#// Also gonna pause it here and complete any last boops tomorrow; tired from the trip back form visiting family sdjfkds
deitiesofduat · 6 years
Nephthys and Isis for the boop game plz
((I completed Nephthys over here so let’s try her sister…))
If someone approached Isis to boop her, she would reach to catch their wrist just as they touched her nose. Her eyes would widen slightly, before refocusing her sharp gaze on the person before her.
“What do you think you’re doing?” she’d say, with a cold tone in her voice, as she finally moved their hand away and released their wrist. “I didn’t give you permission to touch me. What makes you think that’s acceptable? Just what were you trying to accomplish by doing th—”
Before the person knew it, they would be getting a thorough lecture from the deity queen regarding their disrespectful behavior with a goddess, the danger of attempting the same with other gods, and the importance of gaining a deity’s consent. Isis would, of course, realize that they meant no harm with the gesture, and she would have normally found it endearing were it from someone she was close to. But not from a strange mortal who seemed to lack restraint or respect for her title.
“…You would do well to heed this lesson,” she would warn as she finally concludes the lecture, giving the person a curt nod before striding past them. “Do not expect me or any other god to be as forgiving with you again…”
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