#// idk where this sass came from but it's on full blast
itsaiba · 7 months
@sentofight : Date vc: Yeah, right.
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" OH . . . what was that? i thought i heard the sound of a perverted idiot just now. "
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lostinquotation · 4 years
Genasi / The Witcher (Part Two)
Summary: After the King and Queen of Sasheira refused to sign a treaty with Nilfgaard, an assassin is put on the Queen and her unborn child. While the King remains in Sasheira to fight, Queen Y/N, a gifted air Genasi, is forced into hiding with a man who is rumored to be able to kill anything, Geralt of Rivia.
Author’s note: Hey guys! Sorry for the long delay! This chapter went under a lot of rewrites, so I hope you like it! Please like, reblog, follow, and comment! It means the world :) Thank you to everyone who liked and commented last time, it legit made me so happy!!
Part One
Warnings: Angst and a sliver of gore? idk
Word count: 2k (unedited)
A million different thoughts crossed your mind during the first few hours of travel, though the ever-present feeling of dread never went away. You imagined your city being burned to the ground, the women and children being ripped from their homes. Your husband losing his life in battle, him being captured and tortured. The thought of your son not making it… You cursed at yourself for even entertaining these ideas but the more you tried to repress them, the more you imagined them happening. 
You tried your best not to cry, but a few tears still managed to escape. You would silently wipe them away, and continue to hold your head high as you stared at the scenery in front of you. You weren’t sure if Geralt noticed, but even if he did, it was the least of your concerns. Your country was at war, of course you were upset.
Nightfall quickly came, making the two of you set up a small camp a little ways away from a pond. Geralt built a fire while you went to collect water for you two to drink. By the time you were back, a fire was made and Geralt was already pulling out a small knife.
“I’m going to get some food. Stay here,” he spoke and you nodded, watching him leave. You sat next to the fire and stared at the bright flames, letting the heat warm your cheeks. You weren’t sure how much time passed when the Witcher returned, but he brought back what looked like a rabbit. 
He sat a foot or two away from you, taking the already bloody knife and began to skin the animal. You made a face and he noticed.
“You can’t be picky out here,” he said, stabbing a stick into the body.
“I didn’t say anything!” Your eyes narrowed as you defended yourself.
“You made a face.”
“The sight of a bloody rabbit corpse isn’t exactly pleasant,” you sassed. You were not in the mood for passive remarks. He raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything else and placed the rabbit across the fire. Once fully cooked, you both took a leg to enjoy. You took a bit, the texture of the flavorless skin nearly made you gag.
“Do we happen to have some oil?” You asked and he gave you a look. “No?” You sighed when he shook his head in response, his annoyance radiating from his body. He seemed to also not be in the mood for passive remarks, which you could empathize with as the day was far from enjoyable.
You were about to go for another bite but stopped yourself, eyes connecting to the slimy skin. The rabbit was disgusting, so disgusting your first instinct was to want to tell Vario about it, maybe even trick him into eating it. You asked for oil… There was none, of course. You thought about how Vario would’ve made fun of you for asking such a ridiculous question. How you would’ve been able to see him laugh—
Your chest tightened as tears pricked the back of your eyes, daring to fall, and as you swallowed the lump in your throat, you bit into the rabbit. You breathed deeply, allowing your muscles to relax and mind to calm down. Geralt didn’t say a word. 
After eating, you walked over to a resting Roach and grabbed a small blanket that was in your bag, placed it on the ground, and laid on it, wrapping the ends around your body like a cocoon. Geralt smirked, amused at the sight.
“Laugh all you want, I’m warm,” you muttered loud enough for him to hear, voice taut. 
“I didn’t say anything,” he shrugged.
“You made a face,” you mocked his words from earlier, earning a grunt in response. 
The fire naturally went out, leaving the two of you in the dark with nothing but insect noise in the background. Despite being in complete darkness, you were able to make out every tree, leaf, and bush without hassle. Dark vision, a common trait among Genasi. 
Geralt rested against a tree, intending on staying awake to keep watch. You frowned and sat up from your makeshift bed.
“I can take first watch,” you suggested. You spoke again before Geralt could protest, “I’m not going to fall asleep for a while, trust me.” Your words hinted at something deeper, sadder. “I’ll wake you when I start to get tired.” Geralt knew this wasn’t up for negotiation so he did as told and rested.
A couple of hours passed and your eyes began to fall heavy, signaling it was finally time for sleep. You crawled over to the sleeping man, eyes examining his sleeping state. It was weird to see him like this, peaceful. His eyebrows relaxed, jaw unclenched. You almost felt bad for waking him but knew you had to get sleep as well.
