#//got a wr1ting bug---
truly-quirkless-a · 11 months
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Type: Lore/History Timeline: Start of MHA, S1 (A few hours after This Writing) Location: Musutafu, Japan
This ended up being double the length of the previous one- (it's about 4k words long). Yet again, open at your own risk.
"...no fuckin' way..." Fin trailed off.
They'd finally noticed it, after waving All Might off after the inspection- their Words had been glowing. They had stared, mind reeling over the day. Had their Words been glowing when they woke up?--- No, they remembered petting Prism before leaving for work- watching the feline bump her head against their wrist, a soft meow filling the apartment before they'd disappeared.
They'd only spoken to their coworkers, today- those who worked under and alongside them in repairing the sites for when classes began the next week. Of course, Fin would be drowning in paperwork tomorrow- but they weren't about to shuffle that off to their subordinates. They found their breath catching, even as the white light began to fade as it settled in.
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...they'd found their soulmate...they sat down in their car, for a moment tempted to look the Hero's name up-- but they could wait until they got home. Prism would be a welcome sight after such a long day...their vision snapped to the time.
18:54. It was nearly seven.... A breath out.
Their phone unlocked, the screen flickering towards a picture of a beach at night- the waves glowing a faint blue. For a moment, they thought of that man's eyes- sky-blue hidden by shadow...or so they assumed. Though- the smile felt... Wrong. Like a show...
[All Might]
May as well go down the rabbit hole...
He was...famous.-- More than famous, it seemed their soulmate- this 'All Might'- was unparalleled. A beacon- a Symbol of Peace- keeping the world safe for years...and always with such a bright smile on his face, surrounded by so many other Pro Heroes...
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If it weren't for my generosity, you'd be dead.
He was marred.- Of course he was. He was the top of the top- the pinnacle of humanity. Earth's No. 1 Hero. The strongest. And always with a damn bright smile, telling everyone they'd be okay.
And he was tied to them.
Weak, useless Finley Well.
They wanted nothing more than to rip the Words clear out of their skin. They didn't deserve him- they didn't deserve anything. He was surrounded by so many like-minded peers- why would he- no, he wouldn't. Some- some soulmates...
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He'd reject the tie.
Of course he would...
They were Quirkless- related to a villain- they were nothing. Less than nothing. Knowing them- it was a liability. That...was probably why he hadn't said anything, wasn't it? It was a silent rejection- content to let them never know...but they'd found out.
Useless bitch.
He'd reject them for sure, if they ever brought it up. He probably already had a partner- surrounded by so many amazing choices, there was no chance in Hell he was single. Even if he was...soulmates didn't necessarily go that path- and he hadn't even- he hadn't SAID ANYTHING.
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Even their soulmate....
You're worthless.
They'd just...not bring it up.- Avoid him. If he spoke to them...they'd respond, but that was as far as they'd go. They'd respect his decision...even as their stomach twisted in painful knots. It was stronger than the lingering pain from years of untreated internal injuries- enough to make them worry they'd repaint their car's interior...but they tried to ignore it as they turned the ignition in their car.
Maybe they'd just...
Buy a tin of cookies, and drown themself in it when they got home.
This would pass- they just had to hold on.
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Of course Nezu had made sure their phone number was in the file...up until that day, he hadn't believed some of the speculated rumors about the mouse- that he just knew who was tied to who...but it would seem he did, that gleam of knowing in the principal's eyes taking on a fresher meaning as Toshinori sighed. Even though he tried not to, the number was already seared into his head- as was their smiling face, freckles on their cheeks...the gently outstretched hand, looking at him like just another person- not some pedestal to reach up to...not some lowly rat in the dirt.
They just saw a man...
He was walking back towards his apartment. It had been a few hours- and he'd used up more time he thought he didn't have as All Might, anymore. A robbery here, a car crash there- all dealt with in record time. The sun was disappearing on the horizon, night falling inch-by-inch... The streetlights flickered on.
