#// narajiro is such a dad ;;w;;
c4rdsharp · 2 years
Narajiro reaches out & starts ruffling Luck's hair. ❛❛ Ahaha ! The ruffle suits you better , son ! ❜❜ Meanwhile , Koto's clinging tightly onto him , trying to get Narajiro to stop. ❛❛ Dad ! Dad ! Papa ! Stoooop ! You're gonna scare ---- Sweet Jesus ! ❜❜ Koto lets out a gasp as Narajiro hugs them both tightly.
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Years of being Berga’s younger brother had toughened him up some, at least regarding hugs. Mr. Unkaku’s tight squeeze around Luck’s waist wasn’t slacking, but it was far from restrictive. Luck waited to hear the eventual pop and crack of his spine contorting into some unseen shape, but nothing came save for Koto’s large gasp. Perhaps this had less to do with Berga, and more to do with Claire. i don’t believe Koto has ever met Claire, now that i think about it. Not that Koto really could nowadays. While Claire was still alive & kicking at the ripe age of 90, he was often too busy partaking in activities well outside of New York. If Luck recalled the last he heard of his dear step - brother, he had been deep - sea scuba - diving for treasure somewhere in the equatorial region . . . Really, though, this was a bad time. He had other pressing matters to attend to . . . such as the sorry state of his hair, now that Narajiro had undone all the hard work Luck set for that morning. It wasn’t easy, with his unruly curls, to keep it in shape. He could already imagine the amount of pain & consternation he would have to face in the next few minutes to pack it neat & tight again. Knowing it would be impolite to show his annoyance in the face of a family friend, Luck refrained from making it too obvious. Once Narajiro had loosened his grip on the hug, Luck stepped back & took in a deep breath, slowly starting to fix his hair as well as he could without gel or a comb. This wasn’t the first time Luck thought of carrying a brush on his person, for such emergencies whenever they were brought up. “ do not worry, big sis, i am quite alright. your father’s enthusiasm is quite familiar to me. loud and boisterous men don’t scare me as much as they may frighten other people, “ Luck finally said, regaining his breath, “ and, while i much appreciate the compliment, Mr. Unkaku, i quite prefer my hair the way it was. for professional reasons, you understand. perhaps, on my day off, i will wear it more freely, but . . . not today. thank you, though, i suppose. “ Well, it wasn’t as if he had meant to offend Luck by ruining his hard work – at the end of the day, it was a compliment to his appearance. Luck couldn’t be too mad at that. “ . . . although, i would appreciate a warning next time. if i had known you were so . . . mmm, personal, i would’ve prepared to accommodate you more. well, now that you are here, perhaps you could trade your daughter for a glass of whisky? she does look to be on the verge of passing out, “ Luck chuckled.
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