#// them again. maybe this time Lief could learn his name /lh
ask-team-misfit · 2 months
"Are you feeling better?" Sirius asked, "Considering you're not currently lying on the floor I will assume that is the case... I do hope the nausea lessens with time." He sighed, now that Lief was somewhat sober the Meowstic seemed anxious to be talking to him, almost as if he was worried he would get upset again. He definitely couldn't cope with another round of insults from Lief, even so, he continued. 
"Perhaps now I could properly apologise for my earlier actions, I was unaware of how much distress you were in at that moment and it was wrong of me to become upset at you for stating your personal feelings and dislike towards me. You should be allowed to not speak to me and avoid me at your own discretion without me interfering and tricking you." His voice slowly became sad and quiet as he spoke, "You don't have to like me. I'm sorry for subjecting you to my unwanted presence earlier... Though your words still bother me, I should not expect you to be aware of why... nor to care. But, I do hope you can forgive me, If not. That is all I wish to say to you."
In his focus on making sure the scarf was in one piece, aside him forgetting even speaking to Sirius before, the sound of the Psychic-type's voice surprised him. It was a repeat of his earlier, initial reaction when he spotted him as a humanoid; he didn't peg the guy as a social sort at all.
In fact, it made him jerk up so suddenly, that he toppled into the pool he had just dumped an ungodly amount of soap into.
He'd rush back out in a panic, spitting and coughing and gagging, his fur sopping wet and revealing how skinny he truly was. Just prior he was still somewhat sleepy; but now he appeared much more awake.
His movements slow, and he quieted down, upon making eye contact with Sirius.
And he proceeded to stand back up on his hind legs and try to make like he wasn't startled.
Even as pathetic wet lumps of what was formerly his stored pollen puffs fell splat on the floor in a gross pile, making his tail look even more like a sad, shaggy mop. Even as his wings jitter and shake off the excess water.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief, a hybrid of Sylveon and Ribombee, with a mono-color background. He is shown from the neck up, with his face slightly angled away from the viewer towards the left. He appears rather dismissive, glancing away towards the right with even narrower eyes. His face is flushed in red, literally so as the blush is shown in color. End ID ]
Lief: "Ahem. Uhh. First of all, you didn't see that."
He was trying very hard to be casual. Deep down, he felt so, so embarrassed. All that really came to mind was his first encounter with the Seer.
But something else bugged him about this encounter, that made it feel different than before. Something that tickled his brain on the fringes of his consciousness, related to the prior series of events he still struggled to recall.
Wo-Chien had said he argued with a Meowstic. Surely he didn't mean this Meowstic...
Lief: "Also, you really gotta work on that. Did you always sneak up on people like this? If I hadn't known better, I'd assume you were actually a Dark-type. Or even a Ghost-type... if I met one."
A pause. It seemed he only now realized all of what Sirius just said to him. He blinked with confusion.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief similar to the previous image, but with a different expression. He looks puzzled, or curious. His left eyebrow is noticeably raised, while his right eyelid is lowered somewhat. He is frowning visibly. An angular question mark is floating next to his head at the left. End ID ]
Lief: "And... wait, you're what now? Apologizing?"
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