#// Whewwww. Okay. Yeah. This is a shit show lmaoo.
withperfecttempo · 4 years
Headcanon - On Interactions with Demacians
***Please do not reblog/steal***
I strongly believe Sona is someone who does her best to go beyond sympathizing with many walks of life; she does her best to empathize when she’s able. Her interactions with beings and what they share with her are inspirations to her music. Thus, she does her best to see where people are coming from. Given her exposure and some level of curiosity to Lestara’s role in Demacian politics and enduring the effects of petricite, it didn’t take her long to understand that Demacia was founded on fear under the guise of righteousness. Here are some of my interpretations and thoughts of her updated voice lines that I totally didn’t type up as soon as they came out:
“There’s so much pain in Xin Zhao’s heart. Why?”
“We’re both a long way from home, Xin Zhao. Rest easy.”
Hailing from Ionia, a place of magic and residing in a nation that has anti-magic sentiments and governments would brew stereotypes and even racism. Xin Zhao has lived in multiple places (Ionia, Noxus, then Demacia) to prove his strength before he was serving Jarvan III. I would guess that Sona’s arrival could have taken place well after Xin Zhao has but given her circumstances of adoption, seeing another Ionian is comforting. In the same token, seeing her fellow countryman bottle his feelings about their ordeals within Demacia hurts, no matter how long he has been away from Ionia; in part because he wants to move on and because of his current role. She feels love towards Ionia and the people, especially being placed in situations that force them to strip themselves of home. 
Sona is keen with piecing information from her observations of body language, diction, and whatever pieces of history she knows about someone. It’s hard to say if she’s sharper than most folks when it comes to detecting someone’s true emotions but he must have revealed enough for her to pick up on from maybe their meetings. The first line seems to be something that she wonders to herself as well as something she would ask him if she ever has a chance to speak to him. 
“Sorry Garen, but I can’t help if I’m locked up.” 
Sona’s relationship may be polite at the very best. Garen holds very strong and contrasting views compared to his sister and herself, given that they both are mages and he isn’t. Sona is very aware of Demacia’s overall attitudes as well as their plight, believing in some semblance of cooperation to make up for what one party may lack. It’s the stubborn pride and ignorance that she doesn’t agree with. 
I wouldn’t be surprised if there had been times when Sona couldn’t help herself and stood up to statements he has made towards mages.
“A Crownguard and a mage? Wouldn’t want to be her.”
“Don’t worry, Lux. One day, our kind will be free.”
There’s a duality in regards to her friendship with Lux. In one aspect, she understands what it means to be a mage in Demacia, therefore abiding by the laws and not wanting to expose herself. It seems that she makes it clear what her stance is in the tension but in the same token, I could see that being a huge detriment to her and the Buvelles where they could be tried for treason for bringing an Ionian mage into Demacia. In another, she does her best to empathize with Lux. Sona knows how fortunate she is to be taken into an overall welcoming and warm household. She doesn’t have siblings who are ardent on their stances and would hound them with certain pressures to be a certain way. She could understand to a degree which gives her more reason to want to befriend her. In another, I think she has a feeling that being surrounded by pressures makes it difficult for Lux to keep appearances so there is a sense of supportive comradery in their friendship as well as hope that oppression and prejudice towards mages would be dispelled.
“Why won’t Jarvan act? All it would take is a single decree.”
“A single decree, and he just wouldn’t do it.”
I feel like despite being decently versed in Demacian politics, she might not know the specifics of it where she might not be sure of the extent of J4’s authority. She probably assumed because he is a prince, he would have as much power as his father, the king. From a different, possibly unrelated line she had where she says, “That sounds like a personal problem.” which I narrow down could be towards Jhin or J4, she could draw a conclusion by believing that J4 does have enough authority to work to reform the government but he refuses because he also harbors hatred towards mages. 
Despite being hopeful, I like to believe that Sona isn’t completely idealistic. She understands that it takes a long time and a lot to build a nation as well as maintaining it. However, I would wager that she believes that change can start with a single step and that would be the “single decree” that could be issued. 
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