#// bs-ing my way through to safety lol
ibijus · 7 years
My spin on "Lotor corner the Voltron team and wants Lance in exchange of their lives" ;9
I’m very curious about how Lotor will turn to be in the series, to tell the truth I’m 90% sure he’ll obsess over Keith, but the Lotor wants a piece of Lance thing has produced so much cool content!!
(I’ll be using female pronouns for Pidge here, ok?)
I’m more tired than I thought so it’s actually pretty ridiculous and I wrote it really quickly. I’ll say it’s a “come for the laugh, stay for the explosions” kind of deal.
Let's go down swinging
Pidge wasn't moving, lying a few feet from where Keith was trying to hold Lance straight when he himself almost couldn't stand. Hunk had cut communication for a while now, he and Coran were ambushed by the Galra and the last thing they heard from them where they panicked screaming before silence. Allura wasn't in a good shape either, but she stood on front of them, barring Lotor and his guards from getting too close, the princess was the image of a lioness protecting her pride.
The scenario was very picturesque: at the top of the castle, which was full of sentries, beaten and cornered by the bad guy in a planet with the most beautiful blue sky, just like Earth.
"Paladins of Voltron... You've been defeated."
Lotor wasn't smiling, rather seeming disappointed, but his words stung. Allura's glare wasn't enough to stop him from taking his next step closer, which started a short fight between the two. She was a good fighter and had great motivation to win, seeing her friends and new family lives at risk but Lotor hadn't spent the last hours desperately fighting, in a last move he pulled his gun and shot Allura in the stomach, making her double and fall while holding herself in pain.
Her eyes still followed him, full of promises of pain while he got past her and closer to Keith and Lance. They had nowhere to run, sentries had their guns pointed at them from every side and Pidge was still down. Even if they had a clean patch, neither could run at the point. Keith was in a slightly better shape than Lance, but didn't look like he was about to leave any of them behind.
As soon as the devil was close enough he made his proposition.
"Even after such shameful display, I can be merciful. Live to fight another day. My word is my honor and all I ask if for the Blue Paladin to follow me."
Keith tightened his hold on Lance's shoulder, who felt the world spinning. It could be pure confusion in front of whatever the hell he was hearing or from a concussion. He did hit his head pretty hard in his last fall.
Broken head or not he had to act soon, Keith was positively growling and Lotor was probably counting the seconds to shot them like he just did Allura.
"If I go with you they'll be free, right?"
Now Lotor was smiling and Lance felt his blood run cold. He really must had a concussion, because he was about to do something very stupid.
"I'll go."
"No, you won't!"
Lance slowly got away from Keith, getting free from his hold and not looking at him, his arms were heavy and he limped closer to their enemy, Keith had wide eyes and was standing at the ball of his feet, ready to jump at his defense, but in a second Lotor was holding his prize. Possessive arms holding his in his tired feet, all smile while looking at Lance.
"You made the right choice."
"I know."
The knife didn't get too deep past the armor, but the surprise in Lotor's eyes was a true gift for Lance. He had taken the weapon from Keith before stepping away and put all his luck in this last move. He couldn't go for the neck and the armor wasn't a decorative piece, it really did a good job in protecting Lotor, but he had done some damaged.
The bastard was bleeding, face now full of disgust, and Lance hoped the scar never faded and every time he saw it he remembered that a Paladin of Voltron did that to him.
Lotor took him by his neck and threw him far away, Keith screamed for him as he fell over the edge of the tower. Now they were the last one standing and Lotor ignored him, taking the knife from his wound to have a better look at it.
"I think I'll keep that. It'll remember me how easy it was to get rid of you."
Keith took a deep breath and was about to jump against him, already hearing the sentries guns charging, when something caught their eyes.
An escape pod rose in controlled flight, Lance crouched on top of it with a sharp smile. The front panel turned from pitch black to clear and Keith saw the exact second when Coran hit the control panel to open fire, his shots destroying sentry after sentry while Lotor and Keith threw themselves to the floor, Keith aiming to cover Allura.
Coran only stopped when every single sentry was down, Lance still holding himself on top the scape pod while at his back there was the striking view of the Galra's mother ship being relentlessly attacked by the yellow lion, smoke and small explosions happened while the huge ship began its fall.
The red paladin was stuck in place watching the turn of events, getting off of a heavy breathing Allura, he felt time going slow as he turned to see Lotor looming over him, gun pointed to his face, ready to shot.
"Not today, satan!"
A high voltage shock ran through Lotor and he fell, Pidge was standing by a control panel with her bayard still raised. Her image and the one of herself lying on the floor flickered until the immobile one disappeared and the real green paladin remained, battered but smiling. With a final hit to the panel the security system come to life fuelled by the redirection power, the cleanup began from the inside as doors were locked and guns popped from hidden panels up to exterminate the many sentries.
Having done her job, Pidge ran to Keith and Allura in time for Coran to land, he and Lance joined them on checking Allura. The Princess still held her wound and gasped for air and without excitation Coran lifted her in his arms ready to take her to the infirmary. In that second of distraction, Lotor got up once more and run to the edge, jumping and falling on top of one of his small ships that soon where too far to be seen.
Lance straightened up and filled his lungs, screaming "Copycat!" before folding himself in pain. Coran left, focused on taking the heavily injured Allura to a cryo pod, while the three paladins took a second to breathe.
At the corner of his eye Keith saw his blade, left on the floor. Reunited with his weapon, once again he found himself watching Hunk facing the Galra. Now full of determination, he turned to his companions.
"Hunk is doing a great job, but he may need help. Pidge, can you run?"
"Yes. I'll get to him in no time!"
As soon as Pidge was gone Lance wavered in his feet and Keith got a hold of him and so they started to limp their way inside. It only took a few steps before Keith turned to the other.
"How did you know it was going to work? Stabbing Lotor, Coran being where he was, Pidge and Hunk and... How?"
"I didn't. I'm as surprised as you are."
One sentry sparked a few times before being able to lift it's gun, shakily pointing it at the two slowly walking young man. It was about to shot when a yellow mouse fall on its head, covering its visor. Two more fell on its arm hard enough to shake his arm out of aim, and a last one was biting at exposed cables on his neck, chewing enough of them to finally make it turn off and stop moving.
The four little warriors cheered another victory!
I was so generic with evil Lotor you can probably do a bingo on it lol (and I misspell his names as “Lotos” EVERY SINGLE TIME omg) I just wanted to do the thing where Lance gets close enough to stab him with Keith's knife, the rest of it blossomed from there... So basically I was bs-ing as I wrote. It is so cliché holy fuck, I'm lame. I'm lame and I have a need of Coran saving the day, all right? A MIGHT NEED. (and the space mice scene was necessary btw very necessary it’s probably the most important piece of the whole thing)
And I may not be good with life lessons or anything like that, but if a space psycho tries to kidnap you holding your friends lives (and the safety of the galaxy) over your head… Stab them. Stab them hard. Take all your fury don’t care if you have to use a toothpick to do the job STAB THEM
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