#// had to look up real quick what the stated favorite flavor was for Naughty nature 'mons
ask-team-misfit · 2 months
[ in response to this ; @ask-noonescity ]
He was just about to ask what Erebus was doing when he felt the pouch form in his paws.
He looked at it with wide eyes for some moments once the other removed his hands. Then he looked back at the Darkrai's face.
His ears were erect as he listened to Erebus explain the properties of the pouch; he soon realized that this was a gift to him.
A gift. Of all things, a gift.
It was another show of kindness, from someone else he barely knew.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief at the Dragonspiral Tower summit, shown from the waist up and directly facing the viewer. He's looking somewhat upwards with a look of pleasant surprise, with the faint blush on his cheeks drawn as semi-transparent pinkish red lines. In both paws, he's holding a small pouch with two feathers attached. End ID ]
It would be some moments more before he could speak again.
Lief: "Y-you're saying these are edible? To me they kinda look like that weird medicine... thingy."
Yet he plucked one up to try it as he said this. True to what Erebus told him, it was pleasantly chewy, and lightly spicy; his preferred flavor.
Once again, he fell silent. Even after swallowing, he struggled with what to say. He soon averted his gaze.
It would be the gentle wagging of his tail that gave away he really liked the gift.
Even as he went on to say:
Lief: "Th-they're actually... not bad."
[ background by @/lightofunova ]
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