#// also amos was technically mansplaining oh no
wraithwitch · 5 years
Good Omens: Ep 6
A chronological list of my thoughts and rambles whilst watching. Wherein I have Feels about the Bentley.
·      I like Beelzebub’s costume. Dodgy Victorianna with added flies. …Why didn’t Hastur’s toad or Ligur’s chameleon ever eat the flies?
·     The herald of hell is voiced by Andy Hamilton who wrote a comedic radio play called Harry’s Game all about devils and hell.
·     The Bentley’s entry music is still Bohemian Rhapsody but a different bit of it. Oh Crowley, your poor car. Both Crowley and Aziraphale have had their most loved earthly possessions go up in flames. ‘I am having a MOMENT here!’ Poor little snek has seen a lot of fire destroying his favourite things of late and is not happy.
·     “Crowley - I’m the nice one. You can’t expect me to do the dirty work!’ Aziraphale - stop being an insensitive arse. (Vanishes soldier) WAS THAT SO FUCKING HARD? Honestly I think Madam Tracey had a hand in him actually acting and also tongue-clicking at Shadwell.
·     ‘You were a good car.’ =( I’m not sure what bit of the Bentley Crowley has - looks like a bit of crank shaft maybe? Idk.
·     Crowley, you disaster, you idiot, you’ve had six millennia to learn how to walk like a person, not like a snake in a pair of tight jeans - what the fuck are you doing?! ‘I need to get over the car thing…’ Oh - look at the little snek trying to square up to oncoming events!
·     ‘I’ve got a finger’ ‘you may need to brandish your weapon’ ‘we are here to lick some serious butt’ Welcome to double single entendre town.
·     Pollution has a different negative aura to the others, possibly because they’re a newer incarnation of humanity’s ills.
·     ‘Shoot him, save the world!’ Bloody hell Crowley, you’re getting desperate and a little irrational since your car died. Both Shadwell and Madam Tracy are against killing Adam when both Crowley and Aziraphale seem to be for it now. Also, technically Madam Tracy thwarts an angel =P
·     ‘Oh! Made me go all tingly!’ Crowley is in the background like ‘bitch please I’ve waited 6 millennia to go all tingly with this idiot - how dare you?’
·     War, what the fuck are you doing with that sword? It’s not poi and this isn’t a festival - why are you doing strange sword swinging? ‘You’re a joke.’ Pepper you are savage. I like the fact Pollution and Death look at each other like WTF? ‘I believe in peace, bitch.’ Best passive aggressive Tori Amos lyric reference ever.
·     Brian apparently REALLY believes in a clean world ‘cos Pollution just straight up vanishes. (Maybe because they are younger than the other horsepersons?) ‘And I believe in food and a healthy lunch.’ Apparently Dog believes in a healthy lunch too. Or possibly thought Wendsleydale needed a little help as it’s hard for an 11y old to believe in healthy lunches when they accept chocolate from witches.
·      I love the fact the demons call the war when they Fell ‘The Glorious Revolution’.
·     Also love the fact that whilst Newt has just freely admitted he’s totally shit with computers, he still snorts and intellectually swaggers ‘yeah - easy!’ when Anathema asks him to ‘fix’ things. Like he can’t help himself and starts to  mansplain computers to her.
·     ‘You - boy - Antichrist - what was your name again?’ AKA, Crowley doesn’t give a shit.
·     ‘Oh, Book Girl - catch.’ Crowley, your 10 keeps showing.
·     ‘Another deluded victim of the patriarchy.’ Wow Pepper.
·     Beelzebub, you’re wearing a fly hat. Why? Also did Crowley never get a snake hat because he made it into that tattoo on his cheek?
·     ‘God does not play games with the universe.’ ‘Where have you been?!’ HA! Even God (in Ep1) said God played games.
·     Proof if any proof was needed that little snek is a rubbish demon? Little snek is not only unhappy but also in pain when Satan turns up.
·     ‘Anyone wants to hurt the whore of Babylon is going to have to get past me!’ Shadwell, how dare you be so bloody awful and sort of sweet at the same time.
·     ‘WE ARE FUCKED!’ Crowley is on his knees for the third time in one day.  
·     Aziraphale stands over him with the sword and spits ‘COME UP WITH SOMETHING! OR - OR-‘ he raises the sword above Crowley and Crowley actually has a moment of doubt that his best friend might stab him - there is an edge of fear and betrayal in his expression. ‘Or I’ll never talk to you again!’ Aziraphale finishes, lowering the sword, fussy and fretful as always - also terrified. Crowley’s willpower has been tested to the limit, but he dredges up whatever’s left to stop time in the face of Satan’s rising. Because if Aziraphale isn’t going to smite him, Crowley can still only stand to see his angel unhappy for 2 seconds without having to do something about it whatever the cost.
·     ‘Your father who is no longer in heaven’ - lovely reflection of the Lord’s Prayer. Aziraphale has Adam’s right hand and Crowley his left in the classical attitude of angel/demon on one’s shoulders.
·     Anathema sees Satan and says ‘oh’ - I hate to think what his aura looks like.
