#/ template in the source as always uwu
deliverant-archive · 3 years
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                   independent  yuna of final fantasy x / x-2.
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ONE. i am private, selective, and drama free and have no patience nor tolerance for seeing hate, bigotry,  discrimination (transphobia, homophobia, racism) or any kind of inhuman behavior on my dash. my replies can fluctuate between fast and slow.  TWO. my primary exclusive ship is tiyuna and my exclusive tidus is aqua’s tidus, hauleni. we are embarking on this journey together as close friends wanting to expand on yuna and tidus’ relationship, world, and life together. that does not mean i am not open to antagonistic, familial, platonic, or other romantic ships, but the primary ship is with aqua’s tidus.  THREE. do not infomod my muse unless they are in spira, nor godmod or assume my muses actions. that makes me highly uncomfortable. i am extremely adaptable to all kinds of relationships but if your muse doesn’t know yuna? then get to know her by writing! she is not someone who will stay the same her entire life, as she says, ‘i will keep changing’. her core parts won’t, but who she is, will, as i want to firmly incorporate reality in my portrayals. FOUR. i tend not to follow duplicates unless they are close friends because it tends to cause bloodshed as i’ve noticed and experienced. i’m not here for petty drama but meaningful bonds, writing experiences and fun.  FIVE: all graphics on this blog were by aqua / mooglerph with some gradient touches, and i am eternally grateful to them!  SIX. i prefer plotted threads as opposed to random but if you give me a one liner i will find a way to work with it. all i ask is match passion for passion. i tend to lose interest if we aren’t equally interested.  SEVEN. there will be religious themes as yevon is bascially a cult and and also if there are any triggers on my blog ask me how you’d like them to be tagged.  EIGHT. not sure if i will do exclusives / mains beyond aqua’s rendition of tidus, but if you’d like to let me know. i tend to forget a lot of things but i am always going to interact with more than one version of a character save tidus.  NINE. psd template made by jayneedits. please do not take anything off this blog via inspiration, themes, or my headcanons. icon sources / bases by dressspheres. TEN. i usually prefer discord over ims, as i am focusing on the dash intently and will often take much slower in communication. but i am not against interacting there! just expect slowness.  ELEVEN. due to square enix not really realistically aging up / timing the journeys of ff in my honest opinion, my yuna’s ages will be different and not ‘aged up’ for shipping purposes but realism on my blog. for example the journey in x is approximately a year long and she turns 18. post last mission? she’s 21. a lot happens, and also it makes an already natural and innocent relationship between yuna and tidus to me if possible, even more meaningful.  TWELVE. do not underestimate yuna because she doesn’t physically fight. without bias i genuinely think her to be one of the most powerful heroes in final fantasy to date by will alone, and x-2 she only continues to temper her unyielding strength. she doesn’t need aeons to accomplish things that people with weapons do, nor her dressspheres in x-2. her core is like that of a diamond. absolutely and utterly unbreakable, which means you will find a very hard adversary if you do think she is only an ‘uwu soft voiced’ cutie. which she is cute! and lovely but, please don’t woobify yuna. she is a protagonist and a powerhouse of a woman and i will not sugarcoat that for anything. THIRTEEN. more when i think of it but by all means, if you can be patient with me, i promise to give you tons of adventures with one of my favorite heroes of all time. thanks for reading! drink water yeah?
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OTHER BLOGS YOU CAN FIND ME. yuri lowell @vigilans​ (MAIN.) edward elric @fullmtal​ (friends / close mutuals only.)
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winkyjinki · 5 years
author asks 1-30 GO!
WHEW OK STRAP IN BUCKO (I already answered 1&29 uwu)
2. When you’re writing a new story, what is the one thing you need to know before you can start?
This is gonna sound so like “duh bitch” but I always need to know AT LEAST how I want it to end. Or like the almost-end. Bc it’s like if you know where you want to go then you can figure out how to build up to that moment. 
They always say it’s not abt the destination, but the journey. But like in this case, you need to know the destination to figure out the journey oop--
3. How do you know when a scene is “done”?
This is gonna sound so vague but like... when I feel like it’s complete? Like when I think it’s served its purpose in the fic.
In theatre, every single scene has a purpose in building up to the climax & resolution, so I always try to make sure that each scene has served its purpose in moving the plot along/gives you something for a later plot point.
4. How do you know when a chapter is “done”?
Ummm... I try to end it at a good point. Honestly this is the hardest for me because I always want to end it at a good point but also where it feels like the equivalent of a half-cadence in music (it doesn’t feel complete).
That’s like my best explanation.
5. How do you know when a story is “done”?
I think my story is done when I’ve neatly wrapped up the plot to my liking while also leaving as little loose ends as possible.
This is a boring answer lmao but it’s really my best explanation.
