# ooc-> I should make a tag for when [REDACTED] posts here.. but it can’t be overt….
imxthexhandler · 2 years
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I posted 3,033 times in 2022
861 posts created (28%)
2,172 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,025 of my posts in 2022
#damnit barton do your paper-queue - 2,417 posts
#mission objective - 527 posts
#ask meme - 521 posts
#case notes - 264 posts
#redacted (nsfw) - 214 posts
#out of field reports - 197 posts
#operation watchtower - 196 posts
#bolo - 195 posts
#things the handler likes - 166 posts
#random post - 152 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#(...i can just hear the force theme while looking at this picture and here's me trying not to cry because that song makes me so emotional)
My Top Posts in 2022:
OOC: So my blog got tagged as explicit... Great.
And considering this is the second time in two weeks this is happening, it is not helping the paranoia aspect of my anxiety. It makes it almost feel like someone is reporting rather than Tumblr just being stupid.
If it’s the latter, then great job, algothrim. Because you missed the 3 p0rn bots that tried to follow me that I had to block...
If it’s the former, just what the crap? If you don’t like me (and I get it, hell, most of the time, I don’t even like myself) or you don’t like my writing (again, I understand), then just...unfollow or block or what have you and leave me alone?
Because this really makes me not want to write on here. It really saps the motivation I had towards writing, which sucks because I was finally getting back into a writing groove.
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I’ve had this blog for nearly 8 full years. EIGHT. I don’t want to delete this blog or move (not to mention all the sideblogs I’d have to move, too...) to a new blog! And it just... Like, what do I do? Do I keep posting? How long do I wait for the appeal? Just... ARGH! It sucks. It really, really, really sucks, and I just have been so stressed out and having my own self-doubts about my writing creeping in, and I just... WHY THE KRIFF WAS IT FLAGGED AND WHEN WILL IT GET REVERSED?!
So, yeah. I dunno. I guess let me know if you guys are okay with me still writing or should I wait till this sorts out (hopefully)?
16 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
Currently sexuality:
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Ewan McGregor twirling a lightsaber.
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Is this OOC or IC?
18 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
Waiting for the Right Partner
Hello, @caiti-creative-corner I was your Steggy Secret Santa! I am sorry for the delay. I was hoping to have your fic done by New Year's, but due to some work issues, it's taking me a little bit longer.
So, to hopefully tie you over, here is a Steggy mood board and themed playlist.
I apologize for the delay, but I hope this will give you some Steggy goodness in the meantime.
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"Waiting for the Right Partner"
-A Steggy (Steve/Peggy) fanmix playlist.
01.) "Young and Beautiful" covered by Postmodern Jukebox.
02.) "It's Been a Long, Long Time" by Kitty Kallen.
03.) "The Way You Look Tonight" by Frank Sinatra.
04.) "Sway" by Dean Martin.
05.) "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" by The Andrew Sisters.
06.) "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" by Frank Sinatra.
07.) "I Can't Believe That You're in Love With Me" by Rosemary Clooney.
08.) "Too Good to be True" by Dinah Shore.
09.) "We'll Meet Again" by Vera Lynn.
10.) "The Very Thought of You" by Billie Holiday.
19 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
[Continued from here.]
@w-e-b-h-e-a-d: Peter wasn’t expecting this surprise at all so when Amelia texted him saying she made a little nerdy video for him … His mouth about dropped on the floor when he saw dancing in nothing but the slave leia loin cloth and just a chain.
Amelia waited a couple of minutes before texting him again.
[TEXT: Peter] So, what do you think? 😘
She never attempted something like this before, so she hoped he enjoyed it. Granted, she got the costume for herself, but still, the video was meant to excite him.
23 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
[Continued from here.]
@w-e-b-h-e-a-d:  Peter quietly walked up behind her groping both her breasts in his hands and began to massage them between his fingers.
Amelia gasped, almost dropping her coffee as her boyfriend surprised her, his warm hands pawing at her breasts, her body jumping up slightly, shocked, before she moaned, and she glanced over her shoulder at him, her cheeks flushed a bright pink, her thighs clenching together tightly. “Peter!” she squeaked.
35 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Tagged by: the ever fab @koiwrites to look up mine.
