#// Shimotsuki Kanae
littleswordsman-au · 11 months
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old photos, old hairstyles
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Psycho-Fes 10th Anniversary Key Visual
Confirmed Cast:
Hanazawa Kana as Tsunemori Akane
Tomokazu Seki as Kogami Shinya
Nojima Kenji as Nobuchika Ginoza
Ayane Sakura as Shimotsuki Mika
Touchi Hiroki as Sugo Teppei
Official Website
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lucifersus · 6 years
24 August 2018, 00:32
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Shun came 
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To Shun 
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Is that the secret to getting Shun?? I’ve been using Hajime cards all along trying to draw Shun but he never comes until I spend money for him until now! Shun comes to Shun not Hajime! (What do you mean changing your profile card just changes the rng~) Winter Shun came with this Shun card too~
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So~my first 4* Shun from jewels not bought but from my hard work and effort came on 24 (Shun’s birth date~) August 2018 (Shun’s birth month~) 00:32 (Shun’s birth number~) and I was just staring for a whole minute. 
And! Kakeru is the 10th card which means Kakeru is the confirm get one 3 star and above card and not Shun, right? So Shun came not because of the confirm card guarantee~because...because...I rolled at a time coinciding with his birth number~?
...I don’t know why but I’m happy!! SHUN CAN ACTUALLY COME TO ME WITHOUT ME SPENDING FOR HIM!!! The Shun from my profile picture!!! I asked Tsukipara for a reward for my hard work writing and rolling and I actually got one!!!!
Now to get Hajime and have my first HajiShun 4* pair which isn’t from event~~
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This looks like Shun is trying to playfully scare Hajime but Hajime is smiling pleasantly while getting ready his iron claw ww
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Happy Birthday Ayane Sakura!
Edit: This was uploaded around 5-6 hours early. My apologies.
Happy birthday to my semi-birthday buddy (if you count time zones and whatnot). We’re one-day-off birthday buddies basically. I’m going to be making a few posts for her now!
Song Recommendations | YouTube Excursion (on my other account)
Those will be linked later, but it might take me a little longer than I’m hoping because I want to be really choosy with my picks, and it’s my real-life birthday celebration (because I’m so behind in time zones)! Song Recommendations are pretty self-explanatory, but the YouTube Excursion will have a lot of fun radio clips and other fun bits of information about her!
Notable Roles
Hotaru Takegawa - Hotarubi no Mori e
[Apparently, this role really stuck with her and remains to be one of her favourite roles]
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Natsumi Koshigaya - Non Non Biyori
[What a cute slice of life show!]
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Marii Buratei - Joshiraku
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Nao Tomori - Charlotte
[She reunites with her Hotarubi no Mori co-star for this odd anime. It wasn’t great, but listening to the radio between her and Kouki Uchiyama is honestly the best]
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Ryouko Kaji - Tsurezure Children
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Ochako Uraraka - Boku no Hero Academia
[The main heroine of BNHA that she won an award for at the Seiyuu Awards]
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Tomoka Kase - Asagao to Kase-san
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Suzuka Dairenji - Tokyo Ravens
[This character annoyed the heck out of me. I don’t need to explain why.]
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Levi Kazama - Trinity Seven
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Saiko Yonebayashi - Tokyo Ghoul:re
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Merry Nightmare - Yumekui Merry
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Iroha Isshiki - Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku
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Mika Shimotsuki - Psycho-Pass
[She went to a film festival for this, and along with other anime, her and Kana Hanazawa honestly make to be such great friends. It reminds me of the dynamic between Daiki Yamashita and Yuuki Kaji.]
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Gasper Vladi - High School DxD
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Solution Epsilon - Overlord
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Haru Onodera - Nisekoi
[You know, the lesser Onodera.]
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Hasuki Komai - Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet
[I like her better than Juliet the main girl.]
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Asuka Mishima - Kimi no Iru Machi
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Niwatori - Juuni Taisen
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Sawabe Tsubaki - Your Lie in April
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Shizuku Hanaoka - Welcome to the Ballroom
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Ran Mitake- Bang Dream
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Kokoa Hoto - Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?