“Geralt,” your voice was just above a soft whisper. He didn’t move, so you touched his arm and spoke again. “Geralt,” your voice was a little louder but still gentle as to not startle him. He stirred slightly, head moving to the side. “Geralt,” you whispered one last time before his eyes fluttered open. His golden irises fell onto you and for a split second he almost seemed confused but it was covered by a low hum.
“My turn,” his voice was gruff, deeper than usual.
“Your turn,” you gave a small smile and climbed back into your cocoon. Geralt stood from where he was and began to stretch, but you paid no attention to him. With one hand holding your stomach and the other under your head, you were asleep in seconds.
Your wake up call was a lot less pleasant than the one you gave him. You awoke to him calling your name, tossing your items back into the bag, the water-full, metal jugs clanking together loudly.
Your body startled awake, eyes shooting open. “Gods,” you clutched your chest, sending him a glare, “that’s how you wake someone up?”
“It worked, didn’t it?” He asked and you laid back down with a groan, pinching the bridge of your nose while mumbling curses at him under your breath. “Come on, we gotta get moving. Left-overs for breakfast.”
“Okay, give me a second,” you slowly rose again, stretching out your arms and back. Geralt sighed loudly. “Oh, I’m sorry, are my sore muscles a burden to you?” You snapped.
“Not at all,” you could tell he bit his tongue to keep from saying what he originally wanted to say, but you didn’t acknowledge it. Instead, you aggressively placed your folded blanket back in your bag. After being hoisted up onto Roach, the Witcher situated himself as well and the journey continued.
The days went along those lines for some time: eat, sleep, travel, and repeat. The days got better for you as you grew more comfortable with Geralt. You noticed you were initiating small-talk with him, you even attempted a joke or two. Whether or not the conversations were deep or the jokes were good was beside the point. You were trying and for you, that’s all that mattered. Though Geralt claimed that your attempts were pointless and incredibly annoying, you both knew deep down he didn’t actually mind. The bickering helped pass by the time.
The nights, however, were a different story. You found yourself in tears and a constant state of panic at night, whispering prayers for your Kingdom and husband. The nightmares were relentless at times, causing you to wake up in a pool of your own sweat. The first night you ever had a nightmare, you nearly killed Geralt.
Geralt was on watch when it happened, with you sleeping a few feet from him. You stirred in your sleep, eyebrows furrowing and relaxing with soft whispers escaping passed your lips. Your breathing increased in pace and grew deeper, and gusts of wind began to sweep through the forest.
Geralt looked around confused and looked to your shaking frame, instantly knowing the cause of the sudden wind storm. The power of the wind increased, lifting small rocks and sticks off the ground and carrying them away. He slowly approached you against the force of the wind as your cries becoming louder and louder. A nearby tree branch was lifted off the ground, slammed into a tree trunk, and cracked in half. 
“Y/N!” The Witcher called over the powerful blows, reaching to shake you awake. “Y/N!” He yelled again, shaking your body vigorously. You screamed awake, eyes shooting open, arms reacting, blasting Geralt across the ground and into the hot ashes from the fire. He howled in pain, jumping out of the intense heat as fast as he could. The wind stopped, the rocks and sticks falling back to the ground. He grunted, holding his freshly red and pink, scorched hand in his unharmed one. 
“Geralt… Oh my Gods, Geralt!” You cried, running towards him and collapsing to the ground in front of him. “Let me see, let me see,” you reached for his hand.
He pulled it from you, “it’s fine.”
“You just fell into two thousand degree ashes,” you reached for his injured hand a second time, “even for a Witcher, that’s fatal. Gods, essea squaess!” You gently turned his hand over, earning a small flinch from him, the smell of burning flesh filling the air. You grimaced in disgust but ignored it, instead looked around for animal life. “I need a mouse... Or a bird or-or a squirrel or something.”
“Why?” He asked, eyes glued to his swollen red hand, knowing he’s going to have a new scar added to his collection.
“I’m not the best at healing, but I can do it-”
“That’s not necessary, I can heal just fine on my own,” he told you, but you didn’t listen.
“Geralt,” you looked up at him pleading eyes, “please let me do this for you.” He opened his mouth for a second before closing it again and nodded with a sigh. You gave him a small smile before getting up and walking around in search of a small animal. You came across a chipmunk and as the critter ran away, you levitated it off the ground and grabbed it in your hands. Its small body squirmed in your grip but it didn’t phase you.
“Why the rodent?” He asked as you sat down in front of him again.
“I’m not a natural-born healer, so I need to take a life in order to give life, or in this case... new skin,” you mumbled the last part and he let out a weak breath, the ends of his lips tugging upwards slightly. “It keeps the balance.” You put your hand on his burned one and he flinched, uttering every obscenity he knew under his breath.
