#// yeah i also mentioned this was supposed to be a crossover thing but i am the master of being obssesed with the
kaikaykoa · 1 year
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shoutout to gale for being so nice and enabling me anywhosits heres like a whole collection i have so far it’s not that fleshed out okay where was I. for every part of lore I get wrong you’re legally allowed to throw a pebble at me.
SO taking place in oliver’s timeline so I can play with the soulmates concept I guess. They also dont really have names so we’ll just use the place holders I’ve been using. whoopsie.
In Ni no Kuni, Oliver finds this lady (haven’t drawn her yet) who gives him a tip about this other fogged up area of the world and some ghost town civilization somewhere. They find this traveler at some point who’s actually from that civilization. He’s not too sure how long he’s been alive but he tells Oliver about it so he can better find it because for some reason this man can’t just tell him directions to it as much as he wants to.
There was a god made out of clay, molded by the people of the civilization. They make her based on what they want her to do. In this case, they wanted a guardian for their land and someone who can answer to their every need.
One day, there was disagreement among the people and suddenly they tore her into two. One side had more clay than the other, meaning their new god would have more power than the other. The one molded with more clay was to perform the duty to answer their needs no matter how immoral or self destructive. The other one with less clay was the new guardian to protect their land. These gods had no memory of who they once were as a whole.
Those who molded the guardian were worried she wouldn’t be powerful enough, and they kept her away from the other god because they thought he’d kill her. But in the end they recognized their kinship and treated each other like family. The traveler was a close friend of theirs.
People thought splitting the clay god was a good idea. But their mouths were too loose and the first half was enraged after hearing this. They thought humans were much too selfish for such kind and dutiful gods, they engulfed the land with mist and one day, the memories made in the land, of the land would be gone forever. Their stories, songs, legends, history—everything would be lost no matter which stones or whose hearts they were engraved in. It would be as if it hadn’t existed at all, like how they kept the secret they were once one loving individual that was torn into two because of greed.
Anyone who stays in the mist would also disappear when the first half expunges it all. The second half, a loving sister, roams the ghost town, still as its guardian, muttering poems and humming songs of its sad tale.
The traveler finishes his recount of this story, saying he had been able to escape the land before the mist engulfed it. He had returned multiple times just to figure out how to help his friends and his home, and when he finally figured out how, he realized he couldn’t do it. Not under Shadar’s watch, nor the white witch looming over them, prohibiting them from using magic.
He learned he could help one soul from this world by helping their soulmate in another. And while that was one of his many leads, he did the next best thing. Spreading his home’s history to as many people as possible. Although, he knew this was a futile task, seeing as no one could help at all.
Oliver asks him what he’ll do in the end. He says he’ll go back to his home and disappear along with the mist. Hopefully provide his friends some company when the time for expunction comes—if they even still remember him.
Oliver decides to help and ask the traveler what they look like, in an attempt to find their soulmates in his world, Ichi no Kuni.
Although when he and his friends get there, they’re a bit baffled their soulmates look fine. On the outside, at least.
OKAY yeah I dont really have names they’ll go by labels for a bit. The first half’s soulmate is a friendly mechanic with his own humble repairshop in Motorville. Somewhere inside it is reserved for a private investigator’s office? Firm? There’s two signs up front. They’re good friends with each other, as well as a young lady dressed in black who’s the mechanic’s little sister, just like their soulmates.
Somewhere by the repairshop is a little fortune telling booth with a lady inside that Oliver can't recall where he's met her... until Drippy tells him she might be the soulmate of that lady that gave them the tip on the lost civilization.
okay some commentary bcause i know better than to put THAT in tags <- hit the tag limit too many times.
sorry i just whipped up that hopefully nnk-ish clothes i am terrible at character design i hope it doesnt look like nazcaan clone WUGHH. i also like the idea of soulmates being stark contrasts but this guy is mega MESSED UP !!!!! i'll put their drama in some other post or. uh. spomething. also umm i had the nnk2 artbook open the whole time and referenced stuff from there sorry if they look like citizens. theyre little guys. sorry if i get drippy out of character it was funny in the moment
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lainiespicewrites · 5 months
I Just want to feel safe Part 2
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Okay this took me literal weeks! And I’m sorry! But I’m happy with how this turned out I think. Here is part 2 of my Walter Fic! Again this has kind of become an SVU crossover and I’m not sorry 😂
Let me know what you think ❤️
Warnings: mentions of sexual assault, cursing
Also there’s a POV switch because I wanted to try something new.
I own all of my mistakes here! I’m sure it’s not perfect but it’s mine.❤️❤️
Part 1:
When I woke up in the morning the detective was back in his office. He looked up from his computer when he heard me stop in the doorway.
“Good morning,” He spoke softly, offering me a warm smile as continued sifting through some case notes.
“Hi,” I said shyly, a little unsure about this situation now that I was of sound mind. Still he was warm and welcoming in his demeanor. Despite all that had happened.
“Did you sleep well?” He asked, sounding genuinely concerned. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, taking a moment to think about how to answer. It shouldn’t be a difficult question. But the last few weeks, everything seemed to feel that way. It all felt heavy and difficult to navigate. Although I wasn’t looking for more pity from this man I gave him an honest answer.
“I slept, which is more than I can say for the last few nights.” His lips quivered into a sad smile and he nodded.
“I thought about something this morning,” He said as he pulled open one of his desk drawers and started rummaging through it. “I’m not sure if you’ve considered it or if it’s something you’re already doing..” He said as he continued to search through the drawer. Finally he found what he was looking for, a business card of some kind. He took it out of the drawer and held it out for me to take. I entered his office and took the card hesitantly. I waited for him to speak again before I looked at it. “We’re given a lot of resources in the police department. And although I didn’t have much luck with her, it was mainly my own fault. I’m terribly stubborn I suppose,” He chuckled awkwardly trying to reign in his rambling. “I hear she’s an excellent therapist. She’s very kind.” I nodded. I examined the card. It gave the therapist's name and hours. The address and the phone number. I bit my lip contemplating again. He just shared something personal with me. Indirectly, albeit, but still. He didn’t have to tell me he’d been to therapy himself. But at the same time, I had tried it too. But I never felt comfortable opening up. It never worked. He wanted to help. And I had to face the fact that tonight I had to go home. And be alone again. I couldn’t keep staying with him. This was strange enough as it was.
“Thank you,” I said finally. It was the only thing I could say. “I’ll keep this in mind. I appreciate all you’ve done and all you’re doing for me. Detective Marshall.”
“It’s my job,” He said softly. But that was it. I mean, was taking a distressed victim home with him part of his job? Or was there something about me that made him want to help? Or am I losing my mind and catching feelings for the first person who made me feel better. I shook my head. I was losing it. I was sleep deprived and overwhelmed and we were truthfully just getting started. I needed to get a grip.
“Yeah,” was all I said in response. He let out a short breath and stood up.
“We should get to the station. Get things rolling,” He said. I nodded and followed him as we exited his house and got into his truck.
The ride to the station was mostly quiet. But there was one burning question I couldn’t keep to myself. “Once I give you my statement, will you … will you have enough to arrest him?” I asked. Walter was quiet for a moment but his grip on the steering wheel got tighter. There was a tick in his Jaw as he thought about what to say. I suppose that was all the answer I really needed.
“It could be,” He said plainly. “However,” he added, his voice a little more pained. “With as long as it’s been and with the lack of evidence, we’ll likely have to do a more thorough investigation before we can send your case to the prosecutor, in order for them to send us the okay for the arrest.” My heart dropped.
“So you’re saying there’s a chance you won’t even be allowed to charge him?” I couldn’t help the urgency in my voice. That’s not what he said. “You said you put people away on less!” I cried. “I change my mind, I don't.. I don’t wanna do this!” I was panicking. I wasn’t worth it. I knew it wasn’t. Reliving telling this. And how many more times would I have to do it. And what if it’s for nothing. Walter stopped the truck pulling over on the side of the road. He sighed. Leaning his head back against the headrest and then turning to me.
“Alayna, this isn’t hopeless, I need you to trust me. I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I wasn’t sure I could help you. I have put men like him away with just a witness statement. It’s just not easy to convince the court to let us move off of something so…” he paused trying to find the right word.
“Weak?” I spoke.
“That’s not what I was going to say.” He said softly, he reached for my hand gently putting his hand over mine before tentatively lacing our fingers together. He sighed again. He was frustrated, not so much at me, just that he was also stuck. Bound by the system to do things by the book. He ran his other hand through his hair and let it fall to his lap. “My job is to keep you safe. Beyond that, I want to keep you safe. I want to help you. I’m not going to let them sweep you under the rug. I’ve seen how this affected you. How it still affects you. I can’t force you to report this. But I can tell you that if you ask me to take you home right now. I’m going to lose even more sleep tonight worrying about you than I would if I were working your case.”
“What happens if they refuse the charges?” I asked meekly, staring at the floor. I felt him squeeze my hand.
“I promise you, he’ll never touch you again. I’ll keep you safe.” He said. I looked up at him. Meeting his eyes. They were darker. Something fierce. I was going to ask another question. I was going to ask how he could possibly know that. How he could be so sure. Why would he promise something like that? But looking in his eyes. I knew. He wasn’t going to let the prosecutor deny the charges. He was going to fight for me.
“I’ll go.” I said finally. His face softened and I felt his thumb brush over the back of my hand before he pulled away from me and veered the truck back onto the road. The rest of the drive was quiet. But there was less tension now then there had been.
At the station, Walter took me into a room where they interviewed the witnesses. This was nothing like what I was used to on TV. It wasn’t a dark, dingy interrogation. It was warm, comfortable, and bright. There was a couch along the wall. I sat there and watched him as he sat across from me in a chair and explained the process.
I probably should’ve paid better attention to what he was saying. But I couldn’t. It’s why I was confused when he set a tape recorder on the coffee table. He must’ve read the look on my face because he gave me a gentle smile and said.
“To record your statement for the prosecutor's office I may have to ask you a few questions as well. And then you’ll write it.” He explained. Likely repeating himself. I nodded.
