#//anyway I promise I am an RP blog I just
truly-quirkless-a · 1 year
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Type: Lore/History Timeline: Start of MHA, S1 (A few hours after This Writing) Location: Musutafu, Japan
This ended up being double the length of the previous one- (it's about 4k words long). Yet again, open at your own risk.
"...no fuckin' way..." Fin trailed off.
They'd finally noticed it, after waving All Might off after the inspection- their Words had been glowing. They had stared, mind reeling over the day. Had their Words been glowing when they woke up?--- No, they remembered petting Prism before leaving for work- watching the feline bump her head against their wrist, a soft meow filling the apartment before they'd disappeared.
They'd only spoken to their coworkers, today- those who worked under and alongside them in repairing the sites for when classes began the next week. Of course, Fin would be drowning in paperwork tomorrow- but they weren't about to shuffle that off to their subordinates. They found their breath catching, even as the white light began to fade as it settled in.
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...they'd found their soulmate...they sat down in their car, for a moment tempted to look the Hero's name up-- but they could wait until they got home. Prism would be a welcome sight after such a long day...their vision snapped to the time.
18:54. It was nearly seven.... A breath out.
Their phone unlocked, the screen flickering towards a picture of a beach at night- the waves glowing a faint blue. For a moment, they thought of that man's eyes- sky-blue hidden by shadow...or so they assumed. Though- the smile felt... Wrong. Like a show...
[All Might]
May as well go down the rabbit hole...
He was...famous.-- More than famous, it seemed their soulmate- this 'All Might'- was unparalleled. A beacon- a Symbol of Peace- keeping the world safe for years...and always with such a bright smile on his face, surrounded by so many other Pro Heroes...
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If it weren't for my generosity, you'd be dead.
He was marred.- Of course he was. He was the top of the top- the pinnacle of humanity. Earth's No. 1 Hero. The strongest. And always with a damn bright smile, telling everyone they'd be okay.
And he was tied to them.
Weak, useless Finley Well.
They wanted nothing more than to rip the Words clear out of their skin. They didn't deserve him- they didn't deserve anything. He was surrounded by so many like-minded peers- why would he- no, he wouldn't. Some- some soulmates...
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He'd reject the tie.
Of course he would...
They were Quirkless- related to a villain- they were nothing. Less than nothing. Knowing them- it was a liability. That...was probably why he hadn't said anything, wasn't it? It was a silent rejection- content to let them never know...but they'd found out.
Useless bitch.
He'd reject them for sure, if they ever brought it up. He probably already had a partner- surrounded by so many amazing choices, there was no chance in Hell he was single. Even if he was...soulmates didn't necessarily go that path- and he hadn't even- he hadn't SAID ANYTHING.
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Even their soulmate....
You're worthless.
They'd just...not bring it up.- Avoid him. If he spoke to them...they'd respond, but that was as far as they'd go. They'd respect his decision...even as their stomach twisted in painful knots. It was stronger than the lingering pain from years of untreated internal injuries- enough to make them worry they'd repaint their car's interior...but they tried to ignore it as they turned the ignition in their car.
Maybe they'd just...
Buy a tin of cookies, and drown themself in it when they got home.
This would pass- they just had to hold on.
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Of course Nezu had made sure their phone number was in the file...up until that day, he hadn't believed some of the speculated rumors about the mouse- that he just knew who was tied to who...but it would seem he did, that gleam of knowing in the principal's eyes taking on a fresher meaning as Toshinori sighed. Even though he tried not to, the number was already seared into his head- as was their smiling face, freckles on their cheeks...the gently outstretched hand, looking at him like just another person- not some pedestal to reach up to...not some lowly rat in the dirt.
They just saw a man...
He was walking back towards his apartment. It had been a few hours- and he'd used up more time he thought he didn't have as All Might, anymore. A robbery here, a car crash there- all dealt with in record time. The sun was disappearing on the horizon, night falling inch-by-inch... The streetlights flickered on.
He should really pick up some more food, before he got home... A cursory check of his phone revealed the time- 19:31. Yeah, he was overdue to eat. Yagi didn't bother with checking those around him. There was usually a slight berth around his person when he was in his True Form- nearly like he was riddled with some disease. He supposed, to the people, he looked it- frail, unnaturally tall, with a face like a skeleton's, eyes a pitch-black that was unheard of, even in such a Quirk-prominent society.
He had long-gotten-rid of his suit's jacket, draping it over a shoulder as he walked through the streets. At least like this, he wouldn't be mobbed...
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"...maybe soup, tonight..." Though he'd probably have to go the fast-and-easy route...he could purchase a few Nutri-Grain bars to tide him over until then. There was a store near his house, so he'd just drop by on the way. His plans set, the male found himself walking a little faster. At least now, he knew what he was doing.
Fin had put in their earbuds. They'd managed to dry their tears, and swallow the panic...but it was brimming, just underneath the surface. They were jittery as they parked their car outside of a store near their home. It wasn't the best place- but it wasn't the worst. Hazel orbs were full of slight panic as they tried to focus on the music- not on the people.
I'm okay.
No one here really knew about their status as a Quirkless individual- but they still felt eyes on them as they wandered through the store. They'd found a display full of cookie tins, at the back of the place- and had smiled, reaching out for their favorite. Chocolate chip...what a flavor to drown in.
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Their anxiety just running wild.- But that was when their wrist began to ache. Fin glanced around. There was no way All Might was there- but they still felt concern stick up their throat. They spotted four other individuals in the store- besides the cashier and themself.
A tall, gangly blond at checkout- his back turned to them as he handed yen over...and three men near the doors, eyes shifting towards the blond. They'd like to consider themself an expert on this sort of thing- they'd been singled out plenty in their time...and the looks the men were tossing the blond's way...
They got in line behind the blond not a moment later, refusing to look in the direction of the strangers. Their music continued to blare, filling their ears and numbing the world around them. When he'd paid, and turned to leave- they had caught a split-second glimpse of his eyes... Burning bright blue. A sunken cheek, limbs thin, but strong...
He's pretty.
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Of course they'd be that pathetic. They met their soulmate today- and now here they were, finding the first unconventional dude and thinking he was pretty...damnit. They pressed their yen down onto the counter with a very quiet 'thank you', unable to hear the cashier's response- instead reading their lips. They took their tin of cookies as they left the store- intent on just going home, and eating cookies until they passed out.
Or vomitted.
Whichever came first.
