itsaiba · 7 months
@sentofight : Date vc: Yeah, right.
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" OH . . . what was that? i thought i heard the sound of a perverted idiot just now. "
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legendspun · 2 years
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"Don't think you're welcome here for one moment. Orerines. We only tolerate your presence."
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tacitusauxilium · 5 months
@sentofight // moving this ask to a new thread
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To be fair, there were not a lot of things that Fuuka saw that reminded her of Akihiko. But the bear with the boxing gloves just screamed Akihiko Sanada and she would do anything to win that for him. Gift giving was her love language.
After she failed, Fuuka begged for Junpei to give it a shot--only because Yukari mentioned how he and their leader were pretty good with claw machines. "I will go into my allowance for you to keep trying, Junpei-kun." Fuuka placed her hands on the side of the machine, watching as he gets closer each time and groans when the bear falls back down.
Hearing a small chirp noise from her pocket, Fuuka pulled the phone out of pocket and smiled warmly.
[text: coming] [text: tell junpei to stop wasting his money on getting it.]
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Fuuka chuckled and quickly texted her senpai back.
[ sms ] :: actually, it's my money. but, if you are so keen on helping us out, that would be appreciated! junpei is one or two tries away from shaking the claw machine.
Fuuka then heard Junpei smacking his hands on the claw machine, begging to let him win one more time. She moved next to Junpei as Yukari was failing to comfort him. "Hey, Akihiko-senpai said he was on his way. I sent him a picture and he wanted to give it a shot. Take a breather, Junpei-kun--don't hit the claw machine again!!"
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kinships · 2 years
Lindow hands Setsuna a can--a tuna can, "This is you, Tuna."
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Setsuna stares at it for a moment, then back at Lindow.
before throwing the can at his head. "THATS NOT FUNNY!!!"
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legendspun · 2 years
( i dont care if ooc isnt cool anymore in 2022
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kinships · 3 years
" Heeyy.. captain .. haha ..why are crying? It's fine ... I'm fine ... lost more blood than this b--nngh.. cough! ... I'm not .. dying ... pft .... i'm just ... taking ... a quick ...nap ... okay? ... can you ... call ...Tsubaki and ... Ren .... I ... love them ... yeah? you too cap' ..." lindow for setsu [heh]
This is wrong.
She watches him get paler and weaker, damnit why couldn't she get there on time?! "Y-you can tell them yourself, yeah?" She says weakly, moving to try and carry him on her back. She didn't even realize she was crying until Lindow had said it. "Y-you can tell them, a-and then we can all get dinner....and play with Ren..." Damnit, he was too heavy, but she didn't want to leave him here. She had people shouting in her ear that the evac was coming, but would it come fast enough?
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They get to the rendezvous and the heli hasn't shown up yet. Damnit why were they taking so long?! She sets Lindow down on a wall, stained with blood and if anyone didn't know any better,s he was the injured party here.
"Lindow...please don't leave me here..." She cries quietly, keeping a tight hold of his hand. "Not like Haru...or Hide...please. I don't wanna be alone again...."
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kinships · 3 years
excuse lindow to carry setsuna over his shoulder and run "No time for questions! we gotta run!"
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"L-Lindow! Whats going on?!" Confused God Eater noises!!!
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kinships · 3 years
"Please don't call Tsubaki again... She hit my head so hard I saw the milky way. sigh ... Sakuya is still not talking to me. Ren kept slapping my face every time I close my eyes ... Sheesh .. you guys sure make a guy happy to be alive, hmph! Shouting at me like this when you should just feed me something yummy and give me beer" tiny pout "aah ahh~ soma probably does not care" no he knows he does but gotta play the poor guy card now. " Aaaah~ poor me~ not even a kiss ... What a miserable life."
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"For fucks sake, Lindow..." Setsuna sighs quietly, rubbing the back of her neck. "I think I fed you enough when you were stuck in a hospital bed. I don't know if I should reward dumbass behavior."
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"And you know thats a full out lie that Soma doesn't care, he does. He's jus very...uh....non-emotional about it. He might punch you though." How was this man a legendary God Eater again? Sometimes he was such an idiot.
She couldn't imagine why Sakuya wasn't talking to him...or Ren smacking him. Good Kid, she needs to give him some candy for that one.
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kinships · 3 years
setsuna finds ren running with a cigarette pack what does she do?
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Setsuna is gonna defo take it from Ren, find Lindow...
AND CHUCK THE FUCKING PACK AT HIS HEAD AS HARD AS SHE CAN. Seriously dude, stop smoking or this happens, goddamn.
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kinships · 3 years
It was weeks after the incident, Lindow was already back on his feet walking as if nothing happened. Once he spotted Setsu, he stealthy draped one arm around her shoulder, pulling her close to him "yo, cap'" he grinned at her "miss me? I sure did missed you, come here." Excuse him to hug her tightly, but then gently ruffle her hair "hehehe ~ you can't escape me now"
There is nothing she can say to him, except hug him back tightly like a little kid and push away and smack him in his arm, hard.
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"You idiot!" She's tearing up again. "Do I have to parrot every damn word you say?! Stay alive damnit! Tsubaki'd never forgive you if you went and died on her! Ren too!! I bet you haven't even apologized to her for the scare you gave her!!" Oh no, shes scolding him, at least that means she's not as upset anymore.
"Unbelievable...Have you even let Soma, or Kota or Alisa know you're okay yet?!"
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kinships · 3 years
"Set~su~na~" Lindow waved for the girl, while holding two beer bottles. "Wanna join me? Let's go drink together, yeah? Come on," he practically just hook his arm into hers and walk with her
Her sense is never wrong.
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"Didn't even let me- Hey!" She's getting dragged along, although she's not really fighting to get away from him. "I barely drink Lindow. Besides aren't you on duty tonight?" Has that ever stopped him? No. Will it ever? Never.
"Ugh. Fine. One."
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