Tagging: @agentjjkelly; @goddamnmuses; @bennyboylewis​; @agentsterling​; @marvariants​; @wildthiiing​; @leschanceux​; @manymusesbym​; @secretswritten​; and @glitchexmachina​.
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ragingwave · 5 years
Life updates first, general blog updates later. More than likely mentions of [REDACTED] illness.
I’ve been telling myself not to start this post with “i’m sorry” because I know I don’t need to apologize for taking time away for myself and a handful of you guys in this community would tell me that. But I can’t help the way that I am and I still feel bad for stepping away so here I am ANYWAYS saying that i’m very sorry to have left so many of you hanging. Be it plots, responses / asks, sketchy responses on Discord — for just not showing my usual vocal support at anything that’s been sent my way in the past few weeks. It’s not that i’m not interested in anything or anyone nor is it that i’ve lost muse for Nessa. Really, with the circumstances of life right now she’s never been louder.
When I made the call about a week or so ago to shift into low activity, it wasn’t  my favorite call to make BUT one that I knew was necessary. On top of some personal situations, I also wasn’t feeling the greatest in the spaces I consider to be my safe ones, including this blog. On the real? I’ve been on Nessa’s blog nine months longer than I ever intended to be. It’s been my main roleplay spot for some time now. So when I realized being on her blog didn’t make me feel like my best self as it usually does, I stepped back quick to remedy that issue and turned to other hobbies of mine. Things I feel safe and ace in and where my anxiety isn’t spiking every other minute over something that should be my hobby.
So when I got a call a couple of days ago that I wouldn’t be working the next few weeks due to the shutdowns, that I would have time to literally sit around and do whatever I wanted, it absolutely bothered me that coming onto this blog and lingering on Discord was still one of the last places I wanted to be. Like it hurts to say and feel like that? Especially when i’ve got so much in my heart right now for Nessa for ideas and interactions and to finally start sharing my stories for my other muses that’s been neglected due to time? I still don’t like it. 
But stepping away before all of this mess helped me realize why I feel the way I do. And that is a personal matter, nothing that I feel necessary to share or make shout about, but deciding to type this out and share where my head space has been the past few weeks is very helpful. So here we are.
No i’m not leaving this blog or shutting down Nessa. I’ve got too much to share and tell and so many stories and muses I want to see her cross paths with. I love Nessa and even my own discontent within my space isn’t something I won’t allow to let her go so easily. I can work through the ups and downs. I’ve done it plenty of times before. It’s just never hit so low.. 
I suppose I make this post to ask for patience and understanding during this struggle of mine. I still will like to post gradually and limit my time here for now because I want to reconnect with the hobbies that make me, me and find a better mindset again. But genuinely I appreciate every instance people make to reach out and interact. I appreciate every message I receive ic or ooc, and tag and while I may not be able to always get to it all or have the energy to provide a prompt enthusiastic response, it does not go unseen. And of course, I always appreciate those who respond to my reaching out. Since simply sending out memes has become the thing i’ve got enough energy for again.
If you’ve read this, thank you very much for doing so! It’s a bit of a messy wall of text than I intended, pretty rambly, but sometimes just blabbing into the void is easier / better when you don’t have some defined plan. 😊 
I hope y’all are taking care and keeping safe. My brightest thoughts and fondest wishes are always with everyone! 💛
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bhadpodcast · 5 years
So I’m not really sure you should post this because I’m gonna name the title and author of the fic but I’m just a little confused by this fic so here goes:
[redacted by request]
This was like Schrödingers Scott stan for me?
Ok so the first pairing in the tags is Stiles/Derek but then there is the “slow burn Sceo” tag and I’m like Sceo? but ok. It’s a re-write of season 6B, so all other seasons should apply (I’ll come back to that one).
So the fic starts with Siles and Derek already a couple (which has become like a little red flag for me? Now domestic fluff is great, I love that stuff. But lately a lot of not-really-Sterek fics have used that. Tag the fic Sterek, Sterek is already a couple, couple X/Y is the acutal main story) and Stiles is training with Deaton to be Dereks emissary (Derek is an alpha, either again or still). Stiles and Derek don’t really turst Deaton so they bring in an emissary from a different pack to help Stiles. So far standard fare.
