#// Three years later: Genji has decided to re-enter the chat.
ataleoftwodragons · 2 years
“I can’t imagine what it’s like for you. I just can’t imagine how hard it must be.”
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The [ temporary ] loss of the visor as Winston works on it for repairs is never so keenly felt as now, when he feels her eyes on him and when she speaks.
Angela has knows the entirety of his injuries, had seen them––she was the one who had made him survive them, however angry he had been about that at the time and the one who had patched him up countless times since––and yet, he feels no less exposed now, even with only his visor missing from his [ armor ] suit. 
[ Perhaps he is not so at peace with himself as he had thought. ]
“… There are days that are more difficult than others…” he admits after a moment, his voice quiet, almost lost even in the [ relative ] hush of the lab. “… but those days are fewer now than they were then… I hope that one day, they will be fewer still.”
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