ask-team-misfit · 6 months
[ in response to this ; @ask-noonescity ]
He was just about to ask what Erebus was doing when he felt the pouch form in his paws.
He looked at it with wide eyes for some moments once the other removed his hands. Then he looked back at the Darkrai's face.
His ears were erect as he listened to Erebus explain the properties of the pouch; he soon realized that this was a gift to him.
A gift. Of all things, a gift.
It was another show of kindness, from someone else he barely knew.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief at the Dragonspiral Tower summit, shown from the waist up and directly facing the viewer. He's looking somewhat upwards with a look of pleasant surprise, with the faint blush on his cheeks drawn as semi-transparent pinkish red lines. In both paws, he's holding a small pouch with two feathers attached. End ID ]
It would be some moments more before he could speak again.
Lief: "Y-you're saying these are edible? To me they kinda look like that weird medicine... thingy."
Yet he plucked one up to try it as he said this. True to what Erebus told him, it was pleasantly chewy, and lightly spicy; his preferred flavor.
Once again, he fell silent. Even after swallowing, he struggled with what to say. He soon averted his gaze.
It would be the gentle wagging of his tail that gave away he really liked the gift.
Even as he went on to say:
Lief: "Th-they're actually... not bad."
[ background by @/lightofunova ]
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myladysapphire · 4 months
His Sapphire Princess (IX)
After the night in the brothel Rhaenyra is married to Laenor Velayron to protect the birth of her child. who in the years to follow is the only one of Rhaenyra's children that is believed to be his, she is loved by all in the red keep, even queen Alicent adores the girl, so when Rhaenyra proposes a marriage between Aemond and Rhaenyra's daughter Visenya, Alicent happily agrees.
The children having been best friends in their youths are more than happy to be wed but when the incident at drift mark occurs things change, will it be for better or worse?
word count: 2,455
CW: angst? some fluff (like they reunite and don't hate each other and decide to start over), tensions, refrences of past SA, not proofread!
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
disclaimer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my OC
a/n i hate this, but it's kind of a filler chapter anyway
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Aemond had been both eager and nervous for her return.
Though counting down the days, planning on how he would greet you, he also was scared.
He know she felt ignored by him, betrayed by how he had just stopped replying to her letters. Ignored her name days, ignored her completely.
But that was not entirely true.  He had wanted so badly to reply, writing letter upon letter, though some were just mindless scribbles. But not once did he find he wrote a letter worthy of her, worthy of the emotions he felt. He needed space and he had shown he needed it in the worse possible way.
He had hated how he knew some version of her, a guarded version. Her letters expressing less and less, over time just mere updates of her life before stopping altogether. And he hated that the version she knew of him was the scared little boy he had tried so hard to get ride of.
The version of Aemond he had gotten ride of, in all ways but with her. He wanted to be the old Aemond with her, but hated that he did. It was why he needed the space, the time to heal, the time to become the man he is today.
But as he stood in the training yard, staring at her as she talked to him, so ddiffernt, so cold.
He knew he made a mistake.
She was so different, she had changed, and not just her personality.
But her looks also. Gods she was the most stunning and beautiful woman he had ever seen, he had always thought it impossible for her to become more beautiful.
But her beauty was clouded by the look in her eyes, the anger, the hurt and the loneliness.
She looked so alone, even as she walked out the courtyard with her brothers, laughing. She same old melodic laugh that could capture a room. The loneliness ceased slightly when he looked into them, as if she was finally being seen.
He understood. There eyes always talked to each other, expressing their true emotions, it why he knew his eyes mirrored hers, but they also showed another emotion, regret.
Regret for reading your letters time and time again, annotating them as if they were quotes from his favourite novel. Regret from the stack of unsent letters he kept in his bedside draw.
Each filled with his thoughts. Most mindless scribbles, unfished letters ending with angry scribbled out words as words escaped him, as  fear filled him.
He had tried to write of the events in his life even detailing his fights with Ser Criston, his rides with Vaghar, the books he read. And yet he could never send them, fear of her seeing his liefe and not understanding why he needed the space, or fear that he would see the darkest parts of his mind grew as the years went on. The sweet kind boy she had once new fading, and a cruel, vengeful man taking his place.  
He had once longed to be a protector, her sworn sword, doing good in her name. now…now he revelled in fear. He loved how the woman would run at the sight of his sapphire eye, a sight he knew deep down she never would. He revelled in revenge, revenge by going to the brothel, the place of his hurt, and burning it.
It was ruthless, but the second he had done it, he felt free, healed.
And yet fear still gripped at him, fear of wheat you know thought of him.
Fear that she would not accept the new him, but as he had started at you he felt like the old sweet Aemond was still in there somewhere, but only for her, his Sapphire.
Watching her sway away he knew he had limited time, this week was the first week of their official courtship, but the week after they would begin the moon long celebrations for their wedding.
Celebrations were they would spend day after day, hour after hour together being the perfect couple.
And he didn’t want it to be an act.
He had returned to his rooms, opening his bedside draw, but instead of reaching for her letter he reached for his own, and realised what he wanted to do.
He waited, two days. Two days of agony.
He had somehow hoped those two days he would be able to approach her, talk to her. But now, all he could was watch her. Watch her spend day after day in someone else’s company
Whether it was one of the tens of ladies begging for her favour and chance at becoming her lady, or her brother Jace, or even Aegon.
Gods he had forgotten about Aegon’s obsession with her. He knew they wrote, Aegon often bragging about it. With Aegon telling him about her, their little jokes, their shared secrets.
Not that he was jealous, no. He was not jealous of how Aegon seemed to act as if they were betrothed to each other. For two days they seemed to walk everywhere together, sit with each other at dinners. Though her eyes were often searching for Aemond’s, Aegon’s eyes were always firmly planted on her. And whenever she wasn’t with him, he was like a lost pup, waiting for her to appear.
Those two days, though never alone they often found the other staring, their mouths would being to form words that they were never able to form. And so he finally built up the courage and sent her his letters.
When she had received Aemond’s letters she did not know what to expect.
They had appeared on her dresser, all 112 of them. Though some were scrapes of paper with random thoughts scribbled across them. One just one word repeated, 110 times.
Her name written, again and again, in the same neat, perfect handwriting Aemond had always had.
She then realised what this was, an apology.
She found the first letter he wrote that was left unsent, and she felt her heart break.
Dearest Visenya,
I am so sorry, I can not say why it has taken so long for me to only now reply.
Prepahs it was the guilt.
I never should of come to Winterfell, You had been kind and sweet, but I fear your kindness is unwarranted. I do not desire pity, I regret coming that night, I regret allowing you to see me so weak and scared. My whole life I have sworn to be your protector, your sword. And that night as I cried in your arms I felt like a small child, I felt smaller than when I did when Lucerys tore out my eye. And I hated it.
I have tried to look past it, look at it in away where I do not come across a whiny little boy and I am nothing but ashamed.
I had hoped to write you, bragging of my successes and yet all I can do I wallow In self pity at how I acted that night.
It matters not that I bested ser Criston for the first time, or how often I ride Vaghar.
For all I can think about it the look of pity you gave me.I do not need nor want your pity, my sapphire.
You gave me a place to stay and a place to cry, but I shall make it clear to you that the Aemond you saw that night is long gone. And shall never return. He can never return, not for you not for anyone.
So sweet, I shall not answer your request to come to Winterfell, I need the space, the time and so do you.
I fear distance is what we need, though we may hate it, I need to become Prince Aemond, and not just scared little Aemond, the boy who lost is eye, the boy who cried in your arms.
Yours, whether I say it or not,
Dearest Visneya,
It has been near six moons since I last wrote you, and you are writing less and less.
I have been cruel, I know. I have ignored you in the favour of bettering myself.
I do not deserve you, or your kindness even still.            
You seem to be doing well, a fact I envy not too see. But I myself am not.
I miss you more and more each day, I find myself looking for you ate very turn. And yet it has been over a year since you were at the red keep.
So much has changed, Aegon and Heleana are to wed soon, I have started training with a real sword.
I no longer wake in sweats from that night.
So much has changed and yet I have so little words to say, I hate it!
I used to have all the words in the world for you, never once fearing how you viewed me. For I knew how you viewed me then.
And now I fear you will judge me.
Hate me.
Resent me.
I fear I have become a stranger, and yet I have a dozen unsent letters all addressed to you, read and read time and time again your own.
I know you, and I fear you.
Fear your opinion of me, how you view me.
I fear-      
Most of his letters just ended, frustration finding him far to quickly, some were just mindless words and phrases.
I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you  I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you .
Some were hateful, words said in anger, at how she still cared.
Dear Visenya,
Stop writing me.
How long must I ignore you to realise I want not to know you as we once did.
How am I to become the man you desire we spend all our time writing each other, stuck in our silly little heads!
Then gossip filled the red keep, gossip that Cregan had asked for your hand.
please, my sapphire, I beg of you do not marry him!
Your mother bids it but I do not!
And then her letters had stopped and he left once last letter to her.
Please, don’t stop writing me!
I know I have not been a friend to you but a stranger but without your letters the world has stopped.
I now I am a hypocrite, a hypocrite who cannot find the words. Who never has been able to speak his feelings, but show them.
I know not of a gesture to prove I want you till, I crave you and I need you.
but please, I cannot live without you, knowing you, please.
forever your Aemond.
Gods, she thought, he had to been hurt. Though not by her, and she had resented him for it. Resented how he had opened up to her, and then abandoned her ignored her for so long.
She knew it was hard for, he was never one for words. Gestures yes, but words? They always frustrated him, he could never formulate his feelings and yet this, the scribbled erratic thoughts and letters, unedited and rushed. They showed so much but also so little.
She has spent the whole day reading those letters, seeing no one bar her maid delivering her meals. And had it not been for her mother coming to grab her for dinner, demanding her presence, she would have sat on her thoughts all day and night.
But as she was sat next to Aemond she realised she would have less time to think on what Aemond’s gesture meant and what it meant for them.
“Aemond” she greeted, flipping her hair to the side as she sat.
“Senya” he greeted in response, eyes firmly on her.
 She squirmed in her seat, unsure on where to start. “Senya” he said again, capturing her attention, as they made eye contact some tension left her body.
“why?” she asked, its all she could think of, why?
He coughed awkwardly, clearly not expecting this conversation now, “I was never one for words, Visneya. But gestures, have always been something I excel at.” He moved his head closer to her, their conversation too private for prying eyes. “ I never should have ignored you, I know realise, it hurt us both, more than I ever thought” he shifted in his seat “seeing the look in your eyes when you arrived and realising I had made a mistake”
She nodded, urging him on, as she began to plate up her food.
“I focused solely on myself, I was selfish, but I won’t lie to you, my sapphire”
My sapphire, she liked that.
“I have become selfish and cruel, I have become a man who craves fear, but not from you, never from you”
“then what do you want from me?” she asked softly, before nervously looking to make sure no one else was listening to their conversation. “you did not want companionship from me, you ignored me for years on end, and yet by the end of the moon we will be wed!” she took a breath “if you have truly become selfish, and cruel, how do I know that it is for your betterment? And how will I know that you wont ever make me fear you?”
“because I became that person, so that I never have to feel fear again, feel the fear I felt at Driftmark, at that… at that brothel” she sighed, taking her hand in his “ I want to be your protector, it is all I have ever wanted, and how could I become that if I remained that scared, naïve little boy?”
Everything he was saying was true, but it also made her realize she did not know him anymore.
She breathed in “perhaps we should start over? Get to know one another again?”