This guy comes in and has practically a villain sign flashing over his head. Not only that but in his first interaction with Deaton he basically says “I’m the villain of this fic”.
Then Stiles sees Scott killing his dad and (the fic kinda lets it open ended, at first, if it really was Scott being controlled or something that looked like Scott) goes “I’m gonna use ALL my power to kill Scott” *record scratch* wait what? and Derek goes “whatever you say, honey” *eyebrow raise* ..ok?
So then Scott gas to go on the run from the Hale pack (which includes Lydia, yay, and Malia, ugh) with only the help of Deaton, Liam, Corey (who? lol), Mason and Theo. And I admit, this is the part where I started skipping. I basically only read the Sterek parts of the chapters (or the “not Scott” parts) which became less and less, so my knowledge of the fic gets kinda wonky.
Stiles gets more and more corrupted by evil!emissary (he had some funky name like Moody, Modhi, Moudi? idk, evil!emissary it is) and Derek is an alpha that goes “I don’t know what to do, lets just make my boo happy, I guess”. Evil!emissary and Peter kill Satomi and Derek just grumbles about it.
And this fic could’ve still been something if the author had made them villains. Like a dark!fic where Stiles and Derek hunt down Scott could’ve been interesting! but no.
I don’t remember which came first but Derek meets up with Scott and goes “I know evil!emissary is evil but I’m worried about Stiles, so could you plan something while I keep Stiles save?” and Theo arranges a meeting between Stiles and Scott and Stiles like “I know it seems ooc for you to kill my dad (and ooc for me to not have *any* questions, like at all) and that evil!emissary is evil but I will observe evil!emissary while you make a plan ok?”
I skipped a lot and still wasn’t complety sure if the author was a Scott stan. Stiles and Derek were dumb but not the villains?
Then it gets weird (I know, I *know* now? wait for it). The “ghost” of the Sheriff shows up and Stiles meets with him. The “Sheriff” informs Stiles of a spell that could proove that Scott is guilty and avenge the “Sheriff” (Stiles of course doesn’t question any of it because he knows that’s not how his dad sounds so why question it).
Derek tries to stop Stiles but is too late. Stiles does the spell, sees Scott didn’t kill the Sheriff (wow, what a twist, I’m shocked) but also turns Scott into a beta til the next full moon.
Then evil!emissary reveals that he was evil (dun dun dun!) and in a really surprising twist that the mute apprentince he had was actually a hexed Cora in disguise that he had turned into a alpha and manipulated the pack bonds to make Derek obsolete and him in control of the new Hale alpha (this fic could’ve been good! dammit).
Then he orders Stiles to kill Derek and Lydia and Stiles has no control over his body because he let evil!emissary manipulate him for 15 chapters. Now normally I would go “Dereks not really dead” but with this fic? I really didn’t know but I also was 2 chapters to the end and still not sure if this was a Scott stan, a twisted Sterek or a new!pack fan including Sterek for the hits.
Evil!emissary and Deaton have a showdown (btw before the showdown the fic “earns” it rating by having Liam/Brett and Scott/Theo bone) while Scott inacts his plan (since I skipped, idk if this plan was told or not).
Derek and Lydia are not dead (ha!), Deaton helps Stiles free himself from evil!emissarys control, the “Sheriff” is a vampire called Ennis, Scott and his pack subdue the other wolfes and evil!emissary dies (and meets up with a guy in the afterlife? apparently I skipped a tragic backstory, oops).
Stiles profusely appologizes to Scott and Scott gracefully accepts while remebering the Nogitsune (which brings to my other peeve, the *whole* fic when it comes to Stiles/Scott conflict they only mention the Nogitsune but not *Donovan*! Theo it there and they mention the Dread Doctors so season 5 must’ve happened but no Donovan?!).
The remaining alphas (Deucalion is there, I didn’t mention him because he does as much as he did in the real season 6B, and Brett became an alpha somewhere?) decide to have a peace summit and Scott gets to hold it because he’s the best.
The end
From chapter to chapter I was unsure. Is this a Scott stan? Ok this is pro Scott but is it anti Stiles? Why is there Sterek? Why even use it if not going full dark!pack?
