kingdomofclones · 5 years
Since Torque is a freckled redhead, I thought of something... he might've been a Zaford or related to them originally.  While he definitely doesn't have the accent anymore, I wouldn't be surprised if people assumed he was and if Hodunk-aligned Hodunks were salty at him for it.
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kingdomofclones · 5 years
Torgue: epic riff of air guitar to rip anyone's socks off(literally, with explosions)
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kingdomofclones · 5 years
Tagged for: FU
Italicize all that your muse fears
Bold any your muse dislikes Do both to anything your muse is afraid, yet enjoys
Romantic feelings | Close relationships | Death | The dark | Spiders | The unknown | Water | Heights | Intimate actions | Cuddling | Friendship | Allies | Betrayal | Emotions | Themselves | Being alone | Cramped placed | Their body | Getting close to others | Fire | Alcohol | Their past | Invasive thoughts | Family | Blood | Numbness | Social interaction | Meat | Sex | Unrequited love
Tagging: Whoever hasn’t been tagged yet and myself!
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kingdomofclones · 5 years
.... I forgot that Gingerton exists. 
TZ lives in Gingerton now.  Or he’ll move there soon.
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kingdomofclones · 5 years
Rules and some OC bios are up!
Hello, if you’re here, you saw my links!  Go ahead and take a look at my rules and familiarize yourself with the muse bios.
At the moment we got: 
Vocatia:  Owner, operator and bartender of “The Sinful Bat” on Wam Bam Island.
Rictus:  Prior Dahl soldier turned Eridian mutant.  Runs the bar at “The Sinful Bat”, handles security for her, and would rather be asleep.
Torque: Badass Psycho cultist who may or may not realize that he may be the only one following his beliefs. Had a fling with Vocatia once
TZ: Independent clone stuntman. ECHOnet personality, and small time hacker specialist.
Coming soon: 
FU: Cheery medic who avoids showing her face. Enthusiastic about medicine, the pursuit of science, and promoting abstinence.
Bravo Mike: Fallen hero, beloved among her people.  
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kingdomofclones · 5 years
... what if TZ has a Viper Drive shoved into his head and hears Rhys all the heckin time?
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kingdomofclones · 5 years
An observation: 
Most, upon seeing Amara (including FU): “... she’s hot....”
Bravo, upon seeing Amara: “There’s only room enough for one hero around here! I’m gonna kick her ass!” 
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kingdomofclones · 5 years
repost,  don’t reblog !
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.     Torqueonus PRONUNCIATION.       TORK-kay-OH-nus NICKNAME.     Torque GENDER.           Male HEIGHT.           10ft 2in AGE.             BL1: 50 ||  BL2: 55 ||  BL3: 60 ZODIAC.           Virgo SPOKEN LANGUAGES. Pandoran English (Riddles)
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.     Reddish blond EYE COLOR.       Green SKIN TONE.         Pale with lots of freckles BODY TYPE.       Muscle mountain ACCENT.             Screaming, with a hint of Disney Villain (ok, so most threads have him fairly calm at the moment, so Disney Villain mostly) VOICE.               Scar from Lion King (listen to him when he’s mad/growling to get this Torque’s voice better) DOMINANT HAND.        Ambidextrous POSTURE.        Bad SCARS.            Riddled due to harsh lifestyle, claw marks across back dominant TATTOOS.           Curled horns across pecs, SUBMIT printed just under chest BIRTHMARKS.  If he had any, they’re not there anymore. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S). Size, mane of orange hair
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.         ???? HOMETOWN.                 None anyone remembers FIRST WORDS.              ???? SIBLINGS.                      none known PARENTS.                      Surprisingly normal parents PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.       Long dead and irrelevant.  Any previous life before the Headstone Mine incident (suggested origin of Psychos, but the timeline there seems fuzzy to me.) and [ redacted ] has been effectively erased and/or forgotten. “Mum” is not his birth mother, by any means