“And then I’m done?” I asked desperately. He nodded.
“Then you’re done. If it were recent we’d collect any evidence and take you to the hospital for an exam, but we don’t really have a reason to do that here. Just your statement is good enough.” I nodded and Walter pressed record, starting the interview.
The whole process took about 2 hours. Going over everything, carefully recalling each detail. Of course he had to ask questions. “If there were others in the house why didn’t you call for help?” It was like my brain was paralyzed. I was just going through muscle memory, going through the motions. I couldn’t do anything. “Why did it take you so long to report your assault?” At first I wasn’t sure it was assault. I didn’t want to believe that he would do that to me. But the more I replayed it in my head and when I finally told someone what happened. I came to terms with it. But by that point I was scared. I had nothing. It wouldn’t matter. I convinced myself it wouldn’t matter.
I thought it would be hard to write it all down. To see it all on paper. But even when he asked me to read through it and confirm that it was all true, it didn’t hurt like I expected. Maybe doing this, finally giving myself a sense of justice was the peace that I needed. Maybe, I just needed to speak it outloud to someone who could really listen. So I wasn’t the only one carrying it. Or maybe it was him. Maybe it was how soft his voice was. The way he was looking at me. What he had said in the truck. Was this what it felt like to actually trust someone? But he was a police officer. He was just doing his job. I had heard of this before. Women falling in love with their therapists, or the firemen who pulled them out of a burning building. Whatever I believed was here couldn’t be real.
I avoided his eyes as I put the pen down. I had signed the statement making it all official. He reached across the table taking the paper and tucking it away into my casefile.
“I’ll get this scanned and submitted to the courts right away, unfortunately this is the part where we hurry up and wait.” I nodded.
“So, what do I do now?” I was exhausted, my voice was weak and tired. Walter sighed and rested his hand on my shoulder.
“Now, I’m going to take you home, and try to get some rest, and leave the hard part to me, as soon as I know anything I’ll contact you.” He said. I nodded. Out of all the things I had to do today. This was the part I dreaded most. Being alone again. But it was inevitable.
When we arrived at my building Detective Marshall offered to walk me inside. But I just shook my head and gave him a weak smile. I didn’t want to bother him any longer. I had to learn how to survive again. Hopefully this will all be over soon.
I waited until I watched her walk into the building. If I’m honest, I sat in that parking lot for another 20 minutes, watching the door and checking the perimeter of the building. I promised I’d keep her safe. I intended to keep that promise.
When I finally headed back to the station I checked I.T. to make sure her paperwork had been faxed to the prosecutor. I hate this part. I’ve worked cases where people try to take the law into their own hands. And while I still continue to follow through with direct orders and let the system put people to justice. I could see why others take matters into their own hands. I sat in my office, loading her file on my computer. Reading through it all. I see this everyday. I track down killers, rapists, abusers, every single day. But she’s stuck in my head. The knock on my door takes my focus from the screen. I lifted my eyes to see who was at my office. Rachel.
“Hi,” she spoke softly. She had that sympathetic smile on her face like she was reading my mind before I even spoke.
“Did you need something?” I leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow.
“I just wanted to check in with you, and see how everything went with the girl that came in to report last night?” she asked, her eyes big and hopeful. Rachel is an incredibly kind person. But she is also incredibly curious and stubborn.
“Just finished up this morning.” I said blankly. Hoping she would take it and leave. I know better.
“You got her to talk to you, good. I was worried about her. I noticed, uhm that, she came in with you today,” she raised an eyebrow accusingly. I let out a sigh running a hand over my beard. I locked eyes with her. I’d already beat myself up for taking this girl home with me last night. I’d gone against the code of conduct to help her feel safe. What did she want me to say?
“You seem to know everything already, why don’t you tell me what’s going on then. Since you’ve got me all figured out here.” I nodded to her, pursing my lips into a tight scowl. I didn’t need her psychoanalysis to tell me I’d fucked up. I knew that.
Her arms were crossed now as she leaned against the door frame looking me over carefully.
“Did you drive her home last night?” I let out a sharp laugh.
“It was freezing outside, she walked here. Yes. I took her home.” I replied. Not fully a lie. We did stop there. “Are you done?” I asked her “I have a lot to get done today and I’m waiting to hear from the prosecutor,”
“Walter,” She sighed, stepping into my office and sitting in front of me. The same place Alayna had sat last night. “Did she go home with you? It’s typical for victims to make…” she paused trying to find the right word. “Advances, toward men they see as protectors.” My brow creased my eyes zeroing in on her as I stopped her.
“You think I had sex with her?” I snap “That girl is afraid of her own shadow, you saw her. How long had you been talking to her? Trying to get her to open up before I came in? Yes, I finally got her to talk. And she was extremely shaken up. I took her home, but she looked so scared. Afraid to be alone. I don’t know why I did it. I could’ve … I should have sent her into her building and called an officer to sit and keep watch for the night.”
“But you didn’t, you let her go back to your house. Why?” She pressed. I groaned, frustrated.
“I don’t know,” I sighed.
“Nothing happened?” She asked.
“I didn’t sleep with her,” I growled. Her eyes went wide and she held up her hands in defense.
“Okay, just be more careful, something like this could have the head of the department on your ass and I can’t cover for you,” she said. I rolled my eyes, looking back at the screen.
“I didn’t ask you to,” I mumbled. She sighed and her shoulders slump, defeated. She stood to exit the office. Before she was completely out of ear shot she added.
“I hope you know what you’re doing.” When I knew she was gone I leaned back in my chair letting my head fall back and let out a frustrated groan. Of all people she should understand I was just trying to help this girl.
I’m distracted by my office phone ringing. I picked it up immediately.
“SVU this is Captain Marshall,” I answered
“Marshall, this is Casey Novack, I just reviewed your case.” I gripped the phone tighter.
“And?” I encouraged her.
“You have no evidence here, what do you want me to do?” she explained.
“Let me arrest this guy, there’s enough detail in the statement to pull a confession, Casey. This victim’s been holding on to this for 2 year’s,” I argued.
“If I do that and he doesn’t confess this judge will have my ass Walt you know that, If this girl would’ve confessed sooner…”
“Casey, this isn’t a gamble. This happened. He’s guilty. I will get you that confession.” I barked, interrupting her.
“Legally?” I couldn’t see her face but I knew she had an eyebrow raised. “You’re a good cop Marshall, I’ll give you that. I don’t know what’s changed in you, I’ve never seen you fight so hard for the victim. It’s always about brute force with you. …Pick him up. Don’t make me regret this.” She said.
“You won’t,” I assured her.
It took me less than 2 hours to track him down. He wasn’t home. He wasn’t at work. Ironically, he was back in their hometown, with an old college buddy. Before I walked into the bar I stopped to call her. I told her I’d let her know when anything happened.
“Hello?” Her voice came through the phone soft and sleepy. I must’ve woken her up.
“Alayna, This is Detective Marshall.” I heard something shift in the background and her voice was more clear when she spoke.
“Detective, I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon,” she said, I smiled softly.
“Yeah, well, the prosecutor is an old friend. I’m arresting him. He’ll be in custody soon. I thought you’d like to know.”
“Thank you,” Her voice was weak but I understood the sentiment. “I appreciate you calling. I guess. I’ll see you when I’m needed.” She added.
“You did an amazing job today, leave the rest up to me,” I soothed. I heard her sigh softly.
“Goodbye walter.” I could tell she was smiling.
“Goodbye Alayna.” I hung up the phone and walked into the bar. This piece of shit had no idea what was coming. His friend saw me first. He offered me a shot. When I turned him down, that's when he turned. I knew it was him. I recognized the pictures we’d found online for reference. But apart from that. She had described him so vividly. I would be able to recognize him anywhere. “Justin Veach?” I asked blankly, clearly unimpressed by their little charade.
“Yup,” He replied. “Since ‘89! How can I help you?” He asked smuggly, I didn’t give him a response. I pulled the cuffs from my belt.
“You’re under arrest for the rape and assault of Alayna Doyle.” I dragged him up by his arm slapping the cuff on one wrist. “You have the right to an attorney. Anything you say or do can be held against you in a court of law.” I continued reading him his rights as his friend followed us out of the building shouting not to say anything. And informing me that he went to law school. The officer that had followed me led Justin to the back of his car. His friend continued to shout but I ignored him. I nodded to the other officer, getting back in my truck and leading him back to the station. Now it was time for the fun part. Keeping my promise to Alayna. And to Casey. I had to get his confession. It was the only way to convince a judge to take the case. And now that he’s been accused. It was the only way I could assure Alayna I could protect her. Everything’s riding on this. Casey told me I was a good cop. I’d like to think that. But men like him… Will never get to see that side of me. It’s showtime.
Thank you all for your support on this! I intend for part 3 to have a much quicker update! Thanks for you patience and love y’all ❤️🥰
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sourrind · 2 months
Thanks @celinou & @momochizoey for tagging me 🤍
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I've got 4 works total.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
73,030 words.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Seeing as how I only have 4 works, I'll just mention the fic with the most kudos - my Wenclair fic "At the End of One's Woe" with 760 kudos.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I love it when writers respond to my comments (as inane as they are), so I thought I should do the same.
Not only that, but sometimes I'll reply to a comment when there's a new chapter of that work just to kind of nudge them to read it.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
"To Know Yourself."
It's a Chasefield fic and it's the first thing I started writing when I got back into the fanfic space. It's currently sitting at 6 chapters unfinished, but where I left it off is probably the angstiest thing I've explored publicly on my account.
32,000 words, and the poor girls don't even like each other yet.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Either the aforementioned Wenclair fic or my Chasefield smutfic "One and Then the Other." I mean, what's a happier ending then getting to bang the girl you like?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've not.
9. Do you write smut?
I was very nervous to publish that first smutfic, but I wasn't a stranger to writing things of an explicit nature.
I used to ERP on Gaia ALL THE TIME when I was younger, but it definitely was a different thing to write stuff like that and know it would be going out for everyone to see.
