#//except she got him as a morgrem
piers-official · 1 year
I first met Nephilim as a morgrem in Glimwood Tangle!
I remember walkin' and tryin' to find my way through the forest, which honestly was... kind of a maze. As I went deeper in I realized I was lost, and I... maaaybe sort of panicking (definitely not on the verge of tears). Then outta nowhere, a row of mushrooms started ta light up! I discovered a hidden path thanks to the light, and eventually I was able to make my way out of the forest and into Ballonlea! At the end I discovered who my secret helper was:
It was a little morgrem! It seemed like he almost felt bad for me, and decided t'help. He was alone, unlike the others, so I offered to take him with me and he happily obliged!
We've been friends ever since~
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askkrenko · 5 years
Nuzlocke Recap (in progress)
I have just gotten home from vacation, and I beat the 8th gym leader today, so it’s time to recap my Nuzlocke of Shield so far! This is gonna be long, so... break lines.
First off, the rules: If a Pokemon faints, it goes into the Ded box. I’m not releasing them, because once I either lose entirely or win, I plan to use the same save file to start doing actual game-completion stuff. If it gets up on its own in a Dynamax raid, it’s not dead, but if the raid ends with it down, it is. Each new location, I can only catch the first pokemon I encounter on land, and the first pokemon I encounter other than on land. They’re now using overworld wandering stuff, so I AM allowed to try and dodge things I don’t want as much. On Land generally means “in the grass,” but anything that pops up and wanders, or the ! pokemon in grasses. It also includes flying pokemon. Not-on-land means fishing, swimming, berry tree pounces, dynamax raid, NPC gift or trade, etc. I can skip a pokemon if it’s the same species (or evolutionary line) of one I already have, but I don’t have to. Pokemon too high level for the game to let me catch don’t count. NO ITEMS IN BATTLE except for Held Items. This is what makes things actually get really hard. Otherwise you just spam super potions and X Defense and such. Also, I’m TRYING not to over-grind and just get ridiculous, but I don’t actually know what levels things are because it’s a blind run, so trying to grind up to a decent level gets.. odd. So far, this game is... weird and sometimes mean. A lot of things are no trouble at all, the game has a tendency to throw out sudden battles against things much higher level than you, and of course, Self-Destruct and Counter are moves that exist. I lost three guys to a trainer with two level 37 pokemon in an area where everything else was mid-20s. Now, I’m going to give the list of EVERY POKEMON I HAVE, with their names and current status. And here’s a little game to play: Guess why each Pokemon has that name! Some are obvious, some are somewhat obscure,  some are layered, and one is literally impossible for a random person to know. THE DED Tympole- Gitrog -  I honestly don’t remember what happened to this one... Or ever using it. I think I just threw it in the way of something. Mudbray- Mudbriar - Caught in my first Dynamax raid, Part of the TPK against Nessa Corvisquire - Liliana - fell to Nessa, and she was doing so well, too Carkol- Koth - had the misfortune of being in my party when I lost to Nessa. Had no intent to use him against her, but he was there. Toxel - Kindra  -  ... I have no memory of this loss. Cherubi- Sherri - Was SUPPOSED to beat Nessa. She did not. Zigzagoon - Sorin -  Also Nessa Drizzile - Willow - My starter! Final member of the first Nessa failure. Lombre- Kappa - Was trained up for Nessa round 2! ... Died in training. Stufful - Fuzzy-Wu - also died in training. I may have taken too many training-based risks, but seriously, random wild pokemon in this game are just huge. Koffing- Douglass -... Really wish I’d taken notes. Helioptile- Sunshine - Caught and then basically immediately died to... something or other. Boltund- Thunderbutt - helped fight through Nessa, died shortly after. One of these three pokemon was a Self-Destructing Drifloom, but I don’t remember which. Vanillite - Friendly Roselia - Darien Skorupi - Venom:   After Darien took down Nessa, things were going great, and then some random guy with two level 37s in a cafe challenged me and killed these three. Note that the gym leader AFTER this was still only like level 25. Pawniard- Gwyn - Took to the fairy gym to use Steel type moves against, but didn’t survive the gym leader. Morgrem  - Jareth - Taken out by a surprise fighting attack on a non-fighting pokemon. Greedent - Rastogar - Okay, this name is impossible to know because I got it wrong, but if I got it right, you’d just google it, so points if you can figure out what name I forgot and mangled into this. He fell on me from a tree, and he sucked the whole time. He was there to fill space and no tears were shed when he fell. Pangoro- Gray - Bonus points if you can figure out the super roundabout way I came to a name that’s really just a mixture of his colors. Never amounted to much. Vullaby- Carri -... Never did anything. Died somehow. Perrserker- Gimli - Counter-Death the first. He was doing so well before that, too! Arcanine - James - the best boy. Was one of my earliest catches, only survived the first Nessa wipe because he was hiding in my box so Cherubi could fight. Carried me through a huge chunk of the game. First pokemon to get that super-friendship where it’s constantly bugging you about it. Soft and fluffy. Defeated on Route 9 by Sawk using Counter. Abomasnow- Michelle - ...This was earlier today, how did I already forget? Xatu- Maya - Took her on a Dynamax raid. For the record, I’ve done a decent number, but the difficulty seems to have risen with levels and she got smushed. Garrploct- El Ocho- Captured and overtrained him for the Dark gym which worked out great! Fell to the ‘Dragon’ gym leader. Dusclops- Grimm - Fell to the Dragon gym leader. Beartic- Polerberr - Was supposed to be my ace against the Dragon gym leader, but he got one-shot by a dynamax rock move. Also, what kind of a dragon leader only has two dragons? THE LIVING:
So, that was a lot of dead, here are the... four pokemon I have in a box, not including my team. Barboach- Mudkip  - He’s cool, but I’m overflowing with water types. Octillery- Hugs- Caught him, haven’t used him. Chewtle- Spike - Caught him super early, never used him. Gyarados - Shenron- Fished him up, only put him in my party enough to evolve him. And now, MY TEAM! I do have an extra spot on it, but I already have two water types and literally everything I have left in my box is a water type. Corvisquire - LumDul- Yeah, species clause, but I saw him and I wanted a new one.  Haven’t gotten much use of him yet. He just slid in after the recent losses to Raihan. Dracovish - Abomination -  kinda wanna just kill this thing myself, it’s made with mad and horrid science, but I’m low on Pokemon. Toxicroak - Napoleon - Trained him up for the Dark gym, and he’s been doing pretty well. Skutank - Gross - I slid this into my party way back to fight Ghosts and it just... keeps doing good work. I’ve never been a fan of this pokemon, but she’s doing really well, and Toxic + Venoshock is just good stuff. And finally, the most important pokemon in my game... Wishiwashi- Fish- With leftovers and Aqua Ring, often hiding with Dive, Fish are able to stand up to just about anything and just chill through long fights. Fish are my longest-running team member at this point by a significant margin, having joined right after the Nessa wipe to replace Willow, and they have continually been the backbone of my team. Also this one time they survived a Claydoll Self-Destruct at 2 HP. If I make it through this Nuzlocke, even if I lose Wishiwashi now, Fish will have been the MVP. 
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