#petalbound ― karma
requiemofrebellion · 1 year
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@petalbound ― * ― It's raining, and sender's muse forgot their umbrella. Send 🌧 for receiver's muse to find sender's muse in their predicament.
[Karma to Gakushu] 🌧 He just Does Not own an umbrella, rip.
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The clouds were dark making it look like it was much later than it was. The rain came down in large droplets, soaking everything and anything it touched. The school grounds were more or less abandoned. Everyone had gone home already but Gakushu had stayed behind to do some more work. When he finished up, he packed all his things up and moved to exit the large building. He pulled his umbrella out of his school bag, about to open it but stopped when he caught sight of a student at the corner of his eyes. He looked over to the male, giving a soft sigh when he realized it was just Karma. He then looked back to his umbrella and opened it up, about to walk out from under the shelter and into the rain, but he came to another stop. 
Why was Karma just standing there? Where was his umbrella? Did he not see on the news that they expected a storm today? Honestly, E class was hopeless. He turned to face Karma but made no other movement to get closer. 
“ Are you just going to stand there until it stops? ” He questioned with a raise of his brow. “ It’s a storm, it’s going to rain for a few hours, if not all night. Best to call someone to get you. ” No way was he offering his umbrella to an idiot who forgot to bring theirs.
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ofsavior · 2 years
kw wins all! || @petalbound​​
[Karma; Irina] ‘  well, i think this theory is bullshit, but… anyways.  ’
        The art of seduction was both practical and informative. Irina would swear by her lessons as top tier, and no other assassin in this school stood in comparison. Save for one particular troublemaker who just had to ruin everything.
      Pointer tapping the chalkboard, Irina gestured to the phrase: I think those who misbehave deserve to be punished~.
      Something about the phrase was particularly pointed, and she slammed her pointer on her desk so hard it almost threatened to snap. Clicking her heals, she turned to the class. Eyes fell to a single deliquent and her finger lifted to single him out.
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requiemofrebellion · 1 year
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@petalbound ― * ― It's raining, and sender's muse forgot their umbrella. Send 🌧 for receiver's muse to find sender's muse in their predicament.
[Karma to Nagisa] 🌧
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“ Let me guess, you didn’t bring an umbrella. ” It was a statement more than a question. 
Nagisa had walked up next to Karma as they were leaving school grounds, his body moving closer to Karma’s side so the umbrella would be partly over Karma and partly over him. He didn’t have a big umbrella but this would at least keep Karma a bit dry. Nagisa looked up at his classmate with a soft smile. 
“ What would Koro-sensei say if he saw you without an umbrella? ” He gave a soft laugh. “ Do you wanna hangout somewhere until the rain stops? I wasn’t planning on going home just yet. ”
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requiemofrebellion · 1 year
@petalbound ― starter
They had a new assignment; survival and to try to kill their target, Koro-sensei. The class was separated into teams of two or three depending on numbers. Nagisa and Karma got paired up as a team and were given supplies: a tent to fit them both, a backpack each with other supplies like a cooking pot, first aid and some food. In each pack was a rolled up sleeping bag and a pillow. Then, they were sent off into the woods, each group in different directions so they couldn’t all migrate together.
They had been hiking for a little while, trying to find a good spot to set up camp. They were told this was going to last at least three days, two nights in the woods. But, for emergencies, they did have walkie talkies to contact the teachers if something happened. Their cell phones were taken, but the two people on Ritsu’s team were able to keep theirs. The blue-haired boy finally came to a stop.
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“ Hey Karma, do you think this is a good spot? It’s right next to the river, so if we do need more water we can always boil some to drink. ” Nagisa turned his attention to his classmate, gesturing with his hand to the river he spoke of. “ And the land here is mostly even. ” He dug out the map he had in his pocket, opening it up to take a look. “ Plus, by the location Koro-sensei gave us, he’ll be about a mile away. Not too close to where he can hear what we are planning, but not too far to get to him, right? ”
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requiemofrebellion · 1 year
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[Karma to Gakushu] ❛  whatever. i didn't think you'd care anyway.  ❜
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" Hm... " At first that was all that left the student council president.