You slowly closed your eyes and murmured a few words in Elder and slowly the squirming sensation in your hand subsided and you felt Geralt’s hand grow stiff and smooth. After a few more seconds, you opened your eyes again and released your grip on both the dead animal and his somewhat healed hand. It was still slightly pink, but it looked a whole lot better. It would be fully healed in less than a day thanks to his naturally enhanced healing finishing the job.
You frowned, still feeling bad for what you did. “It’s not perfect. As I said, I’m not a healer but… It’s better than nothing-”
“Thank you,” he stated, sounding genuine. 
“I’m sorry it even happened,” you said quietly, eyes falling to the ground. “Truly, I’m sorry.”
“I know,” he stood and offered his unharmed hand, “you should rest.”
In a way, the two of you bonded that night. Your mutual respect for each other grew stronger, along with the sense of security. Both parties knew that the other had their back. That the pair of you would make a good team.
Author’s Note: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Hopefully it doesn’t seem too fast paced... Pacing is always so hard for me to write haha so please let me know! Thanks guys :) Also, I apologize if I wrote the healing part wrong... Magic in this universe is kind of confusing to me so hopefully I got it right lmao OH and please let me know if you want to be tagged!
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emergenciesstory · 4 years
Set Me Free
for @star-spangled-bingo square: Fatal illness
Summary: Every time you used your powers, it took some of your lifeforce. Unlike a human's lifeforce, yours didn’t regenerate from exercise, eating right, and rest- but you could take it from others. But when the Avengers found you and put you on the path of good, you couldn’t bear to take lifeforce anymore. And when you fell in love with the one Avenger who had an affinity for getting hurt, you had to make one final choice- his life, or yours?
A/N: Not all fatal illnesses are bad. Sometimes, it’s love.
Words: 1981
Pairing: Steve x Reader
    “Tell me, did they tell you what I do?” You asked from your spot leaning on the wall. You stepped out of the shadows in front of the man, fear registering on his eyes. 
    “The bringer of death, they call me. Sad really, that’s not actually what I do.” You pulled a chair out and sat backwards on it, untying your cloak as you sat down. “You see, I am strong, powerful, but I do not bring death. That’s Grims job. Great reaper, mind you. I’ve met him on many occasions.”
    The man was squirming where he sat, trying to move away from you as you spoke.
    “I, however, am dying. I don’t live like you. Your lifeforce regenerates if it can, not that you’d notice. Not that you’ll get a chance to after I’m done.” Your gaze leveled with his, as you focused on the feeling of warmth coming from the ground. 
    “I don’t like scum like you. You attacked my home, so they sent you to me. You see- taking someone's life force, it can be quite painful for you if I don’t do it slowly like I am now.” You increased the pull, a weak moan of pain escaping from his gagged mouth. 
    “But the part I truly enjoy is when I let you hang in the balance. Just enough life to know what’s happening, just enough death for Grim to come. Might leave you there and visit an old friend. Don’t worry, you’ll lose your sight from the pain of each and every part of your body shutting down.” you upped the draw more, feeling the buzz of power and youth as it filled you.
    “But the true satisfaction is knowing without a trace of lifeforce in you, you’re damned to hell.” You smiled a blood curling Grin. “Enjoy the trip down.” 
    The last of his force was ripped from him with one quick flick of your hand, a rush of power coming from the ground. You gathered your cloak from the ground, retying it as the door opened, the leader of the Red Room entering with a smile. 
    “Pity,” you mused, looking up at her with a smile. “I was hoping he’d beg.” 
    You wandered around the chaos that was New York after battle, slowly taking lifeforce from the deathly wounded. They deserved rest, but you were close to death as well. Cursing yourself for so much power being used, you continued through the wreckage, scrounging as best you could. Stepping out of a subway terminal, you felt a surge of lifeforce stronger than ever.
    It’s reading 2000 or more years, that’s not human, and there's multiple.
    You glanced around, finally noticing the source. Before you stood two Large men, one in chains, both glowing with the force of Gods. Around them were many individuals with varying levels of force.
    Just a bit and I’ll be good. You thought to yourself, focusing on the Gods. Their force was different from that of humans- one year from them was 100 for you, and they wouldn’t miss it. You felt the pull of energy, the warmth filling you softly as to not be detected. You sensed eyes on you and looked up, locking eyes with a familiar redhead. You saw recognition flash softly in her face, and slid back into the rubble.
    Once back to the subway system, you ran. Greater than full power thanks to the Gods, time felt as though it slowed as you moved. You turned and glanced behind you, coming face to face with the Redhead again.
