#//We'll see who else gets onto the roster but I need a week or two break and then I'll have more freetime again to just pour into for a few
villains4hire · 1 year
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//-sighs- Just when I think I'm done lol, good thing I headshotted a bunch of characters recently. But around now as I've been in and out today since my free time has been used up a lil as things pick back up. I've been wanting in the Dragon Prince fandom with a character for a year or so now I'd really like and the flexibility of this one is pretty good:
Kim'dael previously but I'm calling her Kimur'Dael (Kee-more'Dale) or Kimur or Kim.
She will primarily be a minion to royalty or other ppl interested and is a rather evil character that be in service to 'good characters'.
Concept more Below.
Firstly, renaming her slightly from Kim'dael to Kimur'Dael then Kim for short bc Kim'dael feels a little weird.
How she fights: (more detail later)
She's shown to use illusion, teleportation magic and the ability to go invisible at will. She's an assassin but more of a self-augmenting and uses supernatural reactions so she can at least react to speedster. Then has extendable, red glowing claws that can clash with molten swords etc and moves like an animal with elegance and grace, she's essentially a moon-elf vampire in some regards but more of a blood magic and moon magic user that became a pseudo-variant of one. As she lacks the supernatural blur speed and a few other abilities but uses magic to compensate. She's a lot more toned down and manageable but also unique compared to other characters. She certainly airs from realistic fantasy to marvel-esque kind of levels of a more fragile, but faster and utility-based wolverine. She rapidly regenerates from consuming blood and life energy and is capable of fighting squads of people to a small squadron of normal human soldiers all at once at probably 50 to 100 or so? Her whole thing isn't direct fighting but that's probably where she stands, as a duelist she could take on a lot of characters and be kept up with.
My addition to her looks: She's covered in scars for her body while of a slender nature, is rather built and muscular and still rather 'thick'. Visually she does not change but it's more or less what's under the hood.
Canon skills and abilities.
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Canon Magic Association. (This is to give some kind of idea of what she'll deal in for her other half of magic)
The Moon
'Moon magic draws on the spirit and energy of the Moon. The Moon is cyclical in its strength, relating directly to the lunar phases.[7] This source is at its strongest during a full moon, and its arcanum is understanding the true nature of the relationship between appearances and reality. Most people believe that reality in itself is the only truth and that appearances are deceiving. However, those who know the Moon arcanum are aware that you can only truly know the appearance itself, and that you can never touch the so-called reality that lies beyond the reach of your own perception.[2] Moon magic deals in creating illusions, concealment spells, and connections with spirits and the veil between life and death. The Moon is associated with illusion, manipulation, love, death, charm, reflection, privacy, appearances, depth, duality, and secrets.[8]
Some Moon mages are illusionists, using their powers to befuddle and confuse their enemies' senses. Simple illusion spells can fool the eyes and ears, but more powerful illusions can mimic even taste or touch. Moon mages can also conjure flickers of the past or put restless spirits to rest. Moon mages understand that all shadows are born of light, and to reach for light is to cast a shadow.[9]
Creatures connected to the Moon Primal, such as Moonshadow Elves and Moon Dragons, can be private and secretive, and are keenly aware of the power of appearances.[4] They also have an aptitude for stealth, trickery, and concealment.[8]'
My addition to powers. (more detail later) Immortal Monster, she can be revived if killed by someone by sacrificing something to the collar she's bound to. Otherwise if ever freed, I simply have it to where she turns into a blood orb that's indestructible and bound in a curse. Those who attempt to undo it risk untold consequences. Then she can be revived if sacrificed a life to that's sentient. Then certainly could become bound again, though will be sent back to her master if bound to a certain location.
Bound to the Ruler, those who have her bound she cannot harm albeit can act against if she really wanted to. Granted, her goal is to earn freedom or some kind of purpose.
Kim'dael is a person who seeks power, no matter the means, relishing in the knowledge that her magic is superior to her enemy's. She has no qualms about sacrificing a life and shows no compassion for her victims.[4] She also tends to underestimate her potential victims, which leads her into being outsmarted and tricked into servitude by Aditi.[1]
Although Kim'dael is willing to perform any task that can potentially guarantee her freedom from the royal family of Lux Aurea,[5] she knows when she must retreat from a fight that she cannot win.[6][7]
Addition to personality: quiet, kind of a smart ass however if bantered with. Very no non-sense when with others. Blunt. Straight forward. Is a bit out of touch from being sealed for so long. Cocky. Reckless from thousands of years of immortality. Loyalty only to herself, earning it takes an equal and something she can respect. As she respects power and only that. Otherwise, she's loyal unto death as dying to her is pretty inconsequential and being as demented as she is? Those who earn her loyalty she's fine basically being a lapdog toward, as she's been passed around having died a few times over hundreds and hundreds of years before she's needed again. A semi-sympathetic character but awful person, as no one is really safe from her in terms of who she'd kill if needed or annoyed by, and yes, this includes children but she tends to not to go after unneeded targets unless just feeding or needing to simply kill them. She will just strike someone in the general vicinity however. Kimur'dael is a true self-made monster that has lost any semblance of decency but can be controlled or directed by the will of the one she's bound to. Intelligent, calculating and more to add later probably.
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