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.        Cultist under entity “Mum” CURRENT RESIDENCE.         Under TZ’s house in Frostburn Canyon CLOSE FRIENDS.        TZ, technically. RELATIONSHIP STATUS.       Had a fling with Vocatia and has a kid somewhere out there.  Is capable of relationships and finds himself lonely. FINANCIAL STATUS.        Always has spending money.  Common and Uncommon loot is not good enough for Mum, so he tends to sell them.  Then does not spend the cash. CRIMINAL RECORD.        Murder, murder, murder, more murder. Grave robbing. VICES.       Most were beaten/manipulated out of him, but Torque will be tempted by things with sedative properties (alcohol being an easy one)
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.    Tired/Prefers guys       ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.    Single, confused PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.       submissive |  dominant | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.       submissive  |  dominant  | switch LIBIDO.         Normal TURN ON’S.        positive attention, praise, being ordered around,  TURN OFF’S.       anything too much or overwhelming, stay away from pain and take care with physical contact LOVE LANGUAGE.  "gifts” (hope you like dead bandits at your door), self-control, protectiveness RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.     Quick and rapid development during “good” periods, though perfectly capable of developing attraction during “bad” periods (qualifiers used to represent his opinion)
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.      Mama - MCR (Until I can think of a better one, but it’s quite fitting) HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.    Painting, self-talk, spreading the word of Mum, crafting things to hang off his horns/body, getting tattoos MENTAL ILLNESSES.   Psycho-ness, but depression is also a big one. PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.  Surprisingly healthy for an older guy LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.    whichever one’s supposed to be the creative one  PHOBIAS. Failure mostly. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.     bad, oh so bad. VULNERABILITIES.    Hesitation and overthinking results in him typically not making the first move to attack, can be pushed to attack allies/anyone with too much stimuli at once, lack of adequate sight means he has no protection towards ranged attacks and no way of attacking another at range. Incredibly vulnerable to emotional manipulation, especially if the person dealing it is a woman/presents as a woman (in the case of pre-transition afab)
tagged by @frcndeur
tagging @a-beast-of-prey, whoever wants to steal it from me, and myself for other muses at another time.
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kingdomofclones · 5 years
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Torque’s only 5% lol
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kingdomofclones · 5 years
Kind of Rambley Going Nowhere Musings
More thoughts about who Torque is and where he came from.  Some universes comparisons as well.
In the Battleborn Universe, Torque was cursed to be a werebeast.  The Beast is 100% sentient, but lacks the ability to speak.  At first, Torque doesn’t retain the memories as the whole process of getting the curse and initial shifting was traumatic and he refused to accept it.  But it is Torque in every sense of the word, once the two meld the form ends up as a more lucid/less bullshit mood of his where he was more receptive to what others had to say. 
The point of that curse was always that when he was the beast, he was his “true self”, since he had about 70 years of Imperium brainwashing and propaganda that had really twisted his moral compass.  It is really difficult to get that Torque to see anything that wasn’t spoonfed to him by the Imperium, and he would revert back easily.  His redemption has a theme of “recovery and redemption is hard and you gotta accept the consequences of your actions.”
It’s why he never really made up with Vo, he redeemed himself by accepting that she didn’t want him around and by sending their son to live with her.  He never really redeemed himself with Rictus. They came to a mutual understanding that had lead to forgiveness because Torque was stuck as the beast and Rictus got to air out all of his grievances.  
In this universe, while I could give him a were-beast curse (there were were-skags if I remember correctly), it doesn’t quite fit the universe/his characterization.
In this universe, I’d safely say that Torque doesn’t require redemption as he hasn’t really done anything to warrant needing it.  I’m workshopping his past (who is Mum? Is she real or imaginary? If she’s real, is she alive or dead? Where did he come from? Why is he so big?  Etc.).  I have some solid ideas, but plan on keeping the info close to my chest until it comes up in plot relevant places/possibly direct asks (though, given through his voice).
