#// she's fucking insane oh my GOD. dani-coded.
taperjeangirly · 1 year
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bi-bard · 4 years
You Aren’t Alone... I Promise- Malcolm Bright Imagine (Prodigal Son)
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Title: You Aren’t Alone... I Promise
Pairing: Malcolm Bright X Reader (I tried to make this gender neutral)
Requested: Nope!
Word Count: 2,687
Warning(s): Kidnapping, death, mentions of previous murders, general dark subjects so please read with caution
Summary: Malcolm and (Y/n) were always close. (Y/n) had accepted every part of Malcolm, no questions asked. Most people would look at this as something amazing, right? But what if there was something more? What if there was something more to the situation than anyone knew?
Author’s Note: I have been tossing this idea around for so long! I am very excited to writ it but it’s going to be a little bit long so be prepared. 
“Hello,” I said in a cheery voice, closing the door slowly behind me. My mom walked around the corner and hugged me. “Good morning.”
“Good morning, sweetheart,” she replied. “What are you doing here?”
“I managed to get ready early so I thought I’d stop by on my way to work,” I shrugged. 
“Would you like some coffee,” my mom asked, pointing at her coffee maker. “I just made a fresh pot.”
“That sounds great,” I nodded, walking to her fridge and grabbing out some coffee creamer. 
“Have you guys had any interesting cases lately,” she handed me a travel cup, its lid, and a spoon. I shrugged.
“We had a murder last week but nothing too extreme since then,” I replied. 
“Well, maybe you should head in so you don’t miss anything,” she stuck her tongue out at me. 
“I’m sure talking to you a little bit in the morning won’t make me mi-”
And then my phone started ringing. I groaned and looked at the caller ID. Gil was calling. 
“And that’s my queue to go,” I shrugged. My mom pulled me into a tight hug, wishing me good luck. 
I quickly answered my phone on my way out, struggling to push open the door with the travel cup and my bag. Gil quickly rambled off a few quick facts as I went jogging out of the apartment. 
**Time Skip**
Come at least pick-up a little dinner tonight, I smiled to myself as I read my mom’s text. 
She didn’t have to offer me food on a normal basis... I was an adult. She didn’t need to let me steal her coffee. She was always doing the most. Probably more than needed but I loved her more than anything for that. 
“I thought I was the only one who smiled at crime scenes,” my smile went from my phone to Malcolm, who was walking over. “How has your morning been?”
“Definitely better than others,” I shrugged, giving him a brief hug. “What about you?”
He raised his eyebrows for a second with a look. That had become a simple signal. Still didn’t get enough sleep, probably didn’t eat, and his mom probably stopped by. I hugged him again, kissing his cheek. 
“Okay, we have a crime scene to look at,” I said with a grin. He nodded and grabbed my hand, dragging me over to the scene, and then promptly dropped my hand.
The scene was in an alleyway. It was like the killer was making a show of it all. Who were they entertaining? No one besides themselves. It was disturbing to see or think about.
I was ready to vomit when I walked into the room. A girl was tied up by her wrists. She looked like she was covered in blood. Her hair was matted, her clothes had blood stains and tears in it. Malcolm’s hand briefly touched my back as my face morphed into a look of pure disgust.
“Alright, please fill us in,” I said, looking over to our little team.
“Chloe Morrow, 23, found tied up without her tongue,” I grimaced as Gil relayed the information. “Edrisa has more specifics.”
“Yes,” Edrisa popped her from behind the body. “So... as bloody as she looks... that wasn’t the cause of death.”
“How the hell is that not the cause of death,” J.T asked.
“Well, the cuts were made after the victim had died, something else killed her,” she shrugged. “I don’t quite know what it was but my money would be on an overdose if it wasn’t lack of food or water. She was definitely dead before most of the bigger marks were made.”
“That’s so demented,” I mumbled. “And then to display them in public. God.”
“What are these,” we all looked at Malcolm, who had since walked over and lifted the shirt of the victim. 
“Don’t know, it looks like a code but I don’t understand it,” Edrisa replied. 
I stepped a little closer, staring at the markings. They were written in pen...thick, black marker. The killer wanted to know that you could see the marks. My eyes widened as it clicked.
“I know what this is,” I said. Everyone gave me the look that they usually give Malcolm, absolutely confused and a little more shocked than they need to be. “It’s Pigpen cipher. I learned it from my... parents.”
“What does it say,” Malcolm asked. I held my hand out, asking for a pen and paper. I quickly jotted down the symbols and filled them in letter by letter. “So?”
“‘I’m home,’“ I answered. “That’s what it says. Why?”
“Edrisa, find the cause of death,” Gil started listing off responsibilities. “Dani and (Y/n), go see if we have files on any other killers that use messages like this.”
**Time Skip**
“Nothing,” I smacked the table. “We’ve been searching for hours and we’ve found fucking nothing!”
“Hey, hey,” Dani stood up from her seat. “We’ll figure this out.”
“I just want answers,” I groaned, grabbing a file and opening it. I read over the general details. “Holy shit.”
“Did you find something,” she asked. 
“Unsolved case, the photos are of pigpen cipher, and disturbing injuries,” I handed a few photos over to Dani. “It looks like that last case was almost 13 years ago.”
“Maybe the killer was on the run for a while and now feels like they can come back,” she suggested. 
“Or it’s a copycat,” I mumbled, praying that it was only a copycat and not the original killer because... of personal reasons. That’s when the team walked in.
“What did you find,” Malcolm asked, looking right over my shoulder. 
“Almost an exact match for our murder,” I answered. “Cipher, injuries, all of it.”
“What does the cipher say,” Gil leaned on the table. 
“It looks like quite a few have been translated,” I shrugged. I rambled off a few examples, “‘Faith, money, liar...’“
“They’re all messages, lessons,” Malcolm added. I nodded.
“This guy has a serious John Kramer complex,” I looked at the confused stares from Gil, J.T, and Dani. “Jigsaw? From the Saw movies? The torture-porn ones?”
“Ew,” J.T. mumbled. 
“He thinks he’s superior,” I continued explaining. “He thinks he’ll inspire people by completely mutilating others.”
“Disgusting,” J.T grimaced. I nodded.
“The Pigpen Killer,” Malcolm decided. We all looked at him. “What? I can’t give the serial killer a name?”
We all ignored his question as Gil started speaking.
“Alright, we comb through evidence, follow up on any leads they had,” Gil instructed. “We need a list of who to look into. Got it?”
“Yes, sir,” Malcolm playfully saluted before grabbing the file from my hands. 
**Time Skip**
“Try and get a little bit of sleep,” I mumbled, kissing Malcolm’s forehead as I went to walk out of the precinct.
“I’ll try,” he replied before fully kissing me. “Get home safe, please.”
“I will,” I promised. “Bye.”
“Goodbye,” he waved at me as I walked off.
I was on high alert the entire walk. I had rounded corners slowly, ready to fight if I needed to. I probably looked insane but I didn’t care. This was exactly what I needed to do. 
I thought that everything was perfect. I thought I was being safe... and I was. I thought I was going to be able to go home and relax.
I did get home.
I didn’t get to relax.
I walked in and was met with another person right inside. I was about to scream when a cloth was held over my mouth. I struggled against whoever had grabbed me until I felt a cloud form around my brain as my body went numb. I slowly stopped fighting as everything went black around me.
**Time Skip**
I slowly woke up, blinking and trying to clear my head. The entire night slowly came back to me as I looked around. I was still in my living room. My arms were secured behind me and my legs were tied. There was some kind of cloth tied in my mouth.
My breath picked up when I heard footsteps behind me. I wanted to yell or do something but I couldn’t. I only saw the person’s back as they walked to my table and grabbed a chair, placing it in front of me. 
He yanked his hood off. My eyes went wide. He pulled the cloth out of my mouth with a smirk. It wasn’t a copycat. Why couldn’t it be a copycat?
“Dad,” I asked in absolute shock. He chuckled before doing some weird, condescending version of jazz hands.
“Hi,” he said. “Did you like my little code? Did you tell your cop friends or did they figure it out?”
“Why are you here,” I asked. “Why did you come back?”
“Can I not visit my kid,” he replied. 
“You were on the run,” I continued. “You probably could have hidden away for the rest of your life. You didn’t need to come back to the city and start killing again.”
“I don’t want to hide,” my dad rolled his eyes. “And I won’t have to.”
“Why,” I mumbled.
“Because you’re going to confess,” he explained, standing up to grab a camera from my closet that typically had my paper towels and other cleaning supplies. My apartment was kind of tiny. “You’re going to confess on camera to the murders of my 13 victims... well... now 14. I go off, never looking over my shoulder again, and you get a cute fluffy prison cell where you might get to eventually see your little boyfriend.”
“If you hurt Malcolm, I swear-”
“I won’t touch him,” my dad rolled his eyes. “I will... however.... kill your mom if you refuse. Remember when she tried to turn me in?”
“You’re psychotic.”
“The police still have me as a suspect because of her,” he ignored me. “Now... she’s tied up in your bathroom. If you refuse, I make a message out of her. If you don’t refuse... it ends. You and your team will never have to deal with me again. Look at the facts. You confess... and I disappear. Deal?”
“How do I know I can believe you,” I asked. “You could just be lying so I’ll play by your rules.”
“Oh my god,” my dad moved and grabbed the back of my chair. 
He tilted it back slightly so he could drag me over to my bathroom door. He pushed the door open and there was my mom, tied in place, sobbing, clearly scared out of her mind... and I couldn’t help her. My eyes filled with tears.
“So, do we have a deal,” he repeated. I nodded. “Good... keep yourself together. The crying will give something away.”
He dragged me back to my previous spot and set up the camera. I bit my lip, staring at the floor. I was trying to figure out exactly what I was going to say... and then another thought came to mind.
Malcolm. He was pretty much the perfect profiler. He would know this was fake. Maybe he would know that I wasn’t actually guilty. He could be my hero.
“Ready,” my dad clapped his hands. I nodded slowly. “Okay... and...”
He just pointed to me when he hit record. 
“I guess that guilt gets to us all at some point,” I started. “I have fooled everyone since I was in my teens. I used the appearance of innocence to hide everything I did and create a conspiracy around my own father. I am what the police have named the Pigpen Killer. I’m sorry to my team and to everyone who trusted me. It’s time to move forward. It’s time to face the time for my actions. It’s over.”
The camera switched off and my dad clapped again. I jumped at the sound. 
“Good job,” he cheered. “All of that in the first take, I’m impressed.”
“Just let my mom and me go,” I hissed as he walked over to my computer. I watched him transfer the video. This was it. The day everything ended. 