But I had a blast writing it and I don't see myself straying away from smut anytime soon. The only thing I don't like is how I find it very difficult to write smut without tons of preamble beforehand, so that's kind of the one thing holding me back.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written?
I've not.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've not, though I wouldn't be against it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've not, just the casual headcanon talks with friends and mutuals.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
I love all the Life is Strange ships, but Chasefield holds a very special place in my heart for getting me back into fandom/fanfic as a whole.
Wenclair is also up there - it was very fun to write for an active/ongoing fandom and it was kind of crazy to see how different the response was in that.
For ships that I love, but haven't written for, I'm enamored with Ava/Beatrice from Warrior Nun and Kara/Lena from CW's Supergirl.
I do think a lot of that is that those characters and stories are closer to where I am in age/place in life, while Life is Strange/Wednesday occupies a place where I reminisce on highschool didn'ts and wish-I-would'ves.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
There's a part of me where I see myself never finishing "To Know Yourself." I had originally planned it to be this 30+ chapter thing that takes place over the entire school year, and though I do have an outline of that, it's a huge prospect - especially seeing as how I do have other stories outlined in the LiS world that are significantly shorter.
I do think about it and go back to it, but it's a reality that's possible for sure.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It's cool if it works. It's all relative on the perspective of the story and whether we are supposed to know what's being said and stuff.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My first fandom was Inu-yasha and I was writing Sesshomaru/Miroku slashfics on fanfiction.net.
So yeah. I'm old.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
"A Common Cold."
I wrote this fic for a mutual who was sick at the time and it was because of this that we became friends. She's actually one of the people that tagged me to do this, so here's to you Zoey!!
I'll tag @dmmeeble, @fazedlight, and @daisychainsandbowties for this, but if you're scrolling down, see this, and hankering to do this as well, go for it!
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livviem-009 · 10 months
Rereading the ACD Canon and My Reactions: A Study in Scarlet Part 1 (Spoilers)
Chapter 1
-I always keep forgetting that John was a soldier as well as an army doctor.
-I don't really remember if Stamford comes back in another story, but I hope so.
-Hints of Sherlock Holmes; also, I find it relatable because I literally can't convince my sister to help me buy a PS5.
-"I should prefer having a partner to being alone." *me being lonely sometimes* Okay, I see you as a friend now; please be real and be my friend.
-So basically, Sherlock is weird, has fixations, and is beating the subjects in the dissecting rooms with a stick. Guys, I think he has ADHD or neurodivergent disorder (source: I have ADHD).
-Okay, I know this guy is supposed to be a brilliant scientist, but when Stamford and John met Sherlock, he was screaming, "I’ve found it! I’ve found it!". I find that adorable and delightful; I don't know why.
-Sherlock is me when I meet people I like, handshakes and all.
-He also laughs in this; modern adaptations rarely make him laugh, so I was shocked (I read the Canon when I was younger).
-Sherlock is dragging John around to ramble about hyperfixation.
-He even claps when his experiment works.
-Just go along with it; I like pointing out details.
-John describes him as having sparkly eyes. Are you sure you just want a roommate?
-I swear, I find it adorable when Sherlock holds out his hand like a kid, saying he has a cool scar.
-Stamford is just third-wheeling.
-Sherlock just listed all his cons, and John is already down for him and just accepts his flaws, like a good "roommate/best friend".
-Stamford basically says, "Dude, you're his roommate; you figure him out."
Chapter 2
-Roommate montage!
-Sherlock is an early worm.
-Oh yeah, I forgot he does drugs like cocaine and uses it for stimulation (I use Ritalin for my ADHD).
-There is an entire paragraph of John describing Sherlock (I know he's the POV, but it seems romantic).
-John: Dude. The solar system!
-Sherlock: Is it useful for me? No!
-Oh no, Sherlock could be a flat-earther (joke). But honestly, I relate to not learning stuff because I don't find it interesting or useful.
-John judged him a lot on his list, lol.
-Then burn it down. I laughed at this part; don't judge me.
-Wow, John Watson, that was mean of you to call Lestrade like that.
-I wonder if Mrs. Hudson acts like a mom when people come over to the flat sometimes.
-John, that was rude. Be nice to your landlady.
-OMG, he said "Elementary."!
-In other words, he does freelance work.
-That makes sense.
-Edgar Allen Poe exists in this universe; did anyone make a crossover with that?
-Okay, he does have a pipe, so one of my memories has been validated.
-Imagine if Sherlock was in Twitter discussions; I would pay to see that.
-John believes in his ability now, and I also want to know how he found out about the Marine's thing.
Chapter 3
-Rude... Oh, he apologized.
-OG! Holmes is freaking likeable (and did I mention he's chill? I am jealous of John because I want a friend like him too!).
-From the previous chapter, I will thank him for his explanation.
-He just likes getting compliments, that's for sure.
-Mystery time (I actually forgot how this actually went out, but I'm just going to read on; I miss Liam).
-Gregson is always on the short end of the stick when it comes to adaptations.
-Think about Lestrade and Gregson in dresses fighting each other; it's funny.
-I'm going to solve a case; I got John Watson as my partner." GOD, MY BBC PHASE!
-Opposite of BBC Sherlock, hmm...
-I got reminded of Light Yagami for the second time there.
-Hi Gregson, great to see you!
-I know about the cab thing (I said I don't 'exactly' remember).
-Oh yeah, he was not framed here (William James Moriarty, I still miss you).
-Yeah, that makes sense. Second individual because of poison.
-Wait, did they check for struggles?
-*flashbacks to a Study in Pink* Oh god, is it the ring thing where it was thought that the victim got around?
-How did I remember that? Also, scarlet reminds me of Liam.
-For some reason, I imagined this scene to be funny in my head.
-I remember that the killer did it because of the size of the finger and the font thing.
-Rache means revenge; then it was a man because of the dust and the footprints. Yay, I remembered poison as the cause of death.
-Boom, mic drop!
Chapter 4
-He wrote a book about cigarette ashes too.
-Haha, there goes John again, winning his roommate's heart.
-Is it wrong that I have a mental image of Sherlock running outside excitedly so he can see a case whenever they go out?
-Sherlock Holmes, please stop giving the man heart attacks.
-Horseman. The whip for a cabby!
-Oh yeah, the red string of faith that's it's called 'A Study in Scarlet'.
-Sherliam has killed my brain cells.
Chapter 5
-Yeah, you do, Watson. I hope the victim dies in Hell, though.
-Was he joking about the astronomy thing?
-*flashbacks to Moriarty the Patriot* I miss Fred.
-Chase scene!!!
-Fred Porlock, is that you?
Chapter 6
-Baker Street Irregulars!
-Yeah, I want to know how they met.
-Seriously, I want to see Gregson in more adaptations.
-I also kept this part short because I was too busy reading everything to think.
-Also interesting.
Chapter 7
-It was ironic that Karma from the MTP soundtrack played when I read about the body.
-Did I ever mention that I love Holmes' enthusiasm?
-I got another flashback at Yuumori when red string was mentioned again.
-Poor doggo!
-I realized something, J. H. stands for Jefferson Hope.
-Yeah, I knew it!
-So, there is no epic fight at the church where Hope reveals his benefactor?
-I miss Liam again.
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bi-bats · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @kieran-granola and @waffleinator-inator!!! Thank you both for the tags omg I appreciate it dearly 💚💚💚
How many works do you have on AO3?
20! (Woah!!)
What’s your total A03 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
I have only ever written DC fic. Literally ever. I've never written fic that wasn't for DC.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Now Kiss (Which on the one hand is very surprising to me, but on the other hand is a blessing moreso than a curse? I'm trying to look at it as a reminder that people love what I write even when I don't think it's perfect)
Know Yourself (GOD I really want to get back to this one. I want to finish it so bad, the plot of it is still mocking me from The Corkboard and I know I'm just stuck in the mud of the middle right now, which I will get through eventually)
Rooftops & Bookshops (Honestly, not that surprising to me considering it's one of my oldest and it's finished, even though I don't love the writing so much anymore and personally think I've improved significantly since writing it. That said, I do still love the plot of it and if I went back to edit, it would only be prose that I changed. But I'm NOT DOING THAT FOR THE RECORD. Also I have a soft spot for this fic bc I met one of my besties bc of it 💚)
Pieces of Me (Pieces of You) (I'm super proud of my additions to this piece. Not much more to say. @chibinightowl was wonderful to work with and gave me some incredibly helpful advice that I really think helped me improve massively as a writer)
Subtle (This is so surprising to me actually?? Like, huh?? It's one of my oldest and it's pretty fluffy, so maybe that's why?)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love to respond to comments, I love to receive comments, but I am currently so so so far behind on responding that I'm actively stressed about it when I think about it which is not helping me with the writer's block I am currently experiencing 😭
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably You Hear His Voice Once and You Know It Again. Like, the ending is horny, but also it's fucked up so I'd call it the angstiest.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Maybe Good Morning? That fic is SO fluffy
Do you get hate on your fic?
No, I've never gotten hate on a fic. I've occasionally gotten a few comments that were clearly people trying to be helpful by offering unsolicited advice or saying what they want to see in a story, but I disregard those because they don't bother me.
That said, I have gotten a weird amount of comments on Now Kiss that referred to the city with gendered terms despite my adamant and intentional refusal to do so in the fic, because sentient cities do not have genders and I am non-binary. I'm assuming most of these were innocuous/from people who just are used to referring to a city in female terms, but I have also gotten some feedback specifically from people who wanted me to gender the city in female terms and mentioned that it had a negative impact on their reading, which frustrated me as a person who doesn't ascribe to the gender binary, but I am not going to go on a rant abt right now because this is supposed to be a fun thing :))
Do you write smut?
Yep! Takes me like 25 years, but yeah
Do you write crossovers?
No, I also don't particularly like crossovers
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If I have, I don't know about it!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
If I have, I also don't know about it! Open invitation, though. Just let me know if you want to so we can both be listed as authors!!
