#On interactions with Demacians
noxianwilled · 1 year
in lor lux saying she knew she couldn't trust kat and kat's reply being "i could've told you that"
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snugglyporos · 1 year
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So this is overdue. Here’s a big post on how I think poros interact with various regions in Runeterra, based on my own understanding of lore, and some headcanons. 
Poroland/Freljord: Poros obviously exist in the Freljord, it’s where poros originated after all! There are many flufts here! Many poros! And of course, it’s where the Poro King resides. Poros are rather easy to find in the cold wasteland, strangely enough, and many of them wander about or live among the various tribes that make the Freljord their home. In fact, the one thing that unites many of the tribes, despite their power struggles, is that they like poros; even Ashe and Sejuanni can agree on that! Many tribes make various clothes, armors, blankets, and more out of poro wool, which poros are happy to share!
Demacia: The first place that poros ended up once they began venturing outside of the Freljord was Demacia, since it’s literally on the border. Most Demacians see the poros as harmless, even positive forces in the country; poros after all are clearly virtuous, clearly good natured, and repeal most dark magical things. The problem of course, is that poros themselves are magical, and Demacians rather hate magic. A fluft of poros are capable of animating Galio; and this has led to some grumbling that poros are actually bad, and that poros should be expelled from Demacia entirely! However, no one says this very loudly; Jarvan IV is rumored to have told a particularly ornery councilor that if he wanted to expel the poros, then he could tell both the poros and the common people himself that he wanted to do it. The councilor quickly dropped his objections.
Poros of course, do not particularly understand most Demacian customs or ideas, but they do resonate with the idea of knights, in the same way children might. Poros do not understand soldiers, but playing knight and wandering about in helmets is something poros have done since discovering helmets. And of course, this helps morale. Poros also do not understand how a country that hates magic employs a giant stone statue and a dragon, but poros do not really concern themselves with politics. A number of flufts simply exist within Demacia, which the kingdom allows, because again, bad things are usually averse to spending any time around poros. 
Noxus: Officially, there are no poros in Noxus. The Noxian government is very insistent on this point. After all, poros are clearly the exact opposite of Noxian ideals; they’re soft, snuggly, friendly, and squishy. Noxian citizens are encouraged to report any poro sightings to their local Noxian military office, so that they can be deported to the Freljord. 
Unofficially though, there are many poros in Noxus. Poro flufts migrate south ended up in Noxus because they share an even bigger border than Demacia does, and some of them even stay. This has created a lot of unique interactions among the top brass of Noxus. 
First, Noxus sees poros as a natural counterweight to various unpleasant and unruly forces; demons, void creatures, and other such things roam Noxus, and all of them dislike poros. Poros then, keep these things in check. The fewer soldiers need to be quartered in a town to protect the town from demons and the like, the better, since those soldiers can be sent to various battlefields. Furthermore, various Noxian nobles consider poros to be expensive pets, and many poros don’t see a problem with this, because snax and snuggles are good. 
However, the pretense for why the official line of Noxus is that there are no poros there is that Swain and Darius fear what poros might do to undermine Noxian ideals. Poros might be squishy and cuddly, but poros are also invulnerable creatures who are completely without fear in the face of dangerous foes. A poro barely understands that foes exist, which means that they regard demons and void creatures the same way they consider every other creature, and that means that in some ways, poros exhibit an ideal of Noxian strength that makes Swain and Darius uncomfortable. One might even say that poros represent the seeds of a heresy; that ‘strength’ is more than just military might made manifest. 
LeBlanc loves rubbing this in their faces. One can imagine her bursting into the room holding a poro, exclaiming ‘Behold! The Noxian Ideal of Strength!’ She also likes that it’s a natural counter to Swain and his demon; it’s fun to rub his face in it. Of the three, LeBlanc genuinely likes poros the most, considering them a fun and useful addition to her magical collection. The Lefluft, as they consider themselves, reside in her personal residence, and act as a natural counterweight to some of the less... savory things that exist there. Nothing keeps dark magic at bay more than a poro. 
