#// sorry im guilty of putting guys in situations i wanted to assign blorbo a familiar but it spiraled into whatever convoluted mess this is
kaikaykoa · 2 years
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shoutout to gale for being so nice and enabling me anywhosits heres like a whole collection i have so far it’s not that fleshed out okay where was I. for every part of lore I get wrong you’re legally allowed to throw a pebble at me.
SO taking place in oliver’s timeline so I can play with the soulmates concept I guess. They also dont really have names so we’ll just use the place holders I’ve been using. whoopsie.
In Ni no Kuni, Oliver finds this lady (haven’t drawn her yet) who gives him a tip about this other fogged up area of the world and some ghost town civilization somewhere. They find this traveler at some point who’s actually from that civilization. He’s not too sure how long he’s been alive but he tells Oliver about it so he can better find it because for some reason this man can’t just tell him directions to it as much as he wants to.
There was a god made out of clay, molded by the people of the civilization. They make her based on what they want her to do. In this case, they wanted a guardian for their land and someone who can answer to their every need.
One day, there was disagreement among the people and suddenly they tore her into two. One side had more clay than the other, meaning their new god would have more power than the other. The one molded with more clay was to perform the duty to answer their needs no matter how immoral or self destructive. The other one with less clay was the new guardian to protect their land. These gods had no memory of who they once were as a whole.
Those who molded the guardian were worried she wouldn’t be powerful enough, and they kept her away from the other god because they thought he’d kill her. But in the end they recognized their kinship and treated each other like family. The traveler was a close friend of theirs.
People thought splitting the clay god was a good idea. But their mouths were too loose and the first half was enraged after hearing this. They thought humans were much too selfish for such kind and dutiful gods, they engulfed the land with mist and one day, the memories made in the land, of the land would be gone forever. Their stories, songs, legends, history—everything would be lost no matter which stones or whose hearts they were engraved in. It would be as if it hadn’t existed at all, like how they kept the secret they were once one loving individual that was torn into two because of greed.
Anyone who stays in the mist would also disappear when the first half expunges it all. The second half, a loving sister, roams the ghost town, still as its guardian, muttering poems and humming songs of its sad tale.
The traveler finishes his recount of this story, saying he had been able to escape the land before the mist engulfed it. He had returned multiple times just to figure out how to help his friends and his home, and when he finally figured out how, he realized he couldn’t do it. Not under Shadar’s watch, nor the white witch looming over them, prohibiting them from using magic.
He learned he could help one soul from this world by helping their soulmate in another. And while that was one of his many leads, he did the next best thing. Spreading his home’s history to as many people as possible. Although, he knew this was a futile task, seeing as no one could help at all.
Oliver asks him what he’ll do in the end. He says he’ll go back to his home and disappear along with the mist. Hopefully provide his friends some company when the time for expunction comes—if they even still remember him.
Oliver decides to help and ask the traveler what they look like, in an attempt to find their soulmates in his world, Ichi no Kuni.
Although when he and his friends get there, they’re a bit baffled their soulmates look fine. On the outside, at least.
OKAY yeah I dont really have names they’ll go by labels for a bit. The first half’s soulmate is a friendly mechanic with his own humble repairshop in Motorville. Somewhere inside it is reserved for a private investigator’s office? Firm? There’s two signs up front. They’re good friends with each other, as well as a young lady dressed in black who’s the mechanic’s little sister, just like their soulmates.
Somewhere by the repairshop is a little fortune telling booth with a lady inside that Oliver can't recall where he's met her... until Drippy tells him she might be the soulmate of that lady that gave them the tip on the lost civilization.
okay some commentary bcause i know better than to put THAT in tags <- hit the tag limit too many times.
sorry i just whipped up that hopefully nnk-ish clothes i am terrible at character design i hope it doesnt look like nazcaan clone WUGHH. i also like the idea of soulmates being stark contrasts but this guy is mega MESSED UP !!!!! i'll put their drama in some other post or. uh. spomething. also umm i had the nnk2 artbook open the whole time and referenced stuff from there sorry if they look like citizens. theyre little guys. sorry if i get drippy out of character it was funny in the moment
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