legendwrote · 3 years
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Violent Devotion   Everyone seems to think you are faithless, but the thing is you haven’t yet found someone who will bring you to your knees and make you raise your head in reverence. This world has stopped bringing you joy, you want more of the divine. You want to dedicate your entire existence to someone; you want to make them realize they are not something terrible, make them see just how much beauty they are bringing to this world. You want to be the only one for them, the only one they have chosen to love. There’s a god shaped pit inside of you and only they can fit in it.   And what if they choose to walk away?    Didn’t I say this was violent devotion?
Tagged By: @nobilitylost​ Tagging: Whomever wishes to do this that hasn’t already!
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ofwindsweptpines · 4 years
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( @graceflute continued from x )
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༺🌕༻ It would be hypocritical of him to push his brother to speak on a matter that wounded him so deeply — he himself had not wanted to speak after the death of Wei Wuxian for quite some time, and his brother had never forced matters. He had felt a touch guilty back then for not sharing his thoughts with Xichen when they’d shared in nearly everything throughout their life, but he found solace now in repaying his brother by dropping the subject.
  “Mmn,” he assented with a subtle nod, reaching out to lift the teapot from the small brazier and pour them both another cup of tea, curls of steam wafting toward the rafters.
  It was not as though he had never seen his brother sad before — quite to the contrary. Though Xichen was skilled at putting on a strong face he had also been quite honest with Wangji in most cases, hoping perhaps that his little brother would feel more comfortable following suit; it had worked in some respects, and not as much in others due to their differing temperaments, but Wangji was rarely left guessing where his brother stood, and for that he was grateful.
  This... this was another beast entirely, no simple, heart-broken grief could encompass the complexity of this situation. This was a thing that shook to the core and made one question oneself and perhaps even the very perception of ones world. It was no wonder that Xichen could not stand to fathom it at the moment, and chose instead to soldier on with sad smiles and a deeply contemplative brow when he thought none were watching.
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  “The new texts are nearly finished being sorted into the library,” he offered by means of distraction, setting the pot back over the low flame as he drew his cup toward him, rim clutched between fingertips of one hand, the other cradling the base as he cast a breath over top. “I saw a few that might interest you. I set them aside.”  ༺🌕༻
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prideanddiscipline · 4 years
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Faceclaim - Mitchell Slaggert
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Asbel heard that Richard needed hugs! Cue the Lord hugging his best friend tight, a big smile on his face. He had done his duty. "There. That's better, isn't it?"
He was certain he was fine. 
Richard had told himself over and over, enough times for the words to have become rote in his mind, the carefully crafted smile to appear natural and at ease. Whether he was alright or not did not truly matter. After all he’d done he hadn’t the right. There was still so much to be done, so much to accomplish. Until he’d atoned for all he’d done he-
The gesture was unexpected; Asbel’s arms wrap around him and for a moment the world stops and the weight over his shoulders trembles. The hold is a pillar against a storm, the soft sun of a summer day, and everything he doesn’t deserve. 
Yet even so he- 
Arms wrap firmly back around Asbel, a trembling desperation that is both afraid to hold on and terrified to let go. Even now Asbel always saw right through him. 
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“Yes.” Richard’s voice answers quietly. 
“Would you mind staying just a moment longer?” 
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architectofhope · 4 years
Spots to kiss + 29 :)
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  Spots to Kiss Meme | status: open
29. a kiss on the inside of the wrist.
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  He’d been awake for some time prior to the rise of the sun — not something he’d seen evidence of from the windowless room at the Honeybee Inn he’d slept in, but from periodic glances at the watch on his wrist between drifting thought sessions. It had been a long, tiring, emotionally draining night following the collapse of the plate, and he’d sought to ease his troubled mind with the company of a dear friend who slept peacefully next to him. He’d been careful not to stir until now, not wishing to wake her. She had not bargained on babysitting him all night as he’d gotten quite drunk and laid the achings of his heart bare at her feet, and he’d not made it particularly uncomplicated for her either.