Piltover: There are a number of poros and a fluft or two in Piltover, though not too many. Most of the things in Piltover are too confusing and strange to poros, and while there are lots of things poros find interesting, most poros do not really mesh with the society that exists here. Individual poros are pets to some, becoming part of families and there’s at least one Poro Cafe, but by and large poros do not remain here long. Obviously, the academy has the Porofessor, Heimerdinger’s poro companion who is clearly very smart and wise. Various members of the Academy have taken to studying poros, both as a ‘society’ and as magical beings; poros don’t mind this, as there are many snax and snuggles to be had!
Zaun: Poros do not belong in Zaun, and Zaunites do not like poros. Most of the chem barons see poros as being entirely out of step with their world, and poros mostly view Zaun as a scary place that is not for poros. That’s not to say there aren’t poros here; some poros are very brave and make their home here, and even some of the forces here find poros to be useful pets and friends. But you’d be hard pressed to find a place that poros are less interested in than Zaun, which seems like it was tailor made to be the opposite of what a poro vibes as. 
Ixtal: The jungles of Ixtal are not home to many poros, but that’s only because most poros do not realize there are things to explore here. The proto-poro makes the jungles its home, and it’s made friends with many of it’s northern kin as they move through here, but poros do not seem to grasp that the jungle is a place for poros to live. That however, has changed a little in recent days, as poros have learned that humans explore the jungles, and if humans explore them, then perhaps there is reason for poros to see what is there too! 
Shurima: According to Azir, there were no poros in Shurima when he was alive originally. If that was true then, it’s no longer. Poros have long since nestled in Shurima, becoming a fixture of the trade routes and cities that dot the desert. The poros have been here so long that the poros have developed their own subspecies: sand poros! These poros are tan in color, to blend in with the sand, and radiate cold rather than heat like their northern cousins. Beyond that, they are exactly the same, because they are poros.
Caravans have found that travelling with poros negates one of the biggest threats to them: void creatures. Reksai’s brood prowl the deserts, and despite their large size and ferocity, the void creatures fear and hate poros. A poro fluft in a caravan, or even just a few poros, is usually enough to scare them off. Beyond that, poros are also very good at finding oasis; many a lost traveler has survived upon being discovered by a poro in the desert. 
Shurima’s emperor also has their own poro, the Exalted Poro who is basically just a normal poro, but who has decided to take on the mannerisms of Azir. Azir finds this very adorable, as does Sivir. But Azir also realizes that poros are a potent weapon against the void, and also a great way to show how cultured Shurima is. He might think them to be simple creatures, but simple creatures have their own nobility. 
Nasus tries not to think about poros. Poros get into trouble and make his life difficult. Poros of course, love him, but he’s constantly having to shoo them out of the libraries, because poros get way too curious. 
Targon: The various beings that live on the mountains regard poros as harmless creatures, and a few flufts live on the slopes, finding it agreeable to them as many are cold like the Freljord. Some of the residents think the poros are good counterweights to the void, and others find them to be a strange calming presence to ward off the more violent individuals who reside here. 
Some even say that if poros had been here earlier, the whole Lunari/Solari split wouldn’t have happened at all! Such is the power of poros. 
But mostly, the residents like that poros oppose the void and repel them entirely. Some even whisper that there could be some kind of snuggle exalted out there, or something like that. 
Bilgewater: Some poros have made the pirate haven their home, though there’s only one fluft here. Most poros that end up here are individuals, brought on ships and made part of crews; poros, it turns out, are good at warding off sea beasts and the like. 
The most famous poro here is the Plunder Poro (who I personally call Captain Snugglebeard). He is fearsome and terrifying and all who oppose him will pay the snuggly price! Your snuggles or your snax! 
In truth, he’s just mimicking the humans around him, who find the poro adorable and humor him at every opportunity. He even has a bounty posted, drawn by the local children. Some say his ‘crew’ is made up entirely of retired sailors and captains, who find the poro to be a good example of the pirate ideal. 
Ionia: Ironically, there are not many poros in Ionia. Despite being a place that thrives on magic, the fact that they’re islands makes it hard for poros to get there on their own. Poros who do, however, find the place very agreeable, filled with wonderful adventures and new friends. Most monasteries have at least one poro, as the various monks debate whether the poros are a good example of being at peace with the world, or a representative of the ideal of balance, or an example of true enlightenment. Some monks have even left Ionia to seek out the legendary Poro Herder in the Freljord, curious if such a person can give them deeper insight into enlightenment. 
