#// int. eunji
malayadb · 3 years
“Avísame cuando resuelvas el acertijo, yo dormiré por aquí.” // @winjins​
— Nooo, Eunji, que yo no puedo sola. Y la intriga de dónde está el mecanismo de apertura para la puerta me está matando —debía verse bastante ridícula, ahí toqueteando la pared y acercando su oreja como si intentase captar una conversación del otro lado—. Debe ser a control remoto, ¿no?
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fkookiez-blog · 4 years
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ౿ ﹕𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 …  * ! ㅤ —  @euforiias​
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               “ Después de todos estos años... ¿todavía tiemblas de miedo al verme? ” incredulidad en su tono pero un atisbo de sonrisa estaba presente en su semblante, gesto inusual en ella. 
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youthglcw · 4 years
ㅤ ㅤ  ` 🍹 / …ㅤ 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗲𝗳𝘁 𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝘁 𝗮 𝗴𝗼𝗱𝗱𝗮𝗺𝗻 𝗺𝗰𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗱𝘀. 𝗶 𝘄𝗮𝘀𝗻'𝘁 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝘁. ❞
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤSu mirada permaneció perdida entre la multitud incluso escuchando las palabras de su supuesta novia a quien calificaría mejor como una de sus mejores amigas a esas alturas. Como respuesta, frunció el ceño instintivamente y se apresuró a hablar con algo de dificultad a causa del alcohol: “ Mentiras. ¿Ya te olvidaste que te dejé porque intentabas flirtear con la encargada? Hasta te avisé que me iba pero parece que un par de tetas te anulan los sentidos. ” se acabó su bebida de un trago y dejó el vaso sobre la barra bruscamente, regresando su vista al frente. “ Ahora deja de distraerme, intento pensar cómo acercarme a tu nuevo hermano y decirle que lo quiero en mi cama. ” ( @giildcd​ )
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nessinborderland · 2 years
ok i just wanna point out, men have been making vile, disgusting cinema for DECADES that constantly has women at the focal point of brutal and sexual horror, if not psychological as well. The whole “im judging you for writing non-con” vibe from this anon is feeling a little “holier than thou”, like you’ve never watched a movie where a woman was unnecessarily raped, tortured and held against her for the “grasp of realness in film” by male authors, directors and writers anon.
It’s fanfiction, it’s completely made up, these characters cannot be injured or hurt.
Ness’s writing is important for this fandom. Unlike future writers for Gwinam, Ness has made him true to his character. Gwinam sexually harassed Eunji, he’s a fucking asshole, and literally anything happening in DBY and LIVEU is completely valid to his character. It wouldn’t be that wild, after knowing his character for him to do the things he has done or could do in future seasons or int he future of the fanfiction written about him. No one is condoning the actions, you think the bulk about of female followers and audience Ness has are truly drooling over someone that would genuinely do those things? No, we wouldn’t. The actor that plays him is attractive, same with Nirgai and a LOT of other male actors, in western AND international media.
Ness put PLENTY of warning tags on all her fics, if you do not like it, don’t read it or even, just not come onto Ness’s page.
(Sorry for the long rant, but it’s been brewing in my belly for DAYS NESS)
It will always baffle me how ready people are to judge writers (especially female writers) for writing non con involving fictional characters. We don't write it cause we condone it or wish it would happen to ourselves or others. We write it for the darkness, the control, the taboo, etc. It's harmless fantasy. Still, we're the ones getting death/rape threats like we deserve it, like the people sending these threats aren't the ones doing actual harm to real life people.
You'll never hear me excuse all these bad character's behavior, and I always make sure to tag everything to the last detail. That's also why I like to write them as in character as I can. I'm aware they aren't good people, and that's why I like to write them. People will only read it cause they want to read it.
People are more than free to dislike, unfollow, block, and even bad talk me behind my back, but I'll never understand all the hate sent to my face. You're the ones hurting real people (possibly even survivors themselves) while I and other dark writers just...write. That's all.
All I do is share my work with others.
I literally did nothing to hurt any of you.
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bravegifts · 7 years
What are shows with English subs that focus on Brave Girls! I need to watch them All! Thank you!