That was when the burn became exponentially stronger- their Words blazing to life with a fire that had one eye twitching. He was in danger. LOTS of it.
Fin pulled out an earbud, trying to be nonchalant- but that was when they caught the voices under the low-lying pain in their eardrums.
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Of course, he had to run into his soulmate while like this. It had only been for a moment, but he'd caught sight of them out the corner of his eye as he'd left the store. Dark brown hair, tousled from that construction cap from earlier- earbuds in both ears. Their Words were black, again. They knew.
They knew All Might was their soulmate.
Which meant they would hate him.
Of all the things Yagi had prepared all these years for, rejection wasn't amongst them- but it was quickly entering the realm of possibility. Fin wouldn't like him as he was- they would hate him, he was sure. They'd take one look- one damn look- at what they'd one day be stuck with...and cut it all short.
Words were incapable of destruction- an eternal bond to signify one's other half....
But there were some- who rejected it.
Rejected each other.
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There was no way in Hell they'd accept him as he was. All Might? All Might could have anyone- but he'd held out, probably in the vain hopes he would one day find his other half...but now, they only knew him as the Hero. The dwindling Symbol of Peace, who would one day burn out.
He would be handing them an empty shell.
"Hey, old man!"
He had started down an alleyway... A rookie mistake in the dark of night. He sighed softly, turning around to face the three youths now approaching him. The alleyway's stink was slowly beginning to shift-- turning... Sweet? One of the would-be robbers smirked, apparently thinking he had an easy target.
"Give us all your cash, and nobody gets h-"
"No." He didn't even bother to let them finish. Even if he was in his True Form- he was still a formidable force... Weak, yes- but he had training.
"You losin' your hearin', old timer?" One of the men stepped closer- a flash of something glinting in the darkness. It didn't take a genius to see the curve of a knife. Really.... They thought that would scare him? "He said GIVE US YOUR MONEY."
He'd already run out of time as All Might today- but he couldn't just transform and defeat these kids for their transgressions. He might get found out. The chances they'd be believed were low- but he didn't quite want to risk it. He would just take them on as he was...his eyes narrowed- an uneasy silence brimming in the air.
Before the young men could react, an aluminum tin crashed into the ringleader's face- breaking open on impact and showering the trio in chocolate chip cookies. Yagi blinked, his eyes flashing towards the source-
"The Hell-?!"
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"But I wonder, where were you?"
The song had switched as they'd stepped out of the store. The burning was gradually getting worse- their anxiety crawling further into their veins. They figured they were slightly pale by now, wanting to expel their stomach's contents from the worry burning in them. They wished they'd never met him. Ever.
All Might..
I'm so sorry.
"When I was at my worst, down on my knees?"
They took out an earbud, intent on changing the song- to something that would hopefully either lift their spirits, or drag them into a sobbing fit. Either path would work--- but when they took out the black tech, words drifted into their ringing eardrums.
"Give us all your cash, and nobody gets h-"
"And you said you had my back, so I wondered-"
"No." They made their way to the alley's entrance, hazel hues flickering over the scene. That tall man from the store- the pretty dude- with sunken cheeks and blazing blue eyes, was glaring at three men that seemed to be trying to corner him. Fire began to burn in Fin's mind- dragging across their thoughts.
Get away from him.
"--where were you, when all the roads you took came back to me?"
"You losin' your hearin', old timer?" One of them had stepped closer- and Fin could easily figure out the weapon from the hold. A small pocket knife, like the one screaming in their own pocket. It didn't occur to them that they'd begun to pull their cookie tin back- eyes narrowing.
"So I'm following the map that leads to you."
Fin's scream was accompanied by the feeling of the tin leaving their hand. They were already charging into the alley, moving faster than they remembered being able to. They felt sick to their stomach- rage blazing across their mind. Their pocket knife had flipped into their hand, open and ready, before they could comprehend it. Quirk users-- they didn't know the powers before them, but they weren't about to take the time to sort it out...not when all the men were already turning their way.
"The Hell-?!"
Their abandoned earbud hit the ground, somewhere behind them. They leapt- slamming into the front-runner without a second thought. Horns...they'd seen dandelions. They didn't bother to sort it out. Everything was narrowing down in their head- you'll die if you lose.
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"Pick on someone who can fight BACK!" Their knife slashed up. They could feel it slice through skin, kicking off the first body- only to slam back into another. Fin's foot smashed back- there was a pained squeal that filled the air. They rolled, dragging the heavier body with them.
That body had grown hard in seconds- coated in something that was ever-so-faintly sticky, and made the alleyway smell heavily of a candy shop. A candy Quirk? That could pose trouble-
A headache burst behind their eyes. They bit back a pained growl, spinning on impulse. The third man was currently glaring, a hand outstretched.
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FIN- Yagi's voice caught in his throat. He took a step back as the trio engaged against the smaller human. It wasn't difficult to follow- but his own Words had begun to blaze, lighting up his arm in fire. Danger- save them--- but he didn't have- what---?
"Fin--?" His voice was strangled, barely a whisper in the air full of blows landing. Some people knew how to fight, yes- but this...this fighting--- the style- it was like an animal that had been backed into a corner- a familiar corner. There were no holds barred- he could see Fin's body twitch each time they had a split-second without an attack, their eyes lost in the heat of combat.
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They raced towards the third- he'd begun to back up. Fin dove down, sweeping his legs out from under him. The headache instantly dissipated as the male fell on his ass, grunting from surprise. Couldn't let him get them again. Before their foot could connect--
Their eyes snapped to the elongated slash on their left arm. It stopped just short of their Words- but it smelled- like chocolate. Great- candy poisoning. Lovely.
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Take out the first one. They slammed their foot into the side of the downed psychic's head, not waiting to see if his eyes had snapped closed. They spun- just barely jumping high enough to avoid a sweep to their legs.
They leapt at their attacker- the male with dandelion-horns- and smacked the hilt of their knife into his forehead. His eyes went cross, before he fell. That just left the candy-maker--
Tell me something I don't know.
Their soulmate deserved better.- They weren't worth it. But they could at least help this stranger, if only for a few minutes. A fist connected with their arm- a loud CRACK filling the sky. They blinked, tears brimming in their eyes- but still standing.
"YEAH! YOU WANT SOME MORE, BRAT?" Fin was before him in a second- a startled yelp flying from the man's mouth before it abruptly jammed shut, lower teeth slamming into upper from a solid uppercut. His body went flying a single foot before crashing to the ground...leaving an injured, bloodied Fin standing in an alleyway, three grown men groaning on the dirty concrete.