The poros of course, have absolutely no idea what the monks actually do; meditation is nap time for them. Though they do love making the lines in the sand! Is fun! 
One thing that has been talked about among the various Vastaya is actively encouraging and importing poros into Ionia. They need magic to sustain themselves, and poros are very magical; furthermore they don’t seem to ever run out of magic, and never seem to weaken even in places where magic doesn’t exist. As such, some wonder if having more poros in Ionia would save it from running out of magic, simply because the poros wouldn’t allow it to happen...
Shadow Isles: Poros are not allowed on the Shadow Isles, so sayeth the Ruined King. 
The reason is that poros are naturally immune to ruination, and actively repulse it; of all the places that the Harrowing could go, it finds it cannot make inroads in the Freljord, because poros are so numerous there and counteract it. It’s a real problem. Beyond that, their ability to make anyone into friends, to the point that even Thresh can’t resist loving them, is terrifying to beings who are so determined to control and enslave others. Poros cannot be enslaved or bent to anyone else’s will; that alone makes them terrifying. 
That’s not to say that poros don’t exist on the islands. In fact, there are numerous flufts here, of a sort. The ghost poros, purple and slightly translucent, are the poros attempting to adapt to being like the residents of these cursed lands. They float and snuggle, and they’re perhaps the only harmless thing on these islands. The ghost poros seem to reverse the harrowing less than normal poros, perhaps because poros like to coexist, so everyone agrees not to try and change anything, lest they change again into something worse for the Ruined King. 
Some people whisper that people like Hecarim are actually terrified of poros, because poros are not terrified of him, and that Thresh loves poros but secretly fears them as well, because they alone have managed to free souls from his lantern and are entirely immune to his fearsome visage. Beyond that, if Thresh cannot bring himself to torment the poros, and finds them cute, then the magic of poros must be powerful indeed, and powerful magic like that is best avoided. 
There is one normal poro of note on the isles: The ‘Sinister Poro.’ This poro wears a sheet and attempt so scare various individuals it meets, trying it’s best to mimic the ghosts it finds. No one really finds it scary, but ghosts are known to try and help without the poro noticing, and of course, everyone plays along with the poro, lest it be sad. Sad poros are even worse than happy poros, after all... 
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infinite-xerath · 10 months
OK so hear me out: you guys know how Kayle was chosen to deal with the Darkin in LoR? That certainly came as a shock, given that she and Morgana have sort of been tied at the hip since release and their stories have always revolved around one-another in some way. Now, that's not to say I think that letting Kayle be and do her own thing independently of her sister is a bad thing, just that I think we can all agree it was a tad unexpected.
That does raise the question, though: what can they do with Morgana's story in LoR now that Kayle's been wrapped up with Ryze and the Darkin? The obvious direction to go would probably be putting her with Sylas, since they're allies in the Mageseeker game. But then, we've already done that alliance now, haven't we? Plus, if Riot wanted to do a storyline about the rebellion, well... A lot of the characters who would have been involved in that are already doing their own thing in the card game: J4, Garen, Lux and even Quinn have all been added already.
So what if we gave Shyvana another matter to deal with? What if there was a thread to Demacia that would force the Veiled Lady to finally come out of hiding? Conveniently, there's an antagonist creeping around Demacian forests at this moment, feeding on the terror of anyone unfortunate enough to cross its path.
Yes, I am proposing that Morgana get an arc potentially dealing with Fiddlesticks. I mean, let's be honest: she's the only one in all of Demacia that could likely even stand a chance. Her power is literally about forcing people to feel the pain they inflict upon others, so my question is: how would that interact with Fiddlesticks? Could she force the demon of fear itself to feel fear?
Not saying this is the BEST direction to go; it's literally just an idea I had late last night. Still, I'd be curious to hear what you guys think.))
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demacianhcart · 8 months
@blackrosesmatron Send 🧸 to interact with my muse as a child!