Unfortunately Brave Girls don’t appear on many shows that focus a lot on them, also sometimes they are featured with other artists (like their last appear on KBS), i will list everything below with also the minutes where you can find them :) 
Brave Girls OT7 Interviews / Shows:
1. Pops in Seoul with Brave Girls / Q & A 
2. Pops In seoul (idividual member profile introduction) 
- Minyoung / Yujeong / Eunji / Yuna / Hayun / Hyeran / Yoojin
3. Brave Girls at Immortal song 2: Songwriter Park Chunseok Special (from 12: 27 - 13:33 / from 39:03 - 49:21)
- (if you only want to see the performance without trying to find all the minutes lol) Brave Girls at Immortal Song 2 - MapoTerminal 
4. Brave Girls High Heels comeback stage The Show Interview  (from 00:00 - 1:22 but if you want you can still watch it till the end where they perform High Heels live)
5. Brave Girls interview “My boss is like.. my dad”
Brave Girls OT5 Interviews / Shows: 
1. [Real INT] Brave Girls Rollin’ “Elegant Sexiness Ephasized”
- [Real Dance] Brave Girls singing Rollin’ 
- [Real Live] Brave Girls Rollin’ without chairs Ver. 1 / 2
2. Brave Girls at Immortal Song 2: Park Jairan Special  (from 18:27 - 18:42 / from 19:23 - 26:23)
- (if you want to watch the peformance only) Brave Girls at Immortal Song 2 - Ranch Girls in the Straw Hat 
3. Brave Girls are this week’s special guide! [KBS World Idol Show K-RUSH]
Even if i didn’t list the unsubbed videos check them out anyway because even without subs Brave Girls expressions are super hilarious and they make everything funny even without knowing what they’re talking about 
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evil-writer · 7 years
@the-feminine-grotesque:  cassiopeia (dbsk's fanclub) will never truly die. DBSK was insanely huge once (and their fandom littered with terrifying sasaengs). but that said, they are at this point Old News.and they rly could've chosen a bunch of other younger more popular/relevant idols. i mean yunho isnt /old/ but he's old for an idol. i suspect banking on his popularity wasnt the biggest reason he was chosen. (maybe the PD's daughter is a longtime fan? lol).
honestly even they wanted to cast a dbsk guy...well one's a rapist, one only does musicals, one is still in army i think? well Changmin sohuld be free! he's improved at least lol. but anyway enough about them Kyung Soo JIn! i didnt know that was her in Plus Nine Boys. i feel so silly now, I watched that drama (i feel like we're among the 5 ppl in Int drama fandom that did lol) she was great! too bad all her scenes were with KYK. bleeeech.
speaking of PNB sungjae and chorong (the 19 yr old boy and his noona gf) are idols and did p well (and sj has had other better roles since). in fact sj is a young talent imo. just like eunji (but she loves singing so alas we see little of her). basically hiring an idol isnt always bad but more than that i didnt mention that plenty of idols go into the biz with the hopes of being fast tracked into acting roles by their agencies. usually ones who cant sing or dance well
is Jae Joong the one that’s still in the army? he was my fave (lol i don’t know if i qualify to have an opinion on this) because he sang that amazing cover of Though I Loved You. i think he was a not-Terrible actor, too? 
Kyung Soo Jin was an actual ray of sunshine i adoredddd her. i’ve been waiting for her to book more leading roles! but i’m also lowkey holding out hope for her to book a role in the next reply installment, just because those do seem to make careers. i’m also hoping we get a wife mystery in the next one, but that’s got a 0.01% chance of happening lolol knowing ShinLee. 
i always felt like Sung Jae was more like Im Si Wan? in that he was from a less (? idk if i’m right i’m not in touch with idol metrics) popular group and was more rookie actor than idol. the same could probably be said for Park Hyung Shik? and Eunji is my personal fave of all the faves, she’s just so charming! her success in everything makes me so happy, especially since she’d originally resigned herself to becoming a vocal coach because she didn’t have the “looks” which--she’s so hot?!?! so yeah, no, idols aren’t all bad! it’s just..........why Yunho??? 
in any case, i hope this at least means people pay more attention to Kyung Soo Jin. i want her to keep booking roles, the way Chae Soo Bin is. which!!!! i’m so proud of her!!!!!
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malayadb · 3 years
"todavía tengo un poco de miedo." // @winjins​
— ¿Porque de repente estamos en Gran Hermano? ¿O son las aparentes amenazas las que te preocupan? —preguntó sin mucho tacto, pero haciendo voz de sus propios miedos. 
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youthglcw · 4 years
ㅤ ㅤ  ` 🍹 / …ㅤ 𝗼𝗯𝘃𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗹𝘆 𝘄𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗻'𝘁 𝗯𝗲 𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝘄𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗳𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗶𝘁. ❞
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤNo aleja sus labios de la copa y bebe otro trago, manteniéndole la mirada a Eunji mientras se preguntaba internamente por qué parecía tener un imán para atraer pesados. “ Claro que sí, podríamos.” asiente relamiendo sus labios, su labial carmesí intacto, y continúa con el mismo tono siendo el vino que bebía lo único que podía endulzarle la boca más no sus palabras. “ Podríamos si estuviera interesada en pretender que me agradas. ” ( @giildcd​ )
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