He should really pick up some more food, before he got home... A cursory check of his phone revealed the time- 19:31. Yeah, he was overdue to eat. Yagi didn't bother with checking those around him. There was usually a slight berth around his person when he was in his True Form- nearly like he was riddled with some disease. He supposed, to the people, he looked it- frail, unnaturally tall, with a face like a skeleton's, eyes a pitch-black that was unheard of, even in such a Quirk-prominent society.
He had long-gotten-rid of his suit's jacket, draping it over a shoulder as he walked through the streets. At least like this, he wouldn't be mobbed...
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"...maybe soup, tonight..." Though he'd probably have to go the fast-and-easy route...he could purchase a few Nutri-Grain bars to tide him over until then. There was a store near his house, so he'd just drop by on the way. His plans set, the male found himself walking a little faster. At least now, he knew what he was doing.
Fin had put in their earbuds. They'd managed to dry their tears, and swallow the panic...but it was brimming, just underneath the surface. They were jittery as they parked their car outside of a store near their home. It wasn't the best place- but it wasn't the worst. Hazel orbs were full of slight panic as they tried to focus on the music- not on the people.
I'm okay.
No one here really knew about their status as a Quirkless individual- but they still felt eyes on them as they wandered through the store. They'd found a display full of cookie tins, at the back of the place- and had smiled, reaching out for their favorite. Chocolate chip...what a flavor to drown in.
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Their anxiety just running wild.- But that was when their wrist began to ache. Fin glanced around. There was no way All Might was there- but they still felt concern stick up their throat. They spotted four other individuals in the store- besides the cashier and themself.
A tall, gangly blond at checkout- his back turned to them as he handed yen over...and three men near the doors, eyes shifting towards the blond. They'd like to consider themself an expert on this sort of thing- they'd been singled out plenty in their time...and the looks the men were tossing the blond's way...
They got in line behind the blond not a moment later, refusing to look in the direction of the strangers. Their music continued to blare, filling their ears and numbing the world around them. When he'd paid, and turned to leave- they had caught a split-second glimpse of his eyes... Burning bright blue. A sunken cheek, limbs thin, but strong...
He's pretty.
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Of course they'd be that pathetic. They met their soulmate today- and now here they were, finding the first unconventional dude and thinking he was pretty...damnit. They pressed their yen down onto the counter with a very quiet 'thank you', unable to hear the cashier's response- instead reading their lips. They took their tin of cookies as they left the store- intent on just going home, and eating cookies until they passed out.
Or vomitted.
Whichever came first.
That was when the burn became exponentially stronger- their Words blazing to life with a fire that had one eye twitching. He was in danger. LOTS of it.
Fin pulled out an earbud, trying to be nonchalant- but that was when they caught the voices under the low-lying pain in their eardrums.
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Of course, he had to run into his soulmate while like this. It had only been for a moment, but he'd caught sight of them out the corner of his eye as he'd left the store. Dark brown hair, tousled from that construction cap from earlier- earbuds in both ears. Their Words were black, again. They knew.
They knew All Might was their soulmate.
Which meant they would hate him.
Of all the things Yagi had prepared all these years for, rejection wasn't amongst them- but it was quickly entering the realm of possibility. Fin wouldn't like him as he was- they would hate him, he was sure. They'd take one look- one damn look- at what they'd one day be stuck with...and cut it all short.
Words were incapable of destruction- an eternal bond to signify one's other half....
But there were some- who rejected it.
Rejected each other.
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There was no way in Hell they'd accept him as he was. All Might? All Might could have anyone- but he'd held out, probably in the vain hopes he would one day find his other half...but now, they only knew him as the Hero. The dwindling Symbol of Peace, who would one day burn out.
He would be handing them an empty shell.
"Hey, old man!"
He had started down an alleyway... A rookie mistake in the dark of night. He sighed softly, turning around to face the three youths now approaching him. The alleyway's stink was slowly beginning to shift-- turning... Sweet? One of the would-be robbers smirked, apparently thinking he had an easy target.