They turned to the stranger, that harsh look in their eyes quickly melting into an attempt at a comforting smile. They felt weak- fire blazed up and down their arm, blood beginning to collect around the edges of the candy that had been lodged into their open wound. It burned. The rest of their body was aching, as well- but the adrenaline kept them upright, so they'd be grateful for that, at least.
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"Sorry about that- are y'okay, dude?"
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"....why'd you..." No one ever helped him, like this.- No one save actual Heroes, and even then, it was generally because he had called out to them, not wanting to deal with his opponents himself. He could've handled the men- easily- but Fin...they had... "...do that...?"
"Huh-?" Fin paused. "....why'd I...-" They chuckled, looking away. In the moonlight...their skin looked a bit paler than it had at the site, earlier that day. His Words...they still ached. "....because I wouldn't be able t'forgive myself if I let some assholes beat up such a pretty man."
Absolute silence.
Fin realized what they'd just said- what they'd admitted- only after it was already in the air, too late to take back. They leaned against the wall of the alley, trying for all the world not to look like they were about to collapse. Shit.- They couldn't die in some back alley- not when All Might hadn't even retired, yet--- the world needed him. And, they'd just betrayed him. Called this random man pretty, this random person they'd only just met-
Their mind was swirling.
Toshinori had gone utterly still, his breath snagging in his throat. There were a lot of things about him to dislike. Gods knew, he'd gotten really good at thinking of them in the (rare) spaces of downtime he had left. Unattractive, old, falling apart- he wasn't even sure if he'd live to see three years in the future. And he'd long given up on finding his soulmate- after all, who'd even want him?
And then they'd gone and said that, not knowing the connection- not knowing him for him.
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"...do you have anyone I can call? A friend- family- soulmate?" The last was spoken out of reflex...and it occurred to him as he said it- he was their soulmate. He hadn't even given them his number- goddamnit- well, giving out All Might's number would've been a bad move either way.
"WE'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!" One of the men had cried out as he grabbed his downed comrade- but a deathly glare from Toshinori sent him sprinting for the alley's exit. He turned his attention back to Fin- the brunet of whom was giving him a quiet once-over.
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"....no, no,- and he's probably either on a hot date, or beating the shit out of something way worse right now." Fin counted off. Yagi felt as though he'd been hit by a brick- hot date-?! He slapped a hand over his mouth, coughing wetly into it as blood surged over his tongue. The familiar taste of iron flooded his taste buds as he devolved into a coughing fit, right in front of the other.
"Oh shit-!" Fin pushed off the wall. They closed the distance in seconds. He could easily make out the droplets of crimson as they splattered on the ground- the cut that had his own Words throbbing. Injured. His soulmate was injured- badly- and they weren't even flinching---!
They'd taken down three men with Quirks, without having one- just using a knife...!
They hadn't so much as flinched when they'd gotten hurt...
And now here they were, worry flooding their face as their hands hovered near his arms, as if wanting to steady him but unsure how.
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"...I'm alright...-- But...why do you think your soulmate would be on a date right now? He has you, doesn't he?" Fin took a step back. Shit. Shit, shit shit shit shit... The questions were beginning to pile- but the feeling of his Words... The cut....
"...he's surrounded by folks that're better for him." Fin's voice had quieted. "...don't tell him, but-...y'know, he's just...more?" They scratched at their cheek with their good hand. "I mean- the guy's...well- he's pretty famous, far as I can tell. I figure- y'know, he won't want some random fucker like me. I basically...marred him- with my Words..." They were beginning to feel faint. "...shit...--I gotta..." They took a step back. "...needa get home..."
Toshinori took a step forward- one hand rising. He didn't quite touch them- but he was close. His soulmate did, in fact, look pale...seriously so. That was why his Words were still aching.
"You need a hospital." He did grab their arm, that time. "Please- let me help you." The hints were there- he thought he'd been protecting them- for years... But the way they fought- the way they reacted...those weren't the reactions of someone with a peaceful, safe life. "This is going to hurt- but just for a second." He reached for the candy...and ripped it out in one fluid motion. The bloody-sweet concoction fell to the ground as he grabbed his suit jacket, and tore off a shred of fabric.
"...this should help stem the bleeding, until I can get you to one..."
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"Dude- woah- dude-!" Fin's hand landed on Yagi's wrist. "-it's alright, I can take care of this myself- you didn't have t'rip your jacket...!!" He was already tying it around their injury...the yellow fabric was quickly beginning to stain red. Their head was swimming....fuck... "....agh.."
There wasn't time- not at the rate Fin was getting worse. Well. Maybe there was- but worry was beginning to overpower logic.
"Fin,- I...I'm going to do something, but I need you to trust me- and not tell a single soul, alright?" Their eyes had caught on the inside of Toshinori's left arm- two Words, written in handwriting they knew too well.
Oh, hi!
"How do you-"
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"Do you trust me?" The two met eyes. For a moment... Fin felt...safe. Like they were looking into something so familiar-- their thoughts were fogging further, growing faint around the edges. They were going to collapse, soon- Fin knew this feeling way too well to not know.
"...yes." That was all the confirmation he needed. He didn't know how much time was left- meeting Fin had probably increased the timer, but he wasn't sure by how much...but in this moment, he didn't care. He had to get them to a hospital. Smoke flooded the alleyway- coating him for a moment. Fin's confusion mounted as they felt the skeletal fingers gripping them gaining size, muscle filling in between bone and skin.
They coughed, the smoke burning their lungs- before strong arms pulled them close. They were pressed to a muscular chest, hazel eyes beginning to drift. Damnit...
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"You're going to be okay." That voice--- where was the rough one? The scratchy cadence from that skeletal frame? This- it sounded...different, but they knew it. Like the pretty man's voice, it rang through their skull- a tuning fork that obliterated worry, that felt safe and familiar- their haven. Hands gripped them, gentle but strong, a body curling slightly-
Before, in a blast of air, they were airborne. Their vision was flickering in and out- but they could see him. Their soulmate, All Might....
Dressed in the same suit as that stranger, holding them close.
Their vision went totally black- but it took over a minute for their nerves to follow suit, their body gradually going numb.
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There had to be a hospital nearby- there just had to... C'mon...!--- It took a few seconds to register, but the moment he recalled the exact location... His next landing, he changed trajectory- still holding Fin's body in his arms, his Words like Hellfire.
He was supposed to keep them safe.