“I can’t let you call the police after I leave,” he shrugged, finally moving away from the computer. “So we’re going to watch the news of your little video.”
“How are you going to make sure that you don’t get caught if they come here to get me,” I asked. 
“Don’t worry about that,” he shrugged, pulling a chair over to sit next to me after turning on the TV. 
I couldn’t see anything but I could hear it. My heart started beating faster and faster. This was going to be the end of it all... if Malcolm couldn’t help me. I needed Malcolm to help me.
**Time Skip**
I had started crying once the report started. Not only was the news going, but Ainsley was the one reporting. I could hear her voice crack as she spoke. My shoulders were shaking as I started sobbing. They all thought I was evil. Everyone.
I had gotten to the point where I had given up hope. I was going to jail, my dad was going to go free, and my mom was going to be left on her own.  It was over. I was done for.
“I should really be going,” my dad said, as if I wasn’t tied up. “It was nice seeing you, kiddo.”
I just glared at him as he walked around me. I turned my gaze to the ground as he started to untie me. Both of us froze when the door slammed open. 
A group of detectives walked in. A few grabbed my dad but I was focused on Malcolm, who had come speed-walking in after them. He was quick to untie my arms before starting on one leg while I started on the other one. 
I basically dove off of the chair and hugged him tightly. Malcolm rubbed my back, mumbling quietly in my ear. I moved back for a second. 
“My mom,” I said through my sobs. “She’s tied up in the bathroom.”
“Get her,” Malcolm nodded to Dani. 
The rest of the event was a blur. Malcolm had guided me outside. I watched my dad get pushed into the back of the cop car. Malcolm wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I leaned my head on his shoulder. 
“Thank you,” I finally mumbled, after standing next to him in silence for a long time. “I knew that you’d know I was lying.”
“You didn’t move your body at all,” Malcolm explained. “I knew something was wrong.”
“Thank you,” I repeated before kissing his cheek. “I... I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you about my dad.”
“It’s alright,” he replied. “It’s just he was still running around and I didn’t want him to hurt you or Ainsley or Jessica or Dani or Gil or-”
“I understand,” Malcolm cupped the sides of my face as he cut me off. “I completely understand, I promise. From one kid with a psychotic dad to another, I understand.”
“Can I stay at your place tonight,” I asked. He nodded softly, kissing my forehead. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” he mumbled, pulling me closer as he started leading me away from the scene.
That night, my name was cleared. With a smile, Ainsley reported that my confession was false and that the true killer has been arrested. My mom was taken care of and protected so she could have a peaceful night’s sleep. Everyone was safe... everyone was home.
The city blew up with the news. Some of them were honoring the victims. Some of them were saying that they knew I was innocent. The internet ran with it; screaming about the false confession from the comfort of their couches. 
Malcolm and I just went straight to his apartment. He sat on the couch with me, waiting for me to fall asleep... which I didn’t. We found this quiet peace where no one had to talk. No one had to be scared. It was the only thing I could ask for at that moment.
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danisavin · 7 years
this mess is ours.
❧ a florin forest elopement
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date: 21 july 2017 (canon) -- 24 Aug 2017 (pretend date :p) @ approx. 3:00 pm location: an anonymous spot in the Old Growth Forest
the newlyweds: daniela octavia savin + samuel irving floros wedding pronouns: partner / groom + husband / spouse (or partner) the officiate: iann cardero the witnesses: fane savin + freya floros also featuring: holmes the dog -- official bouquet-holder
-- - As a massive ‘fuck you’ gesture to the elders of the Floros Coven for attempting to condemn their relationship by threatening to cast out Sam if he didn’t leave Dani romantically, Dani had proposed to Sam that the two of them run off and elope. Sam thrillfully agreed and the two of them threw together an extremely spontaneous wedding event. The ceremony is small and intimate, just as they wish it to be. A secret. At least until they drop a pic of their rings into the wild world of SpringySnaps and the Savin afterparty confirms it. Instead of giving one another physical rings, Dani and Sam will be having their rings tattooed on their fingers following the ceremony. 
-- - For the sake of Soapberry’s sanity, and for all of Sam and Dani’s threads and the town events occurring after the canon wedding date, we’d like you to pretend this hadn’t happened yet. For the reception, we’d like you to assume this is all occurring on the pretend date listed above. Any new threads and such from hereon out will include the pair as spouses. Life got in the way of us posting this sooner, and we apologize (in exchange we made it really fucking cute). 
note: wedding inspo and images from this forest elopement and the wedding of hayley and jackson from the originals (predominately the style of the vows because they are lovely and precious).
@samuel-floros / @fanesavin / @ianncardero
SAM: Sam picked up Freya at the shop by blasting the horn of the flower van at her until she came out. When he told her what was going on, she let out a high pitched squeal that never seemed like it would end, followed by a stream of “Oh my god, oh my god,” over and over again. There was still a lot to do, but first they had to swing by the cabin because Sam had decided to bring Dani there at the end of the night and finally spring his surprise. So Freya helped him set the place up enough to spend a few nights in, with a mattress on the floor in the bedroom made with sheets and a bunch of pillows. He hung up some tapestries and fairy lights to make it look cozy, and put some essentials in the fridge, and once he was satisfied, he and Freya went back to the house. He showered and pulled together an outfit from his closet--black skinny jeans of course, though Freya yelled at him, a checkered shirt and a vest. He put his hair back up, and greeted Freya in her pantsuit and heels at the door. She was his best man, after all. Their last stop was back to Meadowsweet, where he put together a bouquet and flower crown for Dani, a matching boutonniere for himself, and a short garland of ivy and white flowers for Freya to do the handfasting. She’d found the spell in one of the spellbooks in their attic, and practiced the incantation by murmuring it as he drove them to the forest. They were the first to arrive, and he looked over at Freya letting out a breath, the initial adrenaline of rushing around starting to calm down as reality dawned on him. “I’m getting married today,” he said, and she grinned over at him. “Hell yeah you are.” Another car pulled up, and Sam got out of the van, feeling a flutter of butterflies.
FANE: Fane had received an immensely vague text from Dani that morning, a text that literally read: be at the entrance to the old growth forest at 3pm and dress smart. Leaving him wondering what the hell they were doing. They used to go on hiking trips here when Dani was younger, but it had been a long long time since anything like that happened and the dress code hardly fitted hiking. If there was one thing Fane hated it was vagueness, and this... Well, he had no idea what was going on. Working the morning and taking the afternoon he returned home to get dressed opting for a checked blue suit with brown shoes and belt to match anxiety gnawing at him from the inside out as he tried his best to piece together any sort of thing that might be going on today that he'd been forewarned of. Heard mentioned... anything, but nothing sprung to mind. Eventually he resigned himself to the mindset that whatever was going to happen, was going to happen. Dani had more secrets than he really knew or seemed to be let in on these days and he'd just have to settle for not knowing. Pulling up in his normal ride, he climbed out recognising Sam's van immediately and the sight of Sam and Freya looking particularly tidy (the latter also looking particularly over the top excited) which had his brows furrowing together whilst confusion etched his features. "Hey... er," he waved his phone a little "got a weirdly super vague text and I'll admit to being super confused... Is everything alright? You're not about to tell me you've got a body in the back of that van and I was your go-to person for helping to bury it right?" A bit of humour to mask his uncertainty about whatever was going on here.
SAM: Sam couldn't help his grin when he saw Fane, going over to his very soon to be father-in-law. Freya hung back by the van, doing double-checks of the things they had to bring with them and changing into her sneakers to make the hike. "Hey," he said back, a little amused at the confused look on Fane's face. "No, there's no body." He figured he might as well tell him, while they waited for Dani and Iann to arrive. He still felt those excited-nervous butterflies in his stomach at just saying the words. "Dani's on their way... We're getting married. Like, right now."
FANE: Fane managed a faint smile as Sam mentioned the fact that there was no body. "Darn. Oh well, next time." Yet, that still left him very in the dark about what the hell was going on and some enlightenment would have proven to be useful. Yet, when it was given a short time later, all that was earned initially was a look of shock, further confusion, a return to shock as he opened his mouth and promptly shut it again with a mild sounding "oh..." escaping him. There was a temporary burn of ire about having something suddenly sprung on him again though he kept it from his expression, much as he'd done earlier, he opted to take the backseat. "Wow... That's-- fast?" he really wasn't sure what to say considering he still hadn't wrapped his head around it. "When did this come about?" Seeing Sam's giddiness over it though eased some of his misgivings and a small smile graced his features, "Nervous much?"
SAM: Sam let out a nervous breath, watching all the emotions that flashed across Fane's face. "Well, we've been together six months, for us that's plenty of time," he said, knowing that their situation was different. It wasn't like he'd just met Dani six months ago-- they'd spent the majority of their lives together as best friends. The time since they'd finally pushed past just being friends seemed to fly by blissfully. "Um, this morning? It was Dani's idea...There's some stuff, coven stuff? Going on with me and..." he shrugged, not wanting to get into it all just then. "Long story short, we're taking a stand. Together." He shrugged, like it was nothing, then chuckled a little when Fane asked him if he was nervous. "Yeah, a little," he said with a laugh that was more nerves than anything else.
FANE: Fane blinked a couple of times as the gravity of what was going on started to sink in, but Sam made a decent point and eventually Fane conceded. Sam was already practically family he supposed. Though just as he was coming to terms with that, the next answer made him regret asking his question. "Sheesh, what is it with you young ones and..." He shook his head, letting that sentence fade off, but the mention of coven stuff earned a concerned look from him his thoughts, shifting from what was going on to checking on Sam's well-being. "You'll tell me about it right? Later? If there's anything I can do to help you, I'll do my best, alright?" He wanted to know if there was anything he could do, but just as he went to speak again, he heard the approach of another car, stepping up to lightly pat Sam's shoulder as Dani and Iann arrived.
DANI: “Holy shit, I’m doing this. I’m actually doing this. Shit.” Dani sucked in a breath as they sped down the forested roadway, eyes peeled for the dirt path that would take them to the designated rendezvous point. Their fingers were gripping the steering wheel so tightly that their knuckles were white, and their heart was in a rush, still catching up with the reality that this was, in fact, happening. The elopement was their idea. After being away from Sam for a month and coming back to hear that his coven had cast him out while they were absent, while he was at his weakest, something powerful had stirred in them. A need to make a statement about their relationship that showed those opposed to them just how fucking inseparable they were going to be. But they hadn’t thrown out the idea as merely an act of vengeance. Dani loved Sam. They were in love with him. And even after all they’d been through, they’d chosen one another. Best friends, but so much more. It had been a morning of insanity running about to make plans, choosing who would be there, finding a dress-- and here they were now, still crazed, yet beginning to settle into the monumental nature of their commitment. Holmes sat in the seat beside them in the Jeep, looking up with a grumpy sort of, ’Calm down, human. You’re going to be fine,’ expression. Iann was in the back, thrown into the mix by Dani on the agreement by Sam that, as their mutual friend, he was their perfect officiate. “Am I crazy?” They asked him with a glance into the rearview mirror. “Like, I’ve done a lot of insane shit but I’m starting to think this tops the bill.” They took a few deep breaths as the opening of the forest came into view and they pulled in to park, finding both Sam and Fane already present. When they cut the gas, they unbuckled their seatbelt and turned around in their seat to stare back at Iann. “You’ve got my back, right roomie?”