    “Asha, Stop.” She yelled with power. Why not, nothing she can do to me.
    “Natalia, nice to see you again.” You mused. “Tell me, how’s life been since leaving?”
    “What are you doing here?” Nat asked, defensive stance positioned.
    “I mean you no harm, I took nothing from you or the mortals. Simply helping the dying go peacefully.” You shrugged. “Is that such a crime?” 
    “Depends, do you still work for them?” Anger laced her voice, not that you blamed her.
    “Oh, they wish. I ceased that alliance years ago, about when you graduated I believe. No one has called me Asha since, in fact. I didn’t expect to find someone who would recall that life.”
    Nat looked at you skeptically. 
    “Nat?” A voice rang out from above. You both stood frozen as the group from above came down onto the subway platform. You felt a strange pull from the group, not warm like the pull of lifeforce, but cold like running water washing over you. You stayed out of curiosity, following the pull until it locked with a blonde man in a brown leather jacket. 
    “Who are you?” The metal suit asked, anger flexed in his voice, Nat making a gesture to stay behind her.
    “To leave pasts behind. I mean you and your group no harm.” You said simply, turning to leave. The pull of the water made you face them again, each step more and more difficult to take. 
    “Would you mind telling us who exactly you are then? Must be powerful to have Nat frozen like this.” The blonde smiled softly, but still on defense. You looked at the group, not really wanting to leave the new pull, but weighing your options.
    “Yes, of course. Though I guess you’d like to do it from the Comfort of Shield, hmm? Properly? I’ll come willingly, as long as I’m extended the same courtesy.” You looked between the two men, eyes ending on Natasha. “I promise, no power. Between old friends.” 
    She nodded, gesturing for you to follow them.
Some years later IDK 
    “When’s the last time?” Nat asked, tending to your wounds.
    “The last time what?”
    “Don’t play dumb, y/n. The last time you took a decent amount of lifeforce.” She placed the stitching equipment away. 
    “Are we counting the practically dead bad guys?” You looked at her, the glare on her face answering your question. “Of course not, well the last time I skimmed years was... two years ago?” 
    “When you joined us?” She asked. 
    “Took them from Thor and Loki. About 200 years of our time.” You winced, pulling your shirt back on. 
    “What are you down to?” She said quietly.
    “I’m fine, Nat. Really. Don’t worry about me.” You brushed her off as the door opened, Steve and Bucky coming in. 
    “Well, that was quite the trip.” Bucky plopped down beside you, pulling his shirt over his head. “Nat, do you mind?” He gestured to a gash on his side, already healing on the ends.
    “It’ll be healed in the hour, I’m not wasting my time.” she slapped his side, putting the box back. “If anyone needs me, I’ll be in the shower.” 
    “Word of advice, don’t need her.” Steve sassed.
    “Learned that the hard way, punk?” Bucky teased back, sliding off the table. “I’m going to go and need her.” 
    “If you die, it’s not our problem.” You mused, laughing as he took off after her. 
    “Are you okay?” Steve asked, pulling you to the edge of the table into him.
    “Better now. It’s just a scratch.” You shrugged, kissing the side of his face. 
    “Lifeforce?” He looked down at you, eyebrow arched.
    “Topped off from those we were shooting at.” you shrugged. “Why is everyone worried about it?”
    “Because you’ve been kicking ass.” Steve laughed, kissing you.
    “Language, Captain.” You kissed him back softly, enjoying the pull of water. “You’re stuck with me for a long time.” Guilt crept up in you, as Steve pulled you off the table, dragging you towards the commons. You looked down at the meter on your wrist, lighting about a forth of the meter of lifeforce pulsing through you. You smiled as Steve looked back at you; a short amount of time was better than a lifetime without him. 
    “To the left.” You said in the comms, recalling where the system fail was located. “We get the files, and taking down that room will destroy the entire bunker.” 
    “Copy. Keep sharp.” Steve’s voice came from beside you and into the Comms. 
    “Incoming from the North.” Tony rang in from the skies. You and Steve paused.
    “Alpha team is a go.” Nat said.
    “We never agreed to that team name.” Bucky sassed, likely keeping an eye on her and Clint from the trees. 
    “Too late Tin Man.” Clint’s voice rang out, arrow flying as the comms cut out. 
    “Flight team, how’re we looking?” Steve asked, only to be met by static.
    “Alpha team, do you need an assist?” He asked, only for more static. He looked back at you, worry on his face.
    “Guess they don’t like visitors.” You mused, clicking the Comms off. “Come on. Through here.” 
    The two of you ventured further, finding the files and wiping the computer.
