#//I nearly added an extra segment where F1n asked if Yag1 hated them
truly-quirkless · 8 months
Twenty Day Challenge 2024 - Day Four
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Type: Fluff Piece Timeline: Post-Sports Festival/Evan's Attempt/Pre-Summer Camp Location: Yagi's Apartment
WARNINGS: Depiction of a panic attack.
"Stop...stop..." They couldn't hold it back- not forever. They could feel the tidal wave approaching their mind, hands slowly rising to grip at their hair. They could feel the pressure along their skull, skin refusing to give way from so minimal a tug.
I'm going to die---
"Stop,---please,--" It was sprinting. Darkness--- they could feel their breathing increasing, growing from normal to panicked, short gasps for air. They couldn't breathe. They were suffocating. "---stop,--" A hand raised from their head. They brought it down, feeling their own knuckles slam against their skin. "--stop, stop stop stop...!"
I don't want to---
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The strikes to their head increased. The pain was starting to register as a low-level buzz. But even so- they couldn't sense it. Couldn't react to it. All they could see in their mind's eye was an infinite abyss. A yawning, stretching void. The nothingness---
"Stop--stop," They didn't want to. They didn't want to. All they could think was to beg. Beg for the thought to end. For the panic to fade. Salty tears began to fall. They weren't aware of their bedsheets dampening as they curled into a tight ball. Anything- anything to be. "Please,- please I'm sorry!" Couldn't---- get----
The emptiness. The nothing. Just beyond their reach- waiting--- they were going to go to it- one d---- STOP PLEASE---
The buzz was a dull ache, now.
Please--- please please pleasepleasepleasepleasestop--stop- stop stopstopstoppleasestopstoppleaseplease---
He'd been feeding Prism when he heard their voice. Fin's cat perked up, her ears swiveling as Yagi stood frozen for a moment. He'd spent too long in the Hero gig to not recognize the specific tone their voice had taken. He all but dropped Prism's kitty food, just barely remembering to put it down to not break the bowl as he took off for his bedroom.
"Fin...?" No sudden movements. No unpredictability. He didn't want to risk sending them deeper into the hellhole they seemed to be engulfed in.
"pleasepleasepleasepleaseI'msorryplease--I'msorryI'msorry--stop--stopstopstoppleasestop," Their hands were curled into fists, one holding their hair while the other rapped lightly against their skull. He could see the light reflecting off tracks of tears on their cheeks, see the definition of their body under the blankets, curled into a tight ball.
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"...Fin...you can get through this." He moved to rest on the bed, careful to go slow. Fin's murmuring had broken up, fracturing into bits and pieces as their words became little more than a jumbled mess. "..just tell me what you need." He kept his tone even, his eyes flickering over their body. Their speech had totally disintegrated. What had been unknown pleadings to someone for it to 'stop' had disappeared, their knuckles pressing against their own skull- but no longer hitting it. "You're doing g-"
Fin's hand shot out from under the covers, grabbing Yagi's wrist with far more force than he was accustomed to. Even so, their grip softened not a moment later- their hand sliding up his arm as they snuck out from under the covers.
Yagi's blanket fell off, pulling their hair into a wilder format as they pulled his arm towards them. Their mouth opened- just barely, lips almost pressing together again. Yagi shifted cautiously, turning to more fully face the brunet as the last of his blanket pooled behind them. He could feel his heart picking up its pace in his chest. Are you okay?
"...to-uch..." Their voice was barely a whisper. It was nearly a choked gasp, like they were being strangled. They pulled his arm closer, fingers ghosting over his skin- only to press down. It was like they were worried their hand would sink into him.
"...is it okay if I?...." He received no response. Fin shuffled until their body was pressed against Yagi's. He could feel their breath, quick and rapid. He took in a small one of his own. They were still breathing so rapidly... "....can you breathe with me, Fin?..." They looked up. He met those eyes he knew so well, seeing the overwhelming fear burning in them. He made a show of slowly opening his mouth, forcing an audible inhale. "...in..." It quickly made his single lung ache- but he didn't stop. "...hold..."
They were still breathing so fast. Their hand tapped his chest- then his shoulder. It hooked there, the other squeezing their hair.
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They stared at Yagi. Real. Real. Real--- not fake. Real. They clutched at his shoulder- their hand trailing down the length of his arm once more. They let go of their hair. The dull throb of pain in their skull registered somewhere in the back of their thoughts.
Focus on that.---
His skin was warm...they could feel the musculature underneath. Their touch drifted to his fingers, feeling the elongated digits one-by-one.
"....in...." Breathe in.... His palm felt like grit. The food he gave Prism. Prism. Real.--- "....hold...."
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Their breathing was beginning to calm. Yagi could feel their hand wandering along his skin- pressing in at random points. They clutched at his fingers, their smaller digits squeezing for a moment.
"...out..." Yagi let out his breath. Fin was no longer panting for air. An amount of clarity had returned to their eyes, and their touch dropped- falling onto their own leg. They leaned their head against his arm. Beams of moonlight drifted from Yagi's window, reflecting softly off Fin's hair. "...good..." He rested his arm on their opposing shoulder, drawing them close to himself with a small sigh. "....you're safe, Fin..."
He felt their hand move against his leg, resting in a strange position. It only took a quick glance to see the small shape they'd formed with it- ASL. I love you.
"....I love you, too..." He murmured. "...and I promise...I'll keep you safe." Even against their nightmares...he'd do his best.
"...thank you..." Yagi raised a thumb, wiping it slowly under one of Fin's eyes...and then the other.
"...of course, love..." He raised his other arm, fully hugging his small soulmate to his chest. "...you can rest...I've got you." And if they started to lose themself again...he'd be right there, to help guide them back.
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