IANN: In truth, Iann ended up being more miffed that a dog ended up getting shotgun, and he had to clamber into the back of a Jeep -- which were notoriously cramped in the back! He was practically hugging his legs, and his ass bumped and jarred along every pothole along the old road! -- than he was about hearing why Dani suddenly required him here, now, and dressed as he was. Still, Dani never asked anything of Iann -- ever. The tiny human was self-sufficient to a tee; and Iann could imagine why, considering he'd met Fane Savin and the vampire's proclivity for 'Can I help you? Let me help you. There I've helped you, no, no, no please, no need to thank me'. And Dani had opened up their home to Iann in return for Iann's... basically nothing. Getting his ass whooped by something other than Tuah (heh heh) was a small price to pay for a day that was, supposedly, one of the happiest days of one's life. Okay -- happy notwithstanding, because Iann was fully confident that Sam and Dani would only keep multiplying each other's happiness as the years went by, this was going to be an important day in their lives. Very, very important. And for some strange and unfathomable reason, Dani Savin and Sam Floros chose Iann Cardero to be present for this very very important day. Must be that online ordained minister certification he got drunk one night as a colossal joke. It was still legit, regardless of Iann's reasons -- and wasn't this a great fucking reason? "Yes! You're both fucking crazy," Iann confirmed, voice jiggling until Dani pulled to a stop, and Iann eagerly clambered out. He came around to Dani's side of the Jeep, arm on the brace as he looked at them. "But isn't that the point?" he asked with a grin, holding his hand out to them. "That you're both crazy and this is going to happen and it's the start of something new and real and together, hm? Now come on, you two will have one helluva story to tell everyone afterwards, for years to come. It'll be great. I'll take photos. Uh -- " Iann paused, when he saw Fane Savin there as well. But of course it made sense. "Right. Come on, kiddo."
SAM: Sam nodded at Fane's request to tell him later, and he fully intended to tell him everything. He'd been shouldering the weight of being ejected from the coven alone for too long, and now that Dani knew, it didn't seem as scary to tell other people, too. "I will, just not tonight. Tonight is supposed to be happy." He figured Fane would get the insinuation that the news wasn't happy in the slightest, but he didn't want to deal with any of that right now. He steadied a little at Fane's hand on his shoulder, turning to see the Jeep roll up. "Here we go..."
DANI: Dani wasn’t sure how they felt about Iann’s confirmation until he clambered out of the Jeep and over to their side after Holmes, who immediately sat down to await his human. He was old, and although Iann was a very dear companion to Sam and Dani both, elderly dogs raised from their puppyhood still won first priority in regards to seating. The sight of Iann’s grin drew a smile out of them whether they liked it or not. “Yeah… yeah, you’re right. Must be all that old man wisdom,” grinning then, Dani put one hand in his, grabbed a fistful of their dress with the other, and hopped to the ground. The familiar feel of their combat boots on the soil was a confidence boost they sorely needed. “You look great by the way,” they added with a whisper. “And thank you, for doing this.” His hand was squeezed ever so briefly before Dani breathed, looked down at Holmes, and walked out to join the rest of the roughly assembled wedding party.
FANE: Fane was settled a little by Sam's assurance, at least that he'd be told in due time was enough, and with the arrival of the car, his eyes left Sam and studied the Jeep for a long few moments, eyeing Dani in the driver seat and... Iann? In the backseat. Vaguely he recalled Faye mentioning him officiating her impromptu wedding and wondered for a second how he even came to manage to do that... But, then he remembered at almost exactly the same moment that this was Iann Cardero. What couldn't that man find a way to do or get done if not by his own hand? As they approached, he shook off some of the negativity weighing him down and smiled gently as Dani approached. "No jeans with holes ripped in them and flannel 'eh kid? I'm disappointed." But his words were belied by a teasing smile as he shook his head, unable to fathom this was actually happening. "You look incredible--" he said quietly in their ear as he wrapped them in a tight embrace before drawing back and casting a look at Sam's flabbergasted expression, unable to help needling him with a little bit of humour in kind, “though, I'm pretty sure there's something somewhere about not seeing the bride before the ceremony, although it also seems to be you're marrying a guppy considering how he's gawking right now."
DANI: Dani felt their throat starting to tighten when Sam and their father came into view. Evidently, they had a cooler composure than Sam, able to keep their wits about them as Fane grabbed their attention -- which was a blessing, really, because it helped them to keep that composure in place rather than sinking into gawking like their groom. They knew he wasn't going to be thrilled about the sudden nature of all this, but at the end of the day, he was their father, and they couldn't have him miss such an important day in their life. "No, no jeans. But, there was the consideration of a suit." Dani tipped their head with an almost bashful smile, clinging to him tightly in the short moment of their embrace. "Thank you," they whispered back at him, turning to press the lightest kiss to his cheek before they separated and their eyes shifted to Sam. "True," they chuckled at the sight of him, "but lucky for us both, I'm not a bride." Dani reached out to take Sam's hand without having to look for it, letting their attention to the others fade out for a bit. "Hey," they grinned, "I see you pulled out the Dress Chucks," and then smirked. "I had no idea we were getting so formal."
SAM: Sam swallowed around a dry throat as Dani and Iann made their way around the Jeep and over to them. He let Fane greet them first, mostly because he was standing there stunned, not even able to move yet as he took in the sight of Dani in their wedding dress. Once Dani came over to him, their fingers entangling on instinct, he found himself with a nervous, and quite dopey, smile on his face. "Hi..." he said, breathlessly. Then another nervous laugh bubbled out of him at Dani's words, since they always found a way to put him at ease. "Shut up," he teased back, pulling their hand to bring them closer to him. "You look… wow."
FANE: Fane gave Dani a quick squeeze before letting them go, looking then between the pair and not wanting to intrude. Instead, Fane stepped a little away, giving them a few moments to themselves before they went to wherever the pair had decided their final destination was going to be. He passed the time by rattling off a few quick texts here and there to organise some things back at home considering he assumed that it was where things were going to be hosted. Better to at least get something put together than be left dawdling as he had done with everything going on now. He trusted Ryan to oversee the organisation of things, though also had a feeling the progeny wouldn’t be too pleased at being left out of this particular set of events. They’d have to be placated another time. With that done, Fane settled, tucking his phone away into his jacket, noting that Iann in the meantime seemed to be busying himself with the dog.
IANN: Iann distracted himself with... well. With the dog. Turns out the rickety old thing was good for something, and that was for making Iann look busy and occupied as the family had their family time. And the two soon-to-be newlyweds had their newlywed time. Iann hovered over the old beast like his guardian, pondering a variety of things: why this impromptu decision between the pair? Why was it held out here? Why didn't they want more guests? What was he going to say, because it needed to be special. Why his friends always looped him into marrying them last-minute without any time to prep. And then suddenly -- Iann looked up at the couple. Did this mean they were going to start living together now? What would become of Dani's loft? Iann couldn't see Dani just giving it up... could they? No. Maybe? Then again Sam mentioned that old cabin he was building, which in two to six weeks was going to be a completed living space, an actual home. Iann pulled at his chin for a while, then scratched at the old dog's head.
DANI: Dani giggled at Sam's breathlessness and dumbstruck standing in general. They'd see him nervous before gigs many a time, but right now he was downright flabbergasted and Dani wouldn't have had it any other way. "Never," they snapped back in an adoring way, holding tightly to his hand as he pulled the two of them closer together. They got a little shy then, glancing down at their dress and shifting on their feet to feel the steadiness of their boots once more. "Yeah," they smiled, looking him over from the bottom up. "You too." The witch's hand was brought to their lips for a kiss, and afterwards, they looked over to where Freya was standing, then back again. "Are we-- all set then? Should we head up?"
SAM: Sam kept looking at Dani almost as if he had never seen them before, until he managed to compose himself at least a little. Still, he colored at the little kiss to his knuckles, his face going hot and there wasn't a thing he could do to stop it. He let out a breath. "We're really doing this," he said, as a smile took over his face. It all fell into place so easily. He nodded, looking over at Freya, who lowered her phone from taking pictures, her eyes already red. "Let's go," he said, turning back to Dani. "I can't wait to marry you."
IANN: "Oh so -- so it's not here?" Iann asked that Floros girl (he forgot her name again, but at least she was the one taking photos because Iann had completely forgotten that he said he would; and besides, she was probably far more talented at it). "It's -- down there, okay." Iann grinned at her. "I'll just stick with you. Let the lovebirds drift on ahead, hm?" He gave her a friendly elbowing as he whistled for Holmes to follow with them, hand shoved in his pockets as he motioned to Sam and Dani. "Lead the way, you pretty pair."
DANI: "We are really doing this," Dani reiterated, breathing similarly. It all felt so surreal, and yet it wasn't. It was very, very, real. And when the Floros Coven found out, oh boy would they be pissed. The thought made Dani grin widely. They squeezed Sam's hand and didn't even try to stop the pink that dusted their cheeks at his line. The little high it gave them almost stirred them to a few tears. But they held it together, saving their eyeliner and their composure in the process. "Me neither," they whispered up to him. At Iann's interjection they nearly jumped. For a second, they'd forgotten he was even there. Thank gods he'd helped them remember or the wedding wouldn't be happening at all. "You got it," they called back at Iann and started off up the trail with Sam's fingers still tangled in theirs.
SAM: Sam was completely caught up in the whirlwind of emotions and exhilaration as Dani squeezed his hand and started to lead him off to a good spot. They didn't have a specific place in mind for the ceremony, but they both agreed that they wanted it actually in the woods, with nature all around them and their most loved ones there to witness. It would be perfect. Then Freya called out, "Oh!" and ran back towards the van, the keys in her hand beeping to unlock it. She came back out with a bag and hurried to catch up to Iann. "Almost missed out on my Best Man duties," she teased, grinning up at Iann and then snapping another picture of Dani and Sam as they walked ahead of her.
