#// kiri: is there a receipt... jk i wouldn't return ya even if there was one
herogauntlet · 6 years
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KIRISHIMA! Your present is my wonderful presence." He doesn't even knock, the door is just busted open. No choice Denki is in there, "Kidding, as much as I know my existence is a blessing I did actually get you something. Here you go." With that he produces a box from behind him, not that he did a very good job hiding it in the first place.
the first lesson of the living arrangement at the dormitory is that privacy doesn’t exist. closed doors do very little if anything at all to stave off companions and he wouldn’t have it any other way. kirishima’s room is fair game, open to all regardless of hour. kaminari just happens to be exercising this privilege.
“ do you have any idea what time it is, man? ” he teases. they both know an answer is not necessary. there have never been schedules designating when students are required to be in bed, but it’s objectively past when any decent person would choose to make a racket. evidently, kirishima is equally remiss in moderating his volume because laughter echoes off the walls loud enough that he makes a mental note to apologize to shouji later.
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though uttered in joking manner, there is no contesting that kaminari’s company is a gift in itself. hitting it off early on along with sero, they had grown inseparable, comfort spaces bleeding into each other openly, boundaries blurring indistinguishable lines that they haven’t looked back from since. as far as kirishima is concerned, he’s received plenty already. “ you didn’t have to get me anything! ” and he truly means it even if enthusiastic hands reaching for the package suggest otherwise.
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