He nodded, “I would like that”
next part
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camilaxmartin · 6 months
Sorry to send another request! But this one is for Carmilla instead of Rosie. Maybe Zestial could introduce his friend or sister to Carmilla and she sticks around after meetings to chat/flirt with her? You can make as many changes as you like! I hope you're well x
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summary: literally the request beside the fact i made it only about one of their meetings, zestial!friend!reader
warnings: make out session, cursing but i’m not so sure abt it
notes: I WAS SO SCARWS ABOUT THIS ONE BUT EVENTUALLY I LOVE HOW IT TURNED OUT!! hope you don’t mind i made them like this already on the first meeting but it just kinda happened:)
requests: open!!
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you were a good friend of zestial for… as long as you can remember honestly. you two were always understanding each other and literally wherever he went, you went as well. when hell started gaining more and more overlords you two became sort of friends with alastor and always looked forward to meeting up with that strange deer man. the only person you haven’t actually met was carmilla carmine, zestial wanted you to meet her many times already but fate wanted it that you always had something else planned while he was meeting with her. at some point he started wondering if you just didn’t want to meet her but you reassured him that when another meeting with all the overlords will be thrown, you’ll go with him and finally meet her.
and there we were.
the day of the meeting.
you were running through the darkness of the cave looking for something to wear feeling your anxiety rising up more than it has usually. you groaned finding an old and dirty dress throwing it away and running to another hall of the cave in a search for something at least acceptably good. zestial appeared from the shadows next to you scaring you to your second death as he slowly tilted his head watching you.
“i’ve told you a milion times not to do that!” you groaned punching his legs as it was the only thing of his body that you could reach. his smiled widened at you as he looked around noticing the mess you’ve made in both of yours house. you knew each other so long there wasn’t a reason for you to split into separate homes when this cave was big enough for more than you two. zestial didn’t even flinch at your punch and his eyes started glowing more.
“what’s the problem lief? wherefore art thee in such a sweaty haste?” he asked as his smile widened even more like he already knew the answer. you groaned again and shook your head.
“i don’t have anything presentable to wear. i don’t want to be overdressed but also underdressed. it’s an overlords meeting after all. it’s been a while since i’ve been to one” you explained and groaned once more as zestial gently put one of his hands onto your shoulder.
“don’t thee w'rry, whatev'r thee weareth shall beest fine. nay one actually pays attention to what we’re wearing” he said softly and squeezed your shoulder gently, smiling down at you. you grabbed his hand with yours and smiled to him as well. zestial then narrowed his four eyes slightly and his smile turned into more of a smirk. “and t won’t affect carmilla’s first impression of thee” he added and you pushed his hand away noticing his implication.
“oh stop! i don’t want to impress her i just… you’ve told me so many amazing things about her what she is and what not and i don’t want to make a fool out of myself in front of her… or anyone! for that matter” you mumbled and zestial laughed softly at your words shaking his head as he walked over to a huge wardrobe in the room you two were talking in.
“you’ll beest fine. if 't be true you’ll alloweth me i wouldst chooseth this f'r the present day.” he said taking out one of your dresses that was more on the comfortable side than the presentable one. “carmilla shall appreciateth thy professionalism” he added and smiled at the mention of his friend. you rolled your eyes at him and grabbed the dress out of his hand looking at it while tilting your head.
“you really think i should choose this one?” you asked and he just nodded his head disappearing into the shadows again to give you some privacy to change. you groaned but decided to go with his choice, picking out some accessories for it, to try and make it look less plain.
you sighed looking at your reflection on the cave’s wall as it was made from clear quartz. you smiled to yourself and chuckled actually enjoying how you finally looked. zestial appeared behind you and smiled at your sight as well looking you up and down.
“thee behold ravishing, the lady shall loveth to meeteth thee” he said and took out his hand for you to hold as you needed to leave the cave now not to be late. with a wide smile, you took his hand and let him lead you out of the cave, grabbing some jacket on your way out so you wouldn’t get cold later.
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you two met up with alastor on your way to the carmine’s property. alastor greeted you both with a wide smile (as usual) and complimented your outfit stating that he’s surprised you’d even dress up for something like this. maybe it wasn’t a full compliment after all, but you decided not to worry about him, after all he’s always been like that. as you reached the top floor, you were met with other overlords gathering for the meeting as well. rosie almost immediately walked over to alastor as she gave you a soft smile.
you smiled back and walked with zestial to the room in which the meeting was about to take place. zestial sat down in a chair close to the projector and you sat down next to him, alastor being on your other side. you started fidgeting with your fingers a bit waiting for the meeting to start and zestial put one of his hands onto yours trying to keep you calm.
as the meeting finally began you saw a demoness walking into the room with two smaller ones on both of her sides. your eyes immediately noticed her huge horns which only after starring at them for a while looked more like hair than actual horns. one of the girls that walked with her tilted her head noticing you sitting where you had, but she just shrugged it off and sat down next to the other one without making a scene about it. you almost didn’t catch it as you were still starring at the beautiful demoness in front of you. she had a stoic expression on her face as her eyes scanned the room and noticed you and zestial. her head tilted slightly yet her expression changed into a more pleasant one as she walked over to zestial.
“glad you’re here” she said to him with a smile as he gave her one back. you tried to stay calm.
“always a pleasure, carmilla” he responded and her smile widened even more. her eyes then moved onto you and literally read you off of your face yet she didn’t utter a word to you. her face went back to that stoic peace as she started the meeting explaining why she gathered all of you together and what were her new plans for hell.
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when the meeting was finally done all of the overlords started leaving the room, leaving only you, zestial, carmilla and her daughters in it. carmilla was gathering all her notes from the table while her daughters were turning off the projector when zestial stood up and signalled for you to do the same. you quickly stood up and fixed your dress a bit as he smiled at you and then slowly walked over to carmilla’s side. you just watched him, standing behind the chair you were previously sitting in.
“carmilla, this is the lady i did want thee to meeteth f'r so longeth” he said and she immediately left her notes alone as her head turned to you with w soft smile on her face. “y/n, carmilla. carmilla, y/n” he said and moved away a bit so she could walk to you.
carmilla almost immediately walked towards you and stood before you taking out her hand for you to shake. which you immediately did praying to whoever was listening you that your palm wasn’t sweaty. “a pleasure to finally meet you dear” she said while shaking your hand and smiling to you wider than she’s before. you smiled back trying not to look too excited as you squeezed her hand softly in the handshake.
“the pleasures all mine, after all i should’ve met you long time ago” you said with a soft chuckle and she nodded with a remaining smile. her daughters watched the interaction with curiosity while zestial started smiling at the two demons noticing their curious gaze.
“better late than never” she chuckled and finally let go of your hand as she looked over to her daughter’s signalling that they’re free to go. the pair smiled to her and left in a hurry definitely having something planned for their time already. zestial caught your gaze and smiled softly to you, in a way that was supposed to show you he was right about not needing to stress about the outfit. you rolled your eyes at him yet carmilla was the first to catch it, as she chuckled softly and then looked over to zestial.
“do you two want to stay a while? we can do some catching up” she said mostly having zestial in her mind. you shrugged at her words and nodded not having anything else planned for the evening and expected zestial to do the same, but you were so wrong.
“sadly i can’t carmilla. ive did promise alast'r id seeth that gent aft'r the meeting.” liar. you knew he didn’t have any plans for tonight. you eyed him up and down but he chose to ignore your gaze. “but y/n already did agree so thee won’t beest b'r'd” he added and nodded to carmilla as a goodbye while walking over to the door.
carmilla frowned a bit not knowing about what exactly was she supposed to be talking with you while her friend wasn’t there but she definitely wasn’t going to throw you out as you’ve already agreed to stay with her. zestial smirked to you while he was leaving and you swore, you’d kill him when you get back home later tonight.
“we can get to know each other” carmilla said with a forced smile as she sighed and gathered her notes again. you started fidgeting with your fingers again.
“it’s okay if you want me to go, i understand you meant mostly for zestial to stay with you” you said as you looked at her and started noticing more and more of the details of her face the more you were staring at her. she sighed at your words but shook her head no, taking all the notes into her huge hands.
“there’s no need” she said waving one of her hands as the other kept all the notes from falling out of her grab. “i’m sure we can think something out as i’ve already asked you too to stay” she said and walked over to one of the door turning her head back to you waiting for you to follow her.
you almost immediately followed her and she hummed opening the door to her office and keeping it open for you to come in as well. you gave her a quick ‘thank you’ as you walked in, and she nodded her head closing the door behind you. carmilla walked over to her desk and dropped all the papers onto her desk as she walked over to her chair next and sat down in it with a loud grunt from her throat, closing her eyes. after a second she opened them to notice you still standing next to the door as she moved her hand pointing to the chairs in front of her desk, telling you that you can have a sit. you smiled to her and immediately went to sit down as well.
carmilla closed her eyes again and moved one of her hands to stroke her forehead as if her head was burning. you tilted you head slightly.
“are you stressed?” you asked out of the blue and carmilla opened her eyes softly, looking at you halfy confused and intrigued with why would you ask her that.
“a bit” she responded and sighed, not keeping her profesional posture anymore as she got more comfortable in her seat. you smiled uncontrollably seeing her being comfortable around you enough to let herself loosen the straight up persona.
“what is bothering you?” you asked and carmilla scoffed waving her other hand in the air and rolling her eyes as she whispered something in spanish under her breath. you bit your lip looking at her trying to figure out if you should let her be or dig a bit deeper. “i know a few ways to relax” you said and carmilla chuckled at your words as she looked at your rather playfully. only after a moment you realised how your sentence sounded and chuckled as well, rolling your eyes in a more of a relaxed manner.
“and what would they be?” carmilla asked as she took her hand away from her forehead and continued looking at you, gently rising one of her eyebrows now as she fixed her composure and the way she was sitting. you decided to shoot your shot, it was hell after all, what’s the worst that can happen?
“you know, some people relax while having a massage, other prefer partying out their worries” you said as you moved your hands with your words, carmilla’s eyes noticing every small move of them. “and there’s people who say pleasure is also a good way to take away the stress” you added with a small smirk and carmilla started laughing as she put her hands on the desk for some support.
“you’re a bold one” she said still laughing and you just shrugged trying to keep the confidence but also wanting to see if this situation can turn into something more.
after she stopped laughing she took a deep breath and let out a deep sigh. “it seems having a good laugh helps as well” she said grinning and watching your whole figure sitting in the chair. you smiled to her uncontrollably and started playing with your fingers again. carmilla’s eyes immediately went down to your hands as she narrowed her brows and she now started to slightly lean over her desk. “don’t do that” she said looking at your hands and it took you a second to realise what she was referring to.
“oh, don’t worry about it” you said a bit nervously as you chuckled, yet carmilla’s gaze wasn’t getting any softer.
“i’m serious” she said and looked up onto your face again “don’t ruin your pretty hands with something as stupid as being nervous” she added and stopped leaning over her desk, leaning her back against her chair. you couldn’t help but catch her words and started smiling to yourself a bit.
“so i have pretty hands?” you asked and carmilla’s eyebrow went up at your question yet her expression stayed stoic. you smirked to her as you noticed her raised eyebrow and waited for her response. yet carmilla didn’t seem to be planning on saying something as she just looked down at all the papers on her desk, suddenly looking for something only with her eyes. you chuckled to yourself as you felt like you’ve stroke a jackpot.
“aren’t you going to respond?” you asked with a soft chuckle as you got up from your seat and walked over closer to her chair. her eyes were on you the whole time like they were always looking for some danger. you smiled more as you noticed her gaze and as you finally walked over to her enough to be standing right next to her chair. carmilla was looking at you a bit suspiciously but some curiosity was dancing in her gaze as well.
“what are you planning on doing now?” she asked as she turned her chair a bit so she was facing you fully now. you giggled and shrugged trying to appear nonchalant. lies, she saw better than that.