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Yotsuba Nakano - Gotoubun no Hanayome
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newsintheshell · 6 years
Date e locandine della trilogia cinematografica “Psycho-Pass Sinners of the System”
Il futuro distopico di Psycho-Pass tornerà da gennaio.
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Svelate in occasione del Tokyo International Film Festival le locandine e le date di debutto dei film che andranno comporre la trilogia cinematografica denominata “Psycho-Pass Sinners of the System”. I primi due lungometraggi saranno mostrati in anteprima durante l’evento, iniziato il 25 ottobre, che si chiuderà il 3 novembre. 
"Case.1 Tsumi to Bachi" (Caso.1 Crimine e Punizione), sarà incentrato su Nobuchika Ginoza e Mika Shimotsuki. La sceneggiatura è stata curata da Ryō Yoshigami, l’autore dei romanzi Psycho-Pass Asylum e Psycho-Pass Genesis. La pellicola debutterà in Giappone il 25 gennaio 2019 e la sigla di chiusura sarà “Fallen” degli EGOIST, remixata da Masayuki Nakano.
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Altri membri dello staff:
Direttore delle animazioni: Satoru Nakamura
Supervisione animazioni Ryouta Shinya, Ryouta Furukawa, Shunji Suzuki, Fuhito Morita, Satoru Nakamura, Tetsurou Moronuki
Direttore tecnico: Tomoyuki Kurokawa, Yasuhiro Geshi
3D: Sublimation
Direttore della fotografia: Eiji Arai
Colorazioni: Emiko Ueno
Direttore artistico: Shuichi Kusamori
Direttore del suono: Yoshikazu Iwanami
Musiche: Yuugo Kanno
Character Design: Naoyuki Onda, Kyoji Asano, Hisashi Abe 
Il cast:
Izumi Yasaka: Saori Yumiba
Takeya Kukuri: Sachie Hirai
Kyouka Tsujikari: Horie Oka
Rojion Matsuki: Rikiya Koyama
Aiko Gentaku: Kimiko Saito
Kouji Notou: Youhei Tadano
Akira Karasuma: Keiichi Nakagawa
Akane Tsunemori: Kana Hanazawa
Teppei Sugou: Hiroki Touchi
Shou Hinakawa: Takahiro Sakurai
Yayoi Kunizuka: Shizuka Itou
Shion Karanomori: Miyuki Sawashiro
"Case.2 First Guardian" (Caso.2 Primo Guardiano), sarà focalizzato su Tomomi Masaoka e Teppei Sugo. La sceneggiatura qua è stata curata da Makoto Fukami, già dietro a quella della prima stagione televisiva e del film del 2015. La pellicola debutterà in Giappone il 15 febbraio 2019 e la sigla di chiusura sarà “All Alone With You” degli EGOIST, remixata da Masayuki Nakano.
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Altri membri dello staff:
Direttore delle animazioni: Hisashi Abe
Supervisione animazioni: Miyuki Nakamura, Ryouta Furukawa, Hisashi Abe, Tetsurou Moronuki
Direttore tencico: Yasuhiro Geshi
3D: IG 3D 
Direttore della fotografia: Eiji Arai
Colorazioni: Emiko Ueno
Direttore artistico: Shuichi Kusamori
Direttore del suono: Yoshikazu Iwanami
Musiche: Yuugo Kanno
Character Design: Naoyuki Onda, Kyoji Asano, Yasuhiro Aoki
Il cast:
Risa Aoyanagi: Masumi Asano 
Itsuki Ootomo:Masaki Terasoma
Rin Ootomo: Sayaka Ohara
Shinya Kougami: Tomokazu Seki
Nobuchika Ginoza: Kenji Nojima
Shuusei Kagari: Akira Ishida
Yayoi Kunizuka: Shizuka Itou
Shion Karanomori: Miyuki Sawashiro
Fredelica Hanashiro: Takako Honda 
Akane Tsunemori: Kana Hanazawa 
Mika Shimotsuki: Ayane Sakura 
"Case.3 Onshuu no Kanata ni_" (Dall’altro lato di amore e odio_), vedrà invece come protagonista Shinya Kougami. Lo sceneggiatore anche in questo caso è sempre Makoto Fukami. La pellicola debutterà in Giappone l’8 marzo 2019 e la sigla di chiusura sarà “Namae no nai Kaibutsu” degli EGOIST, remixata da Masayuki Nakano.
