#//basically the little plot of this is lambda straight up hopping dimensions for school and keeping to himself like a little weirdo gfhfhsjk
mechahero · 2 years
//uhhhh writing exercise i spent too much time on last night
July 13th
Taking the time to write this down since it's important. I just got settled into the house. Or rather, I just got done moving the house into town. Honestly, it kind of sticks out like a sore thumb compared to all of the other houses but it'll be fine? Probably? Anyways, I've never really been anywhere farther than Motor City so to move here is… weird. Not sure if it's the good kind of weird yet. Hopefully, I'll figure it out.
July 14th
Checked in on Motor City today. I can't help it! I'm so used to looking after everyone there! They're fine. Talked to Elevator Steve too. I told him I wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing leaving everyone for a year to sort of pick up (or jump ahead I guess) where I left off education wise. He told me that this was just as important as running the city and that if I didn't take this chance, I'd regret it. And then he patted me on the head with one of his tentacles.
I guess he's right but I'm still unsure. Will be feeding more of my attention into city stabilization while I'm gone.
July 16th
The weather's just been awful today. Never could stand those summer days where it's just TOO bright. It always looks weird and it feels wrong. So I've just been staying inside, watching TV with all the curtains in the house drawn, avoiding people. People and the application form for the school I'm going to. There's a whole bunch of info things my parents are supposed to fill out but uh, they're not here..
I'll fill it out…. eventually. Once I actually figure out what some of these things mean and quit procrastinating, that is.
July 22nd
Am I making my entries too long? I worry about doing that so dang much. Anyways! I actually got off my butt and went outside today! Figured since I'd be living here for a while, I might as well get acquainted with the layout of this place so I don't end up wandering the streets trying to find my house like some dumb little idiot.
But anyways, I just kind of poked around. Lots of interesting stuff I wouldn't see back home! I shouldn't really be surprised because yeah, that's kind of expected when it comes to different dimensions but still! I just think it's cool, alright? Didn't go too far into the rest of town though. That'll have to be for another day.
July 26th
Spent the past few days dealing with a massive power outage. Wasn't sure what caused it at first and was going bonkers until I thought to check the inside of the walls. Found what looked to be lab rats chewing through the wiring. Went even more bonkers and chased them off and fixing wires, yelling and cussing up a storm. I'm pretty sure the neighbors could hear me… whoops.
August 12th
Been pretty busy lately. Checked on Motor City again only to be smacked in the face with a rolled up newspaper the second my head poked out of the portal. It seems someone's got Elevator Steve on guard duty. He apologized afterwards but told me he didn't want me to make such a fuss and enjoy myself. It's not like I can't NOT be a worrywart. It's in my nature.
It kind of hurt emotionally though? I didn't make much of a fuss though. I just went home and stayed there.
August 21st
Made the decision to go further into town. I was bored, needed something to do, and the idea was just too tempting. Honestly, not the worst idea because I found out this place has a mall! Can't even remember the last time I saw one of those. (Well, I mean, Motor City has one but uh, I kind of kept forgetting to go in there to be honest…) Anyways, I might've indulged, ha. I bought a whole bunch of stuff. Mostly clothes because yeah, I needed some and they looked nice. It was surprisingly easy to find clothing in the style I like! Honestly? Kind of happy about that. Grabbed a couple of magazines that caught my eye too.
Also went and poked around the tech stores in the mall because come on, if you're a different dimension, you HAVE to see the kind of tech they've got. Imagine my surprise when I saw that their tech is a lot like the tech back home, just more uh, spooky looking? I guess? Anyways, I have a coffin shaped phone now. It's kind of neat. Can't type worth crap though. Fricking claws.
August 22nd
Spent half of the day inside. (How many times have I said something like that now?) Still trying to get used to things. Silly, I know. But there's a lot of stuff going on with a lot of things and I need time to absorb it. Is it kind of stupid to say that I spent most of it with the TV on while I looked through websites? Not the most productive way to spend my time but I mean, I can do what I want so it doesn't really matter. Probably going to set up an account on one of the sites I saw. Lots of activity on there and looks fun enough?
I don't know yet though. Going to read one of those magazines I picked up yesterday, listen to some music and settle down a bit.
August 26th
I'm confused. I keep reading and re-reading a part of this one teen magazine I got. (Yeah, I got one, don't gripe about it. I wanted to live out a part of the quintessential teenage experience I missed out on, sue me.) But my magazine is talking about how to make a good impression on people for the new school year. And what I don't get it, what's with these tips? I keep reading them but they still feel suuuuuper off. I read them but they're just words to me. I can't parse what they actually mean past the surface. Or maybe they're supposed to be surface level? I don't know, it feels like this section is more for people that have an easier time talking to people? I don't know what this would do for me. Tempted to write a letter to the magazine and ask for them to elaborate but it seems like it'd be really embarrassing?
Okay, maybe I'm more frustrated than confused.
August 30th
I think I have way too much time on my hands? Honestly, it feels like that every summer but I really don't have anything to do here compared to being at home. It's weird. Ugh. Maybe I'm more homesick than I thought….
September 2nd
I've still been kind of feeling icky lately? So I went out again in some attempt to try and make myself feel better. Wasn't sure where to go so I went to the mall again. I had fun looking around the stores again at least! (Yeah, I already saw half of the stuff there last time but shut up.) I bought a belt. Also went and checked out the food court afterwards because my feet were KILLING me! (And I was hungry.) The food here is kind of weird too. I very much question the existence of a hamburger with a purple bun.
September 6th
Today is upgrade day. Or uh, maintenance day, I guess. My insides don't really need improvement but Elevator Steve said that it couldn't hurt to be in good shape for when school starts. So I've been allowed to come back to Motor City for the day! (Thankfully I haven't been whacked with a newspaper. Yet.) I'm kind of a nervous wreck, in all honesty. Usually, I'm freaking out when it comes to ANYONE poking around in my insides but instead I find myself worrying about making a good impression and what I'm going to wear tomorrow.
I just hope I don't screw things up completely… Ah shoot. That's my call for maintenance. I gotta go but I'll update as soon as I can.
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