“i’m planning on waiting for you response” you chuckle as you put your hands on your hips looking down at her face. “and offering you a scalp massage” you added with a smile and carmilla’s eyes went wide.
“a scalp massage?” she asked a bit confused while narrowing her eyes at you. you chuckled and nodded your head.
“yes, it helps with headaches and stress” you explained and made another step into her direction closing the space between you more and more. “can i?” you asked looking at her pinned up hair.
carmilla bit her lip looking away from you as she closed her eyes and sighed, nodding her head. “yes, yes you can” she said softly and moved one of her hands to her ‘hair’, pulling at the ribbon that was keeping her hair up, pulling it out completely and letting her hair fall down.
you literally felt how your hands started shaking at the sight of her with her hair down and you couldn’t stop staring at her. your eyes roamed her up and down yet mostly they focused on her face and how beautifully the hair was capturing it. she cleared her throat feeling a bit uneasy under your gaze but in a nervous way, not an uncomfortable one. the sound took you down to hell as you smiled dumbly feeling your cheeks blush.
“sorry” you said as you moved your hands onto her head and started slowly slipping your fingers through her hair not even massaging her scull yet. “you just… i just wasn’t prepared to see you like this” you said and chuckled a bit at your own words. carmilla chuckled as well but decided to push her luck.
“like this? what do you mean?” she asked leaning back in her chair a bit more so that you’d need to take another step closer to her. you haven’t noticed she did it on purpose as you made that step closer now standing right between her legs. you looked down at her legs on both sides of yours and your face flushed even more, as you brought your eyes up again looking at the top of her head. carmilla hummed seeing your reaction and her eyes immediately went up to your face.
“you know…” you started as you remembered she’s asked you a question. your hands started to massage her scull finally and she grunted a bit at the feeling making your pink cheeks turn red now. “this… beautiful” you shrugged saying it as nothing else was coming into your mind. carmilla blinked at your words still looking up at your face but with a slight of surprise on her face as well.
“beautiful? you find me beautiful?” she asked sounding generous yet a hint of tease could be heard in her voice. you bit your lip and rolled your eyes making your fingers scratch her scalp a bit now.
“i do” you said nodding your head softly. “when i saw you entering that meeting i couldn’t take my eyes off of you, but when you let your hair down-“ you chuckled and heard her grunting again when your fingers pressed down harder. “i think beautiful is an understatement at this point” you added and laughed as carmilla felt her cheeks blush this time. she covered it up with a chuckle from her as well yet your eyes were able catch her rosy cheeks.
you started massaging her scull more now putting more pressure into it and trying to focus on it rather than on the fact how close you were to her and that she literally had you in her grip. carmilla closed her eyes at some point enjoying the massage and letting out many sounds showing how much she enjoyed your massage. you tried your best not to let them affect you yet your red cheeks were speaking for themselves.
you slipped your fingers through her hair more and more getting to more parts of her scull as carmilla was just sitting there enjoying it. at some point her hands moved from her armrests to your hips to keep you close and mostly, to keep her stable as she needed some grounding. you chuckled at the feeling and continued your ministrations actually enjoying the feeling of her hands on your hips.
suddenly, your fingers got stuck in her hair and you tried to get them out, gently pulling at her hair. you didn’t expect the hair to get so tangled around your finger but something you didn’t expect even more was the moan that left carmilla when you pulled at her hair. her hands gripped your hips a bit as the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard left her mouth. making both of your cheeks flush, making yours turn from red to maroon. carmilla opened her eyes immediately and looked up at you as her hands were still holding you still at your hips. you looked down at her as well, making eye contact and not controlling the smirk that creeped up onto your face.
“you liked that, huh?” you asked and carmilla looked away her cheeks blushing even more. you chuckled and pulled at her hair again, on purpose this time. she didn’t expect it again and let out a high-pitched groan, bitting down on her lip almost immediately to keep her sounds in.
you smirked wider and made it your mission to pull more of that sounds out from her. carmilla looked up at you again and noticed your smirk knowing well that you were planning something. her hands gripped your hips tighter and you bit your lip as well, fingers dipping into her hair more. carmilla smirked seeing your reaction and closed her legs a bit so that they’d keep you in place, as well as right between them.
she moved her head a bit so she was more looking up at you know, but you were still able to massage her scalp. she looked at you with a smirk and some kind of lazy eyes as the moves of your fingers were playing with her a bit. you chuckled looking down into her eyes and enjoying the feeling of her legs squeezing yours.
“i’m thinking of letting you give me an actual massage” she chuckled and you looked away from her chuckling nervously as well. carmilla licked her lips and gripped your hips tighter her huge hands covering most of your waist.
“if you want it, i’m down” you replied and went back to scratching at her scull. she chuckled but then it turned into a moan when you found another good spot on her head, yet this time she wasn’t hiding the sound anymore. she bit her lip again but continued on softly moaning when your hands kept on massaging her scalp.
after a moment of silence between you two, one of her hand started to slowly move up your body touching your stomach, then your ribs, just so softly tracing the underside of your boob and then going to rest on your shoulder. you bit your lip at the feel of her hand and tried to keep a straight face as you continued on massaging her. carmilla chuckled seeing your reaction as her other hand gripped your hip again. you let out a groan at the feeling and she chuckled, her legs squeezing you once again.
“are you alright?” she asked suddenly and your eyes immediately went to hers. “you look a bit… red” she added with a chuckle and you rolled your eyes playfully at her but when her finger started gently stroking your collarbone you let out a sigh.
“said the one who’s just as red as i am” you replied right back and she smirked enjoying the confidence you were giving her.
“you’re bold, mi cariño” she said and you felt your legs going weak at the spanish nickname. she noticed as well and licked her lips, enjoying her affect on you.
“you seem to like me being bold” you said pushing your fingers a bit harder as she groaned and nodded her head softly, her fingers still tracing your collarbone.
“you have no idea how much” she replied as her hand on your hip started to stroke your body there. you bit your lip again and started to grow more and more impatient. as was she, but you couldn’t have known that.
you softly moved your hands from her hair down to her face and cupped her cheeks looking into her eyes like searching for permission. she smirked seeing your gaze as her hand gripped your hip harder this time, as did her legs.
“what?” she asked knowing exactly what you were asking for not using your words. you rolled your eyes at her question and leaned down a bit your nose almost touching hers now.
“can i kiss you, beautiful?” you asked and carmilla felt her cheeks blush again at the end. she took a deep breath in looking deep into her eyes and stayed silent for a moment just enjoying how the question hang in the air while her hands were touching your body and yours were touching her face.
her gaze softened after a second and she nodded her head. “yes, yes you can” she said and you smiled at her, the smile being the most generous one she’s ever seen in hell.
you moved her face up a bit, touching her nose with yours and you giggled, carmilla closing her eyes at the sound and smiling wide herself. after a second you moved your head down not even by an inch and finally touched her lips with yours.
when your lips finally connected both of her hands gripped your body keeping you close to her as if she was afraid you’d run away. you smiled into the kiss and tried to make it more of a soft one yet the way she was gripping you and the way her legs were squeezing your figure have shown you that she wasn’t in a mood for a soft kiss.
before you could even react her hand on your shoulder moved to your neck and pulled you even more into her, deepening the kiss as she swiftly slipped her tongue into your mouth. you moaned into the kiss and she just smiled fighting with you for dominance which after a while you lost. carmilla moaned as well feeling you finally submissive to her and her hand left your neck going back to your shoulder again.
you moaned again and as you were about to pull away she moved her lips from yours down to your jaw and then to your neck, leaving trails and trails of wet and sloppy kisses there, literally marking you with her black lipstick. you kept on moaning softly, as your hands went back into her hair pulling at it slightly, showing how badly you were enjoying yourself.
carmilla smirked at your reaction as her hand on your hips gripped you again. her mouth suddenly sucked a hickey on your neck and you yelped slightly tugging at her hair more. she moaned at the feeling and started softly nibbling on your neck pulling more and more sounds out of you.
when you two were going at it you haven’t heard the door to her office open, at least not until you heard a thud of something falling down onto the ground. you two immediately opened your eyes and leaned away looking towards the door. you saw both of her daughters standing there and noticed the small pile of papers on the ground as the blonde one must’ve been the one to drop it.
carmilla looked at them sheepishly and chuckled uncomfortably, tying her hair back and trying to act as professional as she could. the two girls shared a look and one of them bent down to grab the papers. after that they both rolled their eyes, one of them more annoyed while the other more amused.
“we will come back later, mom” the blonde one shot as they both walked out of the office shutting the door after them with a rather loud thud.
carmilla started laughing when they left but it was more of an uncomfortable and uncontrollable laugh yet it didn’t stop you from laughing with her as well. her two daughters just caught her sucking your skin off in her office yet for some reason laughing was calming you two down.
after this, you knew that anytime zestial would be meeting with carmilla now you’d definitely come along and maybe… probably… surely you will be meeting up with her now even without your shared friend.
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"what's the problem lief? wherefore art thee in such a sweaty haste?" - “what’s the problem my friend? why are you in such a hurry?”
"don't thee w'rry, whatev'r thee weareth shall beest fine. nay one actually pays attention to what we're wearing" - “don’t worry, whatever you wear will be fine. no one actually pays attention to what we’re wearing”
"and t won't affect carmilla's first impression of thee" - “and it won’t affect carmilla’s first impression of you”
"you'll beest fine. if 't be true you'll alloweth me i wouldst chooseth this f'r the present day." - “you’ll be fine. if you let me, i would choose this for today”
"carmilla shall appreciateth thy professionalism" - “carmilla will appreciate your professionalism”
"thee behold ravishing, the lady shall loveth to meeteth thee" - “you look ravishing, she will love to meet you”
"carmilla, this is the lady i did want thee to meeteth f'r so longeth" - “carmilla this is the friend i wanted you to meet for so long”
“sadly i can’t carmilla. ive did promise alast'r id seeth that gent aft'r the meeting. but y/n already did agree so thee won’t beest b'r'd” - sadly i can’t carmilla. ive promised alastor id see him after the meeting. but y/n already agreed so you won’t be bored
all translations from here!
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gvtted-ratz · 6 months
read all our tags/ratings. they r important n give u all u need 2 decide if u wanna actually read or not. do not like the tags/rating? do not read.
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want 2 request? find the rules: here!
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Soft To The Core
König x M!Reader
Last Edited: 03/01/23
TW: death mentioned
anon: 4 with König and he/him male reader. That is all <- frothing at the mouth but being SO COOL about it (4. accidental touching!!!!)
Word Count: 767
Notes: hey again bestie… i see u. i have our dms about the man n u frothing btw. Also. ik absolutely nothing about guns n stuff so uh. oop ig… also. i made the reader like. kinda techy n speak some russian? i was listening 2 gore by graveyardguy as i wrote this just so u know. Didn’t influence much of the thing but the title is definitely from the song.
You hum as you clean your sniper rifle; the disassembled piece of metal all over your lap. Usually, you would be around a table or even in your own assigned room. However, today they had a mandatory room check. While you didn’t mind it, having all the tables and sitting areas taken out in the cafeteria as well as the shooting range didn’t help. This leads to you sitting underneath a small pine. It’s fairly young, being only large enough to cast enough of a shadow to give you cover from the sun.
While you don’t mind cleaning your gun, making sure your laptop was in better shape or needed to be put back together was more interesting. While you’ve done it a hundred times before, for you, it never got old. You enjoyed taking apart the electronic gadgets and putting them back together. Seeing how they work and even improving them intrigued you more than going out on the field and sending bullets people’s way to splatter their blood everywhere. The missions they assign you in KorTac have been nothing but boring or a pain. You’ve never actually trained for this part or even with the rifle at all. You are more of someone who hacks cameras, reads coding to try and find anything that could give enemies away, and even disarm some bombs via the tech you have on hand during said times.