And yet...
They'd gotten hurt...
Trying to save him.
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the-great-mammon-01 · 1 month
I ain't bein' left out!
I knew Levi had this stupid app but even Lucifer and Barbatos? The hell's so good about this app anyway?
Whatever, I ain't bein' left out so here I am. Anyone can ask me questions and stuff, but if ya gonna ask anythin' I don't wanna answer, I expect to be paid big bucks!
Honestly, I'm just here to see if there's any money to be made in this thing. Good for keepin' an eye on my brothers, too. So, don't expect much outta me, got it?
Anon List
Anon Disclaimer
RP/Ask Blog List
Discord Server Post
Hello, it's MC. I'm here to help Mammon manage this account! As such, I'm going to make some rules for it and put it here.
Well, A rule, at least. Please don't follow if you're a minor, as NSFW asks may be allowed here (don't expect him to always answer, though) and that's not appropriate for minors to see!! However, those kinds of posts will be tagged with #askers-sin if you want to block that tag!
I'll try my best to keep Mammon out of trouble (I don't want to hang from the ceiling WITH him, after all), so I hope you all have fun talking to him!
You can find Mammon's alt at @thebestsin! And another Mammon at @xxgrimm-lovrxx!
(SO sorry if Mammon responds from a different blog that isn't his!! We share accounts so that may happen sometimes, please ignore it and we'll fix it! It won't happen often, promise!)
All out of character posts will be written in green and include /ooc at the beginning, but I'm gonna try to keep that to a minimum. I've also decided I'll try not to go anymore than a full day without answerin' asks and I'll at least answer ten on the days I do answer asks (tryna avoid burnout, friends o7).
Honorable mention to the user fluffy-cats, you like nearly every single one of the posts here and you a real one for that.
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archivistofmusic · 4 months
Hello. This is an ooc post.
I'm really sorry that I haven't been posting for a while now. I started this account as a fun little writing/rp blog but I've just been overwhelmed lately for practically no reason. I'm honestly really sorry for having taken such a large break and I'm not sure when I'll be back to writing as I'm both in a bit of a depression slump and have been trying to help my dad get stuff like an autism screening and therapy set up for me since I am a minor and a rather neurodivergent one at that. I promise that this blog isn't dead and I will get back to posting soon though it likely won't be as often as it was before. I'm sorry that I've been taking such a long break (and that it's not over) but since my school has ended for summer and I've had more free time lately I will get back to this account soon. Meanwhile in terms of lore for this account I've been sending in the occasional rp ask to @tmaavatarconfessions (if you follow the account or the posts on it I've been building some minor lore as The Archivist for this account and am the unwilling Archivist and the one offering housing for the building burner) as a way to continue building lore for this account without burning myself out haha. Anyways I will be back on this account soon and I will continue to send in rp asks to the account previously mentioned. Thanks for your patience and as soon as I'm back I will be doing all of the requests I have yet to do.
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ade-dekker · 1 month
To be honest, I'm not sure what happened to me. I was about to die, I know that much. I'd come to terms with the inevitability of it, I'd promised myself I would not spare a single ounce of fear to it before it took me...and now I am here. In what I can only assume to be the near future. It feels as though I skipped my own death, and a few extra years just to be sure, into the year 2017.
I am Adelard Dekker. Ade, to those that consider me a friend. I wish I had a single clue as to what to do now, honestly. But while I figure that out, why not answer a few questions people may have? That's my logic, anyways.
//ooc: rp blog number 5 lets go (i need to be stopped). you know who this is already. same rules as always. i just. really like dekker
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dageroll · 9 months
Pls read this before DMing me
Hello, my name is Yuki and my pronouns are she/they. I am transfeminine nonbinary, and assigned male at birth, as if it even matters.
I am a switch and I can rp any gender or sex, so don’t be afraid to ask if you want to roleplay with me.
Kinks include:
Transfem preg
Anal birth (fpreg or transfem preg only)
Girlcock birth
Sex inducing labor
Sex during labor (genuinely a great way to keep the labor stage interesting for me)
Hyper birth/oversized offspring (anywhere from 10lbs to the size of an actual adult. You decide)
Multiples (literally any plausible number atp)
Any type of nonhuman/monster/alien birth
Egg laying when the egg(s) is/are of equal or greater size to a human baby
Painful birth
Generally, if it’s a category of birth, I’ll like it
Things I’m neutral to (not interested in but doesn’t make me ick):
Pregnancy (aside from confirming the size of the offspring, bellies don’t do much for me. Includes most permapreg. Sometimes I like a little pregnancy fluff, but it’s gotta be followed by birth)
Sex (if it’s completely unrelated to birth. Barely even made this list as I do enjoy it of course, I’d just rather it not detract from birth, as this is a birth kink centered blog. I’ll link my other blog at the bottom of this post.)
Birth denial (usually goes on for much longer than I have the patience for.)
Egg laying when the egg(s) is/are smaller than a human baby
Other types of birth that include smaller offspring (it’s gotta be a challenge)
Orgasmic birth (the pain is what I like about birth. Adding pleasure just makes it boring to me.)
Lactation (does nothing for me)
Things that make me ick:
Mpreg (starting to grow on me but if they’re too masculine it’s a still big ick)
Tmpreg (starting to grow on me moreso than mpreg, but too much masculinity is still an ick)
Sex during birth (anal or otherwise. Best case scenario it distracts from the birth, worst case scenario it’s straight up creepy)
Breast growth (when it’s a focus or excessive. I prefer smaller breasts anyway)
Weight gain
Gore (I like blood and tearing, not organs or mutilation)
Death (under very specific circumstances, I’ll allow it)
Pedophilia (should go without saying. I am NOT attracted to the baby AT ALL. Just the birthing)
Anyone 50 or older (my bad for not listing this here earlier, I forgot about it. Please do not send me asks about anyone over 49, whether it be the seeder or carrier, it’s just not my thing. I have no problem if you yourself are in that age range, this is just concerning fantasy)
Now that you know what I’m into and what I’m not, my dms are open if you’d ever like to talk or rp. I promise I will get back to you as soon as I can.
I am extremely grateful to have found this community of likeminded people who share this rare and often misunderstood kink and I would like to do more than just lurk for once. I really want to become a real part of this community, so please follow me if you like what I post and never be afraid to interact with me. My asks are always open and I will respond to as many as I can. Every time I open tumblr I check my inbox and every time I see a new one I do a little cheer, so do not hesitate.
