#♠ never let anyone beat you ― not about to start. ♠ ⸻ ic : Gakushu
requiemofrebellion · 9 months
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@starsoath ― * ― Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse.
📜 for Karma & Gakushu, and/or any other combinations you want! <3
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Karma: Am I in trouble? Gakushu: Take a guess. Karma: No? Gakushu: Take another guess.
Karma: Ok, maybe playing ‘whose family is most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea we’ve had. Gakushu's been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can’t get them out...
& Bonus cause the second one was short:
Gakushu: Please, I'm begging you go to a doctor. Karma: I'm sorry is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
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requiemofrebellion · 8 months
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[Karma to Gakushu] [ wounded ] sender patches up receiver's wounds
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Gakushu winced as soon as Karma pressed the disinfect wipe to his cut up cheek. His eyes were closing slightly from the sting that it brought on. His sharp breath inhaled, and his body tensed as Karma worked on patching up his face and hands. It wasn’t like Gakushu getting into a fight at school, yet he had gotten into one due to the other student starting it. Gakushu did in fact win the fight, thanks to the self defense classes his father had him take when he was younger, but that didn’t mean he didn’t get hurt. His cheek that had the cut was also slightly bruising, his hands were scraped and slightly bleeding.
He had gone to find Karma to help him clean up. He didn’t want to go to the nurse, he didn’t want the fight on his clean record. So now, they sat in an empty classroom while Karma patched him up. He didn’t know where he had gotten the first aid, nor did Gakushu ask. He probably just took it from the nurse’s station without asking, it honestly wouldn’t have surprised Gakushu.
“ That stings… ” He finally said within the silence. His eyes were downcast to look at his hands. “ Usually, I’m not on the receiving end of this… ” He went on with a soft sigh, referring to needing to be patched up. “ Thanks, Karma. ”
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requiemofrebellion · 9 months
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[Karma to Gakushu] ❝  you don’t have to pretend to be fine,  if you need me to stay i will.  ❞
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Silence fell between them in his room. Gakushu was leaning against his bedroom wall, sitting on his bed. His bangs covered his eyes as he looked down, a frown upon his lips. It had been about time for Karma to get going home after they hung out, played some games and studied as well. His father was out on some business trip so Gakushu found no issue having Karma over, seeing as his father wouldn’t be home for a couple more days. 
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It really made no difference to Gakushu, even with his father home, this large house felt empty, lonely. He hadn’t realized that Karma’s presence would make him feel this sort of warmth he never had while being home. The thought of him leaving made Gakushu’s heart sink and he had a hard time hiding his sudden mood drop. Not that he could really hide anything from Karma, he was too observant, always watching him it felt like. Yet, those golden eyes on him had become a welcome to Gakushu, a comfort really. Who knew that he’d end up liking Karma’s eyes on him when before he had found it highly annoying? 
He had acted like he didn’t care about Karma leaving, with a weak of a hand wave but Karma had seen through it, and even was offering to stay? Which is where they were at now, silent and still. Gakushu would have hated anyone to see him like this if it wasn’t Karma. He finally lifted his head, still attempting to put on a mask.
“ Don’t you need to get home though? ” Gakushu questioned, eyes locked on Karma now. “ I just... I’ll be fine as always if you have to leave. You shouldn’t worry about me. ” He wasn’t used to it anyways, he wasn’t used to people being worried about him. He always shut his other friends down when they tried to worry about him.
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requiemofrebellion · 9 months
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@starsoath ― * ― send a “⚪” to throw a snowball at my muse.
[Karma to Gakushu] ⚪!
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Snowflakes fell from the sky above, the scenery around the once lush green school grounds, now covered in white. Footprints led to and from the school entrance. Gakushu stood outside, watching the snow fall, waiting for Karma to come out. He hadn’t even noticed him until the snowball hit his arm. Gakushu, being torn out of the calmness he felt, looked over to where the snowball had come from, eyes narrowing at Karma. 
He shouldn’t even be surprised, Karma would be the only one to dare throw anything at him. Yet, unlike in junior high, Gakushu didn't actually feel annoyed. Was he showing a look of not impressed to the red head? Yes, yes he was. But he was far from being annoyed. He slowly knelt down to the ground, eyes kept on Karma as he took snow in his hands and rolled a ball into the palms. Karma always said to lighten up so... 
“ Isn’t a snowball fight childish? ” Gakushu questioned, standing back up as he messed with the ball in his palm. “ We’re highschoolers now, we should be showing maturity. ” Yet, he moved his arm and threw the snowball at Karma’s chest, a quick ball if you’d say. A hint of a smile played at his lips. 
At least he could somewhat be a teenager when Karma was around, having been able to relax around the other with the amount of time they’ve spent together.
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requiemofrebellion · 11 months
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[Karma to Gakushu] ❝ i’m just saying, let loose and have some fun for a change. ❞
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Gakushu looked over at Karma, a brow raising ever so slightly from the statement. Let loose and have fun? Had he met him? Gakushu has never just let loose and had fun with anything in his life. Everything was made to be a competition, he hardly did anything for fun. Yet, everyone around them looked like they were having a blast. Even the other four from the Big Five - well now Big Six with Karma, were having fun around the school festivities for halloween time. Yet, Gakushu was standing back, watching, making sure everything went well for every student and making sure they were having fun.