    “It’s too easy.” You muttered, looking around.
    “Yes, it was too easy. Nice to see you again Asha.” A man stepped out of the shadows, many other agents following. 
    “I wish I could say the same.” You sneared, pocketing the drive. 
    “You won’t be leaving with that.” The man said simply, gesturing the agents beside him towards you. Two took you on in hand to hand, three surrounding Steve. You kept him in your peripherals, the agents being well trained. One kickflip and you heard a snap, before rough hands circled your waist, throwing you into the wall behind you. The world went fuzzy for a moment, pain radiating from your mid back, nothing below it. The agent gave a sickening grin, pointing a gun at your face as he walked up. In a quick motion, and gasp of pain, you shot out a blast, killing him inches from you. You looked at your wrist, the life force meter lower than you had seen it in years. 
    Wincing, you forced yourself up, using lifeforce  pain in each step but needing to help Steve. Steve... He had to be okay. The room seemed a million times bigger, but you caught the flash of his shield flying taking out the agents upon him. You looked to see the masked man, pointing a gun at Steve's back, Steve none the wiser. 
    “No!” You yelled, channeling everything to a protection spell around him, refracting the bullet to the Man.
    Steve felt the surge of energy, shielding his eyes from the blinding light. He opened them, turning to see you lying on the ground.
    “Y/n!” He yelled, running and picking you up. 
    “Steve..” You said weakly, unable to keep the power flowing through you to walk. 
    “Lifeforce?” He asked, worried, looking you up and down. You shook your head as his hands scooped under you, running out of the facility. “Hold on. Take some from me if you have to.”
    You closed your eyes, taking in the feel of his heartbeat. You felt Steve set you down in the jet, but tuned out the voices and movement.
    “Hey, Hey... Stay with me Y/n.” Steve said in your ear. “We are all willing to give you some years until we can get Thor back. Please.”
    “No.” You said softly. You felt hands on your back moving down, and then nothing. 
    “Lumbar fracture. It's bad.” Nat said softly. You opened your eyes to see Steve’s worried face.
    “It’s not worth taking years to never be full again.” you said softly. Steve went to say something, but you silently shushed him.
    “I was born with this power, to take lives and manipulate the years. Some see it as a gift, I call it an illness. But loving you? I’d rather die for saving your ass than any other reason.”
    “This isn’t the end.” Steve said, tears rolling down his cheeks.
    “No, it’s the beginning of me being free.” You smiled, your vision becoming fuzzy. “I’m sorry, Steve, but your love set me free.”
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holographic-chogi · 6 years
Protector pt.4/?
Author: holographic-chogi
Pairing: fem!reader x stray kids
Rating: PG-13? idk how to rate things accurately so take this with a grain of salt
Warnings: swearing (mostly Changbin), graphic description of getting stitches, blood, and mention of guns (please let me know if I miss anything!)
A/N: Ayyyy I finally wrote the next part!! Plenty of dramatic boy action incoming. There’s all kinds of drama happening here. Also, I gave Minho a touch of sass towards the end there, I wanna stay realistic lmao. Also sorry everyone for the long wait times! Things have been a bit hectic on my end but I aim to release a part every 2 days? No promises tho we all know my record of sticking to these deadlines. 
Summary: a virus has wiped out most of humanity, and society has collapsed. People survive in groups where they live in constant fear and a struggle to survive. Women were the primary victim of the virus, leaving few behind. You are one of the few, kept in secret since the beginning. However, you’ve just been caught.
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You were limp in his arms as he sat you in a chair; a dazed look on your face. Before all of this, you’d been confined to “your room” at the prison, so you weren’t used to this kind of action. The young man left your gaze in a blur, and you could hear the faint sound of him calling out for Minho. Pity, you hope you didn’t wake him up. Your eyelids are heavy, and you can feel consciousness slipping away as you lean back, shutting your eyes.
Next thing you know, you jerk awake to a searing pain on your collarbone. A different man fell backwards from your jolt, barely stopping the vodka bottle in his hands from spilling. You immediately reach for the source of the pain, only for another hand to promptly pull yours away before it can touch the wound. You turn your head to see that the person who had saved you earlier was at your side, brows furrowed in worry. He simply locked eyes with you and shook his head, forbidding you from repeating the action, before setting your hand back down. Pulling you from your daze, the man from the floor spoke:
“Hi, Y/N right? My name’s Minho. I’m sorry if that hurt but I have to do it again. I wasn’t able to disinfect the whole wound.”
You glanced down and put two and two together. That dog had left a pretty nasty gash beneath your clavicle, they must be in the process of fixing it up, specifically pouring alcohol in the wound to prevent it getting infected. Explains the vodka bottle. You close your eyes, bracing for the pain as you nod your head, prompting him to continue.