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Altri membri dello staff:
Direttore delle animazioni: Naoyuki Onda, Hisashi Abe, Satoru Nakamura
Supervisione animazioni: Miyuki Nakamura, Ryouta Furukawa, Tomomi Takeuchi, Hisaki Furukawa, Miho Ichikawa, Kazuchika Kise, Hisashi Abe, Tetsurou Moronuki, Ryouta Shinya, Satoru Nakamura
Direttore tecnico: Toshiyuki Kouno, Hirotaka Endou
3D: Sublimation
Character Design: Naoyuki Onda, Kyouji Asano, Hisashi Abe 
Direttore della fotografia: Eiji Arai
Colorazioni: Emiko Ueno
Direttore artistico: Shuichi Kusamori
Direttore del suono Yoshikazu Iwanami
Musiche: Yuugo Kanno
Il cast:
Tenzing Wangchuck: Sumire Morohoshi 
Fredelica Hanashiro: Takako Honda
Kinren Doruji: Tomoyuki Shimura 
Guillermo Garcia: Tsutomu Isobe 
Tshering Gurung: Wataru Takagi 
Jean Marcel Belmondo: Satoshi Tsuruoka 
Tutti e tre i progetti sono stati diretti da Naoyoshi Shiotani, che ne ha anche fornito il concept originale, presso lo studio Production I.G e saranno distribuiti da TOHO. Il tema musicale di tutti i film sarà “abnormalize” dei Ling Tosite Sigure, remixato da Masayuki Nakano.
In un futuro prossimo, lo stato mentale, la personalità e il potenziale criminale dei cittadini possono essere monitorati attraverso un sistema di scansione chiamato Psycho-Pass. Quando il Coefficiente di Criminalità di un individuo supera una certa soglia, la Sezione Anticrimine del Dipartimento di Pubblica Sicurezza ha il compito di arrestarlo. Per farlo, Ispettori e Agenti ricorrono a speciali armi chiamate Dominator in grado di sparare solo ai cittadini con un Coefficiente di Criminalità superiore alla soglia.
La prima stagione, di 22 episodi, della serie originale animata da Production I.G ha fatto il suo debutto nel 2012, seguita nel 2014 da una seconda, questa volta composta da 11 puntate e animata da Tatsunoko Production. L’anno successivo è uscito nei cinema giapponesi il film “Psycho-Pass Movie”. In Italia è attualmente distribuita da Dynit solo la prima stagione, sia in home video che in streaming su VVVVID.
L’opera ha ispirato diversi spinoff manga e la visual novel Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness, disponibili anche nel nostro paese.
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長月夜 & 霜月隼ーツキウタ。 ___________________________________________ TSUKIUTA SERIES
Character : - Nagatsuki Yoru CN IRU
- Shimotsuki Shun CN KANA
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animenews-gurrrrl · 7 years
News of Note #10
For the week of April 30-May 6
“Yuri!!! on Ice” gets more anime.  Though it will be a film rather than a TV series.
Speaking of, YOI vol. 5 had some [semi-] serious competition in the BD rankings this month.
Akiko Higashimura’s “Princess Jellyfish” manga is scheduled to resume serialization in June after being on hiatus for over a year.
On the flip side, “Noragami” is going on hiatus for an unknown period.
Kazue Kato’s “Blue Exorcist” gets an OVA based on an official side story by Aya Yajima.
Yuki Kodoma (creator of “Kids on The Slope”) will be launching a new manga series this summer.
Kairi Shimotsuki (“Brave10″ creator) will be launching new manga “Arthur Bright,” about samurai Kimura Shigenari visiting the land of King Arthur.
Eto Mori’s “DIVE!!” novels get a second manga adaptation, by Suzuhito Yasuda (perhaps to help promote the summer anime).
Funimation announces June theatrical screening dates for “Black Butler: Book of Circus.”   No locations have been announced yet, nor mentions of screenings outside the U.S.