"Give us all your cash, and nobody gets h-"
"No." He didn't even bother to let them finish. Even if he was in his True Form- he was still a formidable force... Weak, yes- but he had training.
"You losin' your hearin', old timer?" One of the men stepped closer- a flash of something glinting in the darkness. It didn't take a genius to see the curve of a knife. Really.... They thought that would scare him? "He said GIVE US YOUR MONEY."
He'd already run out of time as All Might today- but he couldn't just transform and defeat these kids for their transgressions. He might get found out. The chances they'd be believed were low- but he didn't quite want to risk it. He would just take them on as he was...his eyes narrowed- an uneasy silence brimming in the air.
Before the young men could react, an aluminum tin crashed into the ringleader's face- breaking open on impact and showering the trio in chocolate chip cookies. Yagi blinked, his eyes flashing towards the source-
"The Hell-?!"
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"But I wonder, where were you?"
The song had switched as they'd stepped out of the store. The burning was gradually getting worse- their anxiety crawling further into their veins. They figured they were slightly pale by now, wanting to expel their stomach's contents from the worry burning in them. They wished they'd never met him. Ever.
All Might..
I'm so sorry.
"When I was at my worst, down on my knees?"
They took out an earbud, intent on changing the song- to something that would hopefully either lift their spirits, or drag them into a sobbing fit. Either path would work--- but when they took out the black tech, words drifted into their ringing eardrums.
"Give us all your cash, and nobody gets h-"
"And you said you had my back, so I wondered-"
"No." They made their way to the alley's entrance, hazel hues flickering over the scene. That tall man from the store- the pretty dude- with sunken cheeks and blazing blue eyes, was glaring at three men that seemed to be trying to corner him. Fire began to burn in Fin's mind- dragging across their thoughts.
Get away from him.
"--where were you, when all the roads you took came back to me?"
"You losin' your hearin', old timer?" One of them had stepped closer- and Fin could easily figure out the weapon from the hold. A small pocket knife, like the one screaming in their own pocket. It didn't occur to them that they'd begun to pull their cookie tin back- eyes narrowing.
"So I'm following the map that leads to you."
Fin's scream was accompanied by the feeling of the tin leaving their hand. They were already charging into the alley, moving faster than they remembered being able to. They felt sick to their stomach- rage blazing across their mind. Their pocket knife had flipped into their hand, open and ready, before they could comprehend it. Quirk users-- they didn't know the powers before them, but they weren't about to take the time to sort it out...not when all the men were already turning their way.
"The Hell-?!"
Their abandoned earbud hit the ground, somewhere behind them. They leapt- slamming into the front-runner without a second thought. Horns...they'd seen dandelions. They didn't bother to sort it out. Everything was narrowing down in their head- you'll die if you lose.
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"Pick on someone who can fight BACK!" Their knife slashed up. They could feel it slice through skin, kicking off the first body- only to slam back into another. Fin's foot smashed back- there was a pained squeal that filled the air. They rolled, dragging the heavier body with them.
That body had grown hard in seconds- coated in something that was ever-so-faintly sticky, and made the alleyway smell heavily of a candy shop. A candy Quirk? That could pose trouble-
A headache burst behind their eyes. They bit back a pained growl, spinning on impulse. The third man was currently glaring, a hand outstretched.
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FIN- Yagi's voice caught in his throat. He took a step back as the trio engaged against the smaller human. It wasn't difficult to follow- but his own Words had begun to blaze, lighting up his arm in fire. Danger- save them--- but he didn't have- what---?
"Fin--?" His voice was strangled, barely a whisper in the air full of blows landing. Some people knew how to fight, yes- but this...this fighting--- the style- it was like an animal that had been backed into a corner- a familiar corner. There were no holds barred- he could see Fin's body twitch each time they had a split-second without an attack, their eyes lost in the heat of combat.