That being said, if you want to see what I’m like when I’m not posting about birth, you can check out my alt blog, @laynejailey, where I post things such as: normal content, other kink content, My Chemical Romance, Class of 09, Jerma985, and Hatsune Miku.
Also if you’ve caught on by now, the name of my alternate blog did come from “Layne Staley” and the name of this blog is a similar destruction of “Dave Grohl”.
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My intro.
Apparently intro posts are something people on here do, so oh well,
I am Berdly, but that's LORD Berdly to you simpletons. I am the best gamer to ever grace this planet. Many people wish they were me.
top Minecrap speedrunner, amazing at every game I touch.
Mobile games? They arent real games. Do not come to me with such feeble opinions.
Calculators want to kiss me.
User angelgummies is my number one tumblr enemy.
Thank you.
// OOC + INFO under cut:
Gonna try to keep most of this as IC as possible! So a majority will just be Berdly responding to everything like it's his actual blog HELP Mod here has been a hardcore Berdly kinnie since Chapter 2 released you can trust me with him I promise /j
-> #asks : Asks I've responded to (IC)
-> #txt : Textposts
-> #berd-art : Art I've drawn for this!
-> #berd-memes : Memes I've made for this!
-> #interactions : Interactions between me and others (can be other rp blogs, or just regular blogs)
-> #angelgummies : The legendary "mortal enemy" of this blog, who is actually just my friend who likes trolling Berdly for some reason. There's also a ship of Berdly x Angel for some reason now help... anyways, this tag is any time we interact and stuff!
-> #🔪anon : Legendary knife anon who Berdly wants to find the main account of (he never will)
-> #name-misspell : A horrible misspell of berdlys name (it's like a running gag here now so I made a tag)
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eclipsecrowned · 6 months
anyway last i'll say on this. warning: discussion of drama under the cut, no names/pettiness just me setting a boundary about a situation.
i don't care what this person is doing on their own blog. so long as my name is not mentioned and it's just petty vagueing, it's no business of mine. not my blog, not my problem, not my circus, not my monkey.
i DO care if this person does something on my blog. they have in the past broken their block of me trying to start drama in my askbox/sling accusations at me/make posts about them when they aren't. given some posts i have been made aware of, they're using an alt or unblocking me just to circle my blog and vague about everything from my fc choices to pointing out i am keeping tabs on who visits my page. that does directly involve me and my ability to run this blog.
unless they double down and come full rock out with your cock out call out on me, i'm not interested in further updates about this person. they ended our collaborative efforts and friendship, so what they do is not for me to know or care about. i'm genuinely unsure if the anon(s?) i get are trying to help or bait, but again, i don't need any update. i'm content to wash my hands of them if they will do the same.
just because they appear to struggle with that, again, that's none of my business. please stop telling me 'oo x post is about you oo they tried to report you to staff oo they're making fun of your fc' i don't care. i promise i do not care. i don't even know if all but a handful of posts shown to me are even about me specifically, and frankly those just make me sad for this person generating their own bad time on the site, and i'm not sure that was the intended purpose on the part of anons.
i already let this person and the stress they put me through ruin my rp experience for months. i'm over it. i hope one day this person can be over it too.
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mythological-mayhem · 6 months
Hi, my name is Shiloh, and this is my mythology blog!
Important things about me:
-First. I am a minor. I am not disclosing my age here (and please don't ask me to), but I will say that I am a teenager. I add this because this will contribute to several of my rules on this blog, but because I am also mutuals with 18+ people and I want to give them a choice if they want to follow me after learning I am under 18 or not. I'm sorry for not mentioning this before, mutuals who are reading, but I am in fact a minor. (I also ask that mutuals who do know my age to not mention it here).
-I am a demiromantic asexual, and supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community. DNI if homophobic or transphobic.
-I write. A lot. I might never mention it on my blog otherwise, so you get a fun fact about me either way :)
-I'm also an artist. True, not a very accomplished one, but I'm an artist nevertheless and yes, I will occasionally post my art on here or share it with my mutuals.
This is my blog for reblogging things, chatting with moots, and shitposts: @rainbow-mayhem
This is my blog for writing stuff: @writers-mayhem
Rules on this blog:
-No NSFW. As stated before, I am a minor and asexual. Just don't send me NSFW stuff and NSFW blogs please do not follow me, the topic of NSFW is just an uncomfortable topic for me.
-You can submit or send me an ask about any myth or mythology! I might not know all of them, but I promise you I will look into all of them, and who knows? Maybe you're the one who'll inspire me to (finally) start learning about another mythology!
-If it's not NSFW, feel free to send me asks! I love respectful asks about mythology and 100% of the time I WILL absolutely geek out over them. Have no guilt in interacting via asks, I really appreciate them!
-That being said. If you're not my mutual or someone I know personally, please don't DM me. If you're a mythology/other blog that I have interacted with/had a civilized conversation with before, you can go ahead and dm me! :D I promise it's not me trying to be cold, I'm just not very comfortable with random people sliding into my DMs.
-DNI if: Racist, homophobic, transphobic, pedophile, zoophile, ableist or if you support/condone any of these behaviors. I don't want you on my blog, please leave.
Anyway, a little about this blog: Primarily Aztec mythology. If you want a blog that posts a lot about Aztec mythology, feel free to explore mine! I have a three-year long obsession with Aztec mythology and I honestly love it and to talk about it, it's so cool.
I do also do Greek mythology, JTTW, and a little bit of Norse and Egyptian!
My primary posting type is head canons or incorrect quotes.
Stuff to expect:
-I do in fact reblog things that I believe are funny, need to be heard, or align with my own personal beliefs.
-I have amazing mutuals, so you'll certainly see a lot of reblog-chain conversations with them! They're great people and if you like my blog, go check out some of theirs.
-I will mention some role-play stuff because I am in a Tumblr rp (concerning mythology, in fact).
-I do not post consistently, and do not have a queue! That being said, I love posting on here and will try to do it frequently (but please don't pressure me to do so. I have a life outside of Tumblr and if I ever take breaks, it's because stuff is happening there).
If you want to be mutuals, just ask! 9 times out of 10, I will follow you back, unless you are a racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc (basically DNI list) or an NSFW blog. I don't mind adults following me, but unless we're mutuals, generally try to stay out of my DMs, thanks!
Wow, this was long haha. Congrats if you made it all the way, here's a cookie 🍪
Anyway back to the mythology brainrot! 😁 It's nice having you here and I hope to see you around!!
