter placements on board starships in his second year and a longer placement in his fourth year, all of them as part of his field training. After four years at the Academy, Tim graduated and was stationed on board a starship.
This verse can take place at any age from 6 to 20, which is right after his graduation from Starfleet.
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melit0n · 23 days
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No words
📸: here!
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goodheartedfool · 2 years
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Nat in his Star Trek verse. He's half-bajoran and grew up on Earth and has never met his bajoran father. This means he didn't grow up with the culture besides hearing about it from his mother, so he doesn't wear a Bajoran earring (though he does own his father's earring).
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a-titty-ninja · 6 months
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「St. Louis Azur Lane」 by AbP_Art | Twitter
๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔.
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If we’re in trouble, just throw a Dragonborn at the problem and hope for the best.
Akatosh, often, definitely
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gallwithapall · 2 months
Why do they keep making my man SMALL
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swearingcactus · 3 months
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can we talk about how V gives other people second chances to live when he was only granted a second chance to die, and how little v is kind of a dying sunflower because he, too, is something cheerful that’s wasting away..?
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time-lady-the-sage · 2 months
Edit: to clarify, this isn't necessarily ascend to heaven type redemption, Lute wouldn't even be an option then. More like, become a decent person redemption.
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heygutlcss · 1 year
@ycllowhaired​ (JOHANNA)
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It was safe it say he hated it here. The more of his things that the judge "graciously" had moved into this house the more Riff found most of his things were missing. His clothes made it fine, they were all clean and laundered with every pocket picked through, every loose thread sewn back into place, and every fold pressed. It felt weird against his skin. His tools, his bat, his pocket knife, any money he managed to save, and more personal items were not there, despite being assured that they were.
That being said, moving throughout the house was another story. She wasn't kidding about being locked in and when  the moment presented it self and he heard the lock unlatch he was out to get her and out to sneak throughout the house. If he could get out on the grounds he'd take her and run.   Not that the latter was ever successful. He was trying to make a mental note over what doors got locked and what ones didn't . If he could map out this McMansion that would make the  leaving all the easier.
"You awake?" He asked,  struggling in through her window.  The doors in this place might have been locked but that didn't mean her window was. "Let's go get a snack."
Whether that was out in town or down in her kitchen, it didn't matter to him, he was too restless to sleep and too agitated to stay put. He was already digging through her vanity for any odd bobby pin to shove into the lock to get her door open. That was the thing about the kinds of doors in this place. To lock someone in, you needed a key for both sides. It bothered him that none of them had a thumb latch. All of this was wrong.
“You up?” he asked again moving over to her bed, waiting for her to invite him to sit down. “ How’s the little bits?” the baby, “ he kickin’ hard?”
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“How big are your hands?”
Iron Man Starters | @littlelightningbvg
Dan's really not sure where she's coming from with this or what motivated her to ask this question but he peeks up at her from the edge of his newspaper before he sets it down and holds his hands out to her, splaying out his fingers and wiggling them, "Do you want to get out a ruler and measure them to find out?" He'll attempt to figure out why she wants to know in a bit but maybe they can make a learning experience out of it.
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iliketoydinosaurs · 1 year
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Legit had to pause the movie for 10 minutes when I saw this /pos
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melit0n · 1 month
Oh, but worry not.
Credits: @/runbilly -> twt
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fandomslash · 10 months
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Steven Kelly via IG Post
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parkitaco · 6 months
“Wait, an- artsy guy from L.A.,” Mike repeats, frowning, “as in-”
Down the hall, the door to Debbie’s office swings open, and Mike’s mouth drops open. “Oh,” he groans, “you have got to be kidding me.”
Will does not look any more pleased to see him than Mike is. “Oh,” he says stiffly, as Debbie’s office door clicks shut behind him. “You again.”
“Nice to see you too,” Mike replies, and Will’s face drops into a scowl.
Exes, rivalries, and far too much mistletoe. What could possibly go wrong?
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