#// rare lgts mention real???
the-elevator-twins · 4 months
(Drops in an inkwell filled with dark red ink, and a red quill with a needlepoint nib on it, and a case full of different kinds of nibs.)
"Here ya go! I'm sure Elise won't mind if I gave you her special ink and quill for now!"
> "Elise. . ? Is that someone who used to work here. . ??"
(i) > You glance at your brother for some kind of explanation. Yet, as always, he doesn't provide an answer. A half-temped shrug was given before he rolls the nibs against the case.
> "Whoever it is, she's trusting us to take care of it. If I were you, I'd be careful."
(i) > The irony here is palpable. . .
> "The feather looks nice. She must love the color red."
> "Maybe she likes you."
> "Huh-- What are you talking about?"
(i) > Again, Neil ignores your question, though this time, he lets out a quiet snicker to himself. All you can do is roll your eyes and hope to keep this 'gift' in good condition until then.
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redribbons09 · 7 years
As a trans man, you have no idea how rare it is to find headcanons on straight/bi/pan trans gender headcanons on characters. Most the headcanons are 'Beautiful gay trans man baby' or 'My strong trans lesbian girl'. It's worse some of my LBGT+ friends broke off my friendship with me when I came out as straight and dating a awesome supportive pan cis girl. I feel less welcome and feel like a thing that needs requirements in the community I'm supposed to be in. They only like the LGT, instead the B
It’s rather ironic at times how the LGBTAQ+ community (well, I call it that rather than LGBT) is supposed to be about unity and acceptance, yet it’s now notorious for policing, borderline segregating, othering, and gay-te keeping.  ADoseofBuckley coined the term “gay-te keeper” on his Scumbags of the Internet series where in that video he calls out a lesbian for shaming a bi girl just because the bi girl hadn’t had experience in dating women yet.  
Additionally, on ADoseofBuckley’s video, I noticed that there were a couple of comments from people who are LGBTAQ+ themselves that were not part of the community - some even hating it or just blatantly refusing to ever be part of or associated with them.  Many of them were bi/pan/demi along with one gay man whose account really stuck out to me.  
With his account, this man mentioned that he’s gay (I’m not sure if he was cis or trans, he didn’t mention), yes, but not at all flamboyant or campy in the slightest because that just wasn’t his style.  Yet, when he came out, everyone in the community would say stupid shit like “oh, then why are you pretending to be straight?” or “I’d never guess you were gay!” and he got irritated.  I did, too, because, in real life, I’m considered quite “manly” due to my more masculine behaviour (even my voice is considered “manly” due to being a low alto).  Apparently, that must mean I’m a lesbian, a transwoman or at least attracted to girls.
Tumblr is a confusing cesspool where the majority are idiots who are hypocritical and usually don’t stand by their beliefs.  It claims to be accepting of LGBTAQ+ people, but like what you said: only the LG and T matter, but even then, the T only matters if it’s with an L or a G.  Otherwise, they’ll be happy to tell you to fuck off.
Apparently, it doesn’t matter if the girl is not straight or cis, or if her male partner is not straight or cis, either.  You’re a girl dating a guy? Tough luck: doesn’t matter if you’re a bi-cis girl and your boyfriend is trans and pan.  You’re still in a “het” relationship so that means you’re a traitor or unimportant.
People should seriously quit being stupid because it’s seriously harming people.  Heteromantic and heterosexual means to be “romantically/sexually attracted only to the opposite sex.”  Last time I checked, biromantic and bisexual means “romantically/sexually attracted to both sexes.”  Pansexual means “does not care for sex or gender as they’re not restricted by the gender binary”.
There’s also the harmful stereotype that most people think being trans means something along the lines of “ultimate gay person” or can only be gay.  Never mind that there are straight, bi, pan, demi and ace trans people out there.  Even then, somehow being a straight trans person makes one “lesser” in the LGBTAQ+ community simply because they are straight.  I think it’s because most have some sort of beef with straight people, in general.  Though I can assume it’s from homophobia and a bad experience pertaining to it, there are some who are simply like that because they are young, sheltered, impressionable or mixes of all of these.  Regardless, I’m still highly unsympathetic towards such people because they’re simply judging a group of people rather than a person.  Don’t condemn or bash a group of people just because of one or several assholes from that group.  The only exception to this I’d have are groups like Neo-Nazis.
Most of my headcanons for characters I like rarely involve trans headcanons mainly because of Tumblr being stupid and frothing at the mouth in regards to fictional characters that aren’t even theirs, to begin with.  However, when it comes to writing my own characters and stories, I do involve trans characters from time-to-time.  One story idea I had featured a pan trans-boy as the protagonist, but I’m a little nervous about this idea due to the more psychological aspects I want to explore (namely body dysmorphia from a virtual reality game since you live as your ideal avatar in the game).  Another idea had a straight trans-woman as a party member (she’s a Monk though Final Fantasy style) who has a close friendship with the only straight person in the group (a man who’s a Dragoon).
As for you breaking off your friendships with those people - honestly, good riddance.  They just strike me as not being real friends.  Unless you did something heinous like murder, that’s no reason to abandon or be nasty to you.  You deserve friends who treat you well not because of something shallow like your race/sexuality/gender/belief/social class but because they like you as a person.
That saying so, that’s great your girlfriend is supportive! All the best to the both of you! :D
Cheers,- Ribbon/Hebi 
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