#//Time Traveling Emmet is gonna get such an unhinged One
unboundtravels · 9 months
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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛 doesn't usually run into someone else twice. When the TARDIS landed, The Doctor's crew thought HILL VALLEY in the year 2015 was a tad bit boring until they stepped out to see the city and streets. Enraptured by the flying cars and the digital holographics, the crew wandered around for a shopping trip. With Stella wandering around with Lennox and Niko, she'd be sure to keep them in check when avoiding potential paradoxical situations. The Doctor, meanwhile, wanted to wander around quietly and examine this timeline herself.  She wondered what had prompted such an extreme advancement in Earth's culture, but that thought stopped when she saw something familiar. Parked parallelly, overlooking the courthouse—
"The DeLorean?" The Doctor mused quietly, approaching it and stepping around it. Examining it softly, she leaned in when she reached the back of the car. "It is!" She cried out suddenly, examining the engine's newest addition: It appeared to be The Mr. Fusion addition, meaning that the DeLorean must be running on— "Yes, yes... Household waste is converted to electrical power! Simply genius! Genius!" She mumbled quietly before whipping her eyes to see the gullwing door of the time machine's driver side open. She stepped out from behind the car, pointing and shouting out to grab his attention.
"Doctor Brown! Welcome to the wild side—" Her greeting stopped, as she blinked. "Heheh!? My friend! What're you wearing!?" She approached regardless, waiting until he was coherent enough towards his surroundings to shake her head. After which, the two scientists talked quickly. The Doctor explained what she was doing here, and almost without any hesitation explained that she felt as if something was drawing her toward this time. She explains that as a seasoned time traveler, Emmet may grow a faint ability to identify other time travelers. The Doctor implies that for herself— this is biological, and for Emmet, it may be down to experience. She explains that she believes she was drawn towards his presence here— and the two talk. "My dear fellow, what is it you're doing here?"
The headline shown to the elder woman causes great intrigue, "Youth jailed, hm?" She examines, and Emmet watches her put on reading glasses, after which she promptly chuckles. "Heh! Look at that! Marty McFly Junior... the resemblance he bears! What are the chances of that? Hm?" Certainly slim, but not impossible. The Doctor then begins to put the pieces together, all on her own. "You're not thinking of bringing Martin here!? Are you?" The Doctor begins to pace softly back and forth, not unlike the good Doctor himself. "The DeLorean, from my knowledge— well, well, it's— yes... maybe if we modified its shielding against the time winds— But I would need to see the engine's components now, wouldn't I?" She spins on her heel. Doctor Brown throws a comment at her that almost stunlocks the elder​​​​​​.
I can't think of better company. @doctorbrown
The Elder Woman blushes. She grins slightly, her eyes narrowing. "Now, now... are you trying to flirt with me~?" She teases slightly, her hands on her lapels and her voice barely above a whisper, before she moves to change the subject. "Listen carefully, if we work quickly... we can modify The DeLorean's temporal shielding." The Doctor advises, "The time stream usually can't handle two people being in the same time and place for more than a moment, even if they aren't directly encountering each other!" She explains before her thumb taps her lapel. She moves past him, sitting in the driver's seat of the DeLorean almost by instinct. When she realizes what she does, she giggles like a fanatic schoolgirl. She looks up toward Emmet and rests her hand on the steering wheel, while her other lay against her lap. 
"Would you mind~?" She waits for his permission, before looking back at the time circuit controls. "If we modify the DeLorean to desynchronize Martin from the timeline as you pass into 2015, then he technically won't register to the universe that he's present here!" She then turns sharply, "But it'll be temporary, Emmet! You'll have to get this business over with as quickly as possible! If Marty resynchronizes with the time stream while he's here— you'll blow a hole in the universe the size of—" The Doctor huffs, "Well— The Universe!"
"Under no circumstances can he encounter his future self! It'll increase his chances of resynchronizing!"
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pokenimagines · 2 years
A/N: First chapter is a bit more serious than the rest of the story is gonna be. The following parts will be more or less snippets of Reader and Emmet in Hisui and their misadventures trying to stop things. I just needed a good set-up chapter as to why Reader and Emmet are working together, and how they ended in Hisui.
