#// can't you tell i have big emotions for these two?? gsdfgsfd
requiemofrebellion · 11 months
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@petalbound ― * ― unprompted.
[Karma to Gakushu] "Is there anything else you wanted to tell me?"
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Gakushu hadn’t expected to open up slightly to Karma, sure he had gotten used to Karma’s presence and dare he say, slowly was thinking of him as a friend, but he never thought he’d open up about his home life. The one that lacked his father in the picture, even more so with his father no longer working for the school. Sure, it was a breath of fresh air starting high school without being the principal's son but that just meant he saw even less of the man during the day and night. It’s not like he ever thought they would ever mend what wasn’t ever there to begin with, a father - son relationship, but part of him had hoped it would have happened. 
He had told Karma how being at home was quiet, too quiet even for him sometimes. Even if his father was home, he might as well not be there. Expressing the only way he got his father’s attention was through failing something, or if his father thought he could do better. A push he no longer needed but his father still did despite not being employed by the school anymore. He had slightly expressed how he hated holidays because there was no celebration at his house, it was just another painful reminder that everyone else had a loving family and he was to just study or get better at something. He expressed that if his father did give him a gift, it was to get skilled at it as fast as possible, it wouldn’t be due to the fact that Gakushu wanted it or not. It was always something that Gakushu could master. Video games? Out of the question. Don’t even bring up such a foolish request ever again. Toys when he was little? No way, it was books to get his reading above anyone his age at the time when he was a child. 
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Gakushu didn’t know why he had spoken such feelings and memories to Karma, but it felt nice to get the unspoken emotions out into the open for once. To express these things that he pushed down. Violet eyes moved from staring at the highschool’s bookshelf to Karma as he asked if there was anything else. He breathed in deeply, blinking slowly at him. The library they sat in was quiet, they having been the only ones left after school hours. His head then dipped down to look at the open book on the table, they didn’t even get what they came here for done. But this time it was Gakushu’s fault and surprisingly not Karma’s. 
“ No... ” He answered finally, moving his hand and closing his textbook. “ I apologize for going off subject and in such... details of my personal life. ” He wasn’t used to getting this comfortable around people. Karma was the first one he ever felt this way with, the male had surely wormed himself between the cracks of Gakushu’s wall.
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