#// this is completely nonserious i just think its neat :]
fenghuane-a · 2 years
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m. monster hunty....
i just think it’d be really funny if he bad mouthed kulve taroth and got goldblighted for it. the original “do it, you wont”. girlbossia wins again. hunters beat him up for extra money <3
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breadoffoxy · 5 years
BTS and their D&D Classes
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Jin - Bard 
• Mr. World Wide Handsome!! A face that could seduce anyone. • Technically all the members would be bards since they are performers but I feel Jin is the bardiest of them all. • He’s supportive to all the members and sticks up for them despite the consequences/their uncertainties. • CHAOTIC • I think he would use bardic inspiration on himself haha. • Jin does what he wants when he wants ok. • Who better to cast Vicious Mockery than him? He can be completely savage. • Has the voice of an angel. • He has the self-drive to learn how to play any instrument. • You think you’d have Jin figured out in a fight but then he pulls out Magical Secrets and goes surprise bitch. • Would be a Bard of the College of Lore. • He gets to use cutting words and more magical secrets. • He would get his knowledge from everything, wouldn’t matter if it’s a peasant or a scholarly tome. • His loyalties lie in the pursuit of beauty, truth, his friends, and whatever the hell he wants. • Nobles, deities, organizations can’t control him. • Honest over being political.
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Yoongi - Warlock
• Immediate gut reaction is that he is a warlock. It just seems to fit him so well. • Not all things they bind to have to be fiendish but I feel like Yoongis would be just a little bit. • He would think of the darkness as another part of himself but be able to control it and turn it into light. Or if you want to go kingdom hearts style he’d be twilight. • Warklocks have a deep thirst for knowledge and power. He’s a genius who can’t be stopped. • If he had a familiar it would take the form of Holly haha. • Ok more thematic I’d say a raven or cat. • I think Voice of the Chain Master is something he’d use a bit with his familiars. • And use One with Shadows to stay hidden. • You can’t find him unless he wants you to. • As all warlocks do its never-ending eldritch blast. • Once he decides to use up an actual spell slot watch out your done for. • Would learn the spell fly so he wouldn’t have to walk, but he wouldn’t go up very high. • Warlocks are also charisma based. • This man has a way with words.
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Hoseok - Rouge • The most dashing of Rouges. • He’s really nimble and light on his feet. • He could be really sneaky sneaky. • He likes to make noises while chasing down his prey to taunt them though. • In nonserious/nonlethal situations would make up his own theme songs. • Knives everywhere! • Just imagine him with his serious gaze when he performs (tear dior yeah) • Now imagine it when he is going in for the kill. • He can still be sweet sunshine when not on a job. • Hobi would have a lot of fun with Thieves’ Cant. • He’s quick and fluid so cunning action would be no problem. • No one would be able to ever hit him. • If they do then Uncanny dodge! • Reliable Talent, he’s a master at what he does. • I love the idea of Assassin Hoseok but I think Swashbuckler fits him better. • Fancy Footwork and Elegant Maneuver. • Plus, Charisma skills. • He is the mood maker come on.
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Namjoon - Wizard • Scholarly magic user, enough said. • His intelligence is beyond compare. • Just imagine all of the magical accidents. • Magical God of Destruction! • Would choose the best spells for each situation. • Just make sure he doesn’t loose his spell book please. • People would make him learn the fun utility spells just because they worry about him. • Prestidigitation would be his life saver. • If he makes a mess, he can magically clean it up. • It can magically cook for him too so he doesn’t have to step into the kitchen. • The spell also makes faint musical notes so he would be the most musical wizard there is. • He wouldn’t stick to one school in magic and dabble in everything. • I think he would be most proficient in the new school of Onomancy. • It’s the study into language and the magical significances that weave through names. • He can make his spells stronger if he knows his target’s true name. • Good for both attacking and supportive spells. • I think its also neat with the use of his stage name RM. • How it transformed from Rap Monster to Real Me.
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Jimin - Monk • Have you seen this man move!? • Look at all of his amazing gravity defying moves. • Plus, he has a martial arts background. • Monk is perfect for him. • He really trains for mastery and is a perfectionist so he would always strive to have a flawless form. • Who needs armor anyways if you can’t even hit him. • I would say he would study the Way of the Drunken Master but that doesn’t seem to match his elegance. • He does drink a lot though haha. Straight down the hatch! • I think Way of the Kensei fits him the best though. • That way he can be the strongest swordsman! • Just imagine the fluidity of his movements with a sword. • It would be like sword dancing! • It also includes instruction into calligraphy, he’s so talented at that too.
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Taehyung – Ranger • Ok so at first I had this idea for Tae that he would be a warrior to protect the wilderness and magical creatures. • If it’s not doing no harm then there’s no need to kill it. • He’d often fight humans and other races to protect creatures others see as monsters. • I can see him being raised in a druid circle actually. • But then I read about the new Fey Wanderer Archetype. • And I’m like that’s it! • He guards the border between the Feywild and the Material Plane while acting as a negotiator between the worlds. • Him having fey magic just seems perfect. • And he’s so beautiful and amazing how come he is not a fey himself yeah. • And your supposed to just pick one Feywild gift but all of them fit him so perfectly. I’m pasting them all from this source https://www.dndbeyond.com/classes/ranger o Illusory butterflies flutter around you while you take a short or long rest. o Fresh, seasonal flowers sprout from your hair each dawn. o You faintly smell of cinnamon, lavender, nutmeg, or another comforting herb or spice. o Your shadow dances while no one is looking directly at it. o Delicate horns or antlers sprout from your head. o Your skin and hair change color to match the season at each dawn. • I want Feywild Tae so bad!!! • Fey are mischievous and there are so many dynamics of light and dark with them. • Tae will do his best to protect both worlds.
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Jungkook – Sorcerer • I wanted to give Jungkook a more tankier role like Paladin. • Because he’s a beefy bunny. • Proficient in so many things and can help his friends while attacking. • But I can’t get rid of the On music video vibes and Jungkook’s theories on it. • So, I just have to give him the sorcerer role. • And he can turn into a fucking dragon. • How cool is that! • He’s a descendant of an ancient dragon bloodline and gets tapped with raw magic. • Gold Dragons! The strongest and most majestic of dragons. • They be good dragons too! • And Fire! • His arcane focus would be that conch shell. • He would learn Quickened Spell so he can dish out some serious damage in one turn. • Along with Careful Spell so he can protect his friends if they accidentally are in the crossfire for his spells.
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