 But he’d outstayed his welcome, he decided, though she would never say so, drawing a deep breath into his chest and carefully extracting himself from the plush blankets, dressing himself in the cleaned and neatly pressed clothes he’d worn the night before that the girls had been so kind to tidy for him while tending to their own. Tucking his tie in his inside coat pocket and buckling his belt in the dark he turned his gaze back toward the bed where Melissa lay — a queen in her castle, elegant even with bed-head. He smiled, to himself, wandering over and reaching down to brush the tips of his fingers along her cheekbone, tracing them back into the dark hairline near her ear in an affectionate graze.
 He had just turned to step away when he felt her grasp his hand, halting his momentum with a backwards glance. He met her eyes in the semi-darkness, a silent question answered with a reassuring nod and a smile; he was alright.
 Warm lips pressed to the pulse of his wrist and small, fluttering notions of the night before tickled at his stomach. He faced her again, leaning over the bed to capture her mouth in a lingering kiss, less lonely and lost than the one she’d been met with just inside the door of that very room, but no less gracious for her companionship.
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 “I’ll call you later,” he promised with a whisper against her lips, one last kiss to her forehead before his hand slipped from her own and he from the quiet sanctuary of their mutual unraveling.
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pulitzerpanther · 5 years
@fcryborn continued from here
Cat, for once, wasn’t trying to snoop. It’s a god-given talent, really, shoving her nose in other people’s business—she’s founded a career upon being the irrefutable Queen of Snooping—so it’s just habit, really. The laptop just happens to be open, and Cat happens to look, and if she scrolls through a little bit, well…
It’s just because it’s there.
(And, oh, that’s a little bit of conditioning, too; lawyers advising Cat for decades to never assume liability; ‘I just happened to be inside this locked building, claiming I broke in here is all very circumstantial, really; great to see our tax dollars at work’)
But where snooping is a talent for a journalist, it becomes an ingrained, thoughtless battle in a Mother and before she realizes what she’s doing, she’s looked through an entire album of things she wasn’t aware she wasn’t supposed to see, and doesn’t hide from it for a moment when confronted with it.
Honesty lines her tongue—a rare little bit of humility settles in her chest, laughing a little as she leans up from the desk. It seems like decades of being around Olivia and their children has conditioned her, too.
(They’re all so old--when did that happen?)
“Hmm, I didn’t mean to pry. I just can’t help it—I’m your biggest fan.”
And she is. Brows knitting at the reaction, immediately abandoning the laptop in favor of coming closer—fingers softly brushing through hair. The laugh trills off into something concerned and soft, one hand falling to lift up her daughter’s chin:
“Well, either that hit a lot more than I expected it to or something else is going on. Are you okay?”
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hartofbalamb · 5 years
♕ ∞ ❤︎ (well I mean...I can't exactly pick a favorite son...but you're seriously one of my top faves???) ❉ ▲
Anonymous Impressions | status: open
♕  I’m impressed with your writing! ∞  I hope we write for a really long time!❤︎  you are my favorite writer of your muse❉  I’ve followed you for a long time▲ I’ve heard good things about you
Omg??? You’re so kind!! Thank you so much, truly.We HAVE been following each other quite a while haven’t we? It means a lot to have someone’s support and admiration for such a long time, and really it’s mutual.
And completely understandable to not pick favs, but I do appreciate the sentiment
Here’s to hopefully many more years to come!
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willowguarded · 5 years
new leaf: what message would your muse send to their past self, if any?
Copic Color Headcanon Meme | status: open
“Keep them close… hold them and never let them go. Nothing else in the world is so important that you cannot do this. You are strongest together — don’t ever let anyone convince you otherwise. Don’t stop trusting.”
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fudcshin-moved · 8 years
//th e class after the bridge event
we nailed it. we’re cool bdmfs. totally not our commander(plus Caetuna and like a whole class lolol) who lost his life for that big ass eidolon nope.
*insert nier ashes of dreams* hAVE WE BEEN FIGHTING ON VAAAAAAAAAAAAIN?????