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yeah! I wrote Pieces of Me (Pieces of You) with Chibi for the jaytim WIP exchange, and I have a few other fics that I want to write with people, one of which is like. It's not not in the works, we've just been distracted from it 😂
What‘s your all-time favorite ship?
Okay look it CHANGES. I go through phases. That said, probably a tie between JayTim and DamiTim. The scales tip with them pretty often though, sometimes one will win over, sometimes the other will. Currently I'm in my damitim era.
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh, don't even ask me that. I don't doubt my ability to finish ANY of them on principle that if I start doubting, I've already given up. That said, the most complicated/on the backburner one of them right now is What Are You Waiting For? (which is a bummer because I really am excited about it, but I try to just write what I'm feeling inspired to write in any given moment, which right now is nothing fandom related unfortunately)
What’s your writing strengths?
Hurt/comfort and angst, or so I have been told. Also, dialogue.
What’s your writing weaknesses?
Probably over-editing and being too hard on myself when it comes to my writing in the first place. Also, I really struggle with descriptions of places.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If I did, I'd need someone to double check that everything was correct, but as long as someone else was willing and able to make sure it was right, I would!
First fandom you wrote for?
DC lmao, but the fic I wrote had no plot and shall never see the light of day
Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
I Know What My Brother Is, hands down. I love the prose SO much it's just. akdfjakl. I'm REALLY happy with it.
Okay! No pressure tagging (and sorry if any of y'all have already done this) @chipmunkery @this-was-a-terrible-idea @ragnarokhound @cheetahleopard @deepwithintheabyss @zeroducks-2
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dilf-in-peril · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
tagged by: @grand-magnificent thx :3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Professional wrestling right now, obviously, which for the rest of the questions I pretend is the only thing I write to stay on brand. I also still write the occasional fic for my old fandoms or films you've never heard of, partcipating in exchanges makes you write a lot of random stuff.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Just giving you the ones for Wrestling:
Kayfabe (missing that old man hours, kayfabe breaking cmjf)
Top Guys. In. (cmftr DP)
He Gets Papi (rhea/dom pissfic) - wow that one's got a long tail huh?
Welcome to the BCC (yutamox hole initiation ceremony)
Making Amends (punk asks HHH politely to be allowed back into wwe)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes. I rarely ever have anything to say in response unless it's a question and I feel silly when I say "thank you for noticing what I tried to put down" but I like to let people know I appreciate their comments, because I very much do.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably that CMJF noncon fic which had everyone miserable and worse by the end of it. Also all of the PunkRaven stuff, which never has much of an improvement of the situation in sight.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
idk, I don't write a lot of longfic anyway and I think most of the PWP stuff that's not super messed up ends with people showering together or falling asleep next to each other which is a pretty happy ending as far as sex goes.... oh wait, it's the HHH fic where Punk implicitly returns to WWE for his efforts (I guess here too it is up to the reader whether this is a happy ending or more of a "came back wrong")
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Only once for the underage cmjf fic, and I think it was the same person grand-magnificent mentions ironically. Maybe it helps that the kind of wrestling fans that I can see being haters have been condemned to writing incest fic so they don't have much ground to stand on.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah. All of it. I also actively hate writing it most of the time. I enjoy writing mood, tension, the build and the aftermath but not much of the actual in and out.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Don't think I ever have, no. I never got the appeal of "what if Goku met Superman" and I am clearly not funny enough to pull of something like WWE meets Succession.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah but not Wrestling fandom, it was Dune.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. Actually, if you want to do that, hit me up.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
All-time ship is a bit wild if I've only been writing this fandom for a little over a year but it's PunkJoe. This bad boy can fit so much love. And kink. And H/C.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hey now, mind your words.
16. What are your writing strengths?
People have told me it's physical sensations, descriptions that give a visual image even if you've got a bit of the old aphantasia, and discomfort.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. Introspection. Writing out feelings. Not using the same words all the fucking time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
idk... don't, unless you speak the language or have a beta that does? I guess now it's easy to just google translate it as a reader but with older literature it always throws me out... am I supposed to just speak latin and french to get what you're having your characters say?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter like almost two decades ago.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I am still very proud of the Smoke and Mirrors PunkRaven fic. I could probably improve it a bit now that I actually have access to the whole feud and learned more about them but it's surprisingly on point just from my gut feelings.
tagging: @doctorworm @glamrocktrash @tache-noire and everyone else I have ever interacted with on ao3 and forgotten about right now
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tabsters · 5 months
it's supposed to snow where i am today so thats pretty cool!!
tagging @mythicalmagical-monkeyman @hyperfixation-tangentopia @maiawhimsicalt and @sweet-star-cookie
previous chapter is here
next chapter is here
masterpost is here
“Treading into some difficult territory, kid.” Gemini sighed, and bit off a chunk of her scone ravenously. “But alright. Peggy, would you mind?”
Pegasus poured Cassie a cup of tea. “Well. Eclipse was the creator of the Astral Plane. There are three dimensions: the Astral Plane, the Mortal Realm, and the Abyss. Our creator hailed from the Abyss, a place made of light and shadows. She was—“
“An asshole,” Gemini interrupted, dropping two cubes of sugar and a splash of milk into Cassie’s teacup.
“While that isn’t quite the terminology I’d use to describe her, yes.” Pegasus continued. “But she is also a genius. She created the Astral Plane from essentially nothing, and she turned more than seventy mortal souls into immortal constellations. She made gods."
“So where is she now?” Cassie asked, taking a sip of her tea. It tasted almost flowery, with something else. Lemon? “Gemini...you mentioned that she was locked up now?”
“She is in prison. Before the creation of the Zodiacs, she had done some...experiments on other mortal souls.” Pegasus steepled her fingers. “Kept them secret. She believed that they weren't perfect enough, and if she could figure out what made them impure, they would be fixed." 
“Insane bitch.” Gemini reached for another scone, and Cassie was struck with the realization that this was far too serious of a conversation to be having over tea. "Killed her father, her mother, and two of her sisters. We were born from hands stained from blood."
"How did she...make you gods?" Cassie took another bite of her scone, dangling her feet a bit over the edge of her chair. "Ciara mentioned...golden blood?"
"Ah. Orichalcum." Pegasus said seriously, while Gemini snickered. "No dirty thoughts, Gemini. Matter of fact, why don't you explain?"
"Right, right." Gemini wiped the corners of her mouth with the back of her hand, and Pegasus all but threw a napkin at her. "Orichalcum is basically Eclipse's blood. It's what gives us our powers. She performs this super fancy ritual whenever there's a new Zodiac. Basically cuts into our back, pours her blood into our bodies, leaves scars."
Cassie gasped a little bit. "That's...an interesting way to gain immortality."
"Well, I think that description is enough to ruin my appetite." Pegasus stood up and pushed her chair in. "Gemini, I believe it is time for you to prepare for the ball, since you have been putting off preparing for it for so long."
Gemini groaned, standing up as well. "Fine, fine. Hey, Cassie, you wanna help me pick out a dress for me to wear to this thing?"
"Me?" Cassie asked, surprised. 
"Yeah! It'll be fun. Well, probably for everyone but me, since I'll be having to try the damn things on."
Cassie shrugged. "Okay!" 
"Goodness, My Lady, when was the last time you combed your hair?" 
"Your Grace, your pores! Oh dear, haven't you been taking care of your skin?"
"Hi, Columba. Hi, Cygnus." Gemini waved off her attendants and took a seat at her vanity. "Cassie, these are my stylists. And also my secretaries in affairs of state and treasury. Columba, Cygnus, this is—"
"The girl!" One of them rushed forward and took Cassie's hands in her own. She had dark gray hair tied up in two buns and wings that were slightly lighter. She was already dressed for the party, in a long white dress, which had feathers sewn into the top.
"A pleasure to finally make proper introductions! I was...ah, I was the one who attacked you when you first arrived." She shook her head in disappointment. "My sincerest apologies. I am Columba, the constellation representing the dove."
Cassie nodded awkwardly, and Columba let go of her hands. The other one—Cygnus, she assumed—waved to her before returning to fussing over Gemini.
"Is your little friend attending the party as well?" Cygnus asked, tugging at Gemini's long hair with a comb. "We could find one of Ciara's dresses, I'm sure they would fit her well." She was also already dressed, in a pale yellow dress with feathers sewn in at the ends. Cassie got the impression that it was because of these women that Gemini actually got anything done. 
"Me? Oh—I'm not sure if that's allowed?" Cassie half asked, standing next to Gemini and watching as she got her hair pulled in every direction. 
"Eh, we can sneak you in," Gemini said nonchalantly. "What's Capricorn gonna do? Throw us out?"
"I believe she did throw you out after you had one too many drinks once." Pegasus grinned. "A very amusing scene."
"Oh, shut up. She's not gonna make her guards throw a kid out of her party." 
A dress was thrust into Gemini's arms, and she was shooed away into a changing room. Cassie could see Columba wheeling several more racks of dresses, rummaging through them.
"Oh my lord, this is so itchy." Gemini came back out, wearing a strapless dress with a black top and a white train. "I don't like it, I'm gonna trip over it at some point during the party and Capricorn will laugh at me."
"Perhaps this would be easier if you stopped delaying these clothing fittings." Cygnus picked out a different dress—off the shoulder, with diagonal black and white stripes—and handed it to Gemini. "Now, hurry up! We've only got a couple hours left until we must go."
Gemini grumbled some unsavory words and stalked off to the changing room. "Can we just pick a nice simple dress and move on?"
"No. Keep going."
They continued going, the pile of discarded dresses piling up in the corner. Sometimes, Gemini would ask Pegasus and Cassie their opinions if she was on the edge of deciding.
Finally, they narrowed it down to three. Pegasus had fallen asleep at some point, on Gemini's futon, and so Gemini looked towards Cassie. "Which one? You can pick."
Cassie looked between the three choices, before pointing at the middle one, a split black and white dress with a slit up the side. "That one."
Columba nodded in agreement, and Cygnus tossed the remaining two onto the pile of dresses. "Excellent decision. Now, Cassie, I don't suppose you'll be wanting a dress as well?"