But he still has the situation where his ability to speak clearly is affected and his ability to listen isn’t.  Torque is quite sentient, just very twitchy, impulsive, suspicious, etc. And also highly focused on his work as a cultist, slaughtering certain bandits and constructing shrines for Mum from them.  (I’m gonna doodle what they look like, but they do act as loot caches: pretty much anyone who likes guns would wanna loot them.) Naturally: he has some wrong ideas about how things work, a lot of his morality/decision making is based on Mum and her words/teachings.  (I’m leaning towards her at least having been alive/real/a large influence with a specific persona).
So, I guess in short, in a way he’s always in Beast!mode in this verse, which means he is his truest self.  I don’t really want the Psycho-ness to be a “curse,” it’s just who he is. (Psycho-ness used to differentiate from psychosis, as stated on his file he is not intended to reflect an actual psychosis. The condition is literally described and fashioned after the in-game portrayal of the bandit-type.  Which includes poetically garbled dialogue.)  It isn’t a flaw, though he does struggle with it and he will have cycles where his symptoms get better and worse (so his sentences will get less obfuscated and he’ll be less likely to get overwhelmed and react violently) (Don’t hug him, btw).  
But by being his truest self, Torque is actually a lot less violent than the thrall version.  He doesn’t have the massive chip on his shoulder nor anything to prove; he’s the soft hearted pup that befriended bats all grown up (though, naturally went through hell at one point to become the psycho.  I don’t think they’ve been around long enough for him to have been born one)
Now, he wants forgiveness from Vocatia but that’s not really something he’ll ever get.  
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kingdomofclones · 5 years
Also today, most clones give Queen Mike gifts.
None of them have a mom, but many are copies of her.
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kingdomofclones · 5 years
VC thing Torque Ed.
((A second valid vc for Torque is Steak from Food Fantasy))
((There’s a few in there where he gets growly/mad that’s semi close to Torque’s yelling, but Torque talking to himself or to TZ will sound more like the calmer one.))
((Scar from Lion King is the main one))
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kingdomofclones · 5 years
((I just realized, that due to the fact that he has pet birds and is just generally charmed by them in the first place, Rictus would 100% notice birds in his environment before just about anything else (danger to his person is first).  
But like, if he walks into a room and a bird’s just chillin’ someplace, he’ll sense it and wanna interact.
So what I’m trying to say is: 
If Rictus meets Mordecai, I’m so sorry that he’ll beeline right to Talon and not even see or acknowledge Mordy at all until he speaks up.))
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kingdomofclones · 5 years
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kingdomofclones · 5 years
Torgue of the Torgue corporation should never ever under any circumstances meet TZ.
Though I could see him sponsering the stuntman as long as there are always explosions... which is usually the case already
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kingdomofclones · 5 years
Swimming Headcanons
Swim wear:
TZ: has a few pairs of well-worn swim trunks, many a little singed in places from stunts. Has no qualms swimming naked.
FU: You know those old fashioned, striped swim jumpers? She has a set of those, but if you manage to get her into it, she's still visibly uncomfortable. Finds wetsuits too tight to bother with.
Bravo: Tends to go skinny dipping, but definitely has a sensible one piece in her little camp. It makes her feel pretty and has few qualms with how revealing it is.
TZ: is not a strong swimmer and gets winded fairly quick. Sinks like a stone. Still tries to keep up though. Though, he has no extra problems swimming in frigid waters
FU: She's already swam two laps while you were trying to get used to the water. C'mon, keep up.
Bravo: Wishes she were flying, but this is also cool. Is more into it for play than exercise, so you might legit see her happy for a minute.
As a note: All clones find themselves at home in the water, even TZ. Something about it just brightens their mood. A few clone scientists suspect that the original might have been a swimmer or originated someplace with more water than Three Horns
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