·     ‘It burnt down… remember? … You can stay at my place, if you like.’ Look you idiot angel, Crowley has asked you to elope twice and now is asking you to his flat that he never asks anyone to. ‘You don’t have a side anymore. Neither of us do.’ Crowley is still trying to convince him, and Aziraphale is still slow on the uptake.
·     Adam was a homage in part to the Just William books by Richmal Crompton. The numberplate of Mr Young’s car is ‘SIDRAT’ - TARDIS backwards.
·     Crowley, why do you hail a cab when your darling Bentley is RIGHT THERE? Oh wait, you’re already Aziraphale aren’t you? Which means it’s Aziraphale who grins because his friend’s car is back. Also it means it’s Crowley who says ‘those are new’ in the bookshop which means Crowley knows the content of the bookshop really rather well for someone who claims not to read or be interested in books. You pair of idiots.
·     Strawberry lolly / vanilla with a flake - I just realized they would have been eating each other’s favourite icecreams.
·     ‘What’s it to be? An eternity in the deepest pit?’ Aziraphale trying to be chill that he might have got sent to prison in his boyfriend’s place for all eternity.
·     ‘Well, wank wings…’ Ew Hastur, get out.
·     Michael looks like the depiction of the Temperance tarot card. Does she have a hose up her sleeve or what?
·     The Usher demon is in Shadwell’s book, as is the Abracadabra charm and something that looks a bit like the Yellow Sign.
·     On the coat rack in the hall of Jasmine cottage is a reticule that is at least from the 1920s - more likely from the 1880s. Anathema how dare you. (Also is anyone else jealous of Anathema’s skirts?)
·     A Florin was a 2 Shilling coin issued between 1849 and 1970 so Agnes would not have had access to one.
·     ‘Ye Saga Continues.’ Ye is pronounced ‘thee’ because of the thorn rune and Old English / Middle English and the printing press.
·     Shadwell, I don’t think you deserve Madame Tracy at all.
·     ‘I don’t suppose I can persuade you to reconsider?’ This is Crowley - he burnt his bridges with Heaven long ago - he wants to know if Aziraphale’s faith is right - if Heaven has changed since he left and become kinder. ‘May we meet on a better occasion’ - that’s a mix of Crowley sass and Aziraphale politeness. But when Gabriel says ‘Shut your stupid mouth and die already.’ Crowley knows Heaven is a lost cause.
·     Look, I know Aziraphale asked to take off the clothes but at what point did he manifest the 19thC swim suit because there’s no way Crowley ever wore that…
·     Crowley breathing hellfire: there’s a good possibility, if he’d wanted, he could have roasted all 3 angels. I would have. Crowley is apparently nicer than I am and only likes to mess with people, not legit incinerate them and wipe them from Creation.
·     ‘What else can he do? And very very soon you’re all going to get the chance to find out.’ Aziraphale is a bit of a bastard - but not in the way Heaven’s a bastard. Aziraphale’s a bit of a bastard just like Crowley - and he’s only ever a bastard in defense of Crowley. Crowley is I think more human than Aziraphale: he likes making mischief but doesn’t like hardcore sin. He thinks Heaven is a shitshow but Hell’s as bad and his only defense is to annoy everyone. He vexes Heaven by being Fallen and vexes Hell by being utterly inefficient as a demon and insisting on caring about things.
·     ‘He’s bluffing - we can take him.’ Do you think Hastur ever considered in light of the holy water bath, that the plant mister had been full of holy water after all?
·      I think Crowley/Aziraphale has full snake eyes again, hard to tell.
·     The nose twitch and ‘Right!’ - Aziraphale did you run out of Crowley mannerisms or something?
·     Agnes knew the future. If she knew Anathema would burn the further book, why bother to write it? Never quite understood that. Also I wouldn’t have burnt the prophecies, but hey, that’s me.
·     ‘Adam, what happened last night?’ ‘Just stuff. It doesn’t matter.’ Yeah, just low key the end of the world but go off I guess.
·     ‘Do you think they’ll leave us alone now?’ Those two on the bench are being so perfectly each other it’s hilarious - body language, inflection… I wonder if they went all tingly?
·     ‘…What? Heaven and Hell against… Humanity?’ And again Aziraphale is horrified and wishes not to believe in Heaven’s cruelty. ‘Time to leave the garden’ - a metaphor for their lost innocence and changing characters?
·     Aziraphale gets reprimanded for frivolous miracles but will always magic up a table at the Ritz. Crowley still isn’t fucking eating, just drinking.
·     ‘I like to think none of this would have worked out, if you weren’t at heart, just a little bit of a good person…’ This gives me Sandman flashbacks when someone called Delirium a person and she wasn’t having it. Also, Aziraphale is right. Crowley is far more person than Angel or Demon.
·     ‘Just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing…’ Yes, yes, we know that’s Idiot Snek for ‘I love you I love you I love you.’ Shuttup you fool.
·     Aziraphale turn off your heart eyes - don’t those things come with a dimmer switch? ‘To the World,’ Crowley says, meaning it. ‘To the World,’ Aziraphale says, meaning ‘Crowley I love you more than books and crepes.’
·      I wonder what Aziraphale says to Crowley when God is narrating about nightingales?
·     Tori Amos sings the Nightingale song at the end of the episode.
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