"O—oh, me?" 
"It's no problem at all, really." Cygnus began gathering up the dresses and rehanging them on the racks. "You are a guest, after all."
Columba gestured for Cassie to stand up. She stretched out a tape measure, measuring her arm and waist lengths. "Yes, you should fit into Ciara's old dresses quite perfectly. Come, come!"
Gemini looked on bemusedly as Cassie was led out of the room by an eager Columba. The Zodiac merely shook her head and smiled. "See you later, yeah?"
Cassie hesitated, and then nodded. "See you!"
check out @sweet-star-cookie's starglass zodiac if you liked this!! questions about my lore are greatly appreciated!!
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stuffedsand · 1 month
Es - 1, 4, 12, and 20
Shidou - 6, 18, 23, and 25
Kazui - 2, 12, 13, and 25
Ok redoing this again 💥💥💥 thankyou for the ask rain Tumblr tried to eat it twice now
1) why do you like/dislike this character?
Ok I have a good few reasons for this!!! I love es milgram that much is obvious but my reasons for liking characters is usually really disorganized so I'll try my best
A) they're so cool looking I love their character design!!! Like holy shit. I've cosplayed them before type of good character design yk
B) they just like me fr
C) they're such a fun concept for an audience insert!! With their own opinions and morals that are somewhat shaped by the audience. Affected by but not entirely reflective of the audiences views and opinions because they're still their own character. Augh.
4) if you could put them in any other media, what would it be?
Hmm if you mean type of media I'd say video game milgram 💥 it'd be fun!!
If by media you mean fandom... Then idk 💀 I'm not the type to crossover single characters, so it'd be like. All of Milgram into something like hsr (iirc someone made this concept... I've thought about it alot but I don't remember who)
12) what's a headcanon you have for this character?
I like to think they regularly check in on the prisoners of their own will! They say it's routine checkup but realistically jackalope didn't say shit about checking in on prisoners outside of interrogations.
Alternatively I think they tend to hold jackalope while sleeping. He hates this
20) ideal best friend for this character
This one's a hard one... Within Milgram I'd say......... Yuno? Or fuuta? Just based on vibes, really. Maybe muu but I haven't watched her voice dramas yet...
6) something you have in common with this character?
He is not a character you'd want to have things in common with if I'm to be honest. Anyways.
Probably my manner of speaking? Doesn't come across as much in text because I make good use of emojis and the words lmao and lol too much. Also the rebuttal of Es' statement in trial 1 vd is something I'd do no hesitation. I was hoping he'd do that actually.
Alternatively... I guess general personality? In the whole mellow, apparently resting bitch face and unintentional aura of intimidation (friends words), and I guess being stupid and stubborn counts, yeah?
18) Relationship with another character in canon that you admire?
....is it off topic to say him and his wife. I think they were cute. Unfortunate, the use of past tense tho lmao
As of current milgram......... Idk he's not the most interactive. Seems to be just acquaintances with most other prisoners... Maybe him n Kazui? The relationship is formed on an unhealthy habit but they seem to by trying to have each other's backs and that's nice.
23) favourite picture of this character
TRIAL 2 ALBUM ART it's so pretty. The way the light flares frame his face like a "halo" in a way no other door art does. The lighting....
Honorary mention to the I think 1st anni art that I have as a standee :)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
His t2 album art makes me insane man. The fucking colours on that thing. I really like the colours purple and blue so like. Gestures. Yeah
25) What was your first impression of the character? How about now?
Oh my god you wouldn't believe. Ok so first impression was amusement if I'm fr. I thought him being the only one going "yeah I'd like to die. As atonement of course" was really funny. After that, because I did buy into the organ harvesting theory at the time, I thought the innocent vote was funny. Then triage made me cry.
Now I have Very Complicated Feelings (positive) of points at him hello Mr morally fucked up. I want to see you get worse. I am extremely strange about my favourites I think you can tell.
2) Favourite canon thing about him?
If you're talking generally then I love the songs I love half so much I love cats so much . What about him makes him always get banger songs
If we're talking traits then....I suppose it's how he acts. Like his regret for his "murder". It's so fun to spin around, that he knows it's not legally murder but by god will he feel responsible for her death, enough to consider himself a murderer. Augh
12) headcanon for this character?
I'm not gonna say he's queer I'm not gonna say that he's queer I'm not I'm a stronger person than thi
Anyways. That even years into their marriage he and hinako continued to go on little "dates" (which isn't common apparently? Not where I am)
Though that might be canon... What with that part in cat. Hm...
I like to think he did actually want to be an actor at some point. Or at least had passion in an artistic field. Oh the woes of social construct
13) emoji that reminds you of the character
I think we know. 🍏
(🥬🍏🤍🩵💙 iykyk)
What he would use tho... 👍 Probably.he feels like a 👍 guy
25) first impression vs current one
Well....on first watch of half I spent an hour analysing it, but I can't quite remember my first impression of kazui as a character...
I know I liked the theatre imagery and the implication that he was hiding something. I also remember that even then I did not believe the cheating allegations. I was right btw/silly
Now he makes me sad. I still hold a similar impression but now there's the extra thing that cat gave me of him being a liar since birth so it's not just a lie thing it's a mask to keep yourself safe thing. Aughghghg
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amethystunarmed · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you @marypsue for tagging me! (I'm sorry it is so late) This got VERY long, so I will put it under a cut.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
54, my god.
2. What’s your total word count?
188,134. Which seems both enormous and not enough lol.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, I'm in a major Hatchetfield kick. Those musicals have me by the throat. But I am also working on a Stranger Things series too! However, I'm probably most known for my My Hero Academia stuff, I know a couple of those absolutely did numbers when I wasn't looking.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
Oh I'm pretty sure I know. *checks Statistics* Yep I was right. My top five (and six and seven) are all from my Truth series, which is a MHA Dabihawks AU where Hawks joins the League of Villains.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try! Sometimes I get overwhelmed and fall behind but I swear I always read them and love them and am so touched.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ummmm... Deadass, I think it was the first fic I ever posted, back in high school. It was a Doctor Who fanfic, about a Weeping Angel who feel in love with a human, and tried to stop killing for him, but was so hungry she ended up killing him instead. It's almost ten years old, but you can find it here.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I am once go back deep in my archives for this one. Back in 2015, I posted a Supernatural fic that was pure fluff, Karaoke. It was my idea of a series finale where everything was beautiful for once. Riiiiip.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I definitely have before, but only like once or twice and I immediately blocked them. It is always heartbreaking though. :(
9. Do you write smut?
Once that I posted! Though I may have an unfinished draft or two, lol
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes, absolutely! My crossover tend to be characters experiencing scenarios from other universes, rather than character meeting.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Mostly by the AO3 scraping stuff, though I have found some suspicious posts with stuff from the Truth series on other sites, but nothing really definite.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes and I dropped my phone when the request came in. I was so excited.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah I have!!! My go-to partner in crime is @little-engineer-who-cant, we've been writing together since middle school.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Oh god, this is hard. Ummm... I suppose the first ship I ever really super got into was Ten/Rose in Doctor Who, so it holds a special place in my heart.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Honestly, one I really loved was an Adventure Zone Wicked au. There were a lot of great concepts in that one, but I never really got anywhere with it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue! I love dialogue. It tends to be what I write first and then I go back and fill in the blanks.
I feel like I'm also pretty good at exploring concepts, like, taking things to their furthest extreme and exploring what it means in the universe.
Also angst. I love angst.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. I just want you all to know what I am seeing in my head, not have to describe it. I really have to work at imagery, and making scenes feel alive.
Also fuck fight scenes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I would do it if I felt confident that I or another person could edit it to be accurate. If I am google translating or something, I'd rather just do English italics or say what characters the language are speaking. I don't want to butcher another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
As mentioned previously, the first fic I published was for Doctor Who but god as a kid I wrote myself into stories all the time! Should have known I'd end up a writer. Probably Yu-Gi-Oh or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Ohhhhhh these are so hard. Ummmm... To be honest, I am so incredibly proud of I Need a Shovel to Love Him. It is one of my recent Hatchetfield fics and is an exploration of grief, and it probably the closest a piece of writing has ever been to exactly what I pictured in my head when I wrote it.
But! Trying to ignore the bias for recent works, So Few Men Can Carry It is probably up there. It is an OC focused story in the Truth universe, and I loved discussing healthcare in a world with professional superheroes and plan to do more original stuff with that concept, because I love it so much.
I'm going to tag @little-engineer-who-cant again, as well as @snarky-wallflower and @starpirateee. (Does anyone else like to be included in these? I need to make a list!)
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redlibra14-2 · 1 year
I am shocked by the title of FD 6, it’s officially called Final Destination 6: Bloodlines. Now the reason why I’m so freaked out about this is because you know my WIP crossover story “Final Destination for My Bloody Reanimated Valentine”??? Well, to anyone who I have mentioned this to, as some of you may know, both on this account and on my other account @redlibra14, I’ve at some point alluded to my story having a sequel possibly being in the works after I finish it. But you want to know the title that I was planning on going with? “FDfMBRV 2: Bloodlines”, pretty generic title for a sequel I know. As with like any other film that also has Bloodlines somewhere in the title, it refers to heredity. 
And in the case of my story, it is supposed to expand upon the familial connections that the visionaries have with others, as well as each other, and is also meant to tie up any loose ends left behind by the first. I also plan on including 3 or 4 different segements instead of mashing it all together, which is a mistake that I know numerous films and shows make especially towards the end of a show or trilogy. Each would be carried through from start to finish and would have a new antagonist inside with it fluidly transitioning from one to the next without having it clunking it all together in a rush. It also expands the backstory of some of my OCs in the story. Also in a post over on my other account, I once mentioned a character called Cassandra, who is loosely based on the Greek mythology character of the same name, and Alex would find out about the truth of his powers and connection to other visionaries and how it all ties back to her. 