6. Where do your titles come from?
Most of my titles come from songs that my fics remind me of. I try to make it be like ~poetic~ bc I can’t come up w titles from the pits of my brain but I can def try to find the perfect song lyric LOL
7. How do you feel about prologues?
I feel like it’s really useful for setting some background info that you want to reference but don’t actually want to explain in the main story LOL but it’s def not necessary
8. How do you feel about epilogues?
Another thing that I feel is def not necessary but sometimes you want a little “what happens next?”...as a treat
9. Do you tend to have an external narrator or use one of the characters?
I like the idea of using a limited POV, so I like to use one of the characters for narration. Bc in my opinion it’s a little much when you’re like spending so much time being ~omniscient~ but that’s just my opinion.
10. Does your narrator move from character to character? 
Ummm honestly it depends for me. Like for me it’s like...if the story calls for it in my heart. 
I usually like to keep it to one character unless I’m planning a more complex story that calls for a lot of different POVs!
11. What punctuation do you love too much?
Bruh... Commas, semicolons and this bitch (–) are my holy grail I feel like I’m the queen of run-on sentences.
12. What punctuation do you hate with a passion?
Okay I don’t HATE them but I really don’t like the overuse!!!!! of exclamation points!!!!!! I use them a lot when I’m just posting about stuff I’m really passionate about like that’s cute I just am not too crazy about that in like prose & creative writing. I wouldn’t say it’s a pet peeve, per se, but it’s just not my cup of tea :/
13. What grammar tends to cause problems when you’re writing?
Idek what this means but like I guess I struggle with writing verbs in the right POV bc, like I said, I'm the queen of run on sentences so I tend to lose focus on what’s the subject of the sentence.
14. What’s the one word you can never spell/use properly, no matter how hard you try?
I am actually illiterate so I always end up misspelling words ALL the time just bc like my brain will turn off. I used to use the word “futile” incorrectly all the time but once I like actually found out how to use it correctly, I’ve been pretty good :0
15. How do you write a really good metaphor?
Bro when I figure it out I will SHARE
I don’t have a strategy--sometimes I just write good ones and idek how it happened oof--
16. What is your best piece of advice for writing angst scenes?
If you are HURTING by the time you’re done with it, you did it right. When I write angst, I know it’s good if my heart hurts by the end of it LOL
17. What is your best piece of advice for writing hurt/comfort scenes?
Kinda the same as 16, like it hurts but in a better way. This will probably also be the same as my answer for 22, but if it just makes you soft, you’re doing well.
Soft & hurt is the combo you need for that.
18. What is your best piece of advice for writing comedy scenes?
I like to share these scenes with people (beta readers, friends, etc.) and see how they receive them. Even if they don’t laugh like SUPER HARD, I think it’s worth keeping if they make positive comments and they say stuff like “That’s a mood.” or “I related to that hard.” bc in my humble opinion that’s good enough for me.
I’m working on a Trashmouth comedy special series, and I literally just read the skits to my friends and see what lands and what doesn’t.
I just like to treat any comedy scene as a comedy skit. Just see what lands !
19. What is your best piece of advice for writing action scenes?
Oh man, I don’t do a lot of those, so I don’t really have much advice for that :( maybe in like a year I’ll have something for that lollll
20. What is your best piece of advice for writing smut scenes?
Now I’m no expert on doing the dirty, but I did read up on how to write like...good sex scenes....and a lot of the sources say to (in my own words) overload on thought and emotion. 
Like honestly I don’t read smut for the sex (I mean like.... I get hype when my ship gets nasty but that’s beside the point), I read it to see how someone comes undone for their lover and I think that’s IMPORTANT. Tbh anyone can write sex, but like I need that connection.
21. What is your best piece of advice for writing romance scenes?
Overload on that thought and emotion, dude. Make your heart THROB. I like to make this a matter of building tension and setting the release. Like no I will not be giving you that kiss yet bc that’s too easy. Build it up a little bit.
Talk about slow burn
22. What is your best piece of advice for writing fluff scenes?
If you read it and you feel like you might explode from how much these characters love each other, you are doing amazing, sweetie.
23. How do you balance your characters in an ensemble story?
I like to list out the primary, secondary, and side characters and figure out where they come in the story, what the relationships are, what purpose they serve the plot, stuff like that.
In a theatre standpoint (obviously), any character in a play has their own purpose and without even one of them, you can’t wrap that story up neatly. Like in Ancient Greek plays, even the smallest part played an integral part in moving the plot along.
24. How do you balance your characters when there are only a two or three in a story?
I like to think about what purpose each character serves in the story. I also like to think about whether this story revolves around one character, or if it delves into each character’s story and they kind of intertwine. Maybe they’re family or a team or roommates, or maybe they’re strangers whose lives are connected in some way if you wanna take that route.
I think when there are so little characters, you get more room to make them their own people. And you have that possibility of making it a collection of stories that come together without making it so confusing.
I think about that in, like, a theatre standpoint obviously.
25. How do you create an original character?
AAA I’ve never really made an OC but honestly I like to think it’s like making a sim LOL I’m so sorry to EVERYONE who’s ever made an OC.
I don’t even remember was my OC building process was like when I wrote original stories in, like, middle school.
