#//Albedo’s actually the one who can still mimic Crepus with uncanny accuracy
dutybcrne · 5 months
Kaeya and Albedo both have a knack for vocal mimicry, though Kaeya is personally far better at mimicking people, animals, and Abyssal creatures, while Albedo can mimic the sound of damn near anything with such startling accuracy, Kaeya sometimes will try and bribe him to come along and terrify the crap out of people-
#hc; kaeya#hc; albedo#//Kae tends to get down any mimicking faster than Bedo does; his subjects considered#//Has a knack for nailing down tone and speech patterns with a little listening#//He still likes to take his time learning more though; likes to be thorough. impromptu mimics are for creatures/in a pinch mostly#//Bedo is much more finicky#//And can deffo project his voice much louder than Kae can#//Once Kae got him to mimic Dvalin’s roar and nearly scared the crap outta a slew of knights#//For SOME REASON; Bedo’s team got extra funding that month#//Kae sometimes uses his knack for mimicry to hear Crepus’ voice again#//Bc he doesn’t want to forget it; so he’ll speak to himself in the man’s voice. esp when upset#//Unfortunately; he’s not quite sure he still has it down accurately enough; esp so long after his passing#//The realization he really WAS forgetting Crepus’ voice did NOT sit well with him#//Tends to speak in Crepus’ voice a LOT when he’s delirious bc badly injured or from fever when he’s sick#//Kae has spooked the SHIT out of the church staff as a result on multiple occasions#//Albedo’s actually the one who can still mimic Crepus with uncanny accuracy#//Bc he heard Kae use the voice early on when he still remembered it just as well#//Has yet to use it; but he’s saving it in case Kae needs it#//Not that Kae would ask just ANY time#//I also like to think Kae mimicked Crepus’ voice when he went after Eroch. to drive the man a lil bit paranoid before he confronted him#//Just a lil psychological warfare to make sure the man SUFFERED every bit more for what he did#//And would use on each subsequent person he found having been in league with Eroch too; for good measure
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