But that’s about as much as I am willing to reveal, because I’m still trying to calm my brain from this shocking coincidence. Now make no mistake, I wish I was part of the development team that’s currently in the process of beginning to film the 6th film, but sadly and unfortunately I’m not. 
Also, to provide extra context, as I was writting most of the first chapter in my head and thinking of ways to develop the plot, bits and pieces of the sequel also came into my mind, the sequel’s title being one of these things. 
So yeah, that was my reaction to this discovery.
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andthebubbles · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
tagged by @zenia-7 (eeeee i got tagged in something tysm!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
22, but i hid some shit ones
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
231,660 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Bridgerton atm
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All F1, as it turns out:
Summer Break (224 kudos) 😬
Driver Evaluation (220 kudos) 😮 (simi)
Our Endless Numbered Days (163 kudos) 🥰 (sewis but secretly simi)
The Art of Talking (or Lack Thereof) (154 kudos) 🙂 (sebson)
Six Feet From Ice (140 kudos) 😬
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, unless it's rude
I reply because someone took the time to comment, so I'm gonna take the time to reply. Also, comments make me so happy. (I'm just not very good at holding onto that happiness haha)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's a toss-up between The Ghost in These Halls and Our Endless Numbered Days. The first one is just... depressed Anthony never ever getting comfort (hurt no comfort eyyyyyy 😂😭), and the second one is... Seb revenge killing someone in front of his boyfriend soooOOOOO... not a good look Seb!!!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have loads of happy endings!!! I swear!!!!!
...idk, any of my fluff and/or crack fics I suppose
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far but I feel like on some future Bridgerton fic I will.................. this fandom is insane
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep. Currently anyway. Not usually. But I got Thirsty. Very Thirsty.
Uhh 'what kind'? Idk. Filthy gay mlm smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No but what if I gif-blended Benedict and Tim from Fellow Travellers
Also i feel like a crossover of the cracky sort might've been co-written during like, high school days... but yeah nah it was just for fun.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Er.......... maaaaybe on wattpad? I vaguely remembed something like that happening to f1 fics, but idk/I can't remember if mine was popular enough to be stolen
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think someone asked me for some fic (eta: Driver Evaluation) but I never saw the result
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, for the Beatles. We also co-wrote a crack poem in the comments on LJ and it's still one of my favourite things ever
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
......I don't think I can pick one. I still like simi. And I like Anthony & Benedict, and Anthony/Benedict too, but more in the way that I ignore that they're brothers. A bit like shipping JB/LT, except I'm too lazy to learn enough about them to write them. (Tbh idek if I like them because I know nothing about them skjfngkfjngk) But also they're not as enticing as Anthony and Benedict's personalities. So like, it's kinda like, I have the knowledge that they're not actually brothers, and then just loving their dynamic.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Though, the a&b modern AU fic (benedict the artist, i.e. the one where Anthony loves his brother's art from day one and becomes his biggest supporter (and makes him do his GCSE Art assignments for him)) has kinda stalled because I am reluctant to kill Edmund. Shockingly. But anyway I'm mentioning this because I still haven't gotten an ending for it. But then again I've hardly thought about it because I've been soooo distracted with a/b fic
16. What are your writing strengths?
It's kinda weird; when I started writing I got praised for my dialogue; nowadays I get praised for my descriptions. Does my dialogue suck now?! skjfgnkfjgnk
But the real answer is: writing action, like, ~this happens, then this, then... etc
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Getting into a character's head/the other character's head/trying to figure out what they think of some ~thing happening/trying to figure out what they know without my own knowledge interfering 😭
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Don't do it if it's not obvious what it means, or if you don't immediately explain it. By the time I see it in the a/n I'm not scrolling back up
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Spirited Away
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I have a few... but for the effort put into it, and the uniqueness, and the time spent thinking about it, and agonising over it... AND the initial smoothness of it, how easy it was to write nearly 80k words in like 3ish months... gotta be sebis fic aka Our Endless Numbered Days :3
Tagging (you don't have to do it): @4xmulti21champion @wolfsbanesbite @suspendingtime @smooth-boob @lucktofate + anyone else who wants to do it
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makesometime · 8 months
twenty questions for fic writers
I was tagged by the lovely @icescrabblerjerky
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 396! I had no idea I was so close to the big 4-0-0.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 1,161,641 since 2011
3. What fandoms do you write for? The top five above the ‘expand fandoms list’ section on my dashboard are: Rusty Quill Gaming, Terra Nova (the terrible 2012 TV show), Assassin’s Creed (Odyssey), Stranger Things and Baldur’s Gate 3. Honourable mention to Final Fantasy 14 which is likely to inspire more in me at some point.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
You are the reason I stay alive (Stranger Things) at 1,557
Hold me deep beneath your waves (Our Flag Means Death) at 1,237
Broken Regrets (Castlevania) at 1,219
Swallow my breath and take what is mine (Castlevania) at 967
You kissed me just to kiss me, not to make me cry (Our Flag Means Death) at 936
Amusingly, none of these feature in the top 5 for comments. Those are all Rusty Quill Gaming, which doesn’t surprise me at all. Of all of them, only 2 feature in the top 10 for comments.
5. Do you respond to comments? I always do, yes!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don’t think I ever write an angsty ending, because I am a happy ending queen. In fact if I search my almost 400 fics for the word angst, it only features in 7. I suppose Shield (An)other (RQG) would count but it was written from a place of bitterness so the angst is really all self-imposed.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? This is actually a harder question to answer, because that’s what I always aim for. The first one that came to mind though was I don't know where this road will end, but I'll walk it with you, hand in hand (RQG) because it was probably the last time I was truly happy with what was happening in RQG and I think it shows in the story. Everything since has been me fixing canon, with equally happy (blissful) endings.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I am very lucky - I’ve only ever had one comment that tended towards the negative and that was because I mentioned a canon female love interest too much in a m/m fic. That one got deleted.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Heck yeah I do. Of all my fics, 179/400 are rated E and 39/400 are M. I write all sorts - from soft to hard kink and everything in between. It’s also the far easiest thing for me to write.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I only have two, my favourite one is probably 34 Tite Street which is a TMA/RQG crossover. I did write a Hades (game)/RQG crossover which is probably a bit crazier.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? There was once upon a time that I’m pretty sure an RQG fic was heavily inspired by one of mine. But that’s okay, I don’t think it got much attention and I wasn’t going to throw my weight around about it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! One of my favourite fics for a very small fandom (Appropriate Punishment from And Then There Were None) was translated into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Very many things, with some truly wonderful friends <3<3
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Absolutely Zoscar from RQG. Nothing has inspired me quite like them, and nothing has got me so many wonderful friends.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I only have three on ao3 and tbh I don’t really want to finish any of them.
16. What are your writing strengths? Characterisation - I have been writing long enough that I can trust if something isn’t working, it’s because I’ve fucked up the characterisation at some point. Whether that’s a line of dialogue that doesn’t sound right, or a whole section of ‘they wouldn’t fucking do that’, I have to fix it to make the fic work.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Like Miri, I hate description so very much. I feel like I’m bad at it and I make it boring. 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I don’t mind unless it’s not translated. There have been a few fics I’ve seen in my time where another language has been used as a purposeful exclusionary tactic and no translation was given. (An RQG one comes to mind - the smugness radiating off of it was repulsive.)
19. First fandom you wrote for? Gosh, probably Stargate SG-1. Many many many years ago, you’ll forgive me for not checking ff.net to get a precise date for myself, but it was at least 20 years ago…
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? This is very hard to answer! I love all my children equally. Most recent favourite? Not broken, just bent, and we can learn to love again for Baldur’s Gate 3. Overall favourite is probably Pieces of me are pieces of you for RQG <3
I'll tag @sky-kiss, @wordsandstrangeways and @gorgongorgeous if you would like to!
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AutobotSariSumdac2023-Blog Part 1 + Cybertronian & FNAF (2023)
Credit for Transformers goes to Hasbro & Takara
Credit for Transformers Animated goes to Sam Register & Matt Youngberg
Credit for Transformers Prime Series goes to Allspark Company
Credit for Ancient Autobot Language & Decepticon Language goes to Jim Sorenson
Credit for Transformers Film Series goes to Paramount Pictures & Michael Bay 
Credit for FNAF goes to Scott Cawthon
at first when I drew Sari’s robot form’s head, it was originally just gonna be for the drawing at the bottom of Sari’s blog....
but then I got the idea to use the drawing for a type of “blog” idea....
even if it is more of a Ficto-Blog that is suppose to be Sari writing her feelings down about how she feels about being Techno-Organic and finding out that her Mom is technically Megatron.
so I am posting both works in this and since this is also a Crossover as well, I also added FNAF Fanart for one of the tags, as well as the Crossover fanart tag.
and since Breakdown and Knockout from Transformers Prime are mention in this as well, I added their names into the tags as well.
oh and in Sari’s blog, her timeline’s Prowl never stayed offline for long.
because Sari’s key still had lots of power in it, and when this version of Sari upgraded herself, she still looked the same age, so when she transformed into robot form during her childhood, she looked like a 8 year old robot.
one of the things that did change was her eye color, which like her counterpart that used all the allspark-key to not just upgrade herself but become much older...
but this version of Sari who goes by the username “AutobotSariSumdac2023″
she only used a little of the allspark-key’s power to only upgrade herself a little, and still stayed the same age she was before she upgraded herself.
this version of Sari didn’t end up hurting Bumblebee after the upgrade.   
maybe I will only make a few of “AutobotSariSumdac2023′s Blog”
not sure if I will make a lot of it, maybe only a few.
also as it points out in the poorly wrote Cybertronian Language,
The Transformers Reaction Force aren’t my favorite and I view them as being dirty shisno (Thank You Red Vs Blue for starting the “Shisno Word”)
I tried my best to write in Cybertronian, but it didn’t come out very well.
at least I added the translation in there.
I don’t know which group is the biggest Shisno in the Bayformers Universe, Sector Seven or The Transformers Reaction Force....
yeah it’s no contest, 100% The Transformers Reaction Force....
they make Sector Seven seem like misbehaved children in comparison.
 anyway when I can, I will make a Part 2 of AutobotSariSumdac2023′s blog.
not sure if I will make very many, maybe only a few.