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Not so well hidden behind her father´s legs, Shyvana stared at the merchant with somewhat curiosity. She knew she shouldn't be in sight, at least not when there were strangers in town. You never knew when one could be a mageseeker in desguise trying to get those that used magic. After all, the outskirts of Demacia were the easist to have someone slip through the border so there was always this possibility.
Not that she had actually seen one, all she knew were stories her father told to keep her and himself safe.
Still, that stranger had a curious smell, definitely not demacian, and she couldn't help but to wonder. Were they a merchant? She wanted to know!
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teeto-peteto · 9 months
The sentinel's should've recruited Lux. Magic light to take out the undead? Just toss Lux into the isles and she can have the place cleared up by lunch. The girl's a nuke of magic light.
This and i believe it would make a great impact on Demacia as a region, she would've done a great addition and also good friends with Gwen probably and it would be cute to see her interact with the other sentinels as she's out of her comfort zone and she would be pretty useful, also great content to animate on a cinematic!
This could've been a great addition to the Sentinels of Light event even if you didnt give Lux the paper and let Vayne keep it, its boring to see how Riot treated his supposed Infinity War/Endgame event because the outcome was absolute nothing. Vayne using suddendly magical weapons and sticking up to Senna, wich is technically a 'magical creature', would've done an interesting impact to what Demacia thinks about magic. However they just let everything like it was as if the whole thing of stopping Viego was easy task and wouldnt be considered as a victory for Demacia. Point is that shit happens everywhere in Runeterra yet there's not even a consecuence to any of the regions that arent the Shadow Isles. Imagine Lux reaction knowing that magic technically saved the world and that this was possible because of Lucian, Senna and Vayne and also a ton of people (and a noxian let me tell you), imagine the consecuences of Riven knowing that she has helped demacians but that she has also saved the world, Pyke having to do this shit again but having to watch Fortune finally corrupting to Viego's ruination, imagine the clash of emotions in Rengar and his kind, knowing he took down the ruined king.
Yet we have this sandwich of nothing. But yes, Lux would've have clapped everyone's shit with just a light blast. Let her traumadump by light nuking a ton of mist walkers.
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korvyna · 1 year
❛ keep it. it looks better on you. ❜ ( ahri // maybe one of garen's scarves )
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A winter's blessing was bestowed upon the lands of Ionia. Such was common during this time. The Vastayan had found herself in the presence of the Demacian by chance - one that she was not expecting thus far. Yet, in his presence he was gentle in comparison to fiends in the outskirts. Not that she was worried, in fact interactions were so rare that she had her curiousity peaked. She had no intention of eating him. Her fill had been sated the night before.
The soft cloth that wrapped around her produced a faint warmth, one that could not be achieved by her tails. She held onto the cloth, as though it would fly away at any moment despite the air being still and crisp.
Her honeyed eyes peered up at him quietly, as though expecting him to elaborate on his gesture.
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Cassiopeia lor cards and interactions.
Black Rose poisoner.
Shuriman Snake-Charmer.
Unlucky treasure hunter.
Serpent totem.
Cass: Hello, dear sister~
Kat: Save the pleasantries until after we win.
Katarina: Still sulking around the desert?
Cassiopeia: Still writing love-letters to that Demacian oaf?
Sivir: My, don’t you look different?
Cassiopeia: *Angered hiss*
Black Rose poisoner: Lady Du Couteau?
Cassiopeia: Inform Leblanc that I have news to share.
Snake-Charmer: O-oh! My lady!
Cassiopeia: Come now, play your little song.
Leblanc: Look at you, all grown up.
Cassiopeia: And even deadlier than before...
Azir: You are a mockery of ascension!
Cassiopeia: Ascension? Tell me more…”
Drunkard: Huh, who’s that?
Cassiopeia: Repulsive thing…
Serpent totem:
Cassiopeia: Share your secrets, little thing.
Level up:
“Look into my eyes!”
“You’re in my nest! Now fear my bite!”
“Too late to slither away!”
Second level up: (Only after using the serpent totem)
“Yes, I understand everything!”
"Ascension, at last!"
“I’m growing stronger…”
“Another enemy wiped off the board.”