You heard a voice from the man at your side, “I’m Hyunjin, by the way,” he paused. There was was something so calming about the way he spoke, so serene. He must be trying to distract you. “You did a good job fending off that dog. I was surprised you held him off that long.”
You could feel a hand on your shoulder, and then another blast of pain erupting from the wound. A pained whimper escaped your lips as you hunched over, tears forming in your eyes. Hyunjin moved close, his breath on your ears as he murmured, “You’re doing so well. One more step and you’ve been through the worst of it.” Hyunjin’s hand moved from your shoulder and down beside your own. “You can hold my hand for this next part. Squeeze as hard as you need to.”
Minho came into view more clearly when he moved you back into an upright position, probably for better access. You saw pity in his eyes before he turned to grab a small tin beside him. Your own eyes widened when it hit you, he was going to stitch it up. You remembered Hyunjin saying that you’d need stitches outside, but it hadn’t hit you until now. You quickly grab Hyunjin’s hand, eyeing Minho as he opened the tin, readying a needle.
Your breaths quickened and the hold on Hyunjin’s hand tightened as the needle grew closer. You looked up at him with pleading eyes at the last second, hoping that maybe he could carry you away again. You barely got a glimpse before the first stitch.
It was agonizing, the vodka from before felt nothing like this. As soon as it happened, you let out a much louder cry, voice cracking from disuse. Tears streamed down your face as your nails began to dig into Hyunjin’s hand. Looks like he’d have a scar too. Your other hand gripped the arm of the chair, the only thing stopping you from bolting.
You heard Minho speaking to Hyunjin in a hushed voice, “She’s gonna need about seven more of these. I think we need someone else to hold her down.”
At that, footsteps sounded from across the room, moving behind you before you felt a set of hands on your shoulders. They were keeping you in place firmly, but you couldn’t help but notice how gentle they felt. Who was this? Had they been here the entire time? A very familiar voice grumbled above you, “I got her. You can keep going.”
The thought was in your head for only a moment before you felt the needle pierce your skin again, pulling flesh up and over the wound. Your scream was much louder this time, and you would’ve lurched forward had it not been for the grip Changbin had on you. You heard Hyunjin from beside you suck air through his teeth, but before you could see him, the screen door up front burst open, diverting your attention. Felix darted into the room, panic evident as he tried to catch his breath. You locked eyes with him just as the needle renentered, and everything went black.
You weren’t sure how long it had been before you regained consciousness for the third time today. Before moving, you opened your eyes. For some reason you couldn’t understand, the first thing you wanted to know is if Changbin was still there. Minho was bandaging Hyunjin’s hand, specifically the one you had held. Felix was sat on the floor, biting his nails anxiously with his eyes down. There was no Changbin in your line of sight.
Felix must’ve noticed you were awake, because before you knew it, you felt his arms frantically wrap around your frame. In seconds, he was ripped from you and tossed back to the floor. Changbin was looking down at him, annoyed. “Do you not remember what I said about being so touchy? She just got stitches dumbass.” Wow. Guess he was still there. Had he really cared enough to stick around? He looked up at you, and flinched when he saw your open eyes. Must not have known you were awake. He quickly averted his gaze and nudged Minho, speaking barely above a whisper: “She’s awake.”
Minho moved in front of you, kneeling to eye level, a comforting smile on his face. “How are you feeling, Y/N?”
You avoided his gaze, embarrassed. “I’m good, thank you.” you shrunk into yourself, “Thanks for helping me out there, and sorry for freaking out so much.”
He giggled, “You actually did well. You should’ve seen Jisung the first time I had to stitch him up. He screamed before the needle even touched him.”
Hyunjin adds from behind him, “You’re one tough cookie, Y/N.”
You look to Hyunjin, before looking down at the bandage on his hand, feeling your heart sink. “Hyunjin, I am so sorry.”
He rubbed the back of his neck, “Nah it’s nothing. The bandage is dramatic if anything.”
Your conversation was cut short by the door flinging open, knocking a framed photo down from the force. From behind it emerged Chan, followed by two others. One was the young one you had noticed earlier, and the other you recognized from the night of the raid. Chan turned to face all of you, face red with anger. When he saw the bandages from beneath your blood soaked collar, you could see a vein protrude on his throat. His voice boomed as he spoke, the soft, blushy boy from earlier completely gone.
“What the hell happened?”
Minho turned away from you, calmly packing up all of his tools. “Some stray dog got in, got Y/N pretty good. I just stitched her up.”