IANN: "What is that? Rings?" Iann asked the Floros sister (Friga? Fiona? Filippa?) as he strolled, slowing just a little for her to catch up with her bag. He didn't try to talk to Sam and Dani, leaving them to their own little world -- after all, this was literally a crash course. Most people took weeks, months, even years to plan their marriage. It seemed like Dani and Sam were going at it cliff-jumping style. He would've asked the Floros sister, but decided not to. Whatever the reason, it had to be serious. At least, Iann figured, it wasn't on the Savin side of things since Savin Sr. was here. Which meant... Iann squinted at Sam -- his hair, his checkered shirt, his ass that fit so well in those tight pants, naturally. And Dani's hand bumping against it, no surprise why. "Anytime you two want to stop," Iann called out again, looking behind when the cars were out of sight and they were definitely in the forest. But Sam was here, and he knew these forests like the back of his hand, no doubt. Iann had no need to worry about getting lost.
DANI: Although Dani had started off their trek into the forest, as soon as the trees thickened, they gave up the hike's leadership to Sam. As an earth witch, he had the best sense of the forest. When the spot was right, he'd know it. They'd know it. Iann and Freya trailed behind them with Holmes padding along at Iann's side, panting, and Fane took up the rear -- no doubt being more careful of his steps considering his footwear and the shallow mud that Sam, and even Dani with their dress, weren't bothered to traverse (though they still avoided it as best as possible, for understandable reasons). Iann's call prompted them to catch up to Sam's side. "What do you think?" They asked as they stopped to stand on a fallen tree trunk to let the others catch up a bit. "It looks like there might be a nice spot up there," they pointed to the rising path ahead of them where it widened and curved off to the left.
SAM: Sam felt at ease in the forest, and he led their small troop through confidently -- though still avoiding the worst of the mud since he was wearing his Dress Chucks. A few times he reached back for Dani's hand, helping them traverse over fallen logs and such with one hand clutching their dress. In the back, Freya looked over to Iann. "No, they don't have rings. Yet. I don't think," she explained. "It's a bouquet and stuff. Sam made them before we came out here." It had been touching, watching him throw together beautiful wedding flowers on a whim. But Freya had been crying on and off all day and she was determined to hold out until the ceremony now. Up ahead, Sam stopped at Dani's voice and turned back, struck by how they looked in the forest, standing on a trunk in a wedding dress like it was nothing. He smiled fondly and went over to them, sneaking in a kiss. "Yeah, right over there where it clears."
IANN: "Here, lemme hold that," Iann said, taking the bag as the trail got a bit more challenging, and he went forward and helped Freya if the little witch needed any assistance. "Bouquet and stuff...right yeah. This is all really spontaneous, hm?" he grinned at Freya, then glanced back at Savin Sr., who seemed lost in his own thoughts. "Typical Dani and Sam."
FANE: Fane’s hands had snuck their ways into his pocket, feeling a little more relaxed with them out of the way, the quiet click of the lid to his metal lighter the only sign to his unsettled state as he trailed after the others. For once he was not particularly paying much mind to his surroundings or making any real fuss about, well, anything -- just keeping his thoughts to himself. There wasn’t much point to it anyways, considering how heart-eyed the couple wandering together were and not that Sam’s mention of this being some stand against something or someone made it any clearer just what had brought this rather impulsive act on. His phone buzzed in his pocket, and Fane pulled it out to check it, the contents of the message making him smile fondly at the screen before he tucked it away again. Whilst he knew well enough the feelings here were genuine, the others occupying themselves with conversation left him feeling a little secluded despite the whole occurrence and a part of him silently wished for Faye to be present to make him feel better.
DANI: Dani felt more relaxed the further they walked. With just Sam and themself at the head, they were reminded of why they'd suggested this idea in the first place, aside from the gesture to Sam's coven. There was a peace Dani felt around Sam that only he could conjure. He made them feel balanced and secure, and gave them the confidence to believe they could overcome whatever troubles they faced. Here, in his element, they held so many fond memories. How could they resist adding one more to that collection? They smiled softly towards him as he approached to sneak a kiss, which they returned gladly in kind. "Perfect," they pressed their forehead to his brow just briefly and stepped down from their perch, glancing backwards at the rest of the troop. "I hope you're all ready 'cause it looks like we've found our spot."
SAM: Freya handed the bag over to Iann, knowing everything had been enchanted to keep its shape despite the trek in the woods, so they didn't have to be super careful with it. "Super spontaneous," she said with a grin, taking Iann's hand as he helped her along. "But I'm also not surprised at all." She let out an audible "Awww," when she caught Sam kiss Dani, watching her brother blush again with glee. Sam smiled at Dani, his cheeks flushed pink, and nodded. "By that tree," he said, pointing.
IANN: "This is it?" Iann asked, to him it looked kind of like everywhere else in the forest -- but hey, it wasn't his wedding. "Just tell me where you want me and ahhh... also what sort of.... how you'd like the ceremony to go?" Because Iann was betting on them being spontaneous, but yet having this mutual vision of exactly how they wanted this wedding to go.
DANI: Dani shrugged over at Iann. "It feels right and the earth witch agrees, so-- why not?" They walked up towards the small clearing and stopped next to the tree Sam had indicated. "I think we're gonna have you stand right in front of this tree here," they glanced over at Sam for a quick clarification. Despite the shotgun nature of their wedding, the two briefly engaged partners had taken the time to sit down and lay out of the ceremony itself. That was the part that mattered, anyway. They'd could have worn anything or brought anyone or done it anywhere, but they managed to throw together a little something that they both agreed on, and here they were now, on the cusp of what was likely the most significant day in both their lives thus far. "We thought we'd start with whatever little introduction you want to give," Dani began to explain to Iann, "then we'd have the whole declaration of intent thing -- ya know, the whole 'do you really want to marry this loser?' part, then Sam and I have some vows, Freya's gonna do a unification spell, you and Dad," they looked over to their father, giving a smile, "can say some final words if you want, and you can close us off with the official declaration bit. Ooh--" With a reminder popping into their head, Dani reached down and pulled a small scrap of paper from their boot, handing it over to their roommate. "There's our full names, in case you need them, and... Iann, really, you don't have to get formal or sappy or anything. Just do you, yeah? We wouldn't have picked you if we were expecting anything else."
FANE: Fane came to stop a little time after the group, hovering around the edge of the spot that Sam had chosen for them to stop in. The sun shone brilliantly through the branches and Fane stood in a patch of rays, letting them warm him a little where he stood whilst Dani and Iann worked out the logistics. He looked at Freya who had come to hover nearby, watching Dani and Sam thoughtfully before his eyes slid aside to her. "Waterworks all set?" he joked, figuring there were going to be plenty of tears throughout the event and day.
SAM: Sam hovered near Dani, letting them take the lead in getting everyone set up for their short ceremony. They had decided together how they wanted it to go before they split up for the day to get ready, but now that they were at the spot and the time had actually come, Sam felt nervous all over again. It didn't have anything to do with not being ready or sure about what they were doing-- he wanted to marry Dani, and not just as a statement towards his coven, though that was going to be satisfying when they found out. They wanted to marry their best friend, their partner in life and love, and be theirs forever. Meanwhile, Freya glanced over at Fane, watching them set up. She flashed an already watery grin up at him. "Oh I've been crying all day," she admitted, getting her phone ready for more pictures. "Sam," she called out, then gestured with her head over to the bag now in Iann's hands. "Oh, right," he said, going over and getting the paper bag, bringing it over to Dani. "I made you some things," he told them, not feeling nervous or shy anymore, just excited for them to see the love and care he'd put into the flowers despite the short notice. First he pulled out the flower crown, watching Dani's face as he placed it gently atop their curls.
IANN: Iann nodded at Dani's instructions, figuring the human with all the plans had, well, a plan. Spontaneity was fun and all, but they weren't stupid teenagers doing something for fun and rebellion's sake. As impromptu as this obviously was, there was a lot of care and thought put into every single tiny little detail. From the guests, to the pacing, to the schedule, to the location, and apparently even to the flower... things. Flower-things, that Sam was decorating Dani with. Iann turned away from them, because one thing they didn't plan (on purpose?!?! these two little bastards) was what Iann was going to say. "Just do me," he muttered to himself, but there was a smirk on his lips as he shook his head. "Like it's so fucking easy, these kids, I swear." They'll be the death of him; and really, Iann wouldn't really have it any other way. Well -- he was always good at winging it (and Dani KNEW that, ever since their first meeting on the SS Cormorant) so he'll wing it, they'll like it. Hell, they probably wouldn't remember a damn thing he said anyway. He could recite the Magna Carta and all they'd remember was the look in each other's eyes and the details of each other's smiles, and the words spoken between each other, for each other and by each other. Good stuff. Iann turned, satisfied as he waited all Minister-ly and benevolent like he should for this happy occasion, etc etc.
DANI: Dani wasn't looking for specific lines from Iann because they trusted -- and rather liked -- his talent for 'winging it.' He always brought a thrill and energy to their adventures even at the worst of times and it had kept Dani on their feet more than once. He would do great, and even if he fumbled, he could count on the fact that Dani and Sam would more than likely be distracted with one another throughout the ceremony. When Freya called over to Sam, Dani's eyes snapped to her, then followed her nod to the bag that Sam took from Iann's hands. Of course, Sam would have whipped together some flowery creations for their wedding. A bouquet and a vine of sorts for the unification spell were expected, but the flower crown was a pleasant surprise. "Was this Freya's idea or yours?" Dani failed to hide the color in their cheeks as they dipped their head and laughed. When they glimpsed up at him, they fought back with a smirk. "I'm guessing you've got a bouquet in there too, flower boy?"
SAM: Sam smiled softly, noticing the light blush on Dani's cheeks as he placed the flower crown on their head. "Mine," he said, a bit proud of that fact. He just thought the flower crown was something they'd like, and he was pleased to see how it completed their ensemble. He chuckled a little at their teasing question, shrugging as nonchalantly as he could manage. "Of course. But first..." He reached into the bag again, rustling gently inside until he came up with his boutonniere, in the same purple and green that Dani's bouquet was, the pin already in it and ready to go. "Want to do the honors?" he asked, passing it to them.
DANI: "I love it," Dani whispered up to him hearing it had been his idea rather than Freya's. Sam had made a flower crown or two for them before this, but usually on request for special events. To have one he'd made entirely of his own accord for them had a sweeter ring to it. When he rummaged through the bag again and this time pulled out a boutonniere, they gave a quiet chuckle. "Aw, cute. Our wedding's starting to feel a bit like prom," they joked with a grin, taking the boutonniere and holding it up to his vest to find the right spot. "I'll try not to stab you." After shooting the witch a wink, Dani pinned flowery accent into place and stepped back to admire their work. "There, you're all done up now."