I can’t promise that I will make a whole lot of AutobotSariSumdac2023′s Ficto-Blog.
I got the idea on February 18, 2023, and not sure if I will make it into a very big thing.
and just in case, I’m going to have some of the tags have “budding”, “asexual reproduction”, “mature audiences only” and “not for kids”  because even if this isn’t really like “super mature” but because it does have Sari mentioning Cybertronian’s going through a budding stage, and well she does end up adding that it is Asexual Reproduction for Cybertronians.
and well best to play it safe...just in case.
Knockout viewing Sari as his baby, and being like a Mother-Hen to her, just seem like a interesting idea to have Sari write for her blog.      
like picture a Transformers x Steven Universe Crossover,
and Knockout being like Pearl, and if he encounters SG-Sari
who tries to pass herself off as Sari, he might end up screaming “THAT’S NOT MY BABY” while hugging on to Safeguard (who is more like a platonic fusion like Steven & Greg’s fusion, only instead it being a Father & Son Fusion, it’s a Sibling Fusion, because Safeguard is made up of the twins Jetfire & Jetstorm.)
as for who would be the Amethyst, I would pick Wreck-Gar.
if Knockout ever ended up having a crush on Wreck-Gar, would it be viewed as him being Moronsexual....?  
well in the canon timeline of TFP, Breakdown does end up you know....
great, now I want to ship Knockout x Wreck-Gar. XD
should they be Knock-Gar or Wreckout...?
I would go with both, beware of the odd couple that is TFP-Knockout x TFA-Wreck-Gar.
weirdest ship idea ever but I love it. XD
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rosewind2007 · 2 years
It’s the Little Einsteins/Murderbot Diaries crossover the world was waiting for!
ART and I were watching a new series of Galaxy Voyagers. ART likes Galaxy Voyagers because it is about a brilliant ship-bot which rescues its crew every episode by using mathematics . The episodes contain puzzles which any human or augmented human, even pretty stupid ones, would be expected to solve for themselves within the twenty minutes available. Though lots of that twenty minutes is taken up (to be fair to the crew on the show) with repetitive language use and sudden song and dance routines; involving improbable alien fauna. It’s designed for human children so I am not sure why ART, who has an intelligence unmatched by any adult human or augmented human, enjoys it quite so much. The ship-bot sometimes makes a little beeplyboop noise which ART has taken to copying on occasion, even in our private feed, which should be more irritating than it is.
I felt ART cosying up to me in the shared feed. It was probably trying to be subtle about it, but try and imagine an immense, powerful, heavy presence trying to subtly ease itself onto your comfortable chair with you ? Yeah, like that.
What is it? I was allowed to sound slightly annoyed, I was trying to concentrate on the puzzle and how the writers were setting it up. The humans and augmented humans who make shows like this are actually very clever in the way they frame the learning stuff in with the action and the music, songs and dancing.
ART slipped a snippet of one of my own logs into our shared space, which was genuinely distracting when we were supposed to be watching something else. I know I can, and ART can to a much greater degree, handle multi channel tasks easily. But we were supposed to be watching the show. I dropped the input. ART acted all offended.
I looked at the log snippet. It was the interview (09257394) where Dr. Bharadwaj had mentioned that I edit out all mentions of the company name from my logs.
Yeah, what of it? Also, for the record, that font is lovely. I don’t know why people refer to some fonts as ‘flowery’, visual text format doesn’t look like flora. I admit I probably snapped a bit; my organic parts had started to feel cold and sort of lurched, if ART was going to mention removing the logos again…
It’s not about the logos. It sounded almost nervous. If ART could ever be nervous. OK, ART, what is this about?
It’s about the way you edit your logs. You do it with the company, like you’ve just done there. ART was making its questioning tone as gentle as possible, which was… I suppose it was trying.
I don’t like mentioning the company name, any mention of it can potentially be monetized.
I was feeling besieged.
“Look, what’s this about, ART?” I spoke aloud, and Amena jumped. It’s not as if I spoke loudly, but I suppose I’d been silent up until then and she’d been reading some coursework, sitting quietly quite close (but not too close, she’s good like that) to me in the argument lounge. But if ART was going to be weird I was going to involve my human.
“Amena, since SecUnit wants you involved, have you noticed the way it edits its logs?” ART was using its kindly professor voice, which I’m sure Amena noticed too.
“ART, I don’t make a habit of reading SecUnit’s logs,” (yeah, unlike some nosy transports), “I know about the the company thing. Ratthi told me, I can get that.” Amena was on my side here.
“It’s not that, it’s the augmented humans thing.” ART definitely put that in bold, possibly underlined too. Amena sort of tilted her head and furrowed her brow. ART continued, “SecUnit also edits its logs to insert and augmented humans when it mentions humans. It must have built in some sort of automated subroutine” it’s not as if ART won’t have checked to see that this is the case, “it’s very obvious once you’ve noticed.”
Amena looked at me, expecting me to say something. I didn’t have anything to say.
“It started doing it on the original survey, with your second mother and the other Preservation Aux humans and augmented human. Sometimes it can make the logs read a little strangely.” I was going to have to make ART shut up.
“Augmented humans were, and are, a threat to me. They’re more likely to spot me as a rogue SecUnit.” This is true, they are likely to be far more immersed in the feed than un-augmented humans. They might spot me, and that could end up with me being returned to the company and stripped down for parts.
“But, there was only one augmented human on the survey and that’s Gurathin? He’s your…he’s not a threat?” Amena sounded interested as well as puzzled.
“Not anymore, apparently.” I tried to say this as darkly as possible, but I was feeling a bit awkward.
This is a Gurathin thing, isn’t it? ART had returned to the feed. Too late now, you involved my human.
“Back on the survey Gurathin was a threat,” I began (I was on safe ground here), “He tried to immobilize me, and told everyone I was a rogue unit.”
“Gurathin ceased to be a threat to you on Day 6 of the survey, and has been an asset since then. He has even saved your life on occasion, at some personal cost.” Maybe I should have let ART stay in the feed.
“SecUnit? Do you really edit in ‘and augmented humans’?” Amena did the finger quotes thing. “All the time? In all your logs?” I pulled my arms around my knees and buried my head into them.
Don’t sulk. Amena is asking a reasonable question. Fuck you, ART—you engineered this whole thing. I made a rude gesture at the ceiling. Amena made a snorting noise.
“Amena, I think it started doing it because it was outraged that Dr. Gurathin identified it as a rogue. Which was something it had convinced itself no human could do. So it needed to somehow justify this, how he had managed to spot it.” Less kind professor voice now, more smug asshole.
“I think I get it. It didn’t see Gurathin as a potential threat to it? I mean, it saw everyone as a threat (this is SecUnit after all!) but Gurathin didn’t flag up as especially dangerous. And then he was. Far more so than SecUnit had expected. So SecUnit’s response was to try and identify a reason, a reason why this human had spotted it. Despite all the humans it had flagged as higher risk (the ones working for the company; the SecUnit techs and people like that) having failed to. So Gurathin, he’s visibly different , with his augments? And his augments do mean he’s really good at using the feed, and at systems analysis.” Amena looked at me, not directly at me but in my direction, thoughtfully. If she’s been in a historical drama she’d have sucked a pen or something. “I think I get it. Is it much of an effort?” That last bit was directed at me.
“No.” I didn’t mean to sound that sulky, but it was true. It wasn’t an effort.
“Well, if it makes you feel,” she paused looking for the right word, “more secure in your risk assessments, or whatever. Is there any reason to stop?”
She looked up at the ceiling, “Unless it really bothers you, Peri?”
ART did the machine intelligence equivalent of that thing where a human takes a step back and uses both hands to point at their chest, the lights in the lounge even flickered for a second.
“I mean, you’re not jealous that SecUnit is sort of mentioning Dr. Gurathin every time it does it?” As Amena said this she gathered herself together, stood up and took off her feed interface “Anyway, I must go meet Iris!” She didn’t even try and cover up the laughter in her voice as she left the lounge.
There was a long silence, then ART restarted Galaxy Voyagers; in the feed I swear it beeped very, very quietly.
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Also available on AO3!
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absentcaryatid · 2 years
A Tale of Two Taeils
An NCT fanfic by AbsentCaryatid
NCT discovers Taeil is late for a group meeting due to circumstances far beyond his control.
946 words, Content note: all ages, kissing is referenced but not present in the story
Today Taeyong had asked all the members to gather for a big announcement. Not wanting to repeat himself to latecomers, he decided to take roll. “WayV, got all your boys?”
Kun looked around. “Everybody is here that is supposed to be here.”
“Good. Mark, how about the Dreamies?”
“Seven, so that's everybody.”
Taeyong grunted approval and completed his tally. Shotaro and Sungchan were present. Next he looked for the men who made up the 127 unit. Starting with himself, he toted up nine members then stopped, sensing a problem. Winwin had been included out of old habit, but he had already been counted in Kun's tally. So, that meant somebody was missing. Deciding to go in age order, Taeyong scanned the room for Taeil but he was nowhere to be found. “Where the heck is Taeil?”
At that moment, Taeil burst into the room. “So sorry I am late! This building was unfamiliar to me.”
Why one of their own members was confused by the unchanged SM Entertainment layout became clear as they observed the man who stood there in a stylish hat and thick rimmed glasses. About two inches shorter than their teammate, he also had very noticeable tattoos from arm to knuckles plus a giant purple bat on his neck. This was not the man they had been looking for.
Pulling his arms into his oversized sweater, Taeil waved to the assembly. “Hi. Some of you look pretty young and might not know me. I'm Taeil, Lee Taeil of Block B.”
The group's name dawned across the members. Yuta was the first to speak. “You work with Zico, right?”
The author's face lit up in recognition. “I've heard of you! Toy, Shall We Dance, and your solo Doll's Dream are favorites of mine.”
