#/ had to copy these for cermit but holy fuck these lines are so good.
untowonder-gone · 2 years
you know, i will forever appreciate how ptn describes the Sinner alignments. like they didn't have to be so visual and visceral with some of these descriptions.
Violence - boiling blood torments the body of the violent one. neither love nor hatred matters anymore. / no matter how you try, you will be forever mired in blood. Love - the lover's upturned gaze fixes on the sky above the cliff, as if longing for an unattainable aim of desire. / fulfill my most frantic loneliness. Greed - greed will ever expand and snowball into a massive, bone-crushing boulder. / you wish to dominate all, but will perish a servant Treachery - paths of the earth becomes as fatal as a frozen lake with crack. icy demise is at the slightest misstep. / faithless, dishonest, unbeliever - do not return Limbo - the limbo one tries to see through Fate's plan, yet has learned how arduous it is to seek the meaning of life. / blind idiot, all is vanity. Anger - the angry trudges through mud, searching a clear path. the answer's not out there; it reflects from within. / the fires of rage may burn out, but I am their fuel Heresy - wrath of authority trails closely behind, vowing to chase the heretics into eternal hellfire of the sarcophagus. / outside of the light, I dwell in shadow
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