SAM: Sam chuckled a little, holding still as Dani fastened the boutonniere to his vest. "Try not to draw blood," he teased, looking down to see it once it was done. "One more thing." He pulled the bouquet out of the paper bag, glad he had placed a simple spell on it to keep it from getting crushed on the trek here. He'd spent the most time and care on the bouquet, making sure everything else matched what Dani would be holding, but giving it a little more oomph of its own. It was tied simply with twine, leaving the stems showing, purple and white flowers cradled in soft greens. He handed it over to them, watching for their reaction to it. When he set the bag down, Freya scurried forward to whisk it aside and get her garland for later.
DANI: Dani had half a mind to prick Sam with that pin just for laughs, but they decided against it at the last second. They didn't want any blood stains ruining his outfit. Instead, they shook their head at him and pinned the boutonniere in place as they were meant to do. Then, he returned to the bag once more to hand over the one piece they all knew was coming -- the bouquet. It had to be beautiful, obviously, because Sam, local florist extraordinaire, had arranged it, but despite not being anything massive or showy, the simple, wild-looking bunch of flowers mixed in the couple's favorite colors made their heart swell. It was perfect. It was them. There was a tiny hiccup of breath as they took hold of the flowers in one hand -- delicately, like they might break -- and found Sam's hand again with the other. "This is the best one you've made yet," they said to him with a gentle, loving smile, sliding their fingers between his and just holding there firmly. They didn't even notice as Freya scurried over. And then, with a faintly shaky breath, they looked around at everyone who they'd gathered together. "That's it then, isn't it? We're ready."
SAM: Sam couldn't help smiling proudly as Dani took the bouquet, watching their face as they looked at it. He'd been inspired by them in choosing wildflowers, the purple and soft green being obvious choices to him, knowing Dani's tastes. "I'm glad you like it," he said, beaming at their praise of it. His smile held as Dani twined their fingers together and they moved into place. He let out a breath when they announced that they were ready, turning towards Iann feeling both nervous and excited.
IANN: Iann looked at nothing all this time, or really he was intently staring at a caterpillar that was slogging its way up an arbutus tree in the distance. Fat little caterpillar, the kind you want to root for when it puts so much effort into the simple act of moving. And then slowly, using some sort of thick, silvery web, dropping itself from its destination down… down… lower towards Fane Savin's anxiously groomed hair. Oh no. Iann took a step forward and opened his mouth -- but the action prompted Iann to look down from his perch on the thick tree root and see two shining, excited faces looking up at him, beautifully decorated in all sorts of delightful flowery concoctions. "Just look at you two," Iann said with a grin, forgetting about the caterpillar completely. "Like two peas in a pod. I'm sure that's what everyone said about you both, without realizing that the 'wise old adult' teasing would end up with Sam and Dani shoving that sentiment right back in their faces, hm? The most happiest form of rebellion against anyone and everyone who gets in your way. And let's be honest -- together, there's likely very little that's going to get in the way of your new life together. Dani, you're resourceful, bright, perceptive, complex, and generous. And Sam, well… Dani really loves you, so obviously you're doing something right," Iann grinned, because of course he had to tease the Floros. 
Iann paused for a moment, before looking at Fane and -- Freya! That was her name. "Folks, is it any surprise that we were pulled out of our daily routines and surprise-wrangled into a beautifully planned wedding for these two? Everything executed and designed how they wanted to plan it, because if a wedding day is about anything, it should be all about the people who're getting married, right? Now, you two say your vows to each other -- take as long as you need -- and then we'll get all formal about it."
FANE: Fane gave Freya a smile, breaking off their short conversation that they'd been having in the meantime whilst the others sorted out flower crowns and the introductory aspects of things. Now that things finally seemed to get moving, Fane ducked over until he stood nearby Dani his hands still tucked out of the way in his pockets. As Iann addressed himself and Freya, he merely offered a faint smile. "I mean, I think I out of anyone have the ability to say it's about damn time considering how long they have been a double act inside and out of the house." But he grew quiet once more as the pair began to recite their vows agreeing with Iann in a way that this was, if anything, perfect for the couple in front of him and if it made them happy, then what could really be said against it? They'd overcome whatever trials awaited them together, and Sam was in a roundabout way officially becoming his son (in law) but whatever, technicalities. Who really cared about those anyways?
DANI: Dani set their focus on Iann as his introduction began, smiling fondly at first, but unable to keep themself from laughing a little as he picked on Sam, which was something, in part, they were counting on. They might not have been able to stand through a formal wedding. This was light, humorous, easy. It took away the stress, but a few nerves still lingered. How couldn't they? When Fane raised his voice, Dani turned their head to look at him. 'It's about damn time,' he said, and Dani’s throat caught, resulting in a noise that wasn’t quite a chuckle, but more a happy-sad sort of noise that came with a pinch of color in their cheeks. They weren't asking for their father's acceptance -- that was the whole point of a private elopement anyway -- but it meant the world to them to have it nonetheless. Thank you, they mouthed to him quickly, not listing any specifics because there were far too many to tell.
When they turned back to Sam, they built their composure back up in an instant. Fane's words had brought up a memory that, frankly, they were surprised hadn't crossed their mind until now. What they chose to say wasn't a part of the 'official' vows they'd sat down and written, but it sure as hell was a meaningful inclusion. "Remember that day we first met when I shot you in the forehead with a nerf dart from the top of the stairs as you were coming in," briefly, they glanced back to Fane, "and Dad, you were all cross with the whole 'Dani! That's not how we treat our guests' thing? Oh my god," Dani threw back a short laugh as they set their gaze back on Sam, "the look on your face was priceless. And I wasn't really sorry about it, but I invited you to play with me anyway because, you know, why not. But then when you were leaving, you found out I wasn't actually a guy -- which he totally thought I was, by the way," Dani murmured that one to Freya with an amused glance at her and Iann before returning to Sam again. "After that, I didn't think you'd come back. The other boys I'd met would only play with other boys, but you-- you did come back, the next day." There was a tiny pause there, a sniffle, and the eye contact that Dani held with Sam took a momentary break. There was an annoying wetness to their eyes, so they tried to blink it away. They wouldn't have cared if it was only them and Sam standing there, but it wasn't, and Dani didn't like shedding tears in front of other people. Tears meant weakness, and they were supposed to be strong for everyone in their life -- for Sam, for their family, friends, everyone. They would cover it as best they could, yet there was also the possibility that they'd get lost in the moment and wouldn't even notice a stray tear or two escaping their control. Maybe... maybe that wasn't such a bad thing. So, with a hastily cool strung back together, they continued, breaking out a bright, though mildly bashful, smile for the man in front of them.
"That day was... basically the happiest day of my life up to that point. I'd never had a friend before, no one outside of my family who liked me for me, not for convenience. Then, six months ago, you did it again. You came back into my life and you finally broke that stupid friend barrier we were too scared to approach for years. And now we're here," they tightened their hold on his hand, blissfully unaware, as they'd hoped, of the one tear that fell down the right side of their face, "which I couldn't have imagined all the way back then, but fuck," they loosed a soft, rickety chuckle, "I'm never gonna be sorry about that dumb shot, because somehow, it got us here, surrounded by our favorite people--” they paused to look around at everyone, but their eyes dropped at the sound of a bark, which called for an eye roll, and another chuckle, as they met Sam’s eyes once more, “--and dog -- and now my happiest day is the day I get to marry you, you fucking dork."
IANN: Weddings could be so weird. How many weddings had Iann gone to? A grand total of maybe two, if one counted that half-assed officiating at that party, that was Faye and her husband’s marriage-type thing. Now three, with Dani and Sam. And still, Iann marveled at the way one was supposed to display stories, feelings, emotions -- all sorts -- for an audience. Maybe this audience was small, but it was still an audience. And it was clear that Dani didn't like to display their emotions. Iann wished he had a starfish blanket to toss over them, and spare them the discomfort of being in front of everyone else except Sam. At least Dani was aware of why they didn't like to cry in front of others, even if the reason was very rooted in the way they were brought up, the people they looked up to and measured themselves against. Iann cried all the time himself, but he didn't understand why he didn't like it; he just didn't, so shut up, etc. Iann chose not to look at Dani while they gave their vows, studying his shoes instead, and Holmes at his side (okay, feeling the warm dog-weight against his shin was rather nice, he'd grudgingly admit that), trying his best to pay zero attention to anything Dani was doing or saying. Let their words and emotions be between Dani and Sam. Freya was extraordinarily good at being happy for the young couple and Fane Savin was… well Iann wasn't quite sure what Fane Savin was, but it seemed a little distant. Maybe he was doing the 'calm and cool dad' thing, Iann didn't know. Regardless, when Dani drew to an elegant and no-doubt touching conclusion to their vows, Iann looked up again. "Your turn, Sammyboy. Please tell me this is the moment where your sister tugs a guitar out of that paper bag and you do your vows via an acoustic rock ballad song you wrote yourself."
SAM: Sam couldn’t help the amused smile at both Iann’s teasing and Fane’s emphatic, “about damn time.” The lightness and humor helped ease his nerves a little, but the fluttering of butterflies in his stomach came back when Dani turned to him and began speaking, only to him. The memory of their first meeting as children, Dani’s first shot to his forehead with a nerf gun that turned into an all-out war between the two of them, running all over the estate together while their parents conducted whatever business it was... It brought a fond smile to his face, a warm glow in his chest. That one day had sparked a friendship so fierce that nothing could break it -- not time or distance -- and the fact that it deepened over time to what they shared together now only made sense. As they recounted the story, Sam only had eyes for them, the rest of their small gathering melting away as he reached a hand out to hold theirs, noticing the wetness glistening in their eyes. Sam felt his heart swelling at their last words, then he laughed lightly at how they chose to end the story, shaking his head just a tiny bit as if to say “of course.”
Sam looked briefly over at Iann when he told him it was his turn, biting his bottom lip a little though glad for the small joke at his expense. “Not exactly,” he said, then turned back to Dani and reached for their other hand so he was holding both between them. “I remember that day,” he began, his words unplanned, just responding to what Dani had said to him. “You were my first friend, and from then on we were inseparable. I wanted to see you every single day, because every time I saw you there was another adventure you had dreamed up for us.”
“But I remember another day, too. I never told you this. My feelings for you snuck up on me, over the years I hadn’t realized that underneath that foundation of a lifetime of friendship, that I had fallen for you a long time ago. Then, I saw you.” Sam’s eyes took in their face, remembering the exact moment he suddenly saw them in a new light, the moment he saw something new in himself. Finding emotions he hadn’t thought he was capable of. “The night of the Yule Ball, this past year. It was like every other year, every other party-- except we weren’t children anymore, hiding under tables and stealing crab cakes, and getting in trouble for sword fighting.”
