#// so i now just inexplicably tie Italians with Snezhnaya jbdskvvdjbsk
c4rdsharp · 2 years
     meechi. thinking about my various little bits of Genshin lore regarding the Gandors’ cultural background. i may end up fleshing them out a bit more, but generally speaking, i wanted to keep the ‘children of immigrants’ narrative because that honestly is pretty influential to how i write Luck. while he may feel at home in the country he grew up in, he’s always had this understanding that it wasn’t for them, and it never will be -- that they had to make due in a system that would never support or hold them up in the same category as those born naturally to it. He has very strong cultural roots that are outside of the nation he resides in, so it’s frequent theme of his. I never really fleshed out the part of Snezhnaya his family was from, though. All that’s been occupied in my mind was basically Italy but for some reason it’s in Russia now.
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