Defeat: “Ugh, not strong enough…”
“Back to hunting I go…”
(Opposing player) “They must be stunned by me.”
(Player) “Quit staring and make a choice.”
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Into the Multiverse
// I am going to be making a list of verses Rein will be adapted to and link this post to my mobile page as well as updating my verses on my main page. It will be under Read more to keep the length short.
That being said I will list some constants that will be universal before the read more in case I don’t cover a said verse to allow greater interactions.
Constant States of Rein:
1. Always Neutral when it comes to one faction or another unless specifically stated.
2. Always a medic/doctor of sorts, the biggest reason for his neutrality
3. A passion for cooking, making custom foods/drinks, botany, and chemistry
4. Rein’s physical appearance is the same throughout his travels in every world
5. Where applicable the string magic he has is altered to fit.
For now I am only making verse for things I know well enough but I am open to exploring more as time goes on.
League of Legends: This is my default verse so I wont be covering to much hear but there are two sides to this. One where Rein keeps his Demacian heritage and supports them when he can, and a second where he sided with Noxus after being betrayed by his home.
Modern Times: Rein is a pastry chef/barista at a small coffee shop he owns. Often helps people that are down on their luck as best he can.
Medieval Times: An actual effective Plague Doctor
Rwby: A retired/failed hunter that switched to a medical profession after learning his semblance was better suited for support. He has an fascination with the grim which leads to him working with just about anyone as long as he can continue his research.
Pokemon: Honestly, just a random guy that collects pokemon that interest him. Best known for having sleeping with his Snorlax in the middle of towns.
Monster Hunter: An avid user of both the charge blade and gunlance with a greater focus on defensive combat. A seasoned hunter that often hunts with other rather than alone as a way to overcome his less than aggressive combat style.
 DnD: This one is mostly for laughs. Rein is a Cleric or Druid.
More coming as things come to me
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
Headcanon - On Interactions with Demacians
***Please do not reblog/steal***
I strongly believe Sona is someone who does her best to go beyond sympathizing with many walks of life; she does her best to empathize when she’s able. Her interactions with beings and what they share with her are inspirations to her music. Thus, she does her best to see where people are coming from. Given her exposure and some level of curiosity to Lestara’s role in Demacian politics and enduring the effects of petricite, it didn’t take her long to understand that Demacia was founded on fear under the guise of righteousness. Here are some of my interpretations and thoughts of her updated voice lines that I totally didn’t type up as soon as they came out:
“There’s so much pain in Xin Zhao’s heart. Why?”
“We’re both a long way from home, Xin Zhao. Rest easy.”
Hailing from Ionia, a place of magic and residing in a nation that has anti-magic sentiments and governments would brew stereotypes and even racism. Xin Zhao has lived in multiple places (Ionia, Noxus, then Demacia) to prove his strength before he was serving Jarvan III. I would guess that Sona’s arrival could have taken place well after Xin Zhao has but given her circumstances of adoption, seeing another Ionian is comforting. In the same token, seeing her fellow countryman bottle his feelings about their ordeals within Demacia hurts, no matter how long he has been away from Ionia; in part because he wants to move on and because of his current role. She feels love towards Ionia and the people, especially being placed in situations that force them to strip themselves of home. 
Sona is keen with piecing information from her observations of body language, diction, and whatever pieces of history she knows about someone. It’s hard to say if she’s sharper than most folks when it comes to detecting someone’s true emotions but he must have revealed enough for her to pick up on from maybe their meetings. The first line seems to be something that she wonders to herself as well as something she would ask him if she ever has a chance to speak to him. 
“Sorry Garen, but I can’t help if I’m locked up.” 
Sona’s relationship may be polite at the very best. Garen holds very strong and contrasting views compared to his sister and herself, given that they both are mages and he isn’t. Sona is very aware of Demacia’s overall attitudes as well as their plight, believing in some semblance of cooperation to make up for what one party may lack. It’s the stubborn pride and ignorance that she doesn’t agree with. 
I wouldn’t be surprised if there had been times when Sona couldn’t help herself and stood up to statements he has made towards mages.
“A Crownguard and a mage? Wouldn’t want to be her.”
“Don’t worry, Lux. One day, our kind will be free.”