Eyes looked over pages of words as Karma had spoke about something, and it seemed like Gakushu was only half listening, if that. He had seemed preoccupied with his reading and seemed not to give Karma any mind. However, that wasn't the case. He was skilled at multitasking, skilled at being able to scan over words on a page and pick up on every single word a person said to him. When Karma was now dismissing the conversation is when Gakushu stopped scanning the pages his eyes laid upon.
Slowly he lifted his head up, pushing his back against his chair. Violet eyes scanning over Karma for a brief moment. To be honest, he was very much neutral to what Karma came to him about. But how should he approach this?
" Wait. " A sigh left him, a hand lifting to brush back his bangs. " To say that I do or don't care is besides the point, don't you think? I was listening though, to every last word. " His hand dropped from his hair and moved to his book to close it.
" I'm sure you and I could work something out. " More like another rigged agreement. " Why not take a seat and we can come up with... a solution. "
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requiemofrebellion · 11 months
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[Karma to Gakushu] ❝ i’m just saying, let loose and have some fun for a change. ❞
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Gakushu looked over at Karma, a brow raising ever so slightly from the statement. Let loose and have fun? Had he met him? Gakushu has never just let loose and had fun with anything in his life. Everything was made to be a competition, he hardly did anything for fun. Yet, everyone around them looked like they were having a blast. Even the other four from the Big Five - well now Big Six with Karma, were having fun around the school festivities for halloween time. Yet, Gakushu was standing back, watching, making sure everything went well for every student and making sure they were having fun.
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“ I... “ Gakushu paused, as if needing time to think of a response, for once not having one ready for the redhead. “ I’m not exactly the type to let loose, as you put it. “ Gakushu finally finished, eyes looking back to the students entering and exiting Class A’s classroom to experience the haunted house they did this year. He almost wanted to actually participate but it felt like he had chains on him, keeping him chained to the wall he leaned against. “ Why aren’t you out there causing chaos? “
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requiemofrebellion · 11 months
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[Karma to Hiroto] ❝ is that your idea of a costume? ❞
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Hiroto looked down at his hotdog costume, then looked back up at Karma. A wide smile moving onto his lips as he did some weird pose in his costume. As if trying to impress the other that his idea was the best one in the class, ignoring if Karma was or wasn’t judging him. 
“ Hey, the hotdog costume is a classic! “ He answered, shifting into another pose to show it off. “ It’s not my fault you didn’t come up with something as amazing and classic as this! “
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requiemofrebellion · 11 months
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[Karma to Nagisa] ❝ i thought we agreed to stay in and have a horror movie marathon. ❞
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“ We did but... well I figured we could do this first. ” Nagisa said, hand holding onto Karma’s wrist to drag him where they were going. “ Besides, I know you and you’re probably just going to have fun jumpscaring me in every scene of the movies. So, since you’ll have your fun tonight, I’m gonna have my fun now with you. ” 
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He came to a stop outside of the city’s halloween festival. Booths were up, decorations as well. Some places were turned into little haunted houses, photo booths everywhere and lots of food and games. Nagisa turned to Karma then, slowly letting his wrist go and he smiled at him. 
“ Just humor me please? You owe me for agreeing to watch all those horror films later. So just spend like three hours here with me and then we can go back to your place to watch whatever you have picked out. ”
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requiemofrebellion · 11 months
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@petalbound ― * ― unprompted.
[Karma to Gakushu] "Is that a threat?"
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“ A threat? Now, who do you think I am? Why would I, the student council president, threaten an underlying such as yourself? A fellow student such as yourself? ” Gakushu tilted his head ever so slightly at Karma, eyes fixated on him like Karma was some kind of bug stuck in Gakushu’s web. A smirk hinted at the male’s lips. 