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“ I... “ Gakushu paused, as if needing time to think of a response, for once not having one ready for the redhead. “ I’m not exactly the type to let loose, as you put it. “ Gakushu finally finished, eyes looking back to the students entering and exiting Class A’s classroom to experience the haunted house they did this year. He almost wanted to actually participate but it felt like he had chains on him, keeping him chained to the wall he leaned against. “ Why aren’t you out there causing chaos? “
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requiemofrebellion · 11 months
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@petalbound ― * ― unprompted.
[Karma to Gakushu] "Is that a threat?"
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“ A threat? Now, who do you think I am? Why would I, the student council president, threaten an underlying such as yourself? A fellow student such as yourself? ” Gakushu tilted his head ever so slightly at Karma, eyes fixated on him like Karma was some kind of bug stuck in Gakushu’s web. A smirk hinted at the male’s lips. 
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“ Do you really think I would resort to such actions? No, no you misunderstand Akabane. I simply am promising that I will indeed do it, if you so much as go through with your plans. ” He usually didn’t resort to his own father’s tactics, but Gakushu was in so much stress that he felt pushed and cornered to do it. Yet, he hid those feelings of being trapped so well, behind his cold gaze, seeing if he could get a reaction out of Karma.
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requiemofrebellion · 11 months
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@petalbound ― * ― unprompted.
[Karma to Gakushu] "I assume you're here for some reason."
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To think he was making a house call because Karma hadn’t been in class or at school for sometime. So, Gakushu did something he didn’t expect to do one day after class, ask the teacher for the schoolwork Karma was missing so he could drop the coursework off. Sure, he could always say it was because he didn’t want Karma falling behind due to their rivalry but he knew it was more than just their rival relationship they had, only because he had been taking notes for Karma this entire week as well. He brushed it off to anyone who asked why he was making two of the same notes. A simple reply of ‘in case one gets misplaced.’ An utter lie but no one thought to question it further. 
So here he was at Karma’s doorstep. His school bag on his hip as he had knocked. The house wasn’t too hard to find, seeing as he had the old records from when his father worked for the school. Plus, it had the same last name on the name plate outside and it was confirmed it was right when Karma answered the door. Gakushu straightened up a bit more when he saw the redhead. It was a greeting, asking how Karma was doing before the statement was told about being here for a reason. Of course there was a reason. 
Gakushu nodded, reaching into his bag and taking out the worksheets Karma had missed. He also then took out a folder that contained the notes Gakushu was taking for him as well, putting it under the coursework. He then held the items out for Karma to take. 
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“ It’s the class work you’ve been missing. You shouldn’t be missing this many days in a row. Are you that ill? ” He questioned, eyes on Karma’s face, trying to read him once more. “ Either way, make sure you get caught up. ” No, he wasn’t going to tell Karma he took detailed notes for him, he’d find out when he went through everything, hopefully when Gakushu was gone. “ If you need help with any of the material, you have my number, yes? ”
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requiemofrebellion · 11 months
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@petalbound ― * ― unprompted.
[Karma to Gakushu] "Is there anything else you wanted to tell me?"
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Gakushu hadn’t expected to open up slightly to Karma, sure he had gotten used to Karma’s presence and dare he say, slowly was thinking of him as a friend, but he never thought he’d open up about his home life. The one that lacked his father in the picture, even more so with his father no longer working for the school. Sure, it was a breath of fresh air starting high school without being the principal's son but that just meant he saw even less of the man during the day and night. It’s not like he ever thought they would ever mend what wasn’t ever there to begin with, a father - son relationship, but part of him had hoped it would have happened. 
He had told Karma how being at home was quiet, too quiet even for him sometimes. Even if his father was home, he might as well not be there. Expressing the only way he got his father’s attention was through failing something, or if his father thought he could do better. A push he no longer needed but his father still did despite not being employed by the school anymore. He had slightly expressed how he hated holidays because there was no celebration at his house, it was just another painful reminder that everyone else had a loving family and he was to just study or get better at something. He expressed that if his father did give him a gift, it was to get skilled at it as fast as possible, it wouldn’t be due to the fact that Gakushu wanted it or not. It was always something that Gakushu could master. Video games? Out of the question. Don’t even bring up such a foolish request ever again. Toys when he was little? No way, it was books to get his reading above anyone his age at the time when he was a child. 
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Gakushu didn’t know why he had spoken such feelings and memories to Karma, but it felt nice to get the unspoken emotions out into the open for once. To express these things that he pushed down. Violet eyes moved from staring at the highschool’s bookshelf to Karma as he asked if there was anything else. He breathed in deeply, blinking slowly at him. The library they sat in was quiet, they having been the only ones left after school hours. His head then dipped down to look at the open book on the table, they didn’t even get what they came here for done. But this time it was Gakushu’s fault and surprisingly not Karma’s. 
“ No... ” He answered finally, moving his hand and closing his textbook. “ I apologize for going off subject and in such... details of my personal life. ” He wasn’t used to getting this comfortable around people. Karma was the first one he ever felt this way with, the male had surely wormed himself between the cracks of Gakushu’s wall.
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