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They raced towards the third- he'd begun to back up. Fin dove down, sweeping his legs out from under him. The headache instantly dissipated as the male fell on his ass, grunting from surprise. Couldn't let him get them again. Before their foot could connect--
Their eyes snapped to the elongated slash on their left arm. It stopped just short of their Words- but it smelled- like chocolate. Great- candy poisoning. Lovely.
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Take out the first one. They slammed their foot into the side of the downed psychic's head, not waiting to see if his eyes had snapped closed. They spun- just barely jumping high enough to avoid a sweep to their legs.
They leapt at their attacker- the male with dandelion-horns- and smacked the hilt of their knife into his forehead. His eyes went cross, before he fell. That just left the candy-maker--
Tell me something I don't know.
Their soulmate deserved better.- They weren't worth it. But they could at least help this stranger, if only for a few minutes. A fist connected with their arm- a loud CRACK filling the sky. They blinked, tears brimming in their eyes- but still standing.
"YEAH! YOU WANT SOME MORE, BRAT?" Fin was before him in a second- a startled yelp flying from the man's mouth before it abruptly jammed shut, lower teeth slamming into upper from a solid uppercut. His body went flying a single foot before crashing to the ground...leaving an injured, bloodied Fin standing in an alleyway, three grown men groaning on the dirty concrete.
They turned to the stranger, that harsh look in their eyes quickly melting into an attempt at a comforting smile. They felt weak- fire blazed up and down their arm, blood beginning to collect around the edges of the candy that had been lodged into their open wound. It burned. The rest of their body was aching, as well- but the adrenaline kept them upright, so they'd be grateful for that, at least.
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"Sorry about that- are y'okay, dude?"
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"....why'd you..." No one ever helped him, like this.- No one save actual Heroes, and even then, it was generally because he had called out to them, not wanting to deal with his opponents himself. He could've handled the men- easily- but Fin...they had... "...do that...?"
"Huh-?" Fin paused. "....why'd I...-" They chuckled, looking away. In the moonlight...their skin looked a bit paler than it had at the site, earlier that day. His Words...they still ached. "....because I wouldn't be able t'forgive myself if I let some assholes beat up such a pretty man."
Absolute silence.
Fin realized what they'd just said- what they'd admitted- only after it was already in the air, too late to take back. They leaned against the wall of the alley, trying for all the world not to look like they were about to collapse. Shit.- They couldn't die in some back alley- not when All Might hadn't even retired, yet--- the world needed him. And, they'd just betrayed him. Called this random man pretty, this random person they'd only just met-
Their mind was swirling.
Toshinori had gone utterly still, his breath snagging in his throat. There were a lot of things about him to dislike. Gods knew, he'd gotten really good at thinking of them in the (rare) spaces of downtime he had left. Unattractive, old, falling apart- he wasn't even sure if he'd live to see three years in the future. And he'd long given up on finding his soulmate- after all, who'd even want him?
And then they'd gone and said that, not knowing the connection- not knowing him for him.
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"...do you have anyone I can call? A friend- family- soulmate?" The last was spoken out of reflex...and it occurred to him as he said it- he was their soulmate. He hadn't even given them his number- goddamnit- well, giving out All Might's number would've been a bad move either way.
"WE'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!" One of the men had cried out as he grabbed his downed comrade- but a deathly glare from Toshinori sent him sprinting for the alley's exit. He turned his attention back to Fin- the brunet of whom was giving him a quiet once-over.
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"....no, no,- and he's probably either on a hot date, or beating the shit out of something way worse right now." Fin counted off. Yagi felt as though he'd been hit by a brick- hot date-?! He slapped a hand over his mouth, coughing wetly into it as blood surged over his tongue. The familiar taste of iron flooded his taste buds as he devolved into a coughing fit, right in front of the other.