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“ Do you really think I would resort to such actions? No, no you misunderstand Akabane. I simply am promising that I will indeed do it, if you so much as go through with your plans. ” He usually didn’t resort to his own father’s tactics, but Gakushu was in so much stress that he felt pushed and cornered to do it. Yet, he hid those feelings of being trapped so well, behind his cold gaze, seeing if he could get a reaction out of Karma.
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requiemofrebellion · 11 months
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@petalbound ― * ― unprompted.
[Kyouka to Karma] "Why is that important?"
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“ It’s important because it’s fun. ” Karma replied with a grin. His hands grabbed all different hot sauce packets that he had collected. “ It’s also so your enemies know the wrath of losing to you, and therefore should keep them away if they know what is best for themselves. ” His sinister snicker was then heard.
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He stood up straight once he placed the packets into his backpack. Then he fully turned to the other, tilting his head to the side. “ What? Have you never shoved something up someone’s nose as a form of torture? ”
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requiemofrebellion · 11 months
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@petalbound ― * ― unprompted.
[Karma to Nagisa] "So, which part of what I said earlier was incorrect? I was certain I had everything figured out, but I suppose even geniuses are wrong from time to time."
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“ A genius huh? ” Nagisa turned to his classmate with a slight raise of an eyebrow before laughing very gently. “ Okay, I guess out of all of us here, you would rank genius. ” He shifted where he stood outside of the classroom. “ As for what was incorrect... it wasn’t entirely wrong but... I’m just not sure if I want to be a teacher after school you know...? ” The shorter boy shifted once again, blue eyes dropping to the ground in thought. 
“ Koro-sensei told me to think about it, it was my choice to decide and he would support me either way. I was leaning towards being a teacher but... ” He trailed off before shaking his head. He lifted his gaze back up and put on a smile, eyes closing to try and make him seem like he wasn’t worried about anything. “ Well, anyways you are slightly correct I just don’t know if you’ll stay correct on what I decide to be after this, that’s all. ” Being an assassin was really heavy on his mind but he felt wrong to dare say it, even though that’s what they have been trying to be all year. He figured it was different though since his targets wouldn’t be Koro-sensei and it would be actual people, and actual murder... Yet, it still intrigued him.
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requiemofrebellion · 11 months
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@petalbound ― * ― unprompted.
[Karma to Gakushu] "I assume you're here for some reason."
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To think he was making a house call because Karma hadn’t been in class or at school for sometime. So, Gakushu did something he didn’t expect to do one day after class, ask the teacher for the schoolwork Karma was missing so he could drop the coursework off. Sure, he could always say it was because he didn’t want Karma falling behind due to their rivalry but he knew it was more than just their rival relationship they had, only because he had been taking notes for Karma this entire week as well. He brushed it off to anyone who asked why he was making two of the same notes. A simple reply of ‘in case one gets misplaced.’ An utter lie but no one thought to question it further. 
So here he was at Karma’s doorstep. His school bag on his hip as he had knocked. The house wasn’t too hard to find, seeing as he had the old records from when his father worked for the school. Plus, it had the same last name on the name plate outside and it was confirmed it was right when Karma answered the door. Gakushu straightened up a bit more when he saw the redhead. It was a greeting, asking how Karma was doing before the statement was told about being here for a reason. Of course there was a reason. 
Gakushu nodded, reaching into his bag and taking out the worksheets Karma had missed. He also then took out a folder that contained the notes Gakushu was taking for him as well, putting it under the coursework. He then held the items out for Karma to take. 
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“ It’s the class work you’ve been missing. You shouldn’t be missing this many days in a row. Are you that ill? ” He questioned, eyes on Karma’s face, trying to read him once more. “ Either way, make sure you get caught up. ” No, he wasn’t going to tell Karma he took detailed notes for him, he’d find out when he went through everything, hopefully when Gakushu was gone. “ If you need help with any of the material, you have my number, yes? ”
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requiemofrebellion · 11 months
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@petalbound ― * ― unprompted.
[Karma to Gakushu] "Is there anything else you wanted to tell me?"