Sorry for giving you this wall of text. Hopefully you found it even parts amusing. I don’t think you’ll read this fic but if you are: this isn’t written badly but here there be epithets, you’ll get a lot (a lot!) of the wolf/the older one/the dark haired one etc.
Thanks for letting me vent *kiss*
SK: Actually, I looooove this!  I could have warned you about EK though.
He pretends to be neutral and basically think sterek are hot and dumb. So he tolerates them, but can’t stand the attention they get over Scott. He’ll swear up and down he’s unbiased, but as you can see in this fic…. lol. 
A Good Guide for recognizing Scott stan nonsense in Sterek fics:
1) Scott is paired with someone who has a bigger following with Stiles (usually Theo, sometimes Liam and Peter). 
2) Established Sterek so they can throw it in the background
3) Stiles is extremely black and white. No middle ground, he wants to kill evrything, he’s recklessly impulsive, he acts like he suddenly hates Scott
4) Maliuggh is in the Hale pack
5)  Deaton is good and never questioned or he is and there’s an undertinge of racism
6) Everything *happens* to Scott, he never is the producer of action towards him
7) All the commenters are from the Teen Wolf Legacy discord
Again, they can have that fic, I’m not against it. I don’t even mind them tagging Sterek. Just as long as they know they’re not fooling anyone. *shrugs*
The main thing that bothers me is that without the pettiness there is a good and interesting story in there. I saw someone ask about the lack of communication and the reasoning EK gave for Stiles not questioning are the same that they try to give to Scott when he messes up. 
In a regular fan, you can hand wave this, but what they’re doing is creating a dynamic where we forgive Stiles for his actions and then when we rag on Scott they can point to it and be like “See? You’re racist! It was ok when Stiles did it, context doesn’t matter!”
That obvious lack of transparency is what makes it so you can’t enjoy a simple fic. Like is it worth their time to write 93k of petty fic? 
Maybe, but that doesn’t mean I have to read it. It’s even harder when it’s a WIP. Once I see the story going south I’m like PAUSE and wait until it’s done. 
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redemptia · 6 years
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                                                      DISCORD BASED 
How far would you go to keep your skeletons in the closet?
When   you’re   famous,   there’s   only   one   face   you   show   to   the   world.   The   one   that’s   done   up.   The   one   that’s   perfect.   The   one   that   can’t   make   mistakes.   But   everyone   knows   there’s   secrets   lying   beneath   the   surface   of   what’s   seen   on   Instagram,   the   red   carpet,   and   under   all the   makeup   &   special   effects. Take   away   Photoshop   and   what   do   you   get?   Addicts,   disorders,   scandals,   abuse,   allegations,   &   more.   In   this   world   when   you   have   something   “wrong”   with   you,   you   get   E X P O S E D. Located   right   in   the   middle   of   Beverly   Hills,   five-star   reality   show   Glamour Dissolved’s   very   own   Celebrity   Mansion   stands   high   at   seven   stories.   The   participants   have   ranged   from   Drake,   Ariana   Grande,   all   the   way   to   Beyoncé   herself. Shipped   off   for   one   reason   or   another,   whether   for   a   PR   stunt   to   get   their   image   bettered,   their   producer   forced   them,   or   they   naively   believe   they’re   going   to   have   a   platform   to   change   the   world,   one   thing   lies   in   common   with   all   these   now   reality   stars:   They   all   have   a   horrible   secret   they   desperately   can’t   have   shared.   And   they   THINK   they’re   here   to   escape the   problem. But   what   happens   when   they’re   forced   to   face   the   truth?   When   America’s   shiny   camera   shines   a   light   on   their   darkest   places?   What   happens   when   America   finds   out   the   truth   of   who   they   really   are? 
Tune in next week for GLAMOUR DISSOLVED to find out!