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i almost felt bad about "stirring the pot" or "poisoning the well" or whatever a few months after the fact but... i don't anymore. because i realized they literally posted their callout post almost EIGHT MONTHS after i left and blocked everyone ON NOVEMBER 2ND. THEY POSTED THEIR CALLOUT AT THE END OF MAY. i think im well within my right atp to say whatever the fuck i have to say now that i know they've tried throwing their mfing tax-payer spitballs at me.
but like. i just wanna say. if they have really moved on like they keep saying, they wouldn't need to vaguepost (or outright just say "ggrrrr crispyrepellant" or whatever) about it seemingly constantly on their blogs................. i think that says a lot by itself. ive personally been really trying to keep this stuff off my rp account other than my addition to the rebuttal (even if im still upset about all of it) because well. my mutuals don't like drama and i don't want them to have to be Subjected to it every single goddamn day while trying to look at Fun Roleplay Posts unless something big happens. that's why i've been sending so many long-winded asks so. sorry for using yall's blogs as a thought journal about this LMAOOO. i swear i send like 5 of them every day. i am unfortunately a chronic oversharer. but i promise you its not me trying to milk the drama or anything, its just me remembering random things or wanting to say More for whatever reason😭😭😭. which. i guess you could call that milking. but. i digress
i also wanna add: thank you to all the people who have randomly came out of the woodwork to show support. but also. i dont think i should even have to be called "brave" or whatever 😭😭😭 i think that's some crazy work from you people but thanks anyways
Posting as is
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cat-zai · 1 month
meow- /ᐠ。‸。ᐟ\ - ahem. i mean. hi. i’m dazai! im just a silly little 15 year-old! i heard there might be some people- or cats- on here that can match my level of mental illness ˶^•ﻌ•^˵ plus i might be able to find some new suicide methods to try out… so obviously i had to check the site out >:3
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ooc under cut!
hi hi :) i’m the mod of this blog, im not attaching my main to this tho </3 you can just refer to me as mod. use he/him for both me and dazai. i do own other rp blogs, my brain hurts from having others know who i am tho. so if you figure it out here’s a gold star: ⭐️. don’t point it out pls.
DISCLAIMER THINGY!!!!! if your ever in an rp with me, feel free to abandon it! absolutely no pressure to continue to rp if you lose energy, or get bored, feel free to literally just drop the thread. i promise i don’t get mad or anything, i get it, energy is limited :) do whatever makes you feel best <3
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dazai headcannons
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anyways- boundaries/info!
-no nsfw. both me and dazai are minors! suggestive jokes are fine tho, i think theyre silly :>
-i’m autistic! so dazai is also autistic!
-dazai’s a cat, cus i wanted him to be. he meows and purrs n stuff! don’t be weird abt it please <3
-ill try and do shipping if anyone wants to, i only ship skk so that’s all im willing to do. im aroace so i might be a bit awkward n stuff, im sorrys :<
-i might be out of character, if i am, im super sorry. i’m not very good at rp in general :/
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tagging system! (they are pretty self explanatory, but i’m clarifying just in case <3)
#ooc post ⭑.ᐟ (all of my ooc posts)
#answered asks ⭑.ᐟ (asks that have been answered)
#reblogs ⭑.ᐟ (posts i reblogged)
#meow ⭑.ᐟ (random shitposts)
i can give sign offs! emojis, words, whatever you want :>
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!! this is a dazai osamu rp blog, there’s going to be mentions of suicide, self harm, and other topics such as that. everything will be tagged accordingly! please filter if needed <3 !!
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alrighty, enough of that boring stuffs -_-
i might post some of my 15! dazai cosplay stuff on here, as well as drawings every once in a while :D
enjoy my silly rp blog, anyone can interact! :D
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rpcburnbook · 1 month
Honestly wasn't sure if you should submit ask or post so I did both. Opps sorry!
I won't post anon and no I am not an admin over on OJ just a memeber. When speaking and talking about others maybe think about your actions and words. ALSO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET OFF ANON. You're just showing how scared you are to admit it outloud. Tearing people down on Tumblr when you are over the age of 20 is ridiculous. So here you go. Let's answer some questions about OJ.
what the fuck is orange juice?
A site.... pretty sure that is obvious babe.
Re: OJ; lmao ik you gotta lick your wounds cause you lost some great plots but this is so not the vibe 😂 // not the OP but plots weren't even mentioned?? I'm on OJ and trying to fit in but it's NOT EASY. Clear they all know each other from somewhere and aren't super accepting of new people. All I see on OJ is smut anyway and I want actual plots.
I am on OJ and have written plenty non smutty plots. There are several friend and family requests up. Join one. 
If you are jealous just say so love. Posting anon makes you a coward and given the age range on these sites I know you are way too old for that shit. You don't need to be there if you don't want to be and we honestly don't want your shit ass attitude anyway darling. Keep the negativity out of our server please and thank you.
who on oj is toxic? who should i be avoiding?? got me worried, i joined recently….
Legit nobody that I know of. Go make friends and put yourself out there. Keep in mind not everyone will be for you and that is fine. We are on the internet not in a room with these people. Most of the members have been rping for over a year together so it may not feel easy to reach out but I promise everyone is nice. I do not know a single person who would be like go away if you messaged them.
re: OJ: aka all of the people who say they're inclusive and not in a clique lmao glad they left the site that i'm on byeeeeeeeeeee //lmao ik you gotta lick your wounds cause you lost some great plots but this is so not the vibe 😂
I am on the site ur on babe. I stayed even after hopping on over to OJ and I can say the vibes are 10/10 over on OJ when comparing both. Love both sites but this isn't cute and gives a bad rep to UP (cause it only makes sense that this is the site you are on)  that their members are over here tearing down another site and it's memebers. It is okay to leave a site that no longer serves it's purpose. It also SUCKS when you are on a site and every decent face has been claimed. Stay over there and enjoy your plots. Leave OJ to the people who actually enjoy it. You don't need to be negative at all. It's okay to move on from people who no longer serve you in life including RP partners. RP is a hobby and this is not high-school. Clearly some people haven't lost their mean girl/boy streak since then. Also on the other site NOBODY has reached out to me for plots like they do on OJ. I've had to be the one to reach out almost every single time to do or start anything. It's frustrating. As someone on three seperate sites each site works different for individual people. The people who left the other site left because they did not feel valued or did not click with it anymore. It's okay to do that and the fact people are whining about it is hilarious and frankly immature af. There are 10000's of jcink rp sites. This is not a compeition.