Now, while it’s not something you prefer doing, you can’t help but enjoy at least one of your members. König, or King as many call him, is your favourite man. Despite his awkward social interactions, he’s never been particularly rude to you. Nor has the giant Austrian ever tried to get on your nerves. He keeps to himself mostly, leading to you having to seek him out if you want company. Sometimes he’s out and about, though he’s either alone or towering over the other soldiers.
Of course, that doesn't mean he’s not deadly. You’ve seen him out on the field. He’s truly a rampaging beast. He picks up enemy soldiers and cracks their backs over his knee. He’ll gun them down or snipe them, giving a laugh or giggle. He’ll yell out in a happy tone “I have some cash!” whenever he gets his hands on even a single coin. He’s wilder and more brutal. And you couldn’t help but notice. However, despite noticing it, you didn’t treat the man any differently.
A large pair of military-issued boots appear in front of your crisscrossed legs. Looking up, you see the man you’ve been thinking of as you cleaned the barrel of your gun. “Ah. König,” You say, giving him a small smile. “Привет! How has my favourite man been?” König’s hands are loosely holding each other, nearly touching his stomach with his chosen position.
“Ah… Ich meine, es lief gut…” He says, looking uncomfortable standing there. You gesture to the ground next to you, letting him know that he can sit beside you. With confirmation now obtained, König lets himself fall into a seated position right next to you. He ends up knocking his knee into your thigh; you wince at the sharp pain but laugh it off.
“I’m so sorry..! I did not mean to hit you. Bitte vergib mir!” The large man starts to apologize immediately, already beating himself up over the accidental touch. You wave him off, trying to make your smile softer to try and reassure the Austrian.
“ нет, нет! Все хорошо, ты в порядке!” Your words seem to calm him down a bit, despite him not exactly understanding your words. “Besides, König, I say you’re sharp as a knife but Soft To The Core.” You’re not sure why, but the words felt right to say.
“Ja? Well… They do say beauty is on the inside, Freund,” He tells you; a nearly inaudible chuckle escapes him. You feel another smile pull at your lips at his words.
“They sure do, мой возлюбленный. They sure do.” You mumble. With some silence between the two of you, it’s easy to hear the shout of one of your captains letting you all know that the mandatory room clearance has been finished. You playfully smack König’s shoulder, clasping it as you stand. “Let’s go back, да?” When he gives you a nod, you shove your gun parts into the duffle bag you brought just for it. “Let’s go then! Maybe we can grab some food once these bozos clear out.” With those last words, you take the lead, König following behind you quietly and with genuine happiness shining in his eyes.
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madrone33 · 8 months
So, I've been re-reading the Deltora Quest books for the first time in years because my obsession with them has recently been revived (just finished Valley of the Lost), and man, I don't think I realised before just how, like, absolutely devoted Lief is to getting rid of the Shadow Lord and freeing Deltora. It's especially apparent in the first few books.
The Belt is basically all that matters to him. Not even finding the Heir is more important, honestly the heir is very much secondary to the Belt. They're just the person who will put on and activate the Belt's magic; they are a means to an end. His own life is secondary to the Belt - which isn't to say he's not afraid of dying, he really really is, but when shit gets real and it looks like this is the end, his thoughts almost always go to the Belt. Just like the heir, Lief thinks of himself as a means to an end. (Which is ironic, seeing as how he is the heir.) Lief will make the Belt, and the heir will wear the Belt, but it's the Belt itself that matters most to him. Because it's the Belt that will save them.
'Do not worry about me,' Lief whispered, trying to keep his voice steady and calm. 'Nothing matters but that we seize the gem. If I die in the attempt, it will not be your fault. You must take the Belt from my body and go on alone, as you have wished.'
I must prepare myself for death, Lief thought. But he could only think of the Belt around his waist. If he was killed here, the Belt would lie forgotten with his bones. The gems would never be restored to it. The heir to the throne of Deltora would never be found. The land would remain under the Shadow forever.
'No!' Lief cried. 'Wait!' At this moment of terror, his one thought was for the Belt of Deltora and the topaz fixed to it. If he did nothing to prevent it, this golden eyed giant would surely find the Belt after he was dead, take it from his body- and perhaps give it to Thaegan. Then Deltora would be lost to the Shadow Lord forever. I must throw the Belt over the cliff, he thought desperately. I must make sure that Barda and Jasmine see me do it. Then they will have some chance of finding it again. If only I can delay him until I can do it...
[Literally just died] Lief felt himself pulled to his feet and slung over Barda's shoulder. His head was spinning. He wanted to cry out, 'What of the crown? The opal?' But then he was that the crown was in Barda's hand.
Lief's fingers felt for the clasp of the Belt he wore under his shirt. If necessary, he would unloose it and let it fall into the mud at the bottom of the stream. It would be better for it to lie there than for it to fall into the hands of the Shadow Lord again.
And maybe it didn't really hit me when I first read them 'cause I was approximately A Child, but it's really sinking in now just how bad things have been in Deltora for the last 16 years. When they talk about slavery and fighting arenas and brandings and starvation and executions in the streets. For some reason all these human atrocities are hitting home a lot more than before. It used to be the monsters that seemed the scariest, but now I can see that yes, the monsters are horrifying and traumatising and terrifying, but Lief and Barda and Jasmine continuously choose to keep going, they willingly put themselves through hell, because the Shadow Lord is worse.
Anyway, all this to say, Deltora really couldn't ask for a more selfless and loyal King that Lief. This kid is willing to die so many times over if it means his people are safe.
(The only thing he tends to go off mission for are his friends and family, but even then, I'm thinking of that part in Isle of the Dead where Laughing Jack holds Jasmine hostage and demand the Belt in return. And Lief refuses. Because his people must come first. And he knows Jasmine would never want him to betray their land for her. Like??? So many feels.)
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fandomxo00 · 6 months
X-men: First Class rewrite - Part 4- Erik Lehnsherr, Magento
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word count: 915
warnings: violence
Covert CIA Research Base
You'd been crammed in the car with Erik and a couple of strangers. The telepath, Charles. A shapeshifter, Raven. Then Moira, the cia agent who had been driving the car. You didn't say much and Erik laid on a hand on your thigh your support. 
"Are you angry with me?" He spoke to you in your mind. 
You stared out the window, "You know I support you." You replied.
"Not when I'm dumb." You giggled at his confession. He knew that risking his lief hurt you, just as the thought of you sacrificing yourself hit him deeply. The car stops, Moira punching in a code before the large gate opened. It only took a minute or two to arrive to the research facility You met a older looking man with dark hair and glasses along with a black suit.
"Welcome to my facility." He began to walk forward, "My mission has been to investigate the application of paranormal powers in military defense. 
"Or offense." Erik added, briefcase in hand as he walked next to you and Charles. 
"This guy, Shaw, Schimdt, whatever you want to call him. "The man in the black suit began, "He's working with the Russians. We might need your help to stop him."
"Marvelous." Charles spoke up. "So we are to be the CIA's new mutant division, yes?"
"Something like that."
The man showed you the facility. Then entering a lab and meeting a scientist started, "It's uh, supersonic. The most advanced plane ever built. You should see it in real life." You admired him as he spoke, his heavy blue eyes landing on you. "It's incredible!"
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Erik cleared his throat as the man in black spoke to the tall, lanky man. "Hank, these are the special new recruits I was telling you about, this is Hank McCoy, one of our most talented young researchers."
"How wonderful!" Charles greeted, moving forward to shake Hank's hand. "Another mutant, already here." Hank's face dropped, his eyes going to the floor. "Why didn't you say?"
"Say what?" Time slowed as you honed in on your ability invading the man's mind and gathering his past with Hank to reveal that he hadn't known about Hanks' mutation. 
"Because he didn't know." You retorted; the realization dawned on Charles.
"I am so terribly sorry," Charles apologized as Hank shook his head, softly. The man in black stepped forward to confront Hank.
"Hank?" He pressed. 
"You didn't ask so I didn't tell." Hank murmured.
"So, your mutation is what?" Raven questioned. "You're super smart?"
"I'll say. Hank here graduated Harvard at age 15." Charles announced. 
"I wish that was all." Hank sighed.
"You're among friends now, Hank. You can show off." Charles urged. Hank stares for a moment before sliding off his shoes and showing us his....hand feet? Charles chuckles and you look around for Erik's reaction and notice him standing off to the side. 
You glance back at Raven to see a beaming smile on her face. Hank moves forward excusing himself before jumping in the air and landing on the model of supersonic. Hanging himself upside down, the room erupts in surprised laughter. Erik wonders over to you, looking at Hank with amusement in his eyes, "What do you think of the other mutants?" You asked. 
"It's fascinating." Erik revealed, keeping his voice low. "Follow me." he directed, nodding towards the hall. "I'll find out where Schimdt is and we'll leave tonight."
"What?" You squawked. 
"What do you mean, what, Nadine? We aren't staying here to create some band of mutants." Erik explained.
"We've never met someone else with powers before Erik. This gives us a chance to form a alliance, a family."
"What kind of fantasy world are you living in?" Erik mocked. 
"I'm not." You shoved at his chest, "And I'm definitely not coming with you when you act like an ass."
"I've always given you the choice-."
"But?" you snapped, glaring over at him. That's when you felt the darkness, the heat run up your spine as your anger took over. Your mind reaching out to Erik's and seeking out the darkest corners, invading his privacy and terrifying him. 
"Let me go." Erik gritted, as your power continued to overpower you, tapping into Erik's fear center. His darkest memories paralyzing him in fear as the door burst open.
"What are you doing?" Charles pleaded, coming up to you, his fingers coming up to his temples to break into your mind. The dark power that lied in you, conquering Erik's worst temple. "Take control of yourself."
Then he tapped into your memories, locked away of you and Erik together, your childhood with your mother. You fell to your knees as Erik did the same, tears streaming. The look on his face, he would never forgive you. Erik scrambled to his feet rushing out of the corridor to leave you with Charles. 
"Your gifts are special, Nadine, but you cannot give into them. Your power its different from mine but it wasn't always that way. It takes discipline and control." 
"I know how to control it."
"Control and wielding are very different." You retorted.
"It doesn't matter, I'm different from you and Erik, I can turn into a monster, without even trying." You claimed. 
"How long have you known, Erik?" Charles asked.
"For years, we found each other when we thought were the only-." You started. 
"Yeah, we though we were the only mutants I instantly felt recognized and appreciated."
"You say Erik is on ass and then-." He trailed.
"Because he is, he's leaving right now, I'd catch him before he gets too far." You commented. 