Sam looked down at their clasped hands for a moment and took a breath before meeting their eyes again. “You came down the stairs, in that dress, and I looked at you and I just knew. It hit me like a ton of bricks, I felt it in the pit of my stomach. All it took was that moment, and I knew I was in love with you, that I had always been in love with you. I couldn’t take my eyes off you that entire night, it was like no one else was even in that ballroom but you. I was so distracted by you, I bumped into Iann,” he said, tone going a bit lighter as he gestured towards him with his head, “and spilled my drink everywhere. I thought for sure that everyone must know. How could they not see this enormous shift in my life? But they didn’t, and I kept it a secret because it was safe there. Because I was scared."
Sam squeezed their hands, anchoring them both in the moment. He didn’t mention the rooftop, knowing Dani was thinking of it without having to voice the words. Some things he wanted to keep between just the two of them. “But I’m not scared anymore. Because I have you, and you make me feel brave like I never have before. When we’re together, we can do anything. I want to spend the rest of my life being brave with you.”
Sam let out a breath, knowing they were almost done, feeling the confidence come back to him in the wake of his words. It was time for the vows they had prepared together on bluetooth while they both ran around getting everything ready for today. Not every word was memorized or planned, but they had an idea and it was enough to go on. Like always, they would make it up as they went, and somehow, it would just fall perfectly into place. He swallowed and looked into their eyes, smiling softly for a moment before he began the vows. “I promise to keep you and love you, above all others.”
DANI: The tiny shake of Sam's head at the end of their recounted tale was a breath of fresh air for Dani. The words were easy to say, to him, but they weren't alone, and their focus drifted easily by nature -- which wasn't such a bad thing when one needed to solve a problem swiftly and efficiently. Dani was attentive, and the nerves that came with speaking aloud thoughts and feelings that they would regularly share only with Sam was unavoidable. In the interim while Iann spoke up, Dani quickly swiped away the wetness from their cheek. They took another breath, a deeper one, as their demeanor steadied with attention for Sam and Sam alone.
It only broke briefly when he reached for their other hand, the one that held their bouquet. Dani looked low to the ground at Iann's side and called the canine seated there over with an imperative whisper of his name. The sheltie padded forward and they crouched down, holding out the flowers to him with delicate instruction. Holmes glanced up into his human's eyes and detected the importance of his duty there. He took the stems of the bouquet carefully in his mouth and returned to his spot beside the officiate, assuming a protective diligence over his task. "Băiat bun," Dani smiled at him. He snorted in a sort of dog nod. Then, they stood again and gave Sam the hand that he was reaching for.
Dani laughed quietly at his comments on their tale. They'd been a whole world of trouble as kids, but no matter what accidents happened as a result of their adventures, they had never stopped coming up with new ones. Those imagined worlds and experiences had been their escape from their daily realities -- school, lessons, overbearing sisters, family drama -- and for that, for the special reality they had crafted only for themselves, there was no separating the two of them. Despite distance, time, emotions, or disagreements, the space would always be there in their times of need.
Then Sam began to speak of something new, something that he hadn't told Dani before. It piqued their curiosity instantly and their gaze intensified, ready to soak in every bit of the secret he was about to share. What he said surprised them... but also didn't. In the midst of their hosting and socializing at their first Yule Ball in years, Dani had been moving around too much to realize that there had been a shift in their best friend. They'd had an inkling, just for a second, when the two of them locked eyes across the room, but that stare had been abruptly cut off and Dani had forgotten about it as they got swept up into the party business once more. They were grinning when he mentioned spilling his drink, being stunned by them, and scared. Dani had been too, but it wasn't until their time on the rooftop, that he withheld from mentioning aloud, that his difference had clicked for them. And maybe in themself, as well. At that time, Dani had been caught up in a sea of conflicts. Their girlfriend was furious at them for the information they'd neglected to share, she wanted a future with Dani that they couldn't see for the two of them, and among everything else, there was Fane's offer of immortality -- the dream that was meant to be an easy acceptance pulling them apart instead.
Of course, they'd shared all of this with Sam, and he'd listened, and he'd comforted them, and he'd been honest. One simple, little kiss to their forehead was all it took for Dani to blink their eyes open and see everything in a very new and very terrifying light. Neither of them had admitted to that discovery on that night, both of them fearing what it might do to their reliable friendship. In the end, everything had fallen into place on its own. It hadn't been neat or easy, but it had gotten them here with nothing left to be afraid of -- not between each other, anyway.
Dani could feel their heart beating against their chest, exhilarated by his confession and the readiness they felt to commit to his wish, because it wasn't just his. They squeezed his hands in return to translate their agreement without having to speak it. They wanted to kiss him right then and there. Badly. But they resisted, knowing that there would be a time for that at the close of their ceremony. A close that was now nearing a lot faster than they'd anticipated. Now came the part where they said the words they had actually planned, which felt just a tad less daunting after the heartfelt speeches that came from them without any preparation. Dani shifted on their feet, assuring their steadiness before they locked eyes with their partner. The following vows were an oath, after all. Dani and Sam would be living the rest of their lives on the lines they had arranged together, and now was the time to commit to them in front of the loved ones they had brought to witness.
As Sam delivered the first line, Dani wove their fingers together, craving the steadiness that came with it. "I promise to share your blessings, and your burdens."
SAM: Holding both of Dani's hands, Sam let them ground him in the moment, though his heart felt about ready to run away on him. After their emotional speeches to each other, the next few parts of the ceremony seemed easy in comparison. He smiled down at Holmes for a moment as he took the bouquet, then turned his attention back to their partner as they both began the recitations they'd planned. "To be your comfort, your sanctuary."
DANI: "To be your advocate and your protector," Dani gave his hands another squeeze, knowing their promise here was especially relevant in the wake of the family crisis he was facing, "for every battle."
SAM: Sam smiled a little as Dani squeezed his hands, taking in a breath at the sentiment from Dani. "To be your guide, and your follower, down every pathway, as equals."
DANI: "To be your lover... și sufletul pereche tau."
SAM: "Your light side..."
DANI: Even though they knew the Star Wars reference was coming, Dani still felt their eyes roll and gave an amused snort before replying, with just a hint of a smirk, "Your dark side."
SAM: Sam matched Dani's sly smile at the reference before making yet another, the Dothraki terms of endearment they'd taken to calling each other. "Yeri shekh akka shieraki."
DANI: "Jin jalan ki yeri atthirar," Dani grinned at the slyness they shared, but there was a softness in their eyes as well, because what came next, in their opinion, was the most integral and intimate part of all that they'd planned. This was what weddings were about, weren’t they? They held their breath in preparation, not squeezing Sam’s hands, but tightening the grip itself, then breathed and smiled. "To be your family."
SAM: Sam let out a breath at their words of commitment, making official something that they'd felt for each other for a long time. Family. "To be your family," he replied, gazing into their eyes before he went on. "Dani Savin--"
DANI: Dani dipped their head for no more than an instant, their smile growing with a tiny hitch in their breath. Family played such a huge role in both of their lives, in good ways, bad ways. You couldn't escape family. It would always be there, whether you acknowledged it or not, but choosing one's family, creating a new one, was something far different. Their next great adventure.
"Sam Floros--" Dani moved their hands in toward each other so that they met in the middle and set their focus back where it was meant to be, studying Sam's gaze and transferring one more speechless preparation. 'We've got this. Together. Ready--' Their hands were trembling, but not in any form of fear. They were buzzing with an excited energy that was impossible to entirely physically contain, and they knew Sam could feel it, even beyond its physical manifestation, as they quoted their final line in unison. "I pledge my life and honor to you, for this life and all the lives to come.
SAM: "I pledge my life and honor to you, for this life, and all the lives to come," he recited in unison with them, feeling a wash of happiness and relief flood through him. He could feel Dani's hands trembling in his own, and he pulled them up to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to their knuckles, not able to help himself.
IANN: Iann wasn't listening attentively -- again, it was really just too personal and intimate for his interest to hold. Which was fine, because none of this was for him anyway, so it was all win-win for all involved, in Iann's opinion. He was happy to let the happy couple talk meaningful words at and for each other to their warm little respective hearts' content. Iann instead pondered other things: like the cabin in the woods (again) and witches marrying humans, and humans who were raised by vampires, and vampire fathers. That dog that... actually kind of acted rather undog-like. It was... nodding? And sentient? Maybe Soapberry was just like that when it came to animals? Or disconcerting. Iann watched the creature meander back next to him, and he glared at it, and it stared balefully back up at him. Okay good. Glad they got that settled. Once the pair spoke in unison, Iann refocused on them. "Ah --" he waved his hand as if casting a spell. "You're married! Kiss each other while we all applaud your legal bonding that provides tax benefits!"
DANI: "You're married!" Iann said, and Dani felt their heart stop and start again as their marriage became not a hastily thrown together desire for commitment between two lifelong partners, but a stark, living reality sealed by a wave of their mutual friend's hand. They grinned, instantly, and yanked Sam forward by his hands before he could even blink, pulling him down by his vest for a kiss that left them utterly, fantastically breathless. Their hands had found the sides of his face by the time they parted, holding him there where their foreheads touched for a short while longer, wanting to burn every detail into their mind so they'd never forget the moment. "You're mine," they whispered under their breath, just gazing at him and giggling, highly, because they couldn't help themself. "And I'm yours."
SAM: Sam's grin at Iann's words as the moment sunk in was interrupted, though gladly, by Dani dragging him down and kissing him. His arms immediately went around them tightly, lifting them up off their feet, the kiss stealing his breath until he was smiling against their lips. He matched Dani's giddy laughter once they broke apart, as Freya cheered and applauded behind them. "I love you," he murmured.
FANE: Fane looked between Iann, Sam and Dani mostly having observed the ceremony with quiet thoughtfulness, smiling a little at the various fandom aspects he recognised thrown in here and there. He didn't particularly feel like there was much need to say anything, after all this was about Dani and Sam. The pair of them taking a step forward in their lives together, and as it was all sealed with a kiss, he felt happy but also a pang of sadness. They were grown up, an adult, and moving on with their life, and the thought almost knocked him back but he smiled, the act softening his features and masking his sadness whilst he clapped his hands for the both of them, glad that at least they had each other in this.