"Oh shit-!" Fin pushed off the wall. They closed the distance in seconds. He could easily make out the droplets of crimson as they splattered on the ground- the cut that had his own Words throbbing. Injured. His soulmate was injured- badly- and they weren't even flinching---!
They'd taken down three men with Quirks, without having one- just using a knife...!
They hadn't so much as flinched when they'd gotten hurt...
And now here they were, worry flooding their face as their hands hovered near his arms, as if wanting to steady him but unsure how.
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"...I'm alright...-- But...why do you think your soulmate would be on a date right now? He has you, doesn't he?" Fin took a step back. Shit. Shit, shit shit shit shit... The questions were beginning to pile- but the feeling of his Words... The cut....
"...he's surrounded by folks that're better for him." Fin's voice had quieted. "...don't tell him, but-...y'know, he's just...more?" They scratched at their cheek with their good hand. "I mean- the guy's...well- he's pretty famous, far as I can tell. I figure- y'know, he won't want some random fucker like me. I basically...marred him- with my Words..." They were beginning to feel faint. "...shit...--I gotta..." They took a step back. "...needa get home..."
Toshinori took a step forward- one hand rising. He didn't quite touch them- but he was close. His soulmate did, in fact, look pale...seriously so. That was why his Words were still aching.
"You need a hospital." He did grab their arm, that time. "Please- let me help you." The hints were there- he thought he'd been protecting them- for years... But the way they fought- the way they reacted...those weren't the reactions of someone with a peaceful, safe life. "This is going to hurt- but just for a second." He reached for the candy...and ripped it out in one fluid motion. The bloody-sweet concoction fell to the ground as he grabbed his suit jacket, and tore off a shred of fabric.
"...this should help stem the bleeding, until I can get you to one..."
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"Dude- woah- dude-!" Fin's hand landed on Yagi's wrist. "-it's alright, I can take care of this myself- you didn't have t'rip your jacket...!!" He was already tying it around their injury...the yellow fabric was quickly beginning to stain red. Their head was swimming....fuck... "....agh.."
There wasn't time- not at the rate Fin was getting worse. Well. Maybe there was- but worry was beginning to overpower logic.
"Fin,- I...I'm going to do something, but I need you to trust me- and not tell a single soul, alright?" Their eyes had caught on the inside of Toshinori's left arm- two Words, written in handwriting they knew too well.
Oh, hi!
"How do you-"
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"Do you trust me?" The two met eyes. For a moment... Fin felt...safe. Like they were looking into something so familiar-- their thoughts were fogging further, growing faint around the edges. They were going to collapse, soon- Fin knew this feeling way too well to not know.
"...yes." That was all the confirmation he needed. He didn't know how much time was left- meeting Fin had probably increased the timer, but he wasn't sure by how much...but in this moment, he didn't care. He had to get them to a hospital. Smoke flooded the alleyway- coating him for a moment. Fin's confusion mounted as they felt the skeletal fingers gripping them gaining size, muscle filling in between bone and skin.
They coughed, the smoke burning their lungs- before strong arms pulled them close. They were pressed to a muscular chest, hazel eyes beginning to drift. Damnit...
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"You're going to be okay." That voice--- where was the rough one? The scratchy cadence from that skeletal frame? This- it sounded...different, but they knew it. Like the pretty man's voice, it rang through their skull- a tuning fork that obliterated worry, that felt safe and familiar- their haven. Hands gripped them, gentle but strong, a body curling slightly-
Before, in a blast of air, they were airborne. Their vision was flickering in and out- but they could see him. Their soulmate, All Might....
Dressed in the same suit as that stranger, holding them close.
Their vision went totally black- but it took over a minute for their nerves to follow suit, their body gradually going numb.
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There had to be a hospital nearby- there just had to... C'mon...!--- It took a few seconds to register, but the moment he recalled the exact location... His next landing, he changed trajectory- still holding Fin's body in his arms, his Words like Hellfire.
He was supposed to keep them safe.
And yet...
They'd gotten hurt...
Trying to save him.
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