MORAL OF THE STORY. Shut up, go role-playing and stop being rude af on a tumblr blog. It's old.....Like 2010 old and you sound ridiculous. DO BETTER.
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taocc-updates · 4 months
[So I've been reading every statement I could find up until the point Xeya asked if I should get kicked out.]
[First off, oversxuallzation. I admit. It's going way, way to far. Even for myself. And I dont know why I keep doing it. I hate it so much but I just dont stop and I think its because at school and pretty much everywhere I go with all my friends were always acting sexual with each other as jokes and I've just been thinking all this time that thats the normal thing to do with friends I guess? I don't fully know. But seeing how everyone else hates it just as me I'm going to stop. I didn't mean for anything to get this bad and I didn't mean to make anyone uncomfortable. I genuenly didn't mean to do anything to make anyone hurt or feel worse I just wanted to be stupid or funny or something I don't know anymore. I'll stop being so sxuallized. I'm sorry I put anyone through anything, it was not my intentions. I was just being stupid.]
[Secondly, on Lily's statement she said that I saw her and Sign, mod and oc, as the same person. Which I did. For the longest time I really did. At the time it was just easier to see Signs mod as Signs mod and my partner that I cared about because it would be easier to remember who they were why they were important what they did and why and how. I had no idea I was misgendering them either, I really didnt. And I had no idea how bad it really was, once again, I'm sorry. I truly am. I didn't mean to harm anyone or make anyone uncomfortable and I didn't mean to do anything to her or to anyone else. I just wasn't thinking rationally and I was just doing what was easier rather than what was supposed to be. And as she said in her statement, I did fix it up when she told me to and I apologized. Atleast I think. Did I not?? Sorry for misgendering you Lily and for doing all that. Anyways. I'm sorry to all of you and I'm sorry to anyones thats dealt with me doing all that. I didn't mean to make anyone uncomfortable I really didnt.]
[Thirdly, the venting. I noticed someone I think it may have been star I may be wrong but they said that I frequently go to TAOCC to cope and to be oversxuallized. Which, the overszuallized is already bad it was the first thing in this essay, but the coping and real life problems I don't wish to speak about. I will if you really want me to but I just feel like its unessesary to talk about problems I have in real life and I don't want to feel like I'm guilt tripping anyone. I'm sorry.]
[And the last thing, I felt like it needed its own section, Autumn and Xeya. Autumn is a great person, shes amazing and I could never be happier to be friends with her and I truly hope that I can still be friends with her. I admit, I'm kind of sexual with her characters and she has stated that shes uncomfortable and like I said before, I'll stop. I'm sorry I made you and everyone else so uncomfortable and I'm so sorry I had to put you through my bullshit. I never should have said anything like that about your characters and I promise I'll make differences. And Xeya, like Autumn I'm happy to be your friend. And I feel so lucky everyday that I can just think about doing things with you and your characters and talking to you and I feel happy when I do. And, I know it was really far in the past but, I'm so sorry about Drunkie and the sexualization stuff again I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or... Make you... Y'know. I really didn't mean to. And I'm so sorry I put you all through this. I know I keep repeating the same apology every single time but its because I truly mean it.]
[This is such a great community with even greater people and I could never ask for a better place to be in and I'm so happy when I talk to mods or rp with characters, I have said before that I'm trying to be so much better than I was and I admit I started losing myself again. Just making that blog made me consider so much and I should have listened. I deleted the lust blog its gone. I'm sorry I put anyone through any of my bullshit. I'm sorry I'm such a terrible person. I'm sorry I'm not changing to be better for anyone faster but I really am trying. I promise I am. Even though it dosent seem like it I really am trying. I'm so sorry to everyone about all of this. And I'm so sorry that I'm doing more harm than good anymore. I'm sorry. All I ask is that you just keep waiting for me and keep me in this group of people and I'm going to stop everything to change myself. Any means necessary.]
[I'll ask again. If theres any questions that you want me to answer, if theres anything you want me to do to change or to stop doing or to start doing, tell me. Please. I'm not doing any rp until I fix whats destroyed.]
[Thank you for reading.]
Just putting this here. I’m on break, heh.
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This is a PSA (and I wish I didn't have to)
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//All right, so here we go. I had this saved in my drafts for a while now, like at least a month, because I didn't want it to be a vaguing post, nor a call-out. The person who prompted this is long gone from my life, but the problem isn't. Which is why I didn't delete this draft, I suppose. And am now posting it.
Ever since my blog has entered the Genshin RPC, my load of active threads has reached levels I have never experienced before. Back before February, I could go days and days before getting a reply at all. My drafts sat at zero most of the week, and so my replies were faster. But now.. now I have many wonderful new friends here. And I want to write with all of them. This necessarily means that the time I can dedicate to each individual partner has sadly gone down as a consequence.
This is where trouble begins. There has been an increasing number (nothing dramatic, don't get me wrong) of people among my new mutuals, or non-mutuals, who have been a bit too pressuring for my comfort to get replies from me. Some straightforwardly so, others through more passive-aggressive and manipulative means.
I do not want to get into that with this post though. All I'll say on the matter is that I know what you're doing. Don't think you're a smooth criminal because I am too. I've done these tricks before and I can recognize them.
Those who I deemed to be bothersome enough to earn an upfront request to stop have already been dealt with. Some I parted ways with (glad it's been civil), others have stayed and I am happy things are better now. But there's always going to be new ones. I think it's a form of blog growing pains, maybe.
To these people, I want to say that I feel you. I was where you were before. I know the excitement of finding a RP partner that inspires you and the frustration when they're not as quick to respond to you. But you need to keep in mind that just as I am excited to get to our things, I am excited to do the same for my other mutuals. I will not be able to prioritize our threads all the time, because there's fifty threads I feel exactly the same love for and I want to prioritize those too, but I only have a few hours a day. I need to pick and choose. I'm sorry.
I'd like to recommend that you do not make one or two blogs responsible for your happiness on Tumblr. I know finding new mutuals is hard, but please don't make my same mistake: I used to sit on my ass for months here, waiting for people to send me things. It was a mistake, really. If you want to write, you must be the one who sends things. Even if others don't respond. Even if others don't ever send things back.
Throw your muse at anything that moves. Something will stick, I promise. And what if your dash is full of things you're unfamiliar with? What if your partners all have muses out of your interested fandom? It doesn't matter. Throw your muse at them anyways. Chances are your threads will be noticed by others on your mutuals' dashes, and then, all of a sudden, people from your fandom are finally finding their way to you.