There’s a duality in regards to her friendship with Lux. In one aspect, she understands what it means to be a mage in Demacia, therefore abiding by the laws and not wanting to expose herself. It seems that she makes it clear what her stance is in the tension but in the same token, I could see that being a huge detriment to her and the Buvelles where they could be tried for treason for bringing an Ionian mage into Demacia. In another, she does her best to empathize with Lux. Sona knows how fortunate she is to be taken into an overall welcoming and warm household. She doesn’t have siblings who are ardent on their stances and would hound them with certain pressures to be a certain way. She could understand to a degree which gives her more reason to want to befriend her. In another, I think she has a feeling that being surrounded by pressures makes it difficult for Lux to keep appearances so there is a sense of supportive comradery in their friendship as well as hope that oppression and prejudice towards mages would be dispelled.
“Why won’t Jarvan act? All it would take is a single decree.”
“A single decree, and he just wouldn’t do it.”
I feel like despite being decently versed in Demacian politics, she might not know the specifics of it where she might not be sure of the extent of J4’s authority. She probably assumed because he is a prince, he would have as much power as his father, the king. From a different, possibly unrelated line she had where she says, “That sounds like a personal problem.” which I narrow down could be towards Jhin or J4, she could draw a conclusion by believing that J4 does have enough authority to work to reform the government but he refuses because he also harbors hatred towards mages. 
Despite being hopeful, I like to believe that Sona isn’t completely idealistic. She understands that it takes a long time and a lot to build a nation as well as maintaining it. However, I would wager that she believes that change can start with a single step and that would be the “single decree” that could be issued. 
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ringmaster-jack · 4 years
Children should not swear. Do not make me ground you
"I'm a grown ass man! With a grown ass!"
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miighted · 5 years
- garen’s voice actor in legends of runeterra is honestly perfectly and fits my ideas of him a lot. it feels so validating to see what were my budding thoughts about garen when i first ventured into the comm two years ago be validated in the continual expansion on garen’s characters. i just love his character’s delivery a lot. 
- tiana saying lux should be more like garen makes me want to go feral and maul a whole man alive dont talk about my Wonderful Perfect Sister like that
- really hate admitting this but vladimir’s voice makes me feel a type of way (a gay way) 
- can’t say this enough but ga/rkat is the most boring blandest shit 
- i ADORE the laurents with my whole ass heart. wheres my wlw / mlm solidarity garen and fiora
- lucian’s voice actor is amazing, his fucking scream over senna kills me, i love his “i just shoot mine” in response to fiora
- the tender, genuinely soft way garen says “she will find her way” makes me want to fucking sob
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noxianwilled · 1 year
the one draven and katarina interaction in lor where they bet on who can kill more people...
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ofironloyalty · 5 years
“ Honestly? You’re not as bad as I thought you were. “
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— there is so much information before the line of her vision for her to sink in, to the point of missing those spoken words completely. 
Demacia has been a shelter for all sorts of creatures in the past decades, but such thing has never stopped her from feeling surprised by the sight of some from time to time.
❝ … never judge a book by its cover, so they say. ❞
a lesson she should also take in heart, most definitely.
@shurima-demigod / love/hate sentence starters
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lightshielded · 6 years
can we talk about the fact that mord’s necromantic magic is COMPLETELY negated by some random demacian knight’s armour? also it glows when afflicted by such magic?
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hitenstyled · 6 years
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teeto-peteto · 1 year
Maybe it's just me, but I feel like Sylas' big rebellion shuld've been the point where we got some more Demacian champions. Like, some on Sylas side, or someone who's with Lux on the outskirts of the conflict. I mean, we got Mageseeker and that was very well done, but still... Am I asking for too much? I would have suggested playable mageseeker but... I don't think I want to hear that dialogue.
i dont think i can talk about Mageseeker cause these were my words when the game got announced:
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HAHAHA god i was so angry. mood
No you're deffinetly not asking for too much im also sick of seeing a whole region as Demacia getting ignored and only giving the character complexity to a champion, Sylas in this case, while the other demacian characters are staring at him like the dogs playing poker saying 'they didnt give me enough lore and updates to respond to any of your interactions my guy'.
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