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Send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours:
repulsive || hideous || ugly || not attractive || unappealing || not unattractive || meh || no preference || ok || mildly attractive || nice looking || cute || adorable || attractive || pleasant on the eyes || good looking || hot || sexy || beautiful || gorgeous || hot damn || would tap that || perfect || godlike (shhhhh) || holy fuck there are no words
Personality (they haven’t met but):
grating || irritating || frustrating || boring || confusing at best || awkward || unreasonable || psychotic || disturbing || interesting || engaging || affectionate || aggressive || ambitious || anxious || artistic || bad tempered || bossy || charismatic || appealing || unappealing || creative || courageous || dependable || unreliable || unpredictable || predictable || devious || dim || extroverted || introverted ||  egotistical || gregarious || fabulous || impulsive || intelligent || sympathetic || talkative || up beat || peaceful || calming || badass || flexible
How likely they would have sex with them (again but):
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending || fuck no! || never || no way || not likely || not sure || indifferent || I’m asexual || maybe || probably || it depends || fairly likely || likely || yeah sure || yes || would tap that || hell yes || fuck yes! || wishing that could happen right now || as many times as possible || we are already having sex
Level of Friendship:
never in a million years || worst of enemies || enemies || rivals || indifferent || neutral || acquaintance || friendly toward each other || casual friends || friends || good friends || best friends || fuck buddies || bosom buddies || practically the same person || would die for them || true friends || my only friend ||
First impression of them (and again but):
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
Current impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
How good of a kisser:
worst kisser ever || terrible || bad || awkward || just okay || alright || pretty good || good || makes me moan || excellent || exciting || oh god they’re good || I dream about it || fucking amazing || absolute perfection || we haven’t kissed (or would they have?)
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ofwindsweptpines · 4 years
Do you ever think what your life would be like if your mother lived?
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Development Anons | status: open
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༺🌕༻ It would be a lie to say he had not thought of such things, particularly when he was younger. For years he’d longed to have his mother back — the loving touch, and the one person in his life that did not place such heavy stock in his discipline or cultivation; the one person who let him be a child.
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  “I worry her life might not have been a happy one here,” he admitted a bit hesitantly. “She was a prisoner, confined to this tiny place amidst people who saw her as a murderer, but tolerated her because of who she was to my father; because of us.” He trailed off, lifting the tea cup to his lips, sipping it and setting it down once more. 
  “Perhaps Xichen could have spared her, after father’s passing.” 
  Perhaps he, himself, would have grown up a softer man like his brother who had felt a few more years of her patient love and no doubt imparted it to him.༺🌕༻
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shinsengumimuscle · 9 years
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//You have been missed bby
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architectofhope · 4 years
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Random Kiss Generator | status: open
@stingslikeabee​ asked “ ➳ “
6. A drunken kiss
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  He hadn’t meant to get drunk. He’d told her this several times over the shots placed in front of him, one after another. He was fine — pensive, but fine. He’d only wanted to talk. To go somewhere and get his mind off what had transpired in Sector 7. To check on her and make sure the Inn survived the platefall and that she and the girls were well in spite of the ash and debris floating from the steel sky above. He’d brought them clean filters and more to spare for those who needed them, and in exchange they’d decided he needed a drink. Maybe three. Maybe more.
  Hours passed and he bared what he’d felt was appropriate to lay at her feet (and maybe a little bit more), the weight of the burden still draped across his chest evident in spite of the offload. Some things would take time.
  But the hour was late, and he’d no doubt outstayed his welcome with such a sullen, introspective mood, begging one last favor of her in allowing him to sleep off his stupor in his usual room should it be vacant. Kind soul that she was she helped him to it despite having enough of his wits about him to keep himself upright with only a bit of a wearied list to his steps. 
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  She unlocked the door and he paused, turning back to her in the door frame and lifting a hand to her face, passing work-calloused fingers gently down her cheek and along her jaw. He leaned down over her and pressed a kiss to her lips, letting it linger there for several passing moments if she would allow it. It was neither chaste nor lurid, lips tasting of alcohol mixed with hints of a deep loneliness, and equal amounts gratitude for her ever-present and persistent friendship; she was more than he deserved, working for a company that sacrificed the lives of thousands just to make a petty point.
  When he pulled back it was only a breath’s distance, a haze in his eyes as he let his forehead rest against hers gently, heavily, lids dowsing with a slow and tremulous exhale.