DANI: "Always," Dani smiled, slipping their arms down over Sam's shoulders and pressing another kiss to his lips, shorter this time. Then they smirked. "You can put me down now, you know." Once they were back on the ground, Dani took Sam's hands again, knowing their ceremony wasn't quite over yet. "Freya!" They looked around their husband's -- husband's, fuck! that was a thing now! -- shoulder and caught the young witch's attention with a sharp eye. "Ready to finish this off?"
SAM: Grinning, Sam set Dani back down as Freya hurried forward with the garland that Sam had made for the handfasting. She moved up in front of them, taking Iann's place as she took a deep breath to prepare herself for this important part of the ceremony. She had memorized the binding spell in the van on the way up, and the Latin words flowed easily from her lips, binding two souls magically as the garland was wrapped symbolically around their hands. Sam could feel something stirring in the air around them, like an electric charge, and then a deep glowing warmth settling within him. Freya's words came to a close, but the spell still needed to be sealed by a proclamation from the newlyweds. "Dani, Sam?" she prompted, having read that their names should be invoked during the spell. Sam looked over at Dani and sealed the spell with a simple yes in Latin, "Etiam."
DANI: Dani couldn't help grinning at Freya's eagerness. She looked about ready to burst with excitement, which they figured would bode well for the magical component of their ceremony. Spells generally turned out best with strong concentration and intent. They watched and listened keenly as the Latin words flowed so smoothly from the girl's lips. Even her wrapping of the garland that Sam had crafted was done with a practiced ease, though she'd never truly performed the spell before this. Dani felt the energy deep in their bones, like there was lightning running through their veins-- not painful, just powerful. Then there was the gradual warming sensation in their chest, making them so much more aware of... everything. "Etiam," Dani repeated after Sam. When the spell was sealed -- or sealing, rather -- the electrical buzz in Dani's body morphed with a supernatural rush akin to being hit by a sudden gust of wind, only from below rather than above. A ley line, possibly. They gasped, almost having to catch their breath as they took in the shift of the atmosphere around them. They could feel the forest and all the greenery around them. It was breathing, a whole network of connected living things all with their own vibrant, thriving energy to be harvested, and yet each energy was different from the next. It took them a second to catch onto what they were actually experiencing. They'd been so caught up in the energy around them that it took a few moments, including a look down at their hands and back up at Sam, finding that it wasn't just the forest's breath that they could detect. Their lips split into a grin. "Holy shit."
SAM: When the words were spoken and the spell coursed through the two of them, binding them together, Sam felt a sudden rush. It wasn't exactly a riptide or tidal wave that hit him, more like a steadily coursing river as he felt connected to the magic that lived deep beneath Dani's skin. He blinked a few times as he took it in, finding it stronger than he expected but pleasantly surprised by it. He knew the sensation would subside, as the binding spell took hold and settled within them both, but in the moment they were connected in a way neither of them had felt before. He could feel the soft buzzing coming off the people around them, and Sam looked up from their hands half expecting to see their auras in color. "Whoa," he murmured, looking back to Dani. He turned his hand up so his fingers threaded with theirs. He met their eyes, and in their heightened state of connection from the spell he could almost feel their heart beating.
DANI: Dani had always known that Sam's magic was central to who he was as person, and while they understood that on a personal level, they now understood it at a much deeper, intimate level. If they had been in his place and lost this -- being able to connect with nature itself and feeling it like a sixth sense -- they would have been ruined for it. Their fingers threaded with his automatically. It was even more instantaneous in this instance where they could literally feel one another beyond what was physically there. Dani kept eye contact with him as the spell settled, the high slowly wearing off but a very, very faint trace of it remained, like there was a string of spider's webbing between them that would send subtle sensations between the two, transferring inklings of emotions as well as warnings of danger. "Do you think... they felt it too?" they asked between breaths, still slightly shaken from making contact with Sam's magic. Not unlike how they'd been affected after being hit by the rebound of their grimoire's magic some few months ago.
SAM: Sam felt the magic settle down, but could still feel that subtle spiritual connection between him and his partner. Spouse. Letting out a breath, he looked over at Freya, who was boggling at them as if she hadn't expected quite that result from her spell. "Are... you guys okay?" Sam smiled at her and unwound the garland and draped it around Freya's neck. "Yeah. More than okay," he said, still slightly breathless. "You did good, kid. You're a good best man." Freya grinned in a way that made her resemble her brother more than she normally did, then she promptly burst into tears and threw her arms around his neck. When she had calmed down a bit and let him go, she repeated the hug on Dani.
DANI: At Freya's question of concern, apparently struck by the spell she'd just cast and how well it had turned out, Dani turned toward her and watched as Sam settled the garland around her neck. They nodded in agreement with Sam's words, "More than okay," and smiled fondly at the two of them. She was crying, again, to no one's surprise, but Dani welcomed her hug with a tight squeeze and a following smirk as the redhead released her. Their hands settled on her shoulders and they looked her firmly in the eye with a glisten of mischief. "Don't tell your sisters, but out of all of them, you're always going to be my favorite." Then they pulled back their hands, only to offer Freya a fist bump as assurance.
SAM: Freya let go of Dani and wiped her face before returning their fist bump. "You're my sister now," she said, a smile breaking across her face that was wet with tears of happiness. She hiccuped a little, then let out a breath, steadying herself. She knew what this meant for her relationship with Sam, things would be different. He was moving out, Dani would be the one he spent all his days with, Dani would come first. Freya was okay with that -- thrilled, actually -- but she'd have to adjust and learn to let her brother go, just a bit. "You take care of him. Got me?" It wasn't that typical sibling-threat one would expect, but instead a plea to stand by Sam and keep him safe, always.
DANI: "You're damn right, I am," Dani chuckled at Freya, her happiness, and the little hiccup that came afterwards. Then Freya turned things to a more serious note, and Dani returned the sincerity in kind, setting that intense gaze on Freya that they regularly utilized when making a promise. "Loud and clear. And if I ever screw up, you can feel free to spell my ass into oblivion. He's in good hands." Dani cast a quick, soft glance over at Sam before they straightened their back and turned toward the pair of grumbly old souls -- aka Iann and Holmes, who was still sitting there with a bunch of flowers in his mouth, evidently not thrilled about it -- and called out to the one that was human. "Cardero!" Dani waved him in their direction with an almost commanding tone. "Get over here, c'mon. I've got shit to say to you."
IANN: Iann made a mental note to demand what Freya had done, at some point after all this. It looked like a binding spell of some-sort, but Iann wanted to know the details. Since binding spells tended to vary in weight and bond depending on the spell, the ritual, the people involved, etc. This was was no doubt something to do with marriage, but still, Iann liked acquainting himself with the magical differences and nuances, especially if it was a coven thing. "Looks like you're stuck, pal," Iann said to the dog, before making his way over to the couple. "What do you have to say to me," Iann barked back at Dani, but his fingers pressed against their shoulder and Iann leaned in to kiss their cheek. "Felicidades, Savin Jr," Iann said to Dani before he grinned at Sam, scruffing the witch by the neck like one would a cat and delivering a more smacking kiss to his cheek as well. "Or is it felicidades Savin-Floros?"
SAM: Sam chuckled a little at the exchange between his sister and his spouse, but he caught the meaning in Dani's glance and felt the sincerity of their words. As Dani called Iann over to them, Sam slid back over to Freya and put his arm around her shoulder, tugging her against his side as she kept sniffling. He groaned at the exaggerated kiss to his cheek, but even that moment of sarcasm couldn't hide how happy he truly was. "We haven't talked about any of that," he admitted, chuckling. He wasn't convinced that changing anyone's name was necessary, it didn't make them any less married than they were right then.
DANI: Dani maintained a cross look for playful show until Iann came over and, to Dani's pleasant surprise, pressed a kiss to their cheek. It was one thing to receive that sort of affection from Sam, but getting it from Iann caused Dani's face to go red in a blush. While he was distracted with Sam, Dani stepped over and threw their arms around Iann's neck, giving him as tight a hug they could manage from being stretched up on the tips of their toes. They held there for a few seconds, sighing out as if he'd removed some massive weight off their back. "Thank you, Iann," they said, clearly, not some shy whisper in his ear but something they wanted Sam to hear too. "I'm really glad you fell off that stupid ship." That probably sounded a lot worse than it was, but Iann would understand, they knew. When they let him go, acting as if the heartfelt little moment had never happened, Dani considered the surname idea with a hum. "I mean... I think Floros-Savin sounds better, personally. But, I don't see any reason why we'd need to change names. Unless you want to," they looked at Sam questionably, curious for his opinion.
IANN: The hug honestly did come as a surprise. He expected the usual Dani-reaction: a shove or a snort or some snarky remark or even completely bypassing the well-wishing for something far more interesting. Which, honestly, was what Iann loved Dani for -- their inability to express certain things, in certain ways. It was one of those things that made Iann feel welcome in the loft, really -- their natural, congenial avoidance of anything... mushy. Touchy. It wasn't that Dani couldn't express, but they did it at arm's length from Iann and/or in the safe, protective privacy of Sam's arms. It was a good system, but of course their adorably heartfelt wedding did call for something a bit more expressive. And being Dani, they traded in Iann's kiss for a tight hug. A well-made barter if ever there was one. The 'thank you' made Iann clear his throat a few times gruffly (It was a frog. Allergies. Chewing gum caught in his throat.) and then Dani was back gaily discussing names with Sam, as Iann dreamily thought fondly of the SS Cormorant, and the way it all rolled out to this pretty fucking amazing moment in their collective lives.
SAM: Sam gave Freya a little shake as she finished sniffling and calmed down again. "Thanks, Iann," Sam said in agreement, smiling over at him as Dani hugged him. "Don't forget to sign the thing later," he teased, though not actually sure how many weddings Iann had officiated before. He shrugged when Dani asked about the name. "Floros-Savin does sound better, it's the S-S. But I don't think we need to. We've never really been traditional, anyway." Just saying it brought a smile to his face, since this entire day had been as nontraditional as they could get. But in the end, he wouldn't have it any other way.
DANI: Dani smiled at Sam's response, nodding softly before they answered, "No, we haven't, have we?" They chuckled and sidestepped over towards him, nudging under his arm so it could drape over them, like in Freya's case, and rested their head on his shoulder, sighing contentedly. They didn't care about names or titles or what anyone else thought of them -- what they thought might be 'right' or 'conventional' in opposition to their very impromptu, very unique little marriage ceremony -- as long as they had him, that was all they needed. His coven was likely to be furious, but they'd face that obstacle when the time was right. Whatever the case, they wouldn't be able to break up the two of them now. Their marriage wasn't only legal, it was spiritual-- or, magically established. They weren't sure exactly how the bonding spell worked, but the results certainly had a weight of permanence about them. "So we'll keep our names for now, and if we change our minds later, we'll work it out then. One thing at a time, yeah?"