“That sounds familiar. Yeah, we know Block B from Nalina, Very Good, Nillili Mambo, and Jackpot,” Jaehyun informed the others.
“Thanks,” Taeil offered with a shy smile. “I am pretty fond of Kick It myself.”
Doyoung grinned at the compliment from a fellow idol. That kind of recognition meant a lot. Still, he had a question. “Why visit SM Entertainment?”
Taeil looked as surprised as the rest of them by his presence. “I was in the practice rooms of Seven Seasons, and that writer was just about to have me confess undying love for my crush. Next thing I knew, I was suddenly yanked into this story. You have to help me get back, pretty sure I had a kissing scene coming up and I really don't want to miss that. I'm not written about as often as I used to be, so getting a love interest is something I want to return to as quickly as possible.”
The NCT members were stunned into silence by Taeil's admission of awareness they were in a fanfic. Well, most of them. Ten and Chenle began to giggle at Taeil's predicament.
As long as they were now mentioning it openly, Jungwoo wondered aloud on behalf of the group, “So, what are you doing in our fic, Taeil?”
“You have to admit a soloist from Block B meeting NCT seems an unusual combination for a story.” The others nodded along with Jaemin's contribution.
Yangyang thoughtfully added, “You are welcome here of course...”
“But you seem out of place,” Jisung bluntly concluded.
A scoff was heard from Jeno. “It is Tumblr, people here come up with some pretty unexpected crossovers.”
Haechan made an important connection when he remembered, “Meanwhile, our Taeil isn't here. I wonder if that is related.”
Johnny was the first to recognize the problem. Looking down to the bottom of the post, he directed everyone's attention to the tags. “You see that, it says 'Lee Taeil' instead of 'Moon Taeil.'”
Rolling his eyes, Taeil took the news well. “Of course! It has been happening to me a lot these days. Not on AO3 since once you choose the fandom the right people pop up for your characters, but Tumblr? Those tags can be tricky and even if you know the right name it can still switch on you after typing the correct one out. You should see the mess of my own 'Lee Taeil' search, there is more mislabeled NCT Moon Taeil than me some days.”
Going over their manuscript, the author was now alerted to the problem by the conversation they could not remember writing. Lifting their reading glasses, they squinted at the post. “Yep, this one is my fault. Sorry guys! I'll get right on it. I did not mean to drag you out of your own story, Lee Taeil.” Clicking the pencil icon, the author deleted the 'Lee Taeil' tag and added 'Moon Taeil' to the post making sure it was typed correctly.
With the edits now saved, Block B's Taeil started fading away. Looking down at himself, he began to grin and clasped his hands. “Please let me get back to my romance in time, please, please, please.” He then waved goodbye to the NCT members and was gone.
“Well he was nice,” Hendery commented.
Xiaojun agreed. “I liked him.”
Scrolling on his phone through a list of songs Taeil was known for, Renjun was impressed. “Too bad we didn't ask if he could sing something for us before he left. Love or Not was a nice duet with Sejeong a few years back. That might have been fun to hear.”
Taeyong was about to call everybody back to attention when Taeil, Moon Taeil of NCT, flung himself into the room.
“Please excuse my lateness,” he panted. “For some reason I felt like I didn't exist. It was really weird. Everything seems fine now though. Did I miss anything?”
General Masterlist
Masterlist of stories with No Reader/Idol Romance
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rebelbyrdie · 2 years
Ficlet Day #3 (OUAT)
I think this was supposed to be a OUAT-Witcher Crossover Fic with a very jealous Emma.
What Does She Have (That I Don't)
Another portal opened, which shouldn't be a surprise anymore.  It was, like, a weekly occurance.  Storybrooke was as busy as O'Hare these days.  People came and went.  
Just two months ago half of the cast of Frozen had decided to spend their royal vacation in Storybrooke.  It wasn't that Emma had been happy to see Anna and Elsa, but the whole reindeer and snowman thing had been a bit much.
So here they were, yet again, on a wild portal hunt. It wouldn't be so bad, but since Storybrooke wasn't on Google Maps, she couldn't even play Pokemon Go while trecking miles through the woods.
Maybe it would be something nice and easy.  Like maybe the cats from Aristocats.  Cute, cuddly and low matinence.  If it was ogres again, Emma was going to lose her shit.
"So are you picking up anything on your magical radar?"
Regina didn't say anything but did turn her head and glared at her.  They were still on shaky ground since the whole Robin-Marian situation.   Emma didn't know why.  Robin was a giant dickhead.  He might be Regina's so-called soulmate but he had also been Zelena's partner in crime.  Yeah he'd been doing to get back his dead wife, but that didn't mean he wasn't a dick head.  
Emma did not understand what Regina saw in him.
Probably the same thing she'd seen in Hook, a warm body that didn't hate her.  Lonliness made women (even super smart and magical ones) make dumb decisions.  Not that she would ever say that to Regina.  Emma didn't want to be set on fire, thank you very much.
"Seriously, you know I'm not good at this sensing magic stuff.  Are we even close?"
Regina blew a huff out of her nose.  "I think we need to go closer to the town line.  Back towards the road."
They were at least twenty minutes away the road.  Emma sighed.  This was going to be a long ass day.
When they finally arrived at the town line, Emma was ready for a burger, a shower, a burger, a beer and a nap.  Maybe a few beers.
"There we are."
The first thing Emma noticed was that the town sign had been destroyed.  As Regina had made her pay to repair it, Emma took that as a personal attack.  There was a person-shaped lump on the road.  Their portal trip must have been rough.
Emma put her hand on the butt of her pistol.  The lump didn't look familar and Emma had to be prepared for the worst.
Regina didn't seem very worried.  She just twister her left hand.  The person-lup was coated in shiny purple blanket.  They jerked in response and let out a long and painful groan.  They started to push themselves up.  
"Hey."  Emma kept her eyes focused on the stranger.  "Welcome to Storybrooke."
The lump looked up.  It was a woman in heavy leather armor.  She had short blonde hair, wierd eyes and a sour expression on her face.  She stood up and only wobbled a little bit.
"Oh!"  Regina's eyebrows winged up and then she held out her hand.  "Well Met, Ser." 
What the fuck?  Did Regina know this person?  Also did she know something about their pronouns that Emma didn't?
"I am Queen Regina, leader of Storybrooke."  
Well that was mostly accurate.
"And this is my law keeper, Lady Emma Swan.  We welcome you and offer any and all assitance."
What the ever-loving fuck was Regina talking about?
"Regina."  Emma hissed only half under her breath.  "What the Hell?"
Regina's eyes flashed and she scowled.  "Miss Swan.  Look at her sigil.  She is a Knight of Andrezej."
The sigil Regina mentioned must mean her necklace. Emma thought it looked like a wierd circle with something inside it.  It meant absolutly nothing to her.  More fairy tale crap.  Also Emma wasn't even sure that last part was a real word.  
"Gesundheit to you too."  She snarked at Regina.  Then she turned her attention back to the stranger.  "So what's your name and story?"
She didn't care how nice Regina was to this lady.  She wasn't from Storybrooke and that made her suspicious.  Not to mention that she had busted the "historic" sign into about a million pieces.
"I am."  Her voice had some sort of accent that Emma had never heard before.  "Ser Thera of Andrezej and I am here on a mission."  She pulled a scroll out of chest armor thing and held it out to Regina.  "I am hunting down a fugitive of justince from the Kingdom of King Ercole."
Wait.  Wait just a damn second.  This chick wasn't some fancy knight.  She was just a bounty hunter.  A freaking fairy tale bounty hunter.  Which was not nearly as cool as someone like Boba Fett or Stephanie Plum.  
"Well that's great.  How are you going to fix the town's historic sign, Lady?"
Regina scowled at her.  "Honestly, Miss Swan."  She flicked her hand around in a circle and poof the sign re-assembled itself magically.  "Don't be rude.  Ser Thera is our esteemed guest."
The woman tapped her wierd pendant and in a flash of orange her clothes changed.  The leather armor was now darkwash jeans, a  black button up shirt and a fitted bomber jacket.  The apparently magical necklace still hung off her neck.  
"Thank you, Your Majesty."  
It sounded so polite and proper when the bounty hunter said it.  Regina practically beamed when the woman offered her arm.  Regina, the super-independent and hard-assed mayor, linked her arm through the other woman's like a teenager on her first date.
"I'll show you our town.  If this mark of yours is here then Granny's is the best place to start looking.
They walked past Emma arm in arm.
Emma didn't like the smirk on the Thera's face or the spark in her wierd pumpkin orange eyes.  
What was Regina's deal?  She'd had Emma arrested for busting the sign and that hadn't even been her fault!  Not to mention she'd tried to run her out of town for months.  Now she was just throwing up the ye old castle gate and rolling out the freaking red carpet.  For a freaking bounty hunter.
Emma had been a bounty hunter too.  A damn good one.  They just didn't get to pretend to be knights in the good ol' US of A.  She didn't trust this woman.  What kind of name was Thera anyway?
When they got to Granny's, it only got worse.  Everyone, even Granny, fell all over themselves over her.  They all thought being a Knight of Achoo (or whatever) was the best thing in the damn universe.  Even Snow and David seemed impressed.  Henry wanted to hear stories about her adventures.
Apparently being The Savior was old news.  Whatever.  
"Sheriff Swan?"
Thera stood in front of her otherwise empty table.
"Her Majesty has offered me lodging for the night.  I was hoping we could speak on the morrow about my manhunt."
Emma wanted to tell the woman to crawl up her own butt and die, but that was probably not something a cop was supposed to say.  Besides that, the quicker this glorified bail jockey got her man, the quicker she would get out of town.
Wait.  Lodgings?
"Regina's paying to put you up in the Inn?"
Emma shot a look over at Ruby and her girlfriend.  They had both been drooling over tall, blonde and full of herself.
"No.  She is hosting me at her manor."
What!  Emma didn't even have a damn key to the place.  She had never even seen most of the second floor.  Suddenly Regina was just thowing open her doors.  To a stranger?  With their Kid right down the hall?
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