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sallytwo · 2 years
Any survival tips for cadet life? 😭
Ok I'm answering this dead serious. like 100%
do not stick out. don't be the best in the group and DO NOT be the worst in the group just be there. the more you're recognized the more room you have to fuck up.
its literally just a game. like just follow the orders and act out your part yes it's impractical and stupid but IT'S A GAME!
mio enegery caffiene drops add them to your water before going to bed every night and drink it as soon as you wake up :thumbs_up: if you put 4 in its equivalent to an energy drink.
have something in your room that makes you happy idfk like i realized they don't care if i decorate my desk and just have some mementos and stuff that make me happy and i snuck in a plant and then dont care. what ever !
if you have inspections in the morning put your mattress pad on your desk its 100% easier to roll up in the morning and then you're not sleeping on the ground
find stuff outside cadet lief that you can engage with i mean like my normal irl friends stopped TALKING TO ME when i became a cadet. but you do need a connection to the outside world in whatver form that may take. or you will become a regimental zombie and go insane.
if people invite you to do stuff go out and do it. unless you are going to have a miserable time in which case take time for yourself and chill af. but there is a fine line to balance here.
if its cold outside close the windows when you enter your room and open them when you leave for class/obligations. because then you air out your room and get fresh air in your room when youre gone. it makes sucha huge difference.
spraying cleaner in front of a fan will make your entire room smell nice. also.
find some fun things to do or at least some things to do that get you outside of tha company and stuff. even if its random af just do it man.
if you dont know whether or not to salute someone just do it. maybe you'll look like an idiot if its just a 3/C but if its a reggie and you DONT salute them... brother you're in big trouble !
having nice soaps or lotions or stuff is sooo nice i got these nice solid cologne and they make my day like ten percent better it makes such a difference.
loyalty comes above a lot dont be a snitch dont be a narc but know when sticking your head out for others is gonna get YOU fucked over. also dont be overly loyal to people who arent loyal back.
do not ever get involved in company drama. if it comes down to it just sit in your room all day DONT GET INVOLVED IN DRAMA WITH OTHER CADETS
when marching you shouldn't be able to see the person to your right's shoulder
dont date other cadets /srs
if you are going through a period where youre kind of miserable and depressed and dont want to be here and just want to drop out and go home DON'T CHOOSE THIS TIME TO REPLAY NIGHT IN THE WOODS. IM SERIOUS ON THIS ONE.
okay cadets for life. anon i love you. we can make this together brother.
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thatsdemko · 1 year
Hi I was reading some of your Max Verstappen fics and I noticed you use some unusual nickname that most Dutch people would never use
So as a native Dutch speaker I thought I’d be fun to give you the two most commonly used Dutch nickname for your significant other so you can make you fics more realistic. I hope you don’t feel obligated to use any of this advice or even read it if you don’t want to. I just think it’s fun to learn and share about cultures and languages
The most popular one is schat or schatje which translates to darling, little darling, treasure or little treasure
The second most popular is any variation lief, liefje or lieverd. The word lief translates to kind or nice
The above nicknames and their variations are both completely gender neutral
Unfortunately Dutch is a very unromantic language so most people people just stick to those two
There are couples who use more personalized nicknames so stuff like mijn engel is used by some people but it is the sort of thing you’d tease your friends about if you heard them saying it because it’s just a little bit silly to say
Overall most Dutch people don’t really do the whole my girl, my angel, my man thing that English speakers do. So if you wanted to use the nickname my angel in Dutch it would make more sense to drop the mijn and just have the character say engel
I also remember you used mijn mannetje which translates to my small man. It sounds kind of condescending in Dutch and I don’t think that was the vibe you were going for. And again it would make more sense to drop the mijn
You also used mijn meisje which I think that you assumed would translate into my girl but that’s incorrect. Meisje is a diminutive of the word meid, meid means girl so my girl would be translated to mijn meid but that sounds very awkward in Dutch so it doesn’t really work as a nickname. Mijn meisje translates to my little girl or my young girl which is a very creepy thing to call a romantic partner. Maybe if it was being used ironically or jokingly you could get away with it but if someone I was dating referred to me in a way that normal people would only refer to their young daughter I would run away as fast as I could because like I said that’s super creepy
Of course these are all generalizations based on my experience as a Dutch woman from the south of the Netherlands so a different Dutch person might have a slightly different outlook on the matter
hi thank you so much! I had seen a different user on here mention the same thing you just did! I couldn’t remember the exact pet names that were common so I appreciate your help! I’ll go in and change them (my apologies if not all of the words get changed)
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I read all of Deltora Quest for the first time in very many years and it has very swiftly consumed my mind. I completely forgot Dain existed but oh boy does he now occupy my mind rent free.
I am a very simple woman. I see identical sentient beings created to fulfill someone else’s purpose (usually an evil one), but given no option to control their own lives, and I think, but what if someone showed them love and kindness, and they realized they could choose their own path?
So, for Dain: what if, on top of that pyre as all hell broke loose, Lief offered him a choice he’d never had before?
All was smoke and burning, and somewhere beneath Lief in the wreckage, the Belt was lost. The wind off the fire whipped the hair into his and Dain’s eyes as Dain sneered at him, who had climbed directly into the trap.
“And when I knew enough—I left you, and came here to prepare…this.���
He waved his hand at the seething square. But Lief held his gaze, and did not look away. He had seen a movement behind Dain. Someone crawling up the steps of the platform towards him. A hawklike face. A pale, ragged scar. Tangled black hair. Slowly, slowly…
“I trusted you, Dain,” said Lief. “We all did.”
When Dain laughed, it was still with the voice of a young, proud boy. “I played my part well, did I not? I knew I was my master’s last, best weapon. No other servant could have performed as well as I.”
“You made on mistake,” Lief said, thinking of how near the Ol had come to death in Tora. But with that memory came another: Dain leaning on his and Jasmine’s shoulders as they led him from the city. He had depended entirely on the kindness of strangers who had become his friends.
In that moment, Lief’s hate left him. Sad and sick at heart, he said, “One mistake, Dain. You trusted us.”
Dain shrieked with laughter. “That mistake is yours! Such good-hearted fools could never suspect the traitor under their own noses!”
Lief wanted to glance past Dain, but he held his gaze steady. He no longer wanted Dain to be hurt, but he could not risk revealing the figure creeping up behind him. He could only hope that Doom would understand.
“Yet you have waited, all this time, when you could have betrayed the resistance or killed us whenever you liked. Why?”
“I have already told you. I am my master’s last weapon, when every other plan fails. It was not my place to inform or kill, but to wait and keep my peace. Unlike some, I can be trusted to do my duty.”
“Yet you contacted him once,” said Lief. “You told him our names.”
Dain clawed at his chest in remembered pain. “I was—corrected for that,” he said. His voice cracked like a growing child’s. “So then I made my own plans. And now my time has—what are you doing?”
Lief was holding an open hand, palm up, toward Dain. He did not look at the shape behind Dain, flickering in the flames. Wait, he begged. Believe in me.
“I am offering to take you with me, away from here to somewhere safe.”
Dain recoiled, but to Lief’s surprise and relief, he did not laugh.
“You saved our lives from the first Ols we ever encountered. You healed Barda with Queen Bee Honey. When Doom held us captive, you set us free. You have traveled with us as a companion and a friend.”
“I poisoned Barda while he recovered from grippers!” Dain spat. “Everything you name was an act, performed solely to win your trust!”
“It worked,” Lief said, quite simply. “We came to rescue you from the pirates, because we trusted you. We came to rescue you here in Del, because we trusted you. Despite the danger, we could not bear the thought of leaving you behind, because you are our friend. Because you risked your life for us, we risk ours for you.”
The sneer on Dain’s face did not suit him. He seemed frozen with uncertainty. For the first time, it was an Ol who could not guess a human’s intention, rather than the familiar opposite. Both Lief and the man behind Dain watched him very closely.
Lief said, “I have seen how your master treats his servants. He sets you against one another and speaks only with cruelty. No matter how well you serve, he will never care for you. But we trusted you, Dain. We cared for you. The time you spent with us, and with Doom, must have been your first experience of kindness.”
“What does kindness matter?” Dain hissed. He drew himself up and away from Lief, who had stepped toward him through the fire. “For my master, there is only power! And I will be his right hand.”
“Power for the Shadow Lord only! He does not love you. He has never allowed you to choose whether you would serve. I give you that choice now. To hate and suffer—or to trust, and love.”
Lief walked forward, his hand extended. Panicked, Dain backed away.
“I lied to you,” he said. “I lied. I can’t—my master—after all I’ve done…”
He turned as if to flee, but he ran, instead, straight into Doom. Lit by flame from below, his pale scare shone, but his eyes disappeared in darkness. Dain’s form flickered like the fire, out of fear, Lief was certain. Dain could not escape them both.
“I only—” he faltered. “I can’t—I’m sorry, I only wanted—”
Doom’s arms went around him. Dain shrieked like he’d been slain, but it was only a hug.
Doom muttered, “I forgive you.”
And the Shadow Lord’s last weapon, his final plan that had, itself, failed, wept like a child. He had once claimed that Doom was like his father. Lief saw that, whether or not Dain had believed it then, it was not a lie. Doom held the sobbing boy close to his chest and glanced to Lief, who was himself trembling with terror now that Dain’s danger had passed.
“The Belt,” Doom said. “And your friends. We have to go, now.”
Lief had already leapt. He scrambled among the dying embers, his fingers burning and freezing by turns. He found the Belt, staggered to his feet. The Belt was covered in white ash. But it was whole. The ash dropped from its gleaming length. The gems flashed under the red sky, brightest among them the diamond, which helps the cause of true love.
Lief brushed it with his thumb, briefly stunned. He could not imagine a worse place for romance than this fiery square, beset by hordes of Ols and Grey Guards who were hauling their prisoners away.
It was Jasmine’s voice. The diamond gleamed beneath his fingers as she and Barda ran to meet him, and as Doom stumbled to the ground with Dain in his arms. Of course, Lief thought. There is more than one kind of love. Have we not all shown that we love one another to the depths of our souls? And the diamond has helped Dain’s cause.
The Ols in the square were not coming after them. They were wavering, aimlessly clustering, as though confused by the strange, sudden loss of the leader among them. But already some of them were starting to recover. And red clouds were tumbling, boiling, as they raced towards the city.
With the eyes of all his friends upon him, Lief tried to think. Where could they go? Where could they hide?
Then the answer came to him. Where he had always gone when he was in trouble.
Lief lay alone, staring at the ceiling of his childhood room as the truth of Jasmine’s past swirled in his mind. But voices came from the other room, the shouts of Grey Guards, cries of protest and struggle, the sharp call of Kree. As Lief approached from the shadows, he heard Jasmine call.
“Keep away! Keep away! There are only three of us here, and there are ten of you! Ten!”
Lief froze. Jasmine was warning him that it would be useless to try to interfere. Warning him to keep away, and at the same time making the Guards think that there were no others in the house. But her count was wrong. With Dain among them, she, Barda, and Doom made four.
He heard a grunt of pain, then the sound of a sharp slap. “That’ll teach you to bite!” a Guard snarled. “Three of you, yes! Just where Fallow said you’d be. And that shiny Belt that’s caused so much trouble! Our master will be pleased with this.”
Heart lurching, Lief’s hands moved by instinct to his waist, but the Belt was still secured fast. What was it, then, that the Guards had found? There was a shout of laughter, and the sound of bodies being dragged across the floor. Then…there was silence.
Lief perched on the highest wall of the castle, caught for all to see, but sheltered by the people who knew him, and would not give him away.
“Now!” Fallow cried, far below. “Now I show you three traitors who nearly escaped, because a vain and foolish creature, bloated with pride, thinking to be my rival, put his own secret plans into action while I was—occupied with other important duties.”
Jasmine, Barda, and Doom, blindfolded with hoods and heavily chained, had been pushed to their knees before him. Fallow’s attention, however, was turned on the object that a Grey Guard offered him. Strong, fine chains joining steel medallions in which glittered seven precious gems. The Belt of Deltora.
Lief tightened his grip on the true Belt in his hands. He hoped that what he believed about the Belt on the platform was true.
“People of Del,” Fallow called, “I present to you now the great evil with which these traitors hoped to deceive you! To lead you by false hope into paths of wickedness!”
He held the Belt above his head, where it glimmered under the brilliant lights. It wavered, as the people cried out in confusion, and then it changed. The false Belt roared into bright white fire before resolving into the shape of a young man of about Lief’s own age, plunging toward his brother Ol with a dagger in his hand.
Lief did not see Dain’s strike. In the uproar caused by his transformation, Lief jumped, Kree screeching above his head.
