#// this all obvs applies to pre-tk8 dj...
demonsfate Β· 4 months
fill in the below categories with several things that your character can be identified by.Β Β 
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RAGE. the emotion that consumes him most. devil was born to be a wrathful beast. taking his anger out on humanity for their alleged sins. devil is easy to anger, and he's hard to calm down.
HATE. the second emotion that's all too consuming. devil was also born to hate humanity, to kill them with no remorse. devil can't even explain his source of hatred beyond humans are weaklings who deserve retribution.
PRIDE. a devil playing god. dj believes himself to not only be above humanity, but above the other devils and azazel. look at the devil in kazuya's body, what happened to it? it's host defeated it. or azazel? humans locked it away. devil's arrogance only grew after defeating the possessed jinpachi.
PERPLEXITY. a sense of not fully understanding who he is, lost in his individualism. devil is often confused if his emotions are his own, or jin's, or even azazel's. after azazel revealed to him his true nature and purpose, devil's sense of individuality grew worse. ironically, he had hopes of becoming his own person during the war.
SADISM. the times you'll see devil smiling is when he's humiliating or defeating someone. devil takes great pleasure in making others feel worse. a thrill that comes from his never ending hatred.
SMOKE FROM UNCONTROLLABLE FLAMES. wherever devil goes, it seems he leaves the place burning. destroying a forest and setting trees ablaze with his hot lasers. blowing up vehicles. and finally, even ordering bombings while he was in control of the zaibatsu.
THE OVERWHELMING SMELL OF IRON. from the chains wrapped around him, and the blood that soaks his talons, the gore that drips from his grin.
LEATHER. devil loves wearing leather; he often dons leather pants that, funny enough, looks as if they were designed after his host's gi pants. he also enjoys wearing leather jackets as well.
EXPENSIVE SUITS & LONG JACKETS. despite his ' bad boy ' aesthetics, devil also loves wearing jackets. he thinks they give off the look of a truly powerful figure.
NECKLACES. skulls, chains, chokers, devil likes to adorn something around his neck. he thinks they're a nice little detail that adds to his outfit.
LEATHER. as said in the scents, you'll definitely smell all the leather he likes to wear. he's known particularly to wear those black leather pants with a flame on the right leg.
SWORD OF DEMONIC ENERGY. self explanatory, a large sword devil can summon at will.
CHAINS. commonly found wrapped around his body: arm, waist, and leg. devil also uses chains to attack people, too. they bear several meanings. his creator was bound by humans with chains, he keeps his own host chained to him, but devil also feels chained by his own fate - chains he desperately wants to break free from.
THRONE. the zaibatsu throne that's in his office. devil spent a lot of his time during his reign on the throne giving orders.
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UNDERESTIMATING OTHERS. perhaps what always leads to devil's downfall. due to his arrogance in his own strength, he didn't believe he had to worry about others. and even after his defeats, he views it more as a fluke and still believes he'll rise superior eventually.
TEMPER. devil claims anger is a necessity, and perhaps that's true sometimes. but his rage goes too far; his temper causes him to act on feeling rather than logic, and leads to a lot of careless moves.
IGNORANCE. a rejection of understanding humans. devil believes he knew so much about them, yet failed to properly display humanity when he acted as jin during the war. another flaw that led to his downfall.
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FLICKING TAIL. usually when devil's angry, it's obvious. but in those times when he's merely irritated, he'll flick his tail as a warning to back off. if whatever's bugging him persists, he'll start growling and snarling.
OPEN WINGS. if devil wishes to impress, he'll slowly spread his wings out to show off their great size. this can be both done as an intimidation tactic, and to attract others.
STIFF MUSCLES AND A BLANK STARE. if devil suddenly stops all actions and stare at something with no expression but wide eyes, this means something has caught his attention. if he looks this way at a person, it would be wise for the person to run. ( even if running from devil is usually futile )
THE COLOR BLACK. as expected, a devil is associated with darkness. therefore, black is common with him.
THE COLOR RED. similar reason - but stereotypically, devils are seen as red creatures. it's also a color heavily associated with devil due to red skies, and the blood of his victims.
DEVILS AND ANGELS. the former being his very nature, both being his relationship associated with his host.
YIN YANG. similar reason for above.
CHURCHES. he can often be found in abandoned cathedrals. but also, the irony.
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TAGGED BY . . . i already did this with jin, so i wanted to do this with dj. :')
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