Chan scanned the people in the room, “How did it get in? Last I checked, dogs can’t climb fences.”
Hyunjin calmly ran his fingers across the bandage, sounding distracted as he answered, “It was my bad. I left the back entrance open when I was carrying a few deer in, I had to make a couple trips so I thought it’d be fine to leave it open.”
“Do not pull that shit again. How could you be so irresponsible?” Chan spat, “I told Y/N we could protect her. It’s day one and we’re already stitching up a wound!”
Hyunjin’s eyes lazily moved from his bandage to lock with yours. There was a look in them that you couldn’t describe. “She isn’t made of glass, Chan. I think she’s tougher than she looks.”
Your heart soared. Before today you were always the weak one, a burden. To think that someone actually sees you as more. You simply smiled back at Hyunjin, hoping he caught your gratitude.
Chan took one look at you, his anger faltering. “I know she isn’t. But she isn’t made of steel either.” he paused, looking behind him at one of the others that had followed him in. “Jisung, you’re going to stay at the farm and keep an eye on Y/N.”
A babysitter? Wow. Were you really so helpless that you needed to be guarded personally? Surely shit like this wasn’t going to happen again. The man whom you assumed was Jisung nodded, before looking at you with a smile, sending a little wave.
You hesitantly waved back, an uncomfortable expression creeping up on your face. “Nice to meet you Jisung.”
With his signature dramatic huff, Changbin pushed himself from the wall he had been leaning on, “When is this Jiho dude going to show up? She’s a pain in the ass.” and before anyone could respond, he was out the door.
Jisung broke the following silence with a chuckle. “It’s not like I was useful out there anyway.” he looked back at you, smile wide. “Nice to meet you, Y/N!”
You had spent the afternoon with Jisung. He took you to see the animals in the stables (two horses and two cows!), showed you around the house, and gave a full tour of every spot you had yet to explore. His presence was comforting, and he made you tear up from laughter more than once. He felt like a long lost best friend. At one point during the day, before the guard switch at noon, you and Jisung had sat up in Woojin’s perch, playing cards and eating snacks.
Jisung sat at the edge, near the ladder, his long legs stretched up to rest on the wall as he gestured to Woojin with his hand full of cards, “Dude, when are you off shift? We gotta clean up this trashfest before Seungmin gets here.” He chuckled to himself before popping another chip in his mouth, “He’ll burst a blood vessel if he sees this mess.”
Woojin ignored him, turning to you instead. “I gotta go to bed soon, it’s almost noon.” He yawned, “I should be up around dinnertime with Changbin. Wake me up if Jisung gets too annoying.”
“Hey!” Jisung tossed a card at him, hitting Woojin in the forehead.
From the other perch, you heard a heavy sigh, “Can you three shut up? I’m too tired for this.”
You still hadn’t spoken to Changbin since the stitches, but he’s undoubtedly been on your mind. Why had Changbin come inside when you were getting them? Even more, he actually helped hold you down so you didn’t get hurt. Was he worried? He couldn’t have been. Regardless, you felt that you should thank him.
You turned around, leaning over the perch wall facing Changbin. “Hey, I haven’t had the chance to thank you yet.”
His eyes widened for a moment before his face grew into a scowl. His voice came out more hostile than before. “For what?”
You were taken aback for a moment, before continuing. “Thank you for helping Minho help me. It probably wouldn’t have gone well had you not been there.”
He turned away from you, his face obscured. “It wasn’t for you. Chan would’ve been pissed if we fucked things up more than we already did.”
But that still left one question. “Why did you come inside? You should’ve been up here.”
Woojin added from behind you, “I had to take watch actually. We heard you scream from here and Changbin beelined for the house.” He smirked, “Looked pretty worried to me.”
Changbin shot a venomous look at you, eyes narrow and teeth clenched. “Don’t fucking flatter yourself. Woojin doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about.”
Just after he spoke, you heard a knock from the bottom of Woojin’s ladder. You moved away from Changbin to look over the edge. An unfamiliar man stood at the bottom, looking up, shielding his eyes from the sun. “Hey Y/N, tell Woojin it’s noon. I’m taking over.”
You lean back, eyeing the mess of trash and playing cards. “Seungmin’s here. Better clean fast.”
You and Jisung had spent a bit more time outside before heading in for the evening. Eventually, that just boiled down to you reading a book on the couch while Jisung sat opposite of you, cleaning a rifle. Occasionally, you’d look up to watch Seungmin and Minho on guard. Minho seemed much more relaxed, gun ready, but leaned back with his feet up. Seungmin was much more tense. He stared down at the land beyond the fence with pinpoint accuracy, finger always on the trigger. You could even see him keeping watch when it was Minho’s turn. He definitely came off as the anxious type.