In the end, Dain had missed Fallow’s heart, but his dagger and bow had proved invaluable in the final, desperate moments before Lief revealed himself as Adin’s heir. When the Shadow Lord abandoned his servants to death, Dain had collapsed like the other Ols, coughing and heaving until he spat up the shrivelled black remains of his heart. Unlike the others, however, Dain had friends to lift him up, feed him Queen Bee Honey, and press gems from the Belt of Deltora hopefully, if desperately, into his hands.
And so Dain survived the departure of his master. Perhaps it was due, as well, to the changing of his heart, so that he had not depended entirely on the Shadow Lord before the end. In the days that followed, he approached Lief with a bowed head.
“Your Majesty. I wish to apologize, and to thank you.”
“Please, don’t call me that,” said Lief. “Not yet, at least. Dain, do not bow your head to me.”
With some reluctance, Dain lifted his head. “You have shown more kindness than I deserve. Had you not offered me your hand in the square, I would have fallen that night. Even when you knew what I was and what I’d done, you offered me a chance.”
He paused, voice heavy with emotion. Lief found it strange to witness such genuine feeling, now that he knew how well Dain had masked his emotions in the past.
“You were right, Lief. I had never experienced kindness before I met Doom. Still he treats me like his own, despite the true daughter he already has. And you—I had not known friends before you. I can never return the debt I owe to you.”
Lief’s hand rested briefly on the Belt. It was an old habit born from seeking its guidance, but he was learning just how much his own wisdom had guided him, and would continue to guide him and his kingdom. He did not need the clarity of the topaz to tell him what to say to Dain.
He clapped a hand on Dain’s shoulder. “There are no debts between friends. You are right, however, in that the work is just beginning. I find myself in need of someone I can trust to gather information across Deltora. Someone with the skill to discover what remains of the Shadow Lord’s influence. And I think I know the man for the task.”
Dain faltered. But then, despite himself, he smiled. And he clasped Lief’s offered hand.
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ryderdire · 2 years
There’s so much happening I’m losing it
Gay people
Teri JAN
I need a fucking mintue
I’m making a live blog from here because wo need to words
I’m starting at the scene where terry amd Jan show up
When it comes back rn it’s in ad break im which is a feature I didn’t relize I liked I really needed a breather because she iust keeps happening
Okay it’s back
These poor kids Jesus
Why do I get the feeling I’ll be saying the words ow trauma a bunch
AND THE FLOWER is blue and red ya all
It’s so sickly sweet
Not again
Good for them
Forgot birds have wings
They should get to kill them i think
THE family
Pride FLAG
there’s a pride flag snuck into the background I’m
WHO DID THAT AND CAN I GIve them my money.
Break her legs Jesus Darcy calm down
Sasharcy battle
Andrais bit thing
Anne is going to kick his ass she’s going to murder him
Andrais your just a coward jesus
Santa clause to super villain no one talk to me
The animation
I just wanted an essay lm
DARCYs laugh
They where right
SASHAs out to kill now
They really are like unhealthy mirrors of eachothrr
call him out Anne OOF THAT LOOKS LIKE that hurt
It my gif gods
Aim losing it this is so good I’m going isane this sis amazing I’m mit eben looking at my phone
WORST fear
the music
The music the music the music the music the music I’m not a kpop person personally but the animation in This part was insane i really love animation that’s timed really good so that’s why I’m losing it /pos
She’s alone
So it’s back
My dear andrais
I’m crying man I’m crying
Your lief
Sasha had the worst time this eo I think I’m
Sasharcy sasharcy
Wait wait wait then
What’s the hardest thing about
We love you
Them it’s always them
Not distance Not time execpt maybe the core
I’m going to sob I’m going to cry I’m so happy
Oh oh no oh no oh no no no
The FUCKING moon
Marcy my beloved
I’ve missed her
There it is
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lindalofbroome · 3 years
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24 - Confronting
‘It was not an easy decision to return to Del, Sharn,’ he said gently. ‘My whole instinct was to continue. Then it came to me that it was Lief, Barda and Jasmine who restored the Belt of Deltora, and that they did it alone, without our help or protection.’
Sharn’s eyes were blinded with tears. ‘You are saying that we should trust them.’
‘I am saying that we must trust them,’ said Doom. ‘Our place, our task, is here—especially now. All we can do is keep faith. And wish Lief, Barda and Jasmine well, wherever they may be.
The Isle of Illusion //  Ch 14 Leap of Faith
this scene is so intense for so many reasons. amarantz revealed as the saboteur. the brain worm. jasmine and co are about to enter the dome... but the thing i want to talk about is how doom made the decision to turn around and go home. that this man decided ‘you know what? interfering for my own self assurance is not worth it. the most valuable thing i can do right now is to trust them and leave them be.’ and then he did just that. it gets me every time.
‘I think he is a man who rarely trusts. Yet he trusted us. Now he fears that he was foolish to do so, for we would not trust him in return.’      - Lief, Shifting Sands // Ch 12 No Choice
you’re telling me this man, a man notorious for his distrust, the man who tentatively trusted the trio because there was a chance their goal aligned with his, the man spreading the word of and watching for shapeshifting monsters, the man who made a secret back-up plan in a last-ditch effort to save his country against an oppressive force,,, youre telling me this man stopped, and he made the decision to turn around and go home based on trust? imagine the willpower it took to turn his back on the os-mine hills and march right back home, lindal and steven in tow.
this chapter title is also one that sticks out to me especially. i don’t remember most of them off the top of my head, (i am a sucker for ‘The Bees’ naturally, and any of the character chapter titles, like at the end of star there’s one named after mab and she just unleashes the force of her personality) but 'Leap of Faith’ is one that particularly means a lot to me. it’s not just about the trio swinging across the opal cavern on the hope that they will be able to pass through the dome, that they had to have faith in the plan, the key virtue of their people. but it is also about doom’s leap of faith. the will and trust and faith it took for him to confront his natural inclinations, his default behaviour in response to shadow lord spies, to betrayal, to surviving. better wrong then dead, right?
i imagine that when doom knew that lief and co were journeying underground, he stood there, gazing at the hills. he is a man used to authority, used to leading, used to power. he is used to being the one in the know, the one used to being obeyed, the one calling the shots.
He wants to keep us by him. The three-day test is an excuse—something the others in the cavern will accept and understand. He wants to know what we are up to. He hopes that after this we will tell him.      The Maze of the Beast // Ch 5 Friend or Foe?
Why did Doom want them so close to Del, and their greatest danger? Because Withick Mire is a Resistance stronghold, the voice of suspicion whipsered in his head. Because there, Doom’s word is law.      Return to Del // Ch 4 The Seven Tribes
Doom, the mysterious, scar-faced leader of the Resistance in the time of the Shadow Lord. Doom, the stern, solitary traveller. Doom the ruthless one, who still held the ruffians of Deltora in the palm of his hand.      Dragon’s Nest // Ch 4 Act of Faith
‘There are only three curious things about this letter that I can see. [...] The third is that, again for once, he has managed to regrain from giving us any orders or advice!’      - Barda, Isle of the Dead // Ch 12 Surprises
but here,,,, doom has to confront his suspicious and controlling nature in order to come to the conclusion that leaving lief be is the best course of action for him. and i think the trust he is showing here is significant to his person, to his healing, to his growth. that he was able to overcome his nature out of a sense of love, perhaps. expressing himself was not a useful skill in the time of the shadow lord and, after his whole life was stolen by amnesia and having to live an almost empty life fueled by revenge, it was something he had to relearn. 
maybe, letting go of the reins, easing up and not being overbearing, was him trying to express that he does care about the people questing beneath the ground. holding another person was too tender for a gruff man like himself, and totally out of character according to those around him. his tongue would tie itself in knots whenever he tried to speak his feelings. he probably didn’t even know them well enough to figure out a meaningful gift for them. he was still working on expressing his affection, but he was growing to love them without a doubt.
he cared about the son of his nursemaid, whose hearty laugh reminded him of her, who was practical, and who was difficult to best. he was also not fond of big displays of affection, putting them on the same page. they understood each other to a certain degree because they shared so much in common.
he cared about the son of his best friend, whose tender compassion reminded him of him, who was determined, and who was hardworking. the boy was the opposite to himself, yet they got the same things done and thats when doom knew that there were things to learn from the boy. the boy was emotional and wore his heart on his sleeve and it put him so on edge because the boy seemed so vulnerable, but doom was surprised to see how it strengthened him instead. he wanted to mirror the boys shameless love, but he didn’t know how. not yet.
and he cared about his daughter, whose passion mirrored his own, whose eyes sparkled like her mother’s, whose willpower knew no bounds. and he had only known her for a year or two. she was a stranger, but she was so, so familiar. she was calm within stressful situations, but unafraid to release her passionate words as they formed, like him. she was ready to fight for what she believed in, like him. she would do anything for her friends, for her king, like him. they were so similar, yet he could never find the words he wanted when he was with her. when was the last time he had spoken with her at all? too far to tell. what would she do, if she were here? what would she declare?
she’d ask what she could do, if she didn’t know anything of the situation. and indeed what could she do from so far behind, what could she do that wouldn’t make it worse? she’d ask whether it was worth wearing herself out trying to catch up, travelling through the unknown. she’d ask whether there was something else she could do that would be more useful.
he probably didn’t realise he was standing there, staring and yearning for the hills, until lindal called his name. then tearing his eyes away, he turned to his companions and said something of being needed in del, as if it wasn’t the hardest thing he could say. they were his friends during the shadow lord occupation. they weren’t fools. but they followed him home without a word.
the fact that doom could let go, that he allowed some things to stay out of his reach, is a so significant to healing from the trauma of almost ten years on his own with not even an idea of who he was as a person. he started to bend the bars of his cage, built maybe out of cautious self-preservation or maybe a dreaded fear of what would happen if he didn’t act, and he was one step closer to reclaiming his life, rebuilding himself. he would never be the same again, but he could build up a life, fill it with fond memories, and be his own person again, separate from some righteous cause.
he wasn’t doom, the face of resistance against tyranny. he was just doom, a man. 
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Remain (Wish You Were Here) | Character Introductions
they/them - 18 - Chosen One’s best friend
Good luck on your mission. We all have the utmost faith in you.
A lovable troublemaker who lives with their Gran and works as an apprentice at the local smithy. Lief writes letters about the run-of-the-mill occurrences in their hometown and sends them to the Chosen One with the help of their spirit falcon Malachi.
he/him - 18 - Chosen One
I have a lot of time to myself, time I mostly spend thinking and I don't like it. Here's the part where you'd laugh and say, "Of course you don't, because that requires using your brain." And you'd be right, in a sense.
The young man who’s supposed to save the world from being wiped out by an ever expanding fog that swallows people and changes them into monsters. He’s the recipient of Lief’s letters.
she/her - 16 - Chosen One’s little sister
“All this talk about dead or alive, what matters is that he's not here right now. He's gone and I... I just want my brother back.”
The young and sensitive daughter of a pharmacist, who despite (or perhaps because of) her intimate knowledge of the threat looming over the world, just wants to perform on a stage in front of an audience. Proud owner of the world’s most gluttonous ferret Cinnamon.
he/him - 20 - Stillwater guard
“If you believe your so-called saviour didn't die the first day he set foot in that place, you're either stupid, delusional or in love with the unlucky bastard.” 
Born and raised in Stillwater, Emil has seen the fog creeps closer and closer until it was right at his doorstep. His years of guard duty have left him scarred, impatient and thoroughly without faith.
Some recurring characters:
Gran: the elderly lady taking care of Lief
Sorin & Vera’s Mum: pharmacist in Dolen & baker of delicious apple pies
Uncle Alan: local smith & Lief’s mentor of sorts
Taglist: @avian-writes, @dontcrywrite, @drippingmoon​, @ellierenae, @hannahs-kudos, @pagesofcursive, @ren-c-leyn, @talesfromgringolandia, @theramwrites (let me know if you wanna be +/- from the taglist!)