**This is an NC-17 verse. There will be drugs, sex, alcohol, blood, death, and controversial topics. Do not apply if you are easily affected. It will be trigger heavy.** 
- This is a discord only group. Paras and interactions should remain in the discord server. - If you do post something related to the verse on Tumblr, tag it with gv. hollywood secrets so everyone can see. For ooc gv posts, tag ooc. hollywood secrets. Track these tags, just in case. - Absolutely no drama ooc. Take all of it into ic. -  This is a mature verse. 18+ only. I will say to veer away from any kind of deep seated trauma. As much as we want drama, we also want to be realistic within a tv show context. Producers would not allow a freshly traumatized person onto the show due to liability reasons. Skew your moral compass, but don’t throw it completely out the door. We are aiming for hi-jinks, antics, controversy. Not subjects that will make people internalize and get uncomfortable. Take into consideration the wellbeing of those around you. Be smart. Be conscientious. - All characters welcome! Not just The 100! - This is set in Los Angeles on the set of a reality show. Your character will have cameras on them at all times. There will be in and out possibilities much like The Real World, Jersey Shore, and Keeping Up With The Kardashians. The difference is that there will also be behind the scenes opportunities. For examples on what the vibe of the verse is like, check out the show UnReal on Hulu. It’s the shit. - There will be weekly confessionals. Each week, there will be a question proposed by the producer. Have your character be as honest as possible in a self-contained paragraph. You may also have your character go into the confessionals room to confess something whenever you’d like, with other characters, as well. But limit it to one post per person. - There will be a monthly activity check. This includes having one ongoing thread with someone, as well as interactions with three people you haven’t spoken to yet. I want to encourage people away from bubble rp-ing. This is an inclusive space. Run a muck and create chaos with everyone. - This is a plotting based group. There will be no events. This requires teamwork and creating dramatic plot drops together. So have fun!! Mingle!! Create shitstorms!! - If there is a personal issue between writers, figure it out between the two of you privately. If all else fails, going to the admins should be the last resort. Figure it out. We are all adults and I expect everyone that applies to act like one. - Characters must be famous in some way. (There will be limited exceptions to this rule. I will discuss alternatives with applicants having issue translating their character into a fame context. Examples: Security, set designers, lighting, makeup.) - There will five producers played by people. And five NPC producers for everyone to puppet when they like. If you are an admin, one of your characters has to be a producer. - To start, we will have a 2 character per player limit. Once we have 25 people in the verse, we may revise this rule. - No mirrored faces unless the writer agrees. First person to come with that face has say. - Each character will have a roommate. There will only be five single rooms. It’s first come first serve. - Once accepted, I will send you a link to join the server.
APPLICATION PROCESS Submit the following here: click!
Name & Age: (Must be 18+) Character & Age: (Must be 18+) Faceclaim:  Claim to Fame / Occupation: Reason: (The producers lied. It’s part of their job. They told the stars that they were going to be on a new reality series called Fresh Start: Image Rehab. Without giving your secret away, what reason does your character THINK they’re on the show for? What reason are they telling people they’re on the show, instead of the truth?) Secret: (This will be redacted once accepted. The key is to actually keep this a secret from the other stars, and out of character. The NPC producers [aka Admins] already know. Your character gets to decide who they want to tell in game, and you get to decide who you tell ooc. It can be while hanging out with a roommate, by someone intercepting texts, or even a producer “accidentally” spilling the beans. It’s all up to you, with the approval of admins and making sure it doesn’t hit anyone’s trigger points.) Short Bio:
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hawkebird-archived · 7 years
Name:  you must be a level 50 friend to unlock my name Nickname: none. don’t refer to me. don’t talk about me. don’t look at me. (i got that avatar of the void persona going on, pal.) Age: 21 Faceclaim: none. I don’t have a face. Pronouns: they/them or she/her Height: 5′5″ Birthday: [redacted] Aesthetic: Purple, owls, soft surrealism, tree houses, beloved dragons, faded gods, big teeth, elves (i have an aesthetic blog actually @past-tents​) Last song you listened to:  I was listening to the Moana soundtrack before getting online; not sure which song played last, though. I think it was one of the instrumentals.
Favourite muse(s) you’ve written: How could you ask me to choose between my children Actually, Vineme (@gladioluscaptation​) is a terrible and disgusting person, but also very interesting to write. And fun, usually, though there are times when she goes off the rails and gets to be too much even for me. She’s got a lot of stuff going on under the surface, mentally. I kind of wish someone could force her to get serious and face some of that, but at the same time, it’s absolutely antithetical to who she is. (I could write tons of Vineme meta, tbh, but I vastly prefer letting things come out in character than talking about them ooc.)