People into classical shoujo might be interested in a new book that came out recently: "Shōjo Manga no Uchuu SF& Fantasy 1970-80 Nendai” (The Outer Space of Shōjo Manga SF& Fantasy 1970s-80s)
If you’re looking for some licensed female-oriented light novels, Cross Infinite will be putting out Hiroro and Mokoppe's “Akaoni: Contract with a Vampire,” as well as Tsukasa Yamazaki and Kiyu Kanae's “I Became the Secretary of a Hero!” this year.  They also licensed Shino Shirosakura's “Yusen Ruten: An Era of Red” manga.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Visuals, Cast, and More Revealed for PSYCHO-PASS: Sinners of the System Film Trilogy
The official movie posters, the main staff, and the main cast have been revealed for all three films in the upcoming PSYCHO-PASS: Sinners of the System anime film trilogy, which will be released sequentially in Japanese theaters in the Winter and Spring seasons of 2019.
    The first film, PSYCHO-PASS: Sinners of the System Case .1 "Sin and Punishment", hits Japanese theaters on January 25, 2019. The main staff includes:
  SS original story, director: Naoyoshi Shiotani
Screenplay: Ryō Yoshigami
Chief animation director: Satoru Nakamura
Animation director: Ryota Niino, Ryōta Furukawa, Shunji Suzuki, Fumi Morita, Satoru Nakamura, Tetsurō Moronuki
Technical direction: Tomoyuki Kurokawa, Yasuhiro Geshi
Director of photography: Eiji Arai
3D: Sublimation
Color design: Emiko Ueno
Art director: Shuichi Kusamori
Sound director: Yoshikazu Iwanami
Music: Yugo Kanno
Character design: Naoyuki Onda, Kyōji Asano, Hisashi Abe
Original series planning: Gen Urobuchi
Original character design: Akira Amano
Animation production: Production I.G
Distribution: TOHO Visual Entertainment
  The main cast for PSYCHO-PASS: Sinners of the System Case .1 "Sin and Punishment" includes:
  Kenji Nojima as Nobuchika Ginoza.
Ayane Sakura as Mika Shimotsuki.
Saori Yumiba as Isumi Yasaka.
Sachie Hirai as Takeya Kukuri.
Hiroe Oka as Kyōka Tsujichō.
Rikiya Koyama as Rodion Matsuki.
Kimiko Saitō as Aiko Gentaku.
Yōhei Tadano as Kōji Noto.
Keiichi Nakagawa as Akira Karasuma.
Kana Hanazawa as Akane Tsunemori.
Hiroki Tōchi as Teppei Sugo.
Takahiro Sakurai as Sho Hinakawa.
Shizuka Ito as Yayoi Kunizuka.
And Miyumi Sawashiro as Shion Karanomori.
    The second film, PSYCHO-PASS: Sinners of the System Case .2 "First Guardian", hits Japanese theaters on February 15, 2019. The staff for the film includes:
  SS original story, director: Naoyoshi Shiotani
Screenplay: Makoto Fukami
Chief animation director: Hisashi Abe
Animation director: Satoru Nakamura, Ryōta Furukawa, Hisashi Abe, Tetsurō Moronuki
Technical director: Yasuhiro Geshi
Director of photography: Eiji Arai
3D: I.G3D
Color design: Emiko Ueno
Art director: Shuichi Kusamori
Sound director: Yoshikazu Iwanami
Music: Yugo Kanno
Character design: Naoyuki Onda, Kyoji Asano, Yasuhiro Aoki
Original series planning: Gen Urobuchi
Original character design: Akira Amano
Animation production: Production I.G
Distribution: TOHO Visual Entertainment
  The main cast for PSYCHO-PASS: Sinners of the System Case .2 "First Guardian" includes:
  Hiroki Tōchi as Teppei Sugo.
Kinryuu Arimoto as Tomomi Masaoka.
Masumi Asano as Risa Aoyanagi.
Masaki Terasoma as Itsuki Ōtomo.
Sayaka Ohara as Rin Ōtomo.
Tomokazu Seki as Shinya Kōgami.
Kenji Nojima as Nobuchika Ginoza.
Akira Ishida as Shuusei Kagari.
