#// im getting cramps but floyd REALLY deserves it
muraenide · 6 months
Holds Jade's tsum firmly in his hands and gently sinks his teeth into its plush cheek. It tastes... well, it tastes a bit like tea and cloth but also a little bit like dirt and mushrooms. Floyd wrinkles his nose, drawing back to put the tsum in his mouth and lightly gnaws on its flailing body.
If he put it in a pool of water, would it turn into some kind of eel mer too?
Unprompted / @sweetlybite
Before Floyd can flinch, he wraps an arm around his brother's neck from behind and anchors him against his chest while his other hand locks both of Floyd's arms behind his back. Jade was often so graceful it could be quite stupefying for some to realize his true strength, that he's no less sturdy than Floyd and perhaps even a little bit stronger than his gorilla-strength brother. His gaze is heated as he increases the strength on Floyd's neck, popping the tsum out of his mouth and chuckles as the poor little thing flies into hiding behind his hat.
"What did I tell you, Floyd? You can't simply just eat everything you see." Normally, Jade would simply let him off with a nonchalant warning, but today he is feeling a bit more playful than usual. His expression doesn't change as he grinds his teeth against each other.
Sometimes Floyd can be difficult to read. Jade can't tell whether he's doing this on purpose or it's simply one of Floyd's dumbass moments. Not that Jade can whine about it; Jade himself is the same.
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"I assume Mostro Lounge wouldn't miss their waiter for a couple of hours, especially one that's prone to skip his shifts uninformed." There's a smirk on his lips as he pulls out a rope out of nowhere. Jade's tsum watches the intensity of the exchange between the brother's gazes, unsure if it should be more afraid of Floyd now for trying to eat him or of Jade for the way he went from being sweet to manhandling his brother over him within a blink.
Later that afternoon, for a very brief moment it contemplates whether to discuss with Azul's tsum if they should release Floyd from the storeroom, but ultimately decides it's a terrible idea to betray Jade when his larger counterpart throws a smile its way every two minutes while they were in the lounge.
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