Also have fun translating Arceus’s speech. I found an English to Shakesparean translator and found it hilarious and did legit no editing to what it translated to. It was too good not to. Anyway, enjoy the story and again, the rest of the parts will be collections of mini series because the last thing we need is another fic that has a word for word play on the game.
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Extras: Part 6 | Part 7
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Arceus' Mistake Pt. 1
Arceus had messed with the wrong trainers. You would’ve been fine if he had taken literally anyone else. Sure it would be a tragedy, but at the end of the day it wouldn’t have affected you. However, Arceus himself decided to take Ingo; a close friend of yours. Not to mention he did it right in front of his own brother's eyes…metaphorically. 
You and Emmet had been struck by confusion when you had gone through the Gear Station footage after Ingo hadn’t made his way back home. It was like some portal opened up and just…took him. You two immediately went to the station but all you guys could find were his pokemon team, outside their pokeballs, and frantically searching for their trainer as well.
This cued what you liked to call your unhinged arc. Both you and Emmet decided you needed to get to the bottom of this and after traveling for over a year on pokemon myths, you had a few suspects. Some of them, landed you two in Alola (something Elesa was made that she hadn’t been invited to for vacation while you two sleuthed). Talking with a professor known as Burnet had helped you learn about wormholes. You two even tried going to the Aether Foundation to speak with someone named Mohn, only to find out he had disappeared in a bit of a different way years prior.
Burnet thankfully gave you a little bit of insight about an old phenomenon known as a “Space Time Distortion” that she studied briefly. It was something that happened in ancient Hisui, and she explained from the footage that it looked exactly like that.
So off to Sinnoh you two had gone, only to run into an issue with a team known as Team Galaxy. It took another year just to make headway and finally greet both Dialga and Palkia, neither of which would help you. 
You and Emmet had almost given up hope that you’d find help until a pokemon known as Giratina made a show of itself and you both knew immediately, from the power it emitted when it arrived…this is what took Ingo. However you two soon realized that Giratina wasn’t exactly the friendly sort and there was no way it would help you out.
As a last ditch hope, you two decided to find a way to face Arceus…which thankfully wasn’t hard due to all the work you had done to defeat Giratina (and literally almost died due to the severe wounds you received trying to protect your starter pokemon). When the beastly pokemon had disappeared, there was a single flute that laid where it once stood…floated. After reading books you and Emmet made your way to Mount Coronet and played it at the Spear Pillar.
When Arceus finally arrived you had every intention of literally decking him yourself to get answers. It had been two years, nearing three, since Ingo had gone missing. You and Emmet had traveled all through the regions trying to find clues, leaving literally everything behind. Emmet the subway, and you the league you were once Champion of.
“Please, Arceus…we just want Ingo back. After everything we did to save Sinnoh…can’t we be granted this one thing!” You pleaded, hands clenched in front of you as tears threatened to spill out. Emmet’s hand was on your shoulder as he took an oddly serious look at Arceus.
“I can bringeth thy cousin backeth, this Ingo, on one condition. The foe thee combated bef're, Giratina, hast gone backeth in timeth to healeth fusty wounds. I needeth thee to stand ho that gent once m're, only aft'r yond shall i bringeth thee and thy cater-cousins backeth, in one piece.” Arceus’s words confused the hell out of you. The old timey speech was almost lost on you, but you managed to translate it.
“Fine, then Emmet and I will go together. I refuse to be parted from him. And once we get back…Ingo…he better be fine. I’m not saving the world again only for Ingo to come back and miss an arm or worse.” You said, knowing that this pokemon had the power. He created the world, after all. He probably just couldn’t directly interfere with things.
“If 't be true yond's what thee wisheth, then so beest t. Thy pokemon wonneth't beest able to maketh the journey, howev'r.” He said, his almost glowing eyes glanced over you, “Thy tasks art as follows: stand ho the foe and discov'r all pokemon.”
“What does that mean?” You asked, leaning over to Emmet and whispering.
“Kill Giratina, find pokemon.” Emmet nodded with a small smile.
“Gotcha…” You said before glancing back at Arceus, “Alright, let’s get this show on the road then. Will you be watching our team while we’re out?”
“I bethink th're is someone bett'r suit'd…an Elesa.” 
“Elesa…how does he know Elesa?” You whispered back at Emmet.
“He’s god.” Emmet nodded and again you had to agree. “Alright…let’s go then, Arceus.”
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