That is how I got to meet each and every one of you, after all.
So, yes. I'm sorry my replies are slow at the moment. My drafts are currently 2 weeks old at the oldest, but I'm trying to bring it down to at least a weekly reply for everybody. It's not easy. But you know what you can do to make the wait easier? Write with more people. Even if it's not things you were looking for; crossovers may surprise you. Give OCs a chance.
And, well, nothing else. Don't be a dingus. I love you. Leave my soda alone. And thank you for your patience.
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cosmicloved · 3 months
sorry i haven't been here! ngl i'll be upfront and say that the fact i kept saying i'd be here & then failing to do that made me feel anxious and avoidant which is kinda SILLY but i'm gonna work on it. it being that feeling, of course. i miss writing with everyone here! i just haven't been that good at juggling things but i am genuinely making efforts to fix that problem (bc it's not just an rp thing, it's a whole life problem agdhdhdh), and i want to work on overcoming that feeling of, like, being so anxious about 'failing' a task that i just avoid the task altogether? it's not helpful, esp if it's keeping me away from like...a regular normal hobby?? HELP <3
i think i might clean the blog up a bit (get rid of all my ooc posts / activity updates) and then maybe i'll post a starter call in the coming week? i'm not the best at writing random starters but i NEED more threads so i might challenge myself. no promises bc, again, that's what is making me not be here but....thank you to everyone who's still sticking around, i really appreciate it even though i've been SO flaky :sob:
anyway, this was just supposed to be a quick brief post but i guess i'm feeling weirdly sincere. but, again, i miss writing with ppl here AND i have a few muses here i haven't written in ages (i'm writing some of my muses elsewhere but not all of them) so i miss them too. i'm also writing my muses in very different storylines elsewhere so it'd be fun to revisit their original plots too.
overall, i do want to take writing here at a nice casual pace without imposing deadlines on myself but first, i actually have to BE HERE. so thank you for sticking with me <3 it's been a weird year. and a half. maybe. i can't count.
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friendball-irl · 1 year
[The hooded anon walks cautiously into the burger place, looking uncomfortable and out of place at the number of people. They stop at the sight of Gray, starting to cry. They remove their sunglasses to wipe their tears while still keeping their face obscured with one arm.]
You- you're back. You're really back. Here, and feeling, and happy again. I mean, I knew you were okay now, that you got unmuted, but I didn't realise just how... how happy you would be. It's so good to see you happy again. Happiness is beautiful on you. You're amazing. And Zag's feeling better now too! This is so awesome. Ack, don't look at me, I'm crying.
It's really good to have you back and see you here, surrounded by so many people. Never forget this, alright? You know you are loved. You are loved by so many people. And you love them as well. That's the amazing thing about you.
But also, know that you are loved by more people than you even know. Alright? Not just your friends, but your anon and invisible supporters and strangers you might barely know but whom you've left a huge impact on. And if you ever can't manage to be happy, it's okay, but tell someone, and you'll be happy again. Now that you're better, um. You won't see me again, but I can promise that you'll meet me again. I've been an anon for a while, dropping random gifts and playing little magic tricks, and if things are going back to normal and anon magic works again I don't need to be here any more. But I won't leave forever. You'll never be alone. Don't forget how it feels to feel loved and to love. We'll meet again.
[The anon disappears in a puff of smoke, leaving nothing behind but a pair of sunglasses that clatters to the floor. It's fine, they have multiple.]
(ooc: hihi this was such an awesome arc you really did do such a good job at writing it. Heck, I'm not even involved, and you made me FEEL things. This was done so well, you did a brilliant job. And you've inspired me to make my own Pokémon RP blog too. ...You'll never guess who I am. Hehe. Anyways. I hope you continue to have a wonderful time here. See ya.)
[Gray slowly walks over and picks up the sunglasses, dusting them off, and pockets them. He... he doesn't want to forget them.]
...thank you.
I'll remember.
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doctorbrown · 5 months
ooc: meet the mun
NAME?: Red
PRONOUNS?: he/she/they, idc honestly. i usually just call myself that/this bitch.
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: Pav, my darling and beloved, but also Doc (even if I'm not always actively writing here, I promise my love for him hasn't diminished)
RP PET PEEVES?: people not respecting other people's characters ooc, people not willing to share the spotlight in threads where both their muses get to be the centre of attention for a while, the lack of willingness to plot.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: i've been roleplaying for the better part of fifteen years now across various platforms.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: angst! it's my favourite thing to write because it opens so many doors and i am such a sucker for tossing characters into crazy situations and watching them connect/learn/grow from it. it often lends the most to bonds/character development and that's what i adore out of roleplaying and what i want for my muse. plus it gives me the chance to write some of the wildest, off the rails shit sometimes and really push the limits of my imagination. not that i don't appreciate fluff, but as a treat that the characters earn after all the bs. or something quick to break up the pain.
PLOTS OR MEMES?: plots, hands down. like i can wing shit, sure, but after a while when there's no communication, i tend to get burnt out without the direction and there's that awkward stalemate sometimes between the two muns without communication because both are afraid to leap into something; i know i worry sometimes about driving a thread somewhere the other may not want it to go or overstepping boundaries. but i'm also always down for turning a meme into a plot! and the plot doesn't have to be figured out down to the smallest detail; just a general idea, a vibe, a direction will do and we can take it from there.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: me, glancing nervously at my blog/carrd: long? no, i'm a long reply kind of person. multi-para to novella, that's most often what you'll find from me. i can really only do shorter than that if it's a quick crack thing.
TIME TO WRITE?: when i shouldn't be, like at work hahaha. no, i write whenever the inspiration hits. sometimes i'm on mobile in a car somewhere or waiting for something or i'm just sitting in my bed like i wanna write. there's no real set time of day for me.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: mmmm sort of? i've for sure got that awkward social thing down pat but i've also got as wild a fashion sense as doc. i wear whatever i want regardless of how it looks in public, whether the colours match, and idgaf. as a kid, my mum used to always tell me i looked stupid and i didn't match and i needed to change to which i told her oh well. we're also similar in the loneliness/solitude aspects. not that i don't enjoy company, but i do like being left alone to do my own thing a lot of the time and i'm also very independent. we're also both in the same boat from a romantic standpoint. (pre-clara for doc anyway).
tagged by: @freakarus (ty!) tagging: anyone active rn
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