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shinsengumispy · 9 years
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He sees that fukuchou is back. He wants to approach fukuchou, but Hijikata seems busy. Like a patient dog excited to see its owner, he watches the older man from afar, awaiting for the perfect timing. 
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pulitzerpanther · 6 years
Kara had been reading one of the newest books they had picked up, her arm resting around Cat as she read when she heard the softness of the heartbeat slowing. She glanced over toward her to see Cat asleep and just smiled. She folded the book closed, reached over to gently remove her glasses and then picked her up in her arms. She carried her took the room and slipped into bed with her, kissing her forehead sweetly and covering her with a blanket staying right beside her.
@penuymbra || sendin me all these book moments that gon’ kill me
Movies were one thing, books were another.
Oh, Cat could deal with the years of torment regarding her (’worryingly narcoleptic, mom, who falls asleep during Star Wars?’) inability to stay awake during movies from her son, and far gentler teasing from her partner. But falling asleep during books was new. 
It was a small vulnerability Kara had likely been exposed to during her impressive, if short, relatively speaking in their journey, tenure as Cat’s assistant: stolen moments draped along her couch in her office, body sagging underneath the weight of keeping the world informed. Cat always liked to claim two hours of sleep were all she needed to function and, truthfully, that was how much she would take, most nights, with an empire to run and a duty to the world underneath her fingertips. 
Work was a constant and sleep was fitful, then. Unfortunately, it’s not a burden that’s changed in her life, this heavy responsibility of being productive, but it does mean her body finds itself settling in the comfortable moments of safety she allows herself. 
No fires–no almost deaths–no breaking stories or inspirational speeches or Olivia’s Tweets that she has to delete. No company takeovers or subverted coup d’etat underneath Kara’s unknowing (but learning) nose at CatCo. No flashes of red and blue or sons hopping on trains or having to navigate lunch with Mother. 
Home is a rare, hidden treat from the world and the indomitable Cat Grant it needs to guide it, and the more years go on, the more comfort she finds in the small respite of it. 
Movies with plots her mind doesn’t have the patience to follow, slumping against her son or Kara’s knowing, twining arms–television shows that have intrepid, ridiculous plots–musicals with a soft hum in her ear that only help ease the tight muscles of a back, these all seem to lull Cat to sleep inevitably, and even with Carter moved out and Kara’s smile pressed against her temple most nights where a flash of red and blue can’t be seen in the sky, a media mogul can’t remember the last movie she successfully managed to sit through without dozing off.
(Not that her pride allows her to dwell on this fact).
But a book? A book was something rare. (Not new, but a recent development of the toll the world’s taken on her frame, lately). Books are sacred–not just a passing moment–and it’s rare for Cat to find exhaustion more overwhelming than excitement in the middle of a story, but there’s no small amount of comfort in the measured constant of Kara’s voice, dipping and weaving words into prayers. It sounds like music to Cat’s ear, nestled against her side, cane tipped against the edge of their couch, eyelids tied with sandbags along the lashes. 
She doesn’t remember falling asleep, at all, and hums when she shifts in covers instead of the soft plush of an expensive couch, blinking, fingers slowly raising up to glasses that–
Aren’t there.
Of course not.
A slow, lazy smile as stiff muscles stretch from their curled cat perch on the couch, a sleep-clung blink turning to one of understanding as she shift–wraps arms around Kara’s neck and tugs her closer, not content with the distance between them on the bed. She’ll kick off the blankets if she has to. It’s easy–familiar–to twine and tangle herself with limbs, lips humming in a gentle thank you of a kiss, apologetic for stopping a story with what hopefully wasn’t a snore.
It’s not the kind of breaking news reporters need in their lives.
“We’ll finish tomorrow. For now, hmm…” It’s a promise, fingers sifting upwards to rake against the base of Kara’s skull, sifting through hair and tense muscle with a hopefully calming touch, of her own, eyelashes fluttering against that radiating warmth of a cheek with a content, quiet sigh. “…sleep.”
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fishookedeluxe-blog · 9 years
Your portrayal is just so insanely perfect and the fact that you play four muses with such strikingly differing personalities is so amazing and I love everything about everything about how you rp. Thank you.
anonymously send me your opinion about me and my roleplaying and i will post it without replying.
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