Shizuka Itou as Yayoi Kunizuka.
Miyuki Sawashiro as Shion Karanomori.
Takako Honda as Frederica Hanashiro.
Kana Hanazawa as Akane Tsunemori.
And Ayane Sakura as Mika Shimotsuki.
    The third film, PSYCHO-PASS: Sinners of the System Case .3 "Beyond Love and Hate...", hits Japanese theaters on March 08, 2019. The main staff includes:
  SS original story, director: Naoyoshi Shiotani
Screenplay: Makoto Fukami
Chief animation director: Naoyuki Onda, Hisashi Abe, Satoru Nakamura
Animation Director: Miyuki Nakamura, Ryōta Furukawa, Chikai Takeuchi, Hisaki Furukawa, Miho Ichikawa, Kazuchika Kise, Hisashi Abe, Tetsurō Moronuki, Ryota Niino, Satoru Nakamura
Technical director: Toshiyuki Kono, Hirotaka Endo
Director of photography: Eiji Arai
3D: Sublimation
Color design: Emiko Ueno
Art director: Shuichi Kusamori
Sound director: Yoshikazu Iwanami
Music: Yugo Kanno
Character design: Naoyuki Onda, Kyoji Asano, Hisashi Abe
Original series planning: Gen Urobuchi
Original character design: Akira Amano
Animation production: Production I.G
Distribution: TOHO Visual Entertainment
  The main cast for PSYCHO-PASS: Sinners of the System Case .3 "Beyond Love and Hate..." includes:
  Tomokazu Seki as Shinya Kōgami.
Sumire Morohoshi as Tenjin Wangchuck.
Tomoyuki Shimura as Kinley Dorji.
Tsutomu Isobe as Guillermo Garcia.
Wataru Takagi as Tshering Gurung.
Satoshi Tsuruoka as Jean-Marcel Belmondo
Comic Natalie
Anime News Network
Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.
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littleswordsman-au · 11 months
Can dracula or koshi cook? If yes, who's the better cook?
Both of them can cook, yeah!
Mihawk is definitely the better of the two, but that doesn't mean Koshiro is bad at all. They normally take turns making meals.
... I actually have some ideas about more specific details regarding their tastes and whatnot, so I'll put that under the cut
Again they're both decent at cooking overall, and Mihawk is a lot better in most cases, but there are a few things that Koshiro is actually a little better at himself!
I think Koshiro is better at preparing raw foods. Mihawk knows how to do some simple recipes with it, but Koshiro can get a lot more creative and complex. There's also a few soups he can make that Mihawk just can't really wrap his head around.
Outside of that, everyone has their preferred cook for some foods:
Perona will eat anything sweet, doesn't matter who or what it comes from, but she has a secret soft spot for Mihawk's cake baking skills
Zoro is similar but with rice. Doesn't matter what the dish is, he's gonna eat the damn rice... Though they have picked up on his tendency to finish Koshiro's onigiri quicker than anything else, scarfing it down like it's his last meal
Mihawk would never say it out loud, but he also won't deny your claim if you were to say his favorite breakfast food is the specific way Koshiro cooks his eggs sunny side up
Koshiro will swear up and down from the tops of the hills that he hasn't eaten anything better than Mihawk's omurice since his mother's own cooking (as a side note here, Koshiro likes pretty much anything Mihawk cooks)
And with favorites comes least favorites:
Perona already despises vegetables, but she'll eat them if she's hungry or promised dessert afterwards. Despite this, she flat-out refuses to eat brussel sprouts of any kind. ... And Mihawk's green beans. Something about the amount of salt he uses, but they think it might be more out of spite at this point after he cut back on it
Zoro will still eat carrots prepare by Koshiro, but it's no secret he doesn't like how sweet they are
Mihawk will leave mashed potatoes off of his plate no matter who makes them. It's more of a texture thing than a flavor thing
Koshiro isn't a very picky eater, but I think it'd be cute if he and Kuina shared a distaste for something.. probably overly sour foods
BONUS: Koshiro's sister, Kanae, can only really cook to keep herself alive. Tashiro (Mihawk's bestie) just straight-up cannot cook. The kids love going over to either of their houses cuz it means lots of junk food
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