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Gakushu hadn’t expected to open up slightly to Karma, sure he had gotten used to Karma’s presence and dare he say, slowly was thinking of him as a friend, but he never thought he’d open up about his home life. The one that lacked his father in the picture, even more so with his father no longer working for the school. Sure, it was a breath of fresh air starting high school without being the principal's son but that just meant he saw even less of the man during the day and night. It’s not like he ever thought they would ever mend what wasn’t ever there to begin with, a father - son relationship, but part of him had hoped it would have happened. 
He had told Karma how being at home was quiet, too quiet even for him sometimes. Even if his father was home, he might as well not be there. Expressing the only way he got his father’s attention was through failing something, or if his father thought he could do better. A push he no longer needed but his father still did despite not being employed by the school anymore. He had slightly expressed how he hated holidays because there was no celebration at his house, it was just another painful reminder that everyone else had a loving family and he was to just study or get better at something. He expressed that if his father did give him a gift, it was to get skilled at it as fast as possible, it wouldn’t be due to the fact that Gakushu wanted it or not. It was always something that Gakushu could master. Video games? Out of the question. Don’t even bring up such a foolish request ever again. Toys when he was little? No way, it was books to get his reading above anyone his age at the time when he was a child. 
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Gakushu didn’t know why he had spoken such feelings and memories to Karma, but it felt nice to get the unspoken emotions out into the open for once. To express these things that he pushed down. Violet eyes moved from staring at the highschool’s bookshelf to Karma as he asked if there was anything else. He breathed in deeply, blinking slowly at him. The library they sat in was quiet, they having been the only ones left after school hours. His head then dipped down to look at the open book on the table, they didn’t even get what they came here for done. But this time it was Gakushu’s fault and surprisingly not Karma’s. 
“ No... ” He answered finally, moving his hand and closing his textbook. “ I apologize for going off subject and in such... details of my personal life. ” He wasn’t used to getting this comfortable around people. Karma was the first one he ever felt this way with, the male had surely wormed himself between the cracks of Gakushu’s wall.
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requiemofrebellion · 11 months
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@petalbound ― * ― unprompted.
[Karma to Hiroto] "Well, by the sounds of it, you threw this plan together last minute."
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Last minute?! Hiroto’s eyes narrowed and a large frown crossed his lips. A huff of being slightly 'upset' with such an accusation leaving him. 
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“ Dude, rude. ” He said, crossing arms over his chest. “ I worked super hard on this. It wasn’t last minute! I made this plan two hours ago! ” It was so last minute. “ Besides, look at what you all have done and came up with! Nothing! And when you do come up with something, nothing has worked! So, don’t diss the plan until you try the plan! Just you watch, mine is gonna get him! ” He threw his hand out as if he was offering Karma a handshake. “ Bet! ”
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requiemofrebellion · 11 months
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@petalbound ― * ― unprompted.
[Karma to Yuma] "Would you like to chit-chat or do you want to save the world from total destruction?"
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Yuma chuckled softly at Karma’s question. His hand lifted to ruffle his own hair on the back of his head. A sheepish smile upon his lips. He supposed he had been rambling a bit too much of the plan and they needed to get moving. There was no time to linger anymore, it was time to act now or they would miss their chances. He gave a nod, smile falling and a look of seriousness taking over his facial features. 
“ Let’s get ready for our attack, save the world and maybe win that money. ” He turned to look over what they were hiding behind. “ Coast is clear so let’s go get our target. ”
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requiemofrebellion · 11 months
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@petalbound ― * ― unprompted.
[Karma to Gakushu] "Don't feed an animal you can't tame."
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Violet eyes glanced over at Karma's face, narrowing ever so slightly from the redhead's words. His own mind already analyzing what the sentence could be referring to. There was multiple of things that he came up with but the one theory was of Karma being the untamed animal. Which, was fitting if you asked him.
" Oh? " Gakushu mused with a raise of his brow. " I think I could tame any beast if I really wanted to. "
Was he overzealous? Yes. But Gakushu always liked a challenge.
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