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notbeauty · 2 years
Some of the thoughts I had in my mind right now:
• I wanna cry
I am kinda frustrated because di na talaga ako nakakakuha ng tickets for Seventeen concert. I am feeling so bad coz everytime nalang na may concert sila, issue ko talaga un tickets. Hindi na ako nagkaroon ng mapayapang concert life. Hopefully, I will be able to get tickets for the 2days para man lang ma-compensate un pagod ko sa work.
Speaking of work - hindi ko alam kung maiinis ako or not. Una sa lahat, why would they give me a very high evaluation then at the end of the day, they'll have an issue with me. Issue pala sa inyo un mga pagtulong nyo sakin, why offer it on the first place? Parang hindi pala safe na mag-ask ka for help, ganorn. Tapos feeling ko, napagbuntungan lang ako kasi at the end of the day - nasa planning, marketing and timetable strategies nyo yan - sana marunong kayo mag-handle ng maayos - hindi un itatambak nyo sakin lahat ng trabaho then you'll expect me to deliver it right away.
Tsaka, ikaw nga, kaliwa at kanang kamay mo na yang mga yan at the first place - parang, sinabi mo na rin na unfair ka sa iba. Gurl, try to reflect on your own ways din - wag puro sakin. I hardly asked for your help. Nitong nakaraan lang. Ugh. Di ko alam kung maffrustrate or matatawa ako sa reasonings nyo.
• I need time to process things, but at the same time, I am always distracted by my everyday life. I wanna feel so much but life doesn't allow me.
• Some people are just too pre-occupied with what they think, see, or feel and no matter how much you wanted to make them understand - they won't. So just try to live the way you want, and don't let it bother you - shine brighter and don't let the darkness that surrounds you ruin the light in you.
• May mga friendships talaga na hindi masasalba - not that it happened on me recently, but some of my irl friends had issues with their friendships and it is funny how some of them are also my mutuals. Some of them talaga usually has valid reasons naman for deciding to cut off people and we do that when we find them as toxic in our lives or if we had enough of them - it will always be ur choice in staying friends with them. Idk, baka atm kasi, hindi ko lang naeexperience magcut off basta basta - siguro for those lang talaga na nafeel ko invalidated ako or like I am being judged - pero anyways, feelings nila yan and it sucks lang talaga that it has to be the last thing they need to do.
• Nakakapagod naman mag-alaga din ng tao. Hahahahahaha ayoko na sana ng extra baggage pero why do I feel like I owe you something skskskkskss
Kasi naman mamsh, parang nakukulong lang din kami on ur own world. Huhuhu us2 q ng buong weekend na hindi ako maiinvolve muna sa lief mue, un sana weekend na buo un para sa self q.
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Aleister Black for @blxxckheart
Maybe a vacation with other wrestlers? Can they also just be friends? Like - not dating yet or anything.
"Come join me, mijn geliefde. The water feels wonderful!"
My head turned toward the source of the statement, a smile threatening to form at the edge of my lips as I took in the sight of my friend Aleister. He motioned for me to make my way to the pool, not minding our other friends and coworkers around us. I nodded before getting up off of my lounge chair to slip out of my cover-up and sandals, earning a fair amount of wolf whistles from those around me.
"You wanted to see me?"
Aleister chuckled, shaking his head as I sat at the edge of the water and let my legs get used to the harsh feeling of the cold.
"This wasn't what I meant, and I think you know that."
"Maybe I do. What're you going to do about it?"
My lips curled into a smirk as he drew near, inked arms wrapping around me before I was lifted into the air momentarily and thrown into the water behind Aleister. I kicked away from the wall, breaking through the surface a foot away and splashing the tattooed man.
I made my way back to him, fighting back a laugh as my hands ran through my now soaked hair in an attempt to move it away from my face. It was his turn to smirk now, muscular arm wrapping around my waist.
"You did ask what I was going to do, lief meisje."
"I wasn't expecting to be thrown into the water like that! You'd better be glad my top didn't come off."
I'd muttered the last bit, making sure the straps of my top hadn't loosened as I did. Aleister's hands shifted a bit, fingers gently digging into my hips as I glanced up at him. His eyes seemed darker, teeth catching his lip ring as he gathered his thoughts.
"I don't think I would complain if it did. Besides, it might be fun being so exposed."
My body shivered at his words, his smirk growing slightly.
"Don't you agree, klein lammetje?"
He let his hands roam a bit, which wasn't out of the ordinary for us. After all, we’d been friends for years and had roomed together as well as driven on the road for a majority of the time. We’d seen each other naked more times than either of us could count, slept in the same bed, and showered together after long days at work when we were too sore to clean up properly. His head dipped down, breath ghosting over my skin as I traced one of his many tattoos.
“I know it’s been a long time since anyone touched you, other than yourself.”
Fingers slipped into the band of my bikini bottoms, rubbing over my hip bone. I didn’t even have to look at him to know he was smirking, lip ring jutting out from his lip ever so slightly as he continued his low toned speech.
“I know you like the risk of it all. Like the attention. If you wanted me to, I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side. No one will notice."
My hands moved down to his hips as he pulled my hips a bit closer to his for a moment, briefly allowing me to feel how hard he was before one of his hands gently tapped mine.
His name quietly fell from my lips as he moved us toward a seat built into a section of the wall, sitting and removing his hands from my body.
"What do you say? Do you want this?"
I turned toward him before pressing a soft kiss to his lips, humming at the feel of the ring against my lip. Pulling back after a moment, I took one of his hands and moved it to my hip.
"Yes... I want you, and I don't care who's around."
"Sit on my lap, klein lammetje. Let me make you feel good."
My legs situated themselves on either side of his outer thighs, wrapping around his hips after he'd moved a bit closer to the edge of the seat. His fingers slipped between us, nudging my bottoms to the side and beginning to rub small circles over my clit. I bit my lip and buried my head in the crook of his shoulder, a low chuckle vibrating in his throat as my hips rocked against his fingers. He drew a soft, almost inaudible moan from my lips as he added a bit of pressure with his thumb. One of his other fingers shifted a bit lower, teasing my entrance.
"Vertrouw je me, liefje?"
I nodded slightly, his free hand dipping into the water for a moment before moving over my lower back as he eased two fingers into me.
"What? Does that feel good?
Another soft moan fell from my lips as he began to move his fingers and thumb simultaneously, seemingly only focused on my pleasure.
"Tell me... Do you realize how sinfully delicious those moans of yours are when you think nobody is around?"
I pulled back a bit, studying him after biting my lip for a moment.
"What do you mean?"
His fingers quickened their pace slightly, my hips struggling to stay still. I craved more. Wanted him to ease into me, hold me as he pulled me apart and put me back together again-- I was brought out of my thoughts by a small groan, his fingers stretching me out ever so carefully.
"I hear you sometimes, when you think you're alone and need to take the edge off. This morning, for instance. I left to work out with Seth and Buddy, walked back into our room thinking you'd heard me come in, and heard you getting yourself off in the shower. I know who you were thinking about, mijn liefje, and I've been thinking about it all day."
He'd slowed his fingers, a shiver running down my spine as I recalled this morning's activities.
"Aleister, please don't tease..."
I whined as his fingers left my body, feeling him shift slightly before he ground his hips against mine to allow me to feel his hard cock. He pulled another soft moan from my lips as my fingers gently gripped his skin, his hips still rutting against mine as I let my head rest against his shoulder again.
"If you don't like my teasing, then why are you moaning?"
My hips rocked against his finally, his chest rumbling as he chuckled quietly.
"Aleister, please..."
"Tell me what you moaned out just before you came this morning, mijn liefje, then I will give you what you want."
"Aleister, alsjeblieft... Vul me, ik heb je nodig."
He slipped his cock out of his trunks, guiding it to my entrance and beginning to tease me with it before easing into me. Rocking his hips against mine, he groaned almost inaudibly as he bottomed out. My arms moved to his waist, a soft noise falling from my lips once I'd gotten used to his size. Finally finding a pace, Aleister began working me up to my high. His hand rubbed over my hip, murmuring to me as he continued his motions. I closed my eyes and focused on his movements, feeling my high begin to build with every movement.
"You feel so good wrapped around my cock like this, love."
My hips rocked subtly against his, the motions helping to quickly bring me to the edge. Time inched on, him bringing me to the edge again and again only to stop and keep me from completely falling apart for him. My nails dug lightly into his skin as I shuddered against him, so close yet so far from what I craved so desperately. He pressed a kiss to my shoulder, lips curling into a smirk again.
"Wat wil je dat ik doe, liefje?"
"Alsjeblieft, Aleister ... Laat me klaarkomen, vul me, wat je maar wilt. Laat me alsjeblieft klaarkomen!"
I whimpered softly, shifting my hips a bit as he chuckled lowly. His thrusts became deeper, yet he was careful not to hurt me as he finally brought me over the edge. He held me closer as he worked me through my high, only allowing himself to cum once I'd come down and assured him it was okay to fill me.
"Thank you... I needed that."
"No need to thank me, lief meisje. Whenever you're needing a little relaxation, all you have to do is ask. I'm always willing to help my favorite girl."
Our words were muttered against skin as we subtly made ourselves presentable, soft kisses being trailed over my skin as we regained our composure and talked about going back to our room. Once he was sure I was ready, he got up and carried me bridal style back to the room.
"Shall we shower, sweet one?"
A soft thud, then metallic clicking as the door locked behind us.
"Yes, please."
I tilted my head slightly, admiring his features for a moment. My heart sped up slightly as an idea rushed through my head, causing me to clench my thighs together slightly. His eyes drifted down to mine as he walked into the spacious bathroom, using his foot to nudge the door closed before setting me on the counter top. Skin brushed against my hips as his hands found their place on either side of me, brow arching slightly. My face started to feel a bit warm as I focused my attention on my thighs, fingers tracing the small tattoos there.
"What were you thinking about, love?"
I murmured, glancing up at him for a moment knowing full well he could see right through my lie. He shifted, standing back for a moment before stripping down and gently shaking his head. I let my focus go back to him, taking in every inch of visible skin. His teeth caught his lip ring again, causing a soft smile to form on my lips.
"Come now, you can't really expect me to believe that, now can you?"
Shaking my head slightly, I reached a hand over and let my fingers trace his tattoos as I'd done so many times before. One of his hands was set on top of mine, squeezing it for a moment before he made a move to strip me out of my soaked bikini.
"Mag ik?"
"Ja, alsjeblieft."
He stepped close to me, muscular arms wrapping around my shoulders for a few moments as he undid my top and tossed it aside. His fingers traced over my sides as if he were memorizing every curved inch of my body, my hips rising for a moment as he helped me out of the bottoms.
"Absoluut prachtig, mijn liefste."
I moved to the edge of the counter, easing myself off of it before walking to the shower and turning the water on so it would be warm when Aleister and I entered. He moved behind me, wrapping an arm around my hip and easing his fingers between my legs. A soft whine escaped my lips as my legs spread for him slightly, my back resting against his chest as my eyes closed. He began to work me up to my second high, taking his time with me now that we were away from prying eyes. After a few minutes of this, he stopped and pulled away from me. I whined a bit louder this time, already missing the feel of his fingers against me. My eyes opened just as he stepped past me into the spacious shower, using a finger to motion me in. I did as told, shutting the sliding door behind me before stepping under the steady stream of warmth from the jets above us.
"Tell me, sweet one, what you were thinking of."
I shivered slightly at the roughness of his voice, contrasting the soft bites he was leaving along my shoulder.
"You, Aleister. I was thinking of you."