At around seven, you saw Minho head down the ladder and make his way up to the house. You watched him as he moved around the porch, out of view from the window until he eventually re-emerged from the side of the house, holding a very heavy looking paper bag. You stood up and hurried to open the door to let him in, holding a hand out, offering to carry it.
Before Minho could even respond, Jisung’s arm appeared from behind you, reaching around your waist to grab the bag. He looked back at you while he took it to the counter, “Not until you’re healed up.”
Minho nodded, cracking his knuckles before moving various pots and utensils onto the counter. “Jisung’s right. You shouldn’t carry anything heavy with those stitches so fresh.”
God, you felt like such a burden. You wish you could contribute more. “What are you doing with all that?”
“Getting dinner ready. Jisung’s probably just gonna sit and watch.” Minho side-eyed him, “He’s banned from cooking.”
Jisung leaned against the wall, “Yep. Sounds good. Have fun slaving over the stove Minnie.”
You chuckled at him before moving next to Minho, “If he won’t help you, I’m more than happy to.”
Minho beamed at you, before hoisting a bag of potatoes onto the counter. He held out a peeler and smirked. “Get peelin’ sister.”
As soon as he said it you began peeling, eager to help. Eventually, Jisung spoke from the corner, “Let’s not put her to work like this Minho.” He looked to you, trying to sound enticing, “Wanna go hang out with Felix?”
Minho scoffed, “Oh please Jisung, she can handle this just fine. Why don’t you head off and go make yourself useful. You don’t need to keep an eye on her right now.”
Jisung opened his mouth to protest, but came short of an answer. He looked at you defeated, and you shrugged. Minho wasn’t wrong. “You’ll have to survive without my presence. Can you manage?”
He smiled back at you, and held a hand to his forehead in mock distress, “How could I?”, before turning to leave.
Once the screen door closed behind him, Minho nudged you with eyes still on the cutting board in front of him. “The boys seem to like you.”
You chuckled, “I like them too.”
A bit of worry shown on his face, but his tone was still playful. “You’re gonna be trouble, aren’t you?”
You looked away from your work, over to him. “What do you mean?”
He shrugged. “Nevermind. Get back to it.”
While Minho and you were finishing up, you noticed Changbin head down the stairs. You turned away from him to pull a rack from the oven, but you could feel his eyes on you. You continued to work, pretending not to notice until you turned to set the rack on the counter. The two of you locked eyes for a moment, before Changbin’s gaze turned from soft to agitated. He quickly moved towards the drawer, pretending to have been grabbing silverware. What was his deal?
Dinner was incredible. The last one to the table was Jeongin, and as soon as he sat down, everyone dug in. You never had warm food back at your old group, you usually just ate whatever cans Jiho could scrounge up. In truth,, there was rarely any food saved for you, because the others didn’t think you were useful enough to be fed. Jiho always had to argue or steal in order to get you anything. Tonight however, you were eating roasted venison that Hyunjin had caught, warm mashed potatoes and stewed veggies that Felix had grown and a glass of milk from one of the cows outside (You had come to learn earlier that they were named Lucy and Toes. Named by Felix and Jisung respectively). Everyone else spoke to each other around you, but you were too absorbed in the food to care. Occasionally, either Felix or Jisung from beside you would try to start a conversation with you, but you could barely stop eating long enough to answer.
However, Chan’s voice from across the table made you set the fork down. “Y/N, you ate today, right?”
You swallowed your current bite and nodded at him. “Felix made me some eggs.”
Jisung laughed nervously from beside you, “You’re eating like you’ve never heard of food before”.
You shrugged, looking down at your plate. “I didn’t really get to eat food like this in my old group. This is just really good.”
Hyunjin leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. “What did you eat back there?”
“Just a can of something here and there. They were focused on feeding the more useful members.” you sighed, “Haven’t had warm food in awhile so it feels like I can’t get enough of it.”
You noticed Changbin clench his jaw from the other side of the table.
Felix narrowed his eyes, his voice lowering, “How often did they feed you?”
You could feel the tension rising, and tried not to make any eye contact. “I ate...enough.”
Chan spoke up, “Leave it alone everyone. It’s none of our business”. But you could tell from his face, from all of their faces, that they didn’t believe you.
Felix placed a hand on your shoulder, rubbing it soothingly. “Well as long as you’re here, you can have as much warm food as you want. I’ll cook you all kinds of yummy stuff.”
Changbin glared at Felix’s hand, and once Felix noticed, he averted his gaze and removed it.
Minho had watched the interaction play out, eyeing both you and Changbin thoughtfully, before returning to his food.
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