Of course I also have great love for Mirrak (@theislandtrolls​) considering that she was basically my only/primary muse for like a year.
What inspired you to take on your current muse (that you are posting this on): I just? love?? Hawke???? People bash DA2 a lot, but it was the first Dragon Age game and really the first heavily story/character-based game I played, and I love it. It has plot holes you could drive a truck through, but that just makes me want to write my own versions, tbh. (@Bioware hire me to single-handedly remake DA2 I will do it with love)
What are your favourite aspects of your current muse: Honestly one of the things I’ve been enjoying in RP is how Hawke can go from goofing around to very serious in an instant. Like, one minute it’s joke joke goof, the next it’s “and I’ve watched hundreds of people die, their deaths still weighing on my conscience because I couldn’t save them.” Chill, Hawke.
Also, it’s fun to play a muse whose setting and therefore worldview is so dramatically different than most of the other muses they interact with. I haven’t run into a lot of other characters who hail from medieval worlds where violence, xenophobia, and prejudice are so rampant and widely accepted. (I mean, Alternia is like that but it’s ... different. I guess because Alternia doesn’t really have a front of polite society? Like, most troll muses understand that their world is hyperviolent and unpleasant, whereas Hawke sees Thedas as normal and has nothing to compare it to.) Like, one of the interesting moments early in this blog was when Nadir got really angry at Hawke for calling him a demon, a slur in his context, and kept accusing Hawke of bigotry. Hawke was just baffled because Thedas hasn’t really gotten to the point of “hey bigotry and prejudice are bad” yet; they’re just accepted parts of life, often even encouraged. This is not to say that Hawke supports bigotry, just that they didn’t have the context to take that accusation seriously in a modern sense. I’m trying to come up with an analogy but none are working too well ... I guess it’s a bit like if you told someone back in the 20′s or whatever, before people really realized/believed that tobacco was harmful, that they needed to stop smoking?
(Bonus fun fact: Hawke is actually the most well-adjusted, emotionally healthy, and socially adequate muse I have, which is .... something.)
What’s your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing: ????? I just don’t know how to shut up. (Honestly I wrote something about displacing my feelings + wish fulfillment but then I remembered that I have some seriously creepy muses and like .......... nah.)
Favourite types of threads: I love? everything?? I do enjoy threads that explore the world a character lives in, whether through them telling someone else or through the other character physically hanging out with them. (It does get tricky, though ... I mostly notice it with my Mass Effect OC’s since they’re supposed to be experts who could definitely explain all their tech and history and I’m over here like “I don’t?? know???? please stop asking me how mass relays work I don’t know I love Mass Effect but the science has never made sense to me.”) I also love threads where, like, characters talk out their feelings? (Pro tip: ask Hawke about their insomnia and/or nightmares sometime.) For Hawke I would love to have them talk about their companions more, but I feel like it’d be weird for them to just start giving strangers full bios and descriptions of their relationships. Also, light banter threads are really fun, and I have to say that this (Hawke arguing with @revasem Fenris purely through dog gifs) is probably one of my favorite threads from this blog; I think about it like every day.
Biggest struggle in regards to your current muse: I’m used to RPing Homestuck, and since Homestuck has a canonical concept of multiple universes/timelines, it’s very easy to explain duplicates, discrepancies in canon/headcanon, etc. It’s been kind of difficult to handle that stuff with a muse who not only doesn’t have that concept but whose religion and worldview actively deny it. (”As there is but one life, one death, one world ...”) Honestly I would love to do more in-person threads and whatnot but my ability to do so is kind of limited by the fact that Hawke continues to suspect that everything out of the ordinary is demonic or otherwise harmful -- which is completely normal from their perspective! It’s funny watching people be like “wow you’re paranoid” when Hawke has actually been far more open to the otherworldly than they probably should be, given their belief system and the Thedan/Andrastian worldview of “demons are trying to tempt us all the time.” And, like, even if you manage to convince Hawke, a character like Nadir or Acer who looks obviously nonhuman can’t just walk around Kirkwall without inciting panic and templar attention.
Tagged by: @defectivetaurus​ Tagging: ?????????? do it or don’t do it as you prefer but uhhh @unemused @jesuitic-thanatoid @technologysavvy @themindfang @revasem
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