"And what is it I was doing in those filthy thoughts of yours?"
Another bite, lower this time. Closer to my chest. I opened my mouth to answer him, but the only thing that escaped me was a moan as he continued lower. He knelt before me, looking up as if to ask permission to continue.
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hushedhands · 4 years
Challenge 76
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Thanks for voting @geekeryandwriting​! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying these challenges. I’ve loved writing them because they give me something to do every time I start to get nervous about the election! 
This a scene about Lief that takes place while Addy is away at university. And, just in case anyone is wondering, Lief calls his toy soldiers “march men” because when he was little, he always saw the guards marching in their training drills outside, and he thought those were the grownup versions of his toys. Like his toys might grow up into the guards in a few years. Yeah, he’s baby 🥰 
Lief tiptoed into Maxon’s bedroom to find his parents. They were sitting up in bed and talking about important grown up things, stuff Lief didn’t really understand. He was sure it was serious, maybe even about taxes. Lief didn’t know what taxes were, but they sounded boring and complicated. He didn’t care though, he’d sit and listen all about taxes if that’s what he had to do.
“Hi honey.” America greeted him.
Lief climbed onto their bed and said, “Can I sit quietly?”
Maxon noticed Lief’s low frown and said, “Of course you can, Lief. Is everything okay?”
Lief didn’t want to talk about it. He didn’t want to think about it, that’s why he was here. He sighed heavily, “I just want to sit quietly.”
“Okay.” Maxon agreed.
America and Maxon shared a look, but then they continued their conversation. It turns out, they were talking about traveling. Lief decided he would warn Rosie at breakfast the next morning. She hated when their parents went traveling and left her behind, but if she had enough warning, she might be able to beg them to take her with them.
Finally, the conversation seemed to end and America ran a hand through Lief’s short, red hair. Lief loved when she did this because if felt like a massage. “Are you sick, baby boy?”
She tried not to call him baby boy in front of other people because she knew it embarrassed him now that he was seven and a half, but since they were alone it was okay. Lief considered her question and then shook his head. His tummy felt bad, but not sick.
“Are you hurt, son?” Maxon took his guess.
Again, Lief shook his head.
“What’s wrong then?” America asked. “You can tell us anything. We can help you feel better, but you have to tell us what’s going on.”
Lief hated to even say it. He crawled over to his mom and she wrapped him up in a hug. With his legs around her waist and his arms around her neck, he felt totally safe. He even felt okay enough to say what happened, “I broke my new march man, the one Daddy got me from New Asia.” Giant tears filled his eyes and his nose started running really fast. He sniffled hard, and Maxon reached way over to his bedside table to pull a tissue from the box that sat there. He reached around America’s back to hand it to Lief, who wiped his nose messily.
“Oh, that’s terrible. Are you sad because you can’t play with him anymore?” America asked. Lief was their rowdiest child by far, but he also had the softest heart. It didn’t take much to affect him emotionally.
“Only a little.” Lief confessed.
“Only a little? Then why the tears?” Maxon asked, rubbing Lief’s back firmly.
Lief inhaled a shaky breath and said, “That was a special march man, he came from so far away. He was special, just for me, and I broke him. I feel…” he didn’t have the word, so he let out a pitiful groan instead.
Maxon and America had seen their children lose enough “special things” by now to know that what they were missing wasn’t just the physical item, it was the emotional connection they attached to it.
“Where is he broken?” Maxon asked. “Perhaps I can fix him.”
Lief turned his head, loosening his grip on his mom to look back at his dad. “His whole arm came off.”
“I see.” Maxon nodded grimly at the diagnosis. “Can you bring him in here so that I may exam him?”
Lief felt the heavy guilt he’d been burdened under for the last fifteen minutes flutter up with hope. He climbed out of the big bed and hurried out of their room. He didn’t run because running inside wasn’t supposed to be allowed, but he did walk really fast to his bedroom.
Inside, he found the remnants of the battle he’d been fighting just before the terrible incident occurred. Several surviving march men surrounded their fallen comrade (or enemy, for some of them). Lief picked up the arm and the man, then rushed him to Maxon for a full examination.
When Lief returned to his parents, both of them were now sitting on the end of the bed. He offered his dad the pieces of his broken toy and bit at his lip nervously as Maxon conducted an evaluation.
Maxon pulled his reading glasses out of the pocket of his pajamas and placed them on his nose. “Must have been quite a crash.” he said as he inspected the arm socket and the loose arm.
“It was a special rocket! It was hidden in the toy chest, and then it exploded out. ” Lief explained.
“What was it really?” America asked curiously.
“My foam dart gun.” Lief admitted bashfully.
Maxon seemed impressed as he continued his examination, “A foam dart did this? Perhaps we shouldn’t allow you to shoot your cousins with it anymore…”
“Well, I pumped the handle a lot. The hardest ever.” Lief bragged, until he remembered the disaster that had unfurled. “I wouldn’t pump it so hard if I was shooting Leo or Rogan.”
“Mhmm.” Maxon didn’t seem convinced. “Well, I can reattach the arm, son.”
“You can?” Lief was excited.
“But I’ll need to glue it to keep it in there. This soldier will always have one stiff arm. Is that okay?”
“Yeah! He can use his other arm to lead in battle.” Lief reassured Maxon.
“Very well.” Maxon chuckled, picking up the toy solider and carrying him over to his desk. It took a moment of rummaging and then Maxon pulled out a bottle of glue, squeezed a little into the empty arm socket, and placed the arm back inside. “This soldier needs to be on bedrest until morning. For that matter, so do you, Commander.”
Lief saluted his dad, hurrying over to peek at his mostly-repaired toy.
“What do you think?” Maxon asked.
“Thank you, Dad.” Lief hugged Maxon’s waist.
“You’re welcome.” Maxon bent down and pressed a kiss to Lief’s red hair. “And, so you know, the Emperor of New Asia is a very good friend of mine. If you ever need another toy solider like this one, I can call in a favor. There’s no reason to feel sad over a toy.”
“I know,” Lief shrugged with one shoulder, “But this one is special. You brought him just for me from all the way around the world. I never, ever meant to break him.”
“Well here you are, son.” Maxon handed the toy over. “He’s not broken anymore. Feel better?”
Lief nodded.
America spoke up from where she’d been watching the sweet exchange and said, “Why don’t you two retire to bed and we’ll check on him in the morning?”
Lief stopped by his parents’ bed on his way out the door and pressed a kiss to his mom’s cheek. “Night Mommy.”
“Goodnight Lief, happy dreams.”
“Happy dreams.” he replied on his way out the door.
Lief fell asleep very easily that night, though he forgot to clean up his other toys. He rested his most special march man on his nightstand so that he could heal through the night. He didn’t quite understand where New Asia was, but he knew it was as far away as anyone could be. He knew he’d missed his dad a lot when while he was gone, and worried about all the bad things that could happen so far from home. When Maxon returned with this special toy just for Lief, his joy at having a new toy was overwhelmed by his understanding, for the first time, that Maxon had taken such care to bring the march man home safely with Lief in mind.
Because he loved Lief so much. 
Lief knew that this march man could not be a regular soldier anymore. He needed a much more special job. The last thing Lief did that night was make plans for a promotion ceremony he could play tomorrow, if his toy was done healing. He would promote his most special toy soldier to the rank of General, like Uncle Aspen, and he would become the most important man in Lief’s whole army.
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cowtale-utau · 4 years
A friend of the crew is royally pissed, lets say a pain in the butt thing they thought was dealt with just crept back into their life or something of the sort. Nothing huge, just irritating as HECK. Who's most likely going to join the friend in ranting and table flipping in commiseration? Like that meme of misdialing a number "You won't BELIEVE what Karen did today!" "Wrong number." "Oh I'm so sorry. Have a good day." "No wait come back! What did Karen do? I need to know (proceeds to rage with)"
This ended up bigger than it needed to be because I know nothing of moderation.
Undertale Sans/Ace – He may or may not egg you on, depending on his mood. Otherwise he just lets you rant as much as you need. He doesn’t usually let himself rant, but he knows some people need to. Undertale Papyrus/Lief – Ok, so he’s not great at egging you on or being mad with you. He’s a problem solver by nature, so he’ll try to help. It’s sweet, and cute, but not great if you just wanna rant.
Underfell Sans/Chisel – He’ll usually nod along and let you rant, occasionally interjecting random sass. Sometimes though he gets into a mood and gets riled up with you. Underfell Papyrus/Spur – Is there a Karen Karen? Like, someone who acts like a Karen about/towards Karens? ‘Cause that’s Spur. It’s honestly so impressive you aren’t even mad any more.
Underswap Sans/Scout – He’s a bit of a shit disturber, and his high energy leads him to being your Hype Man. He’ll get you so hyped up you won’t even remember what you were getting hyped for. Underswap Papyrus/Piper – He’ll let you rant, and if he’s feeling especially full of it that day, might try to convince you to egg someones house or something.
Swapfell(Red) Sans/Whip – Will absolutely get riled up with you. In fact, he gets so into it, that by the time you’re done ranting, you’re pretty sure he’s more upset about it than you were. Swapfell(Red) Papyrus/Coyote – Isn’t very likely to get upset, unless he feels you were threatened. Then you have to keep him from going hunting. But otherwise, he’ll let you rant as much as you need.
Horrortale Sans/Tender – Rant away, just maybe not to loudly? He’d rather help by calming you down. He understands, but the negative energy makes him uncomfortable. Horrortale Papyrus/Cook – Listens, as long as you don’t keep him from his chores. He does pay attention though, and makes sassy interjections.
Swapfell(Purple) Sans/Doc – Wants to know what you’re going to do about it. If you just wanna bitch, that’s fine, but he’d rather help you figure out how you’re gonna handle it in the future. Swapfell(Purple) Papyrus/Flint – A grade A dick, Flint will not only hype you up, he’ll try to convince you its a good idea to go beat some ass. It might even work, if no one else is around to be the voice of reason.
Fellswap Gold Sans/Haze – Let’s you complain to your hearts content, but probably isn’t really listening. He’s a busy guy, but if you say it’s actually important he’ll at least try. Maybe. Fellswap Gold Papyrus/Cirrus – Quietly listens while you vent. He has nothing to contribute really, but you seem like you just need to be angry for a bit. He can understand that, and as long as you don’t turn your anger on him, he’s happy to keep you company.
Underlust Sans/Shine – He’s the sassy friend, encouraging your rant but only actually there for the drama. Underlust Papyrus/Calico – Calmly fixes you a cup of tea, lets you vent, and then asks if he can help. Help you feel better, help ruin Karen, whatever.
Dancetale Sans/Shuffle – Would really rather not be involved. You can complain, and he’ll listen, but he doesn’t really have much to contribute beyond, “oh, that sucks.” Dancetale Papyrus/Foxtrot – Another helper, except maybe a bit too exuberant, as he’ll drag you off to try to solve the problem. Things may or may not end up even worse, kinda depends on your luck.
Outertale Sans/Saturn – If he’s working, he’ll probably tell you to go away and save it for later, he needs to focus. If he isn’t then he’ll let you rant, and he tries to be sympathetic. Key word ; tries. He’s not great at it. Outertale Papyrus/Mercury – Tries to find ways to calm you down and cheer you up. Snacks, a drink, a soft blanket? He just wants you to relax.
Farmtale Sans/Sage – Fell asleep. Farmtale Papyrus/Thyme – Distracts you by giving you things to do. How about you feed the bunnies huh? Bet that’ll make you feel better.
G!Sans/Aurum – Wanna go break some shit? G!Papyrus/Viridis – Helps you plan sassy come backs and practice saying snarky things in polite ways. He’s quite good at insulting people without them knowing.
These were fun. Hit up anytime!
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