FANE: Fane stood by as Dani thanked Iann and Sam spoke to Freya, a part of him itching to pull out a smoke if only for the comforting familiarity of the scent and taste, knowing he'd speak to both Dani and Sam in their own respective time. It wasn't as if any of them were in a rush, and plus, Sam was now officially family. Not only in the general sense of the term but legally as well. There were also arrangements for some sort of hashed-up celebratory BBQ in the gardens along with finding an adequate gift. He'd just received a text from Ryan, who wasn't best pleased at being excluded from the activities, when Fane noticed Dani approaching out of the corner of his eye and he tucked his phone away. "That was... wow," he breathed out, not really sure what else he could say considering the mixture of things he was feeling right now regarding everything going on, but he kept a light smile. "You know, Ry isn't happy at the lack of invite, by the way."
DANI: After Dani had given their thanks to Iann and Freya, they pressed a kiss to Sam's cheek -- the one Iann hadn't smooched -- and left him to converse with his sister and their mutual friend. Fane had been quiet throughout most of the ordeal, perhaps in shock or as a means of processing the myriad of emotions Dani knew he must be feeling right now. He wasn't the biggest fan of sudden, life-changing events, and neither was Dani. But Sam was their exception to every rule. Today had been more than enough evidence for that.
Dani dipped their head and a quiet laugh slipped past their lips at their father's grapple for words. "Not too bad, huh? And to think I lacked the skill for event planning." As they neared him, their arms opened and wrapped him in a hug around his middle, lingering there for a short time while they breathed. "I know," they murmured into his chest, making a half step back to look up at him but not yet breaking their embrace. Their foot lifted and flexed once to indicate where their phone had been this whole time. "My foot feels like it's practically gone numb from all his texting. I should have thought to put it on silent."
Another laugh later, Dani sighed and fixed a more sincere expression in their father's view. "I'm sorry we didn't tell you earlier, but we wanted it to be secret. We couldn't risk anyone finding out before it was done, and there was always the chance that if I'd texted you and Ryan had seen it, he would have blown up the local social media and spoiled the surprise. I wish he could have been here -- I wish everyone could have been here -- but you were the only one we needed, and the smaller the crowd the better." Dani dropped their arms and stepped back, but took Fane's hands, squeezed them, and smiled warily. "You're a father to the both of us, you always have been. We trust you, and we will fill you in, just later." They glanced back toward Sam with a tiny glint of worry in their eye. "Today is supposed to be happy, and I'd like to keep it that way."
FANE: Fane still really wasn't entirely sure how he felt, and perhaps it was cold or cruel or whatever other word that might be thrown about, but he couldn't really help the disassociation he felt to the current situation and goings on. Even if it was a long time coming. After all, one of his only hopes when Dani did grow up was to be involved and help plan this particular day and being excluded regardless of the reasons for it... Well, there wasn't much he could say to it beyond it didn't leave him feeling particularly celebratory. This was about Dani moving on with their life and Fane letting them go, he'd hoped it would be a transition and yet it felt like a ripcord had been pulled and yanked him out a plane at ten thousand feet. But those were feelings and things he kept to himself, and as Dani approached he plastered a smile onto his features, banding such things away for his own private contemplation as he enveloped them in a hug, letting them lean into his taller frame and rubbing their back gently. He glanced down at their foot and laughed a little, "Guess it serves you right. This certainly won't be the last you or I will suffer of his complaining. Now I hope you realise the fate you've bound us all to."
The explanation only served to ease ever so slightly how he felt, being told how much he was the only one needed here but he merely shook his head as Dani went on to explain what had prompted all of this. "Don't worry about it... I spoke to Sam earlier and he said the same thing, so... I believe you, whatever it is..." Fane assured, retreating to his natural stance of not making a big deal out of how he felt publicly, especially when he recognised the glint of worry in their eyes when they directed their gaze towards Sam. "And, you're both family to me... You always will be and I'm always going to be here if you ever need me... No matter what happens, hm? You're my child and I love you... I love you more than anything in this world and I'm happy for you. Truly so." he gave their hands a reassuring squeeze. "I might not have much experience with weddings but one thing I know is usually they're happy occasions. Domestic scenes caused by drunk family members aside." The last part was said lightly to ease the conversation, not particularly wanting to weigh it down with anything overly heavy.
IANN: Meanwhile, Iann gooses Sam, and Freya totally encourages it while she takes photos. Really, really artful photos of Sam getting goosed by his marriage's officiant-- what a story to tell the kids, ten years from now!
DANI: Dani groaned. "He's never going to let this go, is he? At least you have the excuse of being roped in unawares. I'm the one who gets to bear the brunt of his angsty complaining." It did serve them right. Despite how wonderful the ceremony had been, the rest of their family had been left out of it. And the friends who had come to know them or had known them from before -- Ruby, Tuah, Teddy, Bella, Nuadia, to name a few. And Sofia -- who had been rooting for them from the start, constantly badgering the two of them to 'just get together already!' But she wouldn't have been able to come even if she wanted to. She was Adele's daughter, which meant that if she had come to support their marriage, she would be putting herself at risk for being ousted from the coven as well. It was simply too great of a risk.
"How many bottles of wine do you think it's gonna take before Ry is hanging from the chandelier?" Dani took the lightened tone of the conversation in their stride, snickering at the thought of all the drama they were likely to face later that night. But the laughter turned to fondness with ease, Fane's loving words still swirling around in their head. They gripped his hand tightly once more, their eyes getting watery around the edges. They told themself it was just the hilarious idea of Ryan's antics, but truthfully, they knew that wasn't the case. "Te iubesc, Tată. I know I suck at showing it, but I do. And although you didn't have much of a part to play in the ceremony, it would mean the world to us if you'd come down to town and help us really get this officialized. After all, you know far more about paperwork and legal logistics than we do. In fact, we... we don't really know what we're doing at all. We haven't made any plans or talked about where we're going from here, but... we'll figure it out. That's what we've always done, and I'm sure we'll need some old man pointers along the way." They threw a tease in at the end to lighten things again, then got caught up watching the antics between Iann and Sam, smirking like a fox at the amusing annoyance their husband had been left to face.
SAM: When Sam escaped from the attention of both his sister and Iann, he went the short distance to join Dani and Fane, greeting his new father-in-law with a wide smile. Jumping into the conversation once the sweet moment between them had passed, hearing Dani say that they needed help making it all official. "We need a marriage license," he put in. "You must know at least someone at City Hall, right?" They had both been hoping Fane would be able to pull some strings and get them their paperwork without them having to wait for it, because they were impatient. As this impromptu ceremony clearly showed. "And rings, but I think we have an idea for that," he said, smiling over at Dani.
IANN: "He's probably not going to talk to me for a week now," Iann said to Freya, laughing and also vaguely wondering if he should go. This was starting to melt into a pleasant and intimate family affair, and Iann didn't want to be a part of intimate family junk. He took Freya's hand and shook it. "Tell them bye," he said to her, then paused as he looked around. "Ahh.... also can you tell me which way to get out of here? Forest all looks the fucking same to me." Sure Dani drove him here, but he could easily walk a ways and maybe hitch a ride to Pyewacket… once he was placed back on the road, anyway.
FANE: "Nope, enjoy that hole you've dug yourself into," Fane needled lightly out of good-humour despite everything. Though the talk of alcohol and Ryan caused him to chuckle, "Oh a fair few, maybe five depending on the vintage obviously. No champagne either, you know what he thinks of that piss water," his lips curled into a wry smile. The Romanian caused him to dip his head, stepping in to hug them again and press a kiss to their temple. "I know." But he put half a step back between them at the talk of helping them with the... paperwork side of things. Of course he got lumbered with the paperwork side of it. It was hard not to feel a little stir of something not all too great, but again he smiled at Dani and Sam as he joined their small gathering, stepping over to give him a hug too. "Yeah, 'course, I've got a few strings I can pull to get it put through... Speaking of, what are you doing for rings?"
DANI: "Oh yes, I'm very aware. He ranted about it profusely the last time he got thoroughly hammered at a party." Dani shook their head, warmed by the memories of their most externally dramatic family member. They leaned into their father's kiss and smiled at Sam's approach, even more so when he and Fane shared a touching father-son embrace. "Thank you, Dad. We're going to owe you, big time." Dani found Sam's hand without having to look and gave their arms a bit of a swing, grinning across at him. "Oh, I might have booked a little tattoo session. Nothing like a bit of permanent ink to seal the deal, yeah?"
SAM: Sam couldn't help pressing a quick kiss against Dani's temple when they took his hand. The paperwork wasn't something he was super concerned about, it was just a formality really. He knew signing the papers wouldn't make him feel any more married than he already did in that moment. He grinned at them as they described the idea they'd come up with together earlier in the day. Finding rings that they both liked, in the right size, and in the time constraint of their sudden elopement, just wouldn't have been possible. Not to mention the fact that they both preferred the idea of tattoos to traditional rings anyway. "It'll be great," he said excitedly, looking forward to getting new ink, especially one that meant so much to both of them on the most important day of their lives. Before they could head out though, Sam looked back to realize that Holmes had had enough of the festivities and was lying on the ground at his spot by the tree, the bouquet still dutifully in his mouth. Sam whistled, and the old dog got to his feet and padded over to them. Sam took the bouquet from him with a little smile, brushing it off a bit before he passed it back to Dani. "Ready?" he asked his new spouse, grinning again just at the reality of being married to Dani.
DANI: If Dani and Sam never got around to signing any paperwork, Dani wouldn't have cared. Maybe official logistics mattered to some people, but their vows and the spell that Freya had cast was more than enough for them. Hell, for all they cared, they'd been married the moment they'd decided to get married. The tattoos were important to the both of them as a physical recognition of the ceremony they had both now completed. Dani was accustomed to getting new ink. They would always love the sensation of it, but this appointment was one they would remember above the others because it stood for something so much more profound than just a protective measure or a symbol of equality. They would be marking their bond on skin, externally, to reflect the internal -- even spiritual -- connection they shared and sworn to keep. When Holmes padded over at Sam's call, a little warmth blossomed in Dani's chest. 'Not a dog person' their ass. Holmes never would have listened to him if he hadn't grown to like the florist at least a bit and felt respected in return. He was picky that way. Dani took the bouquet from Sam with a slight grimace, finding the stems a bit damp as a result of being held so long and so dutifully. However, it didn't damper their spirits in the slightest. "Yeah," they grinned at their newly proclaimed husband, tugging on his vest to steal one last small kiss before they headed out. "Let's get inked. We've got a town-wide social media to fuck up."
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