26. How do you go about world building?
Oof ok I’ve been writing fanfic for as long as I can remember so that’s kinda cheating a little bit LOL it’s self explanatory.
But in the few original stories I’ve written (and honestly even when I write for some AUs), I base a lot of things on my own reality. So like people I know, places I like to go to, events that have taken place in my lifetime, they’re like the template, and depending on the nature of this world (realistic, fantasy, modern, futuristic, etc), that’s like how I’ll mold it to be part of that world.
27. Do you try to do most of your research ahead of writing (when research is necessary) or do you do it as things come up?
Honestly, I research things as they come up because things are always gonna come up. I’m constantly coming up with little things I can add into my fics, and I like to try all my ideas to see if they work with the story. I don’t want to scrap an idea just bc it’s not in my archive of research.
I also think when you get too wrapped up in technicalities, you lose focus of the actual story, so I like to jump in and do all my fact-checking as I go along!
28. How do you make sure your plot points are there while also making them blend in with the story?
This is something that I’m still figuring out because I’m just now getting back into writing longer fics, but I think as long as you make them fit in a way that they serve the plot or they play into one of your characters’ motives then it’s a good plot point!
30. How do you edit your stories?
This is gonna sound so extra, but I rewrite ALL OF IT from the beginning. When I do this, it really helps me figure out how to write thing in a more efficient and effective manner.
And I cannot stress this enough, beta readers are SO useful. You can do all of the proofreading you want, but someone who’s reading your writing will probably catch more spelling and grammar mistakes honestly. Also, they can give you insight on what might need more development, what might not make as much sense, and what really isn’t that necessary.
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divinitions · 7 years
Aesthetic Photoset Tutorial by Divinitions
@finasol​ asked me how I make my aesthetic edits and I thought, maybe some other people might want to know? Plus, it’s also easier to refer back too. It’s my first time, so, uh, I hope I explain it well enough.
The edits look like these ones:
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but definitely a lot brighter and it’ll be six instead of eight, or nine, though those are fine too. How many pictures you want doesn’t matter once you know how to do it.
As odd as it may sound, I find it easier for me to just jump straight into collecting pictures (which is why I probably take 500 +++ hours to finish something ahah). All of the pictures I find are from pinterest, which has a lot of images I feel can work for a lot of things. Some people also use weheartit but I’ve never really gone there. 
If you’re planning on making any type of aesthetic edits (or just edits that generally use photos that aren’t from the source i.e: manga/video/mv/comics), I recommend making an account because it’s easier to keep track of things.
I’ll be making a mock aesthetic edit for mermaids in this tutorial, as I have all the pins and it’s more efficient okay, cool. So, picking pictures is personally harder for me than editing the actual image because:
a) finding images that have a cohesive feel is difficult
b) images may have the same feel but not correspond
c) colour clashes are too drastic
This becomes especially obvious if you’re making two part edits that look like this:
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There isn’t a set way of finding pictures, it’s mostly just, for me, error and trial. I keep pictures that I like (essential, or key ones) and then throw out the ones that don’t fit, build my edit around the ‘key’ picture as I slap it on the template. Most times I don't even do that, focusing on just looking at what feels and meshes right, which is why having options is always great for me.
Alright so, after scouring through my pinterest folder, this is what I have.
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Even if the colours don’t match completely, there are other elements that make it cohesive, such as the lighting (soft), the ties to water, a cold feel and that seaside, airy (maybe nostalgic? dreamy?) atmosphere. Although colour is a big factor, lighting and tone, and mood can counter that (there’s also PS which can offset colour imbalances :/).
Nowadays, I always leave a blank spot on the right/left to write things on it? A bit of text to break the images, I guess. I mostly use Serif fonts like Times New Roman on 18pt.
Moving on to editing
I find it a lot easier to edit as a whole first rather than singular. Spending too much time on a singular photo can take away a lot of time, and if you do it as a whole, it’s much easier to just, idk, pick out odd ones?
There isn’t a set way to do it, but I almost always have vibrance, selective colour, levels, curves, and some multiply and colour burn layers. Soft light is a great way to lighten pictures that are dark subtly, so it doesn’t really give off a drastic change, more like a feather brush I suppose.
I personally think the pictures are too light, so I used a colour burn layer to darken it and a grey coloured layer on multiply. And then, a curve, level, vibrance, exposure, selective colour and two gradient map layers, plus a soft light layer later, we have:
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Darker, but the colours are a lot more vibrant. Immediately, I can see that the last one on the right is too dark and the top isn’t as cohesive. Don’t worry, we can change that with PS (like nearly everything in this world).
Now, we have:
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Something that’s lighter than the previous, but darker than the original, if that makes sense. Now, all we need to do is put up a text and we’re done~
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And now we have this as our final product~ Don’t forget to sharpen the images.
I don’t know if this is helpful, because I’m not really good at explaining and it really is all about the ‘feel’ and ‘intuition’ for me, but my ask box is always open and I’ll try to answer any questions you have.
And here’s the end product psd for more help.
If you need an editing tut, just send me a message and I’ll try to clarify it uwu.
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