#// went back and forth between main & hs but main hurts more and needs comfort the most so :'^ )
armafidelium · 9 months
hugs him. real tight. @seeksmoon
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A warmth and comforting feeling that made his heart ache. his twin seemed to know him best even better than he knew himself. a moment where his heart felt so fragile it was as if it could be easily shattered much like a piece of glass. a hardened weapon needn't the use for such things, but despite his title of weapon he was still human. a heart beat within his chest alongside every breath he would take. even with the numbness his body became accustomed to there were still signs of his humanity that lingered and oft times his humanity would break past the shroud and let itself be known to him.
his twin was his greatest link toward the heart that still beat and clung desperately for things he thought he'd long discarded. any moments the poison that connected him with his twin weakened he could feel the pain of scars from battles he'd fought be it recently or long in the past. the pain of blood on his hands be it his own or that of those whose lives he'd taken for the cause of the salvation of their people. but sometimes even a sliver of this would find its way into his mind and his heart whilst the numbness lingered and even through the fog he could feel the ache throb.
it was cold. it hurt. there was much he wished to discard but he was still very much the quiet young man he had been prior to his orbit leading him toward the noctum flowers. no matter how much he trained or hardened his heart it still had remnants of the person he wished he could discard simply so the things that would keep him up at night when the silence that could fill his mind when the tether was at its weakest would vanish. yet he couldn't do that to his twin. as desperately as he needed her he knew he couldn't leave her with a husk of a person wearing the mask of her brother.
was this why such a feeling, strange it may be with no physical presence yet his heart could vividly remember just how comforting this sensation had been in the past he could feel her embrace as if she were physically with him and he with her. he missed her yet always had her present with him. she most likely knew how desperately he missed her. even if he had learned how to be alone it was never any easier even with their connection. it was a comfort yet at the same time it only hurt more. their destinies chosen at the time of their birth before either one of them could even process a singular thought. sometimes he'd wonder what life would be like be it not for the weight the two carried within them their whole lives. could they have normally lived their lives like the others or would they still be subject to trials and tribulations? he didn't know and it was impossible to truly comprehend such a thing.
shaken breath filters out as the warmth of tears slowly flow down his cheeks. he hadn't known how long he'd needed something as simple as a hug, but now it was very apparent with how desperately he clung to this in his heart. truly where would he be without his sister's guidance? even lost to himself she'd help him find the way. shaken his words resonate in his heart with hopes such a thing could be heard.
